The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Sacred Concert Will Be
Given Sunday Evening
at Knight Memorial Church-
The chorus choir of the Knight
Memorial church,. 19th and Ferry
streets, will present a sacred con
cert Sunday evening at eight
This will be the last of the
monthly concerts prior to the va
cation season."
The numbers will be given In
tlfe following order wfth Donald
J. Allison', organist, accompany
ing: v '
Chorus- "God Thou Art Great"....
Male Quartet "Hark, Hark My
Soul" Wilson
Chorus "The Trees and the
Master" Wilson
With obllgato solo by Mrs. Dale
Duet "Tarry With Me" ....Nicolai
Mrs. J. M. England, Harold Wit
craft c-horua "Praise Ye the Lord"
0 Baines
Duct "The Lord is My Light"-..
Dudley Buck
Mrs. Taylor, Leonard Chad wick
Chorus "Eternal Light of -
Light" , ;..Jevin
Incidental solos, Myra Gleason
The" following organ solos will
be played by Donald Allison: "To
a Wild Rose" (MacDowell); "An
dante CantabUe" (Tschaikowsky)
and "Coronation March" (Meyerbeer.)
Annual Convention of Evan
gelical Missionary Society
Held Recently
The annual convention of the
Oregon branch of the Woman's
Missionary society of the Evan
gelical church was held at Jen
nings lodge. July 18 to 20.
The mornings were devoted to
business sessions; the afternoon
and evening to, music, addresses
and discussions.
The Rev. E. P. Layton of Salem
had charge of devotional services.
The convention sermon was deliv
ered by the Rev. H. V. Summers
of Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. A. E.
Lehman. returned missionary
from China, gave an address.
Thursday evening the young
people gave a program and the
Rev. C. S. Poling of Bloomfield.
New Jersey spoke.
The following officers were
elected: president, Mrs. C. C. Pol
ing; vice president, Mrs. Nenie
Myers; recording secretary, Mrs.
G. N. Thompson; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. B. S. Frewing; sec
retary. Y. P. M. C. Mrs. W. A. Gel
latly; secretary mission bands,
Mrs. O. D. Martin; secretary of
little heralds, Mrs. Esther Farn
ham; secretary of literature, Mrs.
W. A. Gueffroy; secretary of
thank offerings and tithing, Mrs.
B. L. Hageman; secretary of or
atorical contests, Mrs. F. E. Fish
er. Mrs. L. C. Brotherton Hostess
at Meeting of Needle
craft Club
Mrs. L. C. Brotherton was hos
tess at the meeting of the Needle
craft club Tuesday afternoon in
her home at 570 South Winter
Members in the group were
Mrs. A. J. Basey, Mrs. L. L. Mc
Adams, Mrs. Ruth Dennison, Mrs.
F, G. Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Stearns
and the hostess, Mrs. Brotherton.
Refreshments were served at
the tea hour at small tables ar
ranged on the lawn. Summer flow
ers in attractive combinations
centered each table. j
The club will be entertained
August 14 at the home of Mrs.
F. G. Stearns, ISO South 19th
Deroti'onal and Social Meet-,
ing at American Church
Tomorrow Evening
"Appreciating Our Immigrant
Neighbors" will be the subject for
a short devotional meeting and
social evening to be held In the
church social rooms at the Amer
ican Lutheran church Friday eve
ning at eight o'clock. - ".
The Luther league is . working
for a piano fund. The committee
is putting forth every effort to
build up a strong loyal member
ship to participate in its program
cf social and religious activities
'or. the young people of the
hureta. ' ' -
Refreshments are served at all
social gatherings.
Miss Lucille Ross Compli
mented With Pre-Nup-f
l Affair
Complimenting Miss Lucille
'loss whose marriage to Holly J.
Kninderup of Patterson, New Jer
y. win take place in the late
dimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Byron D.
Arnold entertained with a dinner
J-arty Tuesday evening at their
in Corvallis. -
A number of attractive affairs
' ave been in Salem and Corvallis.
oniplimentIng the brtdelect
Mr. and Mrs. Livesley and '
heir Children Return -r
rom British nJnhiA
A1r. and Mr tat
iiieir daughters, Dorothy and Pat-
j. ua sons, Roderick and Tommy
returned Tuesday evening from
an extended visit in British Co-,
lumbia with Mrs. Livesley's par
nt8' Mr- Mrs. G. WVDeBecke
Ladles': Aid society. W. R.
Allnlay meeting. Fairgrounds.
i . lvli V: , Tuesday evening
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Annual I j.
Mrst Needham Returns
From Washington
Mrs. C N. Needham who has
been a guest of her sister at Kel
so,. Washington Tor several days,
returned to herf home in Salem
High School Girts Spending
Week at Y. W. C. A. . .
Summer Camv I f
A group of 14 high school girls
accompanied by Miss f Elisabeth
Baker, secretary of) the local Y.
W. C. A., left Monday for Camp
Santaly, the Y. W. C. A. summer
camp near Mehama. They were
Gertrude Winslow, Doris Clarke,
f Ramona Walker, Muriel White.
Olive Oppen, Irma B&bcock, Sar
ah Dark. Haxcl McElroy. Harriet
Page, Veda Coppockj Helen McEl
roy, Myrna Bonner, Stella. Wheel
er and Helen Page. If
" Cars for the trip were fur
nished by Miss Rosalie Buren, Mr.
A. L. Dark, Mr. Mark McCallister
and Mr. A. F. Gueffrpy.
The Salem Rainbow girls will
occupy the' camp next week. Mrs.
David Wright, mother advisor of
the Salem assembly) will be In
charge, assisted by Mrs, William
Merrlott and Mrs. Bert Flack.
Forty girls have made reserva
tions for the week, f
St. Olaf Quintet Will Appear
in Local Concert f
Announcement has been made
that the St. Olaf Quintet will ap
pear in concert In Salem later in
the summer.
' This musical organization has
been directed by the world-famous
conductor. Professor: F. Melius
Christiansen of Northfleld, Min
nesota. 4.
The five young men who com
pose the quintet have been on a
successful tour since last Sep tern
ber, singing in all of the larger
cities oi the eastern and mid-west
ern states. J
Their programs include quintet
and quartet numbers, vocal solos,
and Instrumental numbers as well
as novelties. - . j
The exact date of their appear
ance here will be announced la
ter, j
Three Link Club Will Meet
For Business Session and
Picnic Dinner
The three Link club will meet
at four o'clock Friday afternoon
at the fairgrounds for a short
business session. A picnic dinner
will follow at six-thirty o'clock.
Members of the dinner commit
tee are: Mrs. O'Neill, Edith McEl
roy, Louise Lovelaud Ijand Grace
Robertson. Wilda Siegmynd. Rose
Woodry and Louise King compose
the entertainment committee.'
All Rebekahs are invited to at
tend, bringing baskets and the
necessary table service.!
Miss Edith Ross Attending
Summer School in Corvallis
Oregon State Agricultural Col
lege, Corvallis, July 1 25. Miss
Edith Ross of Salem, teacher In
the junior high school at Bend, is
attending summer sessions at Cor
vallis where she is taking courses
in English and secondary - educa
tion. 1
Miss Ross expects to take a mo
tor trip to Los Angeles later In
the summer. She will l return to
Salem before her school opens
in September. f.
Word Received by Salem
Relatives From Dr. and
Mrs. Robert Stearns';
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stearns have
received' a letter telling of the delightful-tour
which Dr. j and Mrs.
Robert Stearns and their ; child
ren are making through the mid
dle western states. They are now
visiting in Morning Sun, Iowa and
expect to return to Oregon in
Ladies' Mission Guild of
American Lutheran I
Church Will Meet M
The Ladies' Mission Guild of the
American Lutheran Church,
Church street at Chemeketa, will
meet in the. church social rooms
Friday afternoon at two-thirty
with' Mrs. C M. Byrd presiding. ;
Mrs. William C. Krueger and
Mrs. Edward Ostllnd will bo hos
tesses for the afternoon,
- i i
Return From Motor Trip
to Southern Oregon - f 1
Mr. ana Airs. w. u. uancy, jars.
W. ' Al Jones and Miss Mabel
Crelghton returned early in the
week from a motor trip to Crater
Lake and Klamath Falls; j
Mrs. Foster Returns From
Extended Visit in the East
Mrs. W. F. Foster returned Sun
day evening after an extended vis
it with relatives In the east.
picnie dinner. Hazel Green park
12: SO o'clock.
Three Link club. Fairgrounds.
Business session, 4:00 o'clock.
Picnic dinner, 6:30 o'clock.
Mizpah V class, .First Baptist
church, Marion Square. 2:30
Ladies' Mission Guild, Ameri
can Lutheran church. Church so
cial rooms. 2:30 o'clock.
? Devotional . meeting and social
evening. American Lutheran
church. .8:00 o'clock.
Sacred concert. Presented byprOUP of YOUnQ People Spend
cnoir or Knignt Memorial cnurcn
Church auditorium.;!: 00 o'clock
Minnesota clubs of Willamette
valley. Mid-summer picnic Silver
ton park:
Windsor, Doris Windsor, j Robert
Yungen, Edward Schubert, Ver
non Windsor, ciauae waning.
Howard Teeple and Karl Yungen
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor
all of Spring Valley. Miss Wanda
Wilkinson of Wheatland and Mrs.
Elmer Ray and two small child
ren Elma and Johnnie of near
Attempt to Spaa Ocean Called off
By Paris Government
Thanks to Lydi E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
i-S'v; ;,.M-rr - fu-1. ' ..
Denison, Texas.I think: there is
Ho tonic raal to Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegeuDie com
pound for nerv
ousness and I
have-uted Lydia
E. Pinkham's
Sanative Wsah
and the Pills for
Constipation. I
can certainly
praise your medi
cines for 'what
they hate" done
for me ? and . I
wish vod' success
In the future. I can do any kind of
work now and when women ask me
what has helped me I recommend
your medicines. I wfll answer : anj
tetters I receive asking about them.
Mas. Emma Gkxoo, Route 3f Box
53 Denison, Texas. '-.-' f :
Recent Guests in Salem
From Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. John Walden, and
their three children, Clita. Betty
Jean and Robert, of Eugene, were
guests for the past week-end ot
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ohmart.
On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Ohmart and Miss Velleda Ohmart
entertained their guests with a
picnie at Hazel Green park.
Special Meeting of Woman's
Bible Class Friday
A special meeting of the Wom
an's Bible class ot the First M. E.
church will be held Friday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock at the G. F.
Johnston home, 79 S South 20th
All members are urged to at
tend. ....
Mrs. J. D, Sutherlen Returns
to Home in the South
Mrs. J. D. Sutherlen left yes
terday for her home in San Fran
cisco, California after visiting sev
era! weeks with friends In Salem,
her former home.
. Mrs.- Sutherlen was called south
by the serious illness of her sis
ter-in-law, Mrs. Phil Metschan-
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary Will
Have Annual Picnie
Meeting Tomorrow
Members of Hal Hibbard auxil-
ary will bold their annual picnic
iinner meeting Friday, July 27,
it Hazel Green park. Dinner will
je served at 12:30 o'clock.
Mizpah Class of First Baptist
Church. Will Meet Friday
The Mizpah class of the First
Baptist Sunday school will meet
at two thirty o'clock Friday after
noon In Marion square.
Mrs. Myra Shank will give a
talk on her work. All members
are urged to be present.
Will Spend the Week at
Nye Beach
Mr. and Mrs. William McGilch-
rist, Jr., and 4heir daughter, Miss
Josephine McGilchrlst, left yester-
lay for Nye Beach where they
will spend the remainder of the
.nonth of July.
Guests of Relatives in Port-
land for the Week-End
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Endlcott
were guests of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vin
cent Ahern in Portland the past
Spending Several Weeks
at Rockaway
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moon are
spending several weeks at Rocka
way. .
Motors to Beach For
the Week-End
Dr. Mary C. Rowland motored
to Neskowin, and Cutler City
where she spent the past week
Guests in Salem From
the Middle West
Mr. and Mrs. George Lindbeck
of Kansas City, Missouri, are the
guests ot Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Find-
ley. Mrs. Lindbeck is Mrs. Find
ley's niece.
Visit Friends in Molalla
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jessup vis
ited friends one day last week in
Molalla where they formerly made
their home.
Hot Evening Swimming
and Boating .
- . Free Demonstration
Staurt's Plapao-Pads are dif
ferent from the truss, being
mechanico-chemico applicators
made self-adhesive purposely to
hold to the distended muscles.
No straps, buckles or springs
attached cannot slip, so can
not chafe or press against the
pubic bone. During 22 years
thousands have successfully
treated themselves at home-
without hindrance from work
most obstinate cases conquered.
8oft as velvet easy to apply
inexpensive. Awarded - Gold
Medal. Rome; Grand Prix, Par
is and Honorable Mention, San
Francisco. Process of recovery
Is natural, so no subsequent use
for truss. In-""
Snnday, July 20th
, at Marion Hotel
From 10 a. as. to 6 p. m.
By Dr. and Mrs. G. W. . Elliott
Ladies will receive personal at
tention of Mrs. Elliott
Do not fall to call on Dr. Elliott
as you may not have another
opportunity for' years. It costs
you tfothing to examine and
have demonstrated to yon pri-ratelyT-thls
scientific selt
treatmeatt you are entitled to
the same freedom from the
truss and knife achieved by
many others.- '
Remember the time and place
If not able to rail, write for
dress Plapao Co 998 Stuart
- Hide St. Lowisr Mo; - .
(Special) MrsrDonnel Crawford
has as her house guests -Mrs. J.
C. Zinser of Portland and Mrs.
Dorothy Pritchard . and small son
Blllie of Waitsburg, Wash'-gton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and
family spent Sunday visiting at
the Otto Hoven home at Middle
Dr. and Mrs. Cleve Simkins and
son Warren of Memphis. Tennes
see, arrived by auto Friday for a
month's visit with; relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yungen and
family spent Sunday with the Al
fred Yungen family near Indepen
dence. V -
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Daure are
spending a week with their son-in-law
and daughter Mr. and Mrs.
George Holm an in Salem.
Mrs. A. I. O'Reilly of Torring
ton. Wyoming 1 spending the
jummer months visiting with her
i'ather, W. A. Chute, and her sis
ter, Mrs. J. J. Stratton. Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Chute, Mrs.
O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Strat
ton, Mr. and Mrs.) Andrew Chute
of Salem and their guests Mr. and
Mrs. Gundson of Canada motored
o Hazel Green park where they
enjoyed a picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Alderman
and son Glen and Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Alderman and son Junior spent
Sunday picnicking with a party of
relatives and friends from Salem,
xt Hager's Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Ei V. Morrow of
Longview, Wn., spent the week
end with Mrs. Morrow's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Toews.
Tuesday evening a group of
young people met on the banks of
the river and spent a very enjoy
able evening swimming and row
ing. Later a big bonfire was built
on the bar and everyo roasted
weiners and marshmallows. Those
who enjoyed the evening party
were: Miss Elnora Edwards, Miss
Ethel McKinney, Miss Mary Hack
ett, Miss Anna Mae Alsman, Miss
Ruth Neiger, Miss1 Imogene Als
man, Miss Lucille Hackett, Ken
aeth Edwards, Ben McKinney
ind Carroll ' Hunt I and Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Edwards, all of Lin
coln. Robert Crawford, Harold
French, Jesse Walling, Jr., of
Zena; Miss Velma Eberly, Miss
Beatrice Simpkins, Miss Sadie
Schubert , Miss Grace Chllders,
Miss Pauline Simkins, Miss Irene
PARIS. July 25. AP)
France has abandoned, for the
time being at least, its joint navy
and commerce department attempt
to span the Atlantic from east to
west by plane, according to a
bemi-of ficlal announcement made
The announcement was to the
effect that Lieut. Paulin1 Paris,
who reached Horta in the Azores
vesterdav in his plane La Fre-
gate, had been recalled and would
return to France on the cruiser
Ville D'ys.
The fact that the flight of La
Fregate had been interrupted by
motor difficulties, necessitating
repairs and replacements of parts,
was given as the reason for aban
doning the flight. It was explain
ed that the flight was purely -a
scientific experiment, to determine
whether a mail route by way of
the Azores and Bermuda was prac
ticable, and that the experiment
had been spoiled by the delay.
Social and Financial Position Bet
ter Here Than Abroad
EUGENE, Ore.. July 25. (AP)
Educators in the United States
are much better off socially and
financially than are thos eof Eu
rope, educational Institutions here
are more efficiently administered,
and conditions here In comparison
with those abroad are constantly
heinr bettered. These were the
observr ons of Dr. Henry Sux
salo, former president ot the uni
versity of Washington, and now
with the Carnegie foundation, at
tonight's session of the school
maskers club of Oregon. The ses
sions are belu held at the Unl-
veraltrof'Ozeaon summer school
Dr.nssalona recently returned
from an extensive tour of Europe.
As the next step in the advance
ment of education in the United
States, Dr. Suzzalo recommended
that educators throughout the na
tion work for the adoption of the
certification of school administra
tors. The school masters cruo
voted last week to endorse euch a
move and Is already taking steps
A hHnr th nroDOsal before tne
next session of the state legisla
ture. :
ap Frame Structure at
Portland Falls Down
pnRTT.AND. Ore.. July 25.
rapi Three persons narrowly
escaped death, and a woman was
unaccounted for last night when a
lirra two- atorr frame building
collapsed and crashed into Mar
quam gulch on First street here
UHrmen late tonight were search
ing for Mrs. Millie Cohen who was
believed to have been in the build-
Tkraa men escaped with
iu( w
minor injuries.
Large package 1 Qp
Kellogg's AH Bran
2 pkgs. Kellogg's lKf
Corn Flakes ..,
3 cans Van Camps med. size St
Pork & Beans - Sl-
1 large pkg. lSc
Mother's Oats, with china 1
1 bottle 9kp
Certo 1 i
4 doz. heavy 2itV
Jar Rings with lip Jj i
1 dozen Economy 7Sr
Jar Caps
1 doz Mason ,1 ?S
Jar Caps ... - J
Fresh Ranclr Eggs fyC
Dozen 33c; 2 doz. .......
Tobacco Prices
4 twists of 10c OCr
"Mickey Twist ! iy WV
4 10c . r 9Cr
Torchlight -U -w.. : AsaJf
1 large lunch bucket Cf
George Washington - "tj
2 Velvet or 9Cn
Prince Albert :u ..... - - WC;
2 pkgs. Standard brand OKn
Cigarettes ..j...:..... .. - 4ieJC
Star, Horseshoe or fiQ
Climax . - -- ..Ue7C
A few left in Mens', Ladies' and children's. . tf0 TPJ
Priced for mens' and ladies' I J
$1.85 Small sizes $1.49
Boys ...:
, Lower prices now prevail on Men's and Boys' i
. . T Summer Unions Jit, . .
On your full wants of . what we carry you save money i
Phone 560
i ' l i a"
I V I li
254 N. ComT.
Thompson Family of Pratun
Home From Vacation
Spent in California
PRATUM. July 25. (Special)
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Thompson
and. daughter, Helen Mae, return
ed from a very enjoyable trip
south last Saturday. They went as
far south as San Francisco where
Mr. Thompson was a delegate to
the wool growers convention. On
their way home they stopped with
relatives at Harrisburg. Although
they have seen much territory and
plenty of scenery, they still be
lieve Marion county is the best
place to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Ebert Powell and
daughter from Salem were visit
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William de Vries last Sunday.
Fred de Vries attended the Sil-
verton district Sunday school con
vention near Marquam last Sun
day. Next Sunday he will take
part in the program at a Sunday
school rally at Pringle in Red
Hill district
Maurice and Rowland de Vries
went to Salem on their bicycles
to visit their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Gralapp, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and
their two daughters from Oregon
City are spending their vacation
here at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred de Vries returned from a
five weeks' trip last Friday. The
main object of the trip was to at
tend the tenth world's Sunday
school convention at Los Angeles,
but incidentally he stopped and
visited with friends and relatives
at Tacoma, Wn., at Vancouver, B.
C, at Chicago and Onarga, I1L.
at Lakin, Bazlne, Shields and
Hayes City, Kansas, at Macom.
Franklin and Orleans, Neb., and
at San Jose, and Compton. Calif.
- He also visited the following
places for their scenic and scien
tific value: Colorado Springs, Sev
en Falls, Garden of the Gods, Cave
of the Winds. Royal gorge In Col
orado; Garden City in Kansas;
Salt Lake City in Utah, where he
attended the organ recital in the
Mormon tabernacle and visited the
state capitol where the furniture
in the reception room is inlaid
with genuine Utah gold. The rug
there weighs 1.350 pounds, and
the furnishing of one room alone
cost over $65,000. He also attend
ed a meeting at the Mormon as
sembly hall and enjoyed sight see
ing trips to the various parts of
the city that' are or special inter
est. In California he visited in addi
tion to Los Angeles, Long Beach,
Hollywood, Pasadena, Agnes,
Santa Clara and San Francisco.
Practically all the time in San
Francisco was spent in Golden
Gate park. Sunday evening, July
15, he attended, the largest Sun
day school meeting that has ever
assembled with over 35,000 in attendance.
Seventeen Tear Old Un
Girl AdmlU Relations!
(AP Pearl Pa'quett. 17. ltl
on a small farm on French
In Marlon county, near Hi
today admitted, officers net '
that she was the mother of
fant found in the brush a
trail near here last Thursd
The girl unmarried. sh
also admitted she and her ft '
Mrs. Stella Paquett, had le '
baby where it was found, bel
it to be dying. The allege
missions were quoted by- :
Maes and Circuit Judge Can;
"I couldn't let Pearl keth .
baby, because I needed her t
hoe the potatoes and do th I
of the farm work," the ot
quoted the elder woman. j
Before they abandoned t
fant. which Is now being car
at St. Agnes home at Pars: 4
the girl and the woman said
had made efforts to hare it
into an institution.
The father of the child is st
be a former student at Cheii j
Indian school.
. No charges were placed a-
f Via snmun hilt nttfT saif
girl will be given a mentality
Read the Classified Ac
One of Portland's leading h
cutters, now with Joe Maddt,
at the Mltst Gray Shop, 70fr.
First Nat'l Bank Bldf. PtM
187. j
Wliiii e
French and Cuban Heels
Dress or Street Wear
Beautiful Styles
$10.00 Values
125 N. Commercial, Next to U. S. Nat'l. Bank
mmmo ..........
Portland in 2 hours 5 mim
Leaves here 2:15 p.m.
. NowleadingSouthernPacific'sgreat Motop-coacbts .
motor-coach fleet the "Limited' To Portland-7:30. 8:30 9 :30. 10:30.
. - , 11:30 a. m.; 12:40, 1:30, 2:13, 3:30,
extra-fast and extra-fine, sets the pace 4:30, 3:30,7:30 pjn. t8:30.
in short-distance travel. To Corvallis 9:40, 10:40, 11:40 a. nx;
Here is a transportation service to ;4P- 6A 7jj2 x An : An
, ' , r . ToEueene 9:40, 10:40 ajn.; 3:40,4:40,
fit the modern pace. Go by train or 7.32 pjn.
motor-coach. Your rail tickets, unless t0 Roscburg 10:40 am ; 3:40 p.m.
specially restricted, are good on motor To Ashland 10:40 a.m.
coaches. Go one way return another. To Independence and Monmouth 8:30,
: I j: 10:40 a. m.; 2:33, 4:40, 6:40, 7:33
I our con vcniciii.t uiv.iii.u
pjn. -Sunday
only. fSat. and Sun. only.
7 rains
To Portland 5:23, 6:40 ajn.; 2:29, 4:33, ,
8:19 pjn. ' "
To Albany, Eugene and south 3:10. 10:13 J
am; 6:33, 11:23, ll:34pm .: , ,
Motor-coache leave and srrive ' -183
North High Street y . -'
Between Sute and Court Streets
u Passenger Stadoo: Dcfa aad Oak
' yj - ' Phone 41 - "
dry Ticket Office 184 No. liberty St
Phone 80 -