21- The New Okegon STATl3i4W6aJem, : OnzoritThiirsdayt Morning, August Z0t 1923 SOCIETY INTERESTS CLUBS ROZELLA BUNCH " Society Editor Telephone All Departments 583 HOME: t 5 ! I .1 Delightful Affair i McNary Home Today SENATOR and Mrs. Charles L. MeNary will be at borne tkh afternoon and evening from T three to nine-thirty o'clock to . welcome ; men and women from ajl parts of the , Willamette val-ley- who are planning to attend the garden party to be siren at .the charm lag country- home, of Senator 'and Mrs. Charles I. Me. Nary for the benefit of the Fine Art building at the Unirerstty of ' Oregon. ' o'A namber tf prominent Salem 'society women from the commit tee' In 'charge of the attalr which ' will be one of the most delightful Salem residents have had privi lege of attending. Mrs.. Curtis B. Cress has been la charge of the elaborate arrangements for the jforden tea. She has been assisted by Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Mrs. DaVld W. Eyre. Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mrs. H. H. Olinger. Mrs. William Bell. Mrs. Gas Htxson, Mrs. Har ry Hawkins and Mrs. Clifford Brown. t Those who have been asked to arealde at the tea tables are Mrs Isaae Lee Patterson, wife of the. rowernor of Oreron: Mrs. B. l SteeTes. Mrs. Oscar Hayter of nUu: Mrs. J. F. Landers of Monmouth: Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Cor- "Pallia: Mrs. Clarence W. Keene Silterton: and Mrs. George T. Gerliscer. Portland. Prominent women from Port- - land and all Talley towns are In cluded In the patroness list. ,r Dances riven 1y pupils of Mrs. Ralph R. White and mnsical nam. bers siren by Miss Nancy Thielsen, danrhter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick D. Thielsen, are Included in the nrocram. - p One of the many Interesting features will be the readings gir en by Fakl, a particularly gifted Indian clalrroyanL. '-'Those who hare not had "oppor tunity to purchase tickets, which are very moderately priced, may do so at the gardens' entrance. Mrs. Louis E. Bean Hostess at Luncheon ;Mrs. Louis E. Bean entertained Tttesday afternoon in her home at the Royal Court with an attrac tive luncheon complimenting her mother. Mrs. Margaret Bean on the occasion of her birthday anni versary. Covers were placed for the honor-guest. Mrs. Margaret Bean. Mrs. ' John II. Albert. Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson, Mrs. C. P. Bishop. Mrs. .Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. John H. Scott. Mrs. Seymour Jones. Mrs. Harry Keener of Independence and the hostess, Mrs. Louis Bean. Lovely French bouquets -were arranged about the dining room 1ttid on the dining table. i;, Mrs. Helen, Evans . Entertains Club , 7 The Bethel Dorcas club was en tertained one afternoon recently at the home of Mrs. Helen Evans with Mrs. Samuel Darr and Mrs. A:L. Schubultz aa assistant hos tesses. .Eighteen members were pres ent for the afternoon. Special tnests Included Mrs. A. T. Sykes of i Seattle. Washington; Mrs. H. G'-King of Salem and Mrs. Earl Sebaltx. ; Plans were discussed for the fall meetings of the etub which will meet September, 20 at the home of Mrs. Charles Arthur Johnson. -: Guests For Month At Roberts Home 14 Mrs. John Crandall Watson Beverley Roberts) and-her tafant son-will remain with Mrs. Wat sotts parents. Br. and Mrs. John Roberts until the first of Octo ber when they will return to their home In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Watson hare named their small son. born Aug ust 17, at the Salem General hos pital, for bis maternal grandfather . Jehu Jay Roberts. Miss Lucile Beason ' Leaving For Home After spending six weeks in Sa lem: aa the house guest of Prof es : sot and Mrs. Ernest C. Richards. Miss Lucille Beason is leaving to- day for her home4n Council Bluffs Iowa. Miss Beason accompanied tbe Richards on a recent trip to . southern California. Rachel Ellen De Yo -To Be Married Today A number of Salem people are , planning to motor to Portland this afternoon to attend the wed ding of Miss Rachel Ellen De To and Francis John Medler which will take place at the Woodlawn Methodist church. Spending - Vacation At Brekenbush t Mrs. C. J. Ramsdeft and her son Robert Ramsden, with Mrs. Addle Curtiss and Miss Evelyn Kertson. are ' spending their vacation at . Breltenbush Springs. - Miss Kertson and Mr. Ramsden returned to Salem Saturday while Mrs. Ramsden and Mrs. Curtiss - are remaining at the springs for another week. -- , - Return From Visit At Yachats Beach r . : -- - -- w ,, s - V- 4 ,, - ' " . .J-' - . Mr and Mrs. George Tncker and their -two children. Audrey and Clifford, have returned to their home in Salem after spending the month of August at Yachats. - ;. v e - e ,-e ... Miss RutrTHewitt Visiting in Salem fciss Ruth Hewitt of Portland is the guest of Miss Louise Nunn ar several days. ' . , -P - - y : - V- ; SOCIAL CALENDAR Benefit Garden party for Fine arts building. U. of O. Senator and Mrs. Charles L. McNary country home, north of Salem on River road. 3-9- SO o'clock. 9 Friday Chemeketa Chapter. D. A. R. First fall meeting. Auditor- turn, public library. 2:30 o'clock. ' Englewood Community club. Mrs. H. P.Grant, 1120 N. 18th street hostess. .2:30 o'clock. Ever Ready Birthday club. ArUl-v n 1 a Hits' Mn Atarr Nvhart SCO Rwtri mtret hostess,. Tnwiltt ' . Chadwicknehapter. O: E. 8. First fall meeting. Masonic temple. 2: 50 o'clock. - Beta Chi Group Guests At Spa A group of members of the Beta f CM sorority of Willamette a-' - delightful luncheon In the Green Gate room of the Spa. Covers were placed at the at-eractirely-apBolnted lancheon ta ble, for Miss Florence Young. Miss Loretta Fisher. Miss Mildred Puffh Miss Florence Power. Miss Helen Aschlimaa Miss Louise Nnnn. Miss Ruth Hewitt of Portland. Mrs. Wallace Griffith. Miss Mar. jorie Chrlstenson. and Miss Rose Houston. Mrs. F. S. Anunsen Honored on Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Klets- ing entertained Tuesday evening in their home on North Summer street complimenting Mrs. F. S. Anunsen on the occasion of her hirthdav anniversarr. The evening was spent playing rook. A two-course supper was served by the hostess. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Anunsen. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hertzog, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Currey and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzing. William Browns To Return From Beach Mr. and Mrs. William Brown will return this week after spend ing the greater part of the sum mer In their home at Seal Rocks. Mr. E. W. Hazard Returns From Trio Mr. E. W. Hazard and his daughter, Miss Edith Hazard re turned home Tuesday afternoon after an enjoyable three week's motor trip to Yellowstone and Crater Lake National Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Leaving For Astoria l, in i -II i'ii Mr. and Mrs. John W. Orr will leave today for Astoria where they will spend the wee it -end in attendance at the state Elks' con vention. Guests For Week : At Miles' Home - ' Professor and Mrs. Robert H. Damn of Corral lis are house guests of Mrs. Dana's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Miles this week. TEXAS GUM AN LIKES COURT, AND GETS KICK FROM TRIAL Famous New York Night Club Hostess Actually En joys Legal Proceedings Even When Directed Against Her w HEN Texas Guinan. famous night club hostess, made a Roman holiday of her ap pearance in court, it only testified all over again that one man's meat is another man's poison. GotagJ to court is meat ana arms: 10 Texas. It is page one news, sne thinks up a wnoie new noooan; of wise cracks. She selects her wardrobe and jewels as carefully as tor a first night appearance. She takes her press agent alonx so that he'll be-sure to hand out to the press her wise-cracks at the lodes nd the majesty or tne taw, When Sam Brown of Main street had to appear in pouce court the other morning becanse he parked too long in front of the drugstore, his wife took to her bed and vowed she'd never live Aomn the dlssrace. There are still parts of America wZre an aonearance In court is not boast ed of. But just try getting "Tex" Guinan of the pearl ropes to believe that! Al. Family Maa! Governor Al Smith's record as a husband and a father is said to be the bait for the feminine vote, according to Mrs. Franklin ' D. Roosevelt, chairman of the wom en s advisory committee- tor me democratic national. campaign. The country's womanhood will be reminded . that the governor never lets any business interfere with his dally call toJ'Katie," his wife, wherever he may be; that the gubernatorial . mansion - is llt- tered with pictures of Al affec tionately inscribed to "my beloved helpmate, and there are grists of photographs of Smith, the fath. er, playing with his little grand children, hogging ; his daughters, etc Nor Is this bunk.. Smith's most ardent enemies have never been able to find any flaw in him as a home , man. His devotion to ' his home and . wife and children is utterly accepted as tact. One won ders, however If this fact will mean as much to.the woman voter of today as to the one of yester day. Women still like good tam-1 liy men, or course. - But .since fa After, the Brawl 1 - r: MAdgk) Miller carried tato cowrt at Los Amtetea n twrnrtaged ere which she charged Tom Mix, film ceOT-peusefaer Inflicted a the wted p of aa eariy mormiaa; battle with her hnstead. Will Morraasy, staee wis-cracker.. The. afonisi seya fOed a charge of battery agalnwt Mix and were themselves charged with drnnkedaeas. the wife belBjr acqniUed and the hus- hasKl XbwBd cnilty. Poetry Society Has Annual Picnic Meeting M1 ISS Renska Swart and Miss Grace Gillam motored - to nines' Soda Springs near Forest Grove - Sunday to attend the annual picnic of the North, west Poetry Society. Members of the society and their friends were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hines. After the picnic dinner, the group gathered around a large bonfire and the afternoon was spent reading poems and prose. Professor Pratt of Portland, pres ident of the society, gave a brief outline of the plans the society has made for the year. Mrs. Charles Hiaes gave an interesting! report of her work with the film I travelogues which tell a scenic story of Oregon to poetical accom paniment. Mrs. Hines' first films of Oregon scenery were noted so widely that Washington and Cal ifornia asked her to portray the scenery of their states In poetry, color and picture. Several of her pictures have been shown at Port land theatres. Henry T. Dunns To Return to St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Dunn and their small daughter, Hen- ryetta who have been visiting Mrs. Dunn's parents, former Senator and Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield in Portland, a part of the summer plan to leave Sunday for their home in St. Louis. Missouri. They have been extensively entertained while guesta in Oregon. Mrs. Dunn was the guest of her uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam H. Lytle in Salem, for a fort night this summer. their owa world is not the home so exclusively as It once was, it is very likely that they will demand moch more of a candidate than this mere fact. I Papa Mecartney of Chicago took his wife, three children, a nurse maid, and. eight suitcases and hampers of pasteurised specially prepared iced milk for children and such things down to a train bound for the seacoast. Papa Me cartney kissed them ' all around and went back to the office. It was when he reached into bis pocket for a cigaret that he found the keys to th eeight suitcases and hampers of specially prepared milk for children and such things. The train had gone. And Junior, aged 1. must have his bottle with in an hour. Nothing to do but charter a plane, chase the train, overtake it, hand over the keys, kiss the family goodbye again, and return to the office. Which papa did. It cost him $130. Clover Harvest Engages Farmer At North Howell NORTH HOWELL, Ore.. Aug. 2 J. (Special.) Farmers in this section have been busy for sev eral days with the clover hulling, .Clover Is bringing a good price and the yield is good. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickson of ParkersvUle called on Mrs. Sylvia Bsngnman one evening last week. Hop picking has , started in' some yards, and others will start soon. . -. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waltman were Sunday visitors at the C. E. Mcllwains. - t Philip Baltimore of. Salemlwas in this section Sunday, ii t, I ! The Morgan and Brown fami lies will hold their annual reunion Labor day, Monday. September S, at the state fairgrounds. Mrs. Fletcher hss been quite in for several weeks but is now lm- proving slowly. The family have new car, Open House-Held At Portland Home - iTlTRS. ISAAC LEE PATTER- ,. . . were uava me uaimuiown people in attendance at the open nonse from two .to five o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the White Shield home in Portland. Interesting talks were .given in the afternoon by Ensign. Elise H. Allemann, . superintendent of the Home, as well as other officials of the institution. - ... - Brigadier-general Sophia Harris of . San Francisco wms a -distinguished guest at the 'reception. Brigadier Harris was the first of ficer in charge of the White Shield Home.. before promotion to charge of work among, women for the Salvation Army in the eleven west ern states. - -r Colonel and Mrs. A. E. Craw ford of San Francisco, In charge of field work of the Salvation Army for Ahe eleven western states arrived in Portland Mon day. Mrs. Crawford is a song lead er and gave two numbers on the reception program yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Motor to Astoria Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kay are leaving today for -Astoria where they will remain for the week-end. Mr. Kay will be in attendance at the state convention of Elks. Englewood Club to Meet at Grant Home Mrs. H. P. Grant will entertain members of the Englewood Com munity club Friday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock, in her home at 1120 North ISth street. Motor to Neskowin For Several Days Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman and Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Flndley are spending several days at Nesko win. Johnstons Return From Beach Resorts Mr. .and Mrs. W. B. Johnston and Mrs. W. B. Ragsdale of Moro, Oregon have returned from a week's vacation at Rockaway, Can non Beach and Seaside. Hal D. Pattons at Newport For . Month Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton and their two daughters, Marie and Jeanne, are spending, the month at Newport and Agate Beach. Chadwick Chapter Will Meet Tuesday The first fall meeting of Chad wick chapter. Order of the Eastern Star will be held Tuesday after noon, September 4, at the Mason ic temple. Miss Margaret Cosper has gone to Portland where she will remain with friends for several weeks. WESTERN GIRL STRENGTHENED By Talcing Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Manchester, So. Dakota "I was In a terribly weak and run-down con dition when a friend told me about Lydia S. PinknamY Vege table Com poind. I began taking it and after a saors time I felt better. We art a family of five and iire on a ,360-acre farm, so I have quite good' deal to do both in doors and out. At first I was unable to do anything and had. to have a tirl, but after taking the Vegetable Compound I -finally gained my strength back and also gamed eonsid erable in weight." Mas. Otto J. Garza, R. T. D. 1, Box 20, Manches ter. So, Dakota. Tour Mirror Tells the Truth rpHE beauty of a perfect ; X marcel is reflected, not alone by your mirror, but in the admiring; eyes you meet' at every turn of your head. You win know the joy of a flawless, ' faultless - wave when you come to us for a marceL Phone 187 for an appointment today. BEAUTE SHOPPE 109113 FIRST NATL BANK. BLDQ. 3 A LEM ' OREGON if It-... 1 :i M ifcBie-Tfineafteirs Elslnore Robert Zleglerpromlnent Dutch pianist and protege of Queen Wil li etmlna of Holland will appear Sunday at the Elslnore . theatre in Fanchon and - Marco's 'Banjoys idea, ' 5r- ' ' :; During the past few years he has been invited, to play before nearly all of the principal royal families of "Europe. Fanchon. ft Marco's "Ban joys"! Idea besides Introducing Robert Zlegler to the Elslnore brings Eddie Peabody and his Pals. in a peppy, stage revue, Others appearing in the show are Jlmmie Mai sell. The Electric duo and Walter Bradbury. A bright and cheery program of Association vaudeville comes to the Elslnore theatre Saturday. The Manila four, natives of the Philippines, combine their ability and versatility In an orchestral presentation that would prove an outstanding feature on any pro gram, Chester "Rube" Nelson Is one of the vaudeville's most familiar characters. His impersonation of a bucolic character is delightful. Gertrude M. Parish, the Rube's charming partner, is sometimes known as the California songbird. Roy Dove is an unusual type of juggler. Warner and Cole In "Fol low Me," feature stepping and etrutting of an original style. King of Banjo - 4 i 4 -A if ... J EDDIE PEABODY Star in Fanchon-Marco Idea 'Banjo Joys' coming to the Elsl nore Sunday. Attention. Elks! Special S. P. Train to Astoria Saturday, September 1st Roundtrip Fare 4.90 Train Leaves Salem 6 a. m. Return leaves Astoria 1A.M. Sunday Most have 100 Reservations to Secure this Can the Club, Phone 17, if you are going Note change in time of train made to secure reduced fare ' A DRAMATI0 RECORD OF XV y Oregon - history ' 1 66lFDfl C I ; New! Thrilling! Dramatic! I Based on Authentic Dates" and Data of I Oregon's Eariy Days I A Picture the Whole Family Should See jg fife o AT110SPHEIUC rV : lull TUB PROLOGUE CAS jj Ml STAGS jp -: - X rfc . ...,. - ... ; I Fabrics Favored By Women As Fall Comes rlAT fabrics are coming Into their own this fall is pre aictea oy sime. Heien voiks. eminent fashionist. "Symphony, in the past few years, has been a word much ban- - M3bfl. HELEN VOLKA died about in describing an espe cially harmonious dress ensem ble." she said. "But to the majority of .women the fabric utilised In composing the costume has-been a mere ob- llgato to the effect considered as a whole. "This season, however, mater. ials of design interest have leaped boldly into the solo positloas, Fabric has suddenly become the thing. Of late, the frequency with which one has encountered arresting design especially upon diaphanous materials, has charm ed as into the recognition that important art motifs and marvels of modulated color are acknow ledged by the style-wise as the essence of chic. "And, almost overwhelmingly. design and color carry on for fall and winter. . Whether of velvet. crepe satin, the transparencies or the irresistibly appealing new metal cloths, the smart woolens. or latest velveteens. Fans ana New York acclaim the steadily rising vogue of printed or woven fabric design." Ever Ready Club to Have Picnic Meeting Ever Ready Birthday club mem bers will meet Friday, August 31. 1st the home of Mrs. Mary Ney- ll AJ.A 1 . 1 L A M all-day meeting. A covered-dish luncheon will be served at'12:00 o'clock. Laughlin Going East to Session Same Laughlin. member of the state industrial accident commis sion, will leare here today for Patterson. N. J., where he will attend the national convention of industrial accident commissioners. Mr. Laughlin will spend a few days In Chicago and other eastern cities. Virtually every state in the union will be represented at the convention, Mr. Laughlin said. HOLLYWOOD Thursday-Friday THOMAS MEIGHAN "The City Gone Wild" f MARJORIE BEEBE NOW STAR AFTER YEAR OF OBSCURITY Red-Haired Beauty From Missouri "Shows 'Em" In Hollywood But Has Long Battle Before Arriving HOLLYWOOD, Calif.. Aug. 29. A year ago she was Just on the threshold of success; today she is a motion picture star. ' Tec this red-headed girl from Missouri has not risen to cinema fame overnight. She has worked hard for her present place on the movie ladder, has faced a lot of disappoiatmenta and often has known what It was to be hungry. About three years ago Marjorie Beebe landed in Hollywood. She had been a magician's assistant on the stage and didn't like it so de cided to take a fling at the movies. A flock of casting directors seem ed to hare different ideas how ever. As a movie type. MarJorie didn't seem to meet their expec tations. Consequently there was no work. A girl from any other state would have quit. But Mar Jorie was determined to show them that she could be a movie star. "1 got my first Job at P. B. O .." says me accress. " I guess the cast mg Oirector got tired of tellinr me that Ihere wasn't any work so EILSIII(S)IK1IS 8.AJLEMS GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT On the Stage MANHATTAN PLAYERS Present A Domestic Three ' 1 1 ON THE SCREEN Powerful t DPfCi Penetrating (CvtCl Jtj IVoman's .y S,d of Underworld V The red-haired ItM girl as a woman M the underworld lire the life of the' underworld Che underworld of fear, of fight, of thrill and of sacrifice, Clara Bow's first dramatic starring picture. Only 2 Days More to secure your home furnishings at a real reduction in cost. Come in before it is too late, there are still manj attractive bargains. Five Piece Breakfast Set, drop leaf Windsor style table with Walnut veneer panels and floral decoration, and four chairs to match, dJl Tr Now $41.1 5 -Serving Table to Match $19.75 Five Piece Breakfast Set in Solid Oat in the Driftwood gray finish with blue stripe edge, table has two extra leaves and chairs have blue leather O JO 7 seats iI Serving Table to Match $12.73 Five Piece Breakfast Set in solid Maple with early American Maple finish. Table has two drop leaves and four chairs to match are nicely tM7 7C turned, now "- $ m 3 , Look for the Yellow Tags- T7 340 Court jSL one day Job. That made me so nappy tnat I kept for , another three months. Then I landed at the Universal studio. I stayed there for nine months, doing bits and a small, part. . "A little more than a year ago I got a Job in a Fox picture and 1 nave oeen on me fox lot ev sinceand even have a contract now." "During the first six or eight months she spent on the Fox Int. Marjorie had to be content with playing ingenue and straight roles. Nobody could see ber as anything else until one day J. G. Blystone gave her a slightly hu morous role in one of Madge Bel lamy's films. She was so good in that, that Fox officials decided to give her a contract and use her entirely as a comedienne. That was when the red-headed girl from Missouri started to show them. She made four pic tures in quick succession and ev ery one was a success. Marjorie h.rt fmmrf her nlr at laat ha I was a comedienne and a good one. no Comedy in Acts he gave me a .4 1