The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    $10,000 FOR $1 -
Max. temperature Tuesday
76; Mia. . 43; River 2L4
protection- for.
cost is afforded all
Q fetaiesman ' snbecribers 1 Its
accident policy. Lnsarenowt
Wednesday fair aad wa
lacreaaiac haaard.
ti r - cM. rr.. H. r cn-n w sts.
March XS, 185 X
Salem, Oregon, TTednesday, A thrust 151928
In Grand Opera
yoliT J Sfs
i ciiininclinTCc
Quizzed In Obregon Death Plot
(f f
Ward Southworth Apparent-
- ly Kills Self at Green
Bay, Wisconsin
Ctty Authorities Suspect
Hoax When Body Can
not Be Discovered
GREEN BAY. Wis., -Aug. 14
(AP). Whether Ward S. South-
.worth, 23 years old, Minneapolis
salesman, penned bis last meo.
sages to his mother and sister and
the world of which he had frown
tired and killed himself or perpe
trated a suicide hoax, officials
were attempting to decide today.
; Finding of hia clothes with a
note that he Intended to take his
life upon the pier near the bath
house Monday morning, caused
the - water .of Green bay to be
dragged, and this baring proven
futile dynamite was used today in
an effort to locate the body of the
Aato Missing
Police were not convinced that
the youth carried out the threat
made in a note that revealed his
morose state of mind. Doubt de
veloped when notice failed to find
Southworth's machine, although a
number of oil and gas purchase
slips indicated that he drove a
There was confusing evidence
also as to what method South-
worth need to kill himself, if he
In the pockets of the salesman's
clothes, police found three letters,
one of which was unsealed and
j was read. The Other two were
- addressed to his mother, Mrs. Ag
nes Southworth, Eugene. Ore.,
and his sister, Mies Alice G.
Southworth, 4312 NintS avenue,
N. E., Seattle, Wash.
Warfl Southworth grew up in
- Salem, graduating from Salem
high school in 1922 after a career
as high school debater. He en
tered Willamette university the
following fall and was elected
president of the freshman class.
He made the university debating
team during his first year and
went on a debating tour. as far
east as Chicago and as far south j
- as Tucson, Arizona. j
He was the son of Dr. Charles
W. Southworth, prominent physi
cian of this city who died several
years .ago.
Young Southworth continued
his studies at Willamette until
shortly after the beginning of his
junior year in 1924. He partici
pated In numerous college debates
and represented the university in
intercollegiate oratory. . He was a
member of the Kappa Gamma Rho
fraternity for a time.
ro Prisoner
Shoots His Way
CVzia Villrr 7
BAY ST. LOtJIS. Miss.. Aug. 14
(AP) One man was killed and
another wounded here today when
Silas Richardson, a negro, held in
jail on an auto theft charge, shot
his way to freedom.
John Damberne, employe of a
garage, was killed and chief of
police Mark Oliver was seriously
wounded when the negro opened
fire as they entered his cell to
search for a key to an automobile
ue was charged with stealing. It
was believed that the gun was
slipped to Richardson by a friend
after he was locked In jail. .
After shooting Oliver and Dam
berne the negro ran from the jail
and disappeared.
Oliver, taken to a Blloxi hos
pital, was not expected to recover.
He was shot through the body and
neck. .
Frank Troeh of
Portland Gets
Place at Shoot
KENTON. Ohio, Aug. 14.
(AP) C. A. Bogart of Sandusky,
and E. F. Woodward of Houston,
Texas, today again were tied for
first place in the annual "baby
grand" trapsboot of the Glenwood
Gun club range here. Each had
broken 197 tagets. Out of a pos
sible 200. Mark Hotman of Edger
ton, Ohio, high scorer yestreday
also broke 197 to tie for winning
. honors.
Fifty-two nationally known
marksman competed. Others in the
money were Carey R. Swarts of
Kenton, Ohio; James Groves, Chi
cago, each with 19S; C. A. Young,
Springfield, Ohio; E. E. Lockwood,
' Fort Wayne, Ind., and W. G. War.
ren, Chicago, each with 19 S hits.
Frank Troeh, Portland, Ore., made
193 bits.
Hassell Flixht
Again Delayed
; ROCKFORD, TIL; ' Aug. 1 4.
, (AP) Bert Hassell tonight an
nounced the postponement for at
least a day of his hopof f for Swe
den in the airplane Greater Rock
ford. Unsatisfactory weather con
ditions in Canada caused the de
lay, i Hassell and his navigator.
Parker Cramer; intend to fly 760
miles on the first leg of their jour
s ney,' resting overnight- at ; Coch
rane, Ont a 1600 mile flight to
Greenland will follow. -
1 T '6-,
1 NSS"s . "
' n - "
I i. h r &
' Hi ' 1
Long Beach, Calif., street car
conductor who spent all hia spare
time studying music, has jnst been
given -contracts to sing in ' this
season's prod actions with both the
Los Angeles and San Francisco
Grand Opera SBsocliftions. For
professional reasons. Smith, a
baritone, will be known as John
Simcoe on the stage.
NEW YORK, Aug. 14. (AP)
Whether an attempt will be
made to separate the "Siamese
twins." Mary and Margaret Gibb,
will be determined tomorrow it
was learned today at the office
of Dr. Francis P. Weston, who
has been interested in me case.
Tho announcement was made
after Dr. Harold M. Hays, . direc
tor of the Park West hospital,
where the twins are staying, had
asserted that the hospital had "no
Intention of allowing any surgi
cal procedure to be attempted
without having such procedure re
ceive the endorsement; of men
prominent in the profession."
Dr. Weston, it was said at his
office, was not In this afternoon.
but a man who answered the tele
phone asserted that an announce
ment as to whether the operation
would be attempted would be ex
pected tomorrow. This spokesman
also said that "perhapy the 17
year old girls would be. taken to
another hospital. j
The publicity which has attend
ed the twins' sojourn in ' Park
West hospital was deplored both
by Dr. Hays and by Dr, Weston's
representative. Dr. Hays, in a for
mal statement declared that cer
tain confidential medical data re
lating to the girls bad been sur
reptitiously removed from the
Park West. He explained that, a
few weeks ago Dr. Weston asked
the hospital whether it would per
mit Mary and Margaret to go to
the institution so that study
might be made to determine whe
ther an operation would be possi
Prisoner Takes
His Lite By Gas
Morris Cupersteln,
14 (AP)
35. arrested
here last Friday on a fugitive war
rant from New York city, today
took his own life by Inhaling gas.
Cupersteln, according to police.
was secretary-treasurer of a New
York firm and disappeared after
embezzling 127,000.
Distinct Poison Tmces
PARIS, Aug. 14 (AP) The
international mystery of the death
of Captain Alfred Lowenstein,
Belgian financier, while crossing
tho English channel in his private
airplane on July 4, today entered
another phase when it j was unof
ficially reported that toxic matted
had" been found in the viscera of
his body. ' .
After r Lowensteln's body was
found on July 10, Doctor Paul,
chief chemical analyst for the sur
ete generate,, the French Scotland
Yard, undertook an exhaustive
autopsy at the request of members
of the Lowenstein family. It was
said : at the courthouse in Bou
logne, according to Le Matin to
day, that the expert's report which
will not be made public, reveals
"the existence of traces of a very
characteristic toxic matter" in the
Lviscera. . : : ' f--
; The toxicoiogist's report will oe
forwarded to the court in Brussels
which conducted an Inquiry Into
the disappearance and death .of
the financier. . Should the report
lead to a re-opening of the investi
gation it is likely to have diplo
matic as-well: as judicial ramifica
tions since the body was recovered
outside of the terrttorfial waters
Charge Ought To Be Man-
slaughter, Not Murder,
Shanks Protests
"She Was Not Dead When I
-U-eft Her," Dispassion-
ate Slayer Says
CHICAGO, Aug. 14. (AP)
David Shanks, Illiterate negro
boot-black, who police said con
fessed slaying Miss Jennie M. Con
stance, Peoria educator, today was
arraigned; bound over to the
grand jury and indicted within the
space of a few hours.
Prosecutors said every effort
would be made to set an early
date for his trial and that they.
would demand his electrocution.
Shanks was arrested last night
by Evanston police after they had
traced a wrist watch which be
longed to the victim. The boot
black readily confessed the slay
ing police said.
The prisoner was kept nnder
heavy guard last night. Today, be
fore a crowd of 300 persons, he
calmly 'and dispassionately re-enacted
the killing at the scene.
Formal Charge Made
Just 10 minutes later Shanks
was arraigned and held to the
grand jury without bond, charged
with first degree murder. Al
though illiterate, the negro ob
jected to the charge of murder.!
"It ought to be manslaughter,
your honor, because she was not
dead when I left her," he said.
A short time later a true bill
charging Shanks with murder was
reported voted by a grand jury
In a bearing that required only 30
"A swift trip to the electric
chair will be Shank's portion,"
said .Assistant state's attorney
Thomas Dillon.
Refuses Further Word
After enacting his crime and
remonstrating against a murder
charge, the negro refused to talk
(Turn to page 2, please)
t)rum Corps Has
Plans to Raised
Funds For Trip
Barring the detail of raising
$8000, to defray expenses the
Portland American Legion post
drum and bugle corps is all set to
attend the San Antonio convention
and take part in the national con
test, so the Salem corps, which has
been working for over a year to
ward the same end, may get. an
other chance to beat the outfit
that ended its three year suprem-
iacy In this field.
Proposal to send the Portland
eorps to San Antonio was made at
this week's meeting of the Port
land post. At the same meeting
Lyle Dunsmoor, commander of the
Salem post last year who has re
cently moved to Portland, was put
in charge of the membership cam
paign there.
Property Long
Held By School
Board Now Sold
i ii i in " ; -V--
After holding on to their 21st
street property for 10 or 15 years,
and paying taxes and even street
assessments the school board last
night voted to dispose of the place
an offer having' been presented
which will bring a total of $9,075.
The property has been divided
into 15 lots, six of which have
already been spoken for, these: six
buyers agreeing to sell the remain
ing lots without commission. The
plan was outlined by Director L.
J, SimeraL ' ; -
of Belgian
Body Shows
of either England or France.
The newspaper Telegramme de
Boulogne tonight says that the lo
cal judge of. the Boulogne court
declared that the presence of poi
son in Lowensteln's Intestines did
not necessarily Indicate that the
capitalist had died, from that
cause. It was known..; he said,
that Lowenstein was in the habit
of taking aperient medieines-and
that he took' a large dose on July
4 before leaving the Croydon air
field. j ' r-i;'f
: - Such a strong dose, said the
judge, could account for the ac
cumulation of toxie substances In
the banker's body. -
. It Is' regarded as unlikely here
that France will take any further
steps .toward complete solution of
the mystery' Since Lowenstein
a Belgaln national, left ' England
in a plane of British registration,
it Is felt that further action., if
any; ' must come from either
Brussels or London.
- Kokn Abrest. director of the
lexicological laboratory .here to
which the viscera of - Lowenstein
was sent for analysis, tonight said
that the work had not been com
pleted' and that no. report had yet
been made. v
Army of 50,000 Workers To
Be Employed During
Peak Period
With Crop Heavy In Yards
Of Salem District Grow
ers Are Optimistic
Hop picking has begun in Ore
gon, which means the Salem trade
territory. The owners of one or
two yards having the toggles, or
: early variety of hops, commenced
picking on Monday.
Picking of the fuggles will not
be general until 23rd to 27th, and
the picking of the late variety will
not begin until September 1. The
crop is late this year, the bops
ripening slowly. The picking of
fuggles begins generally In most
years about August 16. and of the
late variety around the first of
Good Big Crop
There is a heavy crop on the
vines, and one of excellent quality.
There is no vermin, and no honey
dew. There is an Increased acre
age this year over last year; 2000
to 3000 acres. The total Oregon
acreage is 17,000. This will mean.
In the estimation of Henry Cor
noyer, of Durbin & Cornoyer, a
100,000 bale crop; 200 pounds to
the bale; of which 8000 or more
bales will be fuggles. This means
a 20.000.000 pound crop. Figured
it 20 cents a pound average, this
means $4,000,000 for general dis
tribution here. Every one will get
some of- it the pickers and other
laborers assisting in harvesting
and drying and baling will get a
lot of it.
Many Pickers
The ideal is 40 pickers to each
10 acres. That would mean 68,000
pickers. There will not be ' that
many, but there will be more than
50,000 laborers In the hop fields
and drying kilns. The pickers In
the fuggles yards and the small
yards will move to the larger
yards as the harvest advances.
Oregon is the leading hop state
now. California is next, with per
haps 13,000 to 15,000 acres, and
Washington the oniy oiner nop
growing state, with 4000 to 5000
acres. Perhaps next year Oregon
will grow more than half the hops
produced in the United States.
Yards Irrigated Twice
F. E. Needham, of T. A. Lives
ley & Co., does not think Oregon
(Turn to page 2,- please)
GUAYEQUIL, Ecuador, Aug.
14. (AP) El Telegrafo tonight
. . m mm
says tnat it nas oeen mciaiiy
communicated to the press that
the Washington government has
recognized the government of Ec
The United States has consist
ently refused to recognise the de
facto government which came In
to being in Ecuador by a military
Icoup de'etat on July 9. 1925. The
Junta of the provisions. govern
ment, consisting "of a seven men.
was dissolved on April 1, 1926,
by the military board, which ap
pointed Dr. ' Isidor Ayora provi
sional president of the republic
with full powers to administer the
country. :
During this lapse from the con
stitutional provisions for govern
ment, Ecuador has had strained
relations with both Colombia and
Peru in disputes over boundaries.
Italians Stage
Quick Assault
With 2 Pistols
NEW YORK, Aug. 14. (AP)
Pumping, five shots from two
revolvers at a man sitting on the
steps of an East Side tenement
bouse tonight, a girl and a man
thought to be her father screamed
at the victim In Italian; whirled
and were lost in a panic-stricken
crowd. -
The wounded man, Saf erina
Pantellina was taken to a hospital
in a critical condition. The vic
tim, a married man with three
children,-, said he did not, know
why he had been attacked. De
tectives said , he had given
names of his assailants. '
Governor Leads . ,
Arkansas Race
For Reelection
' . LITTLE ROCKL Ark., Aug 14.
(AP), Governor Harvey. Par-
neli maintained a lead in his race
for the democratic, nomination to
succeed himself ..In returns . from
approximately one-seventh of the
precincts at 11 p; m. Three hun
dred and nlnteen oat of 2.029 pro
ducts gave Parnell 8,918; Brooks
Hays 5,587; J. Carroll Cone 3
2 9 9 ; Tom J. TerraL former ; gov
ernor 3,031. ;
In the - congressional - contests
returns were too meager to show
a definite trend. . V' - "
' Pictured here as she appeared when being questioned by the federal prosecutor is Maria Con
eepdkw Aceredo de la Llata, a nun, who confessed, authorities claim, that she suggested to Jose Toral
that the death of President-elect Obregon of Mexico would end the religious trouble in Mexico. She
claimed, however, authorities say, that she did not believe Toral intended to kill Obregon.
Hal. E. Hoss, who will succeed
secretary of state Kozer following
the secretary's resignation from
office sometime in September,
Tuesday denied that he intends to
discbarge all married women em
ployed in the state department
and replace them with single wo
men. A rumor that Mr. Hoss had.
made a list of all the married wo
men employees has been current
here for some time. He said he had
received letters urging him to
eliminate all female employees
whose husbands are making good
earnings, but that he had no in
clination to do so.
"Of course," he said, "I can't
forecast what is going to take
place in an office that I haven t
taken charge of yet."
Hoss has rented the Fred Drag-
er house on First street near
Washington and will take posses
sion September 1.
COLUMBUS. O., Aug. 15 (AP)
A rush of returns from yester
day's primary election which
shortly after 1 o'clock this morn
ing brought the total number of
precincts tabulated to 3368 out of
8745 in the state, increased the
lead of Myers V. Cooper. Cincin
nati, over Congressman James T.
Begg, Sandusky, for the republi
can nomination for governor to
more than 9400.
Cooper's total from these pre
cincts which comprise well over
one-third of those in the state was
79,889. Begg's vote was 70,484.
Attorney General Edward C.
Turner was running a poor third
with 34,510 rotes.
Returns from 13 widely scat
tered precincits showed Theodore
E. Burton, of Cleveland, holding
only a slight lead over Carrington
T. Marshall, chief justice of .the
Ohio supreme court, for the repub
lican short term senatorial nomin
ation. The Burton lead on the
basis of these figures was only 24
votes. Other candidates were
Senator Simeon D. Fees, Yellow
Springs, was unopposed for the re
publican nomination -for the long
term. itfwtat
In the democratic race for the
short term senatorial nomination,
Cyrus Lecher, Cleveland, present
tncumment, led Graham P. Hunt
o f Cincinnati, while Charles V.
Truax, state director of tgricnl-
Truax. state director of agrtcal-
gle far the long term nomination,
on the basis of the same returns.
George White of Marietta and
Washington and . .
Idaho Fire Gets;
Out of Control
LEWISTON, Idaho, Aug. 14.
(AP) The John Nagan creek for
est tire of 2000 aeres and the mid
dle creek blaze of 600 acres,
which were ' reported yesterday,
were merged today ty high winds
and spread to such an extent that
4800 acres ' weraovered with
flames. t '-.. - :,
The burning district Is on the
Welfas watershed in the Clearwa
ter national forest about 80 miles
east of Orofino.
. A fire line of three miles was
being held by 140 men. with 28
more men enroute to aid. Tonight
little $ merchantable - timber had
been burned,
lury Refuses to A
PreSS Charges
-"MEMPHIS, Tens.. Augr 1 4V-
tAP) -The Shelby county grand
jury today failed to indict in the
cases of Memphis policeman charg
ed by reporters for the .Memphis
commercial - appeal and Memphis
evening appeal with having man-
hanled them when, they appeared,
equipped with cameras at polling
places here during the primary of
August 2.x ".".'.
Circus Ticket
Brings Joy To
Business Boy
Lynn Martin, 14, is a hustler.
Lynn, who lives at 1850 North
Winter street, is alert. He knows
that "early bird" stuff backward.
No grass grows under Lynn's
feet. He doesn't miss anything.
So it was like Lynn to 6ee that
big advertisement in The New Ore
gon Statesman' yesterday morning
saying that any boy or girl could
get a free ticket to the big Sells
Floto Circus by obtaining a new
subscriber for The Statesman
Did he take advantage of that
chance? He stands ready to tell
the world he did and HOW!
Lynn had that New Subscriber
hooked, landed and in the creel
in less time than it takes to tell
it. Further, he was at The States
man office demanding bis ticket
by the time the Circulation Man
ager got on the job. Lynn ie like
that. .
. When he got his ticket and
learned that it was good not only
for the big show Itself but for all
the side-show thrillers and the
concert, his eyes bulged.
"Gee." he said. And again.
"Gee!" And he grinned the sort of
a happy Infectious grin that only
a boy like Lynn can wear.
-Lynn, who goes to the Junior
High, will be 14 in October. He
was born in Salem and lives with
his mtoher, Mrs. Etta Martin. He,
is a business man and carriea a
route for The New Statesman. In
three months he hasn't had a com
plaint on his route and since
August 1 he has aaaea zu new
subscribers to his list nearly two
a day.
"This circus ticket business Is
great." he said. "I don't see why
every kid in town don't get one.
It's a cinch! Everybody likes the
paper now. All a kid has to do is
to find somebody who don't sub
scribe and land them. It's just
as easy?" Just to show how easy it
is, Lynn went out and got an
other so he could take nis sister
to the circus.
General Allen
Will Command
Demo Veterans
NEW YORK, Aug. 14. (AP) j
Major General Henry T. Allen,
who commanded the army of oc
cupation after the World war. to
day accepted the presidency of the
democratic veterans organisation.
Colonel Monro Johnson of An
drews. S. C., was appointed vice
president: In charge of the south
ern district, which Includes South
Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama. Mississippi and
Louisiana; and Major William T.
Deegan of New York was appoint
ed vice president of the Atlantic
zone which Includes New York,
New Jersey, Delawsre, Pennsyl
vania, Maryland and West Vir
Grants Pass Tot ,
Falls From Car
Little Injured
GRANTS PASS, Ore., Aug. 14
(AP) Only minor bruises we're
sustained by an infant that
crawled over the side of an auto
mobile and fell to the highway to
day while Its mother was enjoying
a nap. The car had gone on a
mile and a half before the 1 -month-old
babe was missed. :
Another Series :
" Arrests Made
NEW" BEDFORD. Mass., "Aug.
pon a textile council picket line
at the Whitman mill gate tonight,
and arrested William E. O. Batty,
secretary of ' the Textile council
and 11 others who had. been told
to .move away from the gate.
Three - young ' women " refused to
move at first and the police
pushed ; them away. Police had
asked Batty to reduce his line to
ten men but this was -re fused, v -
TOLEDO. T.. Aug. 14. -(AP)
IVingnil ttir Maat rnaril riff I-
cers manning craft which patrol
Lake Erie lor rum runners cnase
the practice of firing upc-. trea
sure craft, was made by Congress
man W. W. Chalmers today in a
telegram to Commandant Bullaril
at Washington. D. C.
Similar protests will be made by
yacht clubs and other boating or
ganizations in the Toiedd district,
it was announced, as a result of
seven women and two men being
made targets for tracer . bullets
from a cruiser near Port Clinton
! last night. In the boats were Carl
ton Baumgardner, Lloyd Hixson.
Mrs. Baumgardner. Mrs. Hixson,
Mrs. Isaac Kinsey, Mrs. Webb
Hayes, Mrs. William Baker. Mrs.
Rufust Manning and Mrs. Penel
Hixson. all of Toledo.
The boat was cruising a short
distance off shore when coast
guard boat No. 2342 approached
them and fired across their bow.
Yesterday evening officials at
the Salem Y. M. C. A. announced
that tbey were expecting the ar
rival of Edwin A. Wolfe sometime
today. Mr. Wolfe is the new di
rector of boys' work.
Following his graduation last
June from the Springfield Y. M.
C. A. college. Mr. Wolfe and his
wife have driven over a large part
of the United States together, in
specting the plants and equipment
of leading associations. Several
large association buildings on the
eastern seaboard were visited this
Officials of hia college spoke of
Mr. Wolfe as an outstanding man
and the college annual publication
for last year indicates that he was
a leader at Springfield.- His ac
tivities were not cinfined to ath
letics, but included debate, ora
tory, music and drama. Mr. Wolfe
will take np his work the first of
Sudan's Police
Kill Tribesmen
HARTOTJM, Egyptian Sudan.
Aug. 14. (AP) Forty-eight
Gameir Nuer Tribesmen were kill,
ed when their attack on the police
post at Duk Faywil was repulsed. "7". ; .,, 7 ,
They were part of a band of aboutIor
x V v w uu iiiic uccu it-
lages in the Duk Fadiat. district
in the Southern Sudan not far
from the Abyssinian border.
Taken By Blaze
CORVALLIS, Ore., Aug. 14.
(AP) Fir today destroyed the
small sawmill of the Beaver com
pany, 15 miles from Corvallis. The
fire was reported - to have origin
ated in the planer room.'
Hoover Has Hard Time
. Getting Accustomed to "
Public's f CwrioMs Sifare
DEN . -Associated
Press . Staff Writer
Aug. 14. .(AP) Herbert Hoover
dislikes the spotlight. He is un-
I comfortable when pointed out and
stared at, and It Irks him, to be
the cynosure of a thousand eyes.;
To those who stand near-him
in erowds. it Is some times evi
dent that be is -uncomfortable
when the center of attention, and
must sometimes make an effort
to maintain bis serenity ofmait-!
ner. ::l- - . - ; - :- "
As he sat In the bow ofa ferry
beat crossing San Francisco Bay
recently,: with a bank of -faces
turning with his every move, and
the small. Irritating clicks of cam
Judge McMahan Declines
Plea to Keep Dunne.BiD
Off Official Ballot
Matter to be Carried Before
State Supreme Court,
Officials Assert
Declaring that he is without
thority to enjoin the secretary of
state from placing the so-called'
Dunne initiative measure to re
duce motor vehicle licenses ie
Oregon on the ballot for the No
vember election. Judge L. H. M.f
Mahan of the Marion county cir
cuit court yesterday announced
his decision refusing the plea of
those who sought to have a re
straining order issued "under
which the proposed Mil would be .
kept from going before the voter
of the state.
Judge McMahan declared that
if the courts were authority to
enjoin the secretary of state froaa
placing on the ballot an initiative
measure reducing by approximate
ly SO per cent the motor vehicle
I Irpn A fM In Hrtiinn ih.. . Kama
Hhe power to defeat every at-
Jfempt of the people to Initiate
"In this case." said the opin
ion, "the proposed bill is net at
tacked upon the theory that Hs
proponents have not complied
with the law governing its pres
entation to the secretary of state.
If It had been so attacked a
proper subject of inquiry would
be before this court.
Legality Vuestioued
"It was argued only that the
bill, if enacted into a law, would
be unconstitutional and that it
would, if allowed to proceed to a
vote, work a grav financial-injury
to the- people.
"With the first proposition I
can have nothing to do for the
sufficient reason that courts are
constituted for the sole purpoee
of construing law3 and there to
presented here no law for me to
construe. A sufficient answer to
the second proposition la that the
question is political , and. . not
to the courts.
"Our government la based a poo
the theory that it is a government
of law and not of men. How far
we have departed from the ideal
is well and forcefully Illustrated
by this attempt to get this court
to use its power to prevent, under
the circumstances of this case, the
people from legally aftendiag to
the affairs of government.
Precedent Costly
"Granting, for the sake of il
lustration, that all of the evils
(Turn to page S. please)
Portland Club
Member Takes
Tourney Honor
ASTORIA. Ore.. Aug. 14.
(AP) Mrs. B. E. Eva of Co1uqk;
bia club, Portland, won claea A
honors in the sweepstakes tourna
ment of the Oregon Women's Golf
association on the Astoria Golf
and county club course here, to
day, with a gross S3 and net 7$.
Mrs. A. C. Callan of Portiaed
club took second honors, after
playing an extra nine holes play
off of Ues with Mrs. E. A. Gear
hart, Astoria, and Mrs. J. A.
Dowlicg, Multnomah, with a net
80 for all three for IS holes.
Mrs. F. H. Vincll. Astoria, wee
class B honors with a net 74; Mrs.
W. H. Cravatt. Columbia club woe
class C with a gross 6. net (9.
Second price went to Mrs. Ken
neth -Poorman, Alderwood club.
Photo Radioed
From Airplane
(AP) An airplane fWinr
above Philadelphia tonight bread
cast a photograph of Colonel
Lindbergh which was received on
more than lOv special eeta
throughout the city with a fair
measure of success. It was aaid
to be the first time the feat
been accomplished.
eras -on all sides, a quick . little
jerk of his big body occasionally
would betray his annoyance or a ,
sidelong flash from his keen blue
eyes, his . impatience. . - - '
, Fishing Audience Irks .
It Is on fishing trips, perbaps,
that the Inescapable retinue of the
presidential candidate Is most lrk
sqme since fishing to him , is a
real, art and philosophy. .
..! I 1JR I I 111 a am LlAWa . .111. 1 a Mm .
weeks ago he stood one day In his .
huge rubber boots, thigh deep In
a favorite trout stream. A dram
atic moment -had: arrived, eentf
saered to any true fisherman .
when a trout in a deep pool was -watching
his bait. Almost, a strike
li. nliiti n trlruwti In lk
stream aad the brittle click of
. . (Tarn to page. 2, please)