ilie .Weil? Oregon Statesuam,t Salem; Oregon, Saturday Morning; August i,lf8 . 1 Iv V Today's JMerestsin the Stimal Realm; Womarfs World Reviewed Book Gives Recognition Wesfs Women - Due recognition hat been siren to a number ; of Oregon women who have played ' an Important part In the "Making ot the West Their .biographies . appean - In "Women ot the West, a reference work for libraries, educational In stitutions and cirle bodies -which is being published by Publishers Press. H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, California, with Max Bin- helm aa- editor-la-hUtT book rnntilnk' 1Tn hundred aketchea. and not a penny .has been "paid by those whoso name appear, aH en tries hiving been made on niy - - ; . ... .... ........ v The following outstanding west ern women : have contribnted 'spe cial articles to . the publication: President Relnhardt of. Mills col lege ("The Western Womari--Her Opportunity'!) Cora V- Beach ("Women ot Wyoming"). UT Maude "Wilde. Los Angeles. ' au thor. ("In the Field of Service"; M rs. David Starr Jordan of ' Stan ford university, ( "Jane lthrop Stanford"): Rev. Nona Lv Brooks, Denver - ("Woman's Supreme Achievement") : Lilian. White Spencer v ("Chlpeta") ; Virginia Donaehii McCIurr ("Mesa J Verde National Park"): Irene Welch Grissom ("Pioneer Women of Idaho"): Dr. Mariana . Bertola f"Th Pioneer Women of Califor nia"): Catherine E. Van Valken-. burg, ("Women in Music") ; Alma E. Plumb (VWomen Educators of Idaho"); Minna McGauley, Oak land library trustee, . ("The Wom en of the West")r C. Louise Boehringer, Arlxona editor ( Ari- By jlozeDa Baach SOCIAL CALENDAR' -y ;i ;.v fl'.. Today; t V' Woman's Relief Corps. Mo Cornaek hall, 2:30 o'clock. Ladles Guild, American" Lutheran church. lea cream social. Church lawn, 7:30 o'clock. . ... - Regular Meeting Of W; R. C. Chapter Veterans NameThree Salem People M" RS. LIZZIE . W. SMITH of Salem was elected president of the Marion" County Vet erans', association' at the; meeting ot that organisation "Thursday in fflLIP COllPLEIED EASILY urm-Vl MonL.'lof-l (AP) . . atinrt delays were Eagllsk wnlM at It. ta4 Saaday school t:4 a.m.;-hflae Hiitkt BituraM. 9a pi. Lather MfM Tsarsday at a p. m. Alt asembera reeueeted a preer i. Tk Dana aeeieiy will kefct na regular ateathly aseetiag i tk church atrlm M Wedaoeday; eftiiaos kecia- tag; at a va-i Jura, jl. neirmas. an. W. a Millar aad Mn. I Prepp, kea- cBrm Silverton. : Other, of fleers elected.; fori the ' year -eri:- Mrav; Mabel Nen dall of : Woodhunu-.vlee -presi dent: ? Mrs. Florencoi Shlpp -off Th rtrnlir meet far of ? tfa Salem, secretary: Mrs. Elsie Sim- Woman's Relief Corps will be held al f Woodburn. treasurer;. And oi inat organisation Tnursaay int'-"- - - r initial 'serviee at tat shank ea tae -e the Knights ot Pythia hall In three mall planea In Beadey. ....t t en i neka... Z.nm .Wt.L .t. 'r the -Salt Lake City- aetin Re. Oregea. wktck a lit two. o'clock this afternoon In McCornack hall. ,', -V Forty-four' ..'members v of the Corps attended the meeting of. the Marion County Veterans -association, in. Silverton Thursday. - v : Mr. and- Mrs. : J.-, ' A 'Bernard! and their grandson, Charles. Hnr4 ley of Albany, motored np. the Mo Kenzie river. laot week-end-where they were the guests ot-Mrs. -Bernard l's. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norbltt A.;Aya. Forrest B. Lloyds I '1 Return From East . ' Mr. and Mrs. Forrest B. Lloyd, Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, and George Lloyd returned recently from a six weeks', motor trip to the At lantic coast, Enroute east the group -visited in Buffalo, Toungston, Toronto and Niagara Falls where Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd formerly made their home. They were accompanied on their return to Oregon by Mr. Mrs. E. T.. Proctor and Miss La Verne Proctor are guests In Port land for several days of Mrs. Proc tor's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. end Mrs. E. W. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Rowe, their daughter, Miss Kathryn Rowe,. Mrs. Grace Thompson, and Miss Faye Louise Thompson, have returned from a four-day trip to the Tillamook and Lincoln county beaches. The group motored over the Roosevelt highway to Nesko win and Taft and south to New port. Attractive Dinner At H. W. Scott Home zona Women"): Mrs. Harry Klue- Harry Lloyd of Youngeton. gel ("Activities of tne university Women of California"): Secretary; ot State Jennie Fortune ("Wom an Suffrage and Jury Service in New Mexico"): Anne Shannon Monroe ("Pioneer Women of Ore gon"): Sheba Hargreaves ("Pio neer Women of the West"); Lois Randolph, New Mexico State Su perintendent of Schools ("The Last Frontier"); Sophia Holmes Adams ("Women of Montana"); Dr. Minnie F. Howard ("Idaho is Interested in a Fort Hall Monu ment"); Felice Cohn, Reno attor ney ("Women of Nevada Interest ed In government"); Maud Han cock Prlcnaro ( women i Mexico"); Mrs. A. J. Buchen ("Women of Montana"); Marian Miller Edith Knight Hill ("Women - of Oregon"): Amy Brown Lyman ("The Pioneer Women of Utah") ; Dr. Grace Ray mond Hebard of -Wyoming uni versity ("Politician or Diploma tist"); ' Mrs. Grace S. McKee ("Women and the Winning of the Northwest"): Alice D. Engley Beek ("The Women of Tacoma" ) ; Professor -Alice Louise Reynolds of Brlgham Young university ("Art in Utah In Pioneer Days"); Nellie Von. Gerichten Smith ("Women of Early Arlxona"). Artists, authors, poets, compos ers, lawyers, musicians, business women, educators, state officials, legislators, social service workers, and numerous others have found their place In the Hall or rame. Iocal women whose sketches ap pear are: Mrs. Seymour Jones, v'.i MrMunn. and Nettle M. Spauldlng. Mr. JbhnCornforth of Salem,; iser geaot v armsv- '. ncr v . Sy--, . One hundred and fifty members from ;Salem. 'Woodburn and. Sil verton were in attendance.. Tnose from Salem. Included:-the follow-. Ling members of the Woman's Re lief Corps: Bertha Loveland, Paul ine Clark, Mary Wirti. Mary Ney fiart, :Mary jGoeser. Louise Koon, Mrs. tHuntley, Margaret Cottew, Liztie Smith; Jessie Croesan, Met tle Schramm- Mary Johnson, Eliz abeth Pound. Mrs. J, M. Robert son; Delia . Clearwater, Elisabeth Bliss. Mrs. Ross, Mabel Lockwood, Elizabeth Adair, Mrs. Llttlefield, Hattie Cameron. Jennie Martin, Ina Koon. Mrs. A. R. Fisher, Flor ence Shlpp, Mary Aekerman,. Mrs. Alley; Mrs. Mann, Clara . Adams. Hannah Higglns, Mary. Llckel, Jennie F. B. Jones, Julia Blodgett, Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Bufink. Lou ise : King, Gertrude Remington, Mrs. T. Remington, Mrs. McMunn, Ella; McMunn, Rose Voris, Mary McReynolds. and the following G A. R. members: J. J. Newmyer, H. G. Nelson. A. R. Fisher. Gideon Stols, F.-Rollow, T. Remington, H. P. Carnahan. A. P. Van Slyke Others in attendance from Salem were Mrs. Cushing. Miss Maxine Lane. Mr. and Mrs.. H. R. Mc- Whorter, Mr. and Mrs, John Corn- forth, and James Remington " Luncheon was served at twelve o'clock by the Silverton organize tion. The program given in the after noon was as follows: Invocation. . .Rev. Lytle of Safem Address of Welcome . . . . .T. L. Eastman Song ...... Barbara Gene Palmer Drill .v.. I. led by Mrs: W. Jones Violin solo. . .Miss Beryl Ottaway Piano solo. Doris Turrell Vocal solo Mrs. Glenn Parrish w'.l .nin. her. cleared threeTMontana . ia amed almost rou- Srbundle. of m wara received- and aeposuea v -- the treasure.' staie Falls,, Butte' and Helena.. ? At each of the'dtlea a crowd of about a thousand Pson T.f! d the- take ott. W. MJ' federal secretary of rictJ11"; Governor J. B. Krlckson. Mayor Beadle," J. H.- Rows.-Montana di rector of the National Parks Air. ways and members 6t the city and ... .mintatratlons Joined tne gathering at Butte. At Great Falls, city and postal omcia amongthoae gathered to greet the niiots In a ceremony featured by the use of stage coaches to carry the mall from Vance neia 10 W post office with a cowboy escort. Ray Elsmore and G. T. Haynee piloted the northbound planea and A W. Stephenson the southbound. KSiVSDID SEEKS tl LONDON, Aug. 3. (AP) -A gift ot 3(0,000 has been made by Lord Inchcape to provide tor oin ers who might suffer from the disaster in " which his daughter, the Honorable Elsie Mackay, per ished with Captain Walter Hinch cllffe. They were lost on an at tempt to fly the Atlantic from east to west. The money was put at the dis posal of Winston Churchill, chan cellor of the exchequer. He was given absolute discretion as to Its use and he has handed It to the public trustee "for administration accordingly.". TKBBT MXTBOSX8T maoovAX. TUrtmtk a4 Caatav ttrnta . H. aaekaabraaaar. Mater. 774 M. Wiatar ttaai, pkaaa SSO-M. TWa win W aa aaraaea at taia . aaarca aa - aaa oaui aaia a. Orana. watch alt ara iarlta4 ta aMaad. . Ta aaM-raak prayar akaatiac will Va aaU aa Wa4aaaaay aa- iw-it T:U H U eaaaa ar Mr. aaa Ura. H. HT GraUpp. lOOS K. Capital taaaS, Oa Taarsaay . aitaraaoa at 3:S0 Ladiaa' AM aaeiaty .vtil ataat im ta aaaia f Mrs. ttaTfartt Bakfaaa. r ZJBgXJS KXKOSXftX CHTJXCH . . QUUaaUat Eptacapal) Saatk CaaiatarclaJ atraat at Ifyara. 8. DarlaV Jaaaaa. paataay S4S E. Kyara, tar f tha ckarcB, wu praaca iaa la. . Sabjact A Drta al tola na- tax." Jia avaaiag arric. CURB BISK -ETAJTOKXICTIO TXXVX. oosrEi. ; TASEJUTAOUB Toirtaaata aaa Farry atraats. i Kaa. Stapbaa BvabarUaa, paatar. 151 Caa- amakata atraat. Saaday aerrwaa: jeiiaw aaip aa4 prayar aarviea. l:SO a. a.; praaeaiag. a p. eaaza"" If..; 8am4ay ataaaL 1:45 .. Waak aifht aarrleaa: Taa4ay aa Tkaraday. S a'claek. Taaaf paavla'a atia- Sat araay avaaiaz, S a clack. rOXO KEXOBXAli MSTBOSMT - - r - EPISCOFAI. " Waat Salaam. F. I. Caaaal.- PMT- Saaday aekaat :4S, elaaaaa far all ajaa: r. n i fc c UAmi.a wanktD at v. r. " " r r - 11. umn W lit aaatar: aaaiact. "Splritaal Oratk." Epwarth hip at 7: praacaJac aarviea af V aajee. "Taatptatiaa." paaaa S7e. Haraiar -warakin 11 a. at. "p : AataaaL. "Oavar4 Carlatiba SolfcVtraV. Bibla aekaaI.-K.-.W. -Caalay: aa (Uayaar). Saeraaiaat af -:.ka . Lar". Prtm iB '!k?r5l . -r ftaaaar. . Oaaaanaiaa Addraaa br tka paa-aaldiaf Ha faw -pafalaJaM af tar. Bav. A. 8. ktalllf aa afill-ba la ekarra af tka Happy Iraaiaz Haar. F ta t areloek. .- Tka; aaraiaa topic "wiU ba Tka 8acaaala ChriatUS -Ufa.'.' Ckarek ackaal at S:4S witk a plaea far each laaibar 'af tha faadly. ktra., Kauna WkaaJaatf will kava ekarra af a iiaa.- ary prarraai . ia tka - aaalt depart ataat. Tkarav will ba aa-.Xpwartk Icagaa aanica by raaaoa af aaaay af tka'lrars ka lag la eaaip at Falla. City.' Mid-waak tarvica Tkaraday aaUag at f :S0. Straa Karfe la tka city will aajay tka ataaaa pkrra af cardial friaadUaasa lav aar aarv- TTafM AaTTJU. TXTLZ. OOSPXZ. ktZSSIOX 410 SUt atraat. apataira arcr tka "Kaaa' Skap." JUIpk D. Ballock, pas tor. 4S0 8. CotUca atraat. paona SSI-If. Sarrlcas: 2:S0 and S p. m. 8aaaay school. 2:80 p. ax. Waak day sarrircs: Wadaaaay. Tkars4ay and - Satarday algkta at S o'clock. nUT BAFTZST CHTJBCH Caraer Karioa and liberty streets. Robert L. Payaa, aalaiiter. Fred Braar, 8oaday ackaal aapariataadent aa4 direc tor ( Basic. Oarl Lamka, orfaaiat. Saaday school t :45, alaasaa for every body.. - Morainf preacklar tareica .11 a. as. Five aaia a to abact surnoa for ekrtl drca. 8eraioa topic, "Thiars Certala." Twa yeaaf people's asootiags 7 o'clock. Oealaf praachiar serriea 8 o'clock. Bar- raoa topic, "Defeats that Ara Victories." Special snail e at batk aarrieea. Prayer aieotiaf Tkorsday avenlaf a'clack. FTR8T COKOKBOAmONAXi CHTJBCH Liberty - and Com tar atrocta. Rev. Charles Ward, pastor. Saaday school at 10 a. as. ' Worship witk serin oa at 11 a. be. Dr. W. 0. Zaataar, former pas- Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott entertained with an attractive seven o'clock dinner party Thurs day evening in their home on North Fifth street. A bowl of pink rosebuds cen tered the dining table with covers placed for Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Dip- pel, Miss Gertrude Cassidy, Mr. CHURCHES 1 5 rXBST CHkMSTIAH 'CHTTXCH vt . . j -u;.k . n 1 II.m. aaa- ,wmwm mmm " ' ' . is ? as rtun street, aboae' 1438-w. I. im&ek A-wdmtmttL-. aaaiataat.' 24TS " Nab HiiU r Sereieae far Jord s 4jS Aa-J s S: S:S0. Wert era derettoae: atea, H1IIHT n echo si is ld4a Ma .swa reaaraJaaa af ' sense. too-ara welcome. 11:00, ktoraiaf warv .aia- Kola. laia Haiaaa of Foreae: e maaiaai. Elders an Daacaaa-ta- ckarfwr If rs.-T. (Wooaar) Power a: sor- - "Mln. af Cbaw-k- IadcrskHi. L. - tk uur. . The Tea as people wilT .,'. u .kat-tna . ia. tka' aftaraaoau 7:00, CkrUtiaa Xadcaear; special topic for seek- society latormeaiate, Beaior. and Jnnir a -.00. ' Eranaelistie - sarric Tanas People 'a aifkt. - Song crrioa sad nr.fea- daet and cbo&r aaavbers : sen far yaaaa toiaar topic, ib j- wmvf Raler " Thia Ja to bo tka test ttasa taa n. .i.uIm will ba witk aa for a fa a larta aadleneo. la ozpectea both aaaraisc aadWeoeara,-- .- Wao-ay mactinfs: Board' mcetiag, Monday aec aiae. I i. a: prayer meetinr, Wednea- day evsninz. S p. m.i choir practice, TanradaT aTcainz.. t:0 p. m. Several vott special treats ia music will be lea- t.nul tkla Lord's -daw Mrs.- T. Wen gtt) Powers af Portland s ezpectea 10 be here. Lola Haiaaa of Eocene, twia i.t al Vh. Clark Avdelott. ia here, Florence and Batk Howe will air the evening- - - - JXBOV USE MBMOBIAX.M.E. CHTJBCH - The large gray stone caarca oa iaa corner Kerth Winter sad Jefferson tracts ; eoel and well ventilated, far , aorvicea invites the poblie te share with it ia all tha services , of the routine Lord' CT. At 11 a. m.. xrr. Andrews will share tke pnlpit witk the pastor and will speak oa the Crest World Waadar school convention, held recemtly at Las Ancelac. California. He will have a treat menace to bring. Don't aaiaa it. Ia tha evening at S o'clock tha naator will Ti reach from, the theme R.lirion at iu Beat. There will be spo rial music for both services. Other cervices of Interest te yoang and old ara: Ckarek school at :45 a. a., with alx separate departmeats ia actioa. Jaa ier charek ia Wesley Hall for yenag pea pie ap to and incladiag Janior high school a fee. nsi place lor yoang peopie. Three chapUrs of Epwertk teagaa st 7 p. m for devotiooal and praise aervieee. Open foraa for adults aa ckarek school aaaez at T p. m. ah somcec are apea to pablic Fiae felloweUip aad caraeat geapel preachiag. Bring year frienCs witk you. THX aaTKBTOAIf L.m HXBAES CHTJBCH -Ckarek street ketwooa CkemekcU aad Ceeter. . Tke Rev. P. W. Erik sen, paster. kfakiaa Friends aad -. Kverlasting Frieadskip'! win fans. the sabject far the paster sormoa at the aaeraiags aerviee at io:aa. ' saaaav oinie acneoi as graded Bible atady aad - adult Bible stady and T. P. class. Tka Lutheran Ladies' Cnild are- sponsoeing aa Uce cream -social ta be given Saturday eve- ag .-( tklc evening) ia tke soclsl rooms of the church, at 7 p. m. ea.The reg alar meetiaa af tha ehareh eeuacit Taee- day-'beaiag -7:SO-4a the cherch. The LataeYna LaMliea- tttiw ti in caarca Sssns .Wednesday afternoon ia e church aocial' raama at-F:3Q: -lira. Carl Baklborg aad ktra. Agnca Coaeaberg. are boatosaoa FTBST QKBkfAJT BABPTIST CHTJBCH New. at she Salem womeae eiaonoaso, 440 K. Cottage street. G. W. Katack atabUr:- O. Schaake. aaklstaat - minis ter. Baaaary school, :4a a. m. ; ifaa Bckiraaaa.' Sept.' - Service. ,11 a. m. : to- lic. "Pattinc Firtt Tklncs First." Aa atarastiaa wraaram eonelrtiwc of veoal and iBstrumaatat - solos, aoets, dialogues, etc. will be givoa by aar Oragea B. T. r. u. as o p. ns.. J. it ara 1111H7 vited to attend. Regular mid-woek pray er service at S p. m, Tkureday. kfXLX. STREET kCBTHODIST CHtfBCH August . 1S2S. Patrik M. Uabua. astor; Alta U. Gentry, acting paatar. forning worship, 11 'clack; sermon to pic. "The Way of Life," Ckarek school at S:45 a. m. : Miaa Bother Krtrgsea, Supt. There will be no Epwarth4 Jeagna due ta tha abaoaea af so' maay ea vaca tionc this-week. There will be aa in formal evacuation for tbooe who care to eeme at 7 o'clock. . Older members of the church are especially invited to at tend this meeting. . Hymns, soage- aad prpycrs will help to lead us la worship. Btery hoar will be acid aa usual at 2 o'clock oa Satarday aftCraooaa at the cherch Mil EDIT! SETTLE BIG FIGHT AMAR1LLO. Tex.. Aug. J. . (AP).- Peace haa been made her tween the world a - most famoui aviator and a newspaper "editor here who says "I'm only a coun try boy trying to get along, fig- ' arattvely speaking." Whaat Colonad ' Charles A. Lindbergh paid a visit to Amaiil-. 16, after hla great flight, a remark he made aroused -Gene. A. Howe, editor Md publisher of the Amar- lllo News Clobs, and Howe pub- -tlshed ran " edlteTlal la which he . said the Colonel was "swell head- : ed . ind discourteous." Lindbergh landed here again Tuesday.; Asked If he harbored Ill- will toward Howe, Lindbergh ; smiled and - said he had almost forgotten about the matter. "If ' Mr. Howe has forgotten tne inci- deut. I have too,"-tho flyer said. The-conversation was repeatea- to the editor by Lieutenant Rob ert H. Gray, in charge of the fly ing field here, and Howe printed an apology. It' concludes: -So . folks. I aoolocize to Col onel Lindbergh and will aay that I was hasty and wrong iu wnat i said. He Is a scholar and gentle man, and hasn't the big head." If the Republicans and Demo crats want to make a hit with the radio audience they will advocate' a law limiting the length of sec onding speeches to twenty-five words. Disgruntled Author: I'm con vlnced that editors have a con-1 eplracy against me. Friend: What makes you think so? Author: Ten ot them hare re fused the same story. Passing Show. fTXN lanlaia Tahoawaaha. fiSf IBTEBHATIOVAXt BIBLE 8TTJDB5T8 y'VSTkTS .int.ina at 406 MaSOniC lempitt. ASSOCIATION Meet every Saaday. for Bible study. """",,.. nllu and all authorised Chria- M actings are being held at 1160 I tiaB gci.Bc, literature may bo road, pur- or borrowed. Jtu ore way. Hoars S:S0 to 6 p. m. Iraring .1 J jtrning kours twecn , ,:m Vb. rvice. aad h.a 4UaiaIW aa4-a.APaoiM ""0,fL!JJ""s '.a. viai. the reading room. r. natBenoru, wm public through a aatioa-wire radio kook- and Mrs. Waldo Marsters, Mr. and p. topic. "Raicr wucr-p Kletzing. Mrs. Llly.?-:"' eel . Tkoo. kiU) K HO aad KktO. - I Margaret to Home From Week's Visit at Neskowin After spending a week at Nes kowin, Dr. and Mrs. D. X, Beech ler, their daughter. Vera, and eon, George, have returned to their home in Salem. . .- a a Mrs.: Prince W. Byrd and her children have gone to eastern Ore gon where they will remain for the summer. Mrs. Ralnh H. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cur ry, and the host, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Will Spend Month In Summer Cottage Mtos Elma Weller and her sis. ter. Mrs. Rose W. Chamberlin, lare leaving this morning for their summer home at Neskowin where they . will spend several weeks. m m m Mrs. Robert Vial (Miriam Swartz) and Mrs. Herbert J. Dar by (La Verne Lewis) motored down from their homes in Port land yceterday to spend the day with Mrs, Oliver Jessup. a e a Visitor in Salem From Washington Mrs- T. W. Hicks and Miss Tori Hicks are spending the va cation months in the summer cot-J tage at Deiaae. ira. El P. Schott and her eon, Harold Schott." of Sublimity, were guests earlier in the week at the k. Af Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ber- ItUUiV we - - Pardl . Will Return From East in September Z mm. J. H.- Ostlind . is visiting Clr. rpiatiTea and friends In Minnesota. She expeets to return 10 ncr 4a Salem the first or sepiemoer, . '--'r ?- '- . vti. linn Pohle who has been an assistant at the Salem Publlfc library for the past year naa M.amnrt far her vacation. She will be t t "The Damon. Mrs. Mills Hostess At Informal Affair Mrs. Roy H. Mills was hostess at an informal one o'clock luncheon Thursday afternoon in her home at 1384 Court street,- - - ' p.n wsra nlaced for twelve . .- attractively - appointed luncheon tables, decorated : with summer flowers. ' . , ' . ' Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon. The high score prize w.. won bT .Mrs. Harold. M Brown. Miss Margaret Putnam received" the second award. Mm Mathilda Van Cleave. Mr. fniman VanuCleave and Mr. Mey- ersr were among those who par . . . . . aVa ..raom wivATi at tha reunion-of the Van Cleave inn Rnndav. July 29. near Mon- Spending fortnight At Tillamook Beach Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bean, their 'daughter. Miss Margaret Bean and son, Louis, ' are spending fortnight In the Hoffnell cottage at Neskowin. v,r 4-- . - The Misses Alma ' and Bessie Cooper spent several, days ot this week with 7 their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford me irereanilT EPISC0PAX. ftn.r State and Church. T. C. Tay- , 430 Btate straei, Fn. - v Rntherland. director re ligious education, phone 873. eorvtcea. . f t a BfMia tonics: CHTJBCH OF JBSTJS OHHBT vr ..v. T.t of Relicioa" : P. T.1TTKKDAI aAJJITB I V.... vl-. CiaMea from tAO cui.i ..kiiiv will be featured at I . j. .v 1 ui.. will riva a 1 the services held ia tke Nelson "ori- netrt ot Kcgre spirituals. Spe- am ea tea corner i ."'" w - i ri.i mnaie: a. m- solo, ansa aep' i HliH I r4 bv ant of tewa speakers. a.very-1 T ir. SoMttav aekool: CJlass- one's presence is requested. 1 Ur s; H. F. 8haaks. Supt. Ep- -. lma- Joint mee tins' in ina on- TSSS METHODIST CHTJBCH L,. af the three chapters. Week-day ser- - f ..k. . .! N Winter Lreett. I . rkfi.ial baard meetinc ea wea- ttmw mm-w " " " i.iw. , , I R.. , W N. Coffee, pastor.- Hsnaay aadnv evening at a eioca. ! school. :44 a. as.; Herbert B. Haueea. mld.wak prayer aad praise aerviee en Supt. . Preacking at it a. an. Thursday evening 100. oy n am en the corner oi ,""lf eM a. m, sola, Mis -c meketa. Sundsr school w.ll begin at 10 .ecompaaied by Miss B1 a. as. At 14:1$ p. special masical iVrdT'-CfcristWent Up lata tha program is arranged, also we will be fa- i,et. Miss Aldeana Baa e...etad bT E. L. Silva. a returned IrlTE-fEKETA STBBBT WAMOHLAVMisl miaionary whe ka Just closed a paster. CHTJBCH ... .. lrjkan. Yonna- people a meet-1 of Cketnekota and J. 17th - i n am . Kaart uooae m cnaraa. .tta n. e. KrsKina. naator. ao i.r Vadneadav. S D. at 1 1 .teaat tiksu 1 DOS- a. .:.v.-.-. v wi.e, .treat. ::v v . - tonics: jira. vavaw - " - . -i a. au, " w r' . . - i tv.j.. a m. m.. at tha ehurck. I u,;. afaekara. Huff era and " " ' ' r I V Ra. w aapaaps s.sani as m . t r.vsiuBciiBtiv. THB CHTJBCH OT CHEIST. . I day school: 10 a. ns. ; u. Oa cwraer ef Cottage .."- Shipping Bupt. -- .ffiiW aViiW streets, useets every i-ora a -ay w . - .'-to-M: t to a'cloeK lor uioie kbsi. wr.. i. at 11. Tka Snirited Tkcrssomcaer I r. Karl. Msosr. Mrs. Mildred R. Brooks has as her house guest for sedverai weeks. Miss Carrie Gleaeon of Puvallup. Washington. Miss Glea- son Is a member of the faculty or the Puyallup high school. e o o Mrs. Willard Moore and Miss Lorena Moore motored to West Woodburn Wednesday evening to attend a shower given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wells, com plimenting Miss Gladys Wells whose marriage to Lloyd Moore of Salem will be an event of the summer. Luncheon to Honor Mrs D. J. McKinnon Comnllmentlnc Mrs. D. J. Mc Kinnon of Eugene who is visiting friends in-Salem this weeh, Mrs. Roy H. Mills is entertaining this afternoon 111 her- home on Court street with a twelve-cover bridge luncheon. Mrs. McKinnon former. ly made her home In Salem. o Miss Grace White and Mies Be atrice Lockhart who have been at tending summer school -at Willam ette university left Thursday for their homes in Portland. . - will be -the subject. Oommumoa service i n A moat cordial Invitation ia ea- tended to one aad all. V. T. fepnngs. minister, 1433 X. rront street. G H.H EYES BIB AUTO MERGED WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. (AP) The staff ot the federal trade eommlsslon has been Investigating the deal that resulted Monday In the mercer of Dodge Brothers, inc. and the Chrysler corpora tlon, but the commission itself has not so far considered an In- onirw tft determine whether tne anti-trust laws have been violated. - It was made clear at tne com miaalon office- - that the merger woold be looked Into aa a matter of Tontine but not until a major ity of the members returned rrom vacations. -Hv ' nommisaloner I Myers expressed the opinion that on the face of the deal , the commission could take no action under the Clayton act because It did not have the Hs-nt to divest nhysical assets un der which the Dodge-Chrysler Tke Sunday evening service wiui ST. PATJL'S CHTJBCH. wu a WTrr.T. WAPTTST and Academy. Take Highland or Fairgrouads baa te Basel I avenne, ana waia two Y I dav school at 10 a. m. Preachiag at 11 rtaaraa Chambers, reetor. tbc services at the asaal koars 7S0 (Episcopal) nsuallmaetine Thursday evening. Oa world known leetorer oa "tka Bi Vi.i. .....t .t rhamaketa. Bev. H. la. m- and- 8 P. as. jsia-weea prayer meeung i '"" aeanina- at 7 :45. J. J. Sim f Lea An- . . t 11 . m .ha hnv,ft ..U. worU-kall ,n ""rr' vT" vV Tk. .kk Ur ..V. will locture at the school moaU at 9:45 a. at. ckarek. Da act fail ta hear htm. every body ia invited. Special music ; ntiei aw sua as ! A flVTTf11T. ' afUIT afeffU xxi - i jomra xjjthbbaX vernar . . . I . . n n m I . . - . ... huOt aenooi at i Hixteeatn nn m.. w 9:45, L. Lv Thornton, Supt. Wership at pastor. Services. Engnsa. Taaabin Christian Endeavor at T I man ion ia Gemtan ssrvieee. Piaparatory I o'clock, Tople, .'Personal Coavictions at 10:30 a. as. .Tw .1 wrr.". -V-,, ... wr.. wttBBIAK CHTJBCH " Hard Phi eaaT'' Prayer meeting ea CkemekcU aad Kertk Winter streets. l?u :J--"r- .. i.W efvarv. Ra. K. K. Tnllv. D. D- pastor. Sab- tking about tka ckorek 1 cslcuUUd to batk ackooi 9:30 a. m.. with elasaea for inp yoa t. right thiakinf." att r; fallowed by pubU. Jwrsklp aad .. .- .. I communion service at 11 a. m. Sermon: ' CHTJBCH OP THE HAXABX3TB -Christianity a Wny." Teuaf people s p, si. Evening woraaip V o b. . nkmA 9.040 flll I awiMt.l a -Bfl i . i ... --- :. i - ------- . ' , m-L s ... aekaai in l b. elasaea far aa 7:so a cioca: sermon. of r . . .v ... .v In). Tk. nuur will Braack at Bota lv iff..-. .in . Jaet- rranklaavvieoa. kfiasioaary society 3:10 p. LitwUler, upertntenaent, in T . .CI tfca, - w:-. . it ria Tt ti, iTkarat, atadvinv tka xrepaeey ox aunini wwn.iu . . . i i . Worship tae ' lera in see joeaaty vi vwaiu. noiineaa. -. Tilf w-1 . ama . . . . r , n a;.k u . . . Tta m.i I, I ui.ita auaoivn O - aa..aaaa aaA II aaV I.IEaTlllSr. Will I1U Ma Hm lDUIl HVPS. -aw -r,TK;rr .mW Sarsios eaator. 431 S. Cottage street. . Services: subject. "The Vision of the Holy t- j ?!:,?V. Vivad.T a... ui Bab , af.T "h mm won n w diodisi itsu'Sir . isri jws - apaw- .. will ft rvic at th Girls tniaiaf Uad 8tardX ataaiaffa. U -1 a nb Q m al at as- aa ft aawkaaaeiaa Ulriar I . P-i i 1 woo. -rr;-i"Tnr. . - TTTawTvn meni tne oireotion ot w --i , ; " . , . .'.iv.- T, tl.. e..n..a Tkla will, bo a rood I Sunday school at 10 c clock; JJ - TT'ZZZZ tn..j.v Snnt Claaaea for all - ages. p.. . n? ; ":"B-V.- smith wiH nreeek at 11 .. i .l. . ark. mmIii.I.'.u.w -Iviilar 1; Fl. at a P. as. eenior imim senr- "j , . . c Ian. win ba a kaaa miaaionarv serv-it;. c. nc t r. - - ice. A kappy song service. Mrs. h. . tiag. a r:? E"i"f ".S Smitk a.d Mn. b. . -A. Bt. ...g . -., --.I.T .S'nV an Irao.; 8 .-- ."I . ...,V laeMad to vornor . iiv aatt Blodgett, 1T43 Keb. Ave., pkes Servwos: 11 a. a4 and S P. m. topics: CkrUt Eaalted.'' e v wt i y eveniaT. e'aug. w7b7 HrdT.luVicea. X&g P. Sims, paster. """'"ti - ; icOTJBT STBXXT CHTJBCH OT CHBIST CASTLE CHAPXI. TJBTTEl) BBBTHEBH ,Cort and, in. TV vomer n. nw '11 1 r- :l' .- i. .Mat. paaaa isiu.inraana """-" - i eermeniiea to imu - r 1 fiaadavlna BOOB. There U a tentative inr school. 10 a. Yoang people Floyd BaUey, r.w-:?,r,fc.ckr.B Supt. Week-day services rrayer meevt a..- t " di. Aid Wnei";:' ' ' di;;. rrnin, and evaning last dies AJ weanosfcay. t .. -nr., batter aezttl ' - - 1 1.. mwmm iarlnr the "elulBD" 1 JDIIGHT ?r?MAt rU"""U I aTaV. Be .7 Bible school by S:4 aad -hT;.th and Tm streets. " BL 0.1 tka t win a a Ia aXuu Stover. miBisteT. Donald J. Allison. ar-J rA Twill quality blanket with the season's very best colorings in plaids both broken and block effects. LAVENDER BLUE GREY ROSE TAN GOLD . " l . . i a. a a 1 1 m.: A. E. Bradfieht, upt. 1 mens or r mTJ " JT T-m.i.I 1 1 a mating, at T eiUKk; e-ewca. ""iJ":"" president. nator . to.".."- - '., . ".7. . 1 11 1-1 o -n;. 1 k. am tka aafa aide and be pieeent 1 1 BAPTIST KZS8I0V Sinist. Huadsy scnooi at wa, .. v. v.i , - . jTTZ- HaaaVfJonrt and Hick arria. SapU Manlag .rle. at 11-- STSLVS vi? till K T . I - T w . . I It ill A cnrlsttan miae-nary w. .0 v . . 11 - . . bia aabiaet wUII bioct el tae-aaaratng aaaxa... f . t" -V t5hnr-lt7' aad arai. at Si y I ' - 1 : ill .k ("TWa A an.lnl. i p. mm win , - - - - - 1 ed Man." Dr. lller ii paster af the Wkita Tempi Baptist aaarca, rartiaaa. .a -la natinnalle kBOWn V SB a aTOCt I nlag service during, the aaoath gust. jMmMat ft a, ftffrvvra wuoiuu evtav . . -- v..- -r 11- . . M t 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 k.. .k. nV ul .1 IU IH UHgHUI lea-S-aa a firtt Chu'rek of Ckri preackar. .ai as b;cj a. aa. 1 aatn a. Supt. - Young people' meeting as. Prayer atooting tl t K a, ice la difeeattaad daring Jaiy an an , t. ,a-x- - gnat. Snay tecowv , rTFraiST LTJTHBSAjr of Christ, Scientist, ta Boston, Maae. J Sunday 8orrlcea ara held ea Saaday morning atjQjegS . aarVWaft C a o. aauPaaaa 1 am a atAVP W- I m T V TODAYS , A Sale of 66 x 76 PLAID-:.-- : :!i f la, : -. i ' - N I' i " i rfj ' ' hi! . ' : ' t : ' t f'i! , ,; .See Tfiese in Bargain Square Today MILLER'S BASEMENT s. SB-, aanag ir aaa i .Zi . . ..--t. Bev. IB aew r - , - ia .ft lUt aa. naiae. nwaw. : gviaa - - - . i . T - -a -j:.. I . Dfi, aad lath atresia. Mev. JL. . u. merger apparently w u vaai- weneaay evening f Jones, IB Philomath, r '7 " airl ' .... v-" 'Mtt : ), awaaai m V