Al Is For It and Against It ''A SSOCIATED Press dispatch of yester jCX day-says Al Smith faced a dozen or more inquiring newspaper men in his suite on the fourteenth floor of the high-toned Biltmore hotel in New York; rC'lll. f ' $ And ti -weather was hot. ,-4 : . ; . The newspaper - boys wanted to know, among other things;-how, Al stands on the farm relief issue. They found out. He stands both ways. 1 ir : r,. TT tnld them he is asrainst the "equaliza tion fee provision of the vetoed McNary wirlwi farm relief bill." and that "as far as he is concerned it can stay in the scrap heap for good : :i.'iH Rut the newsDaDer boys also fouhd out tht Al "recfwrnizes and feels that his party by its platform is committed to control of nst home bv the'cTOUO benefitted , : Ad that isf exactlv what the McNary- Hauehen bill proposed.. That is the principle . Kill T ta tlio rhief nrmwnle Of it Vi uw in r" t So Al is both for it and against It. He is more for it than his party platform v ifemands. for the dank touchine farm relief does not come out as plainly as Al does for the "mat home hv the firrouD benefitted, it attemDts to straddle. Al comes out plainly He nrobablv aimed to straddle, but did hot know how. His hoop-snake circle way df ex--plaining his position leaves him both coming and going.; moving arouna ana aromicuunu rettincr nowhere. .Now, there is another. school of farm relief people who believe , in- the same Kina 01 a bAL. that the McNary-Haughen people drew un: but thev arrive at the "cost borne" idea pf it in another way. They say the govern tnent should stand for the cost- 1 It is the Jardine plan, and Secretary of Agriculture Jardine says that in a series of years the government would not be out of pocket at all; reasoning that some years in some major crops the" government would make a profit on the exportable, surpluses to be sold-abroad. It might come out that way. The writer does not' believe it would.- Sen ator Chas. L. McNary fears it would not; and that it would then amount to a govern ment subsidy. The McNary-Haughen bill would leave the "cost to be borne by the group benefitted," according to what Al says hi nartv's nlatform favors. The whole conclusion is that Al does not know anything about farm relief, and he will not or cannot learn Ana ne aoes not want to Know or learn, excepting to get a way to straddle the ques tion. His statement to the New York news paper men on that hot evening in his hotel suite will make him the laughing stock of every -farmer in the United States who un derstands the McNary-Haughen idea and the Jardine plan. Judge .Would Parole Two-Thirds A WELX knoixw Oregon circuit judge told JtX a friend of the writer a few days ago that, if he had his way, two-thirds of the men convicted, of crime in Oregon would be paroled from the bench- That" two-thirds are not criminals J. they are law violators. "They are men who have made mistakes which they would not repeat in like manner or in kind if given a chance to work out their futures Saving themselves and their families the disgrace of penal servitude and an tne nor ors.and losses entailed. - This circuit judge says the public would not stand for this ; that most men would hold up their hands in holy protest against such a proposition : That the public demands conviction, in its present attitude; somebody must be convict ed, and it does not matter mucn wno. The name of the friend and of the judge is withheld. But every reading person in Oregon knows both of them. Here is a question presented that Is worth discussing ; worth thinking through. it i may il mt - - -1 I L. seem a strange tnmg ior a circuit - j uugc with a great deal of criminal business before him to say. But he said it. And he is not a Salem man, either. ' "And he meant it. and could write a book con taininer his reasons for his conclusions after a long career on the bench. There Was An Old Woman Who Lived in a 99 Hughes at the Hague A USTRIA has joined f ourteen . sister na XjL tions in naming Charles Evans Hughes II. A. -1 I - -1 A " 1 ' i.1 1 1 as its iirBt cnoice ior eiecuon to tne ueucn of the permanent court of international jus tice. His record of large accomplishment in many fields of public service including posts as removed as secretary of state and member of the supreme court has won for him high rank as a world statesman. The general European demand for his service on the world bench has been heartily, seconded by Latin America, a region where ex-secretaries of state usually have no excess popularity. "V The election is a special one to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of John Bassett Moore one of the greatest students of international law the United States 'has produced. Professor" Moore has resigned from the court that he may continue his scholarly editing of papers pertaining to in ternational affairs. The election will be by assembly and council of the League of Na tions : : ; tiThe court is now so well established that any statesman may, feel it a crowning honor to be called to its bench. For here decisions are being given in international disputes which might otherwise have plunged the na tions into war. t " k Missouri Honors Lewis and Clark STATUES of Meriwether Lewis and Wil liam Clark are ready to be placed in the beautiful new capitol of Missouri. They are-, the work of Fraser, who created the loved "End of the Trail." The last, one com pleted is of Clark, who stands, in f rentier garb grasping in his hands the maps of the new lands he opened to civilization. r - When these two young army officers, and their men set out for the hard pull up the turbulent Missouri they quickly passed be yond the region known-to white men and marked for them the first trail to the Pa cific northwest, v - - ' , ,;Now anyone of the 425,113 Amerjcan cars manufactured last month can cover the same 9i ot-arita in fanr Amrm an1 ri f mi IJt 1 a a fort that people do it for a vacation. Thds in the space of a century and a couple of decades; has civilization taken unto herself iL. . J A . A-Z mm 4. . I iT J the Pacific slopes first made known by these 'explorers. Oregon, at the trail's end, like Missouri at its beginning would do 'well to , have splendid bronzes of the men who led the way.. .-.' , ' '' . :v''-; I ;, . 4 . ?; , ' Can Suspenders Come Back? SUSPENDERS are back from distrrace and iD exile and can be worn in plain sight with- " ' i X. m. -". rt ,'. j . . out winning . ostracism, do say tne aaver tisements that: have cost goodly fortune. The Clothiers have issued their edict they must do something to have their trade, for men are discarding an alarmmg number of things they have been in a habit of wearing, and so we see, suspenders gay in color and zanclf ul in appearance in the well dressed windows of the shops. Once in a while a hicrh school lad marches up the street with a pair much Jn evidence. He leoks collegiate after the manner of College Humor. Perhaps sus- fit I -1. 1 i. 1 . 1. . mT- - 1? I ptuuers wui come uacjL, out we nave a xeeung that they .will mostly be worn by the one who would jsay, if you chanced to mention the subject to him : ?By ginger Fd like to know what vbu meancome backhaven't I al- Air Mail and Pony Express A NNOUNCEMENT of lower rates on air V mail draws attention to the sneeded ser vice which gives the Pacific northwest still -nore intimate touch with the eastern coast and brings to mind the contrast with earlier days. The late Harvey Scott in writing of days now seventy years past said r "Latest news from the east (reaching Oregon) was from one to six-weeks old. But it was matter nly of mighty interest that could fix the lttention of a people so nearly isolated from the worldjand devoted of -necessity . to the little life around them. People here hardly :ared who was elected president in 1856. Sven such communications were a great ad vance, for not a decade 'earlier the only, estate lished post to the east was carried by the Hudson Bay servantwrfro made the trip by way of the northern route - whose ; difficult way was travelled twice each year. : r? i, .. i . "" " J'' - i i Our Uncle Samuel, through his department of agriculture, gives the following pertinent hint to chefs and-housewives on cooking and not boiling "boiled" eggs: "Proper cooking of 'boiled' eggs is'a very important considera tion. Use a double boiler; in the top part put the eggs with a cupful of boiling water for each egg to. be cooked. Cover closely and keep warm over hot water in the lower part of the double boiler. Leave the eggs in hot water for six to eight minutes if they are to be soft cooked, and 30 minutes if they are to be hard cooked." "I'll ii. .. .... . ; - -., ,; . . ... - i "Dean" Clark- pwy What is going to happen to the old reform school plant? It is a big and costly plant. Much good land. Many expensive buildings. Well equipped for large activities. Shall it be an intermediate reformatory for young men and first offenders? If not that, what shall it-be? Is the state in condition to as sume the cost of another separate institu tion? Now that the question is open, it will be up for discussion before and during the coming session of the legislature. Fords Responsibility By Bruce Cat ton J HENRY FORD has always been a man with original ideas. He put into effect a $5-a-day minimum pay scale at a time when that was a princely wage. He followed that up by -announcing that the way to make money was to pay as high wages as possible and sell as cheaply as possible, thus revers ing two age-old maxims of the business world. Then he adopted the five-cay week. Now he says that the money he made by selling 15,000,000 Model T Fords wasn't real ly his money at all but belonged to -the pub lic. He didn t lose money when he stopped production to develop a new model, he said; he simply reinvested a surplus of funds that he had been holding in trust-' - 'The profits we made on the Model T cars wasn't our money, he remarks. "The pub lic paid it to us. Organized as this company is, we couldn't do anything with it except use it to make a better automobile." It is interesting to ponder on the weight which : success and great wealth give to a man's words. : Suppose - some down-at-the-heels agitator, or long-haired scribbler," had propounded this theory. He would have been hooted, from one end of ;the country to an other. But Henry Ford, who is worth one billion in cash and has two or three hundred thousand men working for him, says it and nobody hoots at all. Many question his statement, of course ; but they do it defer entially, respectfully. In that respect, perhaps, more.than in any other. Ford has a tremendous responsibility. Beside it the responsibility that comes from the mere ownership of vast wealth shrinks to nothing. Fords ideas ideas. that find expression in such remarks, as those quoted above-are bound to have a greater influence than he hiniL can dream. For minions of men inthis country-accept them as gospeL Ford Is- the greatest, industrialist of our time; is it to be wondered that when he talks about things in his own field, people take everything he says as true? It is entirely possible that Henry Ford will eventually cause a realignment of our entire business and economic structure. Not only has he set an example;. he has talked, and the magic of his name has gained a hearing for his words that no other man can sreU His theorizings will be remembered long after he has gone. Jt may even be that some day his statements will be battle cries for the world's radicals.;. ,-Ar ',---V: iyj: That is the real significance of Ford; Ac tions-, may speak louder than" .words : yet. .in this'case it would seem that what F6rd.says rn have even .more importance than what SALUTES ! Kind Words of Good Friends Earl Brownlee, former publish er of the Forest Grove News-Times and Sheldon Sackett. former co publisher of the McMlnnrille Tele phone Register, make ueir bow to Salem and Marlon county today as publishers of the New Salem Statesman. The Tillamook Herald extends its greetings to the new editors of the Statesman, and wishes them well. . They - are now guiding- the course of one of Ore gon's oldest newspapers, steeped In tradition and Interesting histor ically.' We know they will do it well. -Tillamook Herald. ; With deep' interest' Is received the .word that the second oldest newspaper In the northwest, the Oregon Statesman of Salem, and the Statesman -Publishing com pany have been acquired from R. J. Hendricks and Carle Abrams by Earl C, Brownlee and Sheldon F. Sackett, who are widely known as among Oregon's best newspaper men. The new owners, who have retained Mr. Hendricks in an edi torial capacity, assumed direc tion this week of the Statesman, the Pacific Homestead, a monthly and the Oregon Teachers' Month ly, all of which are owned by the publishing company, and of the commercial printing plant. They plan to remodel the two-story building in Salem bousing the con cern and to seek to add to these publications' prestige and useful ness. Portland Spectator. The Oregon Statesman, pioneer newspaper of Oregon, published at Salem, is in new hands after 44 years under the direction of R. J. Bits for Breakfast -By R. J. Hendricks Keep sheep, Mr. Farmer And your sheep wUl keep-you S Sheep, and the things that gar with sheep breeding, will bring back and keep up the fertility of all our worn out farming lands, They will eat the weeds and turn them into cash; even with goats to help, they will kill out the Can ada thistle. S ' It Is creditable to some of the biggest and best business men of Salem that they are fostering the sheep Industry, They are point ing the way to the complete stabilisation of farm values. Put sheep on very farm i n the Willamette vaney, .and farm loans will be nearer ilt edged net ' ' h else w L v.. in this country. Sheep mean '. lime. They need clo ver, and dover on worn out soils needs lime. The whole scheme re volving around sheep means, com plete restoration of. soli fertiUty. The reader has no doubt gath ered from - the above paragr that, the Bits man is a sheei Wen. he " does - not feel - sheepish about It. for he is in rood com pany. Ask any successful farmer in the Salem district. 4 S What Is the best thine to take when one is ruir down?" inquire a friend at the writer's elbow. Would suggest the number of the ear. a?: , - -, - - . r .-.. - t . "What does your son do?" In quired the college" student book seller of the farmer. -He's a boot black in the dty." Tesited-:the prospect. Oh, I .see, you make hay while the son shines," chirped the student. ivv;,:.. -.'V. , Willamette university co-ed told her. friend that she had Just read that looks are determined by one's diet, and she was advised to lay off on plain food for a while. U S Salem traveling man opened the telegram and read: "Twins arriv ed tonight, more by mail." i Salem youngster in bus to stran ger: "Daddy, daddy!" Mother: "Hush, darling. That isn't daddy. It's a gentleman." A Fool there was and he hitched his star (Even as you and I) To a second-hand bus all mud and tar We called it a joke that bad gone too far, But the Fool he called it his motor car (Even" as you and I). Hendricks yeteran publisher. Shel don V. Sackett and Earl C. Brown lee are the new owners, and both enter the field at Salem well qual ified to make a success of the ven ture. "The New Oregon Statesman" appears at the masthead or tne first edition published by the new owners. The new paper is attrac tive though conservative in dress, and filled with well-written local news and editorial features. Salem is a good field for an ag gressive morning daily, and we predict Immediate success for the new Statesman under the direc tion of its new owners. The Dalles-Chronicle. His official-title la superintend ent of buildings and: grounds at Willamette university, Jiis unoffi cial designation U "dean." Re ktrows'every bump and pebble on the: campus, and' if hia travels were placed in line and you start ed at the farther end you'd never get back. He discovered Willam ette in 1911 and Willamette has been, discovering him ever since. It is to him the president, profes sors and students go.; The trus tees consult him and the Salem business men hope he is in good health. A mole on the nose of Cleo patra would have changed the his tory -of Europe; a pound of steam more or a pound less and there is cmposure or revolution at Wil lamette. A professor's absence for the day awakens joy, but for the "dean" to be away - would spell calamity. At what hour he comes in the" one knows; the earliest riser finds him there, but one the stroke of five he utterly vanishes. It is supper-time, that's al. He may return later to look at the roses or his dogwoods, or from force of habit; or he may take a run in the Moon to make sure it hasn't lost its pick-up. He was born in Geneseo. Em pire state, and grew up with Sena tor J. W. Wadsworth, who turned wet after C. C. left. He fished and swam in the lakes of central New York, graduated from the Geneseo State Normal and took to pharmacy. Those were, the days when a drug store wasn't a lunch counter, when doctors rave a man a real dose instead of cut ting something out of him or trot ting him to the dentist. The fu ture "dean" had to fill prescrip tions which started with Aconite and ended with Zygophyllaceae. Some folks recovered and are his friends to this day. He still knows what sick people need and will tell 'em if he is sure they ought to live. Why he came west he can hot tell, except that he had themoney and wanted a long ride. He liked the looks of Salem left the train and told the' conductor to keej? the change. Luckily for Willam ette, he did not like the appear ance of the campus; he knew he could make It a thing of beauty And is there any man to stand up and say he hasn't? Is there one who thinks the roses, shrubs and lawn have not been touched by creative talent? A suspicion Is current that he has other plans in the incubator. Of course, his assistants are not always careful to spy every dust speck and cobweb in the halls and class rooms; there may be creaky salrs and a wobbly chair or two and possibly window shade that looks like sin. But there are six buildings and only one superin tendent plus trustees who utter ly detest a debt. As It is he has the widest skill of any man upon the campus. He can dissect a motor, quiet a thumping radiator, change fir to oak or mahogany cure a sick patient, make a cab inet, be invisible to persons he doesn't care to see, run an engine, be a philosopher, remain silent, retain good humor and do a hun dred other things if he wants to. He knows arid is known by -" iuiDiiB Binaems man any man on the planet. With a host, there is friendship, deep and lasting, rooted In respect ad grati tude. He may never have told it,' but he has a passion for students and a , canny knowledge of their ways. Talking to them in the halls or under the trees, he has given counsel which steered them away from failure and folly. A lot of thinking goes on in his head and the grey eyes see with under standing. Back in New York he married Miss L. La Moine Raymond, who now is principal of Leslie high school. They have a son in busi ness after two years in college, and a daughter who is a college graduate and a teacher in lrm high. Everyone' calls him "dean." The freshman' 'wonders why and at first takes to the name gingerly. But he finds that it has gatherejj a tender meaning and In his sen ior year he speaks It with affec tion. Scattered over - the world are men and women who think of Dean" Clark first "and then of Willamette. When they return to the campus, their visit la unfin ished until they see the man who with uncovered head and a proud heart has watched seventeen classes march In procession to their 'graduation. This Date in American History August 6 1492 The "Pinta," one of Co lumbus' ships, lost her rud der at sea. 1787 First draft of federal con stitution reported to conven tion. 1890 First electric execution in New York. 1912 Senate empowered the president to appoint a gover nor of the Panama Canal Zone. C(ouqhHu8ffon G HWfory of Salem and tt)C fetate of Oregon Barbs Senator Tom Walsh, fishing in a Montana stream, got two fishn the same line the other day. When he put them in his net, it is said. both of them claimed the trans action was just a loan from one old prospector to another. New Yorkers have learned that AJ Smith, when a legislator, intro duced a bill to prohibit the man ufacture, sale or use of clgarets. Now v Tammany doesn't know whether to boast of it or try to hush It up. - A Cleveland man pawned his wooden' leg tor 112.50. Sounds like one step towards getting something to eat. ' Numerous young couples lave journeyed to Canada this year to eat, drink and be married. - t Fast and Farioas Blonde: Do you know that gen tleman you saw me having dinner with Monday nlM? Brunette: Yeah, I married him Wednesday night. Life. .- S we saw last week, the con vention of 1818 fixed the boundary between the U. S. and Canada at the line of the 49th de gree North, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, and the territory from there west was to be open to enther country. By the convention of 1827, rati fied in "1828, joint occupation was continued indefinitely. The Oregon question occupied the attention of Congress also in 1820 and 1824. 1 LITTLE KNOWN FACTS are sometimes most in teresting. This is as true in business as it is in history. The facts regarding CloughTHuston's superior service would prove in teresting to many. CLOUGH-HUSTON C? Suocttori to ! VEirilMWMUt 'jismcicmieyi Service Old Oregon's Yesterdays Town Talk From the Statesman Our Fathers Read Aos-Ol--188,-:.fI-.'V' Sam Morris, Raglan pitcher, has gone to roruana to aon the uni form of the Portland Browns and will face the Sacramento today. Several union barbers have lest their cards for refusing to charge the recently authorised additional five cents for a neck, shave. The old price was 1$ . centa. Ex-Governor T. T. Ceer has re. turned from a trip to Eastern Oregon. ' 8. FFriedman has returned to Salem from The Dalles and is putting hi a stock of goods at the Schreiber building at 149 State street. - .: - . . -.. -v. .; :::y ' There Is only one vacant store room In Salem in the Y. M. C. A. buildisf "at 'the corner of Com- Hon. T. B. Kay left on the over-i mereial and 'Chemeketa. land train last , night ror an e-j " .. v - . - , . tended business visit to. San Fran. I Governor Chamberlain- is tn claco and New. York. Portland on- business. wmh tmm mmmmmm Ncvciritheicsai ploaGQ note tffaatt during ttEic crcmodcBanc oG oar Commercial PruntSnc D cporttacntt and ttE:o"addatt2cn.o5 New Typo Faces and Nov Equipment vMcEi vSll place uo fto cervo yqu wSttEa a better CTATEGLIAN POTlICmriG COMPATIT Cosxaerclal Prlatls Departraeat '.v-v' "' Telep2aoa 533 -