THE OREGON" STATESMAN,'' SALEM; OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 141923 7 T .- o- 1 4 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY -w-A3TDERSOV RUPERT, ReaHore 169 S. High. Tat. 1644 BARBER BOND 00 Gray Bldg. TaL T90 BE9XB HENDRICKS 169 V. High, TeL 161 a. a BOButrm . - 147 V. CiinrU- . TeL 77 LXO . CHILD CO, Realtor 20 SUM BL . TeL 171T mo . ielao t0 V. Oaarea. TL M0 - LINCOLN ELLIS S2f . Caere St. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 15 fin. Bat. Baa Bid. TeL 941 GASEILL EARi,E 106 8. Liberty St. TaL I14 W. H. VRABEN HORST OO. 134 S. Liberty M. TaL BIS MELV1N JOHNSON 20 C. S. baa hUeg. -TaL M7 W. G. JtRUEGER 147 H. Com'L TaL 117 UIUB LAJTLAm Ladd A Bait toabk ctldg. . Tal. 646 aVaaVJewavaai vee'aaa elaVae7aa 1 125 Oreroa iliac TL 174 a IJVU I'.J 1 'i"iV w. a. lisio" 404-9 Mesoaie M,ag. Tel. 111 ARTHUR MAUSEN 074 North UyiML TaL 3807 MELLISUER 409 Oragoa bldg. TaL 1170 W. O. HiLid 31 State bU Tel. 175 W. A. MOeUkS 4S1 Court 8L TaL tSIS UJCmittDK J. M, PAGE 484 Court. Tel. l8i 311-211 Gray aldg. TaL 907 RICH. 1 KEl.eiAN. Realtor .143 N. High bU TeL 865 SALEM REALTX CO. 482 SUM (. itooot . TaL 1004 CHARLES ttPURLLN 1.0 Oregon ifidg. TaL 1935 SOCOLOITSKI A BON 04-5 Flrt tL Bank Bid. TaL 976 SQUARE 1EAL REALTT V. S. Nat 1 Bank mug. Tal. 470 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. TaL 651 ULRiCH RWBLiiia . 129 N. Commercial. TaL 1254 U. 8. REALTY CO. 44i State St. Ta'.. 2660 jr. l. wooo 14Y Stata St. TaL 794 The Oregon Statesman Published every morning except Moo cay, at Salem, tba capital of Oregon. Local Kates For Classified Advertising ; Dally or SuoJay Oae time 2 ccnU par word lure tin la 6 caata par word biz tUaaa eaau par word 1 mo. daily and 0ua..lO eaata par ward la ardar t- sera the mora than aaa time rate, advertising mutt rua ia consecutive issue. No Ac taken far laaa tkea 25c Ada rua Sunday ONLX charged at en time rate. Advertisement except PeneaeU and Situations Wanted) will be lAa over taa telephone if tba advertiser i a subscriber to phoae. Tba Btateamea wiU receive adver tiaemeata at any tin, at tba day or night, i'a lnaura proper c'aaaifieatioo A abould bo la Belore 7 p.m. TELEPHONE 13 OB B8 ADVERTISEMENTS HONEST ADVERTISING These col umu moat be kept free from anything f a questionable aatura. If lerepr tatioaa will aot be tolerated. U forma tion showing any questionable intent on tba Dart of tba edvertieer should be reported to tbia newayaper or tba ttaleei AC clan. Lodge Roster. CHfc.mKK.ETA LODOE ZO. I, L O. O. If. aieeta every Wednaaday eTening at 7.u o'cloeh; third floor of l.O.O.f. 1 em pie, corner ef Court and lilgh bUa. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Tra.-Salem'a leading Auctioneer and b'urniture Ua'er Rea. and faUore, 1610 N. Summer St. Pbone 511 li. F. Woodry & Son Right dowa town. Caah paid for need furaituro. Store, 271 H. Cam' I. Tel. 78 A genu far Laage Kan get. COU A. L. STEVENSON. AUctiuaEZR it year' eiperirnce ia tba Willamette valley, far datea or nrreagaeneata aaa V. A. Lioerfler, farm advlaer. 1'irat Ma tioanl Bank, Salees. Pbeae or write. A. Lk Btavanaon, Corvallia, Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 L.KKKER ELECT KI0 CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or eoa tract. Eatlmatea furaiahed. Tel. 080 471 Court St. K. D. BAKTOM EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and generator work. 202 Bo-ath High. TaL 166 1IOH AMD CENTER jv. titu.lAaf9 U. S. L. Service Station Automotive Electriciana Vick Bros. Elgn St. at Trade. ToL 1341 Maruna & Harnsberger C 8 L AND GREAT WESTERN BATTERIES AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS 815 Center Street. TaL 1915 la connection with Salem Super Service Statioa BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN C01.CHBXA BI cycJaa and repairing. 867 Cenrt. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. a L. 80OTT. PS0, CHIROPRA0TOB 956 K. High. TaL JI R, Baa. S104-J. DBS. SCOFIELD, X:Bar. CHIXOPRAO tor aad Nearoealameter aaiviua. Office -pbe-e 1194. Ran. tllT-J U H91-J. aS-uita 414-13-16. lirat Kat't Bask. FLORISTS 11 rtWERS TOR ALL. OCOASIOITS Olaew'a. Court A High St. TaL ML OUT T LOWERS, WEDDIMO BOOQUET8 Fvaeral wreatba. daewrattoaa. O. . Breithaupt. fWlat. 611 State Suae. TaL. B8. INSURANCE 12 ARM LOANS PLKJPTT OF MONET ta loaa oa road farm aeearity. . CXTT LOAN 9 W ar ksaaiag Pra- y - SaaahtA laearaae aacnpaay awaey wm cwt raaiasass aaa wvawew vtr we tf par coat. )e 6;aaes. as Mas Babarf Oregea BaildJaaV o- BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE MODEL BEAUTT rAXLOB IIS X. CemmarciaL TcL THB MODERJT XABUNSLLO Tor Man. Wamea aad ChUdrea 104) Maeenie BIdg. TaL 7 INSUR-ANCE DIRECTORY Aadersea A RaDert. Oeaeral Iaauraaee 169 8. High. - . TaL 1644 BICU A 189 V. High. . TaL 161 LAI LAB 'A LilUl Ladd A Bank Una BMgj. . TaL B46 W. A. LISTON. OwMral Iaeuinnee 04-B AZoaw Bklav TaL 1111 RIOH. L. ICAlMAJiJI Oem. laa, Laama il N. High St. TaL 668 WIUMETT INSUmANCB AO EN CI 216 Maaeaia B14. TaL i HOTEL DIRECTORY Wanted Permanent reumera Hotel Caaatev Anna formerly Terminal Hetet. At tractive ratea by week or month. Pbone ia ell rooma. Inquire Hotel Senator, phoae 696. INSURANCE 12 OR SALfc alKST AND SECOND atorv gagae. Truat Deeda. Contract ea Houaea Will net 6 to- 20 per eebL BCKE UENDRXCA.S Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High 8L Insure Tour Home or Oar now. BKCK.E A HENDRICKS Pbone 161 LO.O.r. Hldg 189 N. High St FOR RENT 14 live room furnished boat 830. r'ie room fiat, furniahed 823. 'Ibree room Apt., cioae ia 920. , '. L. WOOD 341 Stata St. FOR RENT Apts. 15 NICK JTLRMSUED FIRST IT LOO R apartment. 690 Union. NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT 2361 Haael. Phone 1939W. r CKNISHLD AND cNPCRNlSHED 8 room apartmeata. trgiaia Apart morta. 679 N. Liberty. vKRY ATTRACTIVE, HEATED MOD ern, 5 room lint, lireplmca, aleeping porch, garage. Pbone 162-M. 156U Center. P A T T O N APARTMENTS COZY, clean, comfortable, nicely furn'ihed. private bath. Steam heat. Dowa towa diatriet. Reatouable ia price. for inspect loa call Pattoa'a Book Store. Electrical Refrigeration, ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High date residential district. Cheerful attractive, light. 8 room apartment. 3 beds, 840.00. Oae furniahed overstaffed, 150.00. Two room furaiahed. 883 to 940. One Pullman aow vacant, $30. Inspection Invited, children welconv. Ambassador Apartments 150 K. Summer. 1971 FOR RENT Houses 17 CLOSE IN SMALL FURNISHED bouse, adnlu. Phoae 2056-J. WANTED TO RENT 19 WANTED TO RENT FARM "WITH Op tion of buying. I have Soldiers" Bon us lean to apply oa purchase. Address Ban 61, Statesman. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM, BOARD. SINGLE MEALS. Stflf day dinners. Alexandria, 1089 Cae aekeia. Phoae 1589. LAUNDRIES 21 THE MEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT Telephone 15. 161 8. High TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. TaL 171, 1850 B Street. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDBY The Laundry of Para Material" Telephone 165. 1364 Broadway VtaaAwaavVaawaeviajtwbjatk TAILORS 22 D. B. MOSHKM TA1LOH FOB MEJf aad wesson. 474 Oeort 84. . WANTED Misc. 23 POEMS WANTED: MA8TERCRAFT O . llukli.heea QaS t-1 ! A TEAM WORK OF ALL KINDS AND EX- eavastag. raoee atayiiaia isra. fvbkiTure packing for ship- aaaata. aiese-Pewers Furaitara Co. WANTED "O" MELODY SAXAPHONE. nay make. See Jtm MacManimaa at Sherman Clay A Co.. 130 8. High. WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOB farm loaas. We have several applica tions oa hand. Hawkiaa A Roberta, Inc.. 205 Oragoa Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON raga aot amalier than 1 m ta aaa for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean t- apply at Statcamaa einee. aea cmria. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 nortn CapitoL Called for ao delivered. AU work guaraateea. leu i. FOR SALE 25 LOGANBERKIES. TOU PICK THEM, e. Brlag boxes. Box 230. corner Hat and Market Sts. MINUTE MOVIES TRACKED TO THE 40 CRCU) CP THt ILL r7TCt . SfefcW yACKT. OUT FROM THCtR. pROTECTtMG- T SO TUTS Wi a. i " A 25 BINGE SXWTIT9 MACHTJfB fTO 18 Judaea- 1568-W. WANTED Uve Stock 26 JERSEY COW 8, FRESH AND COM tag ia eooa. 1719 Miaeiea St. VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LABOR, TETERIBTABXAM Office (19 8. Oammarcisl, Tat. 1199 Baa. TaL 1666. apaabavaaaavanvajatasafeaw WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWlaTO. TELBPHONB 84F3. Edward Deaeer. WOOD SAWINQ. PHONE 1677. 1616 Berth CommerelaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 OOOD DAT WOOD. PHOKB 71F1. X. D. Mayfield. OOOD DBT WOOD FOB TOU D. A. Larmer. TaL 880. 16 IN. OLD FIB 88.80 FEB CORD (3 tick). Tel. 1188. GUARANTEED DaTT WOOD COAL ToL IS. Salem Fuel Co.. 751 Trade. WESTERN UNION TIME. TRUOK8 for hauling. Wood to harm. Call 519. BEST WOOD In "LUE CITY, FOR THE moaey. At Tracy 'a foal yards. Phoae il. GOOD WOOD. FULL MEASURE. IT burn. Wyatt Kenaey Fuel Co. TeL 1862M. MOUNTAIN GROWN OLD 11R ANL second growth, ear lots or delivered. J. M. Peebles. Falls Oily. Ore. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROM IT DELIVERIES H1LLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1856 C. (SEE) A. ANDERSON FOR WOOD TO BURN 8ALEM TRANS. A FUEL CO. GENERAL TRANalLR WORK. TEL. 529 BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loada are cheaper to buy. M1U wood ia our apecialty. Prompt delivery aad reasonable pr.ces. FRED . WELLS 280 8. Church TaL 1541 REST HOMES 31a CONVALESCENT AND REST HOME, facing Lithia Park. Ashland, Ore. De- ligbtml climate and surroundings for invalids aad -old people. POULTRY AND EGGS 32 PULLETS READY TO LAY. BARRED rocks and Reds 81.50 each. Buff Leg horns 91.35 each, also ether pullets. Phone 133K2. Lea'a Hatchery. MUSIC STORES 33 FOR RENT NEW PIANOS. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. GEO C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- L ; . . .V.-, I. grapas. iflwinf maeiuuve, auve moaie aad piano studies. - Repairing phono graph aad sewing machines. 432 Stata street. Salem. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MOD ERA PIANO JAZZ FRANK 8UT ton. Waterman course. Studio 980 N. Cottage. Phoae 2105-J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGE Is ENT WITH EVERY 60 order Kodak work. Rowlings. Portland, Ore. Newspapers Magazines 35 TUX PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Aea. TaL 939 THB OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS par month delivered to year home early each morning. TaL 21 or 661. IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send fire 2 -cent stamps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oragoa, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention thii ad. POULTRTMEN BEND EIGHT TWO oeat stamp for special three moatha' trial for the best aad eldest Journal ia the west. The article aad adver tisements are of special interest ta the poultry Breeder jt the aerthwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Commercial St., Salem. Oragoa. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE OLENK ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhaagiag, tintiag. ate. Reliable workman. PAINTING 38 CHAR BENNETT PAINTING CON t rector, painting. paper hanging. 9261-J. 187 Weat Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR 8ALEM 8CAV ANGER SERVICE call 167. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND Re pairing. Qieee-rowers furniture store. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 eat a handle. cJtatesmaa oluce. lis South CommerelaL WANTED USED PIANOS. IN XX aaaga aa Radios, Phonographs, or Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Com pany. MUNK8 8AWDU9T AND HOG FUEL burner. The original burner built by heating engineers. Wyatt Kenney Fuel Co. TeL 1961-M. .Agent waat ed. WHITB 800TOH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem a White Register number 685981. Service guaranteed. Puppiea aad grown stock- for sale. ' Mrs. Ben nett, 1080 Chemeketa. Phoae 1589. STOVES AND BTOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of wovea wire fence. i'aacy and plain. Hop baskets end hooks, logan hock. Salem Fence aad Stave Works. 250 Court street. CAPITOL BARGAIN AND JUNK HOUSE IPS 145 Center. Tel. 398. AU kiads af Jank bought anc sold; Raga, Sock. Battlea. Barrels, Hides, Pelts, Wools, Fur. Tallow, Cascara Bark, Grape Root, Pitch, Peppermint Oil, AU kind at Iron A Metal everything from a needle ta a locomotive. WIND bCS OOWM ."WE WBK CLOUDS SLOUJiy ROLL AUy. AHl TUB SUN COtttS OUT - TWE MURWCAHE IS LOOKS UKBMC'RB a - aTai . a. 1 W laaa aaa FOR SALE AM o-HV- WKCUCCU VII 1H 3&UQ - NO ajATEg aVTnLlfm Wa . eV 43 MARRY WEALTH; BEAUTT. WOULD a loving pi interest yea I Sterna tor antral. Deri Daws, Eee Cleowlaad, Ohm. PRircnixa 44 FOB STATIOVKRT. CABD8, FAVPH lata, pragrama, fcaala, or aay klad at aiattac, aatt at taa Stateeaaaa Frtea- UONEY TO LOAN 45 INDERAL FARM LOAX , T. L. waem. 84,1 Mate a. F K. BELL. 119 D. B. BANK BLDO. at est aea ee aaa r S141W. TaL 607 INDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO m. W. U WUklaaaav 21 U. S. Baaf BIdg," Salaaa, Oregwa. RIVATE MONET TO LOAN FROM 9600 ay ea approved security, eity farm. - W. - A. Liaton. 404 Maeeai Tempi. MOXET TO : LOAN FOB BUILDING aad a city property. B. 8. Martm aad L. R. Martia. atteraaya, 418 Oragwa Ituilding. TaL 1064. CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay state savings and loan assn. 701-4 First National Bank HaUdlng Phone 417. Salem, Oragoa. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable ia Weekly or Moathly In stailments. GENE1SAL FLNaJiCK COR PORATION, j-irtt Nat'i liank. TeL 1200. MOENY TO LOAN ON CITT HOMES. 810 per month per thousand pay a prin cipal and interest at 7 per cent. MeKy A GiUrey repreaenting Western Bond A Mortgage Co., 190 S. Commercial. Telephone 1688. CITT AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rate. Bast term obtainable. Our insurance department offer you ox part advie aad ear rice ia all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (In) TaL 1427 305 Oragoa Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED Private moaey to loaa oa BEAL ESTATE. W. H. GBABENHORST A CO 184 8. Liberty St. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL BXPAIR work. Graber Bros, 154 So. Liberty. TeL 650. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 Grocery stock and fixtures with leas, rent 630.00 per month, including 4-room apt., price 8300.00 for quick sal, excellent location. BUNGALOW REALTT CO. 148 N. High St. DR. WARDS PRODUCTS. GET Es tablished la tenitor). No iaveatment. Pay aa you sell. A. P. Mumler, Diet. Mgr. 1124 Moore St., Portland. FOR SALE Stock, fixtures and tease of two con fectionery stores, both doing a nice business. Prices 92000 and 63000. Well located Serviee Station. A real money maker for 62100. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., RWtor 320 State Street Phone 1727 Large grocery stock, confection aad soft drinks, with lease. Rent reason able, average 660.00 per cay, and op to 9180.00 some days. Price 98500.00 cash for quick sal. Ideal loeatioa BUNGALOW REALTY CO. 143 N. High St. Garage including all tools, tlrea and accessories aad used car en hand; big gas aad oil trad, located ia thrivinc towa on busiest corner. This, is a mooer maker. Price 910,000. Buyer may have agency for popular ear. Own er meat sell becauae of ill health. W31 take good eity property- aa part pay meat. Let a write roar insurant. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. RADIO 49 Radiolas For every purpose, far every part All standard aisas of Radio Tubes. BOFP ELECTRICAL SHOP. 88J Court St. TeL 486. FOR SALE Houses 50 $600 EQUITY IN 7 ROOM HOUSE S. iotn. Reasonable term oa equity; 81000 balance, payable 980 mo., and interact. Reason selling; moved away. Addreaa COM, care Statesman. GOOD VALUES 4 room house located at 1995 Broad way; Lot 60x152. Price 12250.00. Good terms. Strictly modem home oa S. 23rd Street, near MilL Price 98500.00. 9500 cash: Balance to suit. Strictly modern 6 room house In North Salem; garage, cement drive way, paved street. Nw and never beea occupied. Price 95000.00. W. O. KRUEGER - Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 $3500 Pood T room home close in. lot 60x165. fruit, garage. 8150 dowa, balance easy payment. $4750 Aa up to date 8 room English type, fin loeatioa. $100. Will take waller house. , $4200 7 room bungalow, modern except fireplace, large lot, garage, close to school aad good location, $500 dowa. $6500 New 9 room stueee hem, modern, lago lot, some treea, 91000 dowa. $1800 New 4 room bungalow, plastered, both, garage, $200 dowa er would take car. $4000 to loan at 8. Iasurance MEL YIN JOHNSON 820 U. 8. Baak Bldg. Pbeae 637 EXCEPTIONAL OFFER This la the Horn yoa hav beea looking for 6 Room. New. English Type. Modera la every respect. Large living room. Hardwood floor. Xook. Basement. Fireplace. Furnace. AU bullt lns, only 94800.00, small payment dowa, rest on easy terms. ANOTHER ONE 8-Room. New English Type. Same a above, oa corner let. Street pvd and paid. A 96300.00 Horn for 94700.00 payment down. Easy term on balaaee. A Real Home. Thee are not cheap built houses but are fine horn. Street paved nd paid. Payment dowa and mov right in. Ask to see Mrs. Clark with BECHTEL SEARS. 941 Bute St. OUTd LUCK. - awaaw . aaWJ . ft A PERSONAL 3 Wlg fH WlLC OH TUC OTUER END C -THE ISLAND ,TOM $uO NiVIWES SET ABOUT Fr?cTEuwQ . TUEif? V4nL TROM 1T SUFTORT VQ 4L aam m Tm - 8.1 rf. r9JBw -a m -aaLaai ai a u m 51 DEE81RABLB ACREAGE. SEX GLENN Aaema. Pbeae 62F12- BEAUTIFUL TRACTS JOINING KINO wssd Park treea aad view, eity wa ter, ieetrtctty a t aaa a era Tan t suit Owner 1719. Large aumber ef aaw home; price irem azaov.wu up ta aio.guo.uw See them. BUNGALOW REALTT CO. 148 X. Hick St. TradC 160 aeraa at lead, small aeuae, lata- ag awoej timber. , $aoo. Take a acuta. Bear mod era lira room aeuae. 91710. Three roam keaae, good let, $150. f. L. WOOD, 841 Stat St. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY AT tractive cettage 91873 with 95.000 feature. Oak floors. Deeorabiv in terior ataeaa, kltchea built ia aad Seller equipped. Three rciams, oath, aeek. full tot. ExeeUeat loeatioa ea eity be. Only 11 block ant, 1160 aad 1199 Third street. West Salem. BARGAIN GOOD 7 ROOM PLASTER ed house, fjroalaee. bases t. eta.. large shads treea. trait, berriea, gar- aen, 7 iota, near scnooia. good view, Will ssll all. er houae aad lota 91.800. beuae aad tw Iota 93,500. terms. xtait block" to paving; 849 .: Rural aveane ar call Conner, Ststea- maa office. GREATE6T TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 800 properties listed for exchange. Every kind at property, every price, every loeatioa. We can match your azchauga EXACTLY. If yea would Ilk t trad year property TODAY, com ia TODAY. See GASKILL A EARLS. Realtors 106 8. Llbsrty Tel. 2242 Do yoa want to exchange your city property for a nice suburban, horn or for a good equipped farm! Do you want to buy a first class dairy reach near towa with stock aad equipment oa easy terms t Do you want to buy a coiy little home aa terms like rent I Do you want to rent a good hornet Do you want Fire Insurance I If to PERRINE A MARSTER8 212 Gray Bldg. Pbon u7 Nearly new 4 room modern Cottage and B lot ail for $300. Tour own terms. Nearly aaw 5-room modera home for $3650 terms to suit. Good plsstared 6 room house and 3 lot for $450091000 down On acre set to trees with modern 5-room bouse at edge of city subject to lease of one year $4200. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 125 X. Liberty LOOK 2 houses for the price of one. both oa fin corner In N. Salem. Ona houae completely modern, 0- rooms, basement. furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage. Nice shade tree. E. front lot. close to school. Other one has 8 rooms. Brings $12.00 per month rent. . Buy them both for $4750. Pave ment paid and no mtga. on either house. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. (THILDS CO.. Rasltor 820 State Street Phone 1727 OPPORTUNITY Have daily call for neat attractive 4 and 5 room modern homes. We have close in corner lot 66x115, ample room for 8 houses. Buy it. Build the houses and we can cell them. WANTED Listings In 4 and 5 room modern houses close In. Have several buyers for them. DELANO A DOW 290 N. Church. Phone 2330 2 room house and garage, with base meni ana room on lot, in another houae. Property all clear and will 0.85 acre just outside the eity limits , 1 . ,. o ivgaua, a. straws., small house. Price reduced for quick ssle. a.. u. . , .... 70 acre good lead oa good graveled rvau, near acoooi. I mi. irom goo a valley towa. A bargain at $4,300. 6 room modern saw bom ia N. E. Sa lens, nas too many axclusiv fee turea ta Km n n rmn i tmA with,Hl . . . lag. Ask us for appointment to . 1. kl. U -J Jl w 105 a. stocked aad equipped farm to traue tor city property or small acreage. Uirich & Roberts, Realtors 129 N. Commercial Pbon 1854 -r J"y-yi-a'iriru m REAL ESTATE Trades 52 kLOS ANGELES, CALIF. PROPERTY TO e bangs for Salens city Property. Write Ilea 128. Statesman. 10 ACRES, ALMONDS, IMPROVED PA ao Roblea, California to excbinge for Oregon. 8. O. Lones, Box 237. Paaa Roblss, Calif. WANTED CARS AND TRUCKS FOB EQUITY aad part pymat aa homes. FOUR ROOM STUCCO. bss-Tnent, furaaee, pvd street, etc Pric $2359. Equity 9450. Will UK light car. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, modera and attractive. Good loeatioa oa paved atreet and bus. FTiee 83,800. Equity 91100. Exchange for closed oar. SIX ROOM COTTAGE. Two large lota. Good loeatioa north. Price 93500. Exchaage for 1 or 8 tea truck. TRIANGLE REALTT COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor Exchange Headquarters REAL ESTATE Farms 53 MASSET FARM. 102 ACRES. NEAR Hepmer. Wiley M. Wilson, Admiai trator. 107 Humbolt St., Portland. 10 Acres the best of soil to ex chaaga far city property. Also 11 aeraa, fair buildings, some fruit, to exchange for Salem or Wood burn property, SALEM REALTY CO. 462 StaU St. FILBERT ORCHARD I have aa 6 acre suburban tract of which 6Vi acres are ia bearing fil bert. Orchard first class. Reason able term. Better than living In town. Two incomes'. A. C. BOHRX8TEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Corn ! St.. Salem. Oregon $3000 buy fine 7 acres atl la cul tivation and in fruit, good 4 room housa, barn, close to achool and elec tric railroad, good road, some terms. 87 acrea cleaa to Salem. 2 seta af buildings, 8 acre pears, plenty of oth er fruit, can be aubdivided, bldg. worth $6000. Ha eeverat chicken bouses, large fruit house aad storage room. A fine home, and income enough to pay interest on investment. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Baak Bldg. But puani.the south sea VSlANt.NOUl UEJ Bwac ahd Deso lATE, stripped OP MAGAIlV. JCCMT PALMy AtOTROWCAL REAL ESTATE j iTjrj&J- GET HEJ j tXCM- LET REAL ESTATE Farms 53 Splendid aaaacaa far ec rosea aaaagwa. Oa a era ay to 10.000 aeraa, timber land, wheat lead, traak aaraaec aheap pes vara, awed beUdlaga, raaalag water, raoaa rtgat. BUNOALOW REALTT CO. 149 X. High 84- lACOira PROPERTY ta swml-kaai-aesa diatriet; heuaee furnished ia 9 aata. 4 garage, let 100 by 14 eaatty aaty f Ulad. $409. terasa. 6 rm. aaa larm aeaa ta Partlaad. faua dlsartet, furaaee. fL-wplaaa, aaa, aveovs. anu taaa let ar aaeag Leaee la lalaam. WLVMIX PETTTJOHN, BwaRa ITS S. High . 1900 OITKX TOO 0 A. place. 4-Be Bara, Pealtry aeuae 1 A. yemag raaarc faat eomiaj lata hcartag. A. strawberries. This plae la aaaUy wertk 1609.00. for qaitk aal 91T0W.OO. Don't tat tau slip. First s ft txu ear gala. saoo Dowa payaseat will h eagle thia place. BECHTEL SEARS 141 Stata St. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. 128 Stat St. TeL 988. Die tn bating, fee warding and to rag ear apecialty. Get We iftove Store and Ship Heuaeaold good. Oer specialty la plan aad furniture atoviag. We also make eoaalry trips. We handle the bast Coal and Wood Call oa a for prices. We give good measure, good qnsiity aad good serviee. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 910. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Offic 804 South Commercial St, Ten per cent discount oa domestic flat rate paid ia advaac. No deduetiea for ab sence or aay cause unless water is chut off your premises. TRAVEL 59 IMPORTANT TIME SCHEDULE CHANUES (Effective June 25. 1926) PARKER STAGES. INO. AU Stages Leev. Stag Terminal at 228 North High Street. DALLAS: 7. 8:10, 11:25 a. m.. 1:10. 5:15 p. m. FALLS CITY, McMINNVILLE. NEW UiiUr, TILLAUOOK, xOtttST QKUVE and Way Points: 9:10 s. m., l:lu. 6:18 p. m. INDEPENDENCE, MOXMOUTH: 7, 9:10. 11:15 a. m.. . a: 14 p. m. SILVEKTON: 7 a. m., lie. m.. 5 p. m. atKACH POINTS : 9:10 a. m.. 1:10p.m. -includes mannattan. xtocaaway, oari baldi, Neskowin, Otis, Devil' Lake. Tafl, D Poe Bay, Nye Beach and Newporu. PHONE 696 for farther information. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS E1KES) AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1923 Chevrolet Touring $ 60.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan $100.00 1924 Chevrolet Coach $200.00 1926 Ford Tudor fully equipped. Rua 10.000 milea -$835.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe $495.00 1927 OMamobile Landaa Sedan, like new 8775.00 1920 Hupmoblle 6 Touring, rua 8000 miles . 8675.00 1927 Chevrolet Ton truck. New cab. 62x6 tires, rua 5000 mile . -$585.00 Ask About our 3 Day Quarantee 430 N. Commercial Tel. 1903 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company TWO of the BEST PACKARD OLDSMOBILX Look! Look! Look! Mr. Used Car Buyer Coupee, Sedans, Tourings AU Kiocs All Make All Price Fords to Packard $50 to $1900 "Nuf Bed" Capitol Motors, Inc. BIDDY BISHOP 850 N. High St. Qas. OIL Grease. Storage Washiag Open all Nite Try the New Oldsmobile OOOD USED CARS 1926 Chevrolet Coepe. Late Model 1925 Buirk Roadster 1927 Oakland Coach 1926 Buiek Standard Secan 1997 Oakland Coupe 1926 Dodge Sedan 1927 Oakland Landau Sedan Dodge Touring Here are some of tba finest used ear ever offered. The price will pleas you. Com ia aad look them over today. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 861 North Commercial Street Telephone 1260 "After we aall we serve" USED CARS for Sale 61 The greatest sacrifice, and dollar saving, used car sale, on the market today. Save time and money by 'looking our bargains in used cars over, before you buy. Few listed: Big 9 Sedaa Fuse 91.000.00 11T Olaeaneeile DLu xlrwaga- 900.00 1917 Chryaler Model SO Coupe 660.00 Laaamoaiia Jr. 9 Sedaa-... x.ioo.00 Peer lose 7 Pass. Sedaa.. 900.00 Oeklead Sport Teuriag. wire wheal 150.00 Ford Oeape. late model. 8 Hadaea speedsters 169 Tea ether ear Priced" te tell 18.00 te 176.00 00.00 100.00 Berry Growers Attention Federal To a Truck with liceaaa $150.00 Ford Truck with license 150.00 Coaveaieat Term Opea evenings until 8 p. m. Cottage and Ferry Phone 409 Willamette Auto Supply Co. R. N. MaeDoaald BUY YOUR FORD COUPE NOW - 1926 Coupes in good condition $245 to $300 1 - 1925 Rdster. with Ruckstell axle - $225 Let us sell your used car Now is when the Demand is good VALLEY MOTOR CO. O i Salem Markets I O o GRAIN No. 1. wheat, white . Red whoat. sacked .... Oats, per bu. milling.. 61.32 $1.18 .$ .60 PORK. MUTTON AND BEEF Top bogs 911.65 Sows 06(3-071, Cows 05.08 bpring Iamba - $11.00 Dressed veal 19 Dreased hogs 14 POUXTRT Light hens Heavy haa ....140.15 Jit oreiler -.119.37 BOOS, BUTTER, BUTTERTAT Standards .29 Rutterfat - .44 Print butter .45Q.48 VEGETABLES Beet, sacked ' .01 New cabbage .04 Potatoes 91.1. 91.T8. 91.19 Rhubarb, local outdoor .03 H unions. Meat . 9S.OO New potatoes 61.00 04.00 Lettaee. local 8150 DEEP REGRET FELT IS Sweden Mourns Loss of Re presentatives in Nobiie Expedition STOCKHOLM, Sweden. July 13 (AP), The report of Dr. Finn Malmgren's death In the Arctic casts a gloom throughout Sweden. Despite his youth he was. only 33 years of age Dr. Malmgren had made himself a name as an exceptionally proficient meteorol ogist. Thanks to his experiences dur ing the Maud's expedition to the Polar regions In 1922-1925, he was chosen as Captain RoaM Amundsen's comrade for . his North Pole expedition with the dirigible Norge in 1925 and as General Nobile's meteorologist for the venture which has Just ended so tragically. Polar explorers and others who had come into contact with Malm gren and his work gave him high praise. Captain Amundsen said that his work wig meritorious, adding: "When we came Into fog and did not know which way to fly we asked Malmgren, and we thank him that wr succeeded In carrying on onr North Polar flight with a minimum of sleet." Lieutenant Riiser-Larsen, navi gator for Amundsen, said that if they had not had a meteorologist as capable as Malmgren, it vas quite a question whether the ex pedition would ever have returned to "civilization. In September 1927 Malmgren took his doctor's degree and shortly fcef ore that was awarded the Retisius medal, the Swedish ByEdWheelan A HEART ' , EfTEAKINCS DiSCOwBR IM Tb - 5 nn ies PORMl PIJDlGIH FOB BHDS' WEEK Merchants From Seven 111.41 a4.4 I 'I vvcsicm ouues cuiu husk Will Participate I'll PORTLAND, July It. Forty-,u five thousand specially prlnUd 1-(1( vitationa are being mailed to ss.,;. many merchants In sevsa western it sUtes and Alaska, by the Bayers'.,. Week execntlve committee of the, s Portland chamber of commerce, . , urging them to attend the six-' teenth annual Buyers' Week at Portland, August C to 11. The Invitation features Portland, M. as the "key market and port of . 1 the Pacific northwest," and the , focal point of merchants' serv- . ice" for this territory, a distinction , now recognized throughout the west, and achieved in large part through hte activities of the an- ' nual Buyers' Week program. Portland now looks upon the , ., undertaking as a civic enterprise, and the hospitality of the entire ity, together with the individual , welcome of the manufacturers and Jobbers partclpatlng In Buyers' Week, is extended visiting mer hants who are attracted by the ;. opportunities of the occasion. ,. Particularly elaborate and,,; unique entertainment has been ar-,,., . ranged for this year's program. . ... Visiting merchants will be guests of honor at a special lunch- ,1 eon at the Members' Forum of the i Portland chamber of commerce at noon on Monday, August 6.1 : Thomas K. s Kelly, internationally , known sales expert, will give an ; t address on "Sales and Turnover." of particular Interest to all mer-, . chants. Monday evening, the Heilig the- ; ater has been leased for an exclu- 'y sive presentation by the popular -.' Duffy players, with a guest atar direct from New York City. This will be free to all registered visit- i Ing merchants. Tuesday evening, a spectacular- 1 ly staged, exclusive fashion show , and specla 1 vaudeville perform ance will be given in one of the ; ' new million-dollar theaters, free ? to visiting merchants. Wednesday eveniag. the annual stag party and smoker will be given in the beautiful Broadway theater, featuring two road show - programs for the visiting men ', while the women are given a spe- :-. clal performance at the Portland theater, free to the 'visiting ladies of registered merchants. L- Thursday, from 4:80 p. m. until " midnight, will be Merchants' night at Jantsen beach, Portland's new -'r half-million dollar beach resort. A y:" great white swimming tank and U white bathing suits for the exclu- 5 slve use of visitors. There will be " dancing, also, and amusement con- cessions. On Friday, participating firms J, will be Individual hosts to friends '- and customers, and all day Satur- f; day participating firms will hold ' "open house." A feature of Buyers' week is the i refunding of round-trip fare to all merchants whose purchases aggre- t?: gate 1500 or more, from the 110 manufacturers and 'wholesalers -r Joining in this invitation. George Lawrence is chairman of - the Buyers' week executive com- f.. mlttee. with E. N. Weinbaum, sec- j: retary. ! ; Geographical society's highest honor. When the Italia passed over Stockholm on her journey to Spitxbergen. the dirigible swung over Malmgren's home where the mother now mourns her son, and dropped greetings to her. That was Malmgren's farewell to his mother. Dr. Finn Malmgren in 1927 was appointed academical docent at the University of Upsala. Ills academic comrades looked for a promising future for him. "We thought that with his ex periences and hardihood during hie earlier expeditions," said one of them today, "he ought to be t the last to yield to hardships. As a comrade and a man Malmgren could not be too highly prized. He was frank and honest a true Swede." DRIFTS 11 DAYS DUTCH HARBOR. Alaska. July 13. (AP) After being adrift In a dory 11 days, a fisherman from the schooner Bolleau was picked up today by the fishing schooner Wawaona on the codfiahlng banks of Port Moller in Bristol Bay. The fisherman had lost his speech and his condition was reported serious. The U. S. coast guard cutter Halda left here today to go to his as sistance. 1 IT PATS TO BE POLITK NEW YORK. June 13. (AP) t Courtesy pays. J. F. Thompson, t, retired banker, had to go to court-' for speeding 32 miles an hour In; his car. He told the Judge he wis? srlaA in nar tha 12S Tina berSnsa ' the motorcycle policeman had been? so polite. Then he sent a letter of ( praise to the police commissioned with r check for $25 for the pea-4 ion fnnd. ' , ASK TREATIES ALTERED SHANGHAI, July It. (AP) The nationalist foreign ministry Is stated la reliable quarters to b delivering notes to the representa tives of twenty-four countries pro posing Immediate revision of ail trestles with the Chinese govern ment whether they havs expired -I X i-