The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    r ; INTO EVEltY HOME '
: The entire city of Salem and
much of Its surronndln; ter
" ritory - is reading the new -Oregon
Statesman today.
Max. temperature Sa5i
.70; lite. 64; River .2.'
Sunday mild without chance
la humidity. XHhwest winds.
ii- r c-.. rr.. n v- ci-n i r- rft uuw.
March SS, 1151
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, August 5, 1928
- . I -
WiIl Succeed To Presidency
Jn Two Years Under
Usual Procedure
f John C.: Kendall, flew Pres-
4v' Went, Seeks ; Assurance
Of Clean Practice
5 1 cnaries wiper or Salem was
- I elected, second.. rice : president of
':- the Oregon League of BuUding &
-Loan and Savings &. Loan associa-
? tion at the close of It annual
Iconvention here Saturday. This
V" tne only office on which a
1-contest was possible and In the
I ordinary coarse of events will ae
JBUTeTtfrJlWIperof elevation to the
-i presidency two years Jienee. :
' I John ,C. Kendall of Portland
was. elected president for the com
bing year, succeeding A- A. Lee or
v Salem.- Mr.- Kendall haa been first
: Tlce president. J. V. Whips, ,of
.Portland was raised from th see
fond 'vice presidency in "the ueual
1 j order , of succession. J.1 R. Calla
i ban of Portland was elected sec
; retary-treasurer. Mr. "Lee- and
Fred .G. Wills are the additional
- members" of 'the executive com-
""i mlttee. . . -f ; v -.-Jj
' " ' "' r Win Probe Practice -' '.
" - The new president uppirtaklng
office commended the ; work that
his 'successor has done.' and an
nounced . that his administration
. will have two principal objectives.
- One will be to secure the member
ships of; all associations-'' in the
state, and the other will be a cam
' paign to cleanse the state, of any
i questionable practices upoja the
part of these associations.
: To this, end, an amendment' to
the bylaws was passed, giving the
executive committee power to sus-
pend, upon Its unanimous vote,
any member -found: guilty of im
proper practices. The league-will
. then act upon the Question of their J
expulsion at the succeeding meet
ing. . .. -
jfext Placebo Picked
' ' President Kendall was also
, elected delegate to the convention
of the United States league, which
.will be at Salt Lake City next
summer. There was some talk
that Lee Stldd, president 'of the
Pacific States conference, will be
nominated for a national office.
The place - for holding next
year's convention was not selected
this decision being left to the ex
. ecuUve committee.
l The fjve-nlrinte speaking con
test was won by Edward Brown
'an employe of the Benefit Savings
, St Loan association of Portland.
; : He will ' represent the Oregon
! league at the Pacific Stages con
, fere nee at Aberdeen, August 9-10
and 11. One of his striking state
smen ts was that if "Caesar's pen
ny" had been kept earning com
- ' pound interest down to the pres
ent, It would pay all . the debts of
the world.
' PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 4
(AP) The democratic state com
mlttee organised here today and
laid plans to mobollxe for its drive
to put Oregon In the.denioeratic
column : for Alfred EJ 'Eoaith in
November. The neir;offlceTi are
W. C. Culbertson, chairman; Celia
Gavin, vice-chairman;' John So m
merrille, secretary; and Edgar W.
Smth. treasurer. The opening shot
of the Oregon campaign was a
resolution declaring that the con
gressional - representative tin the
first district Is more In sympathy
with New England than with Ore
gon, and the highest aim ol the
committee was disclosed by the
announcement that Oregon will be
carried by the New York governor
. : (Turn to page 2, , please)
: rr.'.; v '.
Another Tie in Faoor
01 Train in Fast Race
"'.; To Railroad Crossing
TACOMAAug. 4 (AP)--Two
tnen, one of whom Is -believed to
have . been Oscar Bratt, of Olym.
pla, were Instantly killed this eve
ning when an Oregon-Washington
Railroad and Navigation company
train demolished the coupe in
which ..they were riding on - the
highway crossing at Olegard, near
Nlsqually on the Tacoma-Olyjtapla
highway. - The occupants, of the
coupe were said to have been try
ing to beat the train to the crossf
Papers found . ' on the i body ' of
one man- indicated that he was
Oscar Bratt, of Olympia. The oth
er victim had not been Identified
late this evening: . i V
i$ Son's Wife end Self
NEPTtJNE C1TT, N. J- Aug. 4
(AP) -Believed tohave been
temporarily mentally deranged. bj
the heat ; Henry Stone ss years
old, shot to death his daughter-in-
law,"? Mrs J Fred ' Stone and then
killed himself at his home here to
day. -sc- $r?zi
Two Serious
Battled; Downtown Blaze
Eliis i ve;
Garage, Truck, Two Jrailers
Destroyed; Ban Plumb
ing Shop on Fire
Smoke was still pouring 'out of
all corners of the Theo. M. Barr
building1 on South Commercial
street between State and Ferry, at
2 o'clock this morning.J and the
fate of the structure was still in
doubt as firemen fought their way
Into the darkness of Barrs plumb
lag and sheet metal works shop. -
The tire broke out about 12:80
o'clock; and the firemen were delayed-
by inability at first even to
find "what building it was located
in. .
- Dwellers in apartments over the
shop were driven out , by the
emoke, and some of the firemen
were overcome. ' ' ; ;
The ' downtown fire occurred
while firemen ; were still fighting !
a- blase on Broadway near souta
No relief from the stringent
condition, of Oregon's state finan
ces Is promised by the income tax
measure sponsored by the Oregon
state grange and other organiza
tions, and If It is approved by the
voters at the November election,
the stale will not be able to care
for its wards and meet its current
obligations. It was declared Satur
day by T. B. Kay, state treasurer
and member of the state board of
controL ; , -
The proposed Income tax law,
Mr. Kay said, comes within the
six per cent limitation tax amend
ment and provides that any reve
nue derived from : the tax shall
be applied to reduce the tax now
levied on property.. "
Should the amount of I money
derived from the Income tax ex
ceed the estimated property tax
then the surplus shall be set aside
in a special fond and be used to
pay interest on state bonds and re
tire the principal thereon. v
Mr. Kay said-the proposed In
come .tax bill.' to be fair,; should
have restored the old six per cent
base or excluded the revenue de
rived from the income tax from
the six per cent amendment.
The state treasurer said the prw
posed income tax law would, .not
provide any more money than Is
received under . the present taxa
tion system, and that' the deficit
will continue to increase. The
property tax will not be decreased
materially, he said. -
.. It was pointed out by Mr. Kay
that taxes in Oregon will continue
to Increase, and there is - little
prospect of a reduction in the tax
burden.:; - . ....... - ... .
He said the' Institution popula
tion; was increasing rapidly, and
that the people were demanding
extravagant ' concessions which
must be paid . for : out of . state
funds. "Before taxes can be de?'
creased," Mr. Kay said, "it will be
necessary for the people to cur
tall their wants." , .- I -
The population at the state pen
itentiary has nearly doubled dur
ing the past five years, while the
state hospitals at Salem and Pen
dleton are . crowded to their cap
acity.' This condition means that
new buildings will have to be con
structed, with the corresponding
Increase la maintenance.
It was pointed out by -Mr. Kay
that a previous income tax in Ore
gon raised nearly $3,000,000, but
that this money was expended In
addition to the property tax.
The state treasurer said be
would oppose the proposed income
tax for the reason that It would
fall far short of accomplishing
that for which it was drafted. .
Navy Cross Awarded : v
To Captain Francis
Pierce of Rochester
Marine corps headquarters '.to
day announced that the navy
cross, had been ' awardjgd to Cap
tain Francis E. Pierce of Roches
ter, N. Y.. and that letters of
commendation had been sent to
eleven marine officers and men.
who had '. conducted themselves
gallantly in engagements In Nic
aragua. Captain Pierce -was cited -for
continuing to man a machine gun
in an airplane, although wounded.
during 'an .engagement with San.
dlno'a followers near Marra.
Included is thae receiving let
ters of commendation were Major
Ross E. Rewell of Boise, Idaho.
llorrow Gets Facetious
As Severe Earthquake
Rocks llexico Building
-The ' earthquake - which ., shook
Mexico City today failed to cause
the smallest variation In Ambassa
dor Morrow's strenuous dally pro-
grara;-- ;p?Wv; - .. .
- When the ground began to away
the ambassador Joked with work
men who were remodelling a part
of the embassy residence.' , -
- He said : "Look here, fellow.
what Jsthe'matter.with you? As
fast as you ' get this place built
up you shake it down again." j
Night Fires
street,' where the storage garage
of the Star truck line was burned
to the ground following a gaso
line explosion. -
A truck and two trailers were
destroyed with the' building. -
The manner In which the gaso
line was ignited was sot learned,
but persona living in the vicinity
said they heard a loud explosion
and on looking out, saw the frame
structure a mass of flames.
Much of the crew fighting that
blaze. had to be called. in .to help
with the downtown fire when it
began to threaten to spread to the
adjoining buildings. All of the
available fire fighting equipment
in the city and all of the firemen
as well as a. large number of vol
unteers, were called upon to fight
this olare," although their efforts
up to 2 o'clock had proven futile
because of the darkness, dense
smoke, and inability to locate the
source of the fire exactly.'
The fire in the Barr building
broke out just at the time that
nance crowds were about' to go
home, and a large crowd of on
lookers collected. Something In,
the nature of a stampede occurred
when, one of the hoses with pump
er pressure behind it, broke away
from the lone fireman who w;
holding It, and writhed about like
a monster snake, giving 'some of
the onlookers : an impromptu
shower both.
Baron Steufcn
Valued at $1000
Salem has another $1000 book.
And ft is a very thin book, and
not. at all t elegantly bound or
printed; J net a plain little book.
The .book belongs to Reuben P.
Boise. He was formerly Reuben
P. : Boise, Jr.. while his father.
Judge R. P. Boise, lived. He was
one of the pioneers of the Oregon
bar and bench. iy
The book comes down from the
grandfather of the present Reu
ben P. JBolse, who was: Reuben P.
Boise. Jr.. his father being of the
same name, and living in the time
Book Is Second
rtlQf, the .Revolution. -r: .
The other thousand dollar! hook
was mentioned in these columhs a
few days ago. It Is the complete
Ipriginal bound copies of the Stars
ana stripes, me weeaiy paper
published by the American forces
during the world war. It Is In
Q)e state library, and owing to the
Uthat only a few of the com
plete files are left, the demand
for- the originals has shot up the
offerings to a thousand dollars.
The : second - thousand ' dollar
book is an original copy of Baron
Steuben's manual for the armies
' (Turn to page 2, please) .
CHICAGO. ; Aug. 4. (AP)-A
ponderous fist that Once broke a
gangster's Jaw in C three places,
rose nickly and crashed to v the
glass-topped desk In front of Chi
cago's new commissioner of police
as he told of his hopes of ridding
the city of gangs, shootings and
bombings. The movement epitom
ized the spirit of the new chief.
; Named" to succeed Michael
Hughes after a series of slugglngs,
kldnaplngs and killings had shak
en the city during the recent pri
mary, followed . by gang feuds,
the sandy haired veteran straight
ened in his chair, to express his
ideas. v ' - r".; -
"Fists and not words are what
count with me," he declared,
at's acUon I want. Talking police
men . will have no place on the
force, for I have no time for a
policeman who has time to talk."
Two causes" were given by the
new chief for crime In Chicago
and other cities the 18th amend
ment and the Volstead act. Re
move them, he believes, and ' a
great percentage of the crime will
cease. The illicit Uuor traffic pro
vides the gangster with too much
money.. - - , .
Common-Law llarridge '
Subject of Twenty .-y
UMon Dollar Suit
HOWARD. Kans., Aug. 4.
(AP) Division of property esti
mated to be worth up to $20,00,
0 0 0 and annulment' of a common
law marriage Is asked In a suit fil
ed in the Elk county district court
by Lena Mae Byers of Latham,
Kana' against J. H- Porter of
Beaumont who, is reputed to be
one of the wealthiest men inJCan-
Porter, ft years " old. Is well
known for -his economical habits
although a fortune he ' made in
land and cattle dealings was aug-
men ted. by a larger-fortune!
holdings, i i .-J -A'y:. i -,J?,:-
HU wife. Mrs.'-Hulda '. Porter;
tookher own life and thelvee of
her two granddaughters In :19 IS,
while the family, was living -in
Wlehita.: Mrs. -1 Porter who had
been ill, was reported to have wor
ried over domestic m a 1 1 e s a,
brought on by the rigid economies
which her husband insisted should
prevail in, the home. . -
Marshfield Man Unanimous
ly Chosen To Head State
Carl Gabrietson of Salem
Named As Delegate To
National Meet
MEDFORD. Ore. Aug. 4. (AP)
Ben S. Fisher, of Marshrleld,
waa elected state commander of
American Legion at the annual
convention here this afternoon by
acclamation. : r . , - , "
The new commander ' Is well
known in this state. He is a direc
tor of the Marshfield chamber of
commerce and has served as "dis
trict attorney of Coos county.' He
successively welcomed : Oregon
guests to Marshfield in the cap
acity of general chairman of the
railroad Jubilee. Elks state con
vention and American Legion con
vention. ' "
- Served in Artillery :
. Commander Fisher began his
service in the army by enlistment
.n the coast artillery unit of the
national guard. He served for a
time as first sergeant and at fort
ress Monroe, Va.,.won his commis
sion as second Lieutenant. Later
promotions gave him the rank of
Don Graham, of PrlnevHle, was
sleeted vice commander.
Thomas Stdughton, . Portland,
finance officer; Duncan Cameron,
of Cottage Grove, department
chaplain. .
Executive Grotrp Named
The executive -. committee was
selected as follows: Charles Jones,
Hills bo ro: Julius Moreland, Es
tecada; Sid George Eugene; Paul
McDonald. : Medford; Don Mc
Leod, Hood River; Jack : Biggs.
Hennlstoa ; Harley ' Richardson,
La Grande; William Kelly, Baker.
; Delegates to the national con
tention: :..v..-,...:.. .-...-...v-., ..'
First district A. C. Taylor.
Ashland; Bert G. ates. Roseburig;
Ben Dorris, Eugene; Carl Gabriel
on, Salem; A. C. Hopkins, Astor
a; William Ganong, Klamath
flails. .' r.
Second district Frank Morti
mer. Hood River; Otll Palmer, La
3rande; Paul Gemmel, Lebanon;
William Kelly, Baker; Fred Kld
lle. La Grande. ?,
Third district R. G. Van Cleave
Sari Goodwin, Joseph K. Carson,
(Turn to page 2, please) v
Prominent Notre Dame - V
Football Star Drowns
Near San Diego," CaL
SAN DIEGO. Calif.; Aug? 4.
(AP)-f-Max Houser, 28, all Amer
can end on the Notre Dame foot
lall team in 1924 and 1325 and
ithletlc coach at Redlands uni
versity in 1924, was" drowned at
Mission Beach. 12 miles north of
ere today. He .4 was Splaying ball
vith five others When all the party
'ell in a hole. "A
Miss, Virginia Moynahan reach
wl the beach unassisted.' Ordie
jifford pulled his wife from the
rater. Life guards pulled the three
'rom the water. Houser, Earl Ire
and and Miss Franclska Croxall
ere unconscious. ' ,
: Both Ireland 'and Miss 'Croxall
sere relieved by life guards. Al
though rescuers worked nearly an
aour and a half with an Inhalator,
they were unable to revive Hous-
3T. : : A ? i'" .Ji:..y'..:, V-
Unofficial Crown for
World Speed Goes to '
Duray at Races
. SALEM, N. H., Aug. 4.--(AP)
Leon Duray won the unofficial
world speed crown here. ' today
when he defeated Ray Keech, hol
ler of the world speed record on
a. straightaway track for automo
biles. In two of their three five-
mile - heats on the Rockingham
track. ,' ; .v .r, --c:
; 'Durays margin of victory was
only a half length, whleh he gain
ed a.f ter passing Keech's car in the
last sol yards of the third lap.
Duraya time was X miiates 21 4
5 seconds and hif average . speed
was 127.1 miles per hour. ,-. ,
$200,000 Damage Dene
By Fire in Vfcshingten
YAKIMA, Waslu'Ang. 4--(APi
Tire tonliht swept through the
business section of . Sawyer, If
miles south of Taklma. causing
damage estimated at hearty $2Qt,-
999. . The Yakima Fruit Growers'
association's $l36.d0 warehouse.
two stores, a garage and a. service
station were destroyed.-" Fire de
partments of Wapato and Tonnen-
lsh, n few miles distant, responded
to calls for help.
Pittsburgh Hon Gets
Easy Yin ct Tourney
(AP) Karl Kaufmann of . Pitts
burgh today retained the national
public links golf championship by
defeating Phil Ogden - of Cleve
land 8 up and 7 to olar. A
First Pictures of Herbert Hoove
'4- " A & h
V'L - r "i '') m
k ; " " , - .
Desiring a rest after his transcontiaental trip. Herb ert Hoorer, Repvblicaa presidential candidate,
ovaiit seclusion in camp among the ancient Calif o rnia redwood trees and look at the mob of cor
respondents and cameramen who
camp were taken bx a photographer for the States man and NEA Serrice, who is a member of the
official entourage. Even the darkness of the, prime val forest couldn't keep the movie cameramen still,
as shown by the upper picture, showing the camp ft re at Bull Creek Flat, near Dyerrille, Calif .The ar
row Indicates Hoover. Below Is a
at the sapper table.. : .- .-3
Her husband Is six feet two In
ches in height and when he gets
drunk he's terrible.
Such is one of the chief con
tentions in a divorce complaint
filed In circuit court here yester
day I by "Nell M. Christenson
against Edwin C. . Christenson,
sometimes known as E. Christen
son." - . .,... ,.
He got drunk oftener than just
occasionally, tod, : she Indicates.
She -married him in - Vancouver.
Washington, early this year. She
says he promised to take her to a
new home "suitable to her station
in life" but instead took her to "a
four room shack" in the Lake
Labish district.
- This lowly abode was already
Inhabited by her new husband's
father and mother, two grown
brothers and a small nephew, in
addition to others who occasion
ally visited the place, she asserts.
She remonstrated with him, she
says.-but it had no effect. He even
struck her. When he was drunk he
called iier names and. did other
things Co frighten her. When even
tually she fled the place they kept
her. personal belongings.
She summarises the situation by
saying that 'she was in a "hell on
In addition to a complete legal
separation she demands restora
tion of her former name, Nell M.
Denison, and $100 whleh she says
the. paid him from her own funds
so that he might buy an automo
bile. .-. . -
Utilities Commission
r 0( Idaho Calls Meet
BOISE. Ida.,; Aug. 4. (AP).
A -conference. of -the utilities com
missions - of the " three Pacific
northwest i tates" with railroad
representatives, at which a rate
for hearing of an appeal for-low.
er freight rates on fruit will be
discussed, has-been called for Oc
tober 8 In Portland, the Idaho
utilities commission announced
Ham Boiled Flapper to
Become thing of Past
." Edict From Paris States
Associated Press Faahiofs Editor
'PARIS, " Aug. 4. ( AP) i The
hard boiled flapper la dead. -With
her abort hair and v short
skirts, she received more publicity
in ten years than John D. Rocke
feller 'accumulated in 81. UUt
that gal-Is gone, according ? to
Paris dictum, r k - ;'-, '
The people who lopped her .off
in her youth are the dressmakers
and their reason was that she was
killing ,the goose (bat lays- their
lolden eggs, z: :"; t-v zt-;
In het place they hare enthron-
d the perfect lady, a sophutlcat
:-d female who knows air 'about
lothes appeal and the part that
t plays In a girl's life
followed him! These first pictures
close-ap of the candidate with newspaper men and a flashlight taken
. . , V:""..
New Registrar
At Willamette
Announcement was - made yes
terday by Willamette university
officials of the selection of R. A.
McCully to succeed Nat E. Beaver
as regisrar. It has been known
for a. year that Mr. Beaver would
enter the medical school of Har
vard college this fall, and the se
lection of Mr. McCully came after
several months of searching for a
man well qualified for the posi
tion. .
Mr. McCully was born in Salem
and Is a nephew of Hal D. Patton.
He is a graduate of OSC and has
had eight years experience , as a
school ' executive. For two years
he was in charge of Smith-Hughes
vocational agricultural work in
the high school at Enterprise, Ore
gon.'- For several years past he
haa been city school superintend
ent In Idaho towns.
" While superintendent at Eagle,
Idaho,; ' Mr. McCully developed a
system of keeping permanent rec
ords of individual student activity.
His system filed a record of the
student's scholastic work and of
participation in athletics, drama
tics, and other extra-curricular
activities. The Globe-Wernicke
company, well known makers of
filing systems, recommended Mr.
McCulIy's system highly for the
use of school officials.
Mr. McCully and his family will
move to Salem Immediately, and
he will begin his university duties
on September 1. :
.Mr. eBaver, who has been reg
istrar for several years, .will leave
for Harvard the latter part of IK:
month, . '
Designer of Numerous
Racing Plants Dying
T 1 ea-
CHICAGO. Aug. 4L (AP).
Harry D. "Curly" Brown, design
er and builder of some of Ameri
ca's largest horse "racing plants.
ws reported In a serious condi
tion tonight following a paralytic
stroke. , t .
' The perfect lady is . a. throw.
back from late Victorian - times.
She will wear if -Paris ; puts it
over clothes of exquisite dainti
ness-built along strictly feminine
lines.1 - Those lines will be - less
sporting than l' heretofore, -, more
sinuous, less , suggestive of the
golf course and more"' suggestive
of the mystery and expense of her
sex. '" " -l -- i ' T ? y - -. . ' '" '
-The perfect lady Is to take hei
cue from hundreds of winter, cre
ations which the dressmakers now
are shewing. -Nearly all. of these
models are in discreet blacks;
browns, , dsrk blues or , greys for
daytime wear- that only a' lady
would put on, '
: - (Turn to page 2, please)
Is RAJticCufly
fs Vacation
of 'Hoover's vacation artr in
PORTLAND. Ore . Aug. 4.
(AP) Rex Mead. 15-year-old con
f eased slayer of E. D. Dewey,
friend and benefactor - whom he
shot to death Wednesday morning
as he sat peeling a peach la hie
summer cottage on Rockwood
Road, was taken before . District
Judge Hendrickson this morning
while a murder charge was filed,
with A. It. Love, deputy sheriff.
as the informant.
The youth was not long before
the court as due. to Mead's age his
ease was remanded to Judge
Deich of the court of domestic
relations, who -in turn said that
the only, course open to him was
to refer it back to the district
court for a hearing.
' When the case was returned to
Judge .Hendrickson, , he set the
tentative time: for hearing for
3:30 Tuesday afternoon. At that
time It will be determined wheth
er or not there Is probable cause
for holding him for grand jury In
vestigation on .the murder charge
Mead told the court he was
without means to obtain counsel
to represent him and. Judge Hen
drickson said he would make cer
tain that the defendant's legal
rights were protected - and the
hearing would not proceed until
defense counsel was provided.
Meads's mother, the boy said, is
employed - in a laundry . and his
stepfather Is a longshoreman now
laid up with injuries.
An Inquest Into' the death of
Dewey, whose murder Mead has
confessed in a stenographic state
ment given to the district attor
ney, will be conducted Monday at
1:30 p. m. by Dr. . Earl Smith,
county coroner, v .-
American Swimmers y;
Making Fine Record
At Olympic Contests
Four-:: victories, ' one r of ; which
smashed the world's record, .one
second place and one third, com
prised the record of six American
swimmers, three men and - three
jromen, competing in trial beats
of the Olympic water sports which
got; under, way today. . ,
As a result of their showing' all
six qualified for the semi-f laale in
their trial events, the men In the
1500 meter free style and the
women In the 400 meters.
Frisco Elan Cops Off . i :
British Columbia Title fii
At Tennu Tourncsnent
VICTORIA. B. ' C, Aug. .4.
(AP). Bradshaw, Harrison of
San ' Francisco won . the ; British
Columbia lawn tennis singles
championship here today, when he
defeated Leon de Turenne. Seat
tle, Jn a thrilling four set match.
Harrison had too much power in
his strokes for the Sound city ace,
but Turenne . put U up a gallant
fight, v., .'jy--;y: . -
The women's title was retained
by Victoria. Miss Mary Campbell
i defeating Miss Marlon Hunt, an
Francueo, in straight seta. . y , ;
Conf iicting Rumors Hesrd
About Polish Flyers On
Ocean Flight
One Ship Reports Sedng
Machine Come From West
And Head North
LONDON. Aug. 4 (AP) The ,
flight of the Polish transatlantic .
plane Marszalek Pllsudskl entered
the mystery phase tonight.
As the long hop entered t
fortieth hour, meagre dlspasdM
received from vessels at tea sell- ;
lag of the sighting of a plane, pre
sumably the Polish one. suggests
the possibility that the mable
may have turned back icward Ea
rope or have lost fu en route
to the United States.
The Norwegian tank tteaamfeoy
Astee reported by wireless that
she had sighted a biplane. . pre
sumably the Manzlek Pilaodshl
at 2:40 a. m. Greenwich merssJan
time, in latitude 44.22 north suad .
longitude 24.08 west. This weald
place the Polish airmen about 3e
miles north of the Asores at tatat
hour. . ,
Plane Heads Xorthweat
The" Astec's message said that
the plane passed "In directs ?ft
degrees" in nautical lancuasje ab
dicating that the machine - waa
travelling east by north. - - ,
At 5 a. m. (O. M. T.) the Brtt-
lsh stexmshlp Amakura reported -
sighting a plane, also apparently
the Marszalek Pllsudskl. in lati
tude 46.20 north and longsto4
20.42 west. This position placed
the polish plane almost four de
grees or several hundred snBes .
nearer Europe, two nours sum
twenty minutes after being eject
ed" by the Altec.
Seen Coming From Wees.
The Amakura also reported that
that the plane, whleh encircled tfce
ship at a distance of half a telle. "
"approached from the westward"
and disappeared northward, fly
ing very fast. -
The ' Polish " airmen. : Majors
Louis Idzlkowskl and Kasisatr sCa
bala, carried no radio and chip re
ports consequently afforded the -.'
only means of determining the
plane's position and the dlrerUea
in which she was flying. '
Should the positions given by
the two ships prove erroneous and
the plane be in full flight for the
United States, it should reach the
North American coast by dusk.
Overdue In Europe '
Ifjhe Polish fUers turned their
course back toward Europe, they
should have reached the European
coast at least by noon, eastern
(Turn to page I, please) 1
A large calibre pistol, which de
tectives said apparently was ef
the same size as the one used
fatally upon Barbara Mauger, was
located late today wrapped in a
towel In the desk used by Rnseril
Beltsel at his place of employaeent.
Beltzel is charged with toe mur
der of the young woman,.; whose
nude body, with a bullet hole to
the head, was found la a can yea
near Hollywood.
Millions of Hoover
Buttons Being Made
For Republican Party
Signs of : an active campaign t
seen by the republican , national
committee In the demands for the
time honored campaign . bottiu
the picture of candidates, ned
the volunteer offerings of J ogees,
poems and songs. i. v - r.
A button bearing the r single-:
word "Hoover" has . been adopted
as the official label tag and r
eral million have been ordered. Ja
response' to numerous. reqnoais
lithographic . pictures of Herbert
Hoover and Senator. Curtis -har
been ordered, running into many '
millions, rjemand . for picti
was reported as unprecedented.
'y New Subscribers
In Four Days !
rtnHIS is the record of
'-JL- the New O r e tT o n '
Statesman" Which by.
5 mail, oyer the telephone -r
and- through solicitation, '
; has begun its campaign
to place the new, paper,-:
treplete with ;news, fea-.
; tures and pungent editor
5 ial ommentr in thous
- ands of homes,: Backed "'
by ftdailj. house-to-house '
coverage of the city the -
new paper is attaining :
tits goal of 100new sub- '
scribers daily. ; " 7