The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, August li, 1928
Western 1
Writers Hear
Charles Roberts
A N Interesting and instructive
FA lector by Charles O. D.
Hooeru, noreilst and poet.
was one of the principal features
or, tne opening day's urogram at
the convention of the League of
western Writers which will close
this evening after a three-day ses
sion at tne Multnomah Hotel In
Mr. Roberts' stories have ap
peared In the Saturday Erenlng
Post. Red Book, Sribner's and At
lantic Monthly and Harper's. He
Has had sixty-six books published
In the forty-eight years since he
has been writing.
Mr. Roberts was one of the first
to write nature stories from the
standpoint of animal psychology, a
type that has virtually replaced
the old adventure etory in which
the animals were merely some
thing? to hnnt and kill Hia favor
ite subjects at present deal wit hi
The music section met yesterday
morning. The speakers were Ade
line Carola Appleton of Seattle and
Dr. D. N. Lehmer of San Fran
cisco. The non-fiction group met yes
terday afternoon with lectures
given by L. D. M alone, president
of the Oregon Writer's League and
Arthur Chamberlain, editor of the
Overland Monthly.
The evening's program included
three one-act plays, presented by
the Art Theater players. Inc.. in
the Little Theater of 'the Studio
The poet's group will be enter
tained with a breakfast from
eight to ten o'clock this morning.
The fiction section will meet
this afternoon. Speakers will be
Frank Richardson Pierce of Seat
tle; Ben Field of Los Angeles; L.
D. Malone of Portland: Emmy
Matt Rush of Hollywood; Vin
cent Jones of Los Angeles; Sheba
Hargreaves of Portland; and A. J.
Mokler of Casper. Wyoming. How
ard Perry of Portland will pre
side. A banquet at the Multnomah
hotel this evening will formally
close the convention which, ac
cording to those in attendance, has
been a meeting of unusual inter
est, attended by a brilliant gath
ering of nationally famous writers.
Salem people who are in Port
land for the convention include
Viola Price Franklin. Mrs. C. A.
Kells. Charles J. Lisle. Mrs. W. F.
Fargo, Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Paul
us, Robert Paulus, and Colonel
and Mrs. E. Hofer. Colonel Hof
er is president of the league and
has presided at practically all ses
sions. Epworth
League Group
Now in Session
rriHE 16th annual meeting of the
Falls City Epworth League
Institute opened Wednesday
evening at Falls City with Dr. J.
n Mr-normick of Salem giving an
lliusiraieu ictmic
" tv..,,. hundred delegates are
housed in the tents on the ground.
The young people meet each day
for classes conducted Dy a i-uhj
of tvrenty-five church leaders.
Rev. I. C. Andrews is editor of
the daily paper. Little Orphan
Annie, which made its first ap
pearance Thursday morning.
Athletic contests between the
Ealem and Portland districts began
Thursday afternoon. District
sport leaders have been chosen as
o.iom Hlatrict: Leader. Vinton
Sneedon. McMinnville; Jde;
John Chenewlth. McMinnville; yell
king. John Potwin. Albany: song
oueen. Grace Wbltcomb Forest
Grace; captains, baseball, girls.
Edith Johnson. , -
church: volleyball, girls . Mtes,
Chambers; boys. Russell JTaii'1
Newberg; Tennis. Hayes Beall.j
Salem Jason Le church; swlm-j
roing. Clyde Serger; horseshoes. ,
Frank McCune. McMinnville; cro
quet. Lyle MIxner, bean bags, Carl
Marcy. Forest Grove.
Poland district: leader
Blanche Luce, Mount Tabor
church; Judge. Henry Jee";
Helens; yell king. Harry Carson
centenary-Wilbur: song queen.Bes
. 1' ' .ir rn.inn Kelly: cap-
tains baseball, girls. Belle Hamn-
t a t vvi
tonfSt.-Helens; dots. "V
son. Rose M1-' r"
mlng.Ruth Stelmle.
Wilbur; Jiorsesboes, Y,to?
St. Helens; eroqnet. Jim Perry, su
Helens; Bean bags, ; Waalay regg.
Centenary-Wilbur,. Portland.
Will Spend Month
At Newport Beach
Mrs. Mark D. McCalUetei - and
her three children. Doris, Allen,
.-ri Mariorle: and Mrs. Lester
n .. r.r children, Jun
lor and Nellie Jane, are leaving
this morning for Newport where
Mrs. Pearmlne ana tne cnuarc
will spend the remainder of the
Un McCalllster plans to
return to Salem the middle of
the week.
Guest in Portland
Of Alice Weister
Mr. v a. Franklin has been
the guest ot Mrs, AMce Weister In
Portland? for the" past . two days
mi attending the convention of
the League of Western Writer.
which will close this evening aiier
an Interesting three-day session at
.the Multnomah hotel. ,
Mrs. Weister ia director -f the
Northwest Poetry society and la
chairman of the ' committee - in
charge of the poefa breakfast
which win uke place front eight
to ten o'clock this morning at the
Multnomah hotel as a feature of
the Writers' convention. -
s Interests in the
" Today
.Oregon League of Western "-
Writers. Multnomah Hotel,
Portland. Final day of con- f
ventlon. Banquet, ' :!
Annual state picnic, for-
met residents of North and
South Dakota. Corvallis city 4
auto park. Dinner served
12:30 o'clock.
Art section. Salem Arts 1
" League. Dr. Mary C. Row-
land. Court street, hostess,
7:30 o'clock.
Taeaday ;
Business Girls' Class, First
Methodist church. Picnic din-
ner. Miss Josephine Shade.
Mission and High streets,
hostess. j
Needlecraft club. MrsF.
G. SWarns. 180 S. 19 street.. j
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Salem Club
Enjoys PlCTlic
At Hager's Grove
A DELIGHTFUL picnic meet
f ing of the Salem O. A. C. dub
was Htsiu it ui sua cicuui
Hager's Grove with forty-five
members in attendance. f
Swimming, baseball and various
other outdoor sports were enjoyf
ed In the early evening, preceding
the picnic dinner. Later a group
gathered around a large bonfire
and music and conversation were
the diversiono.
The committee in charge of the
evening included Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Eliswortn
Ricketts, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-j
ward Underwood.
There will be no meeting of the
club In September. The first
group meetings will be held in
October and the next joint gather
ins will take place sometime in
the Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Clifford Elgin and her
small son, James, are spending
several days with friends in Port
land. Henry C Tillmans
Visit Friends Here
Professor and Mrs. Henry Ci
Tillmar. their daughter, Made
line, and son. Henry, of han Jose.
California, are guests this weekJ
of Professor and Mrs. E. S. Ham
mond, i
Professor Tillman was at one
time a member of the faculty of
Willamette university and also
city ngineer'of Salem. He is now
a member of the faculty of the
San Jose high school.
The Tillmans are enroute to
Olympia, Washington, where they
will visit relatives for several
Wards and Guests
Leave for Rainier
Rev. and Mrs. Charles E. Ward!
have as their house guests. Mr(
and Mrs. D. C. Russell" of Ashtat
bula, Ohio. Mr. Russell is claim
agent for the New York Central
railroad for the Cleveland-Buffalo
district. x
Rev. and Mrs. Ward and their
children and Mr. and Mrs. Rus
icll are leaving this morning on a
camping trip around the Mt. Hood
loop and north to Rainier Na
tional park.
Mrs. John Rottle
Visiting in South
Mrs. John J. Rottle left Thurs
day for San Francisco and Oak
land, California, where she wil
spend ten days before continuing
south to Los Angeles where she
will visit friends for several
weeks. Mrs. Rottle plans to visit
n Santa Monica and Hollywood
and to motor east to Phoenix, Aril
zona, before returning In Salem
Rachel Elleh DeYo
To be Married Soon
Cards have been received by
Salem friends to the wedding of
Miss Rachel Ellen DeYo. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. - F. H. DeYo o
Portland, and Francis John Med
ier of Wasco, which will ; take
nlace Friday evening. August 3 1.
at - the Woodlawn jaewoaw
church in Portland. A? reception
win follow the aervica. .-
r Miss DeYo -graduated fronTWIl
lamette . nnivvtlty twa-year ago
and since that time has taught In
the high: school at Waaco. s
Mrs. Craven Returns
To Home in Portland f
After spending several weeks
w'1" vf E Craven andl
Salem. Mrs. Everett Craven and j
la amell arf n mr H e4 HAIalTl na IH
1A9& 1AAB A Ua5 a,. t V--w mm
returned to their home In Port
land, i
Mr. and Mrs. Craven left yes
terday morning for Seabeck.
Washington, where Mr. Craven
will attend the T. M. C. A. con
ference which will be In session
there for the next two weeks.
Mrs. Stearns Will
Entertain Her Club
Mrs. F. O. Stearna will enter
tain members of the Needlecraft
club Tuesday afternoon. Angnst
14, in her home at ISO South
Nineteenth street.
Attending Summer
Camp at MtHood 5 !
Miss Ann Reed Burns, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Burns,
Is attending the Portland Camp
fire girls' summer camp. Namanu,
at Bull Ran near Mount Hood.
rv . . : ' !
Mr. and Mrav V. E.. Knhn have
spent the past ; week ; at Breitenr
bush Springs. i
...... , -
Meeting of
Endeavor Union
THE ANNUAL summer confer
ence of the Oregon Christian
i Endeavor Union win be held
at Turner August 27 to Septem
ber 3. .
The mornings will be devoted to
wrk "d V"6""
be spent with outdoor recreation.
Addresses and bonfire . meetings
will be features of the evnlngs.
The leaders of the conference
will be Alvin J. Shartle of Boston,
Massachusetts, field man for the
International society of Christian
Endeavor: and Rev. Paul C.
Brown of Los .Angeles, Pacific
coast representative of the inter
national organization. Both young
men are experienced conference
Dr. Norman Kendall Tully, pas
or of the First Presbyterian
church of Salem, will give a bible
study talk each morning: Rev.
Walter L. Myers of Eugene will
be dean of the conference and will
teach a class in vocations.
Rev. Ross Guiley of Eugene will
conduct the music classes, lead.
the singing and act as recreation-
Lai director.
Sixty young people nave maae
reservations for the conference.
The delegates will come from
Springfield. Baker. Eugene, Glide,
Sutherlin, Rainier. Oakland. Mc-
Minnville. Sweet Home, Albany,
Salem. Bend. Gaston and Portland.
The committee in charge or tne
conference Includes: Miss Elcy
Walker of Forest Grove; Miss
Viola Ozden of Portland; ' Kev.
Walter L. Myers of Eugene; James
Uoberg of Astoria; and Miss
Bothmanof. Corvallis.
House Guest Here
From- Los Angeles
Mrs. H. N. Bell of Los Angeles.
California, is the guest of Mr. and
vr. W. C. Keck. Mrs. Bell Is
n route to Aurora. Nebraska,
where she formerly made her
Guests in Newport
Of Mrs. L. Griffith
Mrs. Roy Mills and her chll-
Iren Roberta. Ha and Charles.
ire the guests of Mrs. Mills' sis-
ler. Mrs. Lewis Griffith, at New
tort for a week.
Vorman K. Tullys
Will Return Today .
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Kendall
Tully. and their daughters, Nor--na
and Rosma, will return today
o their home in Salem after
.pending a week at Newport as
.he guests of Dr.. and Mrs. Angus
McLeod of Corvallis.
' ...
Return From Motor
Trip to California
Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Savage and
their daughter. Miss Eugenia Sav-
ige. have returned from a motor
rip through southern Oregon and
lorthern California. Mr. and Mrs.
Savage and their daughter mo
tored south over the Redwood
highway to Crescent City.
. . . -
harden Luncheon
At H. Smith Home
Mrs. Homer H. Smith and Mrs.
Margaret LeFurgy entertained
Thursday afternoon with a de-
ightful 1 o'clock luncheon In the
gardens ot the Smith home on
North Summer street.
Bridge was the diversion fol
lowing . the luncheon.
IVirs. Snedecor at
Washington Park
Mrs. Frank Snedecor is spend
Ins t rto vmV with Mr anil Hfra
ITt. QnoHnr PnHl. .,'
" , . r. .7 , '
Rainier National park.
" 1
Aug 'l: (APIThe . Rev. John
Roach Straton has made pnb
lie a letter to Governor Air red E.
Smith In which he formally ac
cepted - the governor's challenge
that he repeat in Smith's presence
aad offer, proof of hi ' assertion
la a sermon last Sunday that the
governor as a public man is "the
deadliest toe in America today of
tB force of moral progress and
MMtl4!fli wisdom."
a v
But Doctor Stratton's letter
urged that ; the governor appear
with him not tn Calvarr Rantlat
chareh. of which he Is pastor. butErJ? T, SZ,r-rTh
In Madison 8quare Garden. He
suggested that S.O00 tickets be
distributed among the Calvary
congregation and the parlshoners
of St. Patrick's cathedray. and the
rest ; of the tickets be " divided
among the republican and demo
cratic national committees for dis
tribution. Doctor Straton objected to the;
use of his church because he be
lieved It will not accommodate 'the
crowd that wtll be attracted, t He
Indicated, however, that he would
appear there or anywhere else the
governor preferred - i
The ' letter : rejected ' - Governor
Smith's offer to answer any ques
tions Straton might ask him, and
suggested . instead that . the cus
tomary doles governorlng Joint
debate - prevail. , Doctor Straton
named Charges - R. Towson. of
White Plains, as his represenU
tlve and suggested that Governor
Smith ' name a second and that
these two. make a third man to
agree on the terms "of their meet-
Social Realm;
.By Rosen
-"fplrit" will V U Mhitt ef tk
urn Mtaoi la th. First Chares (
Ckrist. SelaatUt W Itlta wktem it s
btaach e( taa M.thM' Chmrek, Tie lirst
Ofcuttk f OkrUt. Selracat. ta Btn
Miil Biimi an h.M m Bandar mrm-
Img at It .'clock. Ta. 8ma4my rrnlag
MrrieM ar. dlaeaatian anriag Jaly aa4
A wraat. WacaMday .T.aina metis ri
ara a14 at S ck aad lachad ttt
UU t kcaliaa UMiitMN aaa r-
airki .a Ckriatiaa 8cine. Tk. rii iiB
room im auiataia at 400 Huwlt Tm-
pi. hnt tk. Bibl ana all aathoris.4
Ckriatiaa Keienc. litcratar mar . raad,
porehaa4 er borrowed. All ara eodiall;
invited to attend tk. aerieee aad t. vttlt
ta. reading room.
Ob. block aonth of Cater .a 19th
St. L. D. Smith, paator. Phone 2040.
Sanday Sehoe4 9:45 a.m. Mr. Frank Li t
willer. enpt. la eh area. Harning worahip
at 11. Rer. Grace Pawleit, ot Portland,
will preach and ting the roipel tkia 8na
day at both moraing and evening terricea.
Mre. Fewlei ! a Terr rood oreaeher aad
one of the beat aiaeera amone- our folks.
on. ia care le img tn. glorr down. lo
not aaUa.thia great .treat. T.aag peoples
meeting at 7 la the evening. Mile The
Sampaoa. president. Ifra. CWda Hoffar
leader. Mrs. Grace Fewlete will aleo ting
for the young peoples' meeting. Evening
e-raRgeJisuc services , at 8. Mrs. few loss
will preach and sing et this aervica. Pray- i
er meeting at 8 Wednesday evening,!
Mrs. Elisabeth Baztor, will lead the tneet-
Center and High Sta. Phone 294. D.
J. Hoe, minister. On vacation. AssisUnt
u. viara- Ayflelott. 2478 E. Sob Hill,
fterviees for lord's Day, August 12: :S0
oraers uevetiona. 9:45 Bible school.
w- M. McMorria. servinr aa aunt, flnr
Bible aehopl it .a the inereaae help keep
it growing, it, morning worship. Com
munion. Elders aad deavona In charge.
Special music. Sermon "The Por Con
tact," by assistant pastor. Tonne? peoples'
meeting at 8:00 p.m. to aiag to ahatint.
p.m., unristian Endeavor. Thru aru-i.
etiea: Juniors. Intermediate aad Seniors.
a. Evangelistic services. Song service.
Clark Aydelott a charge. Special music.
sermon: "J'ne Valne of Dolus- Thin. "
assistant pastor. Week day meetings:
Tuesday evening at 8. yonng peoples' ao
rtal ana business meeting. Wednesday eve
ning at 8, prayer meeting. Thursday eve
ning at 7:30. choir practice. We are look
ing forward to a sermon ia song for next
Lord's day, August IS. Yon are welcome
to all services at the exarch.
Fred C. Taylor, pastor. Mist M. X.
Sutherland, director of religious ednea
tion. Preaching services .a Sunday,
11 a. m., and S p. m. Sermon by the
paator in the morning on "God Never
Falls." Evening aermoa on "Has the
Ooepel Lost its Power!" This will be
aa account of Brother Tom't Midnight
Mission in Los Angelea, which waa visit
ed by the paator recently. Sunday
school will meet at 10:45 a. m. on Sua
day. There will be no yonng people's
servic. in the evening on account of the
Epworth league Institute In Falls City.
Bishop Titus Lots, D. D.. will preach
at Falls City on Sunday afternoon. The
Epworth league will hold an evangelistic
ervice ia the church on Thursday, Au
rust IS at 8 p. m., at which time the
Students League of Many Nations from
the Bible Training school will give a
program. Mrs. Maude M. Aldrich will
speak in the church on 8unday evening,
August 19. This will be the address re-,
cently delivered at the WCTU conven
tion in Salem.
The large grey atone rhnreh on the
corner North Winter and Jefferson
streets cool and well ventilated for
summer services. This church gladly in
vites the public to all of its services on
the coming Lord's day. At 11 a. m,
poblle worship, the pastor in charge; 8
p. m., the "Cotton Blossom Singers." a
group of negro young ladle, will present
a musical prorram. Other services of
the day are: 9:45 a. m. church school
with six separate departments function
ing; 7 p. m., Young People's Epworth
league rally. The "Cqtton Blossom
Singers" will be present and will both
speak and sing. Young people of the
community invited. In all of these serv
ices you will enloy the friendly worship
ful spirit. and the fine associations. Bring
your friends with you.
Church St.' between Chemeketa and
Center, known, as the old Presbyterian
church. The Rev. P. W. Eriekson. pastor.
Can men know their day of visitation!
The qneUion will be "discussed by the
Rev. Eriekson in his wwrning sermon at
10:45. The Sunday Bible school at 9:30
with the graded classes for all. The Pri
mary department in charge of Mrs. (J.
M. Byrd. and the Adult Bible depart
ment In charge of R. C. Arplsa. The choir
ia charge of Mr. K. O. Questeth will meet
for rehearsal Saturday evening in .the
church auditorium at 7:80.
At 855 Ferry St. Sunday School at
9:45; Walter W. Wellsr. supt. Morning
worship bet-ins at 11 e'rloek. Subject ot
the moraine message: "Seven Character
istic a of the Early Church." Evenief ser
vice at 8:00. Subiect: "Almost Pertuad-
- led." Taa termoaetta will he riven by
I Mist Elverta Minton. Prayer meeting on
Tueaday evening. Bible atndy and prayer
-'Jon Friday evening. T. P. A. devotional
'-eetlng on Saturday evening. A cordial
a iritatioB it extended to everyone to at
tend these services. J. O. Minton, paator.
270 N. 18th St. Phone 2S89J.
Kerrla 3. Reasooer, minister, 144 8.
18th St. We are happy ta announce that
we have heard from the mlssioaariee we
were expecting last Lord's Day. aad that
we eaa maw make definite aaaaaaeetaeat
that Kenneth C Headrieke, wife aad chil
dren will ae with at aext Lard'a Day
evening aad we shall leera of the saiaatoa
work In Jape a- A large hearing la (ally
Justified, aad we cordially Invite all
friends who - ara - lntereeted - ia the seia
ateaery enterpv lee to worship with at at
thle Usee. S o'elock. Morning warship at
1). Subiect: "Ephataa." Bible eehool at
:4a. Lot at begin promptly on time. A
welcome awaltt yan.
cwyimnrTA sr. zvahoei-cax
Address. Corner Chexoekete aad X. 17
Sta. Paator O. E. Eraklao. S8 Ko. 17th
St.. Phone J008W. gwr-tee 11 a-n. and
8 p.m. Sermon topics: Morning, the pat
tor will preach upea "Tree Worship,
tte Rarity." Ia the evanlng at the preoeh
ag kowr Mr. U L. Thornton af tha Flret
Evangelical Chare h. will tell ef tarn af
tha things which ha heard aad taw, and
tha lmpreesloa upon himself, while dele-
worth hearing. Doa't miss It. Suaday
8ehool 10 a-sa. Bnpe.. O. K. Steaatbaarh.
Christian Eadeaver T p.m. Loader, Earle
Rigga, Mid-week prayer meeting Thurs
day evening at 8 o'clock. Leader. T. Km.
Comer Has el aad Aeadasey Sts. Sua
day School at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a.
m. Rev. B. Iveas will preach la tha aaora
ing aa- BrevC D. Saucy la tha evening.
Mid-week prayer aad praise service aa
Tharaday sight at S o'clock.
John J. Rottle
." ...... . L,: . ...... . n- i:i
. .. 41S Stat fit.
Expert Shoe Fitter
Korta Wiater aad Cheateketa atreets.
Rev. V. f Tally, D. D paator. Sab
bath ackML :S0 a. as- with depart
aMnU far all a gee, fellewed by pabbc
worship at II a. am. 8eraa.a. "Caria-
tlaaity , See let y," third ta answer to
ta Question "What ia Christianity t"
Tonag pcopl.'t eoci etiea :S0 p. m. Ive
ning worahip T:S0 e' clock. Sermon,
"Th. Table Talk of Jeaaa." Meeting
far praise, prayer, aad study Thursday
7:80 p. am. Subject. "Jehaa th. Pro
phet of CaUolicity."
Corner Marion aad Liberty Sta. Rob
ert L. Payne, minister. Fred Broer Sun
day School Supt. aad direct, .f music.
Carl Lemk orgaaist. Sunday school 9 :45
with claasee for every body. Morning
preaching service 11 o clock. Sermon top
'The Greatest Psalm." Five .minute
object sermon tor children. Two yonng
people, meetings 7 o'clock. Evening
preaching service 8 o'clock. Sermon topic
"God's Justice." Special music at both
services. Prayer meeting Thursday eve
aiag at 8
Cor. 8. Commercial and Washington
Sta. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. Mar
guerite P. Elliott, supt. 11 morning wor
ship. Sermon: "God's Complete Provi
sion." Thursday, 8 p.m. prayer meeting
and Bible study. Ton are invited to all
these services. The Church of the Friend
ly welcome. Chat. C. Haworth, pastor.
1655 S. Liberty.
Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Mr. Ray
mond Rimbach of Portland will fill the
pulpit. Mr. Rimbach is studying theology
at Concordia College, St. Louis, Mo. the
largest purely theological school in Amer-
i. B..-.i . v..ii .mnnnnn
hat been erected to bouse the hundreds
of students
f, V I7th N.b. Ava. Pastor. W.P
N. Blodgett. 1743 Neb. Ave. Phone 2S22J.
Services 11 a.m.; 8 p.m. Sermon topic,
a.m.: "A Question." pm.; Evangelistic
Cora Hendry will ting. Sunday school at
10. Supt. A. E. Bradfield. Young peoples
meeting at 7 p.m. Bertha Van Cleave
preeident. Junior C. E. at 7. Mrs Work
ing, supt His Jewels', at 7. waxme run.
supt. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at
8 o'clock. Ladies Aid Wednesday.
Number 420 State St., upstairs over
th. "Man's Shop." Pastor Ralph D. Bul
lock, 480 S. Cottage St. Phone 93 8M.
Berviees at 9 :S0 and 8 p.m. Sunday Sch.
3 :80 p.m. Week-day meetings Wednes
day, Tharaday and Saturday nighta at 8
o'clock. All are invited to these soul
saying and edifying services where the
whole word of God it proclaimed without
fear, favor or compromise, "with the Holy
Ghost tent down from Heaven.
Center and 13th gts. E. J. Ascben
brenner, pastor, 774 N. Winter St. Phone
680-M. This church extends a hearty, wel
come to the pnblie of Salem. Com. and
worship the Lord with ns. Our Sunday
School, employing both the German and
the English languages, opens at 10 a.m.
8upt. Mr. Martin Sehrelber. Worship at
11 a.m. Sermon in German by the pastor.
At 8:00 p.m. Mr. Martin Scheiber, re
cently returned delegate to the last Gen
eral Conference will report in English
about the conference. The mid-week pray
er meeting will be held on Wednesday
evening at 7 :45 in the parsonage.
Twelfth and Mission. A. 8. Hender
son, pastor, 1155 Mission, phone 1908-W.
Services: S. S. 10 a. m.; 7 p. m.; 11 a.
m. ; 8 p. m. Special services: Kev. Wal
ter Reynolds, district superintendent.
former pastor at Salem, will preach both
morning and evening Sunday school. 10
m.: Mrs. Alice M. Henderson. Supt.
Young people's meeting. 7 p. m. Week
day services: Wednesday evening, pray
er service. Other events: Saturday, the
11th, at the Salem fairgrounds will be
the annual picnic for the First V. B. Sun
day school. Come and enjoy the day.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH (Episcopal)
Church street at Chemeketa. Rev. H
Duncan Chambers, rector. Holy Euchar
iat at 7:30 a. m. in the chapel. Church
school at 9:45 a. m. In the parish house
Morning prayer with sermon at 11 a. m.
in the church.
State and 18th. Rev. A. I.. Heine, pas
tor. German service at 9:45 a. m. :
English at 11 a. m. ; Sunday school
9:40, Miss Martha Batterman, Supt.
West Salem. K. L. Cannell, pastor,
975 Edgewater street, phone 1341-K.
Sunday school. 9:45; D. C Sebern, Supt.
Preaching service at 11 a. m. Sermon
by Rev. H. C. Leavenworth of Salem.
Epworth league 7. Preaching at 8; ser
mon by the pastor.
"Theme shades are
fashion aids'
The newest colors to ar
rive are : Charme, shell
v harmony, ; lotus,;" moon-;
beam, sajjreeice.TIie riew
pointed heel' Theme.-line
sflk ".chiffon Ji.95; pair.
H osier y
Woman's World Reviewed i
Corner at Center aad UWty streets.
A. P. Laytea. patter. Sunday school at
4S- L L .Thereto a. Hupt. Jtr. -raera-
m waa a delegate U th. World Suaday
eeho.1 eoaveatioa. aad will take a few
minutes every morning to tell th. eehool
ahoat the eoaveatioa. Worship at 11
o'clock. Subject. "Th. Place ef the
Holy Spirit In Church Work." Chris
tian Endeavor at 7 o'clock. Tople,
"True aad Fait. Standards ef Sueceee."
Warship at 8 .'clock. Subject, "Oar
Roepoaaibility to the Caaaved." Are we
meeting this responsibility! Prayer
meeting .a 1 Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. Remember: Tn. .levator maa
hat a goad many apt aad downs ia lite,
bat ha keeps going.
Fifteenth aad Mill atreeta. Patrik N.
Dahlia, paator. 89S 8. 15th St. Services:
11 a. as. Bormoa topi. "Fellowship."
11 a. m. Sunday school: 9:45 a. as.:
Mist Esther Eriekson, Supt. Toong peo
ple't meetinft: There .will be a. Ep
worth league owing to absence ef to
many members who are at th. coast.
Week-day services: Misa Andrea Ipeen
will entertain the Ladies Aid at her home
145 X. 17th i street on August 14. Other
events: The i Foreign Missionary society
will meet at the church Monday eve
ning. August 18, Miss Thea Sampson, the
president, will entertain. Story hour.
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Csual Snndajr services will be held in
the Grand Opera House corner of Court
!snd High streets: Suialay school at 9:45
a. m.. Earl Gregg, Sept., classes for all
ages. Preaching services at 11 a. m.,
and 8 p. m.l B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m.
Sunday evening. Mid-week prayer and
song service on Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. All are cordially Invited to
worship with: ua A these meetings.
At the Salem Woman's clubhouse, 460
X. Cottage street. G. W. Rutsch, min
ister; G. Sehunke, Ass't. minister. Sun
day school, 9:45 a. m Dan Schirman,
T- "erTJ." .J1 top.c Christ a
Spiritual Fire. Women s Missionary
"l ?,:8. P " . .
Rutsch, president. Evening service at 8.
Topic. "A Peculiar Place of Sacrifice."
Rfylar mid "week PrJ" meeting at 8
- - murseay
Thirteenth ; anc Ferrv streets Rv
Stephen Robertson, pastor, 1458 Cheme
iteta street. . Sunday services: Fellow
.Li- a n t .
nip ins i raise service, lO:SO a. m. ;
prsacnmg. a p. m. : evangelist ie sermon.
h p. m.; Sunday school. 1:45 p. m.l
Week-night services: Preaching and pray-1
er service. Tuesday and Thursdsy, 8 p.
m; Young people's meeting, Saturday
evening, 8 p. m.
S. 19th and Ferry atreeta. II . C.
Stover, minister. Donald J. Allison, or
ganist. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; C. C.
Harris, Supt. Morning service at 11.
Sermon. "The Protecting God." Mrs.
David Talraadge and Mr. Stover will sing
"Love Divine All Love Excelling"
(Stainer). No evening service.
Liberty street at Center. Rev. C. E.
Ward, minister. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Rev. W. C. Kantner who i tup
plying the pulpit daring August will
preach at 11 a. m. Sermon subject
Ood and the Dew." ISo evening serv
ice. A hearty welcome to the Sunday
school and church service.
Meet every Sunday, for Bible study.
Meetings are being held at 1160 Broad
way. Hours 2:30 to 5 p. m. Funeral
services in Salem and vicinity conducted
free of charge. Phone 2726.
Address, 843 Vs Court St. I'astor C. 8.
Johnson, 540 Leslie. Services 3 and 8
p.m. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Week-day
services Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Cloeet Conveniences
There are all sorts of inexpen
sive pasteboard cupboards on the
market now for shoes, stockings,
hats and lingerie, that come in
pretty colors and a variety of
sizes. Any closet can be made far
more convenient by the use of one
or two.
f-tiJSilLS51 l&ii&Y' -aaaaaannannaaBa? $j j i jlLV J
m0-b Vacation Time
I J jf I able coat it jroa Mtrch oat wtnt 1'
yli Ai? I Summer hocnet ancl tirialal-ingf, I
P a IiHr Vv I camping equipment and boats of 1?
'ifeVVn I descrip6oimhmmghmm Vi
h I Wbtlter jou wish to buy or ell, fK,?'
l WfiJK. I well-woixlecl Want Ad . wiH aat- IrT' V
jff0UlWr7A' I rion at a negligible coat ia received -
mfflh Jf ThoNewbregon 1 fi
zwmM 1 . y
li .. . a.. .- : . . ymmmrJf'J s-
Certificates for a number of
Marlon county tjoys' and girls'
clubs that completed their pro
Jects of the past school year were
received yesterday at the office ot
the county school superintendent.
The new certificate holders are:
Hatel Green home cookery club,
led by Mis Georgia 1 bee. route
three. Salem; Woodburn cookery
club, of wbich Miss Clare Cam
peau is leader; Mt. Angel cookery
club. Mrs. V. J. White, leader;
Rickey home cookery club, led by
Mrs. Ida B. Crabb, Salem route
five; Bethel Sewing club, of which
Mrs. Carmalite Weddle, Salem, is
leader; Sublimity Sunbeam cook
ery club, with Sister Iiry Lucy
as advisor; Sublimity cooking
club which Miss Mary Wilson di
rected; Gervais rabbit club, Sister
Mary Margaret, leader.
Alaska Dog Helps
Army Radio Expert
Speed Call for Aid
NOME. Alaska. Aug. 10.
(Special One of the most dis
tant settlements in he Arctic is
the tiny hamlet of Little Squaw,
78 miles north of the Arctic cir
cle and 500 miles from Fairbanks,
the nearest town of any sixe in
Alaska. Normally, It takes a let
ter two months to reach the
News dispatches recently told a
story of the heroic service of s
dog which carried a request for
help into Little Squaw from two
men who had become Injured out
on the trail. The message was re
layed by Corporal Evald Hanson,
U. S. Army Signal corps radio op
erator at Little Squaw, to Fair
banks, with the request for an air
plane to convey the Injured men
to medical assistance.
In October, 1926, Corporal Han
son started freighting Into Little
Squaw the equipment for an army
radio station by dog sled. After
heart-breaking labor the Isolated
station finally was opened and this
far off community became articu
late. When the emergency arrived
it was met by Corporal Hanson
and the army.
Portland Lad Killed
In Plunge to Bottom
Of Elevator's Shaft
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 10.
(AP) John Michael Weiss. 3-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Weiss of Tigard, plunged down
four stories of an elevator shaft
to his death yesterday before the
horrified gaze of his mother.
Better luck attended Darrell
Thomas, 6. who fell from a raft
in a water filled depression and
was rescued after he had been
seven minutes beneath the sur
face. A fire bureau squad wagon
crew applied artificial resplratioi
and tonight the boy is in a hos
pital with excellent chances Of
Mrs. Nellie Taylot
Ross Takes Charge
of Women's Campaign
NEW YORK. Aug. 10. (API
Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, former
governor of Wyoming, as a vice
chairman of the Democratic Na
charge ot the campaign to be
waged among the nation's women
for the election of Governor Al
fred E. Smith, democratic presi
dential nominee.
She conferred with John J.
Raskob. chairman of the national
committee; with Mrs. Franklin
D. Roosevelt, a leader of this
state's democratic women, and
with other party officials.
"The women of the west may
be counted upon," she said. "They
know Smith's practicability and
they understand his attitude to
ward the prohibition laws.
''But I am convinced that pro
hibition Is not an Issue in this
campaign and that it will not be
an issue. . I never was so san
guine about a political situation."
Boys Stop In Salem
Enroute to Lebanon
Fifty boys from the Big Broth
er Farm, near Lebanon, passed
fart of yesterday in Salem Inspec
ting the governor's office and oth
er state departments. They were
invited by Governor Patterson.
The boys were accompanied here
by Chester Lyons, owner of the
and dealers"
gave the price per gallon, hp w
much surface a gallon would
cover, how long the paint
would last I The results are
in a cost chart at this store I
a quality paint that pro
tects your property against
decay and depreciation !
The cost chart shows that
quality paint will save you
$210.24 every five years.
See it at this store I
labriel Powder& Supply Co.
Corner Capitol and Union
Telephones 3248-728
A.-'aT AT W mw MM MM MM ' -AaaW -MW JlBfaaw-
sBBasaaBP tammanwaysK ssbbb aasvv--jr I fl.i