The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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    The New Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, August 15; 1928
Wisconsin State Convention
to Hear United States
President Today
SUPERIOR. Wis., Aug. 14.
AP) Scheduled to address the
Wisconsin state convention of the
, American Legion at Wausau to
morrow morning, an overnight
rail trip from the summer White
House . confronted President Coo
lidge tonight.
Accompanied by Mrs. Coolidge
and by his son John, the chief ex
ecutive had arranged to stay in
Wansaa only two , hoars, leaving
again immediately after his
speech to be back at Cedar Island
- lodge in time for .dinner tomor
row evening. .
Before the boar set for leaving
Superior, Mr. Coolidge found time
to congratulate Secretary Hoover
upon his speech of acceptance last
Saturday, and also to approve the
report of the Mississippi flood
control board recommending that
the flood control project prepared
last December by Major General
Edgar Jadwin, chief of army engi
neers, be carried out without al
terations. o Mr. Hoover, president Coo
lidge telegraphed.
Address Landed
" Your speech of acceptance
ranks very high in political dis
cussion. I congratulate you upon
It and upon the reception which
has been. given to It by the coun
try" . ? .'
The message was sent . after it
had been said yesterday at the
ciecuuTfl omces mat tne cnier
executive had given no intimation
or ms intention to I communicate
bis Impressions to the republican
i ne Mississippi board report
discarded entirely the flood con
trol plan submitted last November
ny the Mississippi river commis
sion on the grounds that this plan
was drawn up to withstand a
Mm m .
iiooa oniy as great as that of
. iZ7. General Jadwin's plan,
. which last May was Incorporated
in the Mississippi flood relief leg
islation adopted by congress, was
endorsed In its entirety by the
board because It had been de
signed with a view to protection
v. from the largest imaginable flood.
"Jadwin Plan Considered
The duty of the board was to
consider whether the "jadwin
plan which congress approved,
could not be bettered by combin
ing with , It features of the MIs
- sissippi river commission's pro
ject. Upon its report the chief
executive was to base recom
mendations for the future execu
tion of the work.
The cost of carrying out the
'Jadwin plan" was estimated In
the board's report at 1318,500,-
would be spent on construction
and acquisition of flowage rights
and rights of way between Cape
Giradeau and the Arkansas rinr i
Between the Arkansas river and
the Red River $75,700,000 wortM
hp, nn .1,11. ti aaa aaa
iVk. S 71-000'00,0 op!d
take care of expenses below hh
' r..- i... Before, voting suspension today,
In aSJrin? f"" Skupstina (parliament) passed
thl T fPf V, BJn a" Its aspects one measure designed to allay
StJJS ?J fn0n,tri?1i,lan theICroat anger when It suspended thi
Mississippi board included a warn, mriiimnii,. j
KWeTerI tJhat the pUn could.puties Jovanovich and Popovitch.
f, arrid- "t' a.nd at the I who were alleged to have been ac
; wmo saiiMaciion oe given to
all the localities which clamored
for extension of levee lines so that
additional backwater areas might
be reclaimed.
The basic principle of the "Jad
win plan," the report said, was to
give Mississippi greater flowage
space both by raising its levees
and by allowing it to swamp natu
- ral flood areas In case of high
waters. This object, the report
added, was obviously in contrast
with efforts to increase land re
clamations which would decrease
the rivers flowage space,
"It is possible that in the fu
ture so much land In the flowage
areas may become cleared," the
report concluded, "that the re-Bultlng-relocities
will reduce flood
heights and tnus permit addition
al reclamation.'
President Coolidge's visit to
wausau constitutes the farthest
that he has yet agreed to go from
the summer White House. All his
other excursions this summer, in
clad tag the trip to Cannon Falls.
Minn., on July 29 were carried
out during: the daylight hours,
the presidential family not miss
ing a night's sleep In the Lodge.
Mr. Coolidge Is considering a
suitable date soon to visit th
Apostle Islands, only about two
na one-halt hour by water and
motor from -the executive resi
dence. This trip also wonld be
undertaken and completed In one
aay. -
Mayor T. A. Livesley sent a let
ter Tuesday to City Engineer
Hugh Rogers, asking for Informa
tion concerning charges made or
ally by O. II. Colgan. formerly
employed In the sewer construc
tion work tor the city, that i the
concrete pipe which Is being in
stalled on the Spruce street sew
er line la defective. The mayor
made particular Inquiry as to how
the Inspection work is handled, j
In ease the situation seems to
merit It,? the mayor wiU employ
a competent engineer from outside
the city to make a complete in
spection, he aaid last night.
If r. Colgan said that the pipe
was - cracking- badly, and added
that when he called attention of
a member of the city council to
this and inquiry was made of the
city engineer, he, Colgan, immed
iately was discharged.
Mr. Rogers denied all of these
statements except that he admit
ted the pipe has cracked in some
places, and he characterized Mr.
Colgan as a "disgruntled, disharg
ed employe." The cracks are not
Indicative of any serious delect In
Marathon Miss
aSumS". . . i ff'- '.:
I 4 ;
k Mi
V I - . t
f .'',, f , . -
x ' s n . '
Miss Mae ElweB Is jost 18, is
less than 3 feet tall, and weishs
only 109 pounds, bat she's plan
ning to win the 15-mll marathon
swim through the frigid waters
of Lake Ontario next month. Here
she Is shown perched on the
shoulder of her conch, Martin
Craffey, as. she trains On the
bench near her home at Revere,
Mass. .
Parliament Goes Home After
Hot Row Over Italian
Agreement r
BELGRADE. Jugoslavia. An.
14. (AP) Parliament adjourn
ed today for an indefinite oeriod
after having added to the turmoil
in the country by ratifying with
the majority of a sigle vote, the
Ditteriy opposed Nettuno conven
tions with Italy.
Meanwhile the question has
been, raised by those in sympathy
with the Croatian opposition,
wnemer this slim majority is suf
ficient to make the pact binding.
'uegius tul me COQSUlUUOn CailS
tor a tw6-thirds rote for treaty '
Ml1tKM A 1 X II . . . i
complices In the shooting last
June in Parliament of Stefan
Raditch, his nephew, and another
Say Quorum Lacking
Croatian newspapers, today, de
clared that the Nettuno conven
tions as ratified with only the
government supporters voting
were worthless because the ab
sence of the Croats and Serbian
Agrarians left Parliament without
sufficient numbers for legal rati
fication. They accused the govern,
ment of adding crime to crime re
gardless of the satisfaction due to
the Croats for past injustices.
Generally it is acknowledged
that while the Nettuno conven
tions will give added power to the
Croatian demand for home rule it
will leave Italy without excuse to
interfere In Jugoslavia's Internal
crisis. .
Suspension Indefinite
The Skupstina, before adjourn
ment, adopted bills ratifyinr the
consular. Judicial and commercial
conventions with Poland. It will
remain In suspension until con
voked by a special decree, which is
not anticipated for a long time.
It was said authoritatively here
tonight that the Skupstina would
be dissolved In the fall and new
general elections held under
government in which the Croats
would participate largely.
The first move toward reconcil
iation of the. racial factions. Is
looked for next Sunday -when Luna
Davidovitch, leader of the Demo
cratic peasants party, will appeal
to the Croats to bury the hatchet
and return to Parliament when It
reassembles in September. If the
plea is accepted, it is expected that
dissolution will follow by decree
of King Alexander.
General Markets
PORTLAND. Ore.. Ass. 14,
-(AP). -
Dairy Escaaatre. net nrmes:
Batter: extras 47e: standards
prima firsts 45Ke: firsts 3tte.
-s"ss: extras 80c; firsts 29e; mi lima
extras 25c: medians firsts 25e: rder-
sned 20e. - . r
PORTLAXD. Ore.. Anx. 14. -(AP).
IIij: Buying prices: FUstera -ieii t'sn-
thjr 2Ifci2.50: do. alley, 17t7.50;
sirs; ia.jO&17; ctoTr
tl531S.5s straw. S7.50- ton; Mllinx
priees f z ton mere.
POBTLAXD. Orts. Ant;. 14. (AP).
it leaa ! r ices ;
Milk-Riw milk (4 per cent). $2.30
wt fe ' Portland, less - an per eeat.
Batterfst, 4s station. 4ie track. 474Se
mb rortiaaa.
Pooltrr Alir Was over 4 .
24e; 4 to 4 poaad. S t 4 Ibs
lae; a lts, aa4 under loe; aprtaf sad
let-kerne under 1 lbs.. 23e; over 2 lba.
24e. Springs and lefaoraa firmer.
Potatoes Quotation on basis of lOO
lb. sacks; Yakima Ketted Oeats, new,
S1.S0 te $1.75; Irish Cobblers, new.
$1.40 to $1.50: Deschetes Gems. old. TJ.
& Ktv I, $1.00 to $1-25 eombiaatoia
grades 607&e.
onions Host varieties 11.55 to 1.75.
Batter Stead r. Portland Dairr
turmoil seen
IJtxtra; 43 Ue; itaadards, 4S1s); pritaai
One of Heaviest Ballots in
u State's History Taken
LITTLE. ROCK, Ark., Aug. 14.
( AP ) .-Actlvltyf women vo
ters in the Arkansas state demo
cratic primary today swelled the
total vote to a figure believed to
have exceeded the 219,000 cast in
the primary two years ago and to
have approached a record estab
lished a few years ago when the
Ko Klux Klan , was a dominant
issue In the state.
Nominees were selected for
state, district and county offices
with the nomination equivalent to
election to all state and district
Weather over the state was fair
throughout the day. -Vote
Held Decisive
Some candidates for state of
fice claimed the heavy feminine
vote would determine the outcome
in some races, notably that . for
governor in which there were
seven candidates.
Reports from over the state
generally indicated comparatively
few voters were challenged by
election officials for their refusal
to pledge . support to the party's
presidential nominees, Alfred E.
Smith and Joseph T. Robinson.
Party officials in some counties
had announced voters would be
required to pledge support of the
national ticket but Indications
were ; the rule followed in most
places was to challenge only, those
democrats who had been especial
ly outspoken in their opposition
to the national ticket.
Ticket xtra Long
One of the longest ticket on
record in the state greatly delayed
the reporting of returns.
The most active candidates for
governor were Governor Harvey
Parnell, who as a lieutenant gov.
era or became chief executive when
Governor John E. Martineau was
named a federal j)dge a few
months ago and who made hie
campaign largely on the claim
change, in that office at this time
would endanger the state's pres
ent road program; J. Carroll Cone,
state auditor; Brooks Hays, 30
year-old attorney and Tom J. Ter
rain former "no pardon" governor.
who In this campaign declared hie
policy against pardons had been
too severe. The other gubernator
ial candidates were Ben J. Grif
fith, R. K. Mason and J. R. Ven
able. -
Five of the six Incumbent con
gressmen seeking re-election had
opposition. Otis Wingo of the
fourth district was renominated
without a contest and John N.
Tillman of the third was not a
finta, 43e; firsts, 42c Crcaanery prices:
Prints, Se orer cub standards.
ECS Steady, Portland 'Dairy Ex
change (net basis) : Frets standard ex
tras. 29e: fresh standard firsts. 284c:
Iresh medium extras, 27e: fresh medium
firsts, 26c. Priees to retailers. 163a
over exchange priees.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Anr. 14. AP).
Cash grain: Wheat Bir Bend Blnestem,
hard white $1.29; soft white $1.13;
western white $1.13: hard winter
$1.05H; northern spring $1.07; west
ern Kea fi.ostt.
Oats No. 2 88 lb. white. $35.50.
Barley No. 2. 4 lb. B. W., $32.50.
Corn N6. 2, E. T. shipment $41.
Miirran Standard, $28.
PORTLAND. Ore Anr. 14. fAPV
Keeeipts 175; cattle none; eaWes 74.
Market stead? to strong.
Steers (1100-1130 lbs.), rood $11. SO
12.50: (950-1100 lbs.), rood $11.75
12.50; 800 and up, mediums, $10.75
11.50; common. $9010.75: heifers (850
lbs. down), good, $9.7510; cows, ftmd,
71.7 s.2 5; common and medium. 170
o.o; low cutter, 94.73 ? 7.
Bulls (rearhnrs excluded), roof, -beef
7.Z5 ((S 8; cutter to medium, 16.50 (S 7.25.
CalTes 1500 lbs. down), medium to
choice,' $9 11; evil to eommon, $7.50
B; choice $13.50ll,5O- rmxlt-'n, $12
13.50; cull to' eommon $8.50 12.
noes Keeeipts, none.
Batcher classes ateadr to 25e lower on
best quality feeder pics 50 (id 75c hirher.
HeaTrweirht (250-S50 lbs.) mod iast to
choice. $10.506 12.75 : medium weight
(zoo-zao ibs.K medium to caeiee til. 50
013; light light (160-200 lbs), medium
to choice $1313.25; light lighla (130-
160 lbs), medium to choice. S11.5O01S:
pseking sows, rough and smooth. $e.50 to); aiangater pigs (90-130 lbs,), me
dium to eboieo S11312: feeder and
seteker pigs (70-130 lbs.), medium to
enoiee, $11012.
jsnee and iambi, if a raeeinU: mar
ket steady.
Lambs (84 lba. dowa), good to choice.
$10.75011.25; (92 lba. dowa). medium
$9.7510.75; fall weights). . cull to
eommon, $8.5069.75: yearling wethers.
(110 lbs. down), medium to ehoeie. $7.50
9; awes, (120 lba. down), mediant to
eftoiee. $4$5: (120-150 lbs.),- medium
tm eboieo. $45: (120-150 lbs.), medium
to choice. $8(i4.50; (all weights), call
so common. 92 (0 a. .
CHICAGO. Ang. 14. (AP). Wheat
anew raa - p rapidly toiay iaflneneed
by news of frost fa Canada aad by like
lihood of more frost there tonight. Re
ports that so for no lose ia haahels and
bat little ia quality would result failed
to act as aa offset.
Closing quotations on wheat were na
settled 3 S-Se to 2 7-S net higher, with
m He U 7-e aad oaU rarying from
decline to l-c advance. '
Krw TORK. Aug. 14. AP). Pro
eoent shifts of snoeulatiTO seatimm
characterised todayi stock Market.
Prieea opened irregularly lower, rallied
aroa midday when the call money rate
lowered, had another sinking spell ia
the early afternoon, aad rallied again
only to sell off at the close. Final qoo
tatioas disclosed a long list of net de
clines ranging from 1 to S points inter
spersed with a few gains.
Call money was aooreeiahlT mi a.
day, renewing unchsnred st 7 eeat.
dropping U 7 vd Haally to per
eeat. Baaka called aboat $10,000,000 in
loaaa soon after the market ooeeied, but
they were easily replaced. Time none
and commercial paper rates held firm.
with soma Sew York dealers advancing
the bid rate ee 120 day hankers accept
ance 1-8 of 1 -per cent. :
Asaasemeat shsres enjoyed a tapoa-v
outburst of strength bat the gains f-lled
to bold. Warner Bros- A "ran up from
sn early low of 794 to a new rn
S and then slipped back to P24 off
1U net, Paramouat Famous Laskv clos
ed 2 poiats higher at 133 bat Pathe
A lost most of aa early gaia of 2 poiats.
Visiting Mrs. Stanton .Mr. and.Coantv. Oresron ' a th nlsm for
Mrs. Herbert Campbell Of Whit-
tier, Calif.,: where "the' teaches
school, are spending several days'
visiting: with his cousin, Mrs. Jan
et Stanton, lfi 2 South Cottage.
Mr. ana Mrs, Campbell are on a
two weeks wedding trip and ex
pect to have visited most ' of the
Oregon scenic spots before they
return to the south. From here
they will make the Mt: Hood loon
trip. - 7"
Al Sees Chance to Save
Face in Straton Attack
Associated Press Staff Writer
ALBANY. N.-Y.. Aug. 14 (AP
Governor Smith today all but
put his proposed debate with tr.
John Roach Stratton of New York
In the class of expected events that
never materialize.
In a terse letter to the clergy
man, the democratic presidential
nominee renewed his demand that
they meet face to face in Calvary
Baptist church where Dr. ; Strat
ton recently declared that the
Governor was the ''deadliest foe"
of the forces of moral progress in
America. Smith insisted on a "yes
or no" answer, and clearly indi
cated he would net consider the
minister's counter suggestion that
they come to grips elsewhere than
in his church.
Implies Reply Too Long
1 have your letter of August
the ninth covering three pages In
answer to my simple request that
be permitted to come to your
church and there have yon repeat!
In my presence the statements you 1
made about me with such proof as
you care to adduce and give me an
opportunity to answer you before
your own parishioners and in the
place where you made the state
ments," said the Governor in his
latest letter.
Your reply shows that you mis
understand the situation. I have
no intention of conducting a poli
tical debate with you. I wrote you
not in the capacity of a candidate
or personally, but as the governor
of the state of New York, whom
you have traduced.
No Alternatives Given
"The answer to my request to
appear in your church before
your parishioners under the con
ditions I mentioned is yes or no.
Unless and until I hear from you
in the affimative, the matter is
dosed. -
After declining for several days
to be drawn out on his reaction to
Dr. Stratton's proposal that they
clash verbally in Madison Square
Garden or elswhere, but not in his
church, the governor made public
without comment what may be his
final rejoinder to Dr. Stratton. It
was handed to newspapermen who
ad gathered at the executive man
?ion for their daily interview with
the nominee. It turned out to be
only one of the news develop
ments at the press conference.
State Chairman Quits
Almost as .an after thought, the
Governor announced that Lieuten
ant Governor Edwin Corning, who
Is 111 in Maine, had forwarded to
him his resignation as chairman of
the New York state democratic
committee, to which will fall the
task of directing the campaign this
fall on behalf of the party's state
ticket. It was explained that Corn
ing's retirement was due entirely
to his health.
"As he bantered with newspaper,
men. prior to receiving a call late
in the day from Senator Carter
Thomas Condon's
Biography Ready
Eugene, August 14. (Special)
"Thomas Condon, pioneer geolo
gist of Oregon," a volume written
by Dr. Condon's daughter, Ellen
Condon McCornack, has been pub
lished In Eugene and now Is ready
for distribution it is announced by
Mrs. McCornack. The book repre
sents several years of work on the
part of Mrs. McCornack, who has
carefully compiled data on the life
of the scientist. Correspondence of
Dr. Condon, as well as lectures
and notes, is also Included in the
WAY COMPANY hereby gives no
tice that on the 28th day of July,
1928, it filed with the Interstate
Commerce Commission at Wash
ington, D. C, its application for a
certificate that the present and fu
ture public convenience and ne
cessity permit the abandonment
by it of a line of railroad extend
ing from a connection with its
main line at West Woodburn in
an easterly direction lo Wood
burn, a distance of 2:3 miles, all
in Marion County, Oregon.
COMPANY. A-15-22-29
Notice is hereby. given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Marlon, has duly
verified Final Account, as one of
the Executors of the last will and
testament and estate of Elizabeth
J. Ratcliff, deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Tuesday, the 21st
day of Angus t, 1928, at the boor
of tea o'clock A. M. of said day,
as the time, and the- County Court
Koom in tne county court House
at. Salem, in Marion County.; Ore
gon, as the place for hearing said
final account and all objections
thereto. .
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
18th day of July. 1928.
One of the Executors 5f the Last
Will and Testament of Elixabeth
J. Ratcliff. deceased.
Attorney for Execu tors,
Salem, Oregon.'
v Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Marion, his duly
verified Final . Account, as admin
istrator of the estate of Aaron Lev.
eridge Beckner, deceased, and that
said Courl has fixed Tuesday, the
4 th day of September. 1 9 2 8. at
the hour of ten oVWk A M-of
said day, as the time, and the
County Court Koom In in bounty
Court House, at Salem. Marion
hoatHne - aairl final sAniint on1 .11
objections thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st
day of August, 1928.,
.. - C. L. BECKNER. -
Administrator of the last will and
testament and estate or Aaron
Leveiidge Beckner, Deceased.
: Attorney for Administrator,
Salem, Oregon.
r.taam nf Virginia th rtneMonHal
nominee disclosed that Norman H.i
Davis of New York. w- 0
aemocrais servea as assistant sec-
re tar y of the treasury and a , i -
der-secretary of state during the
Wilson administration, had stop
ped off for a morning chat on hie
way some irom aiocx Dnuge, Mass.;day at tne executive mansion with
Speech Checked Over j Senator Glass, the governor -has
Tha VATirnnr 1l Mnnrtsd l)9lanDOintmentl to See JOSflPDhUS
hn haul anont nart of th nwtrnins?
checking over galley proofs of his,
completed acceptance speech.
which will be delivered here a
week from tomorrow night and
made known his intention of mak
ing his annual visit to the New
York state fair at - Syracuse re-
Issued Daily Except Monday by
Statesman $ublis?jina Co.
215 So. Commercial St.
Member of the
The Associated Press is exclusive
ly entitled to the use for publication
of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited In this
paper and also to the local news
published herein.
Business Ofticm
Paclfic Coast Representatives :
Arthur W. Slypes, lac. Security
Bids;., Portland; Sharon Bids., San
Francisco ; 911 Western Pacific
Bids-. Las Angeles.
23 or 583
Society Editor - - 10$
Entered at the Post Office In Salem,
Oregon, as second class1 matter.
Daily and Sunday, by mall,
per year $5.00
Dally and Sunday, by carrier
Reading notices, per line
(3 line minimum charge)
Classified Advertising, per line
Classified Advertising, per line
S times
Classified Advertising, per line
One month, daily smd Sunday
per line
, ( months contract)
5 lines dally minimum per
month, 4c a line
(10 reduction, for minimum
10 Itnes dally)
STOCK, FIXTURES and lease.
Rental of store and modern home
is $35 per month. Doing a busi
ness of $1100 to $1200 per month.
A fine proposition for man and
wife. For quick sale only $1150.
421 Court Street Ground Floor
"Business Headquarters"
ROOMING-Boarding house fur
nished; large business, corner and
adjoining business houses, $17,
500. Apt. House, E. front, lot .6 Ox
150; adjoining bus. property, in
bus. rone, only $6500. This is a
good and safe buy.
Business lot adjoining bus.
houses, close to High school
$2350. 8350 down.
Large rooming house, splendid
ly located for boarders as well,
furnished, 88500.
484 Court Str. ,
FOR LEASE: Rooming and
boarding house, furnished, $7C
per mo., boarders thrown in. Ger
trude J. M. Page, 484 Court Sh.
WELL paying confectionery and
Lunch for sale reasonable. Pro
fits are good and business is grow
ing. Good reason for selling.
462 State St, Salem
APT. HOUSE well located, con
structlon bears inspection, fur
nished, radios in all apis., payc
big dividends; will trade for small
farm or good residence or othei
property In Salem. '
Garage, Chevrolet Sales and
Service; doing large business.
price $11,000. Take in trade for
part payment Salem or Corvallit
484 Court Str.
4-ROOM new,. southeast, paved
street, $1900, lerms..
3-room, nearly new, garage; al
most any terms, $2100.
, 5-room, strictly modern, good
location, a real home. $3700
newly calcimined.
6-room, strictly modern, new,
$3750. good terms.
Beautiful new,, strictly modern
7 -room, north front home, $4750
A real home.
200 Gray Bldg. 125 N Liberty
10 room furnished house close
in. $60 per mo.
219 N. High St. Phone 865
5-ROOM modern house. 1590
S. Church St. Phone 782-W.
FURNISHED 5-room house.
Close in, $ 4 0.0 0. Phone 4 6 1-J. .
room house located on Liberty
road 2 blocks from bus. 1 acre
ground, lots of fruit. If interest
ed see Owner at Luthy's Jewelry
kore, 325 State. -,
- FOUR-room boose. Good con
dition. Call .1540 State street
FOR RENT, Houses, and apart
ments. F. L. Wood 841 State.
Phone 794. -
VERY desirable strictly; mod
ern six. room lower apartment.
Phone 34F11,
3 ROOM furnished apartment
.775 N. Cottage.,
gardless of what demands may bejernor plans to go to New York,
made on him as a presidential 'remaining there over night before
As governor, the nominee at -
tends the fair Thursday, August
A - la tila snafsvm tin will arls&lfv.
er'a short speech, indoors, if pos-
I.IMo -n .ri tila vntra IT,, in
tends to 'fight shy of any political
discussion, believing that It wonld
oe an impropriety on nis part iu
i discuss national campaign issues
on such an occasion
Daniels Given Interview
On ton nf hist conference late to.
I Daniels there tomorrow. Senator
George of "Georgia. Thursday, and
Senator Walsh of Montana on Fri-
day. He aouots wnetner it win oe
possible for him to get away from
Albany for a week-end rest be-
fore his notification.
On Thursday, August 23, the
CLOSE in well furnished front
apartment with fireplace. 658
4-ROOM furnished apartment,
lower floor. 923 S. Com'l.
TWO well furnished apartments
cheap. 2261 Hazel. Phone 1939-W.
heated flat.
modern 5-room
Close in. Phone
FURNISHED and unfurnished
3 room apartments. Virginia
Apartments, 879 N. Liberty.
NICE furnished first floor
apartment. 590 Union.
Ambassador Apts.
Electric Ranges and Refrigeration
High class residential district
Cheerful, attractive and light
3 Room furnished 850.00
2 Room furnished $37.50 & $40.
1 Pullman now vacant. . . .$30.00
3 Room unfurnished $40.00
2 Room unfurnished $32.50 & $35
Children Welcome
ESO N. Summer i-iz
clean, comfortable, nicely fur
nished, private bath. Steam heat.
Down town district. Reasonable
in price. For inspection call Pat-
ton's Book Store.
CLEAN furnished apartment,
432 Marion.
crete bldg.. electric ranges and
refrigeration; HW floors; hotwa
ter heat; river view. Cor. King
wood Ave. and Edgewater Sts.
See O. K. De Witt or Earl Jensen.
PRESCOTT'S Apartments, new
and modern, furnished 2 and 3
rooms. 1064 Oak St.
2361 Haxel. Phone 1930-W.
FURNISHED Bungalow -Apt., in
Palmer Court Sept. 1st. Ul
rich & Roberts, 129 N. Com.
Phne 1354 or 284-R.
GOOD office room, also sleep
ing room for rent. 320 U. S. Bank
GOOD office room, also sleep
ing room for rent. 320 U. S.
Bank Bldg.
SLEEPING room. Close in
$11.00. Phone 585-W.
For Sale
New Bungalow of 4 large
heerful rooms and nook, plenty
of built ins, nice bath room with
best of plumbing, electric lights
and wiring for electric range and
hot water beater, good well, gar
ige and woodshed. 1 acre of good
land and on a paved road. Price
13200 with little down and bal.
.ike rent.
LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors
320 State Street Phone 1727
5 large rooms, built-ins, fire
place, basement and furnace, gar.
tge. Owner moving on farm and
will reduce price to $4500, cash
,500, bal. easy. Will take good
air as part.-
LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors
120 State Street Phone 1727
The Best Bungalow Buy -
- in town
Real $3700 value for $2750;
only $500 will handle the deal
thie bungalow is double construct
ed, well? built. 41: Rooms,:, Nook,
Fireplace, wired for Elee. range,
hardwood floors, Furnace, r sta
rash trays, on paved street,, par.
ins paid. Close to school-Bus
line. Located in a new district of
N'orth T5alem. If you want the
jiggest snap in town.
341 State St. H Room 4
$ 800 Bungalow, 2 rooms,. wood-
sued, lights and water, 2
'. fine English walnut trees,
large lot, $75 down.
USOO 5-room cottage, bath, gar
age, lots of fruit, good lo
cation, pavlnjtxpd., $150
down. . '
2600 An attractive stucco home,
. 5 rooms and nook, fire
place and garage, $250
$3500 Bungalow, living and din-
; . ing room, 3 bedrooms,
basement, furnace, . good
.location. Terms. '
J4200 Modern (.room . Englfeh
type home, garage,: east
front. $250 down.
$4750 New aad attractive 6-room
English type home, mod
, v era in every way, . $504
. down.- ...
$6500 An attractive home at 846
... Hood St.. large lot. full
bath and shower down.
' . stairs, toilet and. lavatory
Upstairs, C large rooms,
. ." $750.. . - -,
If you : want higher priced
homes we have them. . " -
$5000 private money to loan. :
;;0 U. S. Eank Bldg. Phone 687
proceeding to Seagirt, N. J. to at-
ilend a big democratic rally and re.
j.iew National Guard troops i on
Saturday. August 25. It is ms m-
tention to remain on the New Jer-
fej Coast OVer the WeeK end, anu
perhaps to return to Albany before
j going to Syracuse. Beyond tne
state fair engagement he has no
definite plans and does not know
as yet where he will spend Labor
Day or when he will start out on
his campaign travels.
"Arent you counting on taking
a vacation before you begin tour
ing?" Smith was asked by news-
"I'm not counting on anything,"
he replied. "I'm just going along
from day to day aomg me oesi i
can. Besides, I don't know where
to go for a vacation. I probably
wouldn't get any rest even
did go away somewhere." -
if I
$500 DOWN $40 a month.
New modern home. Large fur
nace, fireplace, hardwood, etc. 5
large rooms finished. Unfinished
upstairs. Paving, walks, lawn,
etc. Immediate possession. Price
cut from $5250 to $4750.
189 N. High St.
An Honest sacrifice This seven
room house on full, lot in good lo
cation worth $3500 $2600 buys
it if you come quick. Very easy
A dandy little 5 Room Home
With sun room, corner lot lOOx
100. Among Salem's choice
homes: both streets naved and
paid, ground alone worth $3000
$3650 on easy terms buys it.
290 N. Church Tel. 2830
HIGHLY improved ranch, ML
An ml. fine hot) vard rented at the
nrifnt time 214.00 oer acre: 114
A. in cultivation, fenced and cross
fenced in woven wire, place wen
watered with running stream.
Owner wishes small place near Sa
lem, get this place for it brings
real money.
381 State St.
94 acres, good black soil. 70
acres ciearea, Z4 pasture wuu
young growth timber. Family or
chard, 1 A. logans, 1 A. peach
es. Good 8 room and bath plas
tered house, hot and cold water
electric lighte. fireplace. Frui
house, good barn and out bullr
ings. Price $12,000, $2000 cash
See us or call 970 for appoh
1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
Will accept cheap house or lot
valued up to $1500 for my equity
in 5 acre tract located 4 miles
from Salem. 21 large cherry
trees, 17 filbert trees, a nice field
of logans and other small fruit
and berries.' Make your living on
the acreage and gave your earn
ings. $100 per year pays balance
of $1100.
SEE Mrs. Ellis with ; I
LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors
320 State Street Phone 1727
TRADE. House and lot $3500,
for email farm.
A good large house close to bus
iness district for smaller house.
A good house and a good busl-J
ness tor smaii iarm.
341 State St.
lem, semi-modern. Price $2500.
Want to exchange for 2 to 5 acres
near Salem. -
SEVEN ROOM. New. and atrlct
ly modern home. Paved street
and cement walks. Will exchange
tor 1 to 5 acres improved, near
Salem to $4000 or $5000. See
our agents. '
421 Court Street ? Ground Floor
"Exchange Headquarters" -?
GREATEST- Trading organiza
tion on the Pacific Coast, We have
over 3 0 0 - nronertiea listed tar -
change. Every kind of property,
every price, every location. We
own match your exchange exact
ly. If yoo would like to trade your
property tods; coma in today. See
uaskill ft ear Lis, Realtors
166 8. Liberty TeL 2242
18 A. near Salem, good bldgs.
Cows, team, bogs, fowl, $6600,
terms. -
Well improved 90 A. farm near
town, $11,500, take residence.
10 A. adjoining city limits, f A.
berries. Bldgs. $4800.
For Rent -Good Locations
Nice 5 room bungalow..... .$25
Good 7 room bungalow. ...... 30
Good 6 room houee. ........ 25
- 212 Gray Bid. .
ith beantiful view and onW 2
miles from business district.' Own.
er leaving will sacrifice. , O. K.
De Witt, 1313 Edgewater St. -
I have for sale one of the finest
Dairy. Farms In Polk County, ful
ly, equipped. - 30 pure bred Jer
seys. . ; - . - '
Also several line Lincoln Conn.
ty stock farms, ' Ask about them;
- Realtor Loans Insurance
1 4 7, No. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon
Mexican Traific
Officers Coming
Here Tomorrow
Captain Rey Bowles and his
squad of Mexican motorcycle of
ficers who have completed a the
atrical engagement in Portland
will stage a demonstration on the
streets of Salem Thursday.
They will be here most of the
day and will call on Governor Pat
Chief of Police L. V. Jenkins of
Portland said he would detail two
officers to accompany Captain
Bowles and his squad to Salem.
Plans Repairs W. H. Hender
son took out a permit Tuesday to
repair a dwelling at 1134 Madi
son street at a cost of 1250..
egistered shrop rams. Phone 116.
Look at this neat 4 room etucco
home. Strictly modern, except
fireplace. Full lot, first class
electric range with it. $3,200
buys it, easy terms.
The best 145 Acre highly im
proved farm buy in the Willam
ette valley. We are ready to prove
this statement at any time.
Exceptional suburban homesitf,
3 acres best soil, living water,
ml. court house, close to hue,
store, church, school and pave
ment, desired by many, never on
the market before. Priced below
A Farm with unusual resources.
63 acres, 4 miles city limits, on
Silverton highway. Year round
pasture, river runs full length one
side. 20 acres first bottom, if
plowed raises anything from on
ions to mint. Enough timber to
cut 2,000 to "3,000 lords wood.
Most of cultivated land seeded to
clover. New 8, room strictly mod
ern stucco house. Deep well, wa
ter system, large barn, other build
ings and new. Price right. Take
Salem residence property. Better
look this over.
290 N4rth Church St. Phone 2830
5 ACRE fruit tract, good five
room house, good well and spring,
outbuildings. 6 mi. S. of Salem.
Phone 3CF13.
BARGAIN. Good 7 -room plas
tered house, fireplace, basement,
etc., large shade trees, fruit, ber
ries, garden. 7 lots, near schools,
good view. Will sell all or house
and 3 lots $3,800; house and two
lots $3,500; terms. Half block to
paving. 849 Rural Avenue or call
Conner, statesman oiiice.
On a beautiful corner, both
streets paved and paid, 3 ehoicr
cherry trees, sidewalks in and
paid. $150 down. Price $750.
Most ideal location m Houywooa
'.41 State St. Room 4
TIMBER Fifty thousand acres
ir and pine. Well located for
ogging and manufacturing. Rea
onably priced.
FINE country hotel with sery
6 station. Both paying. Sell
trade. Good location on paved
WILL take Salem home on one
C the best dairy ranches in Ore
on. Completely stocked and
quipped. Registered Jersey.
ee us at once.
170 ACRES for sale at a sacri
fice. Owner land poor and mut
?ell. Wonderful soil. Old build
ings. Will take some trade but
CASH TALKS. Oae-half hour
from Salem.
216 North High Phone 1143
LOTS N. 17th .St. Addiiion,
new, growing district, large lots,
prices reasonable. Terme $-5
down. $10 per month.
Laurel Park Add. West of Hol
lywood, all new homes, lots at rea
sonable terms.
. 189 N. High St.
by 165 with 5 rm. strictly modern
house and one older Jkouse, semi-
modern. In 2 apartments furnish
ed for $10,500. Good terms.
175 S. High St.
ewes coming two year old in fine
condition. In car load lots or any
amount to suit purchaser. Phone
or write. S. Philippl dc Son. Scio.
40 ACRE equipped dairy, and
poultry farm. 11 head of cattle,
good team, all tools, 200 chickens.
6 .acres corn fine patch of kale.
Barn full of hay. " All goes at bar
gain price for quick sale or will
trade. '
7 ROOM house close in on N.
Winter St. Garage, basement and
Price $6850. Easy
40 ACRES Fine timber and
stock proposition. For sale at a,
bargaln or will trade. What have
5-ROOM house and garage,
good location. Clear of encum
brance. Splendid valne at $1100.
31 3-4 ACRES fair improve
ments, family fruit. Near good
valley town. - Splendid shipping
facilities. : s Bargain price of
yirich & Roberts
129 N. Cornl St. Tel. 1354
FOR SALE Pure bred Shrop
shire yearling rams or trade for
ewes. 3. E. Scott, Salem.
SECOND growth fir, four foot,
fire miles out, good roads, $4.00
per eord. Phone 2538-R.
. FOR beach property, lots or
acreage overlooking the ocean
for wonderful buys in dairy ranch
es See or write to W.-H. Burtis,
Wald port. Ore. ,
New 4 room house In North Sa
lem; Lot 50x150. Price $2250.00.
$500.00 cash; balance to suit. Dis
tant owner.
j--' -.-r- ..Realtor
147 N. Com! - - v . Phone 217