The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 29, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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n is cm put
Will Be Opened in October;
Largest Automobile Fac
tory In Southwest
for the erTirirai manufacturing of and regulations of
Marking the latest step In a
movement to keep, pace with the
growing demand -for. Hi product.
the Chevrolet Motor, company an
nounced this week tia construc
tion will start rhortlv on a mam
moth Chevrolet assembly plant In
Kansas City. This, follows closely
on the opening of a similar plant
In Atlanta to serve the southeast.
When completed In October, the
JCdUaj City plant will be the lar
get automobile factory in the
southwest and wi'.l represent ap
investment of more than 12,250.
000. Like the Atlanta plant, the
Kxnaas City factory will have
capacity of 350 cars a day, provid
ing Chevrolet with facilities for
tli? production of more than 1,
250.000 cars annually. The new
factory will serve western Mis
souri, North and South Dakota.
Wyoming and Colorado.
W..S. Knudson, president of the
Chevrolet Motor company, declar
ed (hat the opening of a plant in
Kansas City has been made neces
sary to relieve the St. Louis and
Janeavllle factories, where the de
mand has been taking production
facilities and making It necessary
for both plants to work overtime
for the last three months. It is a
further step in the company's pro
gram to insure a regular flow of
cars In line with the exceptional
public demand, he eaid.
Twenty-eight acres In the Leeds
district have been taken over for
the various building, parts and ser
vice buildings, driveaway shed,
loading dock and power house.
With the exception of the office
building the units will all be of
one story, monitor type roof con
struction, allowing for the max!
mum 'amount of light for work
,men, Nearly one-half of the huge
Chevrolet-Fisher assembly unit
will be occupied by the Fisher
Body corporation for the building
of bo'lies for all Chevrolet closed
cars. This close association of the
world's largest and foremost auto
mobile body builder will enable
Chevrolet to provide the same type
of service available in other Chev
rolet assembly plants throughout
the country. Buildings will have a
total floor space of more than
410,000 square feet.
Work will be provided for 1.
500 people and the payroll will
exceed $9,000 daily. Following the
Chevrolet policy of recruiting
workmen from the respective com
munities In which It plants are
located, local help will be em
ployed almost exclusively, with
the exception of a few technically
trained men heading the various
departments. This plant will be
equipped with the latest appliances
automobiles similar to those In use
in other Chevrolet plants through
out the country. Edward Shaw, at
present ge&rl superintendent of
the Chevrolet assembly plant In
Flint, will assume management of
the plant.
The Sales department, now op
erating in the Kansas City zone lo
cation, 29th and Grand Avenue,
Kansas City. Missouri, will be re
moved to the plant as soon as the
plant Is rtsdy for occupancy, and
vl r. Paul M. Seese will be in charge
the work of the Sales and Ser
vice department. Appointment of
esident comptroller will be an
lounced at a later date.
Plans were drawn by Albert
Can n. Detroit architect.
The will be served by the
Missouri Pacific railroad and the
-Cansas City-Southern, with tTack
pace allowing for the storage of
100 freight cars.
Completion of the Kansas City
project will provide Chevrolet with
line assembly plants throughout
he country and an export plant at
dloomfield, N. J. Domestic assem
bly plants are located in Flint. At
lanta, Tarrytown. Norwood. Oak
land, Buffalo. Janesvllle and St
Louis. In addition. Chevrolet main
tains manufacturing plants In De
troit. Bay City, Sagfcaw. Flint and
n.eauy cooperation on part of
cuy ornciais of Kansas Citv in
iruanging siigntly the course of
the Bayton road and unusual as
sistance from the railroad com.
pantes made possible the ranld
completion. of arrangements for the
location of the plant. Chevrolet
officials pointed out.
over, one hun
dred American cities and towns.
"The model ordinance as soon
as printed, will be submitted to
municipal officials throughout the
country, and we will, of course,
see that all A.A.A. clubs receive
copies promptly.
"No one. more than the motor
ist of this country, knows the eon
fusion and even accidents that en
sue because of a multiplicity of
traffic rules, regulations, and sig
nals existing today in American
cities, many of them operating In
contradiction to one another. The
adoption of a model ordinance by
American - municipalities will not
only make for safety, but It should
expedite the flow of . traffic, and
add to the pleasure of motoring.
"Upon the receipt of this model
ordinance I urge upon you and the
presidents of our 1047 affiliated
motor clubs, continued Interest
and activity, and a Joining with
other civic bodies In your commun
ity In a campaign to secure its
"The chairman of the committee
which prepared the ordinance,
William E. Metxger of Detroit, a
member of our executive commit
tee, has been assisted In this work
by expert representatives from
nine national associations, as well
as other official and unofficial
groups concerned in safety and
traffic handling, and they have co
operated in a remarkable way. The
nine associations Include:
National Safety Council. Amer
ican Electric Railway Association.
National Association or Taxicao
Owners. - American Mutual Alli
ance, National Automobile Cham
ber of Commerce, American Rail
way Association, National Bureau
of Casualty and Surety Underwrit
ers, Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, National Research
In North Carolina, teachers are
required to discuss before pupils
once a month a digest of state
traffic laws, according to the Ore
gon State Motor association.
A Nebraska restaurant man re
futed to cash a check for Colonel
Lindbergh. He probably takes lit
erally the injunction to beware of
fly-by-nights. Astoria Budget.
DAVENPORT. Cal. There is
no business for roof-menders here
Idee cement making became a lo
cal Industry. Wind carries cement
dust from the factories onto the
roofs; fog moistens the dust and
the sun hardens It. Fence rails
and tree trunks are becoming
coated, too.
The rain cheated Babe Ruth out
of a home ran. which makes the
loses suffered by farmers appear
insignificant. Dayton News.
When a road hog Is not on the
highway he can sometimes be
found holding down more than his
rightful share of the streetcar
seat. Detroit Free Press.
Mr. Autoist
With our Correct Wheel Aligning System
We are also equipped to give you expert
brake testing, drum truing, brake lining ser
vice, and all kinds of motor repairing.
G. A. Coffey -:- R. E. Davidson
Corner Center and Liberty Streets
The Heavy Tread - More Rubber - Heavier Cotton - Three Im
portant Items That Make Us Glad to Sell a n d Recommend
Our Repair and Vulcanizing Department is at Your Service. If
Yoy Have Tire Trouble Call 47 1 and Our Service Car Will Call
and Give You Roadside Service.
(Continued from Paje 9)
model municipal ordinance, and
also to the remarkable way In
which the representatives of ten
national organizations cooperated
in the development of the ordi
nance. He strongly urged that all A
A. A. clubs work as a unit with
the other participating organiza
tions to secure the adoption of the
ordinance by all cities and munic
ipalities at the earliest possible
moment. He added that this would
be in line with a strong resolution
adopted by the American Automo
bile association at Its recent con
vention in Cincinnati.
Following is the text of Mr.
Henry's letter:
"There has Just been concluded
at Washington. D. C, the most
constructive conference of munic
ipal traffic regulations that has
ever been held In this country. Out
of that conference has come a
model municipal traffic ordinance,
written by the traffic experts of
the country.
"The committee which prepared
the ordinance was appointed over
a year ago by Secretary of Com
merce Hoover, as chairman of the
national conference on street and
highway safety. During its work
on the ordinance the committee
had the benefit .of comparative
studies of the existing ordinances
i i i -
n r r
198 South Commercial Corner Ferry Street
Miller Tire Service
3Me dwp
WE'VE been in the tire business
long enough to know real tires
when we see them.
And weVe been here long enough for
you to know that youH get a hundred
cents' worth for every dollar you spend
here. r
Talk with a few of our regular cus
tomers. Then come in and talk with us.
Ask to see tWtftler Tire
America's First Scientifically Correct Balloons
1 One-Piece Tread and SidewaH
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3 UnkeirCotCatructionv
,,Bnq, Smith
197 Commercial . Telephone 313
4 Harbison SutloM I Oapttot a
Tr 77 a
o 7777 777) o M 77 a
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Market Wert.
388 N. Com'!. St
Telephone 220