The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    The iv"? Oregon Statesman, Salein, Oregon, Wednesday U anting, 'August 29, 1328
Local News Briefs
Going to Coasts-Mr. and Mrs.
I. P. Lansing and family will
leare this morning for a week's
outing at Pacific City.
William FinedJohn Williams
was fined $10 in police court
Tuesday on a charge of drunken
ness. Rrnnti Man Fined L. RamD of
Brooks was arrested Monday night
on a eharee of drunkenness and
was fined $10 in municipal court
- Tuesday.
Will Mow Soon Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fuller hare rented their
ranch northeast of Salem and will
leare shortly to make their home
in Vancouver, B. C.
Portland Visitors The Misses
Elma, Jean and Grace White of
Portland, and Mr. Harold White
of Spokane motored to Salem yes
Visitors From Blodgett Mrs.
John Leech and son Paul, of Blod-
gett, are spending a few days at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. H.
Librarian A war Mrs Alta M.
Gentry, librarian at Kimball
School of Theology left yesterday
for a short visit with relatives ana
friends in Gresham.
Members Introduced Sheldon
F. Sackett and Curtis Cole were
Introduced as new members of the
Salem Klwanis club at Tuesday's
. luncheon.
Mot to Albany Mr. and Mrs.
. Lester J. Sparks and baby of Vir
ginia apartments hare gone to Al
bany where they will make their
home. Mr. Sparks operated a bar
ber shop on State street.
Return From Portland Mrs.
Harry Edwards and son Bobby, of
the Virginia apartments hare re
turned from a week end trip to
Portland, where they risked with
her sister.
Siraeral Visitor R. W. Simer
al, formerly a resident of Salem,
was in the city Tuesday from his
home in Camas, Wash., and was
a guest at the Klwanis club
Ross On Vacation Clifton
Ross, who carries mail on one of
the down town routes for the local
postoffice, began his 15-day vaca
tion yesterday morning. George
White, substitute carrier, is on
his route.
Wcnger to SpeakKarl E.
Wenger, assistant cashier of the
United States National bank, will
be the speaker at today's Rotary
club luncheon. His subject will
be "What every man should know
about wills."
Returns From Vacation Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Herman and fam
ily hare returned from a two
weeks' vacation spent at Manhat
tan beach, near Rockaway. Her
mann is day clerk at the Marion
New Teacher nere Ethelwyn
Murton, recently elected French
teacher at the senior high srol
here, was in town from Portland
yesterday attending to matters
preparatory to taking up her
school work here.
Beattio In Salem W. G. Beat
tie of the extension division of the
University of -Oregon at Eugene
was In Salem Tuesday on matters
connected with his work. Beattie
is director of the university ex
tension classes in Salem.
Visiting Fred Smith Mr. and
Mrs. Sheridan Wallace and three
children of Spokane, Wash., have
been spending a few days in Salem
visiting her brother, Fred Smith.
The visitors were accompanied by
a Mr. and Mrs. Brown, alsoof
Registrar JIrc R. A. McCul
ly, who succeeds Nat E. Beaver
as registrar at Willamette- uni
versity, arrived In Salem yester
day after spending several weeks
in his summer home at Blodgett.
Mrs. McCully an ddaughter, Mar
.tha. will Join Mr. McCully on
Trade Acre Tract E. D. Hart,
who resides on the Garden road,
has traded his acre tract there in
a deal for a 40-acre ranch near
Fresno, Calif., and he and Mrs.
Hart and their six children will
leave September 1 for that place.
The new owner of the Hart prop
erty is the Rev. D. F. Sharp of
Portland, who has taken the Mar
ion county property as an invest-?
School Month Away The city
-achool saperintendent's office re
ceives daily a number of telephone
calls asking when school begins.
All Salem schools will begin Mon
day, September 24." A few stu
dents are calling at Principal J.
C. Nelson's office In the high
school building each day to regis
ter for the year, and as the time
for opening draws short, a larger
number of registrants are, antic
ipated. The principal Is in his
office each morning.
Must Report Early All teach
ers in the Salem schools will be
In Salem at least two days before
the 1928-29 school year opens on
September 24, as a general teach
ers meeting will be bjfd in the
senior high school auditorium at
10 o'clock Saturday morning.,
September 22. Following the
general meetinrAhe faculty for
the various buildings will convene
to attend to preliminary building
Supervisor Re4arms Miss Car
- lotta Crowley, elementary super
visor in the Salem schools who
'left early last spring to do ad
vanced study at Peabody Insti
tute, Nashville, Tenn.. following
which she studied at Columbia, is
through to be enroute back to
Salem and will probably be In the
city: shortly after Labor day, ac
cording to word from the city su
perintendent's office. , As soon as
Miss Crowley returns, she and Su
perintendent Hug will assign the
grade, teachers tor the year. - ,
wv.t.aa Ur and afra.
( Vernon Hays of Y achats are in
! Salem for a brief stay. -
Lebanon Man Here R. G.
Kuhn of Lebanon is a Salem vis
itor, registering yesterday -at the
New Salem.
Here From Tillamook- Mr. and
Mrs. C. 7. Edwards of Tillamook
are Salem visitors. They are stay
ing at the Marion.
. Mortgage Foreelorare Sam
Ames yesterday started suit in
circuit court to foreclose two
mortgages aggregating $775
against Harry Kreba.
Lights Improper Lawrence A.
Anderson and Tom Tatham were
arrested Tuesday night on charges
of driving automobiles with im
proper lights.
Miss Edwards Here Miss Vir
ginia Edwards of Portland is
spending several days here on
business for the Delta Phi soror
ity of Willamette university.
Too Many in Seat Lawrence
Fillsinger was arrested by city
traffic officers Tuesday night on
a charge of reckless driving and
having four persons in the driver's
Final Estate Closed Final de
cree was handed down yesterday
in the matter of the estate of the
late Elixa M. Haynes. Heirs are
listed to include Katherine Dwire
of California, George V. Haynes
of Scotts Mills and Melvin Haynes
of Silverton.
Second Operation Mrs. Roy B.
Ohmart of Wood burn underwent a
second major operation at the Sa
lem 'General hospital yesterday
from which she is recovering nice
ly, attendants said last night.
Mrs. Ohmart was first operated up
on over a week ago and for sev
eral days her condition was seri
ous. Visiting Smalleys Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Evans and two child
ren are here from Seattle for a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Smalley, 506 South 19th.
The visitors expect to return Sat
urday, that the children may be
at home when the Seattle schools
start, September 4. Mrs. Evans
and Mrs. Smalley are sisters.
Jury Disagrees The Jury in
the case of Jewell Chambers, on
trial in justice court here yester
day for possession of a still in the
Silver Creek Falls district, failed
to agree and was discharged by
Justice of the Peace Small. Judge
Small indicated last night that a
new trial will be held, probably
Decree of Final Account The
estate of the late Edwin H. An
derson was yesterday closed by
the handing down of a decree of
final account in probate. The fol
lowing heirs are listed: Hulda An
derson; 9, widow, and resident
of Marion county; Earl Anderson,
45, son. of Salem, and Vernal
Starr, 39, daughter, or Marion
Final Accounts Filed Final ac
counts were filed In probate yes
terday in the estates of J oh ana
L. Naderman and Seth B. Massey.
In the matter of the Naedrman es
tate, assets are listed at $10,
118.23, with expenditures $3,467.
In the Massey estate $642.58 has
been expended, which amounts to
$174.81 more than the assets
amount to, according to the re
port. Two Couples Wed Marriage
licenses were issued to two
couples here yesterday from the
office of the Marion county clerk.
Robert Wages. 20, of route 7,
took out a license to wed Phibe
Klser, 20. of route 9. Charlef
Kratz, 235 South 23rd street, was
granted a license to wed Laura
Bertele of Monroe. Michigan. Both
declared themselves to be of
"legal" age.
"Y" Secretary Speaks George
Gleason. T. M. C. A. secretary
from Los Angeles, spoke yester
day at the Salem Y. M. C. A. to
a large group of ministers and
Sunday school teachers on the
niare of the classes in christian
citizenship training In the modern
' . . . JI . -J .1..
enuren scnooi. lie moicaieu me
cooperation between the Y. M.
r A. of Los Aneeles and the work
of the churches in that city.
John Ellis Better The condi
tion of John Ellis, 19. who lives
at 2295 South Church street, who
was Injured when thrown from
his motorcycle Monday afternoon,
wi last nieht resorted to be im
proving rapidly. The accident oc
curred near the corner oi worm
Commercial and- Hood streets,
torned ont to avoid hitting
an automobile, ran Into some loose
gravel and was thrown violently
from his machine. Ligaments near
his hip were torn. '
Ret tie to go East Word has
been received by Salem
friAndi that James Rettle. who
graduated from Willamette
university last June, win go to
Yale university this fall to work
for a master's degree. Mr. Reiue
will do part time work in the New
Haven city Y. M. C. A. ana wm
also work with the student asso
ciation. He was active 4n "YT
work while on the Willamette
campus, and for one year was
president ot the campus associa
tion. ,-
Vnarl services for the late
Minna L. Roemhildt will be held
from the St. Johns Lutheran
church Wednesday at 2 p. m..
Rev. Gross officiating. Interment
will be In City View cemetery.
Terwillirer Funeral horns In
charge of arrangements.
Dollar Dinner .
Everv nlrht E:l. to I at the
Marion hotel.
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
Every Wednesday and Saturday
Picnic at BJrerdale Park-
Labor Day. Swimming and div
ing contests.
For Tour Vacation .
A Jar-proof watch will stand the
knocks. See them at Pomeroy
Furniture Upbolst
And repairing.
Furniture Co.
Why Not Go Out to Woodland-
Park and picnic The park la
beautiful and the water tine.
Boys From 8 to 18 Years-
May enlist in Salem's junior
band with Mr. Sherman at Sher
man V Clay. The age is not limit
ed to 12 years as has been pub
lished. -
Salem Junior Band-
Now being organized. All boys
between 8 and 18 years who play
band instruments and those who
would like to play, register with
Mr. Sherman at Sherman Clay ft
Co., 137 S. High St
Continued from page 1)
Herder and John Bishop, all ex
convicts as being involved in a
large number of safe' cracking
jobs on the Pacific coast. All of
these men, with the possible ex
ception of Kodat. were implicated
m the Willows Creek, Cal., post
office robbery on the night pf
July 13 of this year, according to
the woman.
Bishop was shot and killed by
the officers following the Willows
Creek postoffice robbery, while
Stroff was captured and is now in
jail at Eureka, charged with
burglary and murder. Stroff and
his companions in the Willows
Creek crime shot and killed a
deputy sheriff who was in pursuit
of the bandits. Herder is now
being sought by the federal offi
cers In connection with the Wil
lows Creek Job.
Woman Drug; Peddler
. Miss Hand, who also goes by
the name of Zadio Robert Ewings
and a number of aliases, was said
to have operated with, liquor and
narcotic rings in the state of
Washington for some time. She
came to Oregon last February,
and while crossing the interstate
bridge between Portland and Van
couver met Stroff and some of his
She said she remained in com
pany of the gang for several
months, when she went to Inde
pendence, Polk county, where her
mother was employed in a hop
yard. Upon arriving at Inde
pendence she said she met the
town marshal who gave her the
once over. Being suspicious of
the officer she said she ran but
was finally overtaken and ques
tioned. She later eluded the of
ficer she said, and after abandon
ing a suitcase which she carried,
started for Portland.
Jailed In Portland mmmmm
While on her way to Portland
the girl said she was nicked un bv
a traveler, who turned her over
to the officers. She was held in
the Portland Jail for several dava
she said, when she feirned lnaan-
ity and was committed to the Ore
gon state hospital for medical
treatment. The hosnital records
showed that she was committed
August 15 of this year.
Three days after her arrival at
the state hospital she asked ner-
mtesion to converse with Dr. R. E.
Lee Steiner, superintendent Of the
institution. She told the superin
tendent of her pae life, and of
her associations with Stroff and
other members of the safe crack
ing gang.
After Joining Stroff and his
companions near Vancouver, the
girl told Dr. Steiner that she ac
companied tnem to a number of
Oregon cities where the men dyn
lmited safes and committed oth
ar crimes. Among the robberies
enumerated by the girl were
those at Gresham,, Canby, Mulino.
Salem, Eugene 'and Klamath
Falls. The srirl said she wa imod
as a "blind" and had received on
ly a small part of the loot taken
by the robbers. She said she was
positive that six men narticinated
in the Willows Creek postoffice
job, but that two of them were
strangers to her.
Postoffice Robbed
At Greaham she said th nr
robbed the store and postoffice.
Similar jobs were pulled at Can
by. Mulino and Klamath Fall in
Salem, she said the gang confined
us eirorts to a safe in the Bligh
theatre, while in Eugene they dyn
amited two safes in the Washburn
After receivina- the eirl's atnrv
Dr. Steiner notified the. federal of
ficers, with the result that K f!
Clement, postoffice inspector, was
sent here to Investigate. He In
terviewed the girl and later said
he was convincd that she had told
the truth.
Subsequent Investigations by
the federal officers h eaid fit
corroborated the girl's story vir-
- -
tuaiix in every parciquiar.
. Following up their investiga
tions Dr. Steiner and Mr Clement
took the girl to the Oregon state
penitentiary where she was given
free access to the rogue's gallery.
croons Identified
: She almost Immediately selected
from several hundred Dhntnrrni
of criminate those of Stroff, Herd
er and Bishop who, she said, par-
Give your dog a vacation too.
Leave him with us.
Petlaad Boarding; .Kennels
. E. B, FLAKE, Prop.
Pnctfle Highway 34 - mile
North of Sale
rrxx toxic Mic imm w i.
aaca r v g asaJa braakaca,
Kxaattaatioa to.
Thompsen-Gtatsefa Optical Co.
IHIt OnsI as.
ticipated in the Willows Creek
postoffice robbery. She said she
would not testify positively that
Kodat was Implicated In this
crime Jbut thought that he was a
member of the gang, me giri
said that as many as six men took
part In some of the robberies,
while at other times the sang was
limited to three or four men.
Following the visit to the peni
tentiary and the, girl's , identifica
tion of the photographs the off!
elals said there was no done but
that she was a ' member of the
gang, and was conversant with
their operations.
In a suitcase found at Inde
pendence after the girl had left
there for , Portland the officers
discovered number ot newspa
per clippings telling of the Wil
lows Creek postoffice robbery.
These clippings, together with the
suitcase, hare .been placed in the
hands of federal officials.
Born In Oregon .
Officials said that the girl's
father is Loren Hand, alias Tom
Hand. Her mother's maiden name
Is Eva Ewing. The girl was born
In St. Johns, Ore., where she lived
for a number of years. She has a
number of relatives in Oregon.
While operating in narcotics
and liquor in Chehalis, Centralis,
Seattle and other Washington ci
ties the girl was said to hare been
accompanied at all times by a ba
by. She would boldly wheel a
baby carriage into a department
store, dispose of her drugs and 11
quor to persons with whom, she
had appointments, and then leave
In this way she was said to have
eluded suspicion and escaped ar
Herder, who is sought by the
federal officers for the part he
played in the Willows Creek .rob
bery is known as "Dutch BI11.T
Insanity Doubted
Dr. Steiner said that he doubt
ed if the Hand woman was insane.
but that she would be held several
days for observation. A letter
asking that the girl be. turned
over to her sister was received by
hospital officials today.
The officers said that Kodat
had refused to discuss the Wash
burn robbery, or admit that he
was a member of the gang. He
appeared somewhat surprised
when placed under arrest, they
Warrants also have been ob
tained by the Lane county officers
for the arrest of Herder, Stroff
and a third man in connection
with the Washburn store robbery;
The name of the latter suspect
was not made public. ,
Federal officers said they had
not been able to connect Kodat
with the Willows Creek postoftice
SEATLE, Aug. 28 (AP)
Delegates to the International
Game and Fish conference con
cluded today's session with the
election of officers of the Interna
tional and Western Game and Fish
David H. Madsen, superintend
ent of the federal migratory bird
refuge at Bear River Bay, Utah,
was elected president of the inter
national association and Hoyes
Lloyd of Ottawa and Llewellyn
Legge of New York, vice-presidents.
Ray P. Holland of New
York was re-elected secretary
treasurer and Guy Amsler of Ar
kansas, general counsel.
Seth Gordon of Illinois, conser
vation director of the Isaak Wal
ton league was named chairman of
the executive board, which includ
ed Joseph H. Hunter, California;
M. H. Shephers, Oklahoma; E. Lee
Le Compte, Maryland; Ross Lef
fler, Pennsylvania; Keith Mc
Cansey Missouri and I. T. Quinn,
Alabama, retiring president.
The Western association named
I. Zellerbach, California, its presi
dent succeeding Robert H. Hill,
Montana. E. L. Perry of New
Mexico was elected vice-president
and San Francisco was chosen for
the 1929 convention which is to
be held two weeks before the in
ternational meeting.
A resolution adopted by the
conference endorsed the Norbeck
bill and favored creation of a
number of Inviolate canctuaries
for the protection of migratory
wild fowl and shore birds.
Dr. T. Gilbert Pearson, national
president of the Audubon so
cieties, spoke tonight on bird life
and conditions.
John Mottle
, 415 State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter
Rewound and Repaired, New
or Used Motcra
Things Etecsrlcal'
ll South Hick- TeL 211SJ
HmsB & DUGEI, Datallers
Established 186S ;
Office Hoars from
Members of Jones Family
Hold Reunion Near Brooks
(Spl) with 150 persons "present
tO dO honor in tils mamm
lineal descendants, relatives bv
p"rnage, writers and photograph.
, mei Bunoay at Labisfe Mead
ows, near Brooks; at the home of
air. ana airs. M. L. Jones to. ob
serve tne seventr-fifth annlver.
sary of the arrival of s w n
Jones, the brave old pioneer who
crossed the plains from Indiana in
1853, together with his wife and
ten children, to which crnnn five
others were added in Oregon.
The meeting marked the fourth
anniversary of the founding of the
j ones lamuy "clan," the Tirst call
ing out 31 descendants in 1925;
84 In 1926: 103 in 1927 and ton-
Ping off with 140 registrations In
1928 and a dosen others not reg-l
isierea. tne growth of the "clan"
being due to many marrlaees in
troducing "In-laws" and seven In
fants born during the past year as
follows: to Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon
Harris, (Rhea McCoy) a daugh
ter, named Marilyn Jean Jones;
Feb. 22; to Mr. and Mrs. fern
Cfeborne a daughter. Mary Lou;
to Ralph and Arita Jones Harper
a daughter, Rena Ruth. March 11;
to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jones a
daughter July 7. named Lois Jean;
to Mr. and Mrs." Ellis Jones a
daughter Barbara Teeeilla, and to
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooks Allen,
(Ruth Austin) at the American
Hospital In Paris. Oct. 16, 1927. a
son. Jay Cooke Michael Allen.
AM officers of the "clan" were
re-elected as follows: Hon. M. L.
Jones, honorary president for life
and Mrs. Emma Simmons, honora
ry vice president; Mrs. Sarah
Clarke, president; Mrs. William
Hubbs, secretary; Mrs. Sylvia
Brixley, treasurer.
The big features of the day
were a picnic dinner on long ta
bles in the woods, a program of
reminiscences by the older ones
and music by the young people,
with the piano placed on the wide
veranda and the audience seated
on the lawn; ending with a pag
eant, "The Covered Wagon," de
picting the arrival of the S. W.
R. Jones family 75 years before,
Mrs. Rita Harper and Mrs. Inez
Cramer appearing in starched sun
bonnets, Miss Julia Bula Austin
in a flowered wide crinoline, rid
ing behind the wagon on horse
back, Madison Jones with a shawl
his shoulders and McMillan
Jones interpreting the role of
"S. W. R." on a horse in front,
and garbed in a long coat and
black beard. All were photograph
ed as they passed the reviewing
stand, and then gave way to Mrs.
Emma Simmons wearing a black
groe-grained silk brought by her
mother, Mrs. S. W. R. Jones from
Indiana three-fourths of a century
.The plans to publisn a dook
concerning the Jones family and
it's Dlace in the early history of
Oregon was definitely decided up
on and 1250.00 pledged, m aa
vance sales which was found to
be half the cost of the proposed
undertaking. Mrs. A. E. Austin
of Woodburn was authorised to
collect material and Ellis Jones
to act as business manager. The
following persons signed the reg
istration books:
Rebecca B. Joaea, Sarah E. Jonea, Al
ma T. Morgan. Soot Jones. A. C. Bim
atena, J. Simmons. May F. S""
Ethel E. Clarke. M. h. Jones. W. P. Col
lar. A. K. Anatin. M. Q. Jonea. Arthur
D. Jonea. 4r.. Martha Jonea, Rhea Her
ri, Marylin Je n Harria, E. Lynioa Har
nBnford Jone. A. Dean Jonea. Sarah
A. J. Clarke, Ralph R. Jonea, Brace A.
Joaea. Beeee H. Jonea, Greta Harria.
Ren Jonea. F.thylwyn - Jonea, Jimmie
Joaea, Jeaaie M. Fleming, Sylria W. Bni-
er, Winnifred Brixey, wooer "7.
Wm. Collard. W. E. Barnett, Ralph S.
Harper, C. B. Darland, Mrs. Wynn, 8
A. Austin, ABea A. Aoitin, Nancy Atin.
Sally Austin, Donald 8. Toomb. Adelaide
Teoenb. Donald Tomb, jr.. CUire Ann
Toomb. Verne R. Joaea. .
Kiwanians Plan
Good Time Here
For Convention
' Now that the Salem Kiwanis
club has won the honor of enter
taining the district Kiwanis con
vention next year, the local club
faces the responsibility' of making
it a creditable event, and has hard
work ahead If it is to equal or
surpass the welcome that Aber
deen provided this year, delegates
to the Aberdeen meting mphasizd
in their reports to the club Tues
day noon.
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
But service is
another thing;
Our sodas and sundaes
have a goodness that you
will like and our service
cannot be beat.
Original Candy Special Store
135 North Otiiunercial St.
Phone 197
The 6riginal Yellow Front
. i
10 a. m. to 3 p. ca.
Wi If ra Oersmaat. Dakv H. Ifnaiek
J one Cnmf, Doria Crmracr. Ara4
job. iry MUM, ita Jean Joaes. Ma
bel at. Kaaai, Dtfria Bosai. M. O. Kaaai.
KHiabeth Frmarea Jonea. Betty Job,
MatKaea Ratpa Joaea, jr.. Gartrnda Ja
M ooraa, Elvira Saiita Baker, Leeaard W.
Baker, Kdaa Joaea Ratap, W. Howard
Raaip. Wea Reap. W. F. CollarC Vn.
W. r. Collara. HoaaM E. Jonea. Goraea
Jeaea, O. U. Bailer. N. If. 8eTeraea. A.
MeMUIaa Joaea. AJthea Jeaea Maftser,
Calvia Naftser. Era Joaea. Ln Ji.m
Dale Jones, Etaiae Jeaea.
Krmid Aaebanrh. Vara Aaaaanrfc. lfmrv
Aahbanra. Kreta Far Aaabeorn. AUee
Collard Baraett, Mr. Mark Joaea. LoU
U Joaea, Rebecca May Jeaea. Dorothy
M. Joaea, Billie K) Jeaea, Aliee Si saeer.
Andrew Job a Lewia. C. T. Srim Imh
1 one, jama uaraer. Bata Jonra. Rath
roer. Kata Jmm Ruth 1
Howell Mergaa. Barbara Jean Morraa.
Elton Joaea. Aira Joaea. Lini. J f
ix. v. farmer. Emma Hsrpnaea
Joaea, Marrnerita R. Clarke. Herbert F.
m -"
Clarke, Mildred Chubby
Ilda Joaea WrthTcomV Dnmik. i
Julia Bell Austin. Nancy Austin. Marrir
Jonea. Xiarvev T. Jnn..
fVurmer. Joaa Farmer. Alma ni-r Vin,..
Ella McXoan, F. R. Darette, Mr. F. R
Durette, Arryl M. Harrta. Areta V.
Harper. Wm T. Hwdsea. Far. Jeanette
Frank Itb and Vera Hodaon. F.irmeraon
E. Jonea. Elmer C. Jonea. C. V. Aah
banffb Mra. O L. Bailey. Madfe Joaea.
Ronald Jonea, Jr.
The following is the official
publication o f the record of
claims before the Marion coun
ty commissioners court- for the
August term, 1928, with the
amount allowed, bills continued,
etc., according to the records in
the office of the county clerk.
Road District No. 36
Bewley. Prank, general re
pairing 51.87
Booker, Millard, general re
pairing 91.77
Newport. Roy, gas, etc, 15.70
Newport, Roy, patrolman ... 11.07
Road District No. 40
Bones tee le Motor Co.. use of
truck, etc 27.90
Hammond Lumber Co., nails,
etc uo
Work. Chas., shoveling 35.09
Brown, W. E., driving truck.. 54.89
Brown, Denton, driving truck
Richards, E. J., patrolman ..
Road District No. 45
Jensen, H. P, repairing
grader, etc
Richter. A. F scraping 5.58
Richter, Ray, scraping 10.48
Richter, eVrnon, scraping... 10.48
Cook, Jay, scraping 2435
?arr, W. H., scraping 23 .96
Hadley, Ivan, scraping 3.19
Kunke, A. E., scraping ...... 9.57
Shilling. Ed, scraping 1138
Shilling, John, grading 9.57
Lucas. A. B., scraping 638
Hennies, L. E.. patrolman ..
Road District No. 46
Dufor, Edward, cutting brush
Strong, H. C, cutting brush
Rosenbaum, N.. patrolman. .
Road District No. 47
Hooper, E. A., repairing
Jensen, H. P., repairing tooLs
Masser, Frank, lumber
McAllister, C. L.. patrolman. .
Road District No. 49
Boyle, Hugh, cutting brush..
Hove, Reuben, cutting brush
Johnsen, Melvin, burning
Obersiner, Joe, cutting this
tles Sweaney. O. W, burning
Zur linden, Geo, cut t i n g
brush, etc
Owre, P. W, patrolman
Road District No. 51
Adams, eGorge, scraping
Bolenbaugh, M. C, cutting
brush, etc
Brownell, S. S, plowing, etc
59 JW
Coburn, J. M, scraping, etc
Gurgurich, Ed war, plowing
Gurgurich, William, scraping
Howard. L. L., scraping 35.94
i t
mm j
1A ' F 2205 - Salem, Oregon ; .. y
Toves, a P, grading 310
Tores, s. P, scraping, etir .. 35J09
Davidson. T. L. patrolman .. 39 0
Bead District Ne. 51
Haynes, W. H patrolman .. 6 9
Bead District No. 63
Diler Lumber Co, lumber .. 1750
Tautf est, Ralph, repairing
bridge, etc. 4J4
Road District Ne. CS
Brown, Carl, repairing plow.
Brown, Ken, fuse Ac caps ...
Nusom. Alan, use of. truck ..
Savage. John CX. rope, eta..
Han. C. working with
Presno ......4....
Patterson, Pearl, plowing.
Baar. Dennis, burning
stumps, etc
Hint, Tom, burning stumps,
I Fields, M. J., plowing, etc, . ,
1 rv. n- wi.-. "
rr attir-iaiu. x ka , uumuiiif . . .
I r . - , .7
I rjttt, Frank, loading PreS
nos, etc
Brown. George, working with
Presno 35.94
Scharf, Ed, use of tractor . . 4756
Davis, P. E, plowing ....... 957
Brundidge, Ivan, working 1
.with Presno 11.98
Patterson, Richard, patrol
man 33.92
Road District No. 66
Mills, Leonard, use of trac
tor , 17.48
Stewart. Harry, cutting brush 18.75
Dively. Calvin, cutting brush 12.76
Peerenboom, William, cut
ting brush .... 15.95
Miller, John, cutting brush.. 3.19
Miller, George, cutting brush 12.76
Johnston, Christie, cutting
brush ....
Walker. Leonard, patrolman.
Read District No. 70
Landingham, jess, hauling
Schmitt, Ed, working on
bridge 6.38
Rofl, Joe, checking gravel... 25.52
Road District No. 70
Schmitt. Alvin, working
on bridge ..... ....... 638
Schmitt. Geo., patrolman . . . . 39.90
" Road District No. 83
Gardner, J. R, cutting
brush .. .? 35.07
Keech, George, patrolman.. 7.96
Road District No. 88
Aernl Bros, gravel...: ...... 37.20
Aerni, Carl, hauling gravel.. 7737
Belknap, G. M, do 89.95
Card. W. H, do....... 47.92
Johnston. C. F, do 3554
Kincheloe. R. H, gravel 7.60
Marlatt, Geo. H, hauling
gravel .. 66.00
Wash. W. L. do...; 11330
Reeves, Edna, work done by
hired man . . ...... 54.00
Rolle, Geo, hauling gravel... 47.92
Tharp, Floyd, do 125.79
Tharp, G. H, work done
by hired man 132.00
Wintermantle. Eva, gravel.. 23.40
Wintermantel, Fred,
hauling gravel . . 62.88
Reeves, Ray, patrolman..... 49.87
Brown. Karl M, gasoline.... 3.15
Burns, W. E, radiator seal. . J50
Cavender. Fred, tire, etc 2330
Lewis-Bell Service Station, x
gasoline : 3.08
Oregon State Highway Com
mission, shaft, etc 3730
Patty Motor Co, parts, etc... 1.45
Branch. A. C, driving
truck, etc 11335
Burnham. A. E, do..... 108 25
Hanna, Chris, do. ....... 128.24
Van Cleave. Kenneth, do.... 99.75
Wilson. E. L, do..... ... 99.75
Caterpillar Accounts
Bartruff , Omer, operating
- caterpillar 130.75
Burns. J. A, do............. 124.75
Aak rr?iiTVl? W
foe JM a teea .-mA
FUlelaKea-aad MllfH
bona, aoaied arttb BlaeVVX
Ribboa, Take alhae, Bay V ,
BBiXS FILL. o Mm kmrW
a Brt, Sefot, RmwilavBnylf ew I
-ttv law
Buried, unproductive treasure
has been distasteful to human
economy long beiore the Bib
lical parable ot the talents.
Cemeteries need no longer be
necessary waste spots, shunned
when possible - The modern
memorial methlod co hv erts
them into beautiful parks.
elcregt mortal
714-715 First National Bank Bid?,
Kirby, A. B, do....;........ 107.T
Miller, Ray. do.... 121.7
Scharf, Dan, do.,. 143.7J
Woelke, Frank R, do. 143.71
Wylder, Francia, do.. ..,-114.7.
McCcrmiek. M. J, do...,...' 1203.
' Sttvertoa Crasher Accewitt
Bowen, a. D, gravel used i
by crusher 35.45
uiyae quipment Co, teeth
for scraper
Pearca, Lot L, coll spring N
nd postage ,.
Wolf. Julius, gravel used by
Davis. Lester, working at
crusher . .
Davis. W. U, do.
Parrlsh, W. E, working
at crusher .. 6733
Wagers. J. L. do..........'. W.75
Hoven. Oscar, foreman at
crusher 220.95
Stayton Crasher Account
Boyer. Fred, freight
Howard-Cooper Corp, discs.
etc ,
Mountain States' Power Co,
power service
Salem Bargain & Junk; Co,
Lambert. E. G, checking
rock books, etc....... 9.60
Loose. Victor, working at
crusher 10035
SneeeT. J. L, do 90.09
Stupka. Frank, do 1171
Joint Polk County Aceoant T
Farmer. Ray L. Hardware
Co, blocks 17.00
Snyder, B. A, operating
ferry 85.19
Vetter, F. B, gasoline 1035
Joint Yamhill Ceenty Account ,
Electric Supplies & Contg.
Co, electric service
Yamhill Electric Co, do
Salem Paving Plant
Patton Brothers, book, etc.
1 45
Fox, L. W, night watchman
at plant
Hoffer, Clyde, do 108.19
Reihen, Joe. shoveling
gravel .. 2238
Wlnship. William, do 6233
Silverton Paving Plant ,
Becker, N. and Son, lace
leather 7JW
Hubbs Planning Mill Co,
sawing 30
Silverton Foundry Co,
trunlons and roller. 2930
Torresd&ale, K. N, sand.... 29.40
Bass. G. T, working at plant 9237
Blschko, F. J, do 34.90
Brussell. W. M, do. . ... . . . . . . 11852
Buschkowsky, Albert, night
watchman at plant ..J 10135
Clark. A. C, working at plant 1132
Eckhout. F, night watchman
at plant 10131
Landley, Ed. working at
plant 28.81
Langley, Roscoe, do 333
Malone. L. M, do 119.76
Mieligan, Clay, do 2733,
Moses. J. A, do 40.13
Riches, J. H, do 10133
(To be continued)
We have a 1927 Pontiac Sedaa
well equipped, has 85 new
rubber, and a car that looks
and runs like aew for' 9725.
"The House That Service AalU"