THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1923 5 "" ; ' I , r Pure Pork Sausage 'Where a Dollar TZCHDyiILIL Does Its Duty" VLS A IE ES IS IT LOCAL Fire on laurel Street I The city fire department was called to Laurel street yesterday morning to extinguish a fire at the J. W. Slocum home. The resi dents were away when the fire, originating presumably la the kitchen, started and it was well; under way when the firemen ar- rived. The kitchen and back part of the house were damaged to quite an extent. Denntson Craft CI On Saturday. Miss Hodnett will teach party favors and novelties all instructions free. Atlas Book Store. Reynolds to Iowa left Portland yesterday noon fori Des Moines, Iowa. Reynolds will. represent the Salem Lions club at the international convention of that order which convenes there next week. American Legion Dance Saturday Open air pavilion, Stayton. Ore. Will Repair Dwelling T. W. Creech was issued a per mit Friday for repair of a dwelling at 180 South 14th street."" The cost was estimated at $1000. J. E. Cox has the contract. Old Time Dance Sat. Nit Domes pavilion, McCoy, Ore gon. I .a irc. Dwelling Planned T. W. Creech was Issued a per mit Friday for repair of a dwell ing at 180 South 14th street. The cost was estimated at $1000. J. E. Cox has the contract. Large Dwelling Plan r W. W. Baura took out a building permit Friday calling for construction of a two story dwfll fetng at 390 Fawk street, in Nob Hill addition, at a cost of $6000. F. L. Odom was named as builder. 8H500 New Modern 0 Room Kngllsh type home at 845 Hood street. $1000 down. $3000 to loan at 6 Vi per cent. Insurance. Mel vln Johnson, phone 37. Springer Soloist Leslie Springer was soloist at the Lions club luncheon Friday. Miss Betty Bedford played his ac companiment. Y. W. V. A. Camp Finished C. F. Glese, who has been In charge of the Lions club's w-ork at the Y. W. C. A. camp near Meha ma, reported at the club luncheon Friday that the camp building Is finished except for a little work) that will be done today, and that the first contingent of Y. W. C. A. members will go out to the camp on Monday. Furniture UfJiolsterei And repairing. Glese-Powers Furniture Co. Lion Plan Picnic The Lions club voted at Fri- d?y"s luncheon to hold a picnic at Taylor's Grove on Sunday, July 15. The picnickers may be able to use the Y. W. C. A. camp building which the Lions have just finish ed building, but this will depend upon whether Y. W. C. A. mem bers are using it at the time. Wedding Gifts in All Their glory are here for your selection. A gift in a Pomeroy & Keene box Is like the mark of "sterling" on silver. It Identifies the quality. Waits Best Students The registrar of the University of Oregon has sent a request to the Salem high school for a list of the names of the upper fourth of the members of the 1928 gradu ating class. This quota of the graduates would total nearly 65. as there were 257 who received di plomas June 1. At a recent date, less than a dozen of the gradu ates have nought admittance to the state university. Wallet Returned Charles Kay Bishop recently lost a wallet on the highway- to Clatsop Beach. In addition to money, the wallet held pictures of his father, the late Channcey Bishop of Pendleton, and his mother. So when a letter earn from a rancher at Globe. Wash., saying he had fonnd a wallet with Bishop's name and address and that same could be had if Identi fied, Bishop wrote to keep half the money. Friday the wallet, and the contents Intact, arrived ky mall. i NE WS BRIEFS Three Industrial Deaths There were three fatalities in Oregon due to industrial accidents during; the week ending July S, according to a report prepared by the state industrial accident com mission. The victims were Will iam A. Moritz, Jennings Lodge, electrician; Chris Chastaln, Eu gene, loader, and Paul Gilbertaon, Portland, loader. There were a total of 742 accidents reported to the commission in the week. Old Time Dance Crystal Garden Every Wednesday and Saturday night. Board Rents Rpaee The state board of control an nounced that within the next few days it would enter into a leae for several thousand feet of floor space in the Oregon building in Portland. A large number of state functions now located in Portland will be housed in the Oregon building. The board of control inspected more than 20 buildings in Portland before de riding to execute the lease. Ren tals of the several buildings ran ged from eight to 18 cents per square foot per month. Colored Band. Kentl Mall Sat. July 7. The Chanters re turning by popular request. Salem-Independence highway. Two Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issued yesterday from the office of the Marion county clerk to Hugh E. Brown, 28. of Applegate. and Ni na S. Sautter, of Salem; George I. Gurnea. 20, of North Bend, and Caroline Sherwood, 17, of Salem. Bassett Gets Judgment A judgment was yesterday handed down in circuit court against C. A. Roberts and in fav or of R. II. Bassett for the sum of $140.52 due on a note. Fifty dollars attorney's fees is also al lowed, as well ca seven per cent interest on the note. At the same time Bassett filed a cost bill for $12.60. Colored Band. Kentl Hall Sat. July 7. The Chanters re turning by popular request. Salem-Independence highway. From Over State Among the Oregon visitors reg-t istered yesterday at the senator hotel were: Mrs. G. Hagman. route two: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sheldon of Eugene; D. E. Black-' burn. Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. O. Stephenson, Medford; Jack E. Ed wards, Eugene; J. W. Llnd, Mll- waukie, route three; Fred M. Rowley. Eugene; J. F. Mullen berg, Eugene. Tullys Relu Rev. and Mrs. Norman K. Tul ly are again In Salem after spend ing a month's vacation In south ern California. Special Sunday Dinner 6:45 to 8 p. ni. Marlon hotel. Notice I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anybody but myself after this date, July 6. W. P. Hillpot. Swimming Classes For the remainder of the sum mer the YMCA will conduct a special class for youngsters learn ing to swim. The pool is crowded most of the day, and the class has been put at 1:10 in the after noon. This hour is very soon af ter the ordinary lunch time, and parents whose boys wish to take this class are urged to arrange for the lads to eat a little earlier than usual. Harvey Brock will have charge of this class; It will meet on Monday, Tuesday. Friday and Saturday. Sue for Price of Tires Thn Salem Vulcanizing works yesterday began action in circuit court against August Lentz, Lou-; lse Lentz and Benjamin Lentz for, 1256.40 alleged due for tires bought from the company. Suit to Quiet Title Alice Ellen Parsons and others yesterday filed suit in circuit court to quiet title to a piece of Marlon county real property, naming as defendants the nnknown heirs of George J- Thompson. Wedding Held He Hugh E. Brown of Applegate,' Oregon, was married last night to Nina L. Sanlter of this city, the! wedding taking place at th horn of the bride, 1820 Ferry street! Salenu. - J at Every Day Low Prices Breakfast. This Bacon is of best quality 25c Pure Lard Our Own make, lb. .. 15c Bring Tour Empty Pails Lb. 20c 173 So"11 Commercial T,ePhoM 1421 Recklessness Charged Max FaUin, 345 South 14th!trymen street, was arrested li;t nlgnt on. a charge of recklesB driving. The. officer reported that FaUin drove. too fast along State street paat the crown attending me nana concert. coup Stolen The Ford coupe belonging to Gus Patzer was stolen from Win- bay on the municipal tug Macom ter street last night, Patzer report- with Grover Whalen and the may ed. It carried license number, or's committee of welcome, a land- 45-439. Her From Clatskanie Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ellis of Clatskanie were visitors In Salem yesterday. Mr. Ellis Is timekeep er for a logging company there, and is taking his vacation during the brief summer shut-down. They visited with relatives in Marion county; Mr. and Mrs. Roy . V. Ohmart at Wood burn and Miss Valleda Ohmart in Salem. Construction Head Here T w Swon of th Swnn r.nnJ struction company of Eugene, was. tr. among visitors registered yester day at the Marion hotel. Xewlyweds Stop- Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Frost, who are on their honeymoon, regis tered yesterday at the Marion. They are from Eugene. From Clatskan Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ellis of Clatskanie were registered at (he Marion yesterday Numerous German Drivers Seek to Find Champaigne COBLENZ, Germany. July 6. (AP). -The historic castle of Ehrenbreitstein, above the t own of the same name at which Amer ican artillery was stationed dur ing the, occupation, was the scene of a free champagne party Last night to which expert divers were especially welcome. But all com ers to the bathing beach had wine if they wished it. The affair started when a bath er diving into the Rhine discov ered a cache of excellent cham pagnes on the river bottom. He broadcast his discovery and the entire crowd of bathers fished for champagne until the last bottle was brought to the surface. Then they held a free drinking party. Inquiry showed that the bottles had been lowered into the river by a saloon keeper who was un der investigation for alleged Ir regularities in the conduct of his business. Alabama Girl Will Wed Salem Man Here Today Miss May Goodwin Anderson of Tuscumba, Alabama, will today become the bride of Cidric Helgho of Salem at a wedding ceremony to be held at the Salem Episcopal church. Rev. H. D. Chambers will perform the ceremony. Mrs. T. H. Ochiltree of Portland will be matron of honor. The bride and bridegroom will leave Immediately after the cere mony on a short honeymoon trip, after which they will return to make their home In Salem. Mr. Anderson is local represen tative for a national rubber com pany. Nearly 8000 Coal Miners Stage Sympathetic Strike LANSFORD. Pa., July 6 (AP) Operations of all the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company's collieries In the Panther Creek valley were tied up today by a sympathetic strike affecting near-' ly 8.060 men. I The strike was called by the general mine committee of the sub-district. United Mine Work-, ers. as a. protest against the sue- pension of operations by the com pany at numbers four, five and six collieries ae an economy meas ure during the slack season in the anthracite industry. HAS BUST WEEK LAKE LABISH, July 6. (Spe cial.) The Matthes orchestra. featuring old time music, is mak ing a record run this week, being engaged every night. The per sonnel of the orchestra Is as fol lows: Mrs. Frank Matthes. pi ano; Wlllard Matthes, first vio lin; Frank Bhedeck. secondTlelln; Frank Matthes, banjo; Glen She deck, tenor banjo; Merle- Matthes, trap drums; Lawrenc Robertson, U ... ..... JtoTTDJU SATS A late 1921 Ford roadster fully equipped, has new rub ber, runs and looks like new la well worth S275.00. inn nn n rv t I i The Hoas Tfcat Service RmUt" ii AFTER FLIGHT Amelia and 2 Members of Crew Reach New York Early This Morning NEW YORK. July (Friday) (AP) Miss Amelia Earbart, first woman to fly across the At lantic, and the two male members of the crew of the monoplane Friendship were home today to receive the plaudits of their coun- Aboard the United States liner president Roosevelt the fliers 8pent th9 night off quarantine as the ship awaited the change in tide to proceed up the harbor. All the fanfare that attended j the return or other transatlantic fliers awaited them a trip up the Ing at the Battery while harbor craft siren a welcome, a ride up Broadway to city hall for a for mal welcome and then a motor cycle-escorted dash up town to the Hotel Blltmore. Wilmer Stultz and Lou Gordon, a pilot and mechanic, respectively had a private welcome awaiting. Mrs. Stultz and Miss Anne Bruce, of Brookline, Mass . fian cee of Gordon, arranged to' be the first to greet the two airmen. Mist Earhart's family did not come to New York to greet her, preferring to wait for her arrival In Boston w j 'u"'14'- The three fliers are to be guests of Commander Richard E. Byrd at luncheon. Sir George Wilkins. Clarence Chamberlin, Bernt Bal- chen and other noted fliers will greet them there. This afternoon Miss Earhart will greet a delegation of Camp Fire girls and tonight she, Stultz and Gordon are to Join other celebrities at an Olympic fund benefit at the Palace theatre. Official delegations from Boston and Chicago were here to join in today's ceremonies and tender of ficial invitations. Gordon's fiancee is ready to marry him right away if he say? the word. He called her by tele phone from England and asked her if she would marry him im mediately after his return. She said "Yes." but now would pre fer to wait until they could be married at Brookline. That all depends on "Slinm" though, she said, as "of course, he's the pilot of our plane." ADVANCE TO FINALS IN PORTLAND MEET PORTLAND, July . (AP) Joe Coughlln, San Francisco, ad vanced to the finals of the men's singles In the Oregon state tennis championships today when he eliminated Howard Langlie, Seat tle. In a warmly contested three set match. Coughlln won the first set 6-1, but Langlie came back in the second and took It 7-5. In the third set, with the games tiedj at four all, Coughlln ran out to win. Bradshaw Harrison, 19 27 cham pion, of San Francisco, and Henry Prusof. Seattle, will vie in the other bracket to determine who' will meet Coughlln In the finals. Harrison Is favored to duplicate his victory again this year. In the men's doubles Harrison; and Sidney Smith, Tacoma. will meet Coughlln. paired with Lora son Drlscoll, San Francisco. Golda Myer Gross of Berkeley, sprang a surpnse In the women'sj singles today when she eliminated) Joseph Crulckshank, Santa Ana, In a three set match that went 6-0, 0-6. 7-5. Mrs. Gross will play for, the title tomorrow against Marion; Green, young Portland luminary' Marie McNab, seeded star from! Vancouver, B. C, was eliminated In the semi-finals by Mrs. Gross, i Mrs. Gross and Miss Crulck- shank will pair In the women's! doubles. CARD OF THANKS We are grateful beyond words to all the friends for their sympa thetic understanding, helpfulness and for the beautiful floral trib- utee In our great sorrow, the loss of our beloved son. MR. and MRS. M. T. MILLER. Turner, Oregon l OVERCOME BY GAS BROOKS, July 6. (Special) While running a tractor on the M. L. Jones farm last Wednesday George Llesher was over come with gas. He was taken to the hos pital and for 36 hours was fed oxygen to keep him alive. He Is very much Improved now and able to be out again. PILESCURED WttkeeS yctattas mt leu. ml DR. MARSHALL SSt OncM BUf. ran MISS H IT B BANKS HANDLE LESS BACKWARD SPRING SEASON ONE REASON FOR DROP Decreased prices for frnits, es pecially cherries, loganberries and strawberries, and a lessening of merchants receipts due to the backward spring are held largely responsible for the fact that there was a $157,693.70 decrease In the resources of the four Salem banks at the close of business Jnne 30 this year, over the same period a year ago. Of the combined receipts of $13,797,144.84 this year deposits amounted to $11,343,174.87. a falling off of $25,760.56 over 1337 . . .. . ... wnen me aeposiw toiaiiea six,-, 3IS.83S.43. Commercial deposits.' at, were aiso less this y ear by $308,413 4 ..T1 ?DO,lu hd $4,333. - 808.32 this year, with last 'year s figure less at $4,010480.34 wns aiso suiiereo a aecre, wun xor lizs ana $6,741,428,48 a year ago. Many From Brooks Attend Woodland Park Celebration BROOKS, July 6. (Special) Brooks was well represented at the Fourth of July celebration at Woodland park. Those present were: Mrs. John Lelsher and children; Edna, Ina and Johnnie Leulen, Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Ward, Monroe Sturgls and child ren, Irene and Oren Glenn Sturgls, Mrs. Emma Sturgls, Ralph and Katie Sturgls, Mr. and Mrs. Al Wood and children. Miss Doris, Margarets and Warren Word. John Colyer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snook, Mrs. Oscar Smith, Leon Smith, Rose Wolfe and Jim Riggle. Miss Kdna Lleulen had the misfortune to break her wrist while cranking the car. ' Guilty; Paroled; Wedded All in One Day for Gurnea George Gurnea yesterday en tered a plea of guilty to the charge of contributing to the de linquency of a minor when he was arraigned on that charge be fore Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly. Gurnea was then sentenced by Judge Kelly to serve a year in the Marlon county Jail, but upon rec ommendation of District Attorney John Carson was paroled to bis attorney, Martin Ferrey. Yesterday afternoon Gurnea took out a license to marry Caro line Sherwood, 17, of Salem. He came here a few ago from North Bend. months j WOMEN LEAVE BOURBON ARMY SCORING SMITH (Continued trim pt 1-) believe more than a few of the millions of the democratic women in this country can be fooled as all of the democratic leaders ap pear to have been fooled by it. The idea of men like Josephus Daniels, Dan Moody, Joe Robin son. Carter Glass and Jed Adams saying 'I am a democrat, I shall support the party nominee.' "How many times has Tammany supported the party nominee in the past 18 years? Not once. Yet they have fooled these heretofore able democratic leaders jnto say ing 'I am a democrat. I will vote for Tammany, whiskey and a trick platform.' Smith Held "Booze-o-crat" "We say a man who will shut his eyes like an ostrich to the things which the democratic party has always stood for is a 'booze-o-crat, not a democrat. "The democratic nominee has always said in his publje utter ances that the party should make the platform and a candidate should stand on it. He has al ways said that his one outstanding issue Is whiskey and booze the return of the legalized liquor traf fic, which means the return of the licensed saloon. Every politician knows jt, and when the party ad opted a 'dry' platform. If the nom nee had been either honest or sincere in his public utterances he ould have done nothing but de cline the nomination. "He did not. and therefore stamped himself as a charlatan and a faker." llU I U Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark of Trenton, Missouri drove Into the Municipal auto camp yesterday and will stay for several days. If Mr. Clark can find a good steady job, they will remain here per manently. Although handicapped by the loss of one arm, there is much that Mr. Clark can do, and one Is surprised at his facility with his good arm. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wamsley and daughter of Long Beach, Cal ifornia stoDDed yesterday enroute to Alaska. Mr. Wamsley and Mr.! Polsal went to public school toge ther years ago In Butler county FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL OR EASTERN RAILROAD TRIPS phone in Oregon Electric Ry.A Willamette Valley Line sarf ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired. Ke or Used Motor VIBBERT & TODD Thiag ElcctHcai I 1 South High . Tel. 2 1 LI cnnnr nr. m dicto JIM1LUI UUII REMA N 111 Iowa. They had a big visit yester day afternoon and evening. Mr. Jackobsen of Bemldji, Min nesota, who came into the camp day before yesterday, spent yes terday looking for a furnished house. He and his family like Sa lem, and have decided to spend some time here. E Old Sol cam. out yesterday and! fought Jupe Pluvlus to a finish. 1.... J ... 1 BIBGEF - . , fpom tn. hinze later to be nut nce at all the city playground..0 The door 4UW" -C'D "ul iic uy iu u- n-Lbut W6r. well p toward , normal. The boys aged 8-11 of Yew j Park met defeat at the hands of me iin street oaseoau team 7a - terday to the tone of 32-11. Tbelr. older brothers also came out at ine snort ena oi a score oi zu-s. ng ant equipment since the re in a baseball throw for accur- cent encampment at Fort Clatsop, acy test. Philip Salstrom, mascot for Willamette university teams,1 stolen goods, or to get a check on hit the target 6 times oat of . Must what had been stolen. The In a similar contest for girls. Del- coast artillery company alone had ma Poulln and Wllxna Godsey hit some $6,000 worth of clothing 4 out of 5 In an underhand throw of 25 feet. Miss Doris Neptune announces that she has organised two volley ball and two blffbaU teams among her girls. Eighteen of the 'smaller boys yesterday did S feet 9 Inches In the broad Jump. Director Louis Anderson says that this is an ex ceptional record. Nothing Is apparent now to pre vent holding the finals of the boat contest next Wednesday afternoon, and all boys are urged to get their boats in first class condition nmi.tin, ,..m i nfa. saving for boys over 12 will bai3lhe 1927 . x started. This Is valuable Instruc tion, and a large number of boys should be Interested. Additional contests announced .r ind a. TZVZ ' for 19 26 and the second for wi?eh fndrr win 27. in each case the sum repre which Judging will for the summe h. k, ' Tk k...i ii.-.-j test will be a button contest. Red uro "ViVv i .Ten Cross buttons. Hoover buttons.' "" J '"J anything-the more the better.' o 354.01 ; Hubbard $47153. Dates for the archery and kite '78-75; Jefferson $537.80. $476. contests have not been announced. "l- Mount Angel $936-74. "0. but Louie Anderson says for all '-6: Scotts Mills $14094; $141. boys to get to work on their kites, 19: Sllverton $2843.07. $2826. and also not to forget the air- '2; St. Paul $130.60. $115.66; plane contest, the finals of which Sublimity $135.40, $143.69; Tur wlll be on July 21. Out of all w $342.10. $342.25; Woodburn these contests there will be some that every boy will be interested in. They are open to all boys In town. NEW STAGE HOME S. P. BUSSES HAVE DIFFERENT HOME. CALL POLICY With the opening tnls morning of the new Southern Pacific Stage terminal In the general stage ter minal building at 185 N. High street Southern Pacific stages will no longer make special stops to ho tels, according to announcement yesterday of T. L. BUllngsley, su perintendent. Stops will be made along their route as usual, and passengers will be taken on through flag or telephone notice. The stages will travel from Portland to Ashland, and on a branch route to Monmouth, with a total of 24 of the big boats in service at present. With the new facilities, increased service and routing are but a matter of time. The new quarters have all the accommodations of the best ter minals, and have been made spick and span, the old building having undergone considerable renova tion for occupancy of the company stages. Montana Flour Magnate Denies Bribery Charge SEATTLE. July 6 (A P) J. W. Sherwood, Montana flour miller, denied here at Thurs day's session of the I. C. C.'s grain rate hearing the charges of bribery which were intimated at the session Monday. He declared that he offered simply to contribute to the farm bureau's fight for lower domestic r-in frfieht rates, providing the bureau would drop its fight to wii,aln t,le lwer export rates. uu mute We Need Three SALESMEN To sell one of the most popular light cars on the market. A former grocery clerk is now earning over $200.00 monthly with greater possibilities in sight. We will train and furnish selling equipment to the men selected. Only men of character considered write and tell us about yourself. Correspondence confiden tial. Box 25 in care of Statesman. LOOT GUARD CACHE THIEVES ENTER ARMORY; GET AWAY WITH EQUIPMENT The minus forms which Oregon National Guard Is some rifles, blankets, unl and overcoats, number of Is known only to the thieves who made the loot some time between Tuesday and Thursday nights. The loss was reported yesterday by Captain C. M. Irwin, of the coast artillery headquarters company. The thief or thieves apparently felt pretty safe that they would J ? .'SJSjlJ V llVJ00" i-?1 .V" im vi J minus, wuuu m-m, idJ- lntQ th. office of Cantain Xomv from th hln,M although medicines aad narcotics were left intact Most of the supplies were ;kept n the basement r..,.m th nurd had not made a complete check of cloth- officers were unable to value the land blankets and other equip- ment. AMOUNTS FOR CITIES IX COUN TY DETERMINED In an order handed down yes terday the MarIon county court fixes the apportionment allowed cities and towns out of the coun ty road tax. The erder is for dis tribution of the last half of the 1926 road tax and the first half The city of Salem Is not includ ed In the order. Amounts were as follows, the irst figure listed after, each city enting half a year: ' Aumsville $135. 1 2, 122.51: :i892.12. $1881. 6i 300 DRUGGISTS SALEM GUESTS EARLY IN WEEK (Continued from pag 1.) number of state institutions. Plant Specialists Coming The meeting which will occur Thursday, Friday and Saturday Is the eleventh annual convention of the Western Plant Quarantine Board. Sessions will be held at the state capltol building. This will be the first conven tion of this group to be held in Oregon. Charles A. Park, presi dent of the state board of horti culture, is arranging the program. The banquet wHl be held at the Marion hotel Friday evening. CROWD D0ESNT KNOW IT'S THE REAL SHOW (Continued froa par 1.) would have suspected It. They sat and chatted, or strolled and visited. All Salem getting together. No place for hermits. Somewhere a band was playing, but the people kept on visiting. When the music stopped, thora was a Rfttrlnp- hanrl rln Ty ping. The rest kept on chatting. After a while a man sang, and then the crowd gathered closer and applauded more generally, de- TKK TORIO reading Uas. W la tor roar glaaa acaiaai brcakM. KiuuinBtloa too. Thompson -Glut soh Optical Co. 110 K. Ooan'l St. m FUND ILADD BUSH. Bankers Established 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. TRANSFER and STORAGE LONG AND SHORT DISTANCE HAULING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE STORAGE FIREPROOF BUILDING GRAIN FEED and SEED Free Delirerjdo any part of the city Quotations on Application Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. . Day Telephone 23 Night Telephone 12S7-W manding an encore. But after that they chatted again. The big fountajn suddenly sent a stream of water high in the air thin streams forming grace ful outlines in the light that play ed upon them. Colored lights that was even more beautiful. Many of the people gathered there and watched. But the greater number still sat and chatted, strolled and visited. - Wonderful thing. thee band concerts. I didn't any atten tion to the music, but early la the evenjng a boy handed me a program, and so I know It west like this: 1. "Hail to Old Glory." March .Jewell 2. Selection. "Mile. Modiste" Herbert 3. Walts. "Souvenir de Baden Baden" Bousquet 4. Popular Numbers "There Must Be a Silver Lining" "Ramona" "My Ohio Home" 5. Overture. "Morning. Noon and Night in Vteana'M Suppe 6. Vocal Solo. Oscar B. Gingrich "Bells of St. Marys" "After My Laughter Comes Tears" j 7. "The Wedding of the Rose" (In termer ro) . . Jesse! 8. Selection. "Woodland" . .Landers 9. March. "Olympfa". . . . .Clark 10. "Star Spangled Banner" Oh yes. said was ' bring the you." What the gate keeper Watt a minute and I'll elephant out to see OBITUARY Graves Died in this city. July 8. Mrs. W. D. Graves, at the age or 56 years. Wife of William Graves ef Salem. Daughter of Mrs. Hat tie Turner of Salem. Mother of Ger ald Graves of Columbia City. L. M. Nelson of Portland, Mrs. Paal Buker of Paulina, Ore., sister of Mrs. Paul Hansen, Salem. Mrs. Nellie Bechtel. Cal.. O. F. Turner, F. A. Turner, of Dayton. Ore.. W. J. Turner of Camas. Wash., and Dr. J. G. Turner, of Salem. Fu neral services at Rlgdon's chapel at 10:00 o'clock Saturday morn ing. July 7. Concluding services In Alpine cemetery In Linn county. PrulU Mrs. Mary B. Prultt died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Lula D. King, at 462 Hoyt street, July at the age of 78 years. 8he leaves also the following sons and daughter: Mrs. Pearl Reed. E. A. Prultt, W. J. Prultt, and E. E. Pniltt. all of Salem, a sister. Mrs. Halbert. of Salera. Funeral serv ices will be held at Hayesville church Saturday at 2 o'clock with Clough-Huston company in charge. Interment in the Hayesville cem etery. MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM VAULT ENTOMBMENT LLOYD T. RIGDON. Mngr. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Lees Licensed Lady alnrtlHaa 770 Chenr.eketa 8 tree Telephone 734 FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS GOLD FISH, BIRDS O. F. BRKITHACPT Telephone SS0 IIS Stare St. We board Dogs at our farm FLAKE'S PETLAND 27S State and Pacific HIghwiy 4 -.