The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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V . .. ' . I I
i -.-,tl;
; The pictures for The Statesman 'a society page tailed to ar
rive in Salem up to the time the paper went to press. This Is the
first time in three years the Sunday society page has appeared
without a cut. The cut scheduled for today will be printed Tue3-day.
With folded wings of dusky light t
Upon the purple hills she stands,
An angel between day and night,
With tinted shadows in her hands
Till suddenly transfigured there,
With all her dazzling plumes unfurled,
She climbs the crimson-flooded air,
And flies in glory o'er the world.
Wedding' of Miss Vema Mar
tin, and Earl Riggs
j ' The wedding of Miss Verna
Martin and Earl Riggs was solem
nized at seven-thirty o'clock Wed
nesday evening.' June 27th, at the
phemeketa Street Evangelical
Church, with Rev. E. E. Ersklne
. The bride wore a lovely gown
of blue georgette and gold lace
with a corsage of Cecil Brunner
roses and sweet peas.
Miss Susan Martin was the maid
of honor. She wore a frock of
pink georgette.
Walter Lee acted as best man.
Baskets of Dorothy Perkins
'roses decorated the church audi
torium. The wedding party took
jtheir places under an attractive
ifloral arch as Mendelssohn's wed
ding march was played by Miss
Lucile Cummings.
3 Miss Ina Riggs sang "At Dawn-
iJng" preceding the service.
"l A reception at the Elmer Kurz
counthr home on the Jefferson
3lighway followed the service.
3nly intimate friends and imme
diate relatives were present.
j Mrs. Riggs is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Martin of Sa-
lem and is a graduate of the local
hljffl school. Mr. Riggs is the son
of .Mrs. William English. He also
iKs a graduate of Salem High
I school and attended Oregon State
j College for several years,
j Mr. and Mrs. Riggs are now
making thenr home In Salem.
j American Legion Auxiliary
I Sponsors Delightful Bridge
1 Tea
A delightful affair of the past
week was tfco bridse and "500"
i party sponsored Friday afternoon
J at the home of Mrs. Byron Lleual-
len, 1040 Hoyt Street, by the Am
! erican Legion Auxiliary- Host-
j esses for the affair were: Mrs.
il.ieuallen. Mrs. H. R. White and
J Mrs. R. W. Wyatt.
I The high score prize in bridge
I was won by Mrs. P. L. Herblg.
Mrs. Frank Jirak won the high
j score prize in "600".
Lovely baskets of shasta daisies
; and sweet peas were arranged
: about the living roms and on the
; tea table In the dining room.
The guest list included: Mrs. F.
f t Gordon, Mrs. William R. New
I layer, Mrs. F. W. Karr. Mrs. Paul
: F. Burris, Mrs. J. H. Brady. Mrs.
: Chalmer Lee George, Mrs. Frank
Payne Mrs. Kenneth Randall.
Mrs. J.T. Godman. Mrs. J. A. De
! France, Mrs. Walter Zosrl. Mrs.
I Albert Gragg. Mrs. B. A. Victor.
Mrs. W. P. Watkins, Mrs. E. E.
I IJurch, Mrs. C. L. Newman. Mrs. D.
! R. Adams Mrs. Don Pritchett.
j Mrs. Kink Bartlett. Mrs. Frank
' Jirak, r. Pascal TragHo, Mrs. P.
; L. Herbig, Mrs. W. F. Royal. Mrs.
1 L. B. Endlcott. Mrs. John Hunter,
j Mrs. R. E. DeGuirc. and Miss May
." belle Propp.
The Auxiliary will sponsor a
' similar affair later this month to
raise additional funds for travel
expense to the state Legion con-
i vention which will be held in Mcd-
ford early in August.
; Mrs. T. A. Livesley and Chil
j drcn Leave on Trip to
j Biitish Columbia
-1 Mrs. T. A. Livesley, her two
i daughters, Dorothy and Patsy, and
' sons. Tommy and Roderick, left
I Thursday by motor for Vancou
ver, R. C. where they will remain
1 for a fortnight as the guests of
. t Mrs. Livesley's parents, Mr. and
. Mrs. G. W. DeBeck. They will be
; joined there later by Mr. Livesley,
i -
' Miss Florence Miller Accepts
j Interesting Position in
' Portland
Miss E. Florence Miller has ac-
- cepted the position of pastor's as
sistant and church secretary at the
First Mf-Chodist Episcopal Church.
i Portland, Oregon, and will take
up her duties there July 15th.
Miss Miller is a graduate of the
v Chicago Training School, a pre-
- paratory school for city, home and
foreign missions. While In Cfatca-
. gor she was especially Interested
I In social service and was ldentl-
tied with the United Charities or
ganization of that city.
Since her graduation, she has
: 'been employed In three of Meth
, odiam's " largest churches : First
Church, Springfield, Illinois; First
; Church, Bloomlagton, ' nilnota;
' and : First Church, Meadville,
Pennsylvania. Her return is her
home la. Salsa about a raar ago
. "AiCGt occasioned . by a firs -which
csmpletsly dstrnysd ths church
In Pennsylvania where she was at
that time employed. ...
Miss Miller has been employed
in several local offices While la
Salem but is anticipating with
much pleasure taking up her chos
en work 'again. She is regarded
as possessing admirable qualifica
tions for the work which she is as
suming. Dr. Wilbert Dowson Is the new
pastor, or the First Methodist
Church, Portland, having recently
come from Illinois.
General Federation of
Women's Clubs
Announces Appointments
H. Purdy of Mount Vernon. New
York, president of the New YorkH
State Federation of Women's
Clubs and . General Federation Di
rector, has been elected chairman
of the finance committee of the
General Federation. Others elect
ed to the executive board are:
Mrs. H. S. Godfrey of Minneapolis,
director from her state; and Mrs.
W. W Groom of Sacramento
president and General Federation
director of California.
Mrs. John T. Pearson of Mar
shal,. Oklahoma, has been made
chairman of the department of
American Citizenship of which she
has been vice chairman. Mrs.
John D. Sherman of Estes Park.
Colorado, retiring president of the
Federation, has been appointed
chairman of the department of
American Home. Mrs. -Clarence
Fraim f Wilmington, Delaware,
General Federation director, has
been mads chairman of the de
partment of Legislation and Mrs.
Gen Hooper of Oshkosh, Wiscon
sin, has been made chairman of
the Department of International
Relations. Mrs. Hooper has the
distinction of having written the
peace plan which won first place
at the Conference on the Cause
and Cure of War, held in Wash
ington yast January. Additional
appointments will be made by-the
executive board at Its meeting ear
ly In September.
The mid-winter meeting of the
Board of Directors will be held at
headquarters In Washington 1st
January. The Biennial council
meeting will be held in the spring
at Swampscott, Massachusetts,
with the Massachusetts Federation
acting as hosts.
Mrs. John F. Sippel of Balti
more. Maryland, newly-elected
president of the General Federa
tion, made her first official ad
dress as president of the Feder
ation, at the annual convention
of the Delaware Federation of
Women's Clubs at Rehobofh
IBeach, held June 21-23. This
summer she will address two
chautauqua assemblies, one in
Mexico, and the other In Color
Will Attend International
Sunday School Convention
In the South
Rev. and Mrs. Fred C. Taylor,
their daughter, Hortense; and
son, William, left Friday by mo
tor for Los Angeles. California,
where Rev. Taylor will be in at
tendance at the international Sun
day school convention.
Leave on Three Weeks Mo
tor Trip to Yellowstone Park
Mr. and Mrs. Marley O. White
left Thursday on a three weeks
motor trip to Yellowstone Nation
al park.
Visiting Friends and
Relatives in Salem
Mrs. Henry Crawford, her
daughter. Miss Eleanor Crawford;
and Mrs. Mary Swanson. all of
Bismarck. North Dakota, are vis
itlng friends and relatives in Sa
lem. Mrs, Crawford is a sister of
Mrs. Lloyd Haaser.
Radiogram. Received from
Dr. and Mrs. Laban Steeves
Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves re
ceived a radiogram yesterday
from their son and daughter-in-law.
Dr. and Mrs. Laban Steeves.
who are sailing on the "Princess
Louise" for Alaska.
Chemeketa Chapter , D.A.R.
Wul Be Entertained at
I. L. Patterson Home
Chemeketa Chapter, Daughters
of ths American Revolution, will
be entertained with a one o'clock
covered-dish luncheon Friday af
ternoon July 13, at ths horns or
Mrs. I. L. Patterson, on the Dal
las Highway. -----
A fenatness meeting will be- held
In the afternoon. The Chapter re
gent. Mrs. Homer Goulet. urges
all members to be present. - -
Garden Clubs of Willamette
Valley. Vesper service. Peary
Arboretum, 7 m. north of Corval
Iis, West-Side-High way.
Salem Rebekah Lodge, No. "1.
Installation of officers. 8 o'clock.
Executive Board of Missionary
Society of First Presbyterian
Church. Church parlors, 2: SO
Invincible Colored Quartet In
concert. First Christian Church,
Center and High St. S o'clock.
Ever Ready Birthday Cluo.
! Louisa Loveland, -Polk . County;
'hostess. 'Members meet at Ladd
gad Bush Bank, 10:30 o'clock.
N'sedlecraft club. Mrs. I. L. Mc
AduDt, 245 D street, hostess. 2:10
Woman's Missionary Society,
First Presbyterian Church, Church
parlors. 2:10 o'clock.
Barbara Frietchle Tent, No. 2.
Woman's Club-house. N. Cottage
St. 8 o'clock.
W. H. M 8. and W. F. M. S. of
First M. E. Church. Joint meet
ing. Mrs. M. C. Findley, 225 N.
20th St.. hostess. 2:20 o'clock. !
I oar i-inh ptfflie. Ha-
sel Green Park. Afternoon and
Chemeketa Chapter. D. A. R-
Mrs. I. L. Patterson, hostess.
ered-dlsn luncneon, 1:00 0 CMC"-
New Organ at First Baptist
Church Dedicated at
Interesting Service
The beautiful new Guenther or
gan.' installed a short time ago at
the First Baptist TJhurch. was ded
icated at an Interesting service
Friday evening. July 6.
Carl Denton of Portland, well-
known organist, played the dedi
cation concert, assisted by Miss
Marian Emmons, violinist, and
Miss Eleanor Moore, soprano. Rev.
R. L. Payne, pastor of the First
Baptist Church, spoke briefly.
The dedication program was as
"Nuptiale"' Oliver King
"Second Andantino"
. Edwin LeMare
'"Farewell to Cucullian"
Henry Coleman
"Intermezzo" Oliver King
Carl Denton
"Harmony" Del Riego
Eleanor Moore
"Where Dusk Gathers Deep"
Charles Stebbin
"Chant De Banheur"
Edwin LeMare
Carl Denton
Anthem Selected
Church Choir
Violin Solo Selected
Marian Emmons
Organ and piano duet "Fantasie
in Minor" Demarest
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denton
"Largo" (New World Symphony)
"Grand Choeur in F" Salome
Carl Denton
House Guests in Salem
From Washington, D. C. .
Dr. .and Mrs. T. R. Mclntire of
Washington, D. C. will arrive In
Salem this morning for a visit of
several weeks with Dr. Mclntlre's
mother. Mrs. C. T. Mclntire, 140
Superior Street.
Holiday House Party at'
Joseph Albert Summer Home
Mr.-and Mrs. Joseph H. Albert
entertained with a house party in
their summer camp at Me ha ma
over the Fourth of July holiday,
having as their guests: Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Krause of Portland;
Mrs. J. C. Griffith of Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Slgel, and their
small daughter, Susanne, of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff, Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Whlttig, and Miss
Josephine Albert.
Motor to the Beach
For the Week-End
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rowland
and their son are spending the
week-end at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Bcchtel Wdl
Sail This ivcck for Alaska
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Bechtel
this morning for a tour of Alaska
They are motoring to Victoria, B.
C. where they will visit friends
for a short time before sailing
from Vancouver, July 13. for a
three weeks' tour or Alaska.
Spend Several Days
At the Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartley
spent several days of the past
week at Newport and Agate
Salem O.A.C. Club Will Pic
nic Thursday Afternoon
And Evening I
The regular monthly picnic of
the Salem O. A. C. Club will be
held Thursday afternoon and ev
ening at Hazel Green Park.
All former students of Oregon
State College are Invited to attend.
Salem Rebekah Lodge
Will Install Officers
The Salem Rebekah Lodge will
install officers Monday evening.
Grace M. Taylor is district deputy
Returns from Extended
Visit in the South
After spending three months in
San Francisco, Oakland, and Los
Angeles. Mrs. Ray Ijartman has
returned -to her home In Salem. -
Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk
Return from Fortnight's Trip
Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk have
returned from a fortnight's wed
ding trip to Banff and Lake Lou
ise and are now at, home' at 1225
North nineteenth StreeL
Interesting Guest
An interestlnx ruest In Salem
for the summer is Ethel Moore' terian Church, Is compiling a his
M iller, prima donna, of Meadsvllle,! tory which will contain an account
Pennsylvania, who Is spending the! of the local church since its organ-
summer with her mother, Mrs.
Catherine S. Moore, and her sis
ter, Mrs. Martin F. Fetrey.
Mrs. Miller who Is accompanied
br her small daughter, Shirley
Anne, ana ir no,
. . v f
musical circles of the eset: .
A number of delightful-, affairs
are being planned In Mrs. Miller's
honor: among them, the onage
tea for which Mrs. Moore and
Mrs. Ferrey will bs hostesses
Cov-jTaesday afternoon at the Elks
Miss Thelma Johnson Be
comes Bride at Lovely
Home Wedding
At a ceremony lovery in its
simplicity, solemnized Tuesday,
July third, at high noon at the
home ef Mr. and Mrs. W. C. John
son on Miller Street. Miss Thelma
Johnson became the bride of How
ard Lawrence Ball of Independ
Rev. Thomas Acheson read the
service in the presence of twenty
relatives and intimate friends be
fore an improvised altar of pink
roses, fern and ocean spray.
The bride wore an attractive
wedding gown of ashes of roses
crepe with a "wreath of orange
blossoms in her hair. She carried
a shower bouquet of bride's roses
and sweet peas.
Miss Alma Boman, the bride's
only attendant, woro a frock of
ruffled aprleot georgette and car
ried a French bouquet.
Clyde Johnson acted as best
A wedding breakfast was served
following the service. The tables
were decorated with bowls of pink
rosebuds and fern. The Misses
Irene and Ruth Marr assisted Mrs.
Johnson in serving.
After a short wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Ball will return to Sa
lem and will be at home at 345
Miller Street after July 15.
Mrs. Schucking Hostess at
Informal Luncheon
Complimenting Mrs. Alice B.
Crane of Beverly Hills, California
who with a group of. Portland
friends motored to Salem for the!
day, Mrs. B. O. Schucking enter
tained with a charmingly-Informal
luncheon Thursday afternoon In
her home on Chemeketa Street.
Covers were placed for the hon
or guest, Mrs. Crane; Mrs. Will
Crane and Mrs. W. C. Knighton of
Portland; Mrs. Mary Csmrch, Mrs.
Kenneth Jloberteon. and Miss Gen
evieve Church, also of Portland,
and for Mrs: George Waters. Mrs.
Ray Gilbert, Mrs. A. M. Gilbert
and the hostess, Mrs. Schucking.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jessup
Guests in Salem for the month
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jessup
(Amelia Babcock) who have made
their home in Molalla the past two
years, are house guests this month
of Mrs. Jessup's mother, Mrs. W
P. Babcock.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessup will leave'
the first of August for South
America where they will make
their home, Mr. Jessup having ac
cepted a position with an adver
tising firm in Buenos Aires.
Miss Iva Clare Love Violinist
left-j(n Alaskan Steamship
Miss Iva Clare Love is employed
this summer as violinist with the
ship's orchestra on the "Alameda"
of the Alaskan Steamship line
which plies between Seattle and
Sitka. Upon the completion of her
second round trip. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry T. Love motored to Seattle
to visit their daughter;
Garden Clubs Invited to At
tend Vesper Services at
CorvaUis Arboretum
Members of Garden Clubs at Sa
lem. Eugene, Albany, Dallas, Mc
Mlnnvllle, Forest Grove, Mon
mouth and Independence have
been invited by the CorvaUis Gar
den Club to attend a vesper ser
vice in the Peavy Arboretum near
CorvaUis this afternoon.
The arboretum is located about
seven miles north of CorvaUis on
the West-side highway. Guides
will be stationed at the entrance
to the private driveway.
Mrs. W. H.Abel a Guest
In Salem for the Month
Mrs. W. H. Abel (Margaret Al
den) arrived in Salem yesterday
morning from her home In Los
Angeles, California, to spend a
month with her parents. Dr. and
Mrs. George H. Alden.
Attend American Legion
Celebration at Stayton
Mrs. W. S. Mott, her son, James
Mott and family, vrere In attend
ance at the FouTth of July cele
bration In Stayton, sponsored by
the American Legion. James Mott
was the speaker of the afternoon
Wedding of Miss May
Goodwin Anderson and
Cedrie Hughes Solemnued ?
Ths marriage : of Miss May
Goodwin Anderson of Tnscnmbla,
Alabama and Cedrie A. Hughes of
Salem was solemnised at hick
noon Saturday, Jaly 7th at the
First Episcopal Church, with Rev.
H. D. Chambers officiating.
The attendants were Mrs. Cath
erine Ochiltree of Portland and
Keith Harris of Salem.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her uncle, Mr. Edward C.
After a short weddinc trip, Mr.
and Mrs. Hughes -will return to
make their home In Salem. '
L - -f " - '
History of First Presby
terian Church of Salem
Being Written
Mrs. E. Q. Ford, president of.
the 8outh Division of the Mlsslon-
ary Society ol. the First Preenr-
ization up until the present time,
with pictures of the early mission
school, the old church, and the
new church; the names of tht
members, snd of the pasters.
Mrs. Ford has asked that any
one having an Item of Interest fee
I the . history call her at 1215 at
seen as- poaafbje as the history 1
to he completed In time for the
formal dedication of the
church, July "22.
Regular Meeting of Barbara
Frietchie Tent Will Be Held
Ths regular meeting of Barbara
Frietchle Tent Ne. 2, will be held
Wednesday evening at eight o
clock la the Womank Club-house
en North Cottage Street. A birth
day party will follow the meeting.
Senator and Mrs. Charles
McNary Have House Guest
Senator, and Mrs. Charles L. Mc
Nary have as their bouse guest at
their country home north of Sa
lem, Mrs. McNary's cousin, Mrs.
E. C. Morton, of Chicago, Illinois.
Meeting of Woman's Mis
sionary Society of First
Presbyterian Church
A meeting of the Woman's Mis
sionary Society of the First Pres
byterian Church will be held at
two-thirty o'clock Wednesday af
ternoon. July 11. In the church
parlors. 1 All members are urged
to be present.
Needlecraft Club Will Be
Entertained Wednesday
The Neeaiecraft Club will be
entertained Wednesday afternoon.
July 11 at the home of Mrs. I. L.
Mc Adams. 245 D Street, instead
of Tuesday afternoon as previously
Miss Mills Leaves for
Summer Camp of Portland
Lampfxre Girls
Miss Roberta Mills, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills, left last
week for Camp Nanamu. the Port
land Campflre Girls' camp, near
Mount Hood, She will remain at
the camp for the month of July.
K CoodGoodn. C J f
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And Here's a
Mother Goose Entertain
ment for the Children
11 A.M..2and4P.M.
Oh-h-h! What Fun! The really and truly Mother
Goose incoming to Miller's, Monday, July 9th, and she
will gi ve ttree entertainments for the kiddies. She
wants all the little children to come and have the hap
piest time ever 1 at eleven, two and four o'clock.
Come on, meet Mother Goose and have a
- , : jouy
Bono Tempo Club Members
Entertained at L. B. EndU
eott Horns
Bono Tempo Club members
were entertained with, an attract
lvs one o'clock luncheon Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. L.
B. EndlcotL. ,
A color plan of blue and
was followed In the table decora
tions. Covers were placed for
Mrs. Byron Lieuallen, a new member-
of the club; Mrs. R. W. Wy
att, Mrs. E. A. Donnely. Mrs. B. A
Schmidt. Mrs. C. T. Moffitt. Mrs.
William Yarnell.. Mrs. A. J.
Wheatbn. Mrs. Frank ' Weuswan
der, and the hostess, Mrs. Endi
cott. Ths afternoon was spent with
h rid re. Mrs. Schmidt won the
first prize for high score and Mrs.
Yarnell. the second.
Mrs. C. T. Moffitt will enter
tain the dub in a fortnight.
Motor to Canby and
Oregon City 1
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stearns and
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ashby motored
to Canby and Oregon City Friday.
Guests of Relatives
For the Summer Months
Mrs. J. P. Read and her son
Gordon, of Bmirngheme, Califor
nia are guests for the summer of
Mrs. Read's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Fawk, and her sister. Miss
new.Oraee Fawk.
Mrs. Read and her son motored
from the south' with Mr. and Mrs.
G. "R, Read who were enroute to
Vermont where they formerly
made their 'home.
Executive Board of Presby
terian Missionary Society
Will Meet
The executive board of the
Woman's Missionary Society of
ths First Presbyterian Church
will meet at two-thirty o'clock
Monday afternoon in the ladies
parlors of the church.
Returns to Home
In Portland
Miss Nean West has returned
to her home in Portland after
spending a week in Salem as the
house guest. of Mrs. Edwin L. Ba
ker. Leave on Motor Trip
Through Eastern and
Southern Oregon
Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs. J. D
Sutherlln and Mrs. Charles Gray
left Friday morning by motor fot
Bend where they will remain for
a short time before continuing to
Klamath Falls and Crater Lake.
In Salem for the
Vacation Months
Miss Zella Hopson is spendinr
the vacation months in Salem with
her father. Mr. Frank C Hopson.
Miss Hopson taught in the Seattle
schools the past winter. .
Mrs. Paul Wallace Returns
From Two Weeks' Trip
After visiting relatives ic
southwestern Washington for the
past two weeks, Mrs. Paul B. Wal
lace and her small daughter. Nan
cy Lou, have returned to their
home on the Wallace Road.
x 4- X.
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Invincible Colored Quartet
Will Appear in Concert
The famous Invincible Maie
Quartet of Conroe CoUege, Con -
roe, Tsxas. will appear in concert
at la 4'' First Christian church.
Center and High streets. Monday
evening.; July 9, at eight o'clock.
These tour young colored sing
ers spend, the summer months
singing In the principal cities of
the United States. .In ordsr to as
sist . others who wish to attend
their? college but do not have the
necessary funds.
The Intermediate Christian En
deavor. Society is sponsoring the
Quartet's appearance in Salem.
program of unusual interest hai
been, arranged. v
Will Spend Fortnight
In Eastern Oregon
Miss Rosalia Keber and Miss
Helen Yockey left yesterday for
Wallowa Lake where' they will
remain for a fortnight.
Mr.and Mrs. J. B. Littter
Are Guests for ths Week
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler and
Mrs. Littler's mother, Mrs. Cath
erine Cpmeyer, of Palo Alto, Cal
ifornia, are guests at the home, of
Mrs. A. A. UnderhUl. Mr. and
Mrs. Littler and Mrs, Upmeyer are
being welcomed by their many
friends as they formerly - resided
in Salem.
Visiting Relatives
For Several Days
Mrs. Clyde Brown or Portland
Is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. D.
Folsy, and Mrs. II. Stanley.
Spend Independence Day
At Scappoose
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch
ford spent Independence Day with
friends in Portland and Scap
poose. At the latter town they
attended a reunion of former res
idents of Columbia county.
Mutual Savings and Loan Association
A Salem Institution Organised In 1910
Place your savings with us
Let us finance your home on weekly
or monthly payments
142 South Liberty Street
isthe7imetoBwi m VwS
NEW DESIGNS NEW COLORS, fresh from the
looms of one of the largest carpet mills in America.
A complete assortment of sizes from very smallest to
the largest room size the modern home may require.
See them now while the stock is new and complete.
Seamless Axminster Rugs 7ft. 6 in. by 9 ft. dQO CO
Popular for bedroom or den P3.DU
Seamless Axminster Rugs 8 ft. 3 in. by Ail
10 ft. 6 in. A room size rug in greajt demand UU
Seamless Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ft.
In the new designs and colorings
Heavy High Pile Seamless
in the 9x12 room size, all
Smaller sizes
Still A Few Specials Left
At The Same June
Clearance Prices
Worsted Wilton Rugs, 27x54 in., scatter size
A regular $12.00 value, still a few left ......
Good grade Axminster scatter rugs, 27x54 in.
size. Regular $4.50, your choice
Heaviest grade. High Pile Seamless Axminster &Cf
Rugs, 9x12 room size. Regular $67.50. Now ....
Worsted Wilton Rugs, 9x12 room size, all 7A TA
perfect rugs. Good patterns. Reg. $98.75 3f 70U
Convenient terms if desired on all rugs,
Even at Sale Prices
340 Court St.
Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill
Visiting Friends in Slaem
Among the most interests
i guests In Salem this summer a
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. T. Tuthill 0
San Diego, California, who ar,
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. c
Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill were fo
mer prominent residents of Salem
Guest in Portland
Of Miss Elma White
Miss Florence Young is spend
ng the week in Portland as th
guest of Miss Elma White.
Motor to The Dalles
Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves mo
tored up the Columbia Highway
to The Dalles Thursday. They
were accompanied on their return
by Dr. Grace Young and Miss Ber
ta Holmes.
Week-End Guests at
Blotch ford Home
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch
ford have as their week-end
guests, Mrs. Blatchford's sisters:
Mrs. Ada Holldsy of Scappoose;
and Miss Grace DeGraff, of Port
land. Return to Home
In St. Helens
After spending the Indepen
dence Day holidays with Mrs. Ra
chel Reeder In Salem, Dr. and Mrs
Tatro and their daughter. Hazel,
and sons, Robert and Earl, have
returned to their home in St. Hel
Leaving Today on Motor
Trip to British Columbia
Mrs. Belle Burkholdsr of Salem
and her mother, Mrs. Clara A.
Burkholder, accompanied by Mrs.
W. B. Johnstone of Cottage Grove
and Mrs. Rachel Mercer of Eu
gene.'are leaving today on a mo
tor trip to Seattle, Washington
-' (Cntim4 an pr 0)
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