n-. us iKrRr7r-;s near nAV,i EE" BUTtt lratfcer July 25. AP) Pari' tnyln Sfleid bid for leadership among commer cial airports of Europe "when It air iners. carrying 122 outgoing passengers and four tons of f reign cleared the port and 23 'panes, bearing 125 passengers'-and 'three tons of freight landed In .one day recently. The bandllng.of 247 pas sengers and seven, tons of freight in 24 hours is bettered to, be a record for continental. Europe. Jt- Loans Bought T ET u fond your debt by assvmins a naortgage oh - your property. ' We nr -sure you that we are re&flonable In rate and in length of time. - P.H.BELL PMONt 3-07-2t4rwy : '.y SALEM 'TOg OREGON STATESMAN, MARKET; ANIX MERCHAljDISE SE I CT10N;jSALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNIN(0 JULY 27. 8 vviicn Classes Avre IAPPEAI 1''0EIUH'':S 'pDr; CB3 0'NII -J " nrst'KaUonal Bank: Building ,'.'iV: Complete AatemotiTe Iabricatfoa ;-v . ; Court at CapitolV J Phdn 2295 BAUM', arMent Always in Form Keep In trim hy harlnr a dafly round with lh (levca or punck in the bac. Yu can fiad slicbtly iied qupawH to keep yea busy the year roun4 ad vertised at aa extremely low cost in our Want Ada. Old Fashioned Aa Jrtfajo raotW'Mna or (nrnisliiaxs.. caa .oickiv . bo onied bit caak tWeocbv oar Want Ads. Lover ojusaat and eid things w!U be km tbaav ' wiltinc bur aar antiques yoa . Kan if roar eaty let tkiea baei abeut It. Ta fuMl a uee our Wat Ads. BIG SELECTION POPULAR-PRICES "War-lrVCO Z4 Adventure V you waat aaeaa parUcuac book, ar a travellwc compm'an for Uaa or (a tcS aar- thmf tkat jb tovtbt or aoB. advortuvj hi IS la tko Wt Ads and' you '-wHI rtero a yt Uctorr reply. ffOrvn Your 0 No need t enry ot&ara ft&iat around towa a tbair awa aara. Buy oae yourself acul you caal afford it at yea aiiasM a bsitiy used car, aiauy ei vafcst are advertised b our Want Ada. -The cast of a Waat Ad la low and the returaa ai aft - aaai -profitaklo, .. - , . Allen A Black Pointed AU Silk-$1.00 a pair Big assortment colors. Wonderful Value LsADIES' SILK LISLE HOSE Beige, grey, black and white, Black Cat Brand CHILDREN'S HOSE "Black" Cat Brand Beige, brown and black rv'i 240 and 246 N. Commercial Street Continue Mllln Price Peas, . - beansj potatoes they don't soand terribly macb. like hot weather food, . but there are many housewiTes who may,, '.be wondering bow the imarket is etanding on green peas and beans, es pecUlly." so they'll .know when to begin theeanning.V Green. peas haTe a ndergone a two cents de cline -this "week but are not yet down to the cheapest fignre of the season. A. few stores haTe no local peas, the last they had retailing as high ; as-two j pounds for 29 cents.'.. Local green beans are coming on in good ruality and .qaantity. with three pounds for a quarter and thereabouts being the pretail- ingprice. - " ; r.--y About potatoes: the new crop if snch they may still be called, have: taken a decline this i week. There are j still some of the old crop U.":S. No. 1 Netted Gems, which are quoted at two cents a pound. -' v- -.The 8. No. 1 Walla Walla Yellow Danrer onions are now also quoted at two cents a pound. " Local cabbage, just a medium grads, is retailing at around three cent ! a. pound, , while "the 'fancy Kelso crop Is brining a little more, t j Cauliflower, the best :Tariety from Portland fields. Js 1.60.per crate, ' w holesale. m CD r w i The famous Copeland N-5 fits in anywhere; it is entirely self- contained ready to plug into the nearest light socket; not even a drain pipe connection is required! All the space the small family needs; all the ice cubes (108) you will ever use at one time. Can be bought for a few dollars a month. Come in and see it! L IS 0) JU Phones 48 and 49 155 NoiCom'L St. The family's health:..land even happiness.. . depends to a large extent on just one thing I... Good Food. Try th eSimpson way: this week-,..Start tomorrow ordering your gro ceries, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables' over the telephone. The friendly, courteous sery ice....the clean, neatly arranged stocks., .and prices fairly shouting their values, invite your patronage to the Simpson Grocery. ' Our ? Free Deli vtsry Service is Prompt. Always on Time. In Our Front , Window ICE COLD WATERMELONS . TURLOCK CANTALOUPES ' CANNING APRICOTS j FANCY SLICING TOMATOES HOT HOUSE CUMCUMBERS 7 FRESH GREEN BEANS ; YOUN GONIONS .- NEW CARROTS NEW TABLE BEETS FANCY CARROTS CRISP CELERY HEARTS EGG PLANT FRESH SOLID CABBAGE CRISP HEAD LETTUCE NEW TURNIPS FANCY WHITE CAULIFLOWER NEW SUMMER SQUASH FRESH NEW POTATOES FANCY SLICING PEACHES PEACH PLUMS . BLAtK BERRIES LEMONS, ORANGES GRAPE FRUIT, BANANAS Warm Weather Specialties CASSABAS ICE CREAM MELONS EATING PEARS . SEEDLESS GRAPES FRESH APPLES Try our SWEET ONIONS PICKLES and RELISHES -RIPE OLIVES, GREEN OLIVES COTTAGE CHEESE . Many kinds oT Sandwich Cheeses SLICED COLD MEATS or Sand wiches CHEESE BITS, POTATO CHIPS SALAD DRESSINGS FANCY SLICED BACON BALOGNA SAUSAGE, SUMMER SAUSAGE WEINER WURSTS HEAD CHEESE BLUE RIBBON MALT Large can (3 lbs.) RAINIER MALT Large can (3 lbs.) MOLO SLICED PINEAPPLE Extra Standard Grade 3 large cans'.. -J. 59c 49c PLE 69c Week-End Specials M. J. B. COFFEE 1- POUND I -Can. . - 2- POUND Can ... . . . 3-POUND , Can .:... . ... . SUGAR 10-lb. cloth sack .... SUGAR 25-Ib. cloth sack . GOLDEN GLOW FLOUR Fine for Cakes and Pastry 49-lb. Sack 49 c 98c JL47 $1.65 242-lb. Sack $1.49 79c SAPPHIRE FLOUR Eastern Hard Wheat 49-lb. sack $1.98 PORK & BEANS Monarch Yankee Beans 3 extra large cans , 65c MONARCH COFFEE 3-Pound Package . : Our Breakfast Coffee 3 pounds ......... $1.47 $1.35 Read The Statesman Want Ads It's Found ; " .1 -xue ar.rf.,. wtf. r- laairt aa arfisi lawifl 2 w Wt Aattaf tks fiaeVr L fin!"r atoeSB know be ru caafc AaWtlMl ew Hi aT : I Made up In any coyering ; desired at ' pnees rantring f rom ' - chair, webb ctmstructed Nachnian sprtagnnits ; SalIutelygTiara iwimBittiiiaii CASH OR TERMS j : without interest! nsannnmra MA K.VE ST DAYS are real profit daus "... .. i I ; V " V ' -A ; 5' K- .V V V.V.'. v it -V- - ' CATE R.B 0 IL-LAK . . TDIA CTO R. . WHEN the grain is cut and the money is safely in the bank.then you thank the aCatelpilli, track type tracton Profits are quickly counted . your easiest year in historyeyou merely planned. Caterpillar,, did the workieetotigh work,all the workon time. t ; " ..f ' " -- - .. s . ........... ..... . , : .. . ; . - i j ; AVorldng st dry, reducing manpower c'nejier ing weather covering ddraadres da ':upneWf3rofi thrgh6i i that :are.reaped Jn :cash at harvit toggery SQontractors J Machinery Company EUGK.11S IB . rORTLAXP . T SALEM fThe OREGON L STATESMAN to 'V- ;t)i'