1 Malt Senators to Continue DEFEATS AT BEND I dot mm Baseball Standing! w Bae'to - Pa a F. .. Holly'i 8 Seattle ..3 PiCITIO COAST W L XUaloa 1 Portland 1 .?50j Oakland 1 .7501 Los 0 L Pet. 0 1.000 1 .750 1 1 Pet. MSO .260 .150 .000 Despite their decisive defeat at! w I. '.. Bend last Sunday, the Salem Sen- iSoatFiVi-b-E ators will continue In tne wmam- ciBti.. 42 33 .560 Boum w I, Pet S8 32 .549 81 89 .451 28 46 .888 2i 4 .818 AMEBIC AX VP I. Pct. V. T 54 18 .TSrtjWaih. - Philad. 44 81 .57'Cfcieafo St. L 88 37 .50"! Boaten IeeKd 85 40 .46"! Detroit W 1, Pet. 88 41 .446 82 42 .432 30 41 .428 29 45 .393 COAST SCORES TBSTXKDAT At Lot Aoeel: 8acramento 6; LA Xngre 1. , At Seattle: Miio-n 1; Seattle 3 At Sau Kranciio: Oakland 11; tn r"ranri"o 7. , , At Portland: Hollywood 4; Portland 3. AMERICAN SCOPES YESTEBDAT At Philadelphia: Philadelphia 5. - ette' Valley league through thejchicr 42 34 .553; Philad. second nan 01 iue csu. announced by Manager Leo Ed-i wards yesterday on his return from the central Oregon city. Prospects for financial success are not bright, but the ball play ers were all in faTor of going on. and willing to take their own chances on its being a money mak ing Tenture. Not only will the Senators stay in the league, but they will have reinforcements when the second half opens. One will be Curly . . gtme pyed Fuller. University of Oregon pitch- i Tf.,terd4r. er. who is a left hander with a' - " " penchant for strikeout records.' The other will be Buck Grayson.; hard hitting infielder. Both of these players have been on the Eu-; Kene roster, but Grayson was re-! leased this week and Fuller will be released in time go that he can sign-up with Salem for the sec ond half. J The Senators played much bet ter ' ball the second and third games at Bend, principally the re-(AP) Beaten suit of getting acclimated. At and then by that, in the first game Bee THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1928 of Valley 1 .. WEST MAY SET OLYMPIC PACE Throu gh Second League TROUT, PICTURES TO FEATURE FEED A bow ing EES LOSE OUT WIBIEII MEET WIMBLEDON, Eng. July 5. - first by Australia France, America's and two remaining doubles teams, BUI Tf,,0cii ,mi tn hats nltniv on Tiirtpn ani Prank liumer anu the hall, but as the Eagles playern :teorge Lott and John Hennessey, told them later, it looked as big were swept out of the Wimbledon as a balloon coming up to the tennis championships today, leav plate. They just had their hitting only Helen Wills in the singles togs on. and no pitching in the nd Miss Wills and Hunter in the world could have stopped them. mixed doubles. Of course it isn't yet certain Miss Wills may wear her.Wim that the Ssnators won't be cham- blodon crown another year with pions the first half. Bend has yet; out further opposition. Senorita to beat Eugene, and of course if a Elia de Alvarez, her scheduled, op- Eugene victory is to do them any.p0nent in the finals, is suffering good, the 1 Senators must Wendling next Sunday. beat an attack of laryngitis and will Innt h phle to nlav tomorrow. It I she is unable to take the court EUGENE. July 5. (Special.) sainrdav the American girl will Eugene will tangle with the Bend wjn Dv default. nine on the Eugene fairgrounds'. Conquerors of the two Ameri diamond at 2:30 o clock next bun- ran teams todav. Gerald Patter- day afternoon. son and jonn Bs Hawkes. who de- The local team will take a ser- r.,olt Tiidpn and Hunter, and ious practice 5:30 o'clock. session tonight, at Henr Cochet and Jacques Brug- ln creed right nr ;sion6 II f ?d to UL AVERS LOSE OUT III CLOSE COKTEST dinner featuring fresh Rain trout and a program featur- . i a series 01 several reeia ui game pictures Illustrating a lec ture by Frank Stelmacher, educa tional director of the Oregon state game commission, will be essential parts of the banquet to be given by the Salem Rod and Gun club Tuesday evening, July 10, at the Elks club. Frank Stelmacher's game pic tures have already attracted state wide attention and for the most part feature Oregon game which will be of especial interest to the! local men. MrStelmacher is al ready known in Salem for short lectures given before the various dinner clubs and other local or ganizations. An attempt will also be made by the local men to secure a showing of the pictures in one of the local theaters as soon as satis factory arrangements can be made as they are considered to have considerable educational value as well as general interest. The exact perwnnel of the del egation, from the Multnomah County1 club ie not yet available; but it fs expected R. J. Kirkwood, editor of Western-Out-of-Doors, Bill Lewis, of Portland, and Ray rVir nm a n epprotarv nf the Mlllt- u, - ..- - - j nomah county club, will be among j the guests. , The banquet, which is one of thej regular quarterly affairs of the; club, will begin at 7 o'clock that; evening. Members of the club and others who expect to attend; have been urged by the club ban-. quet commuiee iu rtgiairr ai ther of the local sporting goods- stores as soon as possible. , i-. 2 ' " 1 A t - ' - - i i " " V - N -1 ft hi A ; " L - v-: 1 x w I Its' f? - - ffi---A 1 jH. t. Li. Mil IVI XI ILL LilIIUAU WtJi. W UNDERWORLD m SEEKS CRIK Captain John Stege Prepares To Go Down Into Chicago "Valley" At Cambridge. July 6 and 7, a great collection or track ana field performers will try to restore the middle-west and Pacific coast college entries to dominant positions on the American Olympic team.' The coast contingent boasts of strong contenders in Houser, shot and discus; Barnes, pole vault; Spencer, quarter miler; Nich ols, shot put, and Bob King, high jumper. CHICAGO, July 5 (AP) Armed at last with authority to make arrests and to carry a gun. Captain John Stege was ready to night to go down into "the valley." tomorrow to round up the ten men still free since their indict ment as election terrorists by last month's special grand jury. Captain Stege was deputized by the municipal rourt today and handed warrants for the men he was to hunt down. His knowl edge of the underworld has al ready resulted in the apprehension of Sam Kaplan, one of two sus pects held for the murder of Oc tavius Granady, nearro politician shot down primary day. . Harry Hochstein, last of the trio of ac cused slayers, was Stege's particu lar quarry now and the former de tective chief promised to have him under guard before the week end-. The names of several for whom warrants were Issued today were kept secret at the request of David D. Stansbury, special prosecutor. -Captain Stege, former official of the police detective bureau, had tried unsuccessfully for several days to obtain credentials of an officer to make arrests after those in charge of the prosecution had chaxged that the police were mak ing no effort to apprehend those indicted. preparation for nnn who turned back Lott and the coming Bend game. Rehears- Hen'nesseyt wni meet Saturday for als haven't been meaning so much lhe douDies titie surrendered by to the players horncplay having a THden and Hunte'r. Coach Billy Reinhart has decreed that horseplay shall cease righ now, and that the praeticsession from now on will be devote baseball and more baseball, and plenty of it. The second round of tbe valley! league play will start a week from! F.unday, with the Wendling and ' Cottage Grove teams out of it.! 1 This will leave Eugene in a four-! PORTLAND, July 5. (AP) team circuit with Salem. Bend and Aftr the score had been tied three Albany, and it will mean that Eu- times, Hollywood nosed out Port gene will have to hustle to keep' land in the 11th inning today, her head above water. Foolish- winning 4 to 3. ness- will go 4y the board, and Score: R H E hard work wilf take ito place in Hollywood . 4 14 0 . practice. In games, and in every- Portland - 3 13 0 day thought of the local players. Fullerton and Bassler; Knight With three tough teams to beat.'and Rego. two games apiece, the going will' " be rough, and every thought will Seattle Wins Again be turned toward beating the opatti r Tulv ; AP - hard-hitting and fast fielding ag- Wilh the 8COre one-all. the bases rregauons cugene win duck up loaded and oue away in the 12th against. ., ' ' i.nning. Clyde Nance was hit by a Bend here Sunday will be a litched ball, forcing in Ruble, and real test of strength for the local Seattle took today's game from earn Changes have been made,the Missions 2 to 1. In the Eugene lineup from time score- R II E to time, but the team as it now 171 stands ki.about the same agpre- ''', Io t gation that will go into the second, , . , " V " round. Bend, on the other hand, ! nmnp'' ,. . " . will take up the remainder of the 11 i nnjf aud Baldwin: Graham season with exactly the same line-,11" Parker. up a3 she now has. If Eugene' ' can beat Bend's present team, it c, x.!l,p nf , ' will be an indication that Kntrene bAN FRANMStO, July 5. Is in the race in earliest Rend i AP) Oakland knocked Moudy leading the league, and a victory, 3Ut of the box todav to win 11 to for Eueene would mean much 7 frni the Seals. May went in to lust before going into the second tP tne slaughter round. j Score: R H E In the fjrst round, Eugene won Oakland 11 13 0 every game but one on the home San Francisco 7 15 5 diamond. The one loss was to' Dumovich, Boehler, Sparks and Albany, in 15 innings. That is a! Lombard!; Moudy, May and record for any team to 'boast Sprinz. about, but a victory over Bend will be needed before boasting will be LOS ANGELES. July 5. (AP) in order. jV Sacramento used three pitchers Bend lost two games on thi against the Angels here today and side of the pass this year. Albany '.n vain, as the locals won 15 to 6. won at Albany. and , Salem Score: R H E trounced the Eagles at Salem. Sacramento :..n....6 13 Eugene walloped Salem ddwn'Los Angeles ........15 20 here, so there apparently is no Vinci, Kunz, Rachac and Koeh- reason on earth why Eugene er; Barfoot and Hannah shouldn't beat Bend on the home' . field. Sunday's tilt will tell the whole story. AVIATORS DROP FOOD SUPPLY MOBILE MEN (Continued from page 1.) 20 minutes east, about 50 miles from the floe upon which sur vivors are slowly drifting to the westward. Picnickers on Fourth Find City Auto Camp Fine Spot In thla county all her life. She was the daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stephens, who made the plain royage from Missouri la 1849. The parents operated the second grocery store In thli city. The daughter was married to Jess Pruitt in 1873 and for many years they made their home on a farm in the Hayesville district, where Mrs. Pruitt lived until two years ago when she came to make her home with her daughter. Mr. Pruitt died in 1890. BwddftS-Mrs. King, she Is sur vived by: E. E. and W. J. Pruitt, Salem contractors. 'and another daughter. Mrs. Pearl Reed, also of Saem: a sister, Mrs. Verila Hal bert of Salem. Mrs. Sarah Basey, also a sister, died recently. g Season New First National Bank Building Directory BA8EMENT Da Luxa Shining Parlar Expert for LaCica and Gentleman TU&KISu BATUS. MASSAliB Of fie Telephone 8314 Betideae Telephone 2a3t BECONU 'l,OOR Coffer's ThotO Berrlco Tel. 703. Onr the Spa TH1Rj" 'UX)Ii Quarterly Postoff ice Receipts $52,652.53 The Salem postoff ice did 52, 652.53 worth of business during the three months of April, May and June, according to the quart erly report of Postmaster Farrar, made public yesterday. The cor responding nuarter'a business a vear ago was larger by almost! $6,000. with J58.624.27. At that,' there was no election mail last year. . Mr the local post office receipts are largely affected by state business but can lay the decrease this yearjjr to no definite factor. j Receipts for the month of June. were normal, with 514,901.77. A year ago they were almost double! that figure, or $26,508.23, and in! 19 2C the June figure was $14,-. - ; T T inao On. t Nell) 4. 13urd. He. Opton-elrut 304.09. The June, 1928, receipts rhon 625 40i 4U2 03 04 cs are considerably below those ofj the previous month, when $20,-, 6IXTU TLOOr. 567.05 was the total business from stamps sales, box rents and second Farrar points out that 1Urr 0ptic.i o. Henry K. Morr.j, Optometris; .SOI-302-30J Dr. Telephone 839 Gillette Lawyer fiuite 31011 li Telephone 103a Dr. D:d B. Hill. CUdontia (Straicbttning o irregu'ar teeth) FOURTH ?LOOa Geo. R. Vehra 11. !., t'j;icia & Surcroa Suite 603 Tel. 21 '0 2379 Ken. 77 J Hi IS Class matter. , tyto" Kobiu ii. Ui7 ad Donald W. lliJea In commenting upon tne, Atrn'a at lw I month's receipts. Postmaster Far- Telephone 103 ioo;ieij rar says it's hard to tell what will be the amount of sales in a single 1 month, but the vearly figure does Dr. c. Ward Davi. ticjrai Dcr.nn. I ,,nt fliirtnatP ereatlv. The lareest TL t'enln, W appo.nta.ui. single month in the history of the ; EI311TU fLOOH Room Wi I records was done in December, 1926, with $26,988.57 accumulating. TENTH FLOOR 5. Salem People Will Attend Sunday School Convention Dr. Telephone V. A. Jobntun. Dentut 1285 MCI Men SO Miles Away KINGS BAY, Spitzbergen, July 5. (AP). Fifty miles of pack ice today separated the five ma rooned members of the Italia crew and Lieutenant Lundborg, Swedish flyer, from the Russian Ice breaker Krassin attempting to rescue them. The huge masses of Ice halted the Krassin in its ad vance, but in the meantime the castaways were drifting nearer the vessel. Fog and adverse weather con tinued to hamper efforts to take the men off the ice by airplane A new effort to pick them up witff a light lioth plane will be made from Esmarek island, nine miles from their reported positions. The tri-motored Swedish plane Upland will fly to the island to establish a hase tor tne operation. Rabushkin Comes Back One flyer who had been among the missing was safe today. The Soviet aviator. Babushkin, who left his base ship, the ice breaker Maligin. Friday, returned to the vessel after a harrowing five days experience with wind and ice bergs. Shortly after leaving the ship he had run into head winds whieh finally forced him to de scend in the sea 80 miles north of Hope island. There his seaplane was In constant danger of being crushed by icebergs. Finally he managed to take off again ami found the Maligin. In the meantime search for Roald Amundsen and the five men missing with him was being made by ships between Spitzber gen and Norway. An attempt to confirm rumora that fishermen had found the missing men failed when the Italian seaplane Marina I was forced back to Tromsoe by bad weather after starting for North cape. PHILADELPHIA, July (AP). In as thrilling a trio of The municipal auto camp did a the Coolidge Black Hills highway crew races as ever were rowed in r tits mr An 4 f 1 1 Fv-- V. n TTnl good business on Independence of South . Dakota, through the , 7; i !L .Htn. t k ronnrt nf th , versity of California eight-oared Yellowstone and Idaho to Oregon.; crew ona Pr,noeton today sTmeSo'tayoveJ' campers oTtne "We like the west fine." said in the Olympic trials on the .. , . vt t,.i ya nto tim an. fchuvlkill. and Columbia out- lTrl frmTueU es ' 7 Salem tne best of any.claasd Harvard whi:e Yale swept will attend the International Sun- These people, attracted by the city we have yet seen. Your wide to victory ov er the -andottej a -1 y.A ov .. tho sti-PPts l nPd with trees ana now- ."'.. wai uuu. m """'vo ..v.... I.- J hnnnrT thr nark i ers are very beautiful I e big surprise was the way Other Salem people wtio win at- year8 ago. IIe lived in the souti streams which bound the park, ers, are very Deauiuui. v.-.jh Ka nfsrcnp idMiiiIr Miss' -?.. k u.t ,,.1 via c VUiumuia ticw, runlll 1 J r 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 uriiv i . . - . ciu tlLy uui lug uu; uvvv. . . 1 ' "rn stroke oar, pulled away Adona Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. H. young manhood. he became ill while visiting a ter, Tuesday night, -according to advices received here. He h-- hppn nrnminpnt in Salem ninsii.il Professor C. I. Andrews of the Cirtieat assisting in the work r department of religious education the salem boys' chorus and ha.i of Kimball School of Theology conducted a studio here. Mr. l.aneenbure was born in Wyandotte. day school convention to be held Roseburg, at which place fuim.il services will be held today, .,s mart t hp erounda their headauart- Mr. Jackobsen is a dry gooas .TiUo thov attended th auto merchant in his home town, and races and other Fourth celebra- VAN PORAT WINS OVER S. SEIFERT FAST WIND ADDS Hons in the city. One of last night's visitors was C. Jackobsen of Bemidji. Minne sota." Mr. Jackobsen, and his wife and son. left their home a month ago yesterday, and their Oldsmo- bile sedan has carried tDem over I a o!Ht, an e-rtpntlert vacation in irom tne giant Harvard aggrega te west. He plans to spend the tiou to win the most decisive vic- wlnter on this coast, perhaps in ry ui me aay Dy neany nve Salem. If he can find the sort of lengths. This feat greatly boom- nia that Riiits him. he is strong- a siock 01 me ooiumDians, t . snanKs ana nev. r. . iajiur He was a member or tue A pi n and family. Miss Cochrane has cluD ana an Elk. been gone for over two weeks. Reverend Taylor and family leave by auto this morning, and i and in. stroke or no stroke, and they are I Mr. and Mrs. Shanks will leave on iy muuwu " r"1 " . 7 o,. ra-A " I Qtrn Pnrific nPlt Monday. SEN. DEED MAKES his wimm Missouri Bournon Falls Back on Alibi of News Misrepresentation K..f whether or not ne Will u' "''fu vu uvai iy eicu do this depends on his enjoyment terms with the unbeaten Califor- of the next few months here. auu ""f"1"" w'"n mey row iu afiui iinai iienis tomor row. There were only three winning eights today, but four crews qual ified for tomorrow's races, Prince ton being admitted on the basis of its speedy time, which was better than that of any of the winners except California. DETROIT YOUTH WINS DECATHLON PHILADELPHIA. July 5. (AP) Kenneth Doherty of the Cadillac Athletic club, Detroit, a slim vouth weiehlne only 165 ROWERS' 'SPEED' pound8' won the natlonal acatn- iuu vuauiyiuufiuif tuuo;( bvuiau& CHICAGOVJuly 5 (AP) Ot to von Porat, sensational Nor wegian" heavyweight, scored a 'technical knockout over" Sandy Seifert, Pittsburgh heavyweight. In the fourth round of a schedul ed 10 round fight at Mills stadium tonight. Seifert, after he had been" knocked down, for a count of nine In the thirdound fell to the can vas under a heavy barrage of blows in the fourth and was wav ed to his corner by Referee Davy Barry. ATHLETICS WHIP RED SOX TEAM PHILADELHPIA, July 5. (AP) The Athletics made It five out of six In their series with the Red Sox by shutting out the Bos ton team S to 0 in the final game. Score: j R H E Boston ..... i 0 3 1 Philadelphia L -.5 . 8 3 f Bradley, P. Simmons and Hoff man, Hoving; Earns haw and Coch rane. I WEATHER HALTS TENNIS TOURNEY PORTLAND. July S. (AP) Inclement weather today halted the Oregon state tenuis champion ships and no matches were played. PHILADELPHIA. July E. (AP) A brisk breeze blowing up the course made fast times proba ble as the leading four-oared and eight-oared rowing clubs of the country lined up today for first heats in the final tryouts to deter mine who will represent the United States in these events in the Olympic games. Except for the head wind which kicked up a gentle ripple on the surface of the Schuylkill, weather conditions were favorable for row ing. The sky was somewhat over cast. In the first race of the day the Bachelors Barge Club of Philadel phia defeated Columbia in a four oared race by a third of a length Tbe crews were on even terms most of the way. Official times showed one and two fifths seconds separating the two crews at the finish. The Bach elor B. C. oarsmen were clocked at 7:04 3-5 for the 2,000 meters, and Columbia at 7:06. MARTIN-MORGAN FIGHT PUT OFF total of 7600.52 points for the 10 events. James Stewart, rangy Los Angeles Athletic club entry placed second with 7533.25 points, Bar- of Penneylvania was third with ' I,canra!a"l5; . 7362.195. and Thomas Churchill, of tbe UniverEity of Oklahoma, was fourth, with 7203.20. All four of these men will rep resent the United States in Am sterdam in July. Of the 23 men who started com-j petition in the event Tuesday-on-, ly 10 finished today. Tony Plan sky, former Georgetown athlete, received a "stitch" in the 1500 meters; Victor Wetzel, of the Un iversity of Oregon, and Pan! D. Heydrick of Charleston, W. Va.. also' dropped out of the 1500 me ters. Returned Missionary I to Preach tA Rosedale ST. LOUIS. July 5. (AP) United States Senator James A. Reed said tonight his statement on the Volstead act at the demo cratic national convention was "misunderstood" that the newspa-j pers placea a "very peculiar con struction on ray statement." Reed said Gov. Alfred E. Smith's telegram to the Houston conven tion advocating repeal of the 18th amendment and the Volstead law, sharply injected the prohibition question into the campaign. "I started my campaign urging the democratic party to drop out of this campaign all questions up on which there was Interparty dis pute." he said. "I specifically named prohibition, the League of Nations and any endorsement of any particular plan of farm relief, and urged all to .concentrate their efforts toward making the old par ty fundamentals upon which there is substantial unity, the dominant note of the campaign. "I have said that 1 thought pro hibition should not be made an Issue In the campaign, because I thought that the democratic party would win If it advocated the re turn of honest government and the punishment of official repub- and voted to sustain President Wilson's veto. But I said what I've often said. the 18th amendment and the Vol stead law would remain until the moral forces of the nation are con vinced there is a better way to handle this question. "In that statement lurked all the cause for the misunderstand ing of what I said at Houston. "The term moral forces was seized upon and construed as des criptive of the Anti-Saloon lea gue. Nothing could have been fur ther from my thoughts. Everybody j but an idiot knows two things.5 First that the Anti-Saloon league never would agree to change the law except to make it more dras tic and offensive. "Second the Anti-Saloon league has no monopoly on morality and it does not embrace the moral for ces of the United States. "I do not mean to say it is im moral, but it is far from having a monopoly on morality. "I regard the 18th amendment as a distinct departure from our scheme of government. I have said 30 at all times." The senator said he had not changed his mind on the prohibi tion amendment and law, but that 'so long as they are on the books it is the duty of the officers of the law to enforce them." "This is a government of law," he said, "and we cannot advocate nullification of one law without weakening the entire legislative and judicial structure." Daniel F. Langenburg Passes in Roseburg Daniel F. Langenburg, the past 20 years a resident of Salem,' passed away in Roseburg, where DRIVER DIES DENVER, Colo., July 4 (AIM J. R. Ranes, Denver automobile racer, died in a hospital tonil.i from injuries he received whn his racing car went out of con trol a"nd crashed through a femv at the dirt track at Overland park today. Read The Classified Ads is PUTT DIES Senator Reed reiterated apart of hre Houston statement in which he said, "I opposed the 18th amendment and the Volstead act ROSEDALE. July 5. (Special.) Miss Edna Holder, a returned missionary, will speak at the Rose dale Friends church next Sunday morning. Miss Holder has spent the .last five years in India, and part of that time she has been in charge of a school for girls. J , Miss Holder at one time attend- NEW YORK, July 5. ( AP) ed Hope chapel. Rosedale's pio-' A sudden cloudburst, coming on neer church. She Is the daughter the tall end or a sweltering aay of Mrs. K. Holder of Liberty. caused postponement ot the Jan-, - sx. ; . . . lor lightweight match tonight be-, DIES OF FIRECRACKERS tween Tod Morgan of Seattle and OAKLAND, Cal., July 5 (AP) Eddie Cannonball Martin, New Arthurs Hicks, 4 was found York challenger. i dead in bed today as a result of ; The match one of fifteenratlng firecracker yesterday dar rounds, will be staged next Wed-Ing a Fourth of July celebration nesday night. ; I at his parents' home Gertrude Edrle and : ' The STUDEB2ICER. COMMANDER ISjooo Miles in less than 23,ooo Minutes i MARION GARAGE CO. Wallace H. Bonesteele . Across from Marion Hotel. Tel 863 - Day and Night Service I Mat .V" B M imi schedules daily io-r SAN FRANCISCO Still another schedule added to Pickwick's southbound service already the most frequent and convenient! New departure hours i ' 1:80, 10:10 A. M. 2:1, 7:20 P. M. LOW FARES NOW , Han Francisco $14.50 Los Angeles 821 i Saa Diego 824.30 Low rates, thru service to Salt Lake City, Deaver and East. . PICKWICK STAGES " Terminal Hotel , Phone 606 Funeral Services Tomorrow Marion IMoneep For Funeral services for. Mrs. Mary Pruitt. who died yesfCrday morn ing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Lula D. King. 462 Hoyt street, will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with inter ment, at. the Hayesville cemetery She had been ill for many months. Mary Stevens was born In Sa lem 78 years ago, and had lived FOR YOUR PROTECTION Monroe S. Cheek Complete Automotive Lubrication Court at Capitol Phone 2295 - Remember the Larmer Transfer and Storage has mov ing vans and good supply of blankets and pads for furni ture handlers. '. -" 4 Have just completed our new three story concrete warehouse and are now well prepared to handle best of furniture and pianos. , . ' Fuel Oil In Bulk - Any quantity delivered in your Tank See Us Before You Order When ready call 930 and let us serve you. SALEM, OREGON