THE GONATESMSALEJ OREGQNi .TUESDAY lIOWX&HJh&. tar. i AT REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON BUI!. B?llT Tt 1M fjLV High. BARBER BOSl tOO Gray Bldg. ' - ' TsL TN "bECKE xUOrPaUOKS tg B. High. A. C. BOliRNBTaUrT TeL I7T ji7 N. Comnjewa- X.EO w- chiles ca-"B!2siwa 120 State tit. O. IrKLASO TaL 88 890 K. Chured. J. LINCOLN tLdLIS Chore bt.- 1858J 2293 8. irt aan 166 S. Liberty tu TeL 2343 W. H. V UAfcaAliUJfcnvs A CU. 134 & Liberty to. fed. US on n iuu Jfcda. . TeL OT W. i'L 147 N. Coi Mm LAirLAnV urutt Ldd Bum Tat. 848 lst aUUB 825 Oregon TeL 17 w. a. luumi 404-' taoni tun-. ' Tec i.381 071 North Cu. . TeL SS97 XAQ lln-fuu Aiu. 'A. 11( TeL 1170 TeVit SUM tt' I31M w. . .rusks 451 Court St. TeL UU tiB'i'Ull'& J. at. iA(K 484 Court. T.L laS3 211 212 Orsy tfWg. TeL 807 KlCti. 1. ittiJiAAA, xtealtor 219 N. tush - 885 V KiALTlf CO. 462 Stale :. ivuu 7. TeL 1004 stOinLiN 210 Oregon BUg. TL 1935 sucoiAreKV suN 804 5 t'irt U tsu Bldg. TeL 878 (X, LARK ULAL REALTY U. S. Nst Han mug. TeL 470 TRIANUL ML ALT t CO. 421 Court . 51 ULRiCxf 41 MUdfcitlS 129- N. Commercial. Tel. 1254 !J. S. JtfiALl'lf CO. 442 SUtt St. TeL 3660 '. !. WOOU Z4V Stat St. Tel. 794 The Oregon Statesman i'ublished every moralog except hlea tay, at Salem, the capital of Oregoa. Local Kates For Classified Advertising Iai!y er ScaJay One tine 2 tU par ward 1'hree tin ) 5 cast per word Six times...,. ,. - 8 mm par ward 1 mo. daily sad Sua30 caou par ward la order t eara taa autre than aae time rate, advertising aaaat run ia consecutive issue. N AC Ukea far less tasa Z5. Ad ran Sander ONLT aargd at uns-lime rate. Advertisement (except Personals sad Situations Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if tba -adrarUaer 4 a subacribar ta phaaa. The btateamaa will receive adrer incmenu at any tin.a of the day ar night, 'la iniara prapar claaaUicatioa Au thould be in befora 7 p. am. TELEPHONE 23 OB 683 ADVEKTISEU?TS UONKST ADYtttTlSiXG Taese eol uiuus most be kept tree from anything ct a quc&tiunabie nature. Misrepresaa u:iuns will put be tolerated, lifornia t.uu bhuKing an; queaiionable intent uu the pjri u( the advertiier should be reported tu (hi newspaper Or tba ba.ui Au club. $ T Ledge Roster. lilr.MKKETA LOin.z XO. 1. I. Ok O, P. fleets every Wedue&day evening at i M o tiuck, third floor of I.O.O.t'. 'l.mIf, ,-orurr of Court and High St. AUCTIUNEER F. N. Woodry 12 Vrs. Salem's leadmr 4uctwneer and Kurjiture Dt-a'er Uns. tnu S:ore, 1610 X. Summer St. Phone 511 Woodry & Son Wight don town. Cash paid for nsed (urinturc 8ture. 271 N. Com'L -73 Agent for Lsnga Raagas. COL A. L. STEVENSON. ACuriusEER it er rxuernnce in tba Willaaaetta I a'tJ0 dMt" or rrsngmaBta sen t. A. Du.-r(ir. farm adviser. First Ha ........ sa.eni. fhone or write. . strveuHon Cor ra His, Ora. BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN "3 t l.r.r.N F,R ELECTRIC rn nrr furnuhed. . ' ' ivmiari. XaaVUXDalieB Tel. 90 171 Coort 8fc . f. I. BAKTOX ---Starter nj Soith High. - EXIDE BATTERIES generator work. 202 II0H AND CENTER JOE WlLLIAkSt U S. L. Service Station AutomotiTe Electrician Vick Bros. IitL St. t TrJ,. Tel. 1341 Martina & Harnsberger L S L AND GREAT WESTERS 1" cauaectic. with JJf -J?Il,ce Sutioa BICYCLESRipairlng 4 V-LOYlj E. ftAUsnrv . eBd rep,,r1Dg. S8T Coopt HELP WANTED 5a W1IK ui-v rM,l,1,:..TKAR' 35 A7EEKLT A!j Homo spara tima. annacasaarr. ' .ni. ,.rxP'r'ca 'r work 7 -'am.,; .Wr". National. 8411 .i-""i is v pn. New York. - LIKE t'AKK. Tr.'i?xf icj says I v. a aPa"mnt houw, ii layer? Cmpanion oalj FlM)iNGAxiCHK im n:::rs.18 a wti0n of nd- the " n'cbe- whether it Is In worm whm . . ""ny and tW . "mmvm. c cfes may h; I " WOna wbere "llRllCSMiA Tel. 168 Tb in more pre- BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THX KOD1X BEATJTT TAXZO 111 . Caaaaaercial. .. .... TUE MOOEBJI MAJLLSH.UO rr Mas, Weaaea rad Caitarea 2M MjMoaio Bid. Tat, STS 1', INSURANCES DIRECTORY Aadaraaa A lh B. Hia, GaaaraJ laasjaaea TaC 1A4A . backs m uBKinacKy f ItAFJAB dr LAJRUAJt' A Bun Tai. S4 W. A. L1BTUB 40d- dkaaaata Wo. tanmart TaL.1231 attCM. U attUatAJOi Mam, laau W XC 3a4d. , TaU 1A Alaaaa. gtdfr. - Tal rf2 HOTEL 1 i i dikectoryI 1 "" Wanted.;. fiiaaaaeat tat are, Uatal faaaiae Mmmmm mrmmr xaranaad Bacai, Al UaaUra rates fcy araak - wr- raiaaisr. Paatnaa iav ail ruaiii. Imaairav Hat Maaataav- paeaa ). i HELP WAMTE0 I 5a Wanted! Hop Pickers. 125 Arras near la. dependence. Ultea Ranch. 30 Aeres near - Tal bot, Curtis Ranch. Goad tiaas. aecomaoda- Regiatar at Durhta A Camay er office 160 X. Liberty St. arar 3. C, Peaaey Star ar- E. A. Lytla Cigar Btaro, 130 X. CasamarcUl 8t. HELP WANTED Mile 6 SALESMEN ATTENTION. A COBPO ratioa fiaaaciag outstanding arroaata rvaoares. serrica of few aaea able to faraiah firatctaaa ref ereacs. Write rac. 500 fifth Ave.. K. T. r SALESlViEN 'EXPERIENCED - LIFE , INSURANCE Saleaaaaa as General Agent for Pro- greeaive OUL Line Life loeuraaca Coca May. Mast be persona producer." Write Bon 77, Stataamaa. 1 HELP WANTED Female a WOMEN: SPARE OR PtTLL, ; TIME , 'arwfag Daytime Frocks, $18 :; cose a. ' experience aBnaevssary, steady: work. no telling, particular free. Liberty Industrie. 70 Liberty Street, Brook lyn. X. V. CHIROPRACTORS I 10 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PRC, CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. To!. 838 1L. Bes. I104-J. DRS. ECOKIELD, Palmer Chiropractors X Ray aad N. C. M. New Bank Bldg. FLORISTS 11 " LOWERS FOB 1U OCCA810NS OUea's. Coort A High St TeU SOL CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Foaeral wreaths, decorations, -y. r. Breithaupt, fiurist, 512 State Brreet. TeL 300. 4 INSURANCE I 12 FARM LOANS FLINT I OF MONL'T to Iran oa good farm aecarity. '. CITY LOAN 8 We ara-Josnmt Prn dential Ioauraaea company money on city residence aad basinet property at 5H per cant, plaa a eassmissioni Haw Lias Huberts, lac. i05 Oregea BuiMing. f WANTED Employment 13 EXPERIENCED MARRIED COLPLE want employment on dairy ar general farm. Phone 2453. j, FOR RENT 14 A S I FOR RENT. HOUSES AND Ar Atcr- meats. F. Lv Waad. 31 Btata si. FOR RENT Apts. I 15 8 ROOM MODERN AFT. CLOSE IX Phone 1351. NEW. FURNISHED APARTMENT 2361 Haaal. x Boas v . FURNISHED AKD TJ1 FVBXIoHJCD - raoat apartments. trgiaia aaaars merts. $7 M. Uhartr. ' WELL) FURNISHED 8 ROOM APART- mBt dowa atairs. privaie hi aa entrance. 1133 Coart. .1 YERY ATTRACTIVE, HEJITXJJ .saruia. era. 8 roam tut. zirepiaca. ataepog -porih. garaga. Kaaa 1362-al. f 180 Sinter. I -' PATTOM APARTMENTS OUIIi claaa. camlartaoia. aicaiy ir araa.i iwa tows I to. rati Store. .rit hath. Btaaai beat. Do district, Reasonable la price. iaspectioa call Pattoa MINUTE MOVIES STATION ' " " ' - 4 " -' , APPEALS NtfW?E.THB " ANNOUNCEMENTS SCND IN VDURrREOUET LETTER' UU ee C?iVEM ATONL! UC ARE PLANNING T& PRODUCE A Br. COSTUME DRAMA: VJFOR REMTvApts. 15 XlertrteaT Bafilgaiatlaa. raafaa, Madera, ariak. Aeated. Apt. . -, Hij claaa msidaatial disuiai, , ' - Ckaarfal, ttnMtl Ugkt. " V. B raaai i aaartaaeaC ' Wa. 40 Ja. " -Oae roraUkad avarataffad. AS0.M. . - Ta taaea farsiaMad. Xi to MO. , Oaa- Palamaa. , maw raeaat, f 30. ' Iaspactiaa lavitad. ckUdraa wtleaavu - Ambassador Apartments 50 X. Sai ltTI F0R T-EWTHoiiscs 17 4 ROOM HOL'SE AUfST lTW. 1540 Btata. . . CALX 8XALL. COTTAOB. FUR CQUPLK $10. - Mara.. Paoaa 1821 dSa B Z0B. rURXISHEO S BOOK MOiCBN BUX ' fa w -with araga. lhone 22SA, hw . laeei and FOB BEST taarlv (araiakaaV ar will aaH at a .BARGAIN. BEE Mrs. Ellis at 320 Stat 8 treat, ev call a4J wxtar . run BE XT i Btata Htraav. mar Kica bloaha In lr 5 Wiii; a for 40 Cm . aava Bsoata . f ar ulshiB4ra aari . 8KK Mrs, Ellis With ' XXO JJ. ClllLDS CO. 3Ct 8lale A tree Raartara. J7S7 WANTED TO RENT 19 WANTED TO RENT WILL LOCATED. 8 ta 8 foaar boas ia goad loeatioa by paopla who ara- eominf ta- 8ara ta make thair penaaneat home. - Year' . lease, preferred. Rafarancea f araiabwd by teaaata. Please address baa 4037, Satan Stateaaaaa. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM, BOARD, 81KSLK MIAUL SITN day draaars. Aiazaudria, 10M Caa aaaketa. Phoaa 1338. UUNDRIES 21 TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. . TeL 111. 1856 B Street. THE NEW SALEM X, A UN DRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY ,. Telowhaaa 25. 263 S. High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDAaY ' The Laundry tC Para AtaterUls" . Telapkone 165. 1264 Broadway TAILORS 22 t. M. MOSJUCat TAUXH8 FOB BIBB aad wjaaoa. 478 Oaart Bs. . WANTED Miic. 22 POEMS WANTED: MASTERCRAFT Song- Pabliahara. Baal lis. , TEAM WORK. OF ALL KINDS AND EX' tiag. - Pkeae MaylieM 73F2. - ruBxrruBB packuto for ship Q iaae-Powers FaraJaaje Oa. - WANTED "'O" MELODY SAXAPHONI, aay make. See Jim -btacMaaimaa at Shermaa Clay A Ca, 180 S. High. WANTED PBIYATK MONEY FOB farm leaae. W kaoe aaoeral applii - tiaaa oa haad. Hawkias A Roberts, . iaa, 205 Oragoa. Bld(. WANT TO BUY 80.000 FEET OF Balm kgs. 8 ft, leaxlha. not over SO ' inches ia diameter, t be delivered ia Sateen. H. E. Barrett, 426 State Bt. WANTED GOOD' WASHED COTTON rags not smaller taaa 1 ysrU .ta aae for wipias maehiaery. Highest priea pai lor gooa cioaa raas, apply at Stataaaxaa at free, aae atttia. WANTED, TO" BUY FURNITURE. RE- psmac. gnndmc. lorkemithinsr com- bioed, ia or oat of town. Or wt& go any legitimate business part ners. Cash price ia first letter. F. Weirqer,. 1484 . Minnesota Ave, Port ' land. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Beddiag Co-. 11 WO North lapitoL Called far aad delivered. AU work gnaraateod. Tel. 18. FOR SALE 25 1926 IIARLEY DAVIDSON SINGLE. Good ahape, easy terms. Phone 1365-J. VICTROLA TALKING MACHINE. TA bio type, and 100 records. 8x0.00, or would trade (or wood. C T. Hoover, 1396 Fir St. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 JERSEY BULL. I WANT TO AR- range with some one to csre for a val uable Jersey bull for ore until Novem ber 25. E. A. lihoten. 1595 South High Street, phone 2538 R. VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LAN OR, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. Commarciai. Tel. 1196 Re. Tel. 168. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 142. WOOD 8AW1A0. TELEPHONE 88F3. Edward Deacer. WOOD SAWING. rHONE 1677. 1810 North CcmmereiaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD DRY WOOD. PHOKI 72F2. M D. Mayfield. GOOD DRY WOOD FOB) YOU D, Lanaer. TaL 880. IS IN. OLD FIB $830 PES CORD (3 rick). TeL 3183. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL TaL 13. Salem Fael caw 753 Trade. WESTERN UN ION TIME. . TRUCKS for hanling. Wood to bnra. Call 438.. SE8T WOOD IN THE CITY, FOB THE asoaay. At Tracy a taei yarda. xaoe 2318. GOOD WOOD. FULL MEASURE. IT bares. Wystt Kaaaey, Feel Co. TeL 1362M. , '.. , ' ,. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROM FT DELIVERIES H1LLMAX FUEL CO. . TELEPHONE 1655 WELL FAN S . MERE, VUB Af?E. BACrtf ON 1: Alft ! HOPE VDU ALL LIKEO OUR LATvERlL- TOxvrUrr TO TMri TROrlCS - . - " H&Tf ' WRTZ IN ANt TELL ED WHEELAN WHAT WAS urons vrw it : ue ape alwavs iookmg I ( ALSO TOR SEP1ALSEA04 Pug CONSIDER' OF- TWE TiME 7 it U& UtS fsA" STL. Q WOOD FOR SALE -30 . BXBT QRADE OT"WOOD. Dry waad A it. aad leVdaek. )Utta laada ara chaapar ta Vy. Mill waad ia w apeeialty. rraamaa dslirary aad raaaaaaaU prveas. , " , - - REX K. VZLLal V - - ,2M 8. ChBraa ....- o --Tat. 1S4 REST HOMES 31a CttXTALESCKKT AKO REST HOME, facia Lithia Park. Asklaad. Ora. lifkual eUaaata aad aarTanndinxa far lnraJlda. aad aid paopU. POULTRY AND EGGS 321 POULTRT BOUGHT AN SOLD. - 8. Caail Bt. rheaa 799-W. 444 MUSIC STORES 33! FOB REST WW PtABOS. , Stiff Pmraitara- Oaaipaay. H. U GEO O. WILL, PUaKOS. PHOXO- grspha, aawiaa; amacniaaa, aaaat mania aadt weaaa atadtaa. Raaairiac paaaa aTaaaa aad aawiaa snaehiaae. 432 StaU atraat. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODCB& P1AXO JAZZ TBAHR 8UT taa, Wataraaaa aamraa. Stadia MO X. Cattaca. Pkaaa 21W. K0J)AK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLABOEhi INT WITH ZVIBT . 68a ardar Kodak work. : Rawliags. PartLaatV Ora. . - MNMMANWlMSViaMaMMAMMWWWMMWV Newspapers Magazines 35 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ac. TaL 83$ THE OREGON STATESMAN. 80 CENT par moatb Ca liver td ta your hoi 1 early -aaeh.anoraiac. TeL 28 ar 588. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BIST , farm paper toad fire 2 -cant a tamps ta the Pacifie Homestead. Salaam, Oregon, iw a him awsia iruu aaascxipHva. Maatioatbia ad. POCLTRYMIN SEND LMGKT TWO- ie cent seas-pa icr special saree aaeata tnal tec. tea best aad a 14 eat Journal ia the west, Tba articles aad adrer tiaemeau are of special iatereet ta the poultry Breeders of the northwest Northwest Poaltry JoaraaL. 811 S. Commercial 8k. Salem. Or ago a. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENI ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tintiag. etc Reliable workmaa. PAINTING 38 CHAS- BENNETT PAllfTIXO COS tractor, painting, paper banging. S283-J. 187 Wst MiUar. i MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM 167. SCAT ANGER. SERVICE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AiB patriae. Gieae-Powers Faraitara Stare. FOR SALE OLD KXWgPAPXKS, 16 eeata a baxdW. Sutaaasaa office. 816 -booth OeouaereisL WANTED USED PIANOS. IN EX chssaj oa Radiee, Pasaagrapbat -ar Faraitara. H. L, Stiff Faraitara Cass. aay. MUNKB SAWDUST AiiD HOG FUEL baraar. The anginal berner bsilt by amatias aagrnaers. Wystt Jsasraay - Fast lav Xei. 132 M. Ageats waat- . ' d WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUB. Salem's White Kag. JUgiater aaaaber 888i. Sarrrca gasraaroad. Fapaia aad grown atock tor- sale. ; Mrs. Baa aett, 1O80 Chemaketa. Paeae 1588. STOVES AND UTOVE RXPAIRINO STOVES FUR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. AU kind af wovea wire feaee. saacy aad . plain. Hop baskets aad baoka, htgaa heck. Salam eace aad Stove Work, 850 Court at reat. -- CA PITOL BARGAJ N AND JUKK HOUSE 105-145 Center. TeL 898V All kinds of Junk bought aaC sold; Rags, Socks, Battle, Barrel. Hide. Pelts, Wools, Furs, Tallow, Caseara Bark, Grape Root, Pi ten, Peppenaiat Oil, All kiaO of Iron A Xetl everytbiug from a needle to a locomotive. LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST AT ELKS PICNIC. SILVERTON, Ladies pirrse. Return to Statesman office. Keward. PRINTING 44 for Stationery, cabds. pamph- lets, programs, books, or aay kiad af printing, call at the SUtesaaa - Print lag le pertinent, 215 S. Commercial laL 683. MONEY TO LOAN 45 r-.DEKAL FARM LOAN 514. F. L. vvooa. 84.1 State St. F H. B2LL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Residiace aad buaiaesa losns, TeL 607 or 2141-W. J TDEKAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO . r. u wilAiaaon, sua U. 8. Baak Bid-.. Salam, Oregon. : HIVATE MONEY TO LOAN FROM , $500 up ea approved security, city ar farm. W." A. Liatea, 404 Masonic i Tempi. , MONEY TO LOAN FOB BUILDING . and ea Uy property. B. 8. Martia aad L. R, Aiartia, attorney, 418 Oregea Jiulldia. TeL 8084. - CITY AND TRACT LOANS Keasoaabl Rate Na Delay' state savings and loan a sax. '708-8 First National Bank baildiag , Phone 457. - aUiont, Oreroa. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable Weekly or Meatkly la . stellmeate. GENERAL FINANCE COR- PORATIOK. alrt Nat l Baak. TeL ! 1200. , , ' MOENY TO LOAN ON CITY HOMER. $10 per month per thousand pay prin cipal aad interest at 7 per cent. MeKy 8: Gilfrey representing Western Bend Mortgs Cew.180 8. CommercisU xeiepaone taaa. - -t- CITY AND FARVI LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terma ebtaiaabl. Oar insnrsnc departmeal after -yea ex pert advice aad eervtse ia all tines. HAWKINS A SORKRTB r..t TaL 1427 - i; . 205 Oraaroa Ride N SlK 04 AND mciSMS' AS WEa AS A bVWAMlC DRAMA C TPE'DCSERT avb Si -" wa 8 6 rav W a VTIf W a- 4aw ' w s . ' AUME-ER OF FAVORADLfr LETTER .RECENED THE FANS e TO , REMAIN a va-'waam. , w 1 ... ; aL rvi. f I Hi m. WANTED LOANS - 46 WAITED TO BORROW 84S8 OK GOOD any property. , BaJaaa Sanity ja, 462 - Biaie.N . W ACTED - FrrraU ta bsaa aa filAL. , XBTATB. - 4 ' v W. H. aRABEKHORST 8 184 8L JAbarta St. CO. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBXKO AN9 IBIBAL SKPAIB wwrk. Grsbar Braa, Ba. Adbanr- TaL 888. - .-,-.,.. V v-v ; BUSINESS OPPR; 48 FULLY "EQUIPPED MEAT MARKET aad lea Plant ia a thriving tawa Snap for aeaee liva wirec Mast bo aald at Ed Fried. Harris oxV Oxegaa. 1 rreeary ateck. eoatecUaaa aad aaft drinks, arfth lease. - Beat nana abla. avoraga $80.00 par day, aad aa ta $168.00 soma dsyt. Price $3500.08 cask far a.atk sale. Ideal loaatiea BUNGALOW REALTY CO. 143-N. High St. . .. - Grecery atafc aad fix tares with lease, reat 83O.80 par aath, saabsdiaz 4 rum apt price $8M.0 lar aicb Bale, exeaUeat loeatiaa. BUNGALOW REALTY CO. 13 K. High at. Ba8,eaaeafB38bjajaeaata RADIO 49 Radio las parse Far or err purpose, far every ATI etaadard aisaa af Radia Tabaa. EOFF . ELBOTRICAL SHOP. 835 Coart at. tu aaa. FOR SALE Houses 50 For Sale. Strict ry modern six room F.aglith tvae hoae, aear Capitol baild lng. $6500. - F. L. WOOD, 841 State St. $600 EQUITY IN 7 ROOM HOUSE S. 16th. Reasonable terms oa equity; 310OO balance, payable 80 mo., aad ; interest. Reason selling; moved away. , AXdress COM. care Ststssmsn, Newport cottage for $1000 to trade on medium priced Salem home. Grocery stare, baildiag and stock, living quarters, paying proposition, $4500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 8.- High 8t. VALUE! ueautiiui creek lot. with .4 - room bouse, is North Sslem. Price for quick sale,- $2100.00; $200.00 cash, baftace ta suit.. If interested, act quick. See W. G. KRUEGEft Realtor 147 K. Com'I Room 217 Beautiful Country Home close to Sa lem, everything modem. A wonderful bargain and will take unencumbered property to $5000. A REAL BARGAIN ia a high class 8 room homo, two bath rooms. Tery close ia with street aad alley paved and paid. Beantifal lawn with nnder arennd watering system. Lot of shade, fruit, vines, and shrubbery. Will sac rifice for ejaiek sale. See as immedi ately for this mast go AT ONCE. CAPITOL REALTY Senator Hotel Bldg. Phoaa 1148 $1850 Bungalow 8 rooms and bath, weed- tnea, nice lot, close to bus aad -schools. $1850 New baagalew 8 rooms aad aook. bath, garage, paved street, will take a ear or lot. or 8200 down. $2600 Spanish staeco home, 6 room aad aeefc, fireplace, garage, close to schools aad bus. 8300 dowa. $3500 5 room baagalew, modern, base- meat, larnace, fireplace, garage, $500 dowa. $4200 Modern 7 room bungalow, garage. pavmg, larga lot close to bus aad school. $5frdewa. $5000 Beautiful new 6 room English type home, modern, aad good loeatioa. $6000 New modern English type home, 6 roam en first floor, east treat, some trees, extra large living room, attic stairway, garaga and paving. 8500 dowa. 18,500 A beantifal 8 room home la fine residence district, strictly modern. MELVIN JOHNSON 820 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 REAL ESTATE 51 BEACII COTTAGE: Furnished, fireplace, located at Nee kowin. Price $1600, terms. W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. 184 S. Liberty St. FOR BEACH PROPERTY. LOTS OR nereages overlooking the ocean for wonderful bays in dsiry ranches See r write ta W. H. Burtis, Waldport, Ore. , Apt. bouse built by dsy labor, a bet ter investment thsn sny farm, hss splendid income snd is rentrslly lorst ed. Lok into this immedistely. Insure with Nisgsra Fire Insurance Co. - GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THR PACIFIC COAST Wa have over 800 properties Hated for exchange. Every kind of property. every price, every location. We caa match your exchange EXACTLY. If yea would like to trad your property TODAY, come ia TOD A 7. So GAS KILL A EARLS, Realtor 166 S. Liberty Tel. 2242 LESSEN YOUR LIVING .EXPEXSE by trading your town house for nice suburban home, modera in every way, large garden, berries, etc. Sev eral large walnut treea. Close to a Sood school and only a city block to us line. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Resltors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FAIRMOUNT HILL LOTS: Three of them on corner of Sagiaaw and Washington Si., corner . 50x100, $1250; inside lot 60x100 facing sooth ea Wethiagtoa St., $950; insid lot 60x150 feeing west oa Saginaw St., $1100. All street auessmeat are paid. THESE LOTS ARE REAL BAR ' GAINS. W. H. GRABENHPRST CO. 134 8. Liberty St. $ 500 Let a Front St. with lots of shade, $25 down, $10 per mo. and 6 interest. $ 500 Let aa X. Liberty, subject t psv- - lng. $25 dowa. $ 625 Nice. tot ea N. 4th, paviag pd., - I50 .:- I 878 Fin lot oa Center 8t, east of 81 ad, paviag pi. Term. 1 1000 Fin lo ea 8. Wiater St., torn $1350 Lot 60x150 an Sagiaaw, st front. $1600 Let 60x130 aa Saasmer aad Mar ot, paving aad walk pd. Eaay terms. $1750 Fin lot aa earner af X. Summer aad Sts., east front. Terms. $1800 far 3 lots aa 18th ft Nebraska, 105x128, -paring pd. Term. MELVIN JOHNSON 820 U, 8. 'Bank Bldg. Phoaa 687 vV THERR HAVE BEEH SEVERAL CUANJBS OUR PRODUCTION PLAM 3 - OUR VAORLD FILM- HAS BEEN OJANGED PAvsT COMEDV CALLED TUE featuring Fuller phun cLLoiijiNf . we uill present owa sensaHojaL RACE TRACK WATCH FOR. THIS OMt iFAHS tlA - - S HIM IN; - r a ' I II 11 YTTT -.1-1 I . -- -w I - I f - kA - REAL ESTATE 51 Large a am her of aaw bamea. ' frasa $880040 ap- to flO.OCO.OO. : es thaas. . . . m. ... v BUKGALOW REALTY CO. . 148. X. High 8s. v SNAP: 4 raeas hams at 1525 T. 18th St. $2680. $80O dowa, belanea easy terma. ;, , - . W. H. GRABZXHORST CO. v. ..184 B. Ubarty Ss. S SNAP ' ' $ Acre tract 8 miles seats of Salem 82500. Fair sot e Meg., lata of fnsit harries 8EB Mrs. Ellis with LEO. N. CHILDS CO- RaaJter 820 tsta Street Phaaa 1737 - Fairmoaat Hill ais room well ran atractael hesse Msdm a ia awary way, Owwcrar leaasag tba rity. Small Bay- aaaat aad balaae like reat. Price $4,000.0e). A. C BOHRNSTEDT Realtor I nana Inaeraaee 147 Nov Cem'i St, Saieav Oregon. FOR SALE OR RENT: . . 7 reeea hamw rarated 1535 8. Lib arty St. large aaat front tot, paved street, aear ecaoete. imm ornate aa sssalsa. Price 84350, terms, rental f sxo. W. HT GRABEXHORST 8 CO. 134 S. Lrbarty 8L WONDERFU1 OPPORTUBITT AT- traetiTO cottage $1875 with $LOO Oak flaaxa. Docaratrre la coo. kitehew baUt-ia aad Sariers eaanpped. Three roasaa, bash. I city baa. Only 12 bsaofcs eat. 1160 aad 1166 Third atraat. West Salem. BARGAIN GOOD 7-ROOM PLASTER - ad heane, fireplace, basement, etc, large shale trees, trait, barrios, gar de, 7 lata, aear school, good view. Will U aiL ar baa aad $ lota $3,800, boa vi and tw lota $3,500, terms. Halt, blct to paviag. 849 . Baral avaaa ar call Ceoeer, States ma a office. ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME: Just completed, located 1675 Madi oa St., 4 rooms, modern except base went, garage, paved street, $100 Sown will handle, & THIS BAKOAIN AT ONCE. This honse is well constructed and built to last. Price 82950. W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St. Do yea waat to exchange your city property for a nice subnrbaa home or for a good equipped farm I Do yea waat to bny a first class dairy ranch aear town with stock and equipment an easy term I Da yoa want to bny a cosy little bom oa terma like rent! Do yoa want to rent a good hornet Da yea want Fire Insurance f If so see PERftlNE A MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Phoaa 907 A GOOD BUY $6000 baya a fine 6 home close ia, large living room, diaing room, kitchen, breakfast Book, 3 bed rooms aad bath, all on one floor. Fine basemeat aad garage, lot of fruit aad shece trees, street psved aad paid, clese ta all schools. Don't fail to -see this at once. Small payment will handle. SEE Mr. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Resltors 320 State Street Phone 1727 4-rooea nearly new basement cloee to school; $2760. With 8 lots 6500. Good lookieg, strictly mod ora 4 room Eagiiak type. $4000. Sub taatial dowa payment. Nearly new modera 5-room cottsge, $3650, a reel bargaia. 7-Room. nearly new; been -for sal for $5500. On market this week for $4eOO. See as at aaea if you want it. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty 6 room bouse modera ia every re spect. . Good loeatioa. Price $5000.00. sou'U like this place. 10 acres about 11 miles from Sa lem at sasall town. Excellent soil. Family orchard. Will trade for town property. Price $1750.00. & room boose in good condition. Price $2500.00. Yon may pay for this like reat. See ns. Ulrich & Roberts Realtors 129 N. Com'I Phone 1354 For Sale. Two' acres on paved highway, bearing walnuts and cher ries, spring water piped to bouse, four room Bungalow, only three miles out, a regulsr home. 84200. Good Isrge house srranged for two families, psved street, not far out, a bargain at $3000. Four room modern house. East Sa lem, paved street, oak floor, bssemrnt and furnace, a snap at $2800. Ten room houe close in, income $50 per month, a good investment at $5500. Four room new house, $1350. Three room house $350. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. HIGHWAY HOMES 1 ACRE 1 mile from city limits. Fruit, nuts snd berries. Seven room new snd modern home. Double gsr - age. Price $6500. 15 ACRES 2 miles from city lim its. 1 a. family orchard; 4V a. straw berries; a. raspberries; 4tt a. timber and . pasture; creek. Seven room house with electricity, bsth, wa ter system, etc. Fine barn, poultry house, gsrage. Price including 2 fine cows and garden tools $7,900. Terms, will exchange for modern Salem home or improved half acre. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Hemes" For Sale: An excellent, well built thoroughly modern home, two years old, 5 rooms, good location. $4200. Terms. Ranches For City property: Ranch es, large and small, priced right, $3760 to-$17,000. Will taka som city prep; " arty. . c Salem: 'A good all medera 6 roam bouss, clear, welt located-ia Salem to trade for small reach. Medferd: WE have good Salam prop, erty to trade far Med ford property. Easy ' Paymbnt Iiom: .$l per weak after the cask payment . pf $3QQ, 3 room; lot tOrttO it. .1 SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. E- C Hollsdsy 202 U 8. Bank Bldg., Sslem, Ore. ENJOY LIFE BY BEAUTIFUL MILL CREEK Tbia aaat 5 roam cottage close la superior loeatioa lot 80x150 trian gle shape, long aide border oa creek baak protectee by retaining wall absde shrubs flowers fruit ss aasmaat paid loeatioa and lot worth mare ta the lever of creek site thaa ask for entire property $4,500 bay th ia ar trade far little larger heme, - priced aad located right, easy term. DELANO ft DOW 290 N. Church . Phoaa 2830 bOTH t?lCKDARE. AND RU)1 MO&VB. WILL UNDER-' APPEfeR tM-1UlS WTO A . SPOCT Of KlHS 6ANS?TEr2 MIS APPeWBANCE- AS A TOCKEkX AM TAKIS& ENlRe. DUCTIOM And SERAAL ! r f WWLE I AM -HERE i FfeJENDff,. Bv ... WT. -. 1 ov tr,- r'rv uiHcciri hao M?ncJ ni PACTiCULARLV TD. SAV ' UELLOt To MR. A T, , FROT. OF T. LOW Mn rlJrC Hc ,vf r TMlLM MU aa--aw a 8. WE AND MS FAMILV DERTV& .rTOM OUR fncTUREl? -?E ARE NOW CWWNcV TT "ItiKLHi Unit t -ii ff-p- ; tnayvraj aew REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS AXvRLIS, CALIF. PROPBSTY TO eaaaga far Salrat City Praparty. Write lias 128, Btalasmaa. , 10 ACRES, ALMONDS, IMPROVED PA SS- jtohies, vaijferatft to azaaaac lar Ore go a. S. O. Leae, Baa 237, Paso Roblea. CabX i .;.-. 80 Acre. 73 ia ealCrraHea. 80 Ma fruit, mostly sweat cherries, goad 6 room be use. -fair bora, fine aprlng tar piped ia house, to exchaage for city property. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Want Bremerton or Other Paget Boaad Property, lata model car. clear let or acreage, for eeaity. medera 4 Room home betaaea North Capitol - aad Summer.. 1 153 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 Spleadid chaacas far acreage . ex change. Oaa acre ap ta 10.080 a eras, timber la ad. wheat lead, track garden, aheap pasture, good buildings, reaaing water. Prieaa right, - BUNOALOW REALTY CO 146 N. High 84. - 81) ACRES Oaiy 5 mires of Salem. 3-R. house satall bera. Soma berries. A good pktee priced right. Oaly 88.e0U.0O. 63000 will haadle. Jnat thiak, tbia is lees than $8u per acre. If yea will see this yoa wilt bay. See my agents. BECHTEL SEARS 341 Stare St., Room 4 - SPECIAL 20 acre, slocked aad eqaippod dairy aad poultry farm. $1500.00 f peiaea al property inetediag 450 layiag heaa, fear cows, twe horses and other stock. Fall set of tools. Mew i approvements with silo, etc Priced for quick sal $6600.00. Easy terma. Ulrich & Roberts Realtors St. 129 N. Com' Phoa 1854 SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE: 875 acres located north of Ricbre aU, Polk County, about 150 acres plow land, balance pastures, some osk tim ber, good six room house, two barns, twe wells aad spring, two hundred head of ewes go with ssla. Price $25,000. Owner will consider Sslem property as psrt psyment. Clrsr of encumbrance. W. U. GRABEXHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. FARMS FOR 8ALE AT BARGAIN PRICES: - 60 sere located Xorthesst of 8ub limily, 78 acre cultivated, building. Price $10,200. $6000 cash. 150 acres located north of Dallas, all ia cultivation, buildings. Price $10,000. Owner- will accept residence in Salem as psrt psyment. 186 acres all under plow, buildings, price for quick sale, $21,600, mortgage $7500, baianca in cash. W. U. GRABEXHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. A REAL FARM 100 seres 6-room house piped with good cold water from a never failing spring. Good barn, filled with bay. Has several large English walnut trees; peech orrbarC. 2 A. prune aad they are leaded with prunes. 8V A. river bottom land. Ha about 2 million feet of good timber; 5 cow, 2 horses; all implements aad tools go. Only- two miles of Lob snoa. A faat growing community, nnd has 75 cords wood cut. If tak en at once this all goes' for $98 an acre. Will give terms for part. See BECHTEL SEARS 341 Stste St. WANTED REAL ESTATE 55 WANTED W have a party that wants to rent a good modern 6-reom house, not too far out. This is a good party aad will tke rare of the house. If yoa have property for reat list with us for quick action. BECHTEL SEARS 841 State St. ii "i-i"sTryr"BrrV'Br TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, far warding and storsg our specialty. Get our rate. We Move Store and Ship Household good. Our - apecialty piano and furniture moving. We aIo make country trip. We haadle the bed Coal and Wood Csll on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality ajid good aervice. Larraer Transfer Co. Te. VJO. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic fist rste paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH FAID rOR 'OED AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 BUY YOUR FORD COUPE NOW 4 - 1926 Coupes in good condition $245 to $300 1 ; - 1926 Rdste. with Ruckstell axle - $225 Let us sell your used - ,.,car "" - Now is when the '.. Demand is good. VALLEY MOTOR CO. There mar bo som reason; why a woolen mm in LAButYiew woaia not be feaaible. If so the .Tribune has one wax ta tret a woolen mill or any other Industry, and that Is to go out and work for it. Lake County Tribune. . . ' . . By Ed Wheelan CVCLOAtC PtCToCE OF TWE " ALSO HCRBEJTHOHfey, i .MARSfe OPJKE PRO- THE. p-.CTbftE MJILL AP- v cab on this sa&m V -A UJanM torA sjtvt" irv NOAlDAy fgb t WAUT To FILM ' ILLSOME VWlE-" CRACKS . MER& S AND. hanj ivs rv"": CM PLEASURE j j - USED CARS For Sale FORD TOURING .CAR Excellent tires, &Pt paint finish, jnechan 1 cat condition splendid. - L Is , . upholstery in fine shape. A real Ford bar gain. See it Thursday at F. W. PETTYJOHN C6 365 North Commercial Phone 1260 Mr.-UsedCarBuyer . LookTheseOver I H $$ $175 81T8 $175 $175 3 Pbrd With Starters WiUya-Kaight Touriag . Jrwatt Touriag . ., Overland Can pa Over land Sedaa OMseacAite Sedaa $100 Oldaaaraiia Tearing OakVead Coupe Stadebakar Teeriag .154) $104 8 W, Oama dowa aad look oar stack aver: we have a complete liee e gooi used car aad priced right. We- ara aaiy list iag a few above. Other cars af all makea Ford, to Pscssrd at rest barr gams. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop ' li- McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts ilS: 4M I920 Ford Touring . .$ 35i)8. 1923 Ford Coupe, new tires 100".06 1925 Ford Coupe, new bsl1oons.S25.0O 1923 Chevrolet Tooting oj.OO 1923 Chevrolet Sedsn 1 15400 1924 Chevrolet Sedsn 200,00 1927 Chevrolet Loupe 48S-.0O- 1927 Ford Ton Truck, Jumbo f . "Transmission. 82x6 Tire, . . Cab and Stsrtsr 87S$ 1927 Chevrolet Ton Truck, run 5000 miles 383i8cy Ask About our 3 Day Guarantee 430 N. Commercial Tel. 1888 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Used - Car Bargains 1 1- 333 Packard Six Clab Sedaa $1758 226 Packard Six Sedaa 1208 1928 OMamobile E. 80 Sedaa 658 183 Packard His Sport Touring 7 SO 1925 Willys Knight Sedaa SAO 1925 Buiek Std. Six Touring ... 3T6 1924 Willys Knight Sedaa 875 1937 Ford Roadater 27$ 1926 Ford Roadster 288 . We are only listing a few af our good buys; room will not permit a to list th all. If yoa ar interested ia a good used car it will pay you to look our stark over. We have ten good running a eta mobiles all witb starters priced under $200. Try and match them for the pric es we are asking. Naf. Bed. Capitol Motors Inc. -Biddy Bishop . o i o I -o Salem Markets grain no. L wheal, white.. Red wheat. Backed. .. $1.15H . $1.06 ..$ 55 Oata. per ba. Top hog .. Sows Co $11.00 .WT6f -Otf 05to-0C Spring lambs Dressed veal Dressed hogs $10.4 a-.; .ia- .1SV4 POULTRY Light aaa Heavy hen .... liroiler ..... Mfc.lS 20 fts .21 . -' l.-'S GGS. BUTTER, BUTTERFAT Standard .at Butterfat .t5 Print butter .4tii,Q.4 7Va FRUITS Honey tew melons, crate $I.i3 Lsxabs. pound T .04 Watermeloos, pound OJ ApncoU, lugs ;...$l.00((jl.25 Seedless grapes, lug VEGETABLES New potatoes, per cwt - $2.23 String beans , .09 Radishes 40 Greesi onions ....40 (r.Sd Local lettuce .$2. 25 Local celery 80(1.25 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notic-w la hereby given that the underoirned hsa been duly ap pointed br the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun- . ly of Marlon, aa administrator of the estate of Aurust illlflker. de ceased, and that he has duly qual ified yss; such .administrator;, all persona having' claims against tne estate of said deeedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerifled, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glorer, my attorney 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar lon : County, . Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tlce. r. . Dated at Salem. Oregon," this 25th day of June, 192S. ALBERT J. IilLFIKER. Administrator of the estate of Au gust Hilflker, deceased. RONALD C, GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator -Salem, Oregon. ; J26Jlys-10-l?-2 ; ANNOUNCEMENTt Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of Bennea and Hersog Architects, 917 Public Service Building,' Portland, Ore gon,' addressed to Frank Mere dith, Secretary of the Board of Regents of State -Normal Schools, until 9 o'clock A. M. July 284 1928.. for the General work. Heating; and Ventilating and Elec- Itrical work of a Two Story and' Basement School Building, to be erected - on the Normal - School Campus at La Grande, Oregon. Bids wilt be opened at a meeting of the Building Committee o( thtv Board of Regents at the abOYii ad dress at 9 o'clock A, It, theeame day. ' " -'- - - All work and material must con form to the plana and specifica tions therefor on rile at the office of the Architects, 917 Public Serv ice Building, Portland, .Oregon, and at the office of the Secretary Frank Meredith at the Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon. Jlyl7to2SIne. i American Masatlne.