THE ! OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1923, i 7 'I REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY TeL 1844 r BABBEB B08U - 100 Gray Bldg. "," .TeL 790 BZCKS HJUfDttlCKS 189 H. High. " TeL 161 A. 0. J01UUiSTattT 147 N. Commercial, t ' , : TaL 87T ' LEO N. CHI LOS CO, Realtors -120 bliuUk ' 'TaL 1T37 - t I O. IULLAXO 190 X. Chureh. "sL tUO J. LLXCOLJJ ELSJS 2295 & Church bt. lhne 1356J liOMEii 1. FOSTER KKALT1T CO. 15 fit.v Nat. bank Hid, lei. 842 UAahMLL hAuU.h 16b & Liberty bt. TeL 2242 W. U. (.'KABfcKUOttdt' ft CO. 134 S. Liberty bt. '11. SIS 8L&LVLN JUHiidOJI 320 U. . tau. ttidg. TeL 637 17 N. Com'L TsL 117 LAtLAU ft l.Afc'I.lll. LaJil Buo isk. tljag. Tel. 646 UkfaVSiiX is iUUlS 22a Oregon swag. TaL 174 W. A. 1L31'U 404-5 Masonic UMf. Tat. 1221 AliXHUit liAifeift 2CT4 North laptUM. TaL 2807 al a.Ui3 Uta COJUTXI 409 Oregon twug. 'I'ai. 1170 W. O. JUlJud 831 V Stata TaL 17a w. jc ituata 451 Court St. TaL Z813 UJETcl J M. 1AGJ 484 Court. . ' TaL 182 l'.iuiLNlC ft MAiiaXaUU 211-212 Gray iJldg. TaL 807 1UC1L L. Ht.iJiA..N, itaaitor 219 N. Uin bt. 'laL 865 bAltM kUULWtt CO. k-62 State bt. Uoom i. TaL 1004 iu Oregou Bidg. . TaL 1935 bUCOLOa'aiCX ft bO-S 804-5 First Aal. iauit Btdg. TaL. 878 btjUAKJi ULAL KtALTIC L". S. Nat i Ban mug. TaL 470 ThMAXGL Ka.AL.TY CO. 421 Court bU . . TaL 51 UL&xCH ft UOUtitf 8 129 X. Commercial. TcL 1254 IS. H. KAALTT CO. 442 Siata Bt. . TaL 2660 A. 1. WOOl 41 Stata St. TaL 794 The Oregon Statesman j.Ubliab4 erer; morning excapt Jlon wy, at 8lam, tha capital of Oragoa. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Litj ar Bca4ar Osa t?r ... . " 2 easts par-war Tbroa ' tia. 6 oaata par vaad bix tiataa. , 6 oaala par vor4 1 mo. daily aad Baa20 aaata ft word in order U. earn tna aura taaa aaa tiaia rata, advertising must m la :uuecutiv issues. No Ai taken tor lass tataa 28a, Ads rua Suadaf OS LI chaxga4 at iiu-itma rata. AdrertUeaeats ax sept Personals nJ Situations Wanted) will be taken over tue telephone if the advertiser ik subscriber to pboae. The btatasman will receive adver tinmciiU at an tiiwa of tbe day or u:k-ut. Io insure proper classification .W should be ta Letora 7 p. nu TELXfHO.NK 23 OB 633 ADVEKTISEMESTS UO.VKST ADVtimSiXG Tbese eol umn. uut be kept free from anything oi s que&tionubie nature, at isrepresen ijiMs wm nut be tolerated, li f orma tioa bbuwiu; uy quelion.ib!e intent uu tile part of the auvertuer sbAUld be repoiti-j to this newspaper or the , Au club. Lodge Rostcr jj KKr.'l A LUPUS SO. 1. 1. O. O. i fleets every Wednesday evening at 7 .i'J o'clock; third floor of I.O.O.t. Tmii'e, corner of Court and High Sts. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Kurjiture Uea'er Rei. end Store, 161Q X. Summer St. Phone 511 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down -town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store. 2 71 S. Com'L If). 75 Agents for Langs Banges. 10L. A. Ik STEVEN SOU. ACvf iOEEB & years' experience" in tbo Willamette ', for dates or arraagniaenta aaa F. A. Poerfler, farm adviser, First Ka tioui.1 Back, Salem. Phone or write. A. L. Stevenion, Corvallis. Ore. BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN 3 Fi-EKXER ELECTBIC CO. HO0SB mng by hour or contract. Estimates furmthed. Tel. 980 171 Court SL R I BAHTOX EXIPK BATTERIES Starter and generator work. 208 Soith High. Wiiism TaL 168 3I0H ANP CENTEB Job ttiiLlAMS U. S. L. Service Station Automotive Electricians v Vack Bros. I- Eli St. at Trade. TeL 1341 -Mariana & MarnsbergerJ - L A.VD GREAT WESTEBJJ BATTERIES . AITOMOTIVE ELECTRICIAN'S venter street. TaL 191 la connection with Salem Super oervice station BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD E. RAM8DEX COLOMBIA BI L'5 and repairing. 887 Court. HELP WANTED Female 8 FOR GENERAL 990 X. 5th Street. Vjil?";ork. tall at CHIROPRACTORS 10 Se K T7- P8. CHIBOPRACTOB aJL22jLN- M- k Bid. FLORISTS 11 uii ex. -set. aw a. BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE 1I0DK& BIAUTT 7ABX0B US N. Commercial, TL S TOE MODES MAJLlILLO p ' or Ilea, Wesaea tad Children 200 Masouio Bldg. . TeL 879 INSURANCE DIRECTORY Anderson Kupert, General laminae J la 8. High. Tai. 1644 ' j " BBCIUS HXKbBICKS . i 138 K. High. TaJ.Hl -. LiAJ'LAK Mr l.irLAR . 1 Ladd Buaas ssaas Stag. , TaL 646 W. A. LAHTO. Oaaaral laauiaace 04-5 Ksobi Mt4v TaL 1821 KlCLt. U KlafAHifa Una. las- Loans li A. Hifk. Hi - TaL 68 WiLJiAltBTTB LK8UBULXCK AvKNCli 213 Alasonij lild. TaL 483 HOTEL DIRECTORY Wanted Permanent roooera Hotel eaatr An aa aorioen Xtrmiaal Hoveu At" tractive rates by weak or nioatL. Paonaa ia ail rooms. Inquire iiowi beaator, paone W. HELP WANTED 5a Wanted! Hop Pickers. 125 Acres near In dependence, llitomi Ranch. 30 Acres near Tal bot, Curtis Ranch. Good tions. accontmoda- Register at Durbia ft Comoyer office 160 K. Liberty SU over J. C. Peaney Store ar . A, Lytle Cigar Store, 130 X. CommercUl St. INSURANCE 12 f ARM LOANS PLEJTTT OjT MOSET to irtaa oa goad farm aaearity. CITY LOAN 3 We are loaaiag Pru dential lasm ranee eonxpany moaey oa etty residence aad auatneis proparty at ' 8 par cent, plus m eommiaaioa. Uaw ' Lias ft Bsbarta, Lac, 203 Uregea Bailing. aaajawvasxaaxssaaa WANTED Employment 13 DRIVER WITH CHEVROLET TRUCK wants work. Phene 1684 R. FOR RENT 14 fOR BEST.' HOC8ES AND APART ments. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. FOR RENT Apis. 15 3 ROOM MODERN' APT. CLOSE IX. Phone 1351. NEW FURNISHED APART1IEXT 2361 Haiel. Phone 1939 W. FURNISHED ANI CKFwBXUHED 3 room apartments. Virginia Apart nrts. 879 N. Liberty. WELL FURNISHED 3 BOOM APART-Dient- down stairs, private bath and entrance. 1133 Court. VERY ATTRACTIVE. HEATED MOD tin, 5 room Hat, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage. Pbona 1362-M. 15S0 Center. i'AIlON APARTMENTS COZY, clan. comfortable, nicely furn'shed. private batb. Steam heat. Down town district. Reasonable ia price. For inspection call 1'atton's Book Store. Electrical Refrigeration, ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential district. CbeerfuL attractive, light. 8 room apartment, 2 beds, $40.00. One furnished oventaftetL $50.00. Two room furnished. $33 to 340, One Pullman now vacant, $30. Iaspectioa Invited, cbildrea welconv. Ambassador Apartments 650 H. Bummer. 1973 FOR RENT Houses 17 rCBNISHED 8 BOOM MOPEBJf BCX galow with garaga. . Phaaa 2284, be tween 6 aad 6. , nnnnrii - " " " mjmmjm. WANTED TO RENT 19 WANTED TO REST WELL LOCATED, 6 t 6 room house la goaa sscsiiob y pawpla who are coming ta Balem te make their permaat homa. Tear lease preferred. References furnished by tenants. Please address Vox 4037, Balem Statesman ..... BOARD AND ROOM 20 BOOM. BOARD, S1KGLJS MEALS. 8UN- day suaaera. Aiexaaona, v w mekete. Phone 1338. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUKDRT "e THB .CWEIPEB UIUKPBT TeWphona 2. 263 S. High MINUTE MQVIES MOTION PJCJURE SOVHG- 'PLEASE CAST YOUR VOTE FOR ;MAMrV;l)Ai. FIIMEO BV ED WHCElAN ... . . - - sw - Bti(9iJB6r ' ' l -- '. . .. Ml ; :m 21 -J.' TRY THB HOMX WKT WASH LAUB- dry. TaL 171. 1886 B Street. CAPITAL CITT LATJNDBT Tha Leaadrr cl Para Matarlala" TeUphaaa 168. ' 1264 Broadway w" stsaftavasswaxaaftaaassa TAILORS 22 U. it, MutwtK TAlLoa vst at4 aad wjeaea. 478 Caart 8s. WANTED Misc. 23 I POEMS WAITED: MASTEBCkAFT Bong Publishers, Baattla. TEAM WOBK Of ALL. FINDS AND Ex cavating. Phone May.'iald 72P2. rCRXITUKE PACKING FOR 8HIP aaeats. Oiese-Powers Pumiture Co. WANTED 600 SACKS OF BARLEY, sacks furnished. Shindler Bros., Phone 721, Salem, Ore. WANTED C" MELODY SAXAPHONZ, any make. SVe Jim MacManunaa at Bhermaa Clay ft Co., 180 8. High. WANTED PR1VATB MONET FOB farm loans. Wa Lava several applica tions oa hand. Hawkins ft Roberts, lac, 2U50regoa Bids. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON rags net smaller toaa 1 yarw ta aaa for wiping macaiaery. Highest price paid lor good cteaa rags, apply at Htatcsmaa ttice, aaa ftsuaaw. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co, 1190 North Capitol. Callod tor aaC delivered. AU work guaranteed. TaL 18. FOR SALE 25 WOODROW WASHER FOB SALE cheap. Good as new. Phone 938-M. 1926 HARLEY DAVIDSON SINGLE. . Good shape, easy terms. Phono 13i5-J. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 JERSEY BULL. I WANT TO AR range with some one to cars for a vsl nabie Jersey bull for me until Novem ber 25. E. A. Khoten, 1595 South High Street, phone 2538-R. VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. IANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 b. ComuorcisL TeL 1193 Baa. TaL 1666. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 142. WOOD SAWlA'O. TELEPHONE 88F3. Edward Dancer. WOOD KAWLVG. THOME 1677. 1610 North OtmmerciaL WOOD FOR SALE 30; GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE 72P2. M. D. MsficJd. GOOD DBY WOOD FOB YOU D. A. Larmer. TeL 880. 16 IN, OLD FIB $8.60 PER CORD (3 rick). TeL 8188. C V ABANTE El DBY WOOD COAL TaL IS. balem Fuel Co, 732 Trade. WE8TERN UNION TIME. TRUCKS for hauling. Wood to bura. Call 629. BEST WOOD IK THE CITT, FOB THE moaey. At Tracy's fast yards. Psoas 2318. GOOD WOOD. FULL MEASURE. IT bursa. Wyatt Ksaasy Fuel Co. TeL 1362M. GOOD COAL DBY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES . ULLLMAN FUEL CO. . TELEPHONE 1835 i BEST GRADE OF WOOP Dry wood 4 ft. aad 16-inch. Largs loads srs cheaper to buy. Min wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery sad res sob able prices. . FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church TaL 1542 REST HOMES 31a CONVALESCENT AND REST HOME, facing Lithia Park. Ashland, Ore. De lightful climate and aurrouadinga for invalids and old people. POULTRY AND EGGS 32 POULTOY BOUGHT AND SOLD. 444 8. (ti'l St. Phone 798-W. MUSIC STORES 33 FOR RENT NEW PIANOS. Stiff Furniture Company. IL L. GEO C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO . graphs, sewing machines, sheet music snd piano iudie. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432eitste street, Salem, MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK SUT ton. Waterman course. Studio 980 N. Cottage. Phone 2165-J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGES ENT WITH EVEB1 60c order Kodsk work. Raw lings. w. M v Newspapers Magazines 35 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM . Agency. The Ace. TaL 989 THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTB per month delivered to your home esrly sack morning. TeL 28 or 588. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send fire 2-eent stamps to the Pecifis Homestead, Ha lam, Oregon, far a three months' trial subscripuea, .Mention this ad. POULTRYMXN SEND JSIGHT TWO coat ataaps for special three mouths' I trial -far ths bast sad eldest Journal la the wast. The artielea aad sdvsr s. tisaments are of special Interest to the 1 poaltry r readers sf ths - northwest t KoTthwest ultry JovnaL 811 8. Commercial 8L. Salem, Oregon. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENK APAMS FOR HOUSE I A a: ..V.IAaa timttsi aaa eCYsTatwISIS iWIwV8B888fpfaB aa ia w 8a,osaaas04Txsaxa PAINTING 38 CHAS-. BENNETT FAIKTISf COW- trsetoT. - patattag. - paper Banging. i S283-J. - 187 Weat Millar. K BEAUTIFUL. I BALLAD y THE EMSATiOfJAL SONff UlT- VOU MAv Efe TWC CHOICE OF THE rOPLE. &Ur VtJO GNB MET A rjN 1M THE LAUNDRIES mi- i my for UISCELUNEOUS ! 39 FOB BALXM BCATAJIGXB 8KBY10X caU 167. FURNITCBI UPHOLSTEBINQ AND KE airlag. Giaaa-Pewars Furnitaro Stera. FOB BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 seats baatk kaaAla. Stateemaa aUioa, 213 WANTED USED PIAffOS. IX ' EX caaage sa Radios, Paeaegraphs. er '. Far aitare. H, Lw attifl Faraisaxa Com pany. .. - ,f . MONKS SAWDUST AND HOO FUEL hmrser. The erigiaal 8arar built by heatug engiaeera. Wyatt Kaaaey Fuel to. TaL 1303-M. Ageats waat- WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem's White K-ng. Register number 685961. Barnes guaranteed. Fuppiea aad. grows atoel: to -sale. Mrs. Baa aett, 1030 Ch.maketa. Phone 1588. .TOTES AKD BTOVE REPAIRING ' 8TOVBS FOB SALE &EBU tLT AiU repaired by expert. All Ainds of worua wire leaee. aaacy aad, psaia. Hap bassets and books, logaa hocks. Balem Fasww aad btora Works, 5W Uours street. CAPITOL BAKOAIK AND JUNK HOUSE 105-146 Center. TeL 398. AU kinds of Junk boa gut and sold; Bags, Bocks. Bottles, Barrels, Hides, Pelts. Wools. Furs, Tallow, Cases ra Mark, Grape Boot, Puck, Peperiajat Uu, AH suaUs f lrea ft Metal eveiyrbicg from a aeedle ta a toroaiesiv. LOST AND FOUND 4T LADY'S NAVY BATHING SUIT. Phono 2067-J. Seward. LOST Saturday evening, in or Bear W'llsoa Park, pair bifocal glasses, (muck needed) ia mottled leather case, stamped Vancouver, a. , f. op tical firm. Finder piesse phone Mr. Pettipiece, Senator Hotel. PRINTING 44 FOR STATIOHEBY, CABD& PAMPH ieta, programs, books, or aay ki.d of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 B. Oommereial lot 688. daaawsauasesxaasBTaxansaa MONEY TO LOAN 45 J "".DERAL FARM LOAN F. U Woou, 84.1 State Bu F H. BLL, 219 U. S. BANK BLDU. Basidsaco and business leaas. TaL 607 or 2141-W. ! -UEBAIi FARM LOANS REDUCED TO 6fc. F. U Wilkiasan, SC8 U. 8. Bank Bldg, Balam, Uragoa. ' KIVATE MONEY TO LOAN FROM up oa approved security, city or farm. W. A. IUlsn, 404 Msaoaic Templa- MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING sat; on city property. B. 8. Martin aad Xj. B, Martin, attorneys. 818 Oragoa Buildiug. TaL-2084. ' CITY AND TRACT LtOABB r Baatonabla Batoa No Delay : STATE 8aVLNG8 AND LOAN ASSN. 703-6 Kirat National Bank Building ram 437. 8a lean. Orsgom. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOA5S Repayable in Weekly or SMoathiy la stallasoBU. GENEMAIi STKitmCE OOaV POKATION. snrat Nas'l Baak, TaL 4200. i . MOENY TO LOAN ON CITT HOMES. $10 per month per thousand pays prin cipal aad interest at 7 per cent. MeKy ft Uilfrey representing Western Bead ft Mortgage Co.. 1VO S. ComsserciaL ' Telephone 1688. CITY AND FARM LOAN 8 AT LOWEST rates. Boat terms obtainable. Oar .insurance- department offers you ; ex pert advice aad serrtse ia all lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inci TsL 1427 205 Oragoa Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED TO BORROW $450 ON GOOD city property. Salem Realty Ce., 463 Bute. . : WANTED Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 184 8. Liberty St. PLUMBING 47 PLUM BIN U AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Ursber Bros, 154 Bo. Liberty Tel. 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 BUSINESS BUYS CONFECTIONERY - LUNCH I.eabe. stock and fixtures. Good loca tion, fine fixtures. Price $3450. GROCERY and MEATS Lease. Stork, and fixtures. One of the best suburban locations in Salem. Fixtures $1,500. Stock at invoice. POOL and CARD room. Fountain, . lunch counter, pool and card tables, etc., etc. A money maker. Price $3700. CONFECTIONERY - LUNCH ROOM Building, stock and fixtures; living quarters. This place has the business, location and a future. Price $4,000. Will exchange for modern Salem borne. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Business Headquarters RADIO 49 Radiolas For every purpose, for every paras All standard sixes sf Radio Tubes. E0FF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court 8t. TeL 488. "aeapsaaven4 FOR SALE Houses 50 For Sale. Strictly modern six room English type bouse, near Capitol build ing. $6500. i F. L. WOOD, 841 State St. $1350 Bungalow 8 rooms snd bath, wood ahed, nice lot, close to bus sad schools. - $1850 New bnngslow 3 rooms snd nook, i, bath, garage, paved street. Will f take a car or lot, or $200 down. $2600 Spanish stneco home, 5 rooms and nook, fireplace, garage, close to , schools sad boa, $800 dowa. $3500 5 room bungalow, modern, base ment, furnscs, fireplscs, garage, r 8500 down. $4200 Modern 7 room bungalow, garage, paving, large lot close to bus sad school, $500 down. $5000 Beautiful new 6-room English type home, modern, snd good location. $6000 New modern English typo boms. 6 rooms on first floor, east front, . soma trees, extra large living room, sttie stairway, garage and paving. $500 down. $13,500 A beantifal 8 room boms in fine i residence district, a rictly modern. MELVIX JOHNSON 820 U. S. Bank Bldg. Pboas' 63T - ;Vroav cA r - - 0 7f- -" 1 KZjTv&c. I- J T - Jsy ,E I - THE FUTURE OF OUR. COUNTRY LES - IN PEACE ANL WARMOrW 'AND F -r: DO AJOT IART AT MOMEL , NiJHER&lViJlU- WE BE. Atf . MS. DOaJT LET HOUR FEELWGS WE yOV PLEASE i F0R SALE-r-Houses 50 $600 EQUITY DC T BOOM HOUSE 8, 18th, Ressoaabls terms snnify; $1000 balance, payable $30 mo, and iatsrsst. Baa sea selling; moved away, igdrsss COM. ears 8 talesman. - VALUE I Beautiful creek lot with 4 bouse, ia North Salem. Pries for qmiek sale. 62100.00; gSOO.OO cash, balaaea to suit. If iatareetad. act onick. See W. . KRCEGER Baltiw 11. v f ! T tm f mt ai. lmu & ,. nwia Alt REAL ESTATE 51 FOR BEACH . PROPERTY, LOTS OR acreages overlooking the ocean for wonderful bays in dairy ranches See or write te W, H. Bartis, Wsldport, Ore. 5 ACRES $3800 will buy this fine tract. 5 -room house, barn, 2 chicken bouses, family orchard,, aad a. real snap at the price. $SOO down will handle it. BECHTEL SEARS ... 341 Statd SU Apt. house built by day labor, s Let ter investment thsn . say farm, bus splendid income and la centrally locat ed. Look into this immediately. Insure with Niagara Firs Insurance Co. , - GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE v - 484 Court SW. BARGAIN GOOD 7-ROOM PLASTER cd house, fireplace, basement, etc, bm . Vt. . truL fwiL nrrfM nr dan, 7 lota, near schools, good view. I V HI seU all, or house sal 8 lots $3,800, hones and two lota $3,500, terms.- Half bloct to paviag. 649 Rural avenue or call Conner, States- office. GREATEST TRAJJINO ORGANIZATION ON THE PA01FI0 COAST Wa bars ever 800 pro pert ita luted for exchange. Every kind of property, every pries, every location. Ws can match ysur exehauge EXACTLY. If yam would like to trade your property TODAY, come ia TODA t. Bea GA5KILL ft F4P.I..E. Realtors 166 S. Liberty TeL 2242 4. room nearly new basemeut close to school; $2750. With 3 lots $3500. Good looking, strictly mod ern 4 room English typo. $4000. Sub stantial down payment. Nearly new modern 5 room cottage, . $3650, a real bargain. 7 Room, nearly new; been for sale for $5500. On market this week for $4100. Sea us at onca if yon want it. BARBER ft BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty PRICE CUT $3800 will buy this wonderful stucco borne. Modern, 3 large; bed rooms, larea livias- room, diainr room and nook. Full basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, fine garage aituated on one of the prominent streets in Balem. Nice lawn, street paved snd paid. Corns quick snd sea my agents. BECHTEL SEARS 341 State St. Room 4 Do yaw want so zahsaga year city property for a nice suburban homo or far a good equipped farm t Pa yon want ta bay a first class dairy ranch near towa with stock snd aqninmaat oa easy terms I Pa yon waat to buy a cosy little heme oa tacass ilka rsatf Pa you waat to rent a good hornet Do yon want Fire Insurance f If so see PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Pftoaw 907 HERE IS A REAL BUY A now nifty 5-room Eng. typo mod ern home. Basement, fireplace, fur nace, largs airy sleeping room, nice closets, beautiful kitckan and nook. Fins moan tain view east front. Walks and paving paid. TV is place is now nnd priced to sell. Ask Mrs. Clarke to show you this borne. With BECHTEL SEARS 841 State Street THIS EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER Sickness demands sale of my fine 8 room home cl5e to junior high school. This is one of the best built bouses in balem, on a sightly corner, must be seen to be appreciated. Miiclil consider n small bouse as part payment but will reuure price greuny i.r iu.. Will be giad to make appointment for evening. Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 Be independent Trade your home for tuia zv acres right -lose to Pacific Highway; splendid soil, fsir hou&e, new barn, 15 acres bearing orcharti, wonderful well with power pump, sprayer and other implements go with it. Price not inflated. See us quick. Put your money to work. We can get you l'o net 1st mortgage on well located Saiem homes. DELANO & DOW 290 X. Church Tel. 2630 6 room house modern in every re spect. Good location. Price $3000.00. sou'll like this place. 18 acres' about 11 miles from Sa lem at small town. Excellent soil. Family orchard. Will trade for town property. Price $1750.00. 5 room house iu good condition. Price $2500.00. You may pay for this like rent. See us. US rich & Roberts Realtors 129 N. Com'1 Phons 1354 For Bale: An excellent, well built thoroughly modern borne, two years old, 5 rooms, good location. $4200. Terras. Ranches For City property! Ranch' . as. large and small, priced right, $3750 to $17,000. Will take some city prop arty. . Salam: A good all modern 0 room - boose, 'clear, well located in Salem to trade for amall ranch. Medford: WE have good Salem prop erty to trade tor Medford property. Easy Paynrent Home: $1 per week after the cash payment of $300. 3 rooms, lot-60x110 ft. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. E. C. Holladay 202 V. S. Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. AN OFFER YOU CAN'T AFFORD t TO MISS Only 6 blocks from Ststa Street in one of oar finest residence districts. 9-rm. house completely furnished, large Irving aad dining room, kitchen, nook, sun-room and Lath oa 1st floor. 8 lovely bed rooms, sleeping porch and full tiled bath room on 2nd floor. The beat of furnishings throughout including player piano, radio, beaati f ul rugs, electric refrigeration, electric - ranga. ate. Yard beautifully land scaped, variety of fruit and shade treee, sprinkling system, etc. There is nothing lacking in thia completely furnished place. CaU for appointment. Will be glad to show evenings. Mrs. EUis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 820 Stats Street Phone 1727 fifl MAN AND VJJ1FE VlERE DUELLING- IN LJ A plea SANT OT SECTION -TV4E VFE WAS UP FOR COUny CLERK NEXT tAy ' Vfa'S TWE ELECTTON X NVILL NOT RDR Vtvi ME SAID VOUR PLACE JS WITM YouE CHILD 3UST tTWEN THEIR UTTLE BOV SKXE UP AML! CBIED IN ACCkVS j WILD J, I CHORUM CAST VDUK HAMA , DAD REAL ESTATE 51 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY AT traetire awttagaw $18T5 with $5,000 fee tares. Oak flssrs. - Decorative is terior staeoo, kitchea buiit-las sad . Sellers eqaipped. Tbra rooms, bath, aoek. full tot. Excellent location sa city baa. Only 12 blacks sat. 1180 and 1166 Third street. West Salem. REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS ANGELES. CALIF. PSOPEBTY TO chaagu. far Balrm City Property. Writs Ilea 129, Bute sauna. 10 ACRES, ALMONDS, IMPROVED PA seiRoktes, California to-exchange for Oregon. 8. O. Loses, Box 237, Paso Robles. Calif. 90 Acres. 75 In cultivation, 20 seres in fruit, mostly sweat cherries, good 6 room house, fsir barn, fine spring wa ter: piped in bouse, to exchange for city property. BALEM REALTY CO. 463 State St. 125 A. fine walnut land close to Salem at $100 an acre. Fully equipped farm oi 132' a. with contract that you cannot lose out on, 4 a. old cborries anti 8 a. young trees, running water, sufficient t.mber to psy for it. WiH take some trade, 9144)00. WTNKIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St, . REAL ESTATE Farms 53 HOT WEATHER BARGAINS Suburban 20 acres $2.1800.00 10 Acres walnuts and filbert....t250O.OO 25 Acres walnuts aad cherries.. ..$4500.00 60-Acre dairy farm $7500.00 A. C. BOURN STE DT Realtor Loans Insurance 147; No. Commercial. Salem. Oregon SPECIAL 20 acres stocked and equipped dairy and poaltry farm. $1500.00 cf person si pnaperty including 450 laying hens, fear cows, two horses and other stock. Fall set of tools. New improvements with silo, etc Priced for quick sale $6600.00. Easy terms. Ulrich & Roberts Realtors 129 N. Cora'l St. Phone 1354 TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. l.'S Stats Si. TeL 933. Distributing, for warding and atorsgt our specialty. Get our rates. We ifiove Store and Ship Houaoasld goos. Oar specialty is piaao and furniture moving. We also make country trips. We handle the best Coal and Wood Call oa us lor prices. Wo give goo measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Ta. 130. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Office 804 Booth Commercial St. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance No deduction for ab sence or aay cause naless water is skat off your premises. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH All FOB FOBOft eUSEBi AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 DODGE TOURING 1021 MOQEL. GOOD running order. Snap. eo Statesman Bx. 82. . BUY YOUR FORD COUPE NOW 4 - 1926 Coupes in good condition $245 to $300 II - 1926 Rdster. with Rucksteil axle - $225 Let us sell your used car Now is when the Demand is good VALLEY MOTOR CO. ie uses I Trucks BonesteeSe Motor Co. 474 S. Commercial St. Late modfl lVfc-ton Graham in A-l sliapo. good rubber, duals, extra trans, and flat bed. n 'Two Late Fords Closed ; cabs, stsrters, extra trans, out side : brakes. lengthened whcelbases, and 82x0 tirea on rear, spare tires and flat beds. I See Clarke. ' The Truck Man Used Cars Wonderful Prices 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Bniek Standard Sedan 1927 Oakland Coupe 1926 Docge Sedan . 1925 Nash Special Coach 1927 Oakland Landau Sedan 1926 Nash Sedan 1928 Nash Standard Six Coups ; Gardner Touring : Star Tearing1 ; Dodge Touring values, i They are in fine condition and ths prices are exceptionally row. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial St. Telephone 1260 Nash ; Distributors GMC Trucks USED CARS For Sale 61 McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1920 Ford Toariag ; $ 35.00 1923 Ford Coupe, new tires 100.00 1925 Ford Coupe, new balloons 225.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring 85.00 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 115.00 1924 Chevrolet Sedan . 200.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 495.00 1927 Ford Ton Truck. Jumbo Transmission. 32x6 Tires. Cab and Starter 373.00 1927 Chevrolet Ton Track, ran 5000 miles 535.00 Ask About our 3 Day Guarantee 430 N. Commercial TeL 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Used r Bargains 333 Packard SU Club Sedan $1750 226 Packard Six Sec an 1200 1928 Oldsmobile. E. 30 Sedan 650 13a Packard Six Sport Touring. . 750 1825 Willys Knight Sedsn...; 550 1925 Buick Srd. Six Touring........ 875 1924 Willys Knight Sedan-., 875 1927 Ford Roadster 275 1926 Ford Roadster 235 Ws srs only listing a few of oar good buys; room will not permit us to list them alL If yon are interested in a good used car it will pay you to look our stock over. We have ten good running auto mobiles all with stsrters priced under 6200. Try and match them for the pric es we ere asking. Nuf. Scd. Capitol Motors Inc. LISTEN IN 1 j THURSDAY M0RNDJO 7:00-9:00 KXL (220). Houaeboli pro gram. 9':00-9:t5 KXL. Portland Early Birfla 9:00-10:00 KEX -278). Polly Cooke. 9:00-10:00 KWJJ 250). Concert. 9:00 10:30 KTBR (229). Women" program. 9:00-12:00 KWBS (200) Housewife's Housewife's hour. 9:30 12:00 KOIN (319). programs and town topics 9:45-12:00 KXL. Morning programs. 10:00-11 :00KWJJ. Birtbuay program .0:00-11 :00 afLU program. 10:00-11:80 KGW Crier. (214) Request (492) Ths Town 10:00-12:00 KEX. Devotionsl service and shopping guide. 11:00-12:00 KWJJ. Oregon informs tion. 11 :0O-12 :00 KFEC. Announcements and (11:30) popaluar music. THURSDAY AFTERNOON 12:00-1:00 KFEC. "Varieties." 12:00-1:00 KOIN. Organ concert. 12:00-6:00 KEX. 12:00-6:00 KXL. tions. 12:00-6:00 KWJJ. 1 :00-2 :00 KFEC. eon concert. 2:00-2:40 KTBR. grsm. .2:45-End KTBR. play. 3:00-4:00 KFEC. 3:00-4:00 KOIN. Concert. Afternoon pretenta Concerts. Utility and lunch Semi-classical pro Baseball, play by Request program. News and muauie. 4 :00-&:0O KFEC. Studio concert and (4:30) book reviews. 5:00-6:00 KWBS. Amusement guide. 5:00-6:00 KFEC. Popular music. 5:30 6:00 KGW. Music. THURSDAY NIGHT 6:00 eO-KEX (278) ments snd music. 6:00 0:80 KXL (220). 6:00-6:40 KTBR (220), and road reports. 6:00-7:00 KWJJ (250). 6.00-End KGW (492). Announce Orgsn Concert. Dinner concert Dinner concert Tunney-Heenej fight from Yankee stadium (NBC. 6:00-7:00 KFEC (214). Announce ments and dinner program. 6:00-8:00 KWBS (200). Concert, 6:30-7:00 KEX. Organ program. 7:00-8:00 KEX. Dinner dance conc-crt. 7:30-8:00 k(!V. Concert. 7:00-9:00 KXL. Courtesy program. M:00-8:30 KEX. Catholic lecture and fct-ory teller. 8:00-10. -00 KTBU. Courtesy program. 4:00-9.-00 KOIN. Varied program. 8:00-9:00 KGW. Program foiu KOMO. 3:00-11:00 KWBS. Htudio program. 8:30-10:00 KEX. Studio concert. 8:00-10:00 KUW PCN programs. 9:00-10:00 KOIX. Mixed chorus. 9:00-10:00 KXL. Hawaiian hour. 0:00-10:00 KWJJ. Concerts. 10:00 10:80 KOIN. Hawaiian trio. 10:00-11:00 KTIill. Marine band frmu U. S. S. Pennsylvania through Kr'OA, Seattle. ,"" 10:00-11 :00nv"GW. "Sleepy Time." 10:00 11 :00KXI,. Studio features. 10:00-12:00 KEX. Weather, police re ports, news end dance frolic. i0:S0-12:00 KWJJ. Dance band: 11:00-12:00 KGW. Studio dance pro gram. 11:00-12:00 KXL. Sportsmen's club. 12:00-1:00 a. m. KXL. Popular en tertainraent. PCN 7-8, orchestra and soloists ; 9 9:30, trio and quintet; 9:30-10, Camp Fire program; 11-12, dance music. KHQ Spokane (370). 0, orchestra; 6:45, travelog; 7, 8, music; 9, PCN; 10-12, dance music. KFIJ Loa Angeles (468). 6, srmphon etta; 7-11, PCN. KPO San' Francisco (422). 6. music; 7, Lem and, Lafe; 7:30. 8, instrument al? 9-12. PCN. KFBC San Francisco (454). 6, uutili- ty; 6:80, music; 7,. Romanciers; 8, concert; v, 10:20-12:10, orchestra. KHJ Loa Angeles (400). 6, doings; 6:15, music; 6:45, news; 7, music; 7:80, orchestra aad vocalists; 8, car toonists' hour; 9, concert; 10-12, or chestra and trio. KOMO Seattle (309). 6. orchestra: 7. PCN; 8, orchestra and mixed quartet; io. feature : lt-i2:ao. orcnestra KGO Oakland (884).- 8, ".utility'' 7. rvii ; , , rt;ji. " Construction of a new railroad to the Bear valley timber and an entirely new mill plant- at Barns is announced by the Edward Hinea Lumber company for Harney county. The chief criticism of Senator Joe Dunne s flat auto license plan seems to be that it would be a flat tire on the wheel of further high way progress. Bend Bulletin. By Ed Wheelan .'ttfctTJJ.ltf tSONG-, : Teal' yduR. FRjETvlDS -O I Stalest! Uukets GEALaT . No. 1. wheat, whits Bad wheat, sacked .. Oats, pot a PORK. JCTTTTOBT AJTD BEEF Top hogs ; i SU Sows . . .?. Cows : ; 05 Id- Spring lambs Dressed veal ... Pressed bogs .54 .08 06 - 30 ' IB li POULTRY x.igni mmmm Heavy hens Broilers ... .. 14.1S 20 (at .21 2 ltf .28, EGGS, BUTTER, BUTTERF 4T Standards .2 It Butterfat 45 Print butter .46H.47b FBTJTTS .! Honey cew melons, crate .$1.73r Casabas, ponnd .04' Watermelons, pound . .. .OBj Apricots, lugs ..$1.00 01.25. Seediesa grapes, lug ..-. ...$3.00 ! I ..$2.2r .OS" .. .40v VEGETABLES .New potatoes, per ewt... String beans . Radishes -.. Green onions Local lettuce 40 0.80, $3.3 5 ' 8O0V2 ' '1 Local celery o o ) Gexttral Market O- i O DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore.. July 23. (AP) Dairy Exchange, net prices: Butter. Extras 4o Vk c ; atandarms sac. Escs: Extraa 2Se; firsts 27c; medi um extras 25c; medium firsts 24c. HAT PORTLAND. Ore.. July 23. (AP)- Hav: Bnvinc nricea: Eastern Oregon tim othy $2Ui21..50; do. valley, $17.50011 alfalfa $16.50017; clover 1Z; oat nay. $15016; straw, $8.50 ton; selling prices $2 ton mora. ' " PRODUCE FORTLAXD. Ore., July 25. (AP) Wholesale prices: Milk-Raw milk (4 per cent). $2.80 cwt., fob Portland, less one per rent. Butterfat, 41c station, ae iracx, (goc fob Portland. Poultry Alive hens over t Ioa, 24e; 4 to 1M lbs., hens and springs tilrher. 20e: 8 to 4 lbs.. 18e; S lbs.. and under. 15c; spring and leghorns 24c. Pctatowt Uuotations on basis 01 jou- Ih. sscks; Best varieties of new potatoes $1.50 to $1.75. . Onions Best varties $1.25 to 1.7.K change net wholessle priceat 1 (Cubes') : . . .. , . ' 2 , - - - - , "T0j. . - 1 T -tlrits 4oc; firUs 42c. Creamery prices: Pr:nts, 3c ver cube standards. 1 Eggs Steady. Portland Dairy Ex changp (net basis): Fresh standard (ex tras, 29c; fresh standard firsts, 28e; fresh medium extras. 27c: fresh medium firsts. 26c. Prices to retailers, lgfSo over exchange prices. PORTLAND GRAIN . ' . PORTLAND. Ore-, July 25. (AP1 Cash grain: Wheat Big Bend Bluestewi. hard white $1.83; soft white $1.23; western white $1.23; hard winter $1.19; northern spring $1.17; weatera red 61.15. Oats No. 2 86-lb. white feed $35ijp. Barley Na. 2 45-lb. B. W. $34.00. Corn No. 2 eastern yellow, shipment $43.50. Millrua Standard S34.ou. LIVESTOCK -i- PORTLAND, Ore., July 25. (AP) Cattle and calves, steady. No receipts. Steers (1100 1180 lbs.), good $11.2.U $12.00; (950 1100), good 611.50 0 $12.10; (800 and up mediums $10.2SRr $11.35; common $8.50($ 10.25; heifers Kn lha dawnl. a-ood 610 0021910.58: common to medium $8.50 $10.00; cows, good $8.75(939.25; common to medium $7.00 $8.75; low cotters $5.00$7.00: bulls (yearlings excluded), good beef $7.25&$8.00; cutter to medium $6..5O0 $7.25; calves (500 lbs. down), medintu to rhoiee $8.50 ft $10.50: eull to commrtn $6.50 $8.50; vealers (milk fed), good to choice $13.00fti$l4.OO; medium $!f. 00$13.00; cull to common $7.50 $11.00. Hogs Butcher clssses 25 35c lower; spots 50e off; receipts 90 direct. Heavy weight (250 350 lbs.). medium to choice $9.50 311.50; medium weight (200-250), medium to choice $9.60ti) $11.75; light weight (160-200 lbs.), me dium to choice $12.00$i $12.25; I;at lights (130-100 lbs.), medium to choice $10.50(5 $12.00: parking sows. roush snd smooth $a.75(f? $9.50; medium ,to choice$10.50 $1 1.75 ; feeder and stockr pifrs (90-130 lb), medium to rhotee $10.0O7$l 1.25. Soft or oily hoe and .nictin, nir-a i.Trliirlf.H in alinvft allfifca. . . . . - . . . . . . . tions. Sheep, anu lambs Steady receipti - . Lambs (84 lha. down), good to choir. $10.75 $12.23; (92 lbs. dowiv, medium $9. 75(3$10.75; (all weight.), cull to common $8.50$9.75; yearling wethers (110 lbs. down), nn-diura To choice $7..$9.00; ewes (120 IKs. down), medium to choice $1.00(r?$YlJ: (120-150 lbs.), medium to choice $3.C0(? M.50; (sll weights), eull to couimbn 2.00r;j$3:00. Wool Stesdr. eaftern Oregon wols (fob country points): Choice light shr'nk ing fine, 35 37c lb.; heavier shrinking fine, 32034c; crossbred wools, 30(j40c; valley medium, 50c lb.; coarse, 4c ill. r? CHICAGO GRAIN " CHICAGO. Ju'y 25. (AD Report of crop conditions above par both s:des of the Csnadian line, did much toward bringing about lower prices today for wheat. On the other hand, broadening out of corn export buainess helped to turn corn values upgrade. f Wheat finished weak, le to 114c it lower, corn at l-8c to 1 l-8e advance aad oats 3 8c off to l-2c up. " Some sections grow more pros perous and some put their fai(i in politicians who claim to be tie poor man's friend Klamath FaQs Herald. ' NOTICE OP FIXALY S 8ETTLEMEXT f Notice is hereby given that thj undersigned has filed in the Couot tr Court of the SUte of Oregof for the County of Marion, his dutjt rerlfied Final Accounts) as the A$ mlnistrator with the Will Annexe of the estate of Benjamin A. Pa els, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 21st day di August. 9 28. at the hour of tea? o'clock A. M. of said day, as th4 time, and the County Court Rooef in the : County , Court House at Salem, in Marion Connty, Ore gon, as the place for hearing eal final . account and all objection , thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, thfi 19th day of July. 1928. & RONALD C. GLOVER, Administrator with the Will An nexed of the Estate of Benjamtft . A. Pagels, deceased. - js Jlyl9-2SA2-9-ll , Sealed proposals will be ret celred at the office of Benncs aai Herxog Architects, 917 Public Service Building. Portland. Ore gon, addressed to Frank Mere dlth. SecreUry of ths Board wf Regents of State Nornil Schools,' until 9 o'clock A. M. Jufy 28, 1928, for the General work. Heating and Ventilating and Elec trical work of a Two Story aad Basement School Building, to le erected oa the Normal School Campus at La - Grande, Oregotl. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the Building Committee of tfce Board of Regents at the abort ad dress at f o'clock JL M. the targe day iZ'rzT. Z , I All work and material must con form to the plana and specif lc$V tions therefor oa file at the office of the Architects, 917 Public Sery Ica Building. Portland, Oregrrr, and at the office of the Secretary Prank - Meredith at the Capitol Building, Salem. Oregon. - Jlyl7to28Iae. o-i , . , $1.08 miinag .6 f . li 1 t ttl9 tUaUt 12 U sHraa. - r v '- ' ' ? - "' "'"' - -