Sqfe Afternoon JFitli Appropriate Ceremonies Republican Committee in Marion County Is Preparing forMctive Campaign; Not Expecting Midi Trouble, But Taking No Cliajwes Weather Forecast! Fog on tbe eoaat and ... fair and moderately low humidity over tbe . Interior; moderate northerly winds on the coast. Maximum temperature yesterday 9S; minimum 87, rirer .2," rainfall none, atmos- phere clear, wind northwest. SEV ENTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS mmmw TWENTY PAGES SLOGAN IDEAS SAID HUGE AID BUILDING CITY Effect of Special Pages Each Week Dedicated to Pro gress Outlined ' SALEM FORGES IN LEAD prominent San Franciscan Puts 6alra Ahead of Western Cities; Col. Hofer Praises Slogan master's Work -Editor Statesman:. For the past eight years the Sa lem Daily Statesman has conduet ed an all-around slogan develop ment campaign for the establish ment of payrolls and Industries suitable to the Capital City ana all Oregon, and is planning to con tinue It on a larger scale. The Daily Statesman has recently In stalled a larger press to enable It to print a large enough newspaper to handle the typed material bringing out all the details of nearly 30 fields of payroll indus tries that hare been estaousnea and are specialised upon to keep the factories going and supply the raw . material necessary to keep the wheels of industry moving, and employ all forms of Individual and family labor. This Hendricks newspaper had to grow with the growth of the community it waa building under scientific stimulation and high pressure expansion of an industri al manufacturing and home build ing campaign. With adence and manufacturing undergoing and ex quired plant and press facilities stimulus of manufactured output, a newspaper had to grow In capac ity as well as the product end the manufactured product." With the eight year, period t offering to every enterprise the bonus of a progressive, optimistic daily newspaper, it is no wonder that Salem has become known as the biggest general payroll and In dustrial inland city in the state, or that the Statesman has ac quired plant and press facilities that enable it to put out about 500 pages a year of aggressive, af firmative community boosting ma terial, as it has done in tbe last CTfcht years, or that the capital city lias shown the marked effect of this by spreading In all directions with thousands of new homes, fac tories and business establish ments. Through the provocative stimu lation that increases tenfold the chances of success of any payroll industry. Editor Hendricks has swung the community into the line (Coatlnned oa paga S.) LANGLEY CALLS ? MEET AUGUST 4 OREGON BOURBONS DECIDE TO MAKE CAMPAIGN ' Meanwhile Anti-Saloon League Demands Republicans Make prohibition Biff Issue PORTLAND, Ore.. July -11. (AP) Lotus L. Langley, demo cratic state chairman, announced today he would call a meeting of tbe state committee on August 4 when steps will be taken to press the presidential campaign of Gov ernor Alfred E. Smith, of New York. Langley last night failed to appear at a dinner here attend ed by prominent democrats of the state, because, he said, he did not want to preside as toaStmaster if the campaign was to be discussed. Following a heated discussion last night, a committee today, vis ited Langley demanding that the meeting be called as soon as pos sible in order that the campaign get under way at the earliest pos- I stole date. 1 Langley said today thai he had delayed issuing the call because only 22 counties are organised and he has been waltinz for more. He I assured his visitors that he is sup I porting the candidacy of Smith I and that he did npt realise when 1 he wrote his letter refusing to be I toast-master at last night's dln I ner, that it would cause a discus- The Anti-Saloon League of Ore- puu resents the announcement of Dr. Hubert Work, republican na usnal committeeman, that prohi bition is not an issue, and that the republicans win carry on a "con structive" campaign. Resolutions have been adopted Leau n 'orwarded to Wofk' to Hrrt Hoover and Cum Stating that the candidates and the national chair man coma ant nnhti.u , Stbat prohlbitioa i, the only issue the presidential oamn.t. (Coatiaaat M TJ FORCES COMBINE TO FIGHT APHIS WALNUT ASSOCIATION LEAD ING ATTACK ii Power Dusters in Demand, Re ports State College En tomologists All available equipment in Ore gon is being marshaled by the Walnut Growers' association, un der the direction of G.1H.. Bentley. secretary to combat jthe walnut aphis that has just made its first appearance in the 6tate. The need for powel dusters to aid in this work is acjute, accord ing to word received in Salem Sat urday through Don 0. Mote, en tonfbloglst of the Ofegon State Agricultural college experiment station, and anyone having one of these dusters is asked to commun icate with Mr. Bentley at Dundee. Anyone finding the-; Insects In hie orchard is also urt,a to get in touch with Mr. Bentley. . The serious walnut; pest is a soecies.il aphis or plant louse, ac-; cording to Professor Mote, but is not the common walnut plant louse that is preeent ileach year. This -particular species has not heretofore been observed 'or re ported In western Oregon. Professor Mote states; that grow ers may combat this pest success fully by a commercial two per cent nicotine dust, applied oy means 01 a. nower duster. Si It is best applied when there are no air currents, preferably rinrinr th earlv morning hours. Hnm of the growers,; especially around Dundee, have already dust ed their trees. Where, this prep aration te thoroughly applied it may be counted on to control the pest ! PLAN NEW LIGHTS. HIGH Cluster System From Trade to Broadway to Enliven Street Between 120,000 and $30,000 mat ha expended shortly for a cluster lighting system which will extend on High street from Trade to the site or the proposed new bridge- at the conjunction with Broadway, if present plans, contingent upon letting; the con tract for erection of the bridge. a tori a If W a - Such a system, the expense mf which will be borne largely by; the same 30 owners of business Propt erty along the route, will provide for. clusters similar to tnose now in use in front of the Elstnore theatre en that street, with six of the two-light clusters to the block. three on either side of tne tnor- oughfare. The Hleh street business prop- Dertv holders, who have decided for the change, hope to have the countv and city shares a portion of the expense for tbe clusters in front of the court house and city hall, respectively. jj It is expected the proposition will go through. Inasmuch as tbe city council will open i bids ror construction of the new bridge at the next session. ! PLAN OCEAN. HOP TODAY Flight to Re Made From Rockford, 111., to Stockholm ROCKFORD. ILL.. July 21. (AP) A radio message from Greenland will be the signal for tbe hop-off of the airplane "Great er Rockford" on its projected flight to Stockholm. Sweden. Pilot Bert Hassell announced today. The big monoplane Is groomed for the take-off at 10 a. m. tomorrow it weather conditions are suitable. The radio message that will send him off will be a weather. re port from Greenland where he has arranged a base for his only stop, to refuel. Professor W. H. Hobbs of the university of Michigan's Greenland expedition, will send the message Just as son as Green land weather appears suitable for the flight. I Both Hassel and Parker! Cramer, his navigator and ce-puot, are ready for the trip, and . the plane has been stocked with i clothing and provisions and nothing re mains to be done.' " MINISTER GETS 90 DAYS Says He Sold Liquor to Find Men Who Needed Salvatlkm DES MOINES. Iowa. July 21.- AP)- Rev. Lawry Day, itinerant preacher, who asserts he found audiences to reform through con tracts made by sale of lienor, to day drew a so day Jail ' sentence and a 300 fine when arraigned In court on a charge of carrying In toxicattng liquors. - ; The clergyman said he thought the sentence severe in considers lion of hir "worthy" motives and honed - that Judge Lester-- L. Thompson, w,ho sentenced him. may yet rejent. - : , . r WjL FIND HUSSEY AND FRIEND Wife Who Told of KflJInf .Them -t Prove to be Detwut : NORRISTOWN. PsC July' 11 ( AP) Undley it. Husssy, novel ist and chemist, and IfnC Grace Tstlow Saveur. of Amblsr Pa., who police sought after Uussey's wife. Dr. Virginia Alrarai Hussey aid she had , killed them, wen found alive and wall la bunga low at LambertviUe, N. J., accord ing to a statement Issued tunigh: by caief of Pollco Elervf ; - " v TENSION GREAT IN MEXICO CITY Serious Threats Leveled Against Luis Moronev . Minister of Labor SOLDIERS HOLD STEADY Congressman Soto Y. Gams Hurls Ultimatum at President Calles Demanding Obregon's En emy Be Ousted MEXICO CITY. July 21. (AP) Mexico City hnd the country continued peaceful today but there was a general tension among the people, much suppressed excite ment and a feeling of distinct un certainty. What is regarded as a virtual ultimatum to President Calles by Congressman Soto Y. Gama, agrarian leader close to Obregon, long a fiery fixure in Mexican pol itics, that Luis Morones, minister of labor, "Mas tgo or there will be actual war" is. frankly discon certing to elements who are work ing to spare Mexico from another period of chaoo and bloodshed. However, it is felt that it is not unrestrained speeches, but con trol of tbe army' that really counts. Meanwhile despite Sbto Y. Gama'a declarations, the army con tinues to observe discipline and Secretary of War Amaro has is sued an appeal to all the re vol u tionary elements to support , the army which he promises will eon tinue loyally to guarantee the maintenance of peace and order Obrecon's Enemies Blamed ' Whatever foundation or lack of foundation the actual facts might reveal for their belief, the Obre gon leaders assert the conviction that the political enemies of Gen eral Obregon were behind the "re- liglous fanaticism" which the po- uce gy the Immediate in insplration of the president-elect's assassin. The name of Morones Is con stantly and openly used by Obre gon. leaders in discussing the as sassination. General Obregon and Morones were long political enem les 'and no expressions that the secretary of labor has made since the assassination lamenting the crime have served to check the feelings against him openly ex pressed by some of the Obregon leaders. Even threats to kill Mo rones have been made publicly and some of the secretary's friends have advised him to get out of the country quietly if he can. Carranza Little Noticed The assassination of General Obregon and subsequent develop- (Continoed oa pas 14.) ASK SPUD HARVEST HALT Appeal Made to Stop Stampede to Markets at Lose TOPEKA. Kans.. Jnly 21. CAP) An appeal to the nation's potato growers to stop harvesting and marketing of their crop for 10 days was Issued today by the Kaw Valley Potato Growers' asso ciation through its secretary, B. M. Pugh. Stating "Millions of bushels of potatoes" were being dumped Into the big markets by "Panic strick en growers at less than half the cost of production, the appeal alee said the nation's potato Indus try was in a state of "complete demoralization." VIEWS OF $200,000 FIRE AT GLENDALE, OREGON Brick waUs and chimneys ar practically aU- tnat is left standing in the part of Glendale, Oregon, that waa gutted by the disastrous blase of July 11. Upper left, fireplace and chimney at the Harvdy home. Upper right,' brick chimney of a ruined echo ol building. Lowef left, looking south from mala street, fireplace all that remains. Lower right , the heart of the burned district. The fire started la the meat market which stood where the smoke is mow seen. la the'backrround. the brick wall that stopped the fire's spread la that direction. Just in front of it, the bank CONVENTION WON OVER OPPOSITION LEO X.' CHILDS VICE PRESI DENT OF X. W. REALTORS J. F. Ulrlch Makes Excellent Showing fa Telling Dele gates About Salem Representatives of the Salem realty board and of the Salem chamber of commerce who attend ed the annual meeting of the Pa cific Ndrthwest Real Estate asso ciation held at Victoria, B. C., ar rived home last evening -bringing the good news that the nxet an nual meeting of the association will be held in Salem. A number of other cities were after the 1929 meeting, but the Salem delegation put up such a fight that just before the vote was taken, it was unanimously agreed that Salem should have the next annual meeting. , According to George H. Graben horst, vice president of the asso ciation, Salem next year will have the honor of entertaining hun dreds of leading real estate men from all the Pacific coast states, Idaho and Montana. Salem was also eixnallv honored in the 'fact that Leo N. Childs was elected vice president of the asso ciation for the year 1929 and Wil liam McGilehrist,. Jr., chosen as one of the delegates to attend the national convention next year One of the high lights on the program came .when representa tives from seven cities were each allowed five minutes to speak on "My Town." J. P, Ulrlch repre sented Salem, and although the Judges awarded him third place. his address was greeted with greater applause than all other speakers combined. Salem was awarded second hon or on attendance, computed, on the distance traveled and the number of members in the Realty board. The invitation . inviting the northwest real estate men to meet in Salem was presented by George H.- Grabeahorst, who 1 read tele grams from Governor I. L. Patter 8oa, Mayor - T. A. Livesley and George F. VIck, president of the chamber of commerce, and the Sa lem realty board. Those who attended the" conven tion and whose work brought the 1929 annual session to Salem were' George H. Grabenhorst, Leo N, Childs, J. E. Ulrich, W. E. Hanson and C. E. Wilson. FIVE END CUPID ROW Marriage Permits Numerous Sat urday; Four from Salem Five marriage licenses were yes terday issued from the office of the Marion county clerk, as fol lows: Ialo R. Smith local cigar dealer of 336 Oak street, to Dorothy Esh Ieman, 336 Oak street. Both de clared themselves to be of "legal" age. - The marriage is the second for him and the first for her. Everett Brown, 24, of route 9, and Lillian Harvey, 18, of 1625 North Front street. Avery McNulty, 26, and Bertha Happie, 23, both of Turner. Morris Floyd Rappe, 28. and! Letha Henjum, 1, .both of Sll verton. Emit A. Bochsler and Joseph ine Beger, both of "legal" age and both residents of Mount Angel. ANOTHER RAID PUT OVER Padlocks of New York Headliner Along Broadway NEW YORK, July 21 (AP) Five squads of prohibition agents descended upon the Broadway sight club district late tonight, ar rested four employes of one club md seised a quantity of of alleged iquor and started a check"bf barf padlocked Friday night. ', ' . r.-t ' - v " ' ' . i - -"' - . v. . " ' - - ,tf ma w 11 i mm. mm. - - - Httt RECORD JAUNT ii Two Globe Circlers to Fly From Minneapolis to New York Today COMPLETE TRIP 23 DAYS B. D. Collyer and John Mears Achieve Ambition by Effecting Fastest Journey of Kind In History MINNEAPOLIS, July 21. (AP) . Joha Henry Mears and B. D.) Collyer, globe circles, completed a non-stop flight from Spokane, Wash., when they landed at Wold- Chamberlain field here tonight They left Spokane shortly after 7:30 a. m.. Pacific coast time, and they arrived here at 7:65 p. m central standard time. Mears and Collyer, by landing here, cleared up doubts as to their night stop today. It had been re ported that they might moke Omaha, Neb., their night stop, but they were persuaded by Kenneth Smith, member of a local aviation company, to come here for the night as his guest. Their plane will be refuelled and an early morning start for New York is planned. Leave Early Sunday Shortly, after .their arrival Mears announced that they intend ed to leave Minneapolis again at m. Sunday for the last hop of their 25,000 mile record breaking trip. If they can get to New York by 5 p. m. Sunday, he said, they will have encircled the world in 23 days, the fastest time ever made. Nearly 300 persons, we re at the airport tonight to greet the fil ers. Telegrams from them stated they had left Spokane at 7:30 a. m., with a 1,500 mile flight before them and with a plane capable of cruising 116 miles an hour. It was expected that they would arrive at the Wold-Chamberlain airport about 13 hours later, or at 8:30 p. m. Favorable winds over Mon tana and Dakota helped Increase the speed of the plane and brought them ahead of schedule. "Long Wait Made Many persons in 'the crowd at the air field had waited for up wards of two hours for the plane. The plane circled the field three times before coming down. As it touched the ground, the crowd of persons rushed across the field to the plane. Mears was taken to the Smith home where he expected to go to bed. Although having traveled 1,500 miles since dawn, he looked fresh. Pilot Collyer chose to re main for a while at the airport, although he was Visibly tired from the strain of guiding the plane. LAWYERS ATTEND MEET General Exodus to Seattle Expect ed to Cause Dearth PORTLAND, July 21. (AP There will be a dearth of attor neys and judges In Oregon during tbe coming- week, due to the fact that' practically all who are able will leave for Seattle to attend the 5 1st annual convention of the American Bar association. -v More than 300 attorneys and fudges from Oregon will attend George 8. .Shepherd, president of he Multnomah county bar asso ciation, estimated today. vault." .;. k DEDICATE NEW " - i -nr - v '"-s fx - W - v - m a t . - 1 M I't Presbyterians Beautiful, Building Ideally Designed for tion; Costs $125,000; Colonial in Design But Modern in Arrangement; Many Gifts From Members Vacuum cleaner and dustcloth were doing their bit yester day evening putting on the little final touches in preparation for the big day today at the Everything was installed in its monies of this morning and afternoon. 1928 HEAMARK MADE SATURDAY SUMMER WEATHER HITS THIS CITY WITH CRASH Mercury Rises as High as 102 Degrees at Med ford. Pour above Mark Here All heat records for Salem for this year were shattered yesterday afternoon when the mercury rose to 98 degrees. Accompanied by considerable humidify in the atmosphere, the result was a condition of consider able discomfort to residents of the city went about in shirt sleeves and otherwise sought to relieve the situation. Judging by tbe number who were planning to seek relief by going to the coast today, the heav iest exodus so far this season will take place during the day. The previous high record for temperature this year occurred on May' 20, when the mercury rose to 81. Melting 8&OWB in the mountains have tended to offset the drying effect of the recent hot weather. and the level of the Willamette river here has stood at exactly two feet below normal for sereval days. . PORTLAND, Ore., July 21. (AP) Mid-summer, heat flashed down upon Oregon today with but Uttle warning, and sent thermom eters sky-rocketing. At Medford a maximum tem perature of 102 degrees was re corded, the record for the present season. Fruit growers in the sur rounding Rogue river were said to have welcomed the heat. At Roseburg the thermometer climbed to 99 degrees, the hottest recorded this year. . - Hood River also felt the sum mer temperature when the mer cury there went to 99. At The Dalles and at Salem a tempera ture of 98 'degrees was recorded. At Cottage Grove the mercury stood at 96, and at Portland, the thermometer, reached a mean lev el at 95 de grees. ' LOST CHILD IDENTIFIED - Woman and Girl Entered Thurs V ? day Seea with Child i PORTLAriD, July 21. -(AP) Publication by a newspaper here of a photograph of a six-weeks-old baby boy found deserted in Ore gon City Thursday,- today led to the first clue to the Identity of tho parents of the child. , - i 1 A merchant today ; telephoned police that a woman about 48 and a girl 15 years old appeared at hi store at 4 p. m. Thursday and asked to use his telephone. The elder woman carried the baby ta her arms, the merchant said, add ing that hT recognised the child from the picture In today's pa per: -" " ; - . - ' The woman was trying to get in touch with a children's home, she said, adding that she could not give the child ro . CHURCH TODAY A. Jv v I! Iji Edifice Up to Date Worship and Religious Educa First Presbyterian church place and jfeady for the cere The big new 'H25.000jedlflce a ioiomai in aesign. inside and out. However the Colonial fath ers would have been greatly' sur prised to see a church built and equipped as thia one is. Colonial in design, it Is, but thoroughly moaern in construction and equip ment, and planned to meet the needs of a modern big city church The section for the department of religious education is the last word in modern Sunday school accommodations. And with its social room, kitchen and kitchen ettes it is equipped to hold all the social gatherings of any organiza tion of the church. For that mat ter it could hold two or three at once. All of the two score classrooms have outside light and excellent ventilation, and all of them have blackboards and other teaching materials; many of them have maps. Each class has a room to itself, where discussion may be carried on at will without fear of disturbing other classes. In short. tbe Sunday school department is as near ideal as could be ima gined. The church auditorium is most pleasing in appearance. The whole Is simple, quiet and dignified. The pews, which will seat 500 people with ease, are of mahogany: the chancel furniture! and opera chairs which wUl seat 100 in the balcony are of the same material. The auditorium is lighted by six large chandeliers, j supplemented by elx - smaller ones for the bal cony and- choir loft The choir and organ lofts are above and be- (ootioaea' a ptg 14.). LOUD CHARIVARI STAGED Newly Married Couple Find They Have Plenty of Friends Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilmer, who were married in Salem July 1, have a host of friends. This they discovered, more or less to their discomfiture, when they returned yesterday from their honeymoon. The aforesaid friends' captured them and then proceeded to stage one of the longest and "noisiest charivari parades Salem has wit nessed for many months. V Tbe newly married couple were transported in -a trailer, with bright lights trained on them- and tin cans rattling oa the .pave ment. -1 Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer will make their home at 808 North Cottage street, - ' . " .V - ASK CANCER BE APPLIED Cuban Physicians Back New Idea For Purpose of Study- i HAVANA. July ll---(AP) A proposal ; for - legarinoeulatlon with cancer germs of convicts con demned . to death so that the dis ease may be clinically studied has received the unanimous approval of, the board of national sanita tion. The proposal. It was said today, bow will go to congress for legislative action. t-- - : It provides y that condemned men voluntarily may he inoculated with cancer, germs and tnat there after 'they remain under observ itioa. and treatment for 18 years. Should they survive and be cured they would be free from prison. - X "w no.o.p. BOARD CHOSEN BY J. G. PERHV Hal Patfon Heads EecutiYt Committee of Republican Central Group HEADQUARTERS PLANNED Hoover Agrees With Cauipnlgw Leaders that Source, Not AnicwDt Should tJovern AcrrptaAce of Contributions Personnel of the execirti board of the Marion county re publican central committee, tat announced Saturday by j. C. Perry of Salem, county chairman as follows: ' Hal D. Patton. Salem, charr man; G. A. Ehlen. Aurora: l.Trf A. Lee. Englewood; G. J. MoisaS, East Gervais; Frank Hrubets, Liberty; Alois Keber. East Mf. Angel; Charles J. Lisle. Sales. No. 6; W. T. Hogg. Scotts MHlS; Charles J. Johnson, East Silver ton; w. C. Miller. West Weod burn. Open Office Soon The county central committee will soon lay Its plans for vptw lng permanent headquarters ta Salem. Until that time, tempor ary headquarters will be located in the offices of Newell Williams, secretary of the county organisa tion, in the Masonic building. Other officers of the co'rmfy central committee include G. A. Blackerby, representative to the state republican committee: Hal D. Patton, vice president; Paul T. Johnson, treasurer. No Limit On Fund STANFORD UNIVERSITY Cal July 21. -(AP). Herber Hoe is. in agreement with those ie charge of financing his campariM for the presidency that there neJ be no specific limit oa the amoaftf of Individual contributions. .The position of the republican nominee is that the party, mig-ht accept a large contribution from a ptrtoe who has no axe to grind with tfte government with far greater pro priety than it could accept a rmsll' donation from any individual ex pecting some favor from tbe ad ministration. Details of financing the cam paign have been left with J w Nutt of Cleveland. Ohio, treasure of the national committee and 1 assistants. And It was stated to day that Mr. Hoover had not ye! been consulted as to details. Having his first full dav at lite California home in months, Mt. Hoover spent the morning work ing on his speech accepting tae nomination and then conferred 'at length with Governor C. C. Yoeng of California, who was his lurf- eon guest.. Before the conference began Governor Young and tbe commerce secretary met the news paper correspondents to whom tAe ' governor expressed the abidief conviction that California woffM return a substantial maioritv in its adopted son in the November ( Continued oa pc 14.) STATE MOTORS TAKES AGENCY W. C. MONTGOMERY IIEAtXf NEW HUDSOX-ES8EX FIR.1t Takes Over Garage and Eqwlpa ment of Newton Motor Coon paay la City The State Motors, Inc.. erltts W. C. Montgomery president a4 manager, hare purchased fie Newton Motor company, oct Hudson-Essex agency at the ee' ner of - Chemeketa ana H fitTe etreeu and the place will be known hereafter as the State Mo tors, Inc. ! - y The purchase included in add' tlon to the agency the entire hast iness, shop and equipment.;' The new firm will take care of If Hudson-Essex service on cars sefe by the Newton Motor company. Mr. Montgomery comes to Sa lem 'from Portland where-he 9 engaged in the automobile bt ness for the past 11 yehrs. Dar ing this entire time he has be connected with the sales of tbe Hudson-Essex automobiles and to -thoroughly familiar with the car and the ' organiration. He , Ii a married man and has a daughter -10 years old. According to L. tk Lambeth, territory representative for the Hudson-Essex. Mr. Mont gomery has always been a tef salesman. --. 2 ( ' . .!;: Mr. Lambeth "also states ,lbl the sales for . the Hudson-Esset hate shown an increase of 27 f eent-thls year in the territory - trolled by the Portland Motor f 'ac company, the distributors Id f hit , district, -He also states that Mr. . Montgomery- will hare tbe bahT Inr of jthe r Portland-Motor Car, company-and that he is amply fi nanced. - - r: The force of the Newton MU company" will be. retained -and ev pert service Is assured to all Had -un-Essex owners. A full line tf r ars will he oa . display . in : tkf jhow . room. N ' 1