tfie Wew O2EC50N Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, -August 29, 1928 Bourbon Vice Presidential v Candidate Collecting, in Material ; HOT SPRINGS. Ark.,-Aug. 28 CAP) With oly two daj re maining before be will become a fall fledged Ylce-presidentlal can didate. 8enator Robinson of Ar kansas spent practically all of today-collecting data and Informa tion to be used in bis campaign tonr. Up until the present be has de voted himself almost exclusively to preparation of the speech to be delivered Informally accepting second " place on the - democratic ticket Thursday night, but be ieeis mere is noming remaining 10 ta n nnm nn tula ana 111s inrnea bis attention to preparation ior - strenuous work ahead. . From - conversations Senator Robinson had with other demo- rot1.- ittArt Anrintr hif TACPnt trip to the east, it has become ap parent that the party chieftains are looking to him to' carry the 'brunt of the democratic attack .farm relief. It was indicated that -the party leaders felt that tne senator, because of his position on . I arm reiiei. 11 was maicaieo ini an excellent position to .shoulder much of the burden of this phase ' of the campaign. .. The senator today received an encouraging report of conditions in ' California from John D. Mc Carthy of Los Angeles, who was rlL MB) . BUUlKkUUU u vim-v v John Donovan, who was unable to make the trip because of his health. - Ur Urdrthr contended that fiflathura ral1fornia had Bot been satisfied by Mr. Hoover's pro- nouncement on the Boulder Can- WAM Amm PftlAMifA HvAf .1 AVAlln J uy jvivi a... ...... ... . ...wr ment question and argued that a number of factors had been ln- Into tia rallfnrni aitna- tion wnichin ms opinion, indi cated that the sUte would take its ' place In the democratic column as it did tn 1916 Last Concert oi Season Enjoyed i Wbat appeared to be the largest .crowd of the season attended Tuesday night's municipal band concert, the last of the series, at Willson Park. .! A retired cab-driver of Chicago . - .... a a a. a a a nas jusi ceieoraiea ms luim birthday. The only explanation we can give is tbat he is bulletproof.- Punch. . i John Carkin of Medford, speak er of the house of representatives during the last session of the leg islature, stopped in Salem Mon day while enroute to Seattle to attend a meeting of tax experts from various parts of the United States. Mr. Carkin-is chairman of jbe tax investigating committee appointed by Governor Patterson following adjournment of the 1928 legislature. This committee Is now gathering tax data which will be submitted to tbe legisla ture next ; January. .-;' Mark C. McAllister, state cor poration commissioner, nas re turned to saiem irom salt City where he attended a confer ence of sta,te corporation commis sioners of western states. He said a number of matters important to Investors in- stocks -and other se curities were discussed at the meeting. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earle Fisher, the latter state corporation commis sioner, left here Monday for Se attle. Mr. Fisher is attending the tax conference now in session there. Mrs. Fisher will visit with friends. Miss Beatrice . Walton, private secretary- to Governor Patterson, has returned here after a few days spent at Crater Lake. She also visited at Bend.vMlss Walton was accompanied by Miss Nellj Tbielsen, an employe of the ad jutant generals department. James Kyle of eastern . Oregon. spent a couple of days In Salem recently conferring with Gover nor Patterson and other state of ficials. fc Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state passed yesterday In Portland look ing after official business matters. He was accompanied by Mrs. Ko- xer who will remain in Portland lor several days visiting with her mother. T. B. Kay, state treasurer, spent Sunday at Neskowin. He was ac companied by Mrs. Kay. Lester Davis, -an employe of the state fire marshal's department has recovered from an attack of pneumonia. He will resume his duties early next week. : - ' W. F. Poorman, assistant state purchasing agent, ' returned here MondiT nirht from Crater T.ak He made the trio by automobile and reported a delightful Journey. ." .. ' - I'- - H." II. Corey of the public ser vice commission, has gone to Lew iston, Idaho, where be is attend ing a hearing in connection with tbe proposal to construct a rail toad from Lewiston to Homestead Ore. The proposed railroad would provide north and south rail fa cilities for Idaho and open up a wide expanse of country now un developed .because of Inadequate tall tranportation. , i Governor Patterson has been In' vited tn airanit a hinnnct tn be In The Capitol held aboard the nrlvate car of E.i7: P- on the 4th day of Sep- L. King, superintendent of South ern Pacific lines in Oregon, during the sute fair. Other guests will lnelude Secretary of State Koser and the two boys and girls, who win the highest Awards in' the club Work department at this year's Hate fair. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ralston of Chicago, spent yesterday in Salem. They were visitors at the state bouse where tbey met a number of old time friends. Mr. Ralston for merly lived In Salem but 'moved to Chicago about .20 years ago. He is engaged in the automobile business there. Mr.- Ralston pre dicted that Illinois would go strong for Hoover at the presi dential election in November. .NOTICE OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL WAY COMPANY hereby gives no tice that on the 28th day of July. 1928, it filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission at Wash ington. D. C., its application for a certificate that the present and fu ture public convenience and ne cessity permit the abandonment by it of a line of railroad extend ing from a connection with its mam line at West Wood burn in an easterly direction to Wood- burn, a distance of 2.3 miles, all in Marion County. Oregon. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. A-15-22-29 NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account, as admin istrator of 'the estate of Aaron Lev eridge Beckner, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1928. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated. at Salem. Oregon, this 1st day of August, 1928. C. L. BECKNER. Administrator of the last will and ' .testament and estate of Aaron Leveridge Beckner, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. Al-8-15-22-29 NOTICK OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account, i executor of the last will and testa ment and estate of Louis Peter son, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of September, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Ore gon, as tbe, place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 22nd day of August, 1928. N. P. WILLIAMSON, Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Louis Pe terson, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem; Oregon. A22-29-S5-12-19 TAXPAYERS NOTICE The board of equalization meets on the second Monday in Septem ber of each year for the purpose of examining and equalizing the assessment rolls of Marion county, Oregon. All -persons desiring to protest any assessment on said rolls must do se according to the following provisions of the law: "Petitions or, applications for the reduction of a particular as sessment shall be made in writ ing, verified by oath of the appli cant or hie attorney and be filed with the board during the first week it is, by law, required to be in session, and any petition or ap plication not so made, verified. and filed, shall not be considered or acted upon by the board." OSCAR A. STEELHAMMER, r" County Assessor. A22-29-S5. NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATOR'S APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of me state of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marion, as Administrator of tbe estate of Clara E. Smith, de ceased, and that he has duly qual ified as such administrator; all persona having claims against the estate of said decedent are here by notified to present the same. duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, mv attorney. 203 OregottBuilding, Salem, Mar- Ion County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice, Dated St Salem. Oregon, this 29th day of August, 1928 REYNOLD3 W. OH MART. Administrator of the Estate of Clara E. Smith, Deceased. RONALD, C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. A.29-S.5-12-19-26 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' .. " - Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled in the Coan ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County . of Marion, her duly verified final account, as ad ministratrix of the estate of Seth B. Massey. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 2nd day of October, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., of said day; as tne time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections there. to. LIZZIE J. MASSEY. Administratrix of the estate of Seth B. Massey, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, " Attorney -for Administratrix. Salem, Oregon.. A29-S.5-12-19-26 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING ALLEY IN BLOCK TWO (2) OF WATTS - ADDITION TO TOE-CITY OF SALEM. MAR ION COUNTY, OREGON, AND MUAJVSL ; ONE (I) OF VAN DUYNS ADDITION TO : THE CITY OF SALEM, MARION COUNTY, - OREGON, Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will, at or about tember, 1928, or at any subse quent meeting of the said Council thereafter. In the council cham-4cil hr Af lh Ht hall At Klm Drs gon, proceed to assess upon and. j aeainst each lot or cart thereof or parcel of land liable therefor' In i Us proportionate share the cost CLASSIFIED lamed Daily Except Monday by fttate faun $vbUfeing Co. 21S So. Commercial St. Mmher of thm ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited tn this paper and also to tbe local news published, .herein. Bcinmi omcss Pacific Coast Representative: Arthur W. Strpea. le -Seesnty Bids., Portland; Sharon Bids- San Krancisco ; ill Western Pacific Bids.. Los Angeles. . TZXfFHOXXS 23 or 583 Society Editor - - 10 Entered at the Port Office In Salem. Oregon, a second class matter. STTBSCKXPTIOH KATES Dally and Sunday, by mall. per year 5.00 Daily and Sunday, by carrier monthly , , . .60 CLASSIFIED AlfrEBTISrjtO Reading- notices, per line tin ( 2 line minimum charge) Classified Advertising, per line 10 Classified Advertising, per line 3 times SO Classified Advertising, per line C lines is One month, daily and Sunday per line . ,. ... . 11.00 OOKTEACT CULSSZTTES -CO months contract) S lines daily minimum per month. 4c a line (10 reduction for minimum of 10 lines daily) ' BUSINESS or?. ARE you Interested in buying a small - new growing business which is paying, exceptionally well? If so call 1600 N. Capitol evenings or Tel. 1S92-J. FOR SALE -Real Estate FOR SALE SPECIAL Neat litUe 4-room house, 3 blocks from State house, all furnished. Price for quick sale. 42200. See us today. U. S. Realty Co.. 442 SUte St. Tel. 2600. HOMES! Good 4 room house near the Highland school; Large lot. $2250.00: Terms. Neat 4 room house with garage in North Salem. $2300.00; $200.- 00 cash. Balance to suit. Modern little new home with furnace, fireplace, and hard wood floors. $2750.00. Terms. W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'I Phone 217 NOTICE. Out of town owner has authorized us to cut the price on his home located three blocks from the State-house $500. The lot Is worth about the price ask ed. If you want a cheap home in a high class location it will pay you to look into this. F. L. Wood. 341 SUte St. improving the Alley In Block Two (2) of Watt's Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore gon, and Block One (1) of Van Duyns Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. All persons interested In the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear before the said Council at said time and. place and present their objections. If any they hare, to said assessment, and apply to said Council to equalise their proportionate share of same. By orders of the Common Coun cil August 20. 1928. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication August 2$. 1928. Date of final publication Au gust 29, 1928. . A2C-28-29 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR COST OF IMPROVING WYATT COURT. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 p. m., on the 4th day of Sep tember, 1928, or at any subse quent meeting of the said Council thereafter, , in the Council cham ber of the city hall of Salem. Ore gon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof or parcel of land - liable therefor in its proportionate share of the cost of improving Wyatt Court in the City of Salem. AH persons Interested In the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear before the safe Council at said time and place and present their ' objections, it any they have, to said assessment, and apply to said Council to equalize their proportionate share of same, By order of the Common Coun cil August 29, 1928. MARK. POULSEN. City Recorder. DaU of first publication Au gust 2 C. 1928. DaU of final publication An gust 29. 1928. A2 4 28-29 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING k CAPITOL STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF HOWARD : STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE : OF CROSS STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common .Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 p. m., on the day of Septem ber 4. 1928, or at any subsequent meeting of the said Council there after, . in tbe council chamber of the city hall of Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof or parcel of land lUble therefor in iU pro portionate share of the cost of im proving Capitol Street from the north line of Howard - Street J to the south line of Cross Street, in the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon. - . All persons Interested in , the said assessment are - hereby noti fied to appear before ', the ... said Council at said time and place and present their, objections, it any they have, to said assessment and apply to said Council to equalize their proportionate share of same. By order of the Common Cosn- this 20th day of August, 1928, - fMARKL POTTTJSftV. fMt RcAfdr Date t of first publication Au- zust If .112$. Date . of final publication Au fjxust 29, 192$. - . A24-28-29 "ILCeafcer SNAP SNAP f a ISO. Cottars 4 rooms, locat ed only 4 city; blocks from U. S. Bank, ripe for. business proposi tion. One of the best buys in the city for the money. .This wRl ap peal to the keenest speculator or Investor. For particulars see: BECHTEL or SEARS 341 SUte SL Room 4 CHOICE VACANT LOTS PA VINO PAID '1500 $SS0 $750 11000 Every one of the above lots are priced below value for quick sales. 9 50 BUNGALOW S ROOMS Only $100 down, -balance $15 per month. . Houses for Rent $10 and up. We make a specialty of real es tate snaps. To sell, rent or trade See BECHTEL or SEARS 341 State St. Room 4 THREE WONDERFUL BUYS Modern 5 room borne In S. Sa lem. Owner moving on farm and will sell his home at a sacrifice if Uken soon. Price today $4500 with easy terms. Well located 4 room house, built-ins, fireplace, basement and furnace. Price $2750, cash $500, bal. easy. 1 acre of good land not far out on paved- road with new Bunga low of 4. rooms and nook, built ins, large living room with fire place best of plumbing, nice elec tric fixtures, wiring for electric range and hot water heaUr, gar age and. woodshed. Price $3200, small payment down and baL like rent. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 329 SUte Street Phone 1727 GOOD BUYS IN CLOSE IN ACREAGE 5 acres of rich dark soil on good road, close to school, elec tricity and Ulephone service avail able. A good buy for $1500. 24 acres not far out for $1000. cash $50, baL like rent. 2 acre tract well located for 800. Owner will build small house and sell on easy terms. 5 acre tract close to highway, part in fruit and nuU, fair bldgs. Price $2500 with terms. For Acreage, large or small. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 NOT JUST A HOUSE BUT A REAL HOME 5 rooms ' finished, modern in every detail, 955 Tame- rack St., $4750, all pavement paid. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High St. $1300. 2 large roomed house, nearly new and plastered, garage, nice lot, some terms. $3200 buys new 8 room all modern home, east front, pave ment, garage, fair location, good terms. $1600 for one acre with fruit and berries, 4 room new house, good well, 5 blocks to car line. $500 down. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. 8 ROOM plastered house full basement, large lot 50x105, gar age, room for 5 cars. North of postoffice, 5 blks. on North Cot tage. Price reduced from $4500 to $3200 for quick sale. Choice Bldg. lot 2 blks. from Hollywood theatre, East front and on paved st. reduced from $550 to $30 for quick sale. GAS KILL EARLE, Realtors 111 S. Liberty St. A South Dakota weekly news paper has just completed publish ing the I Bible In installments, which it ! began 22 years and 8 months ago. It might begin over. as the contenU of the Good Book would be real news to many of the present generation. Tillamook Headlight. A GIVE-AWAY 89 acres, I room house, built-ins. Marion county. School 300 yards. Full price $578.00. H. E. Brown, 109 South Com'I St.. Salem. TWO GOOD HOUSE BUYS H New 4 sooms, nook and bath. oak floors. fireDlaee. Garare. Close to bus and school. Prke-It $2200, easy terms. rooms and bath. Nice fruit and nut trees. X lota. Would consider lot or car and some cash for equity. Price $2700. SOCOLOFSKY SON First Natl Bank Bldg. SPECIAL 33 acres most all bottom Und. 10 acres .cultivated, some timber and open pasture. Has 5 room house, barn and chicken house. Price $2000 with $500 down. ' .. 1 acre dose In with new 4 room house and garage. A good buy ror siooo, terms. SEE Thomason with . LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 8Ute Street Phone 1727 $2100 BUYS, a large corner lot. east front,- good location with a fair 7 room house thrown in. needs considerable cash. A bar gain. An estate. r $8000 buys new' all modern in every way, 7 room house in fine location and well built, east front, 5 blocks to state house, good terms. - ; $2400 buys new 4 room house, garage, woodshed. North Salem, good terms. Trade 1 8 8 aere ranch, 140 acres in cultivation, fair build ings, to trade tor Salem property. Price $10,000. 12 miles to Sa lem, a good sheep place, all fenced woven wire." .-. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. & Nat. Bank BldgV LARGE "corner In Industrial district, size 108 by 110 with very large well built - house - in - five apartmenU, .well , furnished. fur nace, fireplace. Owner- leaving Oregon " and will sacrifice for quick sale. la excellent condi tion and you will hare an unusual ly good investment at $8009. - WINNIE . PETTYJOHN, Realtor WE have a , splendid farm of 200 acres located close to Pacific highway, black, soil, rolling Und. good buildings, - well fenced.-; 20 head of cattle, tour horses, 40 hogs go with . the .place at $30, 000. $10,000 cash or will take a smaller farm.-" F. L. Wod, 141 sute st, - - ADVERTISING SIDE GLANCES - A DREAM HOME Have you been dreaming of a suburban heme a beautiful mod ern home with plenty of land for flowers, shrubs and garden, state ly fir trees and everything? I have it reasonably priced and on easy terms. Ask about It. A. C BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS: Salem's finest close-in suburban residence property has all the fea tures the discriminating buyer de sires in a home-site. Beautiful trees and nstive shrubbery view of valley and mountains pure water, electricity, building restric tion, accessability. Moderate prices easy terms. O. K. De WITT 1313 Edgewater St. Phone 1643 $5000 An attractive new English type home located in North Salem. $4500 A nice 6 room furnished suburban home, fine lawn and modern every way ex cept fireplace, $750 down. $4000 Furnished bungalow, 5 rooms and nook, modern except fireplace, garage and paving, almost new, $500 down. $2350 An attractive bungalow, 3 rooms and nook;, fireplace, garage, paving, close to bus, $500 down. $3000 private money at 6. Fire Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON 220 U. S. Bank Bids. Phone C37 170 A. Polk Co. Farm. 90 A, in cult., bldgs., timber, fru,- good sheep ranch, $15,000, take resi dence or acreage. 22 A. near Salem, 1$ A. in ber ries and fruits, good bldgs.. a money maker, price $10,000, take residence and crop payment on baL Good paying Apt; house for farm. Nice 7 room bungalow for rent PERRINE 4k MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 8 ROOMS m N. Salem unfin ished attic stairs in. Plastered hardwood floors in front rooms. Itntlt-lns m11 with tra long lot. Room for two houses. Ill health reason for low price and easy payments. See us once. 4 aere with 4 room house. Fine well Electric lights. $50.00 down. Payments like rent. New business, income property in Kelso, Washington. Will trade for farm or residence property. We have several close in homes with from to 5 acres. Priced to selL 20 acre tract Some fruit. House, barn, etc, at $4500.00' or will trade for Salem residence property. Ulrich & Roberts i Realtors 129, Com'I St. Tel. 1354 SALE OR TRADE. Camp Court,. Stucco building, 7 rooms and 2 store rooms. Leased at $60 per month. On Pacific highway Jsst outside good town. Want home in Salem or suburban home. F. L. WOOD 341 SUte St. ; WOOD'S BARGAINS. Two good houses, one four' room, $1400. One five room $1800, both have good plumbing, wired for range, paved streets, fruit trees, good district, close to Pacific highway. North. F. L. WOOD .341 SUte St ARE you moving to Town? Then don't pay rent; I can sell you a real cozy .house in the best location in Salem for $2000.00, only $200.00 down; balance like easy rent; you can't afford to pass this by lots of fruit and garden, Ut 50x150. . 1 We have calls every day for farms to rent, let us help you to get the kind of renter : 'you ""are wanting before he finds the other fellow's place; you know the good ones are looking early, ifou have anything just let us know and we will do the rest. jit might be of interest to you te know that we are rustling all the time and perhaps we could serve yon well,- we are actually making some sales and trades and would like .to show you our list, we believe you will find the prop erty you are 'looking for if you call on as. j - - : , I . H. C SHIELDS BRINGS By George Clark EHPlOVMiMT GufteAU GOOD modern 7 room home on Pnnrt St.. 87000 terms or ex change for smaller home further out Fine lot on Court St., sacrifice 11 BOO. terms. 2 farms to sell on crop payment plan with small payment down or Uke residences for part. For rent, 35 acre farm, good C room bungalow, also 7 room bun galow. PERRINE ic MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. FARM BARGAIN. Owner must sell and will Uke $7500 for this 150 acre farm nearly all undeT cultivation, fair buildings, or chard, on good road, and only about 30 miles from Portland. It's about half wbat it is worth. F. L. WOOD 341 State St. 4- ROOM new plastered house and 1 i acres near city limits East $2800 or will rent. 5- room modern and 1 acre set out to trees near city limits North $4200. Apartment house on 18th street near State for sale, ex change or lease. Splendid new 4-room house, nice lawn, shrubbery home is strictly modern and has garage $4000.1 - BARBER & BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty FOR SALE 2 acrea, 7 room modern hcuse. with garage, price $4200.00. Will Uke acreage over on coast. 17 acres, part set out to fruit, nuU and grapes. This is a real bargain, price $2250.00. $1000 mtge., 6 per cent. - Semi modern house, close In. For quick sale will Uke $2500.00. $150.00 down and $25.00 per month. Please list your rental with us as I had twenty-seven calls In one day of last week. I have three prospective buyers for reasonable priced new houses. Would you please list at ones with us. THE BUNGALOW REALTY 143 N. High St. FOR SALE My S room fur nished "home. Nice neighborhood. Call 20 7 7-J. RIVERSIDE, California subur ban homes, all' furnished, will ex change for cotUge or house in Sa lem. My property is in first class condition. What have you? Pho to to show. Phone 485-W or call at my residence, 404 S. High. Property all free and clean. See J. A. White, Owner. FINE HOMES SIX ROOMS, near Englewood school. New and strictly modern. Paving, walks and lawn In. Large lot. Underprlced at $4750. Terms. SIX ROOMS in Hollywood dis trict. New and modern in every detail. A fine home. Paved street and cement walks. Price $5,000. Terms. FIVE ROOMS and large floored attic. New English etucco. Large rooms. Modern in every detail. Beautiful . surroundings. This home is a REAL BUY at $5,500. $500 cash will handle. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes" $1500 4 rooms and bath, on creek, close to bus and school, $150 down. $2300 New 4 room bungalow, garage. . good location, $250 down. $3250 New bungalow, 4 rooms and nook, basement, fur nace, fireplace, garage, good lot.-$300 down. $4000 New 5 room semi-English type, modern In every way, lawn and shrubbery, pav ing, garage, $250 down. $3800 An attractive bungalow, 5 rooms, close - to Grant school,-' modern, nice lawn and paving. $500 down. ? $5000 New English type home, 7 . . rooms and ' modern 'in every way, complete bath - downsUirs. toilet upsUirs, J., garage and paving, $500 down.- -"S - -Private money at t per cent.' Fire Insurance. ' MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone $37 4 ROOM close In cotUge on Saginaw street. 5 room modern home on Fairmount HOL t room home close to high school on Un ion street, . '. - A. C BOHRNSTEDT : Realtor Loans Insurance . 147 N. Commercial SL. Salem. Or. V e- X a wrr.orr. BUSINESS lot 50x82 H ft., $11,000. Business corner, N. ft E. fronts, $5500. $1000 down. Garage with Chev. sales and service, doing splendid, business, $11,000. Will trade for Salem or Corvallis residence. Apt. house, adjoining business property, $6500. New modern 5 rm. house, wired for elec. range. $4800, terms. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. HOUSES $4900.00 AND LOTS FOR SALE New 7 room -house, strictly modern. Garage. East front. Owner left town. Cut price from $5500.00. New 5 room house. Strictly modern. Unfin ished upstairs. Garage. East front. Your own terms. Almost new 4 room house. ' Strictly modern. Garage. Close to school. Your own terms. Almost new 4 room bouse. Full basement. Furnace. Nook. Garage. Well located. $100.0Q down. Bal. like rent. This is one of the best buys in town. Lot on Fairmount Hill. Pavement in and paid $4200.00 f 3S00.00 $2900.00 $ 650.00 for. You will have to act quick on this one. Loans. Insurance. RICH. L. R EI MANN, Realtor 219 N. High St. . Phone 865 5 ACRE fruit tract, good five room house, good well and spring, outbuildings. 6 mi. S. of Salem. Phone 36F13. BARGAIN. Good 7-room plas tered house, fireplace, basement, etc., large shade trees, fruit, ber ries, garden, 7 lots, near schools, good view. Will sell all or house and 3 lots $3,800; house and two lots $3,500; terms. Half block to paving. 849 Rural Avenue or call Conner, SUtesman office. WANTED Real Estate REAL ESTATE WANTED I am now back in Salem to stay, and want listings of all kinds. Will specialize on exchanges. Am working with two live reab ty men in Southern California, and can get you a good trade for your house or acreage for Califor nia Property. You will always be welcome in my office, will get a square deal, courteous treatment and prompt service. Come in. get acquainted, I may have Just what you want. Farms for city property, city property for farms. California for Oregon. To help you to buy, sell, or trade is my business. O. L. FOSTER 462 State St., Salem. EXCHANGE Real Estate CALIF. FOR SALEM The undersigned has 2 beauti ful suburban homes near River side, Calif., for Salem residence or improved acreage. CALIF. FOR SALEM Have 2 beautiful suburban homes near Riverside, Calif; Want Salem property; prefer Salem cot Uge or residence or improved acreage. Will also consider good farm. Don't offer me junk prop erty or inflated prices. My prop erty is first class. See owner, J. A. White at my residence, 404 South High St., Salem, or phone 585-W. GREATEST Trading organiza tion on the Pacific Coast. We have over 3000 properties listed for ex. change. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange exact ly. If you would like to trade your property tods, come in today. See GASKILL St BARLE. Realtors 164 S. Liberty Tel. 2242 GOOD TRADES Fine farms for City Property 72 A. well Improved $10,500. 30 A. timber for bouse or close tn acreage. Price $1500. Choice 5 A. tract, good house. barn, $3800, for home In Salem. Fine stock farm, 474 a. mow build in gss, $25,000 Uke subur ban home as part pay. To Trade your Property See BECHTEL or SEARS 341 SUte St. Room 4 SALE OR TRADE 5 room house 1370 Hood. Also 20 acres mostly in fruit on Pacific High way South. Both priced to move. BECKE 4b HENDRICKS 189 N. High St. ACREAGE 11 ACRES, good house and barn, fouT miles from Capitol Building, paved road, productive soil, suitable for berries, poultry or would be ideal tor small dairy. For sale by owner, .on easy ternis. Phone 253 8-R. FARM FOR RENT 204 A. on good road near town 150 under plow. Equipped for 30 cows. Possession, Oct. 1st. See J. R. Benton with " O. K. De Witt. 1313 Edgewater St. TIMBER Fifty thousand acres fir and pins. Well located for logging and manufacturing. Rea sonably priced. .- $8500.00. - Beautiful strictly modern country home. 6 rooms. One acre with loU of fruit and shade trees. This is a REAL BUY and terms can be arranged. $15,000.00 -120 - acres of good black loam. On : good road be tween two . paved . highways , and only five miles from two good towns. Good buildings and fences. Fine. well. and good creek. An excellent bargain and a wonder ful opportunity for family with children to educate. $2500-00. Paying Confection ery In small live town. A real money maker and , priced right. Terma te right; party, WANTED' ..veell improved farm not -too far from Salem,-to $40,000.00, to trade on good bus. iness proposition yalue $ 1 0 0,0 0 0s 00. '- - - : : CAPITOL REALTY-CO. ' 218 North High Phone 1143 FOR RENT I- w . tt m nave MTeral Eastern farmers wanting I to rcni (arms, lmi with US. Ue Unoft Dow, 290 Charch... Phone 2830. . . -w - . , FOR RENT-Houses "Tj 189 N. High Street 5-ROOM house sleeping porcx' garage. 1176 Marion St. FOR RENT 1 s-R. house at $15.00; watey and lights free. . 1 5-R. house at $15.00. 1 4-R. house;" good garage, af' $25.06. 1 7-R. house, modern. garagi $25.00. 1 6-R. house, modern, $25.00. LAFLAR 4b LAFLAR Ladd A Bush Bk. Bldg. KUK KENT 5 room, furnish ed, with garage; also 3 -room cob tage, partly furnished, $0 peg month. Phone 13 90-J. GOOD house", five rooms, bath and nook. North 21 St., Sept. lir Inquire N. B. Parsonage. Phono 2622-J. Garden paved street,' garage. FOR RENT, a 5 R: bungalow in fine condition, near Leslie Jun ior High. Phone 1365-J. . FOR RENT, Houses and apart i ments. F. L. Wood, 341 State. Phone 794. 4 ROOM house, garage and acres near Roberts station. Would lease for 1 year reasonable. Phono 1870-M. 2 GOOD housese completely fur nished. Possession Sent. 1st. Qu K. De Witt. 1313 Edgewater St. FOR RENT Apartments 2 WELL furnished apartments. First floor. 2261 Hazel. Phons 1939-W. TWO room furnished basement Apt.. $12.00. 590 Union. PALACE Court ADirimpntn. newly painted inside and out. Everything modern and clean-$30-$ 40. 249 S. Cottage. SIX room modern apt. Close in. Tel. 1351. STRICTLY bested flat. 1362-M. modern Close in. 5-roona Phono - FURNISHED and unfurnished' 3 -room apartments. Virginia Apartments, 879 N. Liberty. Ambassador Apts, Electric Ranges and Refrigeration Radio -.High class residential 'district Cheerful, attractive and light 3 Room furnished $50.00 2 Room furnished $37.50 & $40. 3 Room unfurnished $40.00 2 Room unfurnished $32.50 & $3S Children Welcome 550 N. Summer 1973 NEW FURNISHED apartment 2361 Hazel. Phone 1930-W PATTON APARTMENTS Cozy- clean, comfortable, nicely fur nished, private bath. Steam heat-' Down town district. Reasonable in price. For Inspection call Pat- ton's Book Store. FOR RENT Large modern room flat '760 Marion $32.50. Strictly modern 5 room house 970 Tamerack $35. 5 room house 1098 Breys Ave corner D. $20. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. Highest. 4 ROOM furnished apartment with heat and water. Close in- Tel. 2949. Adults only. MODERN furnished; 6 rooms lower floor. 696 N. CotUge. FOR RENT Room. BflV"lI a DPMT CUsnU. ve sr vf a sit 0iuvlU5 i sis southwest exposure. Ph. 1116-W. . M rm ?V9 ioem.' PoUtoes at 1 cent a pound are sueh aa' novelty that many are eating them just to see how pen- ny-a-pound food tastes in these times. Charleston Post. EIVE STOCK and POULTRY TWO fine German police dopa. J registered; male and female. Tel. j ai nis exjsewaier si.i west saiem. Trade for wood. FEW fine grade Chinchilla rah- biU for sale or trade. Phone 1771-R. ANGORA goats C. B. Query. RL 3. Salem. Phone 127F21. SAANEN Buck at service, pure bred and reristered. Goats rawi tared. Henry Becker. West Wood- ) burn. WHITE SCOTCH Collie at Stud. Salem's White Klnr. Register number 58598. Service guaran teed. Puppies snd grown stock for sale. Mrs. Bennett. 1030 Chemek- eta. Phone 1639. CATTLE WANTED Walter Corbet, Phone 2541. HATCHING EGGS WANTED Premium paid for. eggs from pure - bred hens: Rhode Island Reds; Barred Plymouth Rocks: White Plymouth Rocks; White and Buff. Orpingtons; Jersey Black' GianU; Light Brahnra; etc. Write for further informa tion. RUSSELL POULTRY YARDS. Corvallis,' Oregon. FOR SALE Used Cars Fordson.Tractors $125.00 will bur one that will work. You take your own chances on how long it works without re pairs.. ,.J $300.00 will buy a thoroughly overhauled tractor which we will guarantee. ' : $35.00 'set of new extension rims-JCow $20.00. t $20.00 McKay Disc - plow slightly used. - F. O. B. our sales floor $50.00. $42100 32x6 tires Our price now $35.00. j r Automobiles 1927 Hudson Coach.'. . . . $900.00 1920 Roadster Pick - up -v.."'.' v ii tn lvzo Sedan new paint. 316. vv 1924 Cou pe, . Balloons M , New paint 175.00 Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty" Tel. 1995 FOR SALE 192$ Ford Coups fully equipped and in excellent condition. .1330 8. 12th SL 3 381 SUte "Ph. 1784 -i. , - -- " - - -