Thirty Max Pjdling.M New P 'resbyteriah Cliurclu Building Was JDedicated Sunday ; With1 600 People Presents and 'Dedicated Practically; Free of Debt Weather Forecast: Generally fair; contin ued low humidity; in the Interior; gentle variable winds. Maximum temperature yes terday 103, minimum 61,-river 2.2; rain-' fall none, atmosphere clear,' wind north west. ,'.-"" -American League president says the ball ; players waste toomuch time coins to and ' from the field between innings. It's our opinion that the fellows who waste the most time are the ones who strike out with the bases full. SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM; OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING; JULY 24. 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS . ... ..II M J II ' .11 i .! " . - . . jr. FLAXHARVEST OVER DISTRICT Thirty Pulling Machines Do Work of 1200 to 2400 Hand Pullers PEAR PICKING ON S00U Will Begin Coming in for Canning Early Next Week, and Erer Green Blackberries Will Ar rive by Middle of Week It Is one thing after another in this land of diversity; and gen erally several things at once. It is seed time and harvest every month In the year here. The canneries are all taking a -little breathing spell. But it will not be for long. Fear picking will begin the first of next week in southern - Oregon. In a few days after the Salem canneries will be going full blast the can neries here that are getting ready for a Bartlett pear pack. One of the cannery managers of Salem said yesterday that ever green blackberries will begin to come in -about August first. That is a week from tomorrow. Flax Harvest Is 0 - i In the mean time, flax" harvest is on. A number of the pulling machines, that had been "spotted" for several days, got to going a few days ago. Yesterday, 29 of them were running. , They will all be running today; 30 of them. Including the 10 new pulling ma chines manufactured this year at the state-.flax plant And the SO machines will be pulling as much flax as 1200 to 2400 men and women could pull in the old way, by hand. Each machine will pull five acres and up. It takes eight people to pull an acre by hand; 4eple to pull five acres. j.iy A pulling "michineT-starttng very early and running very late, may pull 10 acres.' The machine does not get tired.'. The tractor tkat draws the-machine does not get tired. It does not have to stop even for meals. Two 'men run a pulling machine; the trac tor driver and the man to watch and attend to the binding. The reader will gather from the above that it will not take long to finish flax harvesting in this district; going at the rate of 150 to 300 acres a day. Some small patches will, of course, be pulled by hand. " ' One of the great advantages of pulling with the machines is the fact that the harvesting can be ac complished when the flax is just right to pull, in order to yield the (Continued on pge 5) SAY FIRE DANGER GREAT IN OREGON 1XAMKS EAST OF CASTLE ROCK SPREAD FAST Four Hundred Men Called Out; Serious Situations Reported on Other Sections PORTLAND. July 25. (AP) The fire hazard assumed greater pre portions today as reports' reached the government forestry office here today of large forest fires in the district. Four hundred men today were fighting fire In the Long-Bell Lumber company logged off land east of Castle Rock, in the most serious blaze in four years' log ging operations. The fire started early today. Another fire was burning in Wahkiakum, eounty two miles east of Cathlamet The ' blase gained headway today but as no green timber is threatened, was not considered serious. Temperature neared the 100 mark in Cowlitz county. Wash., today,, with an accompanyingt low huraidity, making the fire situa tion serious. Property damage estimated at 550,000 with small insurance was caused by the fire that broke out in the planer shed of the ifaple ceek Lumber company, 12. miles north of White Salmon Wash. Em ployes of the piant manned fire fighting equipment and were able to keep the fire from spreading. The fire destroyed all machinery ana about 200,000 feet of lumber. Owners said the plant would be re built. . .. . ,5 . A logged-off land blaze which started late yesterday about two miles east, of Mocllps, Wash., swept through several hundred acres of the Aiaho Lumber com pany's; holdings,- f; wiped out one camp and destroyed 500 feet of logging line trestle across the Mo clips river The blaze today was under parUal control' although still threatening several million teet of cut lors. : via Lane county, Oregon, today re ported five forest fires burning " aggregate of 350 acre None bad resulted today In any ' sub stantial loss. A, double fire covering more than 200 acres was -reported southwest of Monroe. ' " LOSES HAIR BUT AVOIDS DISASTER j GASOJLIXK CATCHES FIRE IA MOTOltBOAT ON RIVKK ; Fire. Joe Yovng, With -Hair -Hnrls Can of Liquid In f Water, Dives '' ' .- Although 'a considerable por tion of his hair is! missing, Joe Yonnc of this city lis still alive and so are his tbrel companions, and on top of that Joe is getting credit for being something of . a hero as recompense for the loss of the ttforesald locks Of hair. ; i Sunday evening about 8 o'clock Mr. Young, another young man and two girls, weref coming back up the river from wodland Park. Just about the tlmeithey reached the last bridge belo Salem, they decided it was time; to replenish the supply of gasoline in the. tank connecting with the engine. Young got the extra can of gasoline and brought it to the en gine. Just as he started to pour the liquid Into the tank, It caught fire. The exact cause was not known, but it was believed to be the heat of the engine. At any rate flames enveloped the can. and Joe's hair caught fire-J With' admirable presence or mna, in view of the fact; that an ex plosion might be expected any in stant, Joe hurled the blazing can of gasoline into the water and then dived in himself, extinguish ing the blaze that was spreading throuch his hair. Jle acted so quickly that his scalp was not singed, and he escaped all injury. MAN VICTIMIZES WOMEN Employment Used to - and j Engagement Extract Money ; SAN FRANCISCO,! July 23. (AP)- A man who employs wom en, then borrows money irom them and disappears: was sought by police tonight. i His name as given by a number of his victims Is George F. Worm, and he was alleged to have stolen a ring from oneof tlie women he employs and then have tne stone reset to present it to ne victim as an engagement ring. J She accept ed the proposaL Thejy were to go to the altar next aay ana men the complaints on filelwith the po- lice.Worm,ifeharge4,with offer ing positions to women through newspaper advertisements. A number of his victims assembled today to accept an advertised posi tion at Montague, Cat, but Worm failed to appear. He borrowed sums ranging from 1 10 to 100. The victim hard est hit was Mrs. Ruby Basvman of Seattle, who loana Worm xiou, and then he got awiy with her phonograph and jewelry, sue, po lice explained, was the victim of the engagement trickj NEGATIVE DEBATES DUE Time to Record Arguments on ; Ballot Measures lEnding The time for filingnegative ar guments in connection .with con stitutional amendments and in itiative measures to g before the voters at the general election In November, expires at midnight Tuesday, according t announce ment ' made at the state depart ment. 1 . The time for filing! affirmative arguments expired 10days ago. Joseph Devers, attorney ior me state highway commission, is pre paring the negative; arguments opposing two measures initiated .y Senator Joseph Dunne of Mult nomah county. - One of these measures would decrease r approximately 50 per cent the motor vehiclefllcen" tcn. - r would increase the tax of gasoline sales f from three to five cents per gallon. ; FLAMES HIT PORTLAND Sweep Half Block, Doing Damage ;- More Than ,$30,000 PORTLAND. Ore.. lJuly 23. (AP) An entire haljr-block was swept by flames here tonight in a fire that burned ouj the Sunset Electric company andlthe Conaut garage, r Damage to the two com naniu will exceed 130,000, the fire marshal's office iaid. The lives of a scori of firemen were endangered when an explo sion in the garage shattered win dows and blew out a Marge street door. ' .. i ' AlthouKh the blaze lasted but a few minutes. - it - demolished fif teen automobiles stored in the ga rtrt. and damaged much of the stock of the electric cdmpany. The iatter loss was chiefly In radio equipment. . . -, j . HEAT? YES. IN -NICE CAN Liike Bartlett Vse Plenty of It, Salem ?oUce feay -. 'Along with other heat reports came one from bollcei head quar ters . last night that Like Bartlett had been Jailed Ior usng it- canned.'-?.' vf--.- f -v7 --4" ; . While the rest of Slem was In a badly demoralized condition due to ' the sun's heat, Bartlett was In an equally demoralised but appar ently far happier condition due to Imbibing the liquid that to press ed out of the fuel that comes lb. anall tins, police assented. . ; . Bartlett had recently served time la the Albany cl(y, Jail for a dmllar offense, but tader differ-' Worm disappeared. According toUfry the board pf Chrjstto-Bd I ;nt climatic condition. ' . s PBLDrWGHERE Crowds Attend Special Ser- - vice Despite - Warmth; Over 600 Present . CONGREGATION PRAISED Exceptional Provision Made for Reli-ious Education Landed by Dr. WUUam Chalmers , Covert in Address With Its auditorium filled to ca pacity the new Presbyterian church was formally dedicated on Sunday afternoon at a special service held at 2:30. All comers were greeted at the door and were asked for their names, which were written down for permanent rec ord. The count - of these names totalled considerably over 600 Programs and hymnals were in constant use as fans during the entire meeting. Dr. Norman K. Tally, pastor, assured the visiting members of the Willamette Pres bytery that the weather was- un usual for Salem, and added Hhat all Salem weather, wet or dry, hot or. cold,- Is good weather. ;i Dr, Moses ' E. Breeze , reminded him that sounded like California. Chnrch Congratulated Many, ., visitors . from other churches were present to see the new building and to felicitate the Presbyterians on its completion. Rev. C. E. Ward, president of the Salem ; Ministerial association brought the greetings of his or ganization and bespoke the happi ness of other churches at the suc cessful enterprise. i The address of the afternoon was given by -Rev. William Chalm ers Covert, l). u.. general secret ucation of i the Presbyterian churchy At the outset he stated that he was primarily Interested in the part of the building that had to do with the education and train ing of the youth. v - ; Education Stressed "There would be no need or use for this beautiful auditorium if there were no Sunday school to teach the children," he said. He showed the fallacy of a belief cur rent a few decades ago that an , - (Continued on pf 5) JUSTICES PLAN TO FLY Coshow and Rand Will Make Trip To Seattle by Airplane Justices of the state . supreme court left here Monday for Port land, from where they will go to Seattle to attend the annual con vention of the American Bar as sociation. Justices- Coshow and Rand will make the trip from Portland to Seattle by airplane. Other members of the court will go by train. Attorney General Van Winkle also has gone to Seattle to attend a conference of attorney generals from all parts of the United States. HOOVER'S HOME TOWN PREPARES f . . '?- , : r-r- "-v.- 1 A .LP 7 - r - - . .'; ;:;;. ' ' T' . . Palo Alto and Stanf ord. Cat. are really tepa rate cities, but- they will be one oa August 1 1 in playing host at notification ceremonies for Herbert Hoover, republican presidential nominee. The Palo Alto depot la betar polished up. the city park Is being extended around the hugs , redwood (right) from which the city gets its' name, and the Stanfo rd bowl is ready to hold 20,000 spectators of the notification. A," C. Hobart (below), like Hoover, a former lowan. heads the reception commlttee.4 National' Bank Exeifipt. ' From Oregon taxation Opinion of Attorney General Van Winkle; if. Upheld, Will De t pri ye State of Approximately $500,000 Revenue An nually; State Bank Stock Taxable ' For the reason that the state of Oregon has not complied with the conditions of congress authorizing the taxing of na tional banks, stock of all national banks in this state is ex empt from taxation. This was the substance of an opinion prepared here Mon day by I. H. Van Winkle, at the request of Earl Fisher, state tax commissioner. The query was based on a decision of. the United States district court in Portland in a suit brought by the Brotherhood Co-operative National Bank against T. M. : Hurlburt, sheriff, and tax col- LAUGH POSSIBLE EVEN AT 103 F. LITTLE GIRL THEN SAYS GETS DRINK, "GOODBYE Soda Fountains Do Rushing Busi ness as Mercury Climbs - to Record v She was a sunburned little girl of about eight years, and she ap proached the crowded soda foun tain with some hesitancy, her tiny nose just on a level with its ivory top. .. 1 t- "Do yon have water?", she asked, still hesitantly but with a peculiar sort of dignity strange In one of . her years. Why, yes," replied the pleas ant voiced girl at the fountain; and she handed over a glass filled with sparkling ice water. The tiny girl drank it with the same quiet dignity, then passed the glass back up to the attend ant ?v , -i ? .! Then she stood there as If in thought for several seconds. 't,Goodbye,T.she finally said, and trotted out, leaving the people in the store to laugh heartily, but not unkindly.' at her behavior Plenty of. people may have asked for drinks of water at the soda fountains Monday, -but their business was not all of that un profitable nature. Several of. the proprietors, reported that-they had experienced" unprecedented heavy patronage on Saturday,' Sunday and Monday: some estimated it at three times the normal busi ness. Service stations also reported an unusually heavy trade over the week-end. as hundreds of motor ists prepared for jaunts to the seashore and mountains in the ef fort to escape the sizzling heat. BICYCLE RIDER INJURED Norman Humphrey Taken to Hos pital; Fracture Possible Norman Humphrey, 11 year old son of Mrs. Lulu Humphrey, 480 South 2 0 th street, Is In the Salem General hospital suffering from accident Injuries, the most serious of which may be a fractured skull. Hospital attendants could not tell just how the accident occur red, and his doctor could not be reached, however It Is known he was riding a bicycle. The lad was brought to the hospital at 4:20 o'clock, after being treated first at a down town doctor's office. . lector for Multnomah county. The federal court held for the plaintiff corporation. . The state commissioner said the opinion' of the attorney gener al apparently implied that nation al bank stock is exempt from tax ation In the state of Oregon, while the stock of state" banks is taxable under the state laws. , . The constitution or the state of Oregon provides that all taxation shall be uniform on the same class of subjects within the terri torial limitation of the authority levying the tax," read the attorney general's opinion. "The constitution provides that the legislative assembly shall, and the people through the Initiative may, provide by law uniform rules of assessment and taxation. All taxes shall be levied and collected under general laws operating un iformly throughout the state. "The fullest discussion of these sections of the constitutions is to be found in the case of the Stan dard Lumber company vs. Pierce in that case it was found that a proviso of income tax act of 1923 was unconstitutional. It was held by the court that thi . proviso should be treated as stricken from the act and the remainder of the act enforced. The proviso In ques tion permitted corporations doing business within the state to deduct iividends paid to residents of Ore gon but did not permit-such "de ductions of dividends paid to non residents.. ' - The situation relattive to tax ation of state banks is quite dif ferent. The states have no author ity to tax a federal agency unless expressly authorized by congress. ( Continued oa pr 4.) FAIRCHILD HERE TODAY Economist Surveying Forest Tax ation Problems In Oregon Fred R. Fairchild, economist In charge of forest taxation tor the federal forestry service, will ar rive in Salem Tuesday to confer with members of the state tax commission and Frank A. Elliott, state forester. Mr. Fairchild Is now conducting an Investigation in Oregon to de termine a fair and equitable basis for Jorest taxation. . It was said that the probe would require sev eral weeks. Similar investigations have been conducted by Mr. Fair- child in many sections of the United States. Officials said Mr. Fairchild would refuse to make public any of his findings or recommenda tions until his report Is completed. FOR AUGUST 11 Committee to Investigate Firms Mot Controlled by Banking Sections HUGE LOSSES DECRIED Pubic Hands Over Funds With Practically No Guarantee Ex cept; Faith, Says Governor; ! Regulation Likely Investigation and possible revi sion of laws regulating all corpor ations in Oregon doing a financial business that are not already reg ulated by the banking laws, Is the purpose of a committee appointed here yesterday by Governor I. L. Patterson. Members of the committee are Richard W. Montague, E. B. Mc Naughton, E. C. Pease, A. A. Com rie, R. A. Booth. Amadee Smith, Clyde E. Apperson, C. A. Hart and Judge j. P. Cavanaugh. Governor Patterson has requested the com mittee to meet at the offices of Carey and Kerr in Portland, Aug ust 2 to perfect an organization and outline its operations. Instructions Given "Your Investigations," read a letter prepared by Governor Pat terson, "will include finance com panies, ' brokerage houses, mort gage and security companies that issue certificates of interest in mortgages and securities, savings and loan, building and loan, in dustrial loan companies and bond companies selling securities on in stallments, or Issuing temporary or interim certificates. "Present regulatory law which are found to be inadequate or un satisfactory could be revised by the committee, and made ready 4for presentation to the legislature tn such form as would cover the situation in the judgment of the committee. Where there Is no law the committee could prepare an entirely new bill. Public Not Protected "My understanding is that any corporation which receives a char ter from this state authorizing it to transact a financial business may, by virtue of such authority, take the public's money and issue for it some sort of receipt. This receipt may be, as in the case of banks, an entry in a deposit book or savings book, or a certificate of deposit, or in the ease of insti tutions of the kind listed, may be an Interim certificate for delivery of bonds, a debenture, mortgage certificate, or note secured by col lateral pledged with a trustee. "It does not matter what form the transaction takes, the princi ple is the same. The public parts with its money relying upon the financial soundness of the insti tution with which it deals and the competency and integrity of its management. The public has no means of. its own of verlfvinr these matters, but must and does do business with such concerns, relying entirely upon faith. "The state having given life to MORONES FLEES MEXICO'S WRATH POLITICAL EOE OF OBREGON - SAID IN HIDING Meanwhile "Complete Confession" Reported Wrong From T 1 GeneraTa Slayer ' - MEXICO CITY, July 23. (AP) Luis Morones. political foe of General Alvaro Obregon and who resigned the ministry of labor at the behest ' of agrarian elements, was today the object of a search by the police. " General .Antonio Rios Zertuche. appointed chief of police to Investigate the assassina tion of Obregon, : said that Mo rones was reported to be in hid ing. He added that the police were Investigating a rumor that he was concealed in Mexico . City. -The chief also stated that Jose Ds Leon . Toral. the art. student who killed General Obregon, had made "a "complete confession' Just what was In this statement was not revealed, " " Catholic clergy had been cooper ating with the police In their in vestigation. The first pronounce ment by President Calles after the killing of Obregon laid the blame for the crime upon Catholics gen erally and members of the "priest hood In particular.. This senti ment was echoed by General Zer tuche. - He did not go into details respecting the cooperation which he Is now receiving from leaders of the chureh. v - v-.:-' f -. Tracing, the - pistol which i De Leon Toral. used, police. say they had discovered - that " It ' had ' been furnished by one Manuel' Tre Jo. They assert that he has fled to the United States. - The statement by the chief of police that Catholic clergy were assisting the police la their in vestigation of General Obregon's slaying, was taken In some quar- - (Comtim4 pass ) - MERCURY RISES TO 103 IN SALEM SUMMER PLENTY HOT AFTER f ALL, VERDICT Other Sections f Pacific North west Also Suffer From . . Intense Heat ' ' ' Whoever made the statement a week ago that there would be no summer this -year, was wholly, completely and entirely- wrong. So say residents of Salem, along with those of nearly every other part of, the northwest. Sarcasm about the absence of summer heat will not be indulged in again for a long time, they promise. The report of the local weather observer yesterday evening car ried the essence of the whole story: "Maximum temperature 103." This brief statement meant shattering of all previous . heat records for this year, beating Sun day's scorching temperature by just one point, and setting a mark that has seldom been equalled' on the hottest summer days In Salem. The record temperature was sup posed to have been set at 108 just a year ago yesterday, but - there was considerable discredit cast upon this figure at the time, many comparing the report with read ings on their own hermometers and declaring that the government Instrument was Incorrect. Pre vious to last year the record tem perature for Salem was 106. By many this is considered the true high record for the city.' The hot weather had the effect of taking the level of the Willam ette river down two-tenths of an inch. The river has dropped from minus two to minus two and two tenths during the intense hot spell that first struck Salem on Satur day. The weather man last night of fered little hope for a respite un til several days have passed. The weather bureau report sent out in dicated that continued fair weath er with only mild winds may be anticipated. This is to be accom panied by low humidity: PORTLAND. July 23. (AP) It was lust two-tenths of a decree cooler in Portland today than on Sunday. I Betweeir-3 and 5 p. m. the United States" -weather bu reau's thermometer- remained sta tionary at 98.1 degrees,' at the same period the day before the oeak was 98.3.' Continued hot peather tomorrow' was forecast. Thermometers of 100 or more were recorded at many points in the Pacific northwest. High hon ors for Oregon went to Grants Pafs with a maximum of 112, breaking the ail-time record. Season's records melted away at The Dalles and Pendleton, with temperatures of 106 and 106. Salem reported 103 degrees and Roseburg 102. La Grande and Bend considered the weather warm at only 96 and 98 degrees. Walla Walla had 106 and Yak ima 104. Lewiston, Idaho, report ed 105 degrees. TWO FIRES IN ONE DAY Blazes Strike Town and Farm Property of Louis, Lacbmnnd Louis Lachmund may well be lieve the god of fire has some peculiar vengence upon him, . for Sunday two fires destroyed prop erty In Salem and on his farm east of the city in the Illahee dis trict with an aggregate loss of $1,400. The farm fire originated in a hay field and destroyed all but four bales of 35 tons of hay which had been up only a week or so. This fire Is presumed to have ori ginated from a cigar, as a butt and a. pall of blackberries was found near the hay. The farm houses were threatened, but winds carried the blaze away. . The ' second ' fire, orlgtn un known, destroyed a warehouse on Trade street in which sacks, and berry- crates were stored.- Thls loss was partly covered by insur-; ance. The 'blaze was discovered Sunday night a haLi-hour before midnight, and for a time.threat ened a larger . dried fruit ware house to the south. Firemen's ef forts saved the second building, from but a slight damage. AMELIA VISITS TOLEDO Rousing; Welcome ' A ccorded Famed Atlantic Aviatrix - TOLEDO. July 23. (AP) To ledo ' : today became, the . fourth American city to honor Miss Ame lia Earhart, the Boston social worker, for her part In the trans Atlantic flight of the Friend ship." The cheers of a large crowd which thronged , the Pennsylvania railroad station today welcomed the glrIwho. became the center of two. parades, and stole the' play from the 12th annual convention of the national exchange clubs which virtually gave their, day. t her. .."; OCEAN FLIGHT DELAYED French ' Airplane. Stops at Azores - -island For Repairs. -V HORTA ISLAND OF FATAL. Azores, July 23 , f APJ The French plane ' : La Fregate was hoisted tonight on a breakwater to receive minor repairs and win be unable to leave on Its trans-at-lantlc flight to New Tork by way of Bermuda Islands nntll they are completed.,: - rr- - OF CALIFOK Some Disagreement Over Is sues Reported Following Conference SENATOR HITS UTILITIES Support of Presidential Candktes Indicated Despite Minor Di. H lerencos; other Reports J - Favorable STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Calif.. July 23. (AP) Herbert Hoover, republican presidential nominee, and Senator " Hi rant Johnson, of California, candidate for re-election, discussed the po litical situation today for nearly two hours and at the end appar ently were not In entire accoaa an io an tne subjects i.-;t should be made issues in the campaign. The California senator i generally has been found figkltaff me oia guard or his party, declin ed to state what the issues w Ji be, explaining that x. would be presumptious on his nart fa. un dertake to State lasuti nklKh kA presidential candidate "will make yf perrecuy clear within a few days," in his acceptance address. Boulder Dam Talked ; ' Senator Johnson said h aa mi know whether Boulder Canyea would enter into the natioMi campaign, but that it would have a prominent part in his personal campign tor re-election. : v "I am going to begin next week expressing myself with vigor and fervor on the Dower truat ta southern California," the senator said. t . . . The republican platform' wb-fc a Mr. Hoover is tointernrt cm August 11, was aileat on the mst in ui me operations oi ine poe lie Utilities associations althoutB Senator Borah, of Idaho, and etk- proposes plants aenounctag their activities, particuriy with respect to efforts to control tbe contents of text books in the pub lic schools of the country. In his addresses in the senate urging action on the Boulder Can yon dam, the seuior California senator has vigorously attacked what he characterizes as th new er trust and should he take the stump for the national ticket h might carry that subject to the country. Whether ha wnl sneak outside of the state is wuter. for future determination, .fce aid. t Future IHscussion Prcanised Jt "I am unable tv talkf.tat'yW' about national issues," tbe-fistiaf-or said. "After the- candidate speaks on August 11, I shall die cuss them. "I came out here today at the request of Mr. Hoover. 1 was Oe- lighted to lunch with him and (Continued oa pag 3) PEACE TREATIES EXCLUDE RUSSIA GERMANY DECIDES . NOT PUSH PROPOSITION . TO Soviet Government May Have Op portunity to Enter AnU-War . Pact in Future BERLIN. July 23 (AP) So, viet participation9 la" the Kellogg multilateral . pact to outlaw " wat has not been discussed in Germs government circles and there wHl - German Initiative toward it, ' "oture! itwss ' learned tK in Germany Ing if the. wishes to be a signal pact, it so will indicate "in good time. . , - : .. 1 v v Occasion for this may come af ter Germany has signed and nas notified Russia ot ' that act, . The treaty of Berlin provides Germany shall notify Russia of all formal treaties and pacts which : the signs with other countries and when this is done with regard re the Kellogg pact, there would be .,. opportunity for Russia to acL The Soviet government then could -Intimate' to Germany a desire to added to the llsr of signatories and' Berlin would feel obliged te inform the United States and oth er interested powers -of . RussieT i readiness to sign. -; ....,; '', .; ? -German ' parliamentarians - are hopeful the Kellogg treaty will re sult in speeding1 up . universal die armament. Their - predominasf feeling is that the pact has justi fication only If disarmament is,ae complished for, they arguev pow ers which are armed to the. teeth 7 can "command but scant credence . -for;" their " willingness to outlaw -war-'. '"''-'-- V .'-ir'.'V- K -j There is a direct bearing too ia German eyes, on the occupation of the Rhineland. ''What has France -to fear if war Is outlawed" Is lh . question asked on that aspect ef the treaty. On this point bow- -ver, the government prefers te maintain, a noncommital attitude, believing that there are more iza mimently dangerous spots In. Esf- . (0atiant pat i) .