The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem," Oregon, Sunday Morning,-August 5, 1928
- Aikins from Riddle J. L. At
kins and G. -E. Aikins -of Riddle
arrived in Salem yesterday.
' Co6iilIe Polk HeroMrs. A." O.
Walker and Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Gage; all of CoonlUe, were guests
at the Marion last night
The Dalle Visitor E. A. Clark.
who sign The Dalles as home,
was in Salem yesterday, stopping
over night at a local hotel.
Ways Hare Son A ten ponnd
son wit born Friday afternoon to
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Way of Salem.
Mother and son are at the Dea
coness. Tolly Speaker Rev. Norman
K. "-.Tally will be the speaker at
the Klwanis club luncheon Tues
day.; Hl subject will be "My
Club and Me."
McCauley Here G. W. McCau
ley arrived Friday from Seattle to
spend a few days in Salem looking
after; Interests of the Silver Fox
Sales and Development company.
Miss Ney on Vacation Miss
Helen Ney, office secretary at the
Kimball School of Theology, will
spend a part of her vacation at the
Epworth League-rastitute at Falls
City this week.' ' f
Cans in Portland Dr. John M.
Canse will fill the pulpit, of Dr.
Wilbert Dowson at the First Meth
odist church In Portland at both
services today. This evening he
will give an illustrated lecture on
the work of the pioneers.
' . . . .
Prom Battle Creek Mrs. Louie
Richter was in Salem from Battle
Creek Saturday and while here
conferred with County School Su
perintendent Fulkerson: Mrs.
Richter Is clerk of the Battle
Creek school district. ,
Open Fourth Store The fourth
Twentieth Century grocery store
in Salem was opened yesterday at
State and lth streets. This, is
. the first "neighborhood" grocery
this chain concern has established
- -
At Crater Lake Mr. and Mrs.
James Foster, who reside on the
Pringle road, are spending a vaca
tion at Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs.
, George "White and daughter are
looking after the oster ranch dur
ing their absence.
Returning Here Mrs. Nona
White, county juvenile aiofficer,
will return Monday to her desk in
the county court building after
spending a two weeks' vacation
with her sister out from Grants
Pass. Mrs. White was accompan.
led on her vacation by her daugh
Portland Pastor Here Dr. and
Mrs. Thomas J. Villers of Port
land arrived in Salem Saturday to
remain over Sunday. Dr. Villers
is paetor of a Portland Baptist
church, and will conduct services
at the Grand Opera house here
today. While in Salem they are
at the Marion.
Coins to Vancouver Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Summerville and
small son will leave Monday for
Vancouver, Wash., where they
will spend several days visiting at
the home of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. William Summerville. The
local Mr. Summerville is with the
Willamette Valley Supply com
pany on Ferry street.
. i ...
, First Christian Services. ' The
Reverend Mr. Howe of the First
Christian church .will preach .his
last services today before leaving
with his family for the annual
vacation. During his ; , absence.
Clark Aydelott of Eugene will con
duct services. A special. song ser
vice will be held at the ehurjth to
day do in morning ana evening.
- Visit in Salem Miss Laura Mae
Bryant of Newberg, and--her
guests. Miss Bernyce Hensley of
-Garden Home and Miss Margaret
Underwood of Eugene, were in Sa
lem yesterday visiting- -friends,
leaving early in the evening for
Miss Henaley's home.. -They . are
all member of Gamma 1?u soror
ity of the University of Oregon.
Ex-Salesnite Hurt Emmett
Summerville of the; Willamette
Supply Electrical coTapenyv -re
ceived word that aim xnot&r, Mrs.
William Summerville, is suffering
from a broken arm sustained a
few day ago when she- fell off a
- J. box while cleaning some walls.
McT,.y Mrs. Summerville is a former res-
VTT ident of Salem, living 6n Center
XTW near 12th until she removed to
years ago.
Roof ; Dnunaged The fire de-
nartment- .was called - abont 7
o'clock last evening to Sir North
14th street, to extinguish a roof
fire at the home of John Trotter
, Part of the house had been va
cant and when it was being clean
ed ud for a new tenant, some pa-
Mrs were burned, it was be
lieved that the hot cinders, from
this fire after going out the chim
ney, fell upon the roof and start
ed the fire. Considerable damage
was caused by the necessity for
ehoDDing through the root in or
der to get at the blase in the at-
. tic.
Minor Operations Minor oper
ations given at the Salem General
hospital Saturday Included those
to Jack Craig, route three, and
Helen Pettyjohn, 146 North 14th.
School Man Here R A. Mc
Cully, former school superintend
ent of Eagle, Idaho, has been a
Salem visitor the past week.
Nye on Vacation Mx. and Mrs.
Al Nye will leave today for Cen
tralis, Wash., and Mt. Rainier,
where they will spend a vacation
Nye is postman at the capItoL .
Roser in Roscburg Harvey
Roser of the Twentieth Century
store at State and Commercial, is
spending the day with his parents
in Roseburg. "'-"'- :'
Patton to Return--E. Cooke
Patton is expected to return Tues
day from Moffitt Springs, where
he has been for the benefit of his
Ships to Eugene Lee Eyerly,
George Henderson and W.- A.
( Scout) Hazelwood. of the Paci
fic Aitplane' Service piloting crew,
will take the company ships ; to
Eugene Sunday. -
Air Postage Lower Cost of air
postage was recently cut In half,
with she present rate five cents
an ounce, wnlcn reduction, it is
presumed, will be accorded tne us
ual patronage of reaucea costs.
Mission Board to Meet The ex
ecutive board of the Presbyterian
Missionary society will convene at
2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
in the new church parlors, it is
Plan Northern Vacation W.
W. Moore and family, accompan
ied by their guests. Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Moore, of Concoraia,
plan to leave this week for a Ta
xation trip to Seattle ana van.
eouver, B. C. The men are broth
Horgan Injured John A. Hor
gan, Salem's new weather fore
caster who is with the Pacific
Airplane Service company, . is
nursinr a broken ankle, the re
mit of a motorcycle mishap which
landed him Into a ditch south of
McMinnville as he attempted to
avoid hitting a truck-as he was
rounding a curve.
SlmiMon Leaving Again Ma
ior W. P. Simpson and family will
leave tomorrow for a motor trip
with Washington. D. C. as the
ultimate goal.' They will be gone
nearly a month, business matters
being responsible for this trip.
They were business visitors in
California for about a month, re
turning the past week. ,
PEP Employes to Picnic The
employes' social club of the Sa
lem PEP company offices is plan
ning a picnic for the workers and
their friends, to be held at Nes
kowin next Saturday and Sunday,
August 11 and 12. It is expected
some 25 car loads will Journey to
the resort for the picnic
Schramm Returns, Gone State
Bank Spnerintendent A. A.
Shramm left yesterday for Wal-
nnrt to anend Sunday with his
family who are vacationing there.
Shramm Just returned yesterday
from New York, where he attend
ed the national confeernce ifif,
state bank executives. While In
the east, he also stopped at Wash
ington, D.- C, to confer with the
comptroller of currency.
Brunks Leaving Dr. and Mrs.
Estill Brunk will leave this morn
ing by automobile for Yellow
stone park, from which point they
may travel the rest of the way to
Minneapolis by train. ; At Minne
apolis Dr. Brunk. who is medical
director .with the Marion county
child health association, will at
tend the annual conference of the
American Dental association. He
will show an exhibit of posters of
the . work done in this county at
the national meeting.
Boys Break Windows Boys
will be boys, no matter what the
cost, it seems. Friday afternoon
severafot the youngsters, possess
ed of slingshots, found amusement
in aiming at the windows or tne
Rosebrauch Furnace company's
foundry. Success was witn tneir
alms, with the result that Off leer
Thomasen had to visit tneir am
bush. The boys were caught, but
released on promise' to make the
necessary repairs. The sling
shots? City Recorder Mark Poul-
sen had them yet yesterday.
Labor Demand Slow All of the
calls for common labor to the fed
era! employment bureau in Salem
were filled this week, with an ad
ditlona! 46 names over the 41
who-went to work remaining on
the list Altogether, there were
1S7 calls for assistance, 141 men
and women sent out, and 271 men
and women seeking positions.
Agricultural labor ranked next to
common, , with 43, placements
among the 52 registered: SO farm
hands sought work, with six left
on the book when the week end
ed. Fifty-one women agricultur
al workers were after jobs,' with
four-fifths or 40 of them sent to
jobs. Other placements included
woods laborers, ten; casual work
ers, two: truck driver, one; kltch
en worker, one; cooks, one; house
keepers, tWO. ; ' J . -
Engenenns Stop Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Waits of Eugene stopped In
Salem , last night while enroute
home ' from Longriew, Wash.,
where they had visited relatives.
Xto to Seaside Miss Pauline
Knowland. stenographer in the
Salem, chamber of commerce of
fices, and Miss Irma Bo lander of
the Industrial Accident commis
sion office, left Saturday for a
vacation at Seaside.
Irvin Leaves Today James Lee
Irvtn will leave today to Tislt Al
bany relatives.- He has-been here
Tisiting his, grandmother, Mrs.
Myra Shanks, police matron.
Young Irvin a home Is in Red
lands, CaL 4
oipe Will Speak John S.
voipe, engineer for the under
ground department of - the Port
land Electric Power company, will
give a demonstration of first aid
and resuscitation at the Rotary
club luncheon Wednesday Aoon.
Doney in Portland Dr. Carl
Doney motored to Portland Friday
to meet Mrs. Doney, who was re
turning from a two months' visif
with her sons in the east. The
Doneys were accompanied by Mrs.
F. .G. Franklin and Mrs. O. Eb-
een. , - . a .
Prom Kansas Mr. and Mrs.
James Campbell, 485 North Win
ter street, have as guests Mr. and
Mrs. Dell Finton of Hutchinson.
Kansas. , The Kansans stopped at
Yellowstone park on"" their - way
west, at that making the trip in
five and a half days.
Labor lie Filed George Steln
ka yesterday filed a labor lien
against - Hugh - Worley tor the
sum of $247. V .
Jones Heads Fmit Grow
R. E. Jones is president of an or.
ganlzatlon of the fruit and berry
growers of the Brooks district ef
fected Wis week. Other officers
are: Theodore Rubens, vice-pres-
laent; w. Williams, secreury.
ana a. jr. Kimp, s. A. Harris, E.
P. Runcorn, F. M. Hill and P. Y.
ricxens, directors.-
.visitor Leaves Mrs. Frank
Eckley, formerly of Woodburn.
who has been visiting her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
junior jscJtiey, Salem, Is enroute
to Gateway. Mont., leavinar from
Portland yesterday. The local peo
ple accompanied Mrs. Eckley as
iar as rortiana.
. Would Dissolve Injunction Al
an aftermath of the recent Ger
rais school election in which
bonds for a new union high school
V f 1 I . . . . . -
uuiiums were aeieaiea z to 1, a
roup of voters of the union high!
ichool district are behind a move
to seek dissolution of an Injunc
tion which has been in force for
two years to restrain Issuance of
notices of election for the purpose
of dissolving the district. '
Bridges Cost 968,933 R. A.
Furrow,, bridge engineer. Is pre
paring a report to present to the
city council at tomorrow evening's
meeting which shows that- $68,
935.81' waa expended upon the
three concrete bridges, . South
Here from Lebanon Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Hartley of Lebanon
were registered at the Now Salem
last night.
- - Jndftf Marries Connie County
Judge J. , a Seigmund - yesterday j
afternoon performed a marriage
ceremony . tor Bertrand F. Jack
son of San Francisco and Edna
Agnes Ott of Chicago..
Mrs. Powers Here. Mrs.- T.
fWenrer) Powers. of Portland,
where she Is active in music dr.
dee, will be In Salem today and
will -assist in the song service at
the morning services of the First
Christian church. .
Motor to Coast Dr. and Mrs.
Rimer Allan of this city took a
motor trio to Tillamook over the
weekend, taking with them their
small .daughter Gene and gnests,
Mrs. Annie Anderson and her
danrhter Lillian Beals of Cali
fornia, and Marjorie Anderson.
; Newlyweds' Get Shower Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Giese were given
a serenade and shower at their
home in Macleay Friday night. A
considerable .number of people
were present. most of them com-
inc from Salem. . Mr., ana mrs.
Giese retufrjB from their honey
moon trip last week.
Cochran to Return W. Earl
Cochran will be in Salem Sunday,
Anrust 19. to speak and sing at
the Grand Opera house, according
to word from him. Cochran is in
Burton, Wn.,1 directing music at
the assembly of Baptist young peo
ple at the place. He plans to make
Salem his home. .
Mortgage Foreclosure Coolldge
and McClalne yesterday filed suit
in circuit court against Alfred J.
Moen and others to reforfi a
mortgage instrument and to have
it foreclosed against certain real
nronertr described in the com-
nlaint and said to be Incorrectly
described In the mortgage. The
amount of the mortgage is said to
be $275.
TTor Comnanr Answers In all
of six actions at law brought
against if by three different par
ties, the Silver Fox Sales and De
velopment company yesterday fil
ed answers entering a general de
nial, to all the material charges
brought against it. The suits
were brought more than a month
ago by F. B. Fargo. Icyl Cation
and Llla Louise Cation.
Ontario People Visit Winfield
G. Higglns, instructor in the man
ual training department of On
tario. Oregon, high school, and
several of his relatives have been
visiting for several days with Mr.
and Mrs. M. B. Scott of 583 South
Winter street, Salem. Mr. Scott Is
Mr. Hlggins uncle. Accompany
ing - Mr. Higglns are his family
and a niece. They expect to go
to Myrtle Point in a short timer
Old Friends Marry J. A. Pat
terson of Salem and Emma Car
mody of Pueblo. Calif., were mar
ried June 26. The romance is the
culmination vbf friendship begun
in their youth in the east. Later
they drifted, west, she to Califor-4
Complaint Filed O. H.
Gentry co-defendant with Lee G.
B. Yates and other in ' a suit
brought by the Charles K. Spauld-
lns; Logging, company - to estab
lish a lien, yesterday filed a cross
complaint asserting that-his-tight
to a labor lien . against , Yates is
prior to the logging company's
claim.. He demands a lien
amounting to $97.50 and other
Items . indudlng . attorney's . tees
and costs. - -
Roel-Established -Out of four
road petitions presented to th
Marion county court, the court
yesterday acted farfrTbly on one,
ordered a surrey taken of another
and turned two down. ' . The one
ordered established as a county
road is in the St Paul district and
was petitioned for by Mrs. Rosa
Grohs . and others. , Survey was
ordered on a road ncrr . Broad-
acres . petitioned for by -E. C
Hovenden and others. ' Petitions
were ordered dismissed In the
ease of .two roads in the Lake La-
blsh district, near Brooks. Due
to the swampy nature of the soil
it would not be practicable to es
tablish these roads, the court de
cided. The two petitions - had
been Headed by W. Howard Ramp
and by R. Butte.
Bring Results
Statesman Classified Readers
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
Every Wed. and Sat. night.
A La Carte Service
In dining room Marion Hotel.
Hop Pickers See Class Ad
Of Durbin ft Cornoyer.
Dance Kcnti Hall Sat. Kite
Good snappy music
Old Time Dance Mellow Moo:
Friday night.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing.. Giese - Powers
Furniture Co.
Special Sunday Dinner
Served from 5:45 to
at the .Marlon Hotel.
8 p. m.,
In. this city, August 4, Charles
Yakley, father of Lydia Yakley,
of Salem. Announcement of fun
eral will be made later by Rlgdon
and Son.
Funeral services for the late
Henry L. Earl, of Turner, husband
of Mrs. Rachel Earl, father of
Mrs. Venlta Wintermute, of Mon
mouth, and Archie Earl of Cali
fornia, will oe neia sunuay, au
rust 5. at 2 n. m.. at the Metho
dist church of Turner. The serv
ices will be under the direction of
Rlgdon and Son.
17th street, completed In the ser-
Wlnter, South Commercial, anjnia and he to Oregon where he
married another, the death of
les of 12 for which a $350,000.wnom lead to a reunion and sub-
marriage of the old
oona issue was voted last year,
The report will show $1,040.10
was saved over the bidders' figures.
Beebe to California Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Beebe and daughter,
Barbara Jean, will leave Monday
by automobile for Redondo Beach,
Calif., where Beebe 'will succeed
to the district managership there
of the California Water Service
company. ' Beebe was manager of
the Oregon-Washington Water
Service company here until, the
district offices were moved to Sa
lem! Both the California com
pany and the Oregon-Washington
company are subsidiaries of the
Federal Water company.
Attend Institute T h e First
Methodist church is sending a
group of 14- Leaguers to the Ep
worth . League Institute at Falls
City on Monday. They will be ac
companied by Mrs. C. F. Cook and
Miss Margaret Sutherland. Ken.
neth Johnston was elected Insti
tute manager and will have
charge of transportation and camp
arrangements. Those attending
are: Evert- Bennett, Frederick
Blatchtord Esther. Cook, Mary
Fletcher. . Esther Gardiner, Ken
neth. Johnston,: Dorothy Kloep-
plng. Ida McNeill, Marjorie O'Dell.
Neva Stolsseise, Hary Trlndle,
Hortense Taylor and Ramona
Threshers Active The state of
Oregon owns three threshing ma
chines; two belonging to the state
hospital (asylum), and one the
property of the institution for
the feeble minded; with the un
derstanding that the boys train
ing school may use it. The latter
machine is at work now at the
boys' school. It has three days
work there: taking care of the
crop of 120 acres of' grain; prin
cipally . oats: some wheat. The
crops are good. They use the
oats mostly for feed, grinding
that part fed to dairy animals.
The threshing of grain at the
Woodburn1 school is done by an
independent machine, hired.
Three Couples "Wed Marriage
licenses were iesued yesterday
from the office of the Marion
county clerk as follows: Bertrand
F. Jackson, 41, of San Francisco,
and Edna Agnes Ott, 48, of Chi
cago; George H. Welgel, 47, of
285 North Commercial street, Sa
lem, and Florence E. White. 39,
of the Marlon Apartments, Salem;
Roscoe Willis Blehm, 32, of Klam
ath Falls, and Opal Belle Robin
son. 30. of route 4. Salem. Each
of the last four persons listed has
been married once before.
Dr. Morris Returns Dr. Hen
ry Morris of this city arlrved here
shortly arter midnignt mis mon
ing from Grand Rapids, Michigan;
where he represented Oregon at
the . international' convention of
state optometry boards. Morris
is a member of the Oregon state
board ' of optometry. : He '. was
gone three weeks, making the trip
east on the union Pacific una in
order to see a brother in Pine
Bluffs. Wyoming. He ? returned
west over the Canadian Pacific
route. . ' ' . . : ,
Marriage Surprise To their
many, friends and . . acquaintances
It will be no little surprise to learn
that George H. Weigle, local pho
tographer and boatswain and Flor
ence. BL. White designer for
Mack's millinery, quietly obtain
ed a marriage license Saturday af
ternoon and were united ' in mar
riage at the home of A. L. and
Mrs. Godfrey, 127 Union . street,
at 8 p. m. "Only yery close friends
of the couple were present. The
marriage ; ceremony - was perform
ed br Dr. W. C. Kantner. pastor
emeritus of the First uongress-
tlonal church,
White, Robert, died at a local
hospital August 4 at the age of
about 35 years. Remains are in
care of Clough-Huston company,
with funeral announcements la
Giant Snap Dragon
Plants' all colors 25c dox.
Jonesmere Farm 3 Fl 2.
Why Not Go Ont td Woodland
" Park and picnic. The park Is
beautiful and the water fine.
Grand Opera House
On Sunday morning at 11 a.m.
Thomas J. Villers, D. D., will
speak and again at 8 p. m. These
Ladies and Children's Hair
Cutting. By appointment.
Phone 1985. The Beauty Box,
502 State St.
For Your Vacation
A Jar proof watch will stand
the knocks. See them at Pom-
eroy & Keene's.
Auction Sale Fnrnit
Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. 1740 Fir
St. W. F. Drager, owner.
Psychic, Card, or Crystal
Reading 1 day. Aug. 9. For
appts. jkhone 1047 or 1710-M.
At the Grand' Opera House-
Hear the noted Baptist preach.
er Thomas J. Villers. D. D., Sim
day at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. All
are welcome.
Dry Planer " Wood
Prompt delivery Just the wood
for hot water heaters or summer
cooking. Fred E. Wells 230 So.
The Grand Opera House-
Affords you a comfortable place
to attend an inspiring service to
day. Thomas J. Villers, D. D.,
speaks both morning and evening.
At the Grand Opera Hoi
Hear Dr. Thomas J. Villers, be
will deliver two great sermons to
day, at 11 a. m., and at 8 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Vacuum Cleaner
If you use your vacuum clean
er on your mattresses every week
it will not only keep them clean,
but fluffy.
Union Air Lines, Inc., Owners
and operators of
Tli Beh Aircraft ara tha only Trl
Mtor Airplaaa ta tka Uaita BteUa
which haTa pasted tka Straaa Analysis
of tha Department of Cootmerca..
8 A. M. AND 3:80 P. H.
Tina, 1 Hoar and 13 Minutes
Fare, $12; R. T., $22
TO TACOMA, 12; B. T, 820
; Mon.- Wed.-Friday
Fastest time 4 Honrs SI minutes
71m Schedule Jmly II :S0 A. SC.
Fare, S45; R. T., 85
Book early aad eeld disappointment.
We make tentatire reaervatioBs ' for
raprssentatiTa of Portland 'a hosi
aeaa firms. This Is Kot a TrOBble,
It's a rieantrc.
Fasseafer laseraaee liability carried
hook early, soma . aehedelee are ia
Etat daauad over 1SO0 passes (era
to already aaade the ainray trip
between Pert land and Seattle. Oa
koaatlful tpiinf Cmj the glorloo of
the world are spread before yon. Be
temher, It's aa sll-dsyllrht trip with
aereral hoars ia Seattle! or Taeema
for kaalaoe or plooaaro. This ahoald
appeal to hayora. haaiaoaa and pre
feeatoaal men, where time la vahaahlo.
Three asotort iaaare positive safety.
Tick eta sac JteoerraUeas
lisanmV "SttoMl
l XHuston
Service f
We board Dogs at
our farm
Rt. 9, Box 8
and Pacific Highway
Fraternal Picnic Sunday
Woodland Park. Admission per
car 25 cents. Boats leave for pic
nic at the foot' of Chemeketa
street at 8 and 10 a. m. and 12
a. m.
No lodge meeting Saturday
night, August 4th. We will meet
August 11th refreshments, be
sure to be there. C. E. Albln,
Jazx Piano Playing Taught to
adult beginners in 20 lessons. Ad
vance course for players, also sax
ophone. Chris tense n school. See
Mr. Sherman, Sherman Clay
The Black Cat Will Ope
Friday morning under new
management. Come In and have
your lunch with us. Women cooks
and food like you have it at home.
Fine fountain service also.
Old Time Dance Sat. Nite
Domes Pavilion, McCoy, Ore
. ,
Dance Keatl Hall Sat. Kite
Good snappy music '
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends and neighbors for their
help and sympathy shown us . in '
this sad hour of bereavement in
the death of our beloved sou and
brother, James Harold Sheridan,'
and also for their beautiful floral
offerings. Mr. and Mrs. William
Sheridan and family.
Next Sunday morning there
will be two great sermons in
which you will be lterested. He
expresses himself in clear cut,
snappy sentences, no superfluous
words. Comfortable seats lor
700, come and help us fill them
all. This will be Dr. Villers first
Sunday in Salem. You will be'
more than welcome.
S. mmmmammmmmmmamm
i RAJ I YV7 Y W I If. i M 1
We have a 1!2 Pontine Sedan
that has had the best of care.
Well equipped, has S0 new
rubber and la A-l condition,
for tm.QO.
The House That Service AnUI"
riHE TO RIO reading la sees. We t
eare year fUaeee asataat kroakaco.
Kxammetiea too.
Thompron-Olntsch Optical Co.
IIS N. Oomm'l St.
Rewound and Repaired, New
or Used llotors
Things Eloctrleal
101 South High Tel 2111
Auction Sale
Blocks West of S. Commercial "Look for Sale Sign ,
Tuesday, August 7th, 1.30 P. M.
1 Eden Eelectric Wash Machine, 1 Overstuffed Davenport, l i
Oak Dining Room Suite, consisting: of 50 top table, buffet,' O
leather seated diners and 1 China Cabinet, 1 Breakfast Table
and 4 Chairs, 1 Oak Library Table, 1 Card Table, 1 Oak Stand
Table, 1 Mah. Smoker's Stand, 2 Oak Rockers, X Reed Chair,
1 Overstuffed Rocker, 1 Century Refrigerator, 1 Ivory Bed.
Room Suite, including Bow Foot Bed, 8 Glass Vanity, Large
Dresser, Bench,. Floss Mattress and Coil Spring; 1 White
Enamel Bed Room Suite including Bed, Coil Spring Floss
Mattress, Princess Dresser, Chiffonier, 8 Glass Vanity, Rocker
and Chair; 1 Vera is Martin Bed, Unit Steel Spring and Bilk
Floss Mattress, 1 White Enamel 2 Post Bed, unit Steel Spring
and Silk Floss Mattress, 1 Steel Camp Bed, 1 Folding Army
Cot, 0x12 Axmlnster Rug, 1 0x12 Brussels Rug and Small
Rug, 1 Hug 12x12, 2 Felt Base Rugs, 1 Stair Carpet, Fancy t
Baskets, Pictures, Ironing; Board, Fireplace Screen, fciecu-ie-light
globes, all Drapes, Curtains and Rods in house. Clock, K.
utensils and Dishes, Crocks, Empty Fruit Jars, Commode, High
Chair, Mop, Mear ever Roaster, Goat Rug, 8 Rag Rugs, Step
Ladder, Lawn Mower and many other miscellaaeoas articles.
Terms Cash. No reserve.
F. N. Woodry
Salem's Leading Auctioneer In Charge
Res. Store, 1610 N. Summer St. Phone 511
"I Pay Cask for Used Furniture"
Established 1010
JLADO & UGH, DonEicirs
Established 1868
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
look r Mi b"N( VIcn'o'S
m CAPITAL ; t A &
-g opjje stored .umd MMm
You iust wish you had a birthday every week when you look over our selective ,
eift assortment. The dependability; that has given folks the favorable opinion .
they have of our drug supplies is practiced, in this line of our business, too.
Where To
Fried Clilcken-Dinner-
Today at ths Gray Bells.
u rnr . : e .
Fried Chicken Dinner-
Served all day at the Spa.
For Dinner This Evenings
A la carte dinner at the Marlon
hotel today. -
.-"'v.-':?''-'-v'- ess ' . .
Soecial Chicken Dinner Today
nd home mads ' salads. State
Cafeteria,' ' "
Ann Restaurant .
Roast Chicken Dinner and sup
Chicken Dinner BOo'
Central Restaurant, 8.
mlnal. . ' ' -
e -
Chicken Dinner Today
At the Whits House.
k Yc X
only exclusively , i. X I
lllkx ' ' modem .memorial park between Seattle and San S! ,
II RnS, I Francisco is located at Salem, Oregon. A pro- IvxX'
HI ?voSS gressive city is worthy of proved modern wvJ
k -X " . - . 714-716 First Natl Bank Bid. 1 XX
jjxVSI';. . . ; phone 2205 - SalerrC Oregon ' 'SJ
II x - - - - - - , , , . - rv , n
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