The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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)4P fife) I
No double meanings in the advice we give! We follow but one course the
course of truth. The standard drugs, comfort and- beauty aids we sell
are on the level our prices are fair? and' square
Mr. fUird Seeks Iivo
Mm. Agate C. Baird filed suit
for divorce from Bert C. Baird at
Olympla, Wasb., JoJy 5, according
to word reaching here. -Baird bad
been in tbe employe of a local
realtor, and resided in Port An
geles, Wash., before coming to
Sir. l.aii-d, Hatrcutter
Now with Joe Madison at the
Mitzi-uray snoppe Tin noor, rirst
Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
Iirchtels On Vacation
. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becbtel will
leave this morning for Alaska
where they will spend a two or
three weeks vacation tbe dura
tion of tbe stay depending upon
how well they like the Alaskan
,i,. ., Tj.u
yesterday. They will go to $ "Jag
way and then to Lake Atlin and
other lakes in that region.
I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by anybody but
myself after this date, July 6. W.
P. Hillpot.
k.h.,,- Turn, iwt 1
Pnnip. nf ThP Sinlaw Oar."
published at Florence by M. D.
Morgan recently of The States-
man shop, and his son. reveal that
Mr. Morgan has a poetic tendency.
At the top corners of the front
page appear these lines: " "Mea-1
dows and dairies, timber and
mills, growing sweet berries, fish-
ing and thrills, land of sweet do-
ver. mild summer heat, green the
year over, life to'so sweet!"
- .
Special Table tie Hote Dinners
Starting Monday, also Club
breakfasts Marion hotel.
e!i Knd Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Rose bra ugh or
rrtland arc anendina the week
end at the home of Mr. and .Mis.
5V V. W. Rosebraugh, 14 22 State.
Sficrial Sunday Dinner
5:45 to 8 p. m. Marion hotel.
Vacation In Soutb Fined For Speeding-
Mrs. Nona White, county juve- Walter Haverson of route 7 was
ulle officer, and her daughter, fined $5 in municipal court Satur
Miss Zelpha. will leave tomorrow day on a charge of epeeding.
for Grants Pass where they will
spend the annual vacation with Fined for Speeding
fjg?. Mister who resides near that A. S. Drager was fined $5 in
city. municipal court Friday on a
! charge of speeding.
Try a .;() Sunday Dinner- j .
At the Betty Lou Luncheonette. s,0rn coupe Found
j3Zb Mate. -
Appointed Instructor
Thomas Childs. son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Childs of this city, has
been appointed a student instrfic-j
tor in forestry at Oregon State
college for the coming year.
Visit From Valwta
'Mr. and Mrs. Marion
(Crystal Mills) and baby daugh-
ter, of Valsetz. have been visiting
since tbe Fourth at the home of
Mrs. Rose's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Mills, on North 18th street.
FurnKure rphoLsterer
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Oklahoma Folk Visit '
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tilton and
two daughters of Andarko, Okla.,'
are visiting in Salem, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wilson of
the government Indian training
school at Chemawa. Tilton is a
newspaper proprietor in the Okla
homa city.
Dr. Henry L Morris
Eyes Exarhined Glasses
1 Fitted
The BEST that Ton Can Obtaba
Morris Optical Co.
S01-2-S , Fth JTat'l Bank- Bid
F - j
Stop Lofcrirttv qn
Sedan Stolen
Tbe Eesex sedan belonging to
Dr. B. F. Pound, 13S0 South Lib
erty, was reported, stolen from a
downtown parking place Friday
! a SOc Sunday Dinner .
i At tbe Betty Lou Luncheonette.
126 State.
T- Many In Seat
Tom Duffy, 73 North Com
mercial, was fined $2.50 Saturday
on a charge of driving an automo-
hllA with tonr nrnr a
er's seat and without a drivsr'si800 as, alleged damages sustained
Here From Middle Meet
Mrs. W. C. Young has . as her
guest her -nepbewr, Donald Wolf
of Watertown, South Dakota.
f 05OO New Modern O Room .
English type home at S45 Hood
street. $1000 down. $3000 to loan
at 64 per cent. Insurance. Mel
vln Johnon, phone 637.
i Baby Girl Born
A baby girl was born at the Sa
lem General hospital Saturday,
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Rex'
Jones woo resiae oui 01 : aiem on
route four
Astoria Attorney Visits
Edwin Judd of Astoria was 'n
Salem Friday for a visit with his
father, E. T. Judd. The visitor lsl
an attorney in the coast city, but
grew up in Salem. He had not
been in this city for quite a per-,
iod of time, and was naturally.'
surprised at the changes evident.'
P""" laoie e note uinnrn
Starting Monday,
breakfasts, Marion hotel.
Will Repair Dwelling
- ioa m. tyre, zwsj 'M.,ui
street, took, out a permit for the
repair of her residence Saturday
Estimated cost of the repairs is
( Tne Ford coupe belonging to.
(Gue PaUer, route 7. which was
'stolen in Salem Friday night was
found Saturday near the Williams
hop yard at Eola.
Spooler Fined
j The fact that he was a name-
sake of one of the Salem pollce-
jmen did not prevent George E.
Edwards of Brooks from being
fined $5 in municipal court Satur-jbeen
day when he came up on a charge
of speeding.
RocrireM Ope ratio
f Mrs. Benita Debut of Woodburn
was given a major operation at the
Salem general hospital yesterday.
For Sale or Trade
House car. See Dr. Eaton, 265
N. Com'l. Come up stairs.
Word of Wedding
Salem friends will be pleased to
learn of the marriage of Gladys
Hamman. 710 Cross street, to O.
V. Shoate. of Corvallis, which oc
curred at Condon Tuesday, July 3.
Mrs. Hamman. whose mother is
Mrs. Winnie Hamman of 710
Cross, has been enployed in Port
land the laet two years.
Committeemen Visit
Members of a legislative com
mittee of the state of Mississippi
who are investigating state print
ing in a number of states were in
Salem yesterday. In the group
were: : B. F. Carter of Laurel,
chairman of the committee and a
state senator; State Representa
tive C. C. Pace; and J. C. Zeller of
Zeleria. state senator. Senator
Zeller was formerly president of
the college of Puget Sound at Ta-
For Yoar Vacation
A Jar-proof watch will stand
the knocks. See them at Pomeroy
& Keene's. .
Chimney Fire
A chimney fir at the residence
of E. D. Fisher. TIC 5 Cross street,
was visited by tbe fire department
yesterday morning.' Ho damage.
Special Table d Hote Din
" Starling Monday, also Clab
Week End in Portland ' ,
Among tbe Salem people who
are spending the -, week . end in
Portland are ifr and Mrs; ILW.
Harland and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Thompson. They were accompan
led by tbeir guest. Mrs. Earl and
Mia Ear line Bigson of Montana
No Vacation on Our Dividends
See PEP Co.'s Investment offer-
in Pin IK
rfr Conies to Trial
The ease of L. W. G lesson vs
W. S. Romaine, growing out of an
auto accident on the Pacific high
way April 12, will be tried in dr
cult court tomorrow. Tifree bun
dxed dollars is demanded by G lea-
In the accident, which he claims
was entirely Romaine'a fault.
Bend Sheriff Visits-
Sheriff , S. E. Roberta of Des
chutes County, resident of Bend,
was a visitor in Salem yesterday.
Divorce Requested
Charging that he "beat her up,"
cursed her and otherwise abused
her. Vallia Coenenberg yesterday
filed suit for divorce against The
odore Coenenberg.
Mortgage Foreclosu
The Intermountain Building
au assmiauuu jremu;
filed suit against S. Grant Robin
son to foreclose a mortgage
amounting to $2650.
Dr. S. Ralph Dippel, Special!
Extraction of teeth, X-ray, and
Diagnosis. 315 First Nat'l. Bk.
Killings Stop
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kissling
were registered at the Marion yes-
terday from Garibaldi
From Marshfleld
; A. K. Peek of Marsbfield was a
at the Marion
Salem visitor yesterday, stopping
Rxmeburg Man Here
S. A. Sattford was among last
night's guests at the Marlon.
At New Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ritner of
Toledo arrived" in Salem yester
day and are stopping at the New
Eugene Man Her
K. C. Branstetter. nephew of W.
W. Branstetter of that city, was
in town from'Eugene Friday.
Visita from Jefferson
G. B. Shuraaker of Jefferson
was transacting business in Salem
over Friday, and while here stop
ped at the New Salem.
Hillpot Asks Divorce
Suit for divorce was. started in
circuit court yesterday by Wal
dron P. Hillpot against Juanita O.
HJIlpot. He charges that she has
careless and extravagant ev
er since their marriage here in
July, 1924. She has left him for
two and three days at a time, he
alleges, has refused to prepare
meals for him and has neglected
him in other ways. He asks that
the custody of a son Walter, 3, be
given Hillpot's mother, Mrs. Nel
lie Williams. He also asks that
the present Mrs. Hillnet'be barred
from taking any title in his prop
erty. Ott Serves Out Tinie
Carl Ott of Woodburn was yes
terday fined $25 in Woodburn
justice court for iiaving used vul
gar and abusive language in a
public place. Not having the
price of the fine he was sent to
Salem, where he immediately be
gan serving out his time at the
rate of two dollars a day.
Rrookhart Wins Suit
A jury in circuit court yesterday
found for tbe plaintiff in the sum
of $196.15, in the suit brought
against E. A. Mills by Adella C.
Brook hart. Tbe sum of $50 was
also allowed as attorney's fees.
Two Couple Marry
Three marriage licenses were
yesterday issued from the office of
the Marlon county clerk. Simon
Bcedlgheimer, 65, of Sublimity,
will remarry Mary BoedigbJlmer,
55. Tbe wedding will take place
at his borne tomorrow. Joseph H.
Hyxer, 21, Mill City, took out a li
cense to. wed Agnes Chastain, 16,
of Marion. Argus Jarrett Pearson,
ef Ostrander, Washington;' will
marry: Stella A. Gllmour, 22, ef
Silvcrton. -
Minor Operations
The litle son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown was given a minor
operation at the Bungalow Ma
ternity home yesterday, and Fri
day the young son ef Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Reiger of Sublimity submitted
Ioa minor oeratien-v .-ws : --
. V I Tkja erf'a wr i
M 0 0 A.
1924 Ford Touring with
new! rubber, 1928 license
and in Al condition for
Tbo Heuas Tuat
Nelsons Have New Boy
An eight -and a fourth pound
boy arrived in the family of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Nelson on Wed
nesday, July 4. The child has
been named Richard Gildea.
Asylum Inmate Walks Off-
Otto Snell, inmate of the Ore
gon state hospital, failed to ap
pear at meal time last night after
he had been put to work as usual
on the hospital grounds in the af
ternoon. A search of tbe premis
es failed to reveal any trace of the
man. Snell is considered entirely
harmless by hospital attendants.
He is between 25 and 30 years of
age, has blue eyes, light brown
hair and smoth shaven face. He
was wearing a gray suit and' hat.
(Continued from page 6.)
of six national A. A. U. champion
ship marks in tbe running events
at metric distances, meet records
were shattered by Ha mm in the
broad jump, by Herman Brix, Un
iversity of Washington giant, in
the shot put, by Creth Hines in
the javelin and by five competi
tors in the pole vault, won by the
Olympic champion, Lee Barnes, in
a jump off of a triple tie with Sa-
bin Carr of Yale and William
Droegemueller of Northwestern,
at 13 feet 9 inches.
Brix came within a quarter of
an inch of equalling the world's
record in the shot put. improving
on his qualifying performance of
the day before and leading three
Pacific coast rivals, Rothert,
Kuck and Krenz by tossing the
16 pound ball a distance of 50
feet 11 inches.
(Coatiaacd 1mm pfc 1.)
that is another story. Mr. Rich
ardson is modest and secretive.
His job now is with the Salem
cannery of the Oregon Packing
company, one of the units of the
far-flung organization of the Del
Monte canneries and packing bous
es, the operation of which extend
a'round the whole earth.
Mr. Richardson ie not merely at
this time experimenting with one
problem, like that with which tbe
Black Republican cherries are con
cerned. He is experimenting with
thousands of problems. The Black
Republican cherries come into the
picture merely because they hap
pen to be the most difficult variety
of all the cherries to can success
By the way. there are more
problems in the successful can
ning of the fruits of the Salem dis
trict than In the packing of the
fruits of any other section of the
entire world. First, we have a
great variety here. This Is the land
of diversity. Secondly, our fruits
are nearly all red, and the red
fruits present the most difficult
canning problems. Mr. Richardson
could explain. But that would be
another story, too.
The Many Experiments
Mr. Richardson has -a labora
tory at the back end of the Twelfth
street cannery. He has charge of
another room where samples of all
the fruits being canned daily are
examined and sampled and tested.
He has another series of rooms,
on one of the upper floors, where
there are 10,000 to 15.000 cans
of fruits and vegetables under ob
servation. Some of these cans of
fruits and vegetables have been
under observation for 14 jrears.
They are kept under lock and key.
The temperature is maintained ev
enly the year through. Even the
turning on of an electric light. If
left on too long, would change the
temperature, .o this is avoided.
Every can is numbered and
charted. Every examination is not
ed on the chart. The whole thing
is like an intricate set of book
keeping books. Every Item is im
portant In each experiment being
carried on. .
The reader is, by this time,
aware of the fact that Mr. Rich
ardson is necessarily a busy man.
No wonder be works both days
and nigbts.
Every fruit and vegetable grown
in this section that Is canned, or
liable to be canned, is experiment
ed with here.
This is all at tbe expense of the
Oregon Packing company, Mr.
Richardson reporting to the Del
Monte laboratory in San Francisco.
But there is more to this exper
imenting with fruits and vegeta
bles. The company is a member of
This organization is a member of
the organization known as the Na
tional Canners' association, . a
most of the packing - concerns fn
this country, are. The smoelation
experiments : Independently, -and
has been doing so for years. Every
cannery member of :.the : associa
tion contributes three-eights of a
cent a rase towards the general
fund for -experimenting. .- This
u a ML
ftcrvkrs Aultt
makes up a huge total annually.
The whole sum already expended
for this purpose, since the asso
ciation was organised, and up to
the time of a recent report, was
$18,000,000. Some of the world's
greatest chemists have been, and
are now, in the service of this as
sociation. Men like Mr. Com an.
the highest authority In tbe world
on vitamins as related to canning.
Still More Experimenting
Then there is still more exper
imenting. The American Can com
pany has a large force of experts
always at work. One of them has
been at work in Salem constant
ly. Bat that is still another story.
The American '.Can company
must be a jump ahead of the oth
er forces in tbe canning Industry.
They mast provide the right kinds
of cans that are heeded in the way
of preserving and marketing the
foodstuffs of tbe country; fruits
and vegetables and fish and meats.
All these forces are working on
tbe problems concerning the cor
roding of the cans by the food
stuffs they contain. That is one
or tne big problems. Tnere are
others. Many others.
They Do Many Things
Such chemists as Mr. Richard
son, working here in Salem, have
many problems. Here is an illus
tration: The chemists with like
dutiee working for the Del Monte
canning plants in Hawaii that
pack pineapples, have worked out
the problems of eliminating waste
and of conservation. The edible
part of the pineapple is cut into
a cylindrical shaped 'piece, which
is' in turn cut into slices just fit
ting the can. Every housewife
knows how this is. Naturally there
Is a lot of the meaty part of the
fruit left. Part of this is shredded
and canned. Every - housewife
knows also about shredded pine
apple. But there is still left some
of the -fruit of the pineapple that
contains the most suger. This is
pressed and the juice is used In
making a very fine, vinegar. Some
of it is also used in making al
cohol. This alcohol ie employed in
running the motor cars around
the packing houses; a substitute
for gasoline. And the pulp is dried.
The dried pulp is burned under
the stationary boilers, making
power for the engines. And the
ash residue, taken from under the
boilers, makes an excellent fertil
izer. It is used for that purpose,
in order to grow more and better
pinapplee. A perfect circle. No
waste. It is 100 per cent con
servation. Secrets and So Secrets
The facts fcund by all this ex
perimentation of all these forces
become common property for the
whole industry, if they relate to
problems of health for the con
sumers of canned food articles.
In this field, there are no secrets.
The work Is for the common good.
Their work In relation to such
special problems as the growing
of the right kind of raw supply
for the making of canned material
for pumpkin pies, and that of the
right kind of handling of the raw
stock in tbe canning plant, such
as has been developed by the
chemists for the 13th street can
nery of the Oregon Packing com
pany in Salem, are trade secrets
of their own. Turning out for the
general trade canned pumpkin
that will always make good pump
kin pie is a matter that has 8 lu mapp
ed many canners. The Salem
pumpkin cannery has all this
worked down to a fine point. Na
turally, the Del Monte people wish
to retain the knowledge of the pro
cess their experts have worked
out, for tbeir special benefit.
It Is Their 1ue
. All the above Is written partly
because it is interesting informa
tion. It makes a good news story.
And It Is written partly because
of the fact that the general pub
lic, our farmers and all our other
people here, ought to know and to
have a high appreciation of what
the men in the canning industry
are doing for them. They are
working for a larger use of our
land in producing the raw mater
ials for canning. They are toiling
for the good of the working peo
ple who need the employment they
get from the men on the land and
from those connected in many
ways with the canning industry in
the city. And this takes a wide
scope. It includes many lines not
directly connected with the can
ning Industry. It Includes ever;
one who has any kind of a stake
here, in the country or in the city.
B. D. Beede, manager of the
Oregon Packin company's plants
here in Salem, has been in the
cannery industry all his life, al
most; ever since he worked as a
boy 4n the canneries of Califor
nia. He is enthusiastic in cooper
ating with the researches of such
man as Mr. Richardson. The whole
Teleyhoae 110 111 8tae St.
We board Dogs at
our farm
273 State
and Pacific, Highway ,
I buy, sell 'and'- quote
prices on-r listed and un-.
listed .. . " " ' . :
Stocks and Bonds
Rellshlav S-ennrle for Sals
'at all times earning from 0
to B per cent. ;
Ladd Rah Rank Building
Fried Spring Chicken Dinner
Today at the Gray Belle.
Fried Chicken Dinner
Served all day at the Spa.
For Dinner This Evening
- A la carte dinner at the Marion
hotel today.
Chicken Dinner
At the Coffey's Cafe. 155 S.
Special Chicken Dinner Today
And borne made salads. State
Argo Restaurant
Roast Chicken Dinner and Sup
per 50c.
Special Roast Chicken Dinner
50c Home Restaurant.
Our Regular Barbecued Chicken
Menu (50c) and barbecued
Fried Spring Chicken plate lunch
(60c) at the Nook, 379 N. High.
Home made desserts.
organization of the Del Monte
chain of operations is on its toes
in respect to this kind of work.
It is a part of their business.. Self
ish? Yes. But theirs is a selfish
ness that benefits the districts
where they operate, and that is
for the good of the whole consum
ing public.
Called by Wire
Since tbe above was written.
Mr. Richardson has been called to
San Francisco by wire, to sit in
on some of the problems being
considered by the chemists of the
laboratory there. This is an indi
cation of the high regard enter
tained by these chemists for the
ability in his chosen field of Mr.
Richardson. It may be added,
though the information did not
come from Mr. Richardson him
self, that be grew up in an at
mosphere of chemical science. His
father had the chair of chemistry
at Stanford university. Herbert
Hoover, Republican candidate for
president, took his chemistry un
der the elder Richardson. And A.
C. Richardson was a classmate of
Mr. Bcede hopes Mr. Richard
son may be eent back to Salem,
because he is a man of unusual
training in his chosen profession
of chemist. Mr. Beede was super
intendent cf the sauer kraut plant
of the Del Monte line at Kenton,
below Portland. He was assistant
manager of the Salem plants for
six years, under Edward C. Quinn.
deceased, who was long in charge
here. He has been manager since
the death of Mr. Quinn early last
Mussolini has deeded to the war
veterans' association 123 4 acres
given him for creation of a model
farm. The land will be tenanted
by wounded veterans.
The Cordova
Concertiers in
"A Musician's
In Spain
"The People's Most
Beloved Lecturer"
"The Sage of the
Philosophy of
A Hill-Billy"
Hear the voice of a prophet
of the hills a message nev
er to be forgotten an
Inspiration and a Joy
3 o'clock
Mr. Frank Travers
"Crime and
Monday, 8 O'clock
"A Night In
' . ; by
George W. Vierra and
his Hawaiian
The most ambitious
spectacle Chautauqua
; : has ever attempted t;
combination of strength, energ-y and braina sel
dom "tastes failure. Come in NOW. Talk to
one of our optometrists. Re will tell you the
truth about yoar eyes.
Jewelers and
BOSTON, July 7.(AP).
Protest of the eligibility as an
amateur of Charley Paddock, vet
eran California sprinter, by. at
least one foreign country because
of his motion picture activities,
is understood to have been re
ceived by the American Olympic
committee and figured tonight in
the debate over the track and
field team selections behind closed
No official statement was forth
coming either on the Paddock
case or on the final selections, ex
cept that the latter would be an
nounced tomorrow in New York
by Frederick W. Rubien, secretary
of the committee.
It wae learned, however, on
good authority that , the authori
ties face a perplexing problem in
the case of Paddock.
Paddock's movie activities have
been a subject of concern for some
time. The Californian was given
a "clean bill" however after he
explained he was accepting no
money in his "personal appear
ance" tour.
Harold Hauk, 23, star athlete,
at Willamette university for the,
past two years, particularly in i
basketball, will be married today.
Yesterday Hauk took out a 11- i
cense to wed Lora II. Bootbe,- whoi
SIMS TOBIO reading Ihh W ia
ar Tr flie ((abut kraakaga
r,xaainatla too.
Thompson-GIntsch Optical Cs.
110 N. Ooeua'l St.
Kewownd and Repaired, New
or Used Motor
Things. Electrical
Itfl South High Tel. 2111
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Free Delivery to any part of the city
Quotations on Application , , -
Fanriere Warehouse
; PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. " -
Day Telephone 28 : :
Vision Is the reason thousands
of men are not on "speaking
term" with success today. A
& Keene
is from Illinois and who at pres
ent liven at 909 Cbemeketa street.
Hauk himself came west from
Peoria, Illinois to attend Willam
ette. The wedding will take place
this afternoon at tbe home of
President and Mrs. Doney of Wil
lamette university. .
j Colgan
At Portland. Oregon, July 6,
jMrs. E. R. Colgan. at the age of
& 2 years. She is survived by her
husband, Edward Colgan, by one
daughter, Helen, of Portland, by
two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Gaynor
and Mrs. Geo. Murray, of Califor
nia, two brothers, Ben Dimler and
Fred Dimler of this city, and a
step-brother, George Meyers of
Oakland. The remains will ar
rive in Salem tonight in care of
the Terwilliger funeral home. No
tice of funeral will be made later.
Elisha H. Newman died in Sa
lem Saturday morning at the age
of 64 years. He was a resident
of Brunks' Corners in Polk county.
His wife, Lucy, survives him. Fu
neral services will be held Mon
day at 2 p. m. at Terwilllger's Fu
neral home, Rev. Cromley offi
ciating.. MT. CREST ABBEY
reelect Faaeral Henries
Pwr Less)
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chen-.eketa Street
Telephone 7114 -
Lady Assistant
-Webb's Funeral Parlors