The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1928, Page 10, Image 10

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! .
A Homo Whoso Appeal Is Instantaneous
THIS home was added to our collection
in rather an unusual manner, typical,
however, of the house itself as it ap
pears amid its sister residences of frame
". construction in Shaker Heights, Cleveland.
The man who discovered it, or, more properly
a- speaking, to whom it reached out compell
l ingly and stopped, was driving around on a
tour of construction
, inspection, really
seeking ideas for a
proposed home of
his own. : At sight
of this house he
That is the sort
of house it is. It
hits you right be
tween the eyes with
its impressiveness..
It has variety far above the usual in a home
so small. There is stone tossed randomly
into the common brick walls and, adding to
the interest, there is patternwork in the
paneling, and stucco with English timbered
treatment to complete the very effective pic
ture. And no monotony.
The brick used in this particular home
were run of kiln common brick, varying in
colors according to their exposure to the fire
in the burning, with here and there a few
clinkers, and all of them enlivened by the
delicate touch of fire flashings. The house
stood i ut in its surroundings like a fire bush
in a thicket and sold long before it was com
pleted. One can readily see why.
Its interior ar
rangement is just
as delightful as its
exterior appearance.
There is consider
ably more living
apace than one
would expect In a,
home of its size and
the arrangement is
. mo3t convenient. An
exceptionally large
living room, well lighted dining room, break
fast nook and kitchen, with a sun room off
the living room, comprise the first floor. On
the second floor are four comfortable bed
rooms, an ample bath and a dressing closet
over the sun room, v.hlch, if desired, might
easily be converted into a cozy sewing
Tt Comnu Brick Manufacturer' Aaaociation, Clvrelaad. Ohio, can furnl.h eompltta drawing far thlt taalra.
n brick canatrnetira sent upon rcquast.
Driving Car by Compass !
An Every Day Affair
lumber ir:
Kin ui
Importance of Campaign to
Oregon and Washington
Found Very Great
The lumber industry of the
Portland district ha enlisted in
tbe trade extension campaign that
has been worked out for tbe West
Coast Lumbermen's association by
Colonel W. B. Greeley. Its secre
tary and manager. Colonel Gree
ley in tbe brief time he has been
associated with the lumber indus
try of tbe Pacific northwest has
taken hold of its problems ag
gressively. He lays stress upon
the necessity for better merchan
dising of this commodity wh
so vital to the prosperity of
gon and Washington.
The Industry Itself has felt in
the past that there hare been
many weaknesses in its selling op
erations. There has not been the
same organized and persistent
campaign to open new markets
and enlarge existing ones that
other lines of manufacturing have
promoted, Xor has there been
any real system of control so
lumber would be distributed to
the greatest advantage. In slack
times production has vastly ex
ceeded consumption. Tbe desire
to. liquidate surplus stocks has of
ten influenced shippers to surfeit
their best markets, and sales were
made at a loss.
Of the association's annual bud
get of $700,000, trade extension
ha been assigned $409,500. Ap
parently a large amount, it is
small in comparison with funds
being spent for similar purposes
by other industries. It is but a
beginning toward the campaign of
education that should be waged
for the wider use of Douglas fir
and other western woods. In eon-
n.Hn ti. nmnilrB the InmDer-
men have the advantage of real-
Ixlng the sound merit of their pro
duct and the assurance that mar
kets once built op will be perma
nent. '
Th ImDortanee of the lumber
inrinatrv to Oregon! and Washing
ton cannot be mentioned, too of-
tmn. Colonel Greeley rinas inn
the annual production of lumber
In these two states ' exceeds $280,
000.000, and that this figure Is
increased to more than $338,000,
000 when all forest products are
included. It is the keystone in
me prosperity ui; m 4 mmv. .
northwest and any effort to Im-
. ill n f
prove it siaius wm reuuuuu w
tbe benefit of all. This editorial
reproduced from The Moraing
Oregonian, June 1$, 1928.
Some Pressure Being
Brought to Pear to Prohibit
Further Advances
The new lumber quotations put
uot by the Northwest manufac
turers have been well maintained i
during the past two weeks. While
the current West Coast Lumber
men's barometer reflects a some-,
what smaller volume of new busi
ness, this is due In large measure
to the nearness of the holidays
and the unwillingness of mills to I
take on much new business. Fur
thermore, there are a good many
manufacturers who believe prices
will be etlll higher and being well
'supplied with business are not an-
You may sometimes call your
car "the old boat." But it probab
ly never occurred to you to drive
by compass. 1
However, tnere are lands where
thouavigation of an automobile
by coniaSs-Uiay be necessary. Aus
tralia. South Africa and South
America have preatara with
I'm Iirt road?, un fenced, reach
in for miles without a turn.
Sometimes the roads are little
more than wagon ruts, and the
driver who goes off the road at
night may bump across the prairie
for a mile or more befor erealiz-
ing that he has lost his course, j 'A clean windshield glass dimin
Thus, Dodge Brothers, Inc., do- ishes the glare of headlights and
ing an international business on adds greatly to night driving. Care j
all six continents, is providing for- should be taken when cleaning tne
eign dealers with souvenir com- glass to keep it free from oil as
pass watch fobs as gifts for pur- this holds dust and moisture. A
chasers. special glass cleaner is recom-
"These were especially designed mended for this work, advises the
for countries where long straight Westertt Auto Suply company,
roads prevail and where there are' AIR MAIXi FOLLOWS LINDY
few landmarks," says a circular 3tADIsoN, Wis On the day
sent out with the fobs. "Also col. Charles Lindbergh was made
where, when driving at night, once a Doctor of Laws by the Univer
yon leave the road and find It sity of Wisconsin, Madison air
again, frequently you are heading mail was twice as heavy as on
in the wrong direction." I any previous day.
f W sT mil mi
added w
ACCOLAC, it is called
Vfeteshoiuingitthis week
A BOON to busy housekeepers,
a new time-saver an added
value that you now get in Arm
strong's Linoleum we're showing
it this week. Accolac it is called,
and in a year's time this new
improvement can save you
hours and hours of endless
tiresome floor cleaning labor.
For Accolac is a new finish
a lacquer finish that seals the
surface of the linoleum. It forms
a tough, non-porous surface that
dirt and dust can't penetrate. Thus
it cleans with simply a dusting.
You can actually SEE the added
value of Accolac It gives a soft
glowing, non-glaring lustre to the
bright fresh designs in Arm
strong's Linoleum.
See for yourself this new
feature in floors. Or telephone
if you cannot come around.
without obli
gatiosi to yow
tngtrfttr lift; . ,
Terms may be
arranged t o
suit your con-VCJaieSXfl.
A New Method of
Saves You Money Adds to Comfort
No need to remove your old roof
lay Red Cedar Shingles right over
the old roof.
A thoroughly practical method has
been worked out aavea removing
old roof, avoids litter, improves ap
pearance of house, adds amazingly
to warmth and comfort.
Well be glad to supply details, fflua
trated folder, estimate alto the
shingles. We provide a complete
shingling and re-shingling service.
Don't re-roof until you investigate.
A bractical and
proven method
Call or Phone for Fuller Particular
J. W. Copeland Yards
Yards in Went Salem, Albany, Lent. Hubbard, Yamhill,
Even if the difference in cash between a
brick house and one of less durable material
was as great as questionable authority says
it is, still the brick would be a good buy.
But considering the ACTUAL exceedingly
small difference in first cost, there is little
excuse for any home builder to accept the
heavy obligation of upkeep which will be a
burden as long as he occupies the house.
You Pay for a Brick Home
Why Not Own One?
Homes of Lasting Charm FREE
Brick How to Build and Estimate 25c
Heart of the Home (Fireplaces) 25c
t.j r it 1 1 t i
913 Arctic BWg, Seattle
Comfort and Economy in Six Rooms
msmmwsz, mum js warn
PLAN NO. 609
The Colonial type cottage
makes a atrong appeal with
the home-builder of average
means, where economy of
funds must combine with
comfort and good taste. The
accompanying design unites
these elements in a pleasing
design that has proved pop
ular with many builders dur
ing the 1924 season.
Treatment of the entryway
is excellent and the two
coat closets are a conven
ience which will be appre
ciated by the housekeeper. I
me ramus aiuug ms toy ui
the poreh adda an orna
mental touch to the front
facade and the two dormer
windows fit pleasingly, into
the design. Wall plantfngs
will add materially to the
exterior appearance.
The ground floor Is nicely
portioned and the position of
the fireplace will compen
sate in extra heat for the
space occupied. The living,
room is of ample size and is
well lighted. Arrangement
of the dining room and
kitchen is ideal.
The downstairs chamber is
large enough for o dinary
use and its windows afford
cross ventilation. The central
hall ties in all the rooms on
the ground floor and a stair- '
way leads to the upper story.
The upstairs bedrooms are of
excellent dimensions and
well supplied with light,
ventilation and closet space.
The sleeping porch shown in
the plan is located directly
above the bath room and if
the owner desires this space
may be easily altered for use
as an upstairs bath room.
Cost of this house should be
well within the means of the
average family.
i s "
DillXG L-l "
imsG iLooai
JJ 0 0 L P
ilk I W O 9
I 4 1
I -lu. I I ILL
I o;-o iv-o C io.
!alem, Oregon
Spaulding Logging Co.
Telephone 1830
x.lous to load up very far
the j lumber market is strong, it be-
comes a seller's and not a buyer's
it can be otherwise if the inilh
continue their present program."
One of hte outstanding teatui
t'I.ava la r r AnuYit hut that a1 mnb-A. . in w t 1 : n . 4i. i i r . . .
i uci c s w iuai aci, miu uic jaat. 1 1 iitts miiis me tuiuuer siiuailou iroin ;i n i
good deal of pressure is Deing are aoie to bold tnelr advanced tional standpoint is he drasti. . n
brought to bear on the part or, prices until after July 15 the east-; taiiment which has taken pla.v in
buyers to prevent further advanc- em and foreign markets will prob- the South due to floods ami -
es, but conditions are such that,ably be unable to hold up their j weather. Southern pnie sf,ni-'i.-
it will take very little to bring, orders any longer and be forced to report pronounced reductions in
about still higher prices on Pacific. accept the mills' price. When they output and eastern distrinut : -
coast forest products. A member,do this it will mean a sudden rush advise the West Coast Lumberm.i-i
of the Washington Purchasing Ag-'of orders as the demand for lum-.that this feature is an iinpoiun?
ents association commenting offi- ber is going ot be very large. The one at this time.
cially in wrtng on the lumber mar-, next few years will f Inda the price' There should he no i.tiin m.
the curtailment program. M i : i
ket recently made ths very signif-!of lumber higher than it has been
leant statement: "Ths present for the; -past five. I don't see how
you should see
.... f zA0wt3Ay M ,
and All Building Material
Gabriel Ponder&Supply Co.
Office, Tard Mad Warehouse
610 Worth Capitol ' . Telerhor 2248
" Ill ' v - . ,11111.-
facturers should budget their i in
duction during the balance of t!, -year.
There should be no thou-ln
of increasing production in or !- r
to take advantag eof the pri s nt
upward trend of prices. There m.y
be manufacturers who will disre
gard this suggestion for reasoiM
which seem adequate, but t!i'
West Coast Lumberman believe
the great majority of manufai Hir
ers will heed the experineces of
the past and operate cautiunsly
during the last hair of tbe year.
It now appears that there will
be a sharp reduction in the output
of logs on Puget Sound and Grays
Harbor during the next six weeks.
The red cedar shingle and lum
ber markets are firm and higher.
There are two explanations for tl
upward trend of cedar prices, first,
the great scarcity of cedar loss,
with higher prices and secondly,
a brisk demand for red reilur
shingles. Rather restricted produc
tion has also been a feature in
strengthening the shingle market.
Read The Classified Ads
Louise Rice, world famous graphologist,
can positively read your tslents, virtues
and faults In the drawings, words and
what not that you scribble when ' lost
In thought-. .. .
Bead yonr scribbOngs or
taw picture ai mm -i