The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 22, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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    mnmivirnnimr!. JTTLY22. 1928
' Bear little siwea by the Jbedslde lyimr ;
II fl .. . ....
Il . -
l5 : V ?r- photos CCGfc ;
1 i?" ir JIIP t '
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t. v : -wi vasnw - .-snuuv- " . i aa-::-.
-i. f? vrV-l I '41.
- . .a . . . .
l : : : . -i,
Resting wnere snaaows u o"41- "
You look so inUoccnt, dear little shoes,
v When aU day long you have kept me cnasinsr,
Upstairs and down, all around the house,
Or after the runaway baby racing !
And how can the sight of those two wisps of leather
Tug amy heart strings and bring the swift tears 7
I see a long pathway a long rugged pathway, .
As I took down the vista of love-laden years.
the pathway my baby, my loved 'one. must travel!
But hark to the message the night winds repeat !
"He who lovingly watches the fall of the sparrow
: Will light the long trail for those dear little feet!
, V Rowena Arthur Mills.;
- mr---
brigtt-eoiored balloon. Bride-Elect Is Honored .
wlth a
In the troup were: Mr a. Karl
O. Becke and daugnter, Miriam,
Mrs. P. W. Poonnan and son, Bil
ly, Mr. H. V. Compton and son.
Stuart, and daughter, Barbara;
Mrs. Forest Brakey and son, Don
ald, of Seattle: Mrs. Dwight Parr
and daughter. Virginia; Mrs. Rob
ert Duncan and son, Billy of Sil
rerton; Mrs. Claude Pusick and
son, Robert; Mrs. Merrill Ohling
and daughter, Sara Ann; Mrs.
William Phillips and sons. Billy
and Jimmie: Mrs. Wallace Bone-
steele and son. Wallace; Mrs.
Walter J. Kirk and daughter, Jan
et; Mrs. Ernest Thorn and son, Er
nest, Jr.; Mrs. Ronald Jones and
son, Ronald; Mrs. Lester Barr ana
daughter, Sally Ann; Richard
Page and the hostess, Mrs. W. J.
Busick, with the honor guest,
Jeanne Joan.
Mrs. Bufiick was assisted In the
serving by Mrs. Compton. Mrs.
Becke, Mrs. Poorman, and Mrs.
Claude Busick.
W. C. Price Class Is Enter
tained at Country Place
On Wednesday Evening
The W. C. Price class of the
First M. E. church were the guests
at the home of Mrs. F. Y. Wil
liams and 'Mrs. C. W. Williams,
south of town, . Wednesday eve
ning. The guests were met at
the end of the bus line by Miss
Berniece Williams. A delightful
evening was spent.
Mr. Vernon Williams honored
th auests with a solo accompan
ied by Miss Generiere Mulkey at
the piano. The guests, then sang
Hit A Showers , y r;
Miss Lillian Harrey, whose
weddlns: to Everett Brown took
nlaee last nlrht. was the honor
guest at a kitchen shower given
at the home of her' parents, on
Wednesday afternoon, by a group
of friends.
After the packages were open
ed. refreshments were served by
Bessie and Marguerite Harvey,
: On Thursday Mrs". Theodore
Welty entertained with a miscel
laneous shower in honor of the
hrtde-elect. Mr. Brown was also
present and assisted with' the op
ening of the packages
Mrs Wetty. who is a sister of
the honor truest. : served refresh
ments; assisted by Mrs. O. H. Har
vey and Mrs. .Ivan Banks.
Those oresent were: Mrs. S.
Wheeler. Mrs. Jack . Bates, Mrs
Bert Heseman, Mr. and Mrs. C." E.
DeSart and daughter and son.
Ruth and Jerald; Mrs. John Car
penter and daughter. Miss Helen
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Harvey and
their daughters. Ruby, Lois, and
Edith; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harvey
and their daughters, the Misses
Bessie and Marguerite; Miss Iner.
Welty. Mrs. G. S. banks, -Mr. rfnd
Mrs. Howard Harvey, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Banks, and the host and
hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Welty and
their small daughters, Maxine and
Dawna Mae.
Former Salem Residents
Are Here
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Smith, ot
San Francisco, who formerly lived.
in Salem, were here for a visit
old hymns led by Miss Berniece T, T
j v-.. TtriiHo, Mfil r- recamng tne saiem oi ju,
Charming Garden Breakfast
iHonors Out-of-Town Guests
- Mrs. J. D. Sutherland of Los
Angeles, California, and Mrs. WU
llara Randall of Vancouver, B. C.
were the guests of honor on
Thursday morning when Mrs. Mai
O. Buren and Mrs. J. N. Smith en
tertained Jointly with a garden
'breakfast and bridge party at the
"Buren home.
The guest group Included the
'members of the Merry-Go-ROHnd
clmb and a group of
additional 1 Miss Rosalie Buren, daughters of j
placed for
guests. Covers were
16. The colorful -tables in Chi
nese blue, sea-green, and Mandar
in red. were arrange to advan
tage in the picturesque garden.
The bridge prises Were won by
Mrs. Robert Downing,; who took
first place, and by Mrs. Reuben P.
Boise, who placed second. Guest
prizes were presented to Mrs. Ran
dall and Mrs. Sutherland.
Mrs. Warren F. rowers and
fresh men ts were served.
At the close another song was
sung and prayer offered by Mr.
J. R. Payne, the teacuer.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Payne. Mrs. E. M.
Pound. Mrs. M. P. Holeomb, Mrs.
David Mather. Mrs. E. R. Macy,
Mr. John Mather. Mrs. E. D. Proc
tor and daughter, LaVerne. Miss
Genevieve Mulkey, Miss Margaret
Williams, Miss Berniece Williams
Mr. Vernon Williams and the
hostesses Mrs. M. C. 'Williams and
Mrs. E. Y. Williams,
the hostesses, assisted in the serv
Those invited for the distinctive
and charming affair were: Mrs
E. Hartley, Mrs. Douglas Minto.
Mm Rnhert Downinz. Mrs. J. T.
Whittle. Mrs. Clarence Hamilton
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs.
John L. Rand, and the members
of the Merry-Go-Round group,
which club includes: Ilrs. John
McNary. Mrs. W. G. Allen, Mrs
RoUin K. Page. Mrs. Frank W.
Spencer. Mrs. R. B. Fleming. Mrs.
U. G. Shipley. Mrs. iceuoen P
rvuA Mm. T. B. Kir. Mrs. A. H
Moores. Mrs. William Brown, Mrs.jTo Give Program
Will Thlelsen. and the nosiesses
Mrs. Buren and Mrs. Smith.
Jeanne Joann Busick
Celebrates Second Birthday
With Lawn Party
Mrs. J. W. Busick was hostess
at a delightful lawn prty yester
day afternoon at her home on
jnoria snmiiier auwt o
her little daughter. Jeanne joann,
on her second birthday annlversa
ago. before, in 1893, they left for
California. Mrs. Allan Bellinger.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith
lives at Scotts Mills. The father
of Jay Smith, J. W. Smith. bet
ter known as Walt Smith, owned
and operated a ferry with Cap
tain T. McF. Patton, father of Ha:
and Cooke Patton.
As a young man. Jay Smith wii:
be remembered by his contempor-
ies as one of the social leaders oi
the town. The first Mrs. Smith
was Levi a Rowland, only daughter
of the pioneer physician, L. L.
rs. . i. Yuiuu. i - - - -
They were honored by special Rond. who was auperintendent
Buster Birbwn Shoeptqre
' .1 . . j-. rrr TTf jTmm K T A -' -
iiufi nil II ii uPiWAiiiir
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I ill Illui'w .
1 Patents rS
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III rTT Lar 1
--rafeg sy-,-..,
jrue8ts from out of town, Mrs.
Morris Sloan from Montana and
Mrs: J. H. Batdorf from Portland.
ISantiam Tribe!. O. R. M.
of the Oregon State hospital.
Grange Members Will
Partunvate Today in
Picnic at Champoeg
'Grange Day" at tne Oregon
"Visit" Your Lome
and see your floors gs
others see them
Every woman Ukes to know how her fWors look to visitors
. . . mi . cinniw an natmld nr nonse. In
Hrre i one way i iu r (j
m critical frame ot mind re-enter your front door.
The small playmates of the hon-
or guest were accoiiraaiea oy
( their mothers who called at 4
I o'clock. Each tot was presented
o-i -ivitL m 7 Tmnrnvpfl I Historical chauUuqua at Cham-
i 3 a J a w
Order of Red Men will open their poeg win ne ooserveu iouj wnu
Wlnrtm for a social evening, a picnic dinner at noon, followed
i !-. Ti-ai) a rood ! wit n tne cnauiauqua progr.ui
t.mmm f. hotnr nrnared for thatl The members of the Marion
.111. MiMtiiM rT Hl.lUOUniV rDIDOBa nuu I.1LC
wMtim Poimril TWTAe-of Poca-ICTackamas County Pomona grmngt
hnnt.. a onrdial Invitation is I have arranged a Joint basket am-
n n fnrmM Rsd Men Iner for the occaslnn
and their families, also former The Salem group win sponsor
.fniuin . h. PAnhnntM. An I musical uu.nbe: by Miss Lnc'lh?
hi-rltation la extended to friends I Cum mings and Miss Jeweu uara
of those organisations to be pres-lner. Mrs. S. H. Van Trump will
Ant. Th rnemm will be held in l give a tain on Dira lore
it.. Ri Pml'ii Parlnh Hall, on I At the 2 o clock meeting. Dr
Chemeketa street. Just west ot St. I Henry Mortis w'll preside
Paul's church. Come and enjoy
the program with ns.
One of Portland's leading hair
rutters. now with Joe Maddlsva
at the Mltxl Gray Shop; 700-1S.
rlrst Nat'l BanJK Blag, jrnone
What Is the first thing yon notice as soon as yon come In7
. v.. it rinAnt 'n anestlon about it. But how
iae riiimiuc . - - :
. i v n..niit invltiBir. rremtins a pleasant "first
impresslenT Or are they dull, 5 uninteresting, even gloomy?
It's so easy to have an attracUve entrance hall. Our Armstrong
IJneleum Floors prove that. In few hour, we cement
them down over s, layer of huUdera deadening feIt.jThat ln-
i An,Vh floor that can't break or bulge, yet
m h " I
, a lifetime.
"As for color and brightness, no floors surpass our Armstrong's
Linoleum Floors. We have dozens of lovely designs and color-
effects; modern creations that are really a treat to look at.
And just think, no matter hovr many muddy feet tramp In,
these floors are ; cleaned In an Instant wtth Just the swish of a
tt r m wmtr-rosistins Accolae flnfc h tluit's
part of every floor. , . . . j
Come in today, or phone 29 for our represen'
340 Conrt Street
Peter Pan
SUte & High Streets, :
No. 1 Lunch 40c-
Boiled Tongue
Horse Radish Sauce
. Spinach - '
Scalloped Potatoes
-Rolls and. Batter
' Sherbet' :
Coffee Milk Buttermilk
iNo. 2 Lunch 35c
Cold Meats
- Potato Salad
: Pie
Coffee' Milk Buttermilk
; No. 3 Lunch 30c
f -
. ' " Soup v Sandwich.
f Dessert
Coffee Milk . Buttermilk
Try our Special Toasted
v - Sandwiches
, Salads Made to Order.
Also Short Orders
Mr and Mrs. Compton Have
House-Guests from beanie
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Compton ar
entertaining as their house-guestf
thla week. Mrs. S. W. Wltham
and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Breaky
and. son. Donald, all of ' Seattle
Mr; "Wltham la Mrs. Compton'slgaret Arnold,
mother, while Mrs. Breakey Is a Professor Paul
Martin Anderson WUl Appear
In Recital tn CorxaUxs
Announcement is being made in
Salem. Albany and Corvallis ol
the pipe organ recital in Corvalllf
at which Byron D. Arnolo
will present three of his advanced
students. Among these is Martin
Anderson -of Salem. Miss Mar-
vocal student ol
Petri, at Oregon
sister of the hostess, I SUte College, will give two group;
Tomorrow Mr; and Mrs. Harry lot vocal numbers.
fW. Wltham. also ofTSeattle. wlll i The recital will take place at
stop at the Compton home on I the First Presbyterian churcn.
tneir way to ine ocn. ar. I . , TT .
am and Mrs; Compton are brother House Guests at Home Of
..... I ua . V V M - - - w A a A mm a
and sister. ur ana Mrs. isyuc wo
, tt j Honord vnth uxnner
Miss ROSS IS Honored tn I . HAnae-cuasta. at tbe home ot
Corvallis .cn Thursday j Dr. . and Mrs. W H. Lytie.this
Miss Luclle Ross, wnose mar-l week-end Include; Mrs.- a. m.
Tiage to Holley J. Brandrup oi loattle, Mr. and Mrs. Iner Olsen.
Patterson. New Jersey, will be an land Miss Maxine Stanfleld,-f
event of next month In OhleagOvIr AiiDaer,with eerere arransed
was the gneatl of hoxrorat a daacl for 10 was planned for thpleas-
and Airs, pan! Petri ot CcrTallh J colorul basket of garden flowers
at. tneir nome, uasa jwasica, eenter4 tne uoia. . ,
Thursday. t ,". K if '- ' '
Miss Dorothy Pearce was ani orwier &aem
nnt-of-town rnest for the affair. Guest
Mrs. W. J. rnnnps tuer.ruae
returned to . Portland. -where she
la spending the summer "with her
Runt) of Berkeley California. I.
in Salem as the guest of Judge
and Mrs, J. T. Hanr and of Dr.
and Mrs. B - U eves, ; Mrs.
Phfilfna; who formerly -Jived in
ialeanrjsanfeos of herToaesaMr
Mri Thflllps will arrive from Cal-
ifM-nta totfar to- pen.d a'-week in
thej -WtilameUe' Valley i
A Change of
m Pohcy
vfaXlaw. thT change In owner-"
hip-' at the Palm, 470 N.
CJinrrh.; 3Uss. Enimav ptn,' the
n w proprioi r. - pronuwt
VI CK -FRESH truits,. vegetablea,
and baked gooda, . and - earn
plete line of the heat ? canned
goody and srocerles. ' -
For"' week-end spseialitthP1
to Wtering The Famona Emma
'J: 'Lena Plee and.Salada C.
Is Open AH Day Sunday
Afral Fisfver and Son Relum
From Extended Tripl:''x' '
Mrs, Alice, runer ana ner son.
Arthuri havereturad to Salem
alter", a Month's "visita South Da
koCa; Iowa, and, OtV.lTa travel
lers were guests In Aberdeen.
South Dakota DeeMoinea and
Sioux City, Iowa, as well as tn Salt
Lake City and Colorado Srinsa.
afr. Henry T. Dunn
Visits in Salem
Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Lytle had
as their house-gunst last week
their niece. Mrs. Henry T. Dunn
(Barbara Stanfleld). Mrs. Dunn
parents. Senator and Mrs. BobeA
N. Stanfleld. on Friday. Site will
return to Salem for a further vis
it later' In the summer, when Mr.
Dunn comes west.
Visitor from
T,nm Anaelea
Mrs, Damon Fieenor nas as ner
hAnM-raest her mother, Mrs
Marv B. Adams of Los Angeles.
When Mrs. Adams leaves for her
heme next month, she win be ae
eomnanled . By her grand-daugh
ters, the Misses Vivian and Wilda
Fleeaor, who plan to spend fort
night in Loa Angeles and San
Francisco, j
Group Attends
Presbyterian Synod
Mr, and Mrs. C P, Bishop, Mrs.
F. O. Franklin, and Ber. Henry
Babeock of Los 9Vngeles motored
to. Albany yesterday to attend the
Presbyterian Synod, -They were
also guesu at the tea which Mrs.
Woodard gave at her beautiful
home on the river.
The ereup also motored to Cor
vallis to visit the new Westminster
house which4 la being ereetcd near
the campus, -
Mrs: Page Returns from
Visit in Newbera .
r Mrs. Gertrude J M; Page has
returned ' to her home In Salem
after spending ten days In New-
berg. , . . . T .
Clements Are Horns
From Alaska .. . '
'Dr. and Mrs, Ht Jt Clem en U
ire home from an interesting trip
Group Enjoys Motor Trip
Through Southern Oregon
Mr. and Mts. O. C. Locke, Mrs.
Homer Smith and son. Homer, Jr.,
and Mrs. La Fuirgy returned
home on Thursday from a motor
trip through central and southern
Oregon. The group made atops at
Metollous, Diamond Lake, and
Crater Lake.
Judge and Mrs. Bean Plan
Trip to Seattle
Jndm and Mrs. H. J. Bean will
leave on Tuesday for Seattle I Jlrs. Homer Goulet. D. A. U
where they wilr attend the nieet-tr, ce Announces Com
ing of the American Bar Associa-I " xr e
tlon Thev nlan to be In Wash- mutccn or
Salem and Sllverton Elks. Pic
nic. Sllverton Park. All-day.
Former ; residents of Montana.
Picnic, . Hager's Grove, northeast
of Salem. 10 o'clock.
. i-.Ji t.- .Tuesday
, Needlecratt Club. Mrs. L. C
Bretherton, 570 8. Winter St..
hostess, t o'clock. '
lngton a week.
Group .Will' Spend. Day ;
it Mehama
Mr, and Mrs, F, A: Legge. who
are at Taylors Grove this weex.
have tnvl'ed Dr. and Mr. B. L.
Steevsand Dr. and Mrs. La ban
Steeves to be guests today at their
Mrs. R. L White Writes :
From British Columbia .
Mrs. R. L. White, who is chap-
ereninc Mis Elizabeth Watert
and Earl White, In their popular
dance feature,. writes or an espec
ially successful ' engagement In
Vancouver. B. '4 C. They have
signed -for appearances in Seattle
and in Aberdeen.
... t- .
Dr. and Mrs. Smith
At Nexkowin - '
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith
are., vacationing at their summer
home at Neskowm. ,s
Mr. and Mrs.iDorcas
Mr. and Mra, Geerge B, Dereas
are spending a twq weeks' vaea
tlen at Hot Springs. - They will
be away until -the end ef the week.
Mrs. Homer Goulet. regent of
Chemeketa chapter, has an nou ne
ed the following committees to a f
leaders in the work of
Daughters of the American r.,y-
olution 'during 19X8-9.
Mrs. James G. Heltxel. named t
head the finance committee, will
be assisted by Mrs. Walter SioU
and 'Miss Nina McNary.
These appointed to serve on tne
year-book committee are Mrs. Wil-
Hanr Fordyce Fargo. Mrs. John
W. ' Orr. Mrs. 'Harry Love, ana
Mrs.' VV B. Hanson.
Mrs John W- Orr will hrad
the social committee. Her assist
ants" will be: Mrs, Karl Steiver,
MrsJ 'C. C Best. Mrs. J. Lrman
8tee4;-Mrs. Alton B. Hurley. Mrs.
Frank Spears, and Miss Ola Clark.
Those who will serve on ine
visiting committee are: Mrs. S.
O, Dyer,1 chairman; Mrs. v. u
Shipley,,' Mrs. J. G, Helttel. Mrs.
Seymour Jones; Mrs. C. C. ciara,
and &Irs, Russell Catlia,
''A. number ot Dallas women are
featured en the. membership w
mittee the personnel of which l
aVtoUowai Mra, Oscar HytJ
ehalrmaB Mrs, y, tiTAUiood. Mr.
C, U Crider, Mrs. H, O. Eakln.
- (CaUaa4 11 i
, 1,1