Earl C. Brownlee Sheldon F. Sackett Publishers Salem. Oregon TUESDAY AUG. 7. 1928 ' Editorial' aftore For a Tariff .on Bananas . REFERENCE was made in these columns a few days ago to a resolution of the Salem Grange in favor of a protective tariff duty on bananas - : C , K . And as this matter is haying much atten tion in Florida, where some bananas are grown, and in California and other Jriiit growing states, it is worth while for the peo ple of Oregon to get a full understanding of it. -; Last year, 140,000 car. loads of bananas were imported into the United States, from Mexico. Central and South America and the West Indies, and G. H. Hecke, director of the state department of agriculture of Califor nia, has just issued an official bulletin in which he says: "Here we find a foreign industry support ed by American capital exploiting the cheap native labor of the tropics and on low priced lands, producing a fruit that comes into bear ing in a short period and requires little care thereafter, with almost unlimited production areas under control, offering active competi tion with the highly specialized, essential products of our soil grown under exactly op posite conditions." , Mr. Hecke goes on to say: "When one with some knowledge of dietetics rs confront ed with the figures showing-the quantity of tropical fruit imported into the United States, his imagination or curiosity nay lead him to figure just how much home produced . , fruit must rot on the ground because of . this unfair competition.' . - " - Mr. Hecke further, says: "Such a person knows that there is a limit to the consuming abilitv of even a prosperous American. He will eat only so much fruit, just as his capac ity for bread and meat has a maximum limit ; and, furthermore, the people as a whole are ,, more inclined to follow modern dietary ad . vice which dictates not more food, but rath er the avoidance of overeating." Mr. Hecke goes on to say that the 140,000 carloads of bananas imported last year "closly approach the' total carload shipments of California citrus and deciduous fruits, in eluding grapes, during the same period." He adds that, "so long as this country is an ad herent to the policy of protection, our own fruits should have the same degree of pro tection which other essential industries pos sess. Certainly, the banana is one' of the principal competitors of American, grown fruit, not only in California, but elsewhere m this country. As Calif ornians are not backward in fol lowing up their just demands, it is obvious that this matter will be heard from insist ently from. now on. . The same facts apply to the sugar indus try; the great bulk of our imports of sugar coming from Cuba, where "we find a foreign industry supported, by American capital ex ploiting the cheap native labor of the tropics and on low priced lands," etc. Without that competition, and with an adequate protective tariff rate, this country would quickly become self contained in sugar, instead of producing only 16 to 20 per cent in "continental United States of our whole an nual consumption. - - It is a pity the beet sugar producers of this country do not have the powerful back ing of, the California fruit growing industries.! What About the Old Reform School? rpHERE is a proposition to turn the farm ing and gardening land of the old state reform school over to the state hospital (asylum) and the state tuberculosis hospi tal ; to have the use of it rent free . And to leave the buildings with a care taker. Since the removal of the state, training school for boys to near Woodburn,. where nearly all the boys are kept, together with the teachers and the main office, only about 10 large boys have been left at the old school, with a matron and a farmer and his wife. The land connected with the old reform school is a tract of 504 acres, of which 300 ,are under cultivation. At Woodburn there are only 200 acres of cleared land and 73 acres of timber. At the old school there is a fine, large main f building and additions and a big building for shops and water tower, a cottage, and good barns, etc. ... -r.-y ' .- - ..- . . - The equipment is expensive. The site is beautiful, and a large part of the land is good, mere is a fine orchard. The plant is a better one in some respects than the new r one near Woodburn. It Is certainly more , signuy. ine water supply is better. There are other sightly places on the 504 acres for And the question is what Is to be done with this plant; "all dressed up and no place -to go' 't y - . "-With ' slight improvements, ' the plant would be, suitable for an intermediate re- iormatory lor young men and first offend ers, like "most of the old and more populous states have . . . , And Oregon must have such an institution In the course of time. It would be verv fit ting now. It would take care of young men uu vi ooys aoove the age of 18 and-might be extended in its scope to first offenders, hke the famous reformatory at Elmira. New ioric, ana similar institutions in other states. Can Oregon afford such a separate Institu tion now? Some' good people will say, v can Oregon afford not to hava nr h Institution, for the good it would do, regard- ica9 ui vuo aaoiuonai expense. This Is hot an argument for or against any particular use of this nlanft . It is rather an opening of the question of uie proper disposition of that valuable plant by the legislature to meet In January next. Certainly, the property must not be allowed to go to rack" and ruin. The i property tat .Woodburn ought not to veL vf? bought ; and the costly buildings erected there ought not to have been built yet; if ever. But the land was bought and the money, was expended for the plant: and that will have to stand. V - - .The question being open for the disposition rof the old reform school plant and lands sug gestions are in order. . - The United States and China OTJR state department has led thejw n signing a new treaty with the Nationalist government in China recognizing ocr f ...4-.n.mv . rrvima When new to western wavs lost this control ana douhu uwu : .;fa wYiiVh were reason- iixea nuuiiuuw wu, " ; 4.1, MJ f that time and served to correct tne crying abuse of fluctuating tariffs manipu w mmt officials for their own gain. JBut the correction of an abuse in its day has become, in the passage 01 time, abuse and the United. States nas cone ngn ,v It ' . " "I FoUowing this splendid start China has asked relief from the hateiui exiraien:iw nmvfc,-nr f the treaties whereby foreigners are exempted from the jurisdiction of the Chinese courts. There have Deen many ser ious abuses of this right because of the scan- dalously lax administration or law in me Extraterritoriality is the ugliest thorn in the pride of the nationalist leaders or unina. Vet thp m-ovisions were justified at the time of their establishment by the totaUy different standards 01 tne ynmese y r)p&Hnr with foreigners. Their turn m . a QvsfoTn rwncrnized the use of the most Druta torture to exact Evidence, and. many other violations of the most fundamental con cepts of justice as held in the west. nJsnito this fact Chinese officials re garded their system as too good for the ''for eign barbarians" and tne judges were, m ctmrtpH to use less refined methods in deal 5i with them ! So abuse balances abuse Hhina's sovereifimitv is impinged by extra territoriality, but without it foreigners who follow world trade to China would lose j tne minimum rights earned by all people. ! The wav out is plain. The nations stand pledged to surrender this privilege when China modernizes her court system. China has! made progress in this direction, but! the United States does not feel that enough nas yet! been done to warrant the surrender of extraterritoriality. The most practical sug gestion jseemsrto be that the nations agree to surrender such rights for their nationals in all districts of China served by modernized courts. This will set a premium for "speeding the 'much needed judicial reform and at! the same time safeguard foreigners in Chma. THE MERRY-GO-ROUND ! 1 Synthetic. Thoughts SCIENTISTS who foresee, and someday O will ordain a synthetic world, beguile us To smile knowingly, as did another genera tion confronted with such impossibilities as the phonograph and the horseless carriage, is a great temptation. Yet there is available a little capsule that yields the equal of a hundred times its weight in the vital .elements of liver. Sheer silk is compounded from nothing moife beautiful than a stick of timber. From gin to atar of roses there is an array of drink, food and clothing that leaves us wondering just how true may be the prediction, that future gen erations may be living in a synthetic world. In the press room, where great, rolls ol wood pulp paper race over printing'surf aces, we wonder how long the forests will bear up under the demand. let paper equally good is being manufactured just as econom ically from other and quicker growths than trees can be. So it is with a score of other things that contribute to the total of life. That synthetic day when our breakfast food will be done up in tiny pellets, to be sprinkled with sugar made from shale1 oil and drenched with milk from a "cow" that exists only, in a delicate retort in a chem ist's laboratory that day may come. ' i i Menus for the Family By Sister Mary BREAKFAST Orange ; Juice, cereal, cream, puffy omelet, blue berry muffins, milk,. coffee, LUNCHEON T o a t e d ham sandwich, shredded cabbage salad, Jellied prunes, milk, tea. DINNEH--B rolled halibut steaks with egg sauce, steamed po tatoes tn parsley butter, stewed okra, blackberry bread pudding. milk, coffee. Stewed Okra ! ' One quart okra, 2 cups diced cel ery, 1 green pepper, 1 teaspoon talt. 1 tablespoon minced onion, 4 tablespoons butter; 3 medium siz ed tomatoes. -' ' Wash okra well and. iOjitr off stems. Cut pods in slices, cross wise, about 1-t Inch thick. - Re more seeds and pith from pepper and mince flesh. Melt butter in sauce pan, add okra, minced on ion and pepper, and celery and simmer closely covered until veg etables begin'to soften. Add peel ed and chopped tomatoes and salt and cook slowly about 1 hour, un til okra Is tender. 1 : -This Date in American History j '"'' '' ' ' Awgnst 7 ! - 1846 -Democrats ot Maine enact . ed prohibition, j 1877 Capital of West Virginia located at Wheeling. 1893 Congress opened special session to repeal the silver purchase law. "1 1912 Progressive party in con vention at Chicago nomi nated Theodore ! Roosevelt and Hiram Johnson for president and vice presi dent. . j S ALU TE S ! Kind Words of Good Friends A Greeting By Mrs. H. C. Mallett Abaup five weeks ago today We came into your town to stay Awhile, perhaps the summer through And muybe all the winter too. Your town is lovely and to date We think the weather has been great. Of all the things your town can boast The Statesman we're enjoyed the most. And some news boy is very kind For on my porch each morn J find A copy, and leach newsy sheet To all our, family is a treat. Tho Mr. Hendricks has retired (A man whom all it seems admired) We wish the Statesman nothing less Than a future crowned with great success. And that will come we surely feel With Brownlee-Sackett at the wheel. The other morning when I op-igan to assert Itself. I worked, al aned the front door I saw a news-! of a reporter to tell what he laper lying on the porch; being regular subscribers to different papers, this in itself did not bear the earmarks of being a particu larly hair-raising experience. It was all squared off nicely at the corners, just a convenient size for fuel food." But something in duced me to open up that news paper; still nothing unusual hap pens, i belt a trifle nervously, to get It in proper shape to see what some kind soul had given us. You know we really have so few things given to us now-a-days that it behooves us to give due consideration to those that are. i GLORY TO BE! Surely not the Oregon Statesman! I'm see'n things! My hands shake, and feel sort of wdk-Ukevi Just na- As I continued to untwist Its turally slump to the porch step. cleverly drawn in corners (and al- completely flabbergasted. The fact low me to say right here that ltithat the step was a cement one, has always seemed to me that the one who Invented, discovered, ir produced, the art of folding a newspaper Inside itself, must have committed some heinous crime, and felt If he could so fold up the paper that told about It no one srould be the wiser except the re porters, and of course, all of us 'enow it is against the principals knows), my woman's curiosity be- and the porch cushions having been taken in for the night and not yet been returned to their daily resting place, did not Impair Its efficiency Just then. In fact I was pltiouely In need of a "bracer" and while a stone step mignt not appeal to some people as such, it seemed to be the only one avail able. My, head clears: so likewise my Bits for Breakfast Progress in Silence PLAYERS of an harrassed householder, for the invention of a silent lawnmower whose operations in a neighbor's dooryard will not shatter that golden hour of restful ness just at the edge of dawn, brings a sigh of hope that such a happy thought may strike some creative genius. I Now that Seattle has proved the painless ness of r extracting the bark from the dog without: eliminating , the dog, and since lour earnest wish for a non-skid pea has been fulfilled in the discovery that we can mix 'em. with our mashed -potatoes well,' it does seem the noiseless lawnmower might; be achieved. j In wishing for such a result, of course, we indicate that hope for silent chewing gum is gone? 4 Women As Pilots. . mHB exploits of Lady Heath British ;air JL woman, who piloted a commercial plane carrying 25 passengers across the English channel on one of its regular, trips, suggests the possibility that aviation will become a new field in which women can exercise their talents. t - , - " 1 - There is no reason why women should not be as good pilots as men. The job calls for an excellent physique and good powers of endurance, but does not require great phys ical strength. No one has ever demonstrated that the qualities most needed by a compe tent aviator are not possessed by women as well as by men. - '. ; K - It is entirely possible that the future iwill see many women piloting commercial planes about the country indeed, "probable' is no doubt a better word than possible," Wom an has: invaded every other field; why! not this one? . Others Are Overpaid, Too f rr IS said by sports writers that the Tun-ney-Heeney fight marked the end of the million dollar gates. Never agun, they; say, will a pugilist get half a million for an ever nings work. The boom has collapsed. - That is, aft.- alL a good thing. The tre mendous purses drawn down by boxers rep resented a sense of values that was out of all proportion. But the situation was never quite as baa as some people used to think. " It's hardly right for a fighter to earn more than the president of the United States, per haps. But, after alL there are sleek-haired movie actors and softly-curved movie actress es who make even more money; and, in the long run, It Is probably true that they con tribute no more to the advancement of the nation than the prize fighterst They are public benefactor: W The leading business men of Sa lem who are promoting , the sheep ndustry. They are pointing the way to a development that, follow ed up, will go a long way towards stabilizing the prosperity of the Industries on the land. v "b "Yes, we have no banan as" but we have fruits that must , compete with high priced labor and high priced land with the pauper -labor lands of the ba nana growing countries. So we Oregonians most stand and work with the Californians who are demanding I he protective tariff for bananas, now coming in free In great and increasing volume. v m m S The flax" tonnage grown for the state flax industry wilt this' year reach 4000 to 4500 tons. A normal season would have brought 6000 tons or more. Some very food flax Is being delivered; and,. of course, some short and poor, ow- By R. J. Hendricks ing to the long dry season. S m But 6000 tons Is not enough. It will not produce sufficient fiber for the requirements of the two local linen mills. ! to say nothing of fiUing any demands from east ern spinning mills. The time is here when the flax Industry for the Salem district will not need the outlet of the foreign market! for fiber. It will all be required in this country. How are we going to get more than 3000 acres' financed? It should be 6000 acres for next year. This is a matter that will need the support1 of the men of Oregon with a vision of the great things possible In the growing of flax and the making of yarns, twines, threads and linen cloths. It will take 6000 Acres to keep the labor at the prison fully employed with the improved machinery for treating the flax i up to the fiber and other primary stages. S The Italians have a proverb, "One pair of ears will drain dry a hundred tongues." Another. "He who has the cour age to laugh Is almost as much the master of the world as he who Is ready to die." , V - And another, "Death has no oth er 111 except the thought of dying. rlsion. Yes, there it is. in big black print OREGON STATES MAN; second reading frequently brings to light that which first we overlook. I see in topsy-turvey let terine "The New" prefixed to OREGON STATESMAN. Then previous news item, which I must onfes I passed up as inconse quential, comes to mind. I had read that the OREGON STATES MAN had been sold to ... . now iere a feeble mind emphasises it self, as I have. completely forgot ten who took over the old Oregon Statesman. But right here is where Salem -eople are going to "sit up and take notice." That little prefix "The New", is going to work won ders with the patronage and pres tige of this NEW O. S. Salem-can well afford to pat ronize a morning dally such as The New Oregon Statesman bids fair to be. It is newsy, compre hensive, complete and clean. It bears the stamp of a firm, reliable management, which will conduct heir paper along legitimate and ipproved lines, refusing to jeop ardize their prestige, or increase heir patronage by tawdry adver tising. Wishing you the Increased pat ronage your paper bears evidence f meriting, I beg to remain, Yours very truly, Mrs. Geo. H. Leavell, 2095 S. Winter Old Oregon's Yesterdays Town Talk From the Statesman Our Fathers'Read August 0, 1003 The final test of the new, Fox boiler for the fire engine will be made : tonight with-; engineer . De Long n charge, FJre Chief W. W. Johnson reports, : -. ; ::': -9 . ' .: "l' " About 60 feet of the dam of the Salem Flouring Mills company at the head of the Santlam was en tirely destroyed In aa explosion that occurred early this morning. There, are 141,757 children of school age la Oregon, according to the annual report of J. H. Acker man, state superintendent of pub lic Instruction. This Is 5.291 more than last year. A movement Is on foot for .a kindergarten association la Salem, with the plan to be presented at a meeting of mothers today at the home of lira, J. B. T. Tuthill, cor ner Cottage and Marlon street. W. O. Trine has gone to Corval Us to make arrangement to more his family there, as he has been m -m . : . . Cfero Extractor . . A new complement to take that troublesome core from grapefruit is on the market, very. Inexpen sive. - It leaves a clean line, with one turn ot the wrist. elected physical director of the Oregon Agricultural college. - Harry. Albert went to Portland yesterday to witness the National game played there. The change In the proprietor- hip of the Statesman has made a profound sensation here. Every body's talking. Cooking for threshers, peach reserving, the approach of the Fair, these subjects are all In the discard among rural housewives. By some it is thought that R. J. Hendricks should immediately re possess himself of -his beloved Statesman. However, we are happy to see his good face on the edit orial page and to know that his good pen is liberated to continue the fight for progress and high Ideals In Salem. Aug. 4 . Lake Lablsher MEN WILL Till TIDE FOB HOOVES Low Mark in Auto Camp Registration Over This Week End CHICAGO. Aug. , 6. (AP) A day's conference with republican campaign startegists and national committeemen and women from over the country was summed up Saturday by Dr. Hubert Work, chairman of the party's national committee, in a statement listing four border states as "promising" for the Hoover column and declar ing the republican party is enter ing on "the greatest fight In its history." In some of the normally close or doubtful states, Dd. Work said, he was assured that the wo men's vote would turn the tide to Herbert Hoover. - 'We had assurance that Hoover will carry every seaboard state along the Atlantic," the national chirman's statement read; "that the republicn ticket will sweep across the northern tiers of states. lear to and down the Pacific coast and on the basis of what we. have, learned we now list North Caro lina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Oklahoma, border states, among those giving promise of showing up in the Hoover column- next No vember. - . "It was both refreshing and re- assuring to see such widespread interest among republican women. It was correctly stated by one of the national committeewomen that in this campaign republican men and women are working for the first time on a fifty-fifty basis and we had assurance f rom more than one of the women that the wom en's vote 'will turn the tide to Hoover in what normally are close or doubtful states." . J. R. Nutt, republican national treasurer, told of his plan to build Up a list of not less than 600,000 contributors to the campaign fund. Four years ago the contributors numbered 90,000. Friday night was the banner night for low registration at the Salem auto camp. Only 25 were registered that evening. It was the first time for several weeks that the registration was under the 30 mark. That night's registration includ ed visitors from widely separated points. G. Busse and family of St. Louis, Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Taylor of Minneapolis. Min nesota, and H. Dumbrell and fam ily of Vancouver, B. C, were reg istrants yesterday. Barbs Twenty-five people were robbed in a New York restaurant. The fact that it was by four bandits makes it news. Dr. Gerald Wendt. chemistry dean at Pennsylvania State col lege, says wood is disappearing and homes will soon be furnished with synthetic products. Some basements are right now. " Georgia man lost his voire after one airplane flight. And. just think, a" man can send his wife up very reasonably these days. : - ' 'TIs a funny world. The heat we are all kicking about right now is going to cost us all plenty per ton this coming winter. " ' A Racine, Wis., man reports one of his hens laid an egg with three, yolks. At least it isn't a white lie. Night clubs often ha. ha the law. but when a padlock is put oa the door. ; they can't laugh that oft s ' Mexicans Well Pleased With 'Ambassador From U. S., Editorial Assert MEXICO CITY, Aug. C. (AP) The newspaper El' Excelsior has published an editorial eu logizing the United States - Amr bassador Dwlght W. Morrow as the prophet of a new diplomacy In International peace. . "Ambassador 1 Morrow has taught the world." said Excelsior, "A new and effective kind ot di plomacy which i substitutes good will and real friendship for' fric tion between nations. - The newspaper ' says that the Morrow speech before the Ameri can chamber of commerce In which he .'praised the courage, calmness and fortitude of Mexico was of .transcendental Importance. "Mexlcp mast and will measure up to this responsibility and this confidence which Ambassador Morrow tells us 1 the world has tn Mexico." declared El Excelsior. Money from Home Means more tKan tEat seat from th'e folks at Home. It means cash in large sums from the old homestead1: All . .families outgrow their homes at some .time or other and ,. bwmfamilies are constantly; looking for new homes.. Our Want Ad columns are the means by which manjr homes are bought and sold. Prospective purchasers read : our Want Ads because they know, they will -find the best . . in the shortest possible time. ;