THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1928 .7 i 9 ( 3 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY AKDERSXJN RUPERT, Bwltm 169-!. High. i Tel. 1644 BARBER B05D S00 Graf Bldg. , TeL 790 BECKE HENDRICKS 189 K. High. TeU 161 A- C. BOHRKSTEDT 147 K. Commercial. TeL S77 LEO N. GUILDS CO, Realtors 620 BUt at. - TsL 1721 EBEO G. DXZJUTO tOO K. Chars. Tsl. 2830 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 15 first Bat. Bask BMg. TeL $42 QASEILL EARLE 166 8. LiWtr St.. TL 2342 W. H. ?RABEKHORST CO. , 134 S. Liberty St. TeL SIS i 31ELVIM JOHNSOB " 20 U; B. Beak Blag. Tel. 67 " W. G. KROEQEB 147 N. CossL TsL tit LAFLAR LAPLAB Ledd ft Bukh Bid. TW. 846 ' i.naM An itim ' 225 Oregon Bldg. TL 174 W. A. LIBTOrf 404-5 Masonic BMg: TeL 1831 AUTHOR kfADSEX S074 North Capitol. ToL 2807 MELLIXQER COMITTI 409 Oregon Bldg. ToL 1170 w. o. hills $31 Vh State St. To!. 175 W. E. HOSES 451 Court St. Tel. SS1S GERTRUDE J. It. PAGE 434 Court. .Tel. 181 PERRIXE A HARSTERS 1 11-2 12 Gray Bldg. Tel. 907 RICH. L. RE1MA.NX, Realtor 219 N. High St. Tel. 865 0 SALEM REALTT CO. 402 State Si. Rooaa 7. Tel. 1004 CHARLES 8P0BL1N 210 Oregon Bldg. . ToL 19S5 SOCOLOf-SKT SOK 804-5 Pint Nat. Bank Bldg. ToL 976 SQUARE DEAL REALTT TJ. S. NatTl Bank Bldg. TeU 470 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. ourt St. TeU 651 DLRICU ROBERTS 129 N. Commercial. Tel. 1234 U ' U. B. REALTY CO. 442 State St. TeU 2660 Y. L. WOOD 84V State St. Tel. 79 The Oregon Statesman Published every morning exeept Moa cay, at Salem, the capital of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified i Advertising Daily or Sunday . 2 cents per word . 6 centa per word One time Three tin. Six timet 8 cents per word 1 mo. daily, sad Sun. .20 cents per word In order U. earn the more than one time rate, advertising ' avast run in consecutive issnea. " No AC taken for Iota than 25c. Ad run Sunday ONLY charged at e-time rate. Advertisements , (except Persons I j. and Situations Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser ik a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any tin., ol the day or night. To insure proper classification Ad should be in before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 23 OR 583 . ADVERTISEMENTS TinviraT AnveRXlSIXf! "Thai ral tail mast be kept free from anything I a questionable nature, jsisreprvsen t nn will nnt K tnler. tad. li forma tien showing any questionable intent on the part of the advertiser should be reported to this newspaper or the Maiem Ad cluo. Lodge Roster CHKMEKETA LODGE NO. 1. 1. O. O. P. Meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock: third floor of I.O.O.P Temple, corner of Court and High Sta. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer end Furniture Dea'er Res. end Store, 1610 N. Summer St. Phone 511 -H. F. Woodry & Son Right dowa town. Cash paid for nsed furniture. Store, 871 N. Com'U TeU 75 Agents for La age Ranges. COL. A. L. STEVENSON. AUCTIONEER 26 years' experience in the Willamette alley, for date or arrangnmenta see . A. Doerfler, farm adviser. First Na tional Bank, Salem. PJiono or write. A. L. Steveneen, Corvallis. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 FI.F.EXER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. TeU 980471 Conrt St. B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and generator work. 202 South High. TeU 168 HIGH AND CENTER JOH WILLIAMS U. S. L. Service Station Automotive Electricians Vick Bros. Eigh St. at Trade. TeU 1341 Martina & Harnsberger U S L AND GREAT WESTERN BATTER1E8 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS S15 Center -Street. TeU 1918 la connection with Salem Sapar Service Station . BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD E. RAMSDEX COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing. 367 Court. HELP WANTED Male 6 1 WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED MEN - do interview work with pnblie of ''fieiais good proposition. . Addreaa w Box 891. Eugene. "3v s HELP WANTED Female 8 Lady Partner Wanted I want a lady partner to Join, see with $8000.00 to one ol the neat aaener making- propositions in Oregon, eaay work and will gaamnte 254 ta- . - come. If Interested writ me la cars Gea'U Delivery. Balens, for appoint ment. .. Fred Edwards. awwwwwwwwiiwawMvweeMe CHIROPRACTORS 10 J)R. O. L. SCOTT. PSO, CHIROPRACTOR 356 N. High. T 638-R, Bw. 6164-J. DRS. SOOPTELD, X-Ray. OHIROPRAO tor aad WeareeammotT aerrte. Offke 8 hen 2194, Ra. 8187-J aad 3893-J. ait 414-13-15, First NstU Baak. ; BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 112 N. Commercial. 1 -. Tl 956 THE MODERN MARINELLO For Men. Women and -Children 206 Maaonie Bldg. Tel. 875 INSURANCE DIRECTORY I Anderson A RnoerL. Oiunl Innnin 169 S. High. TeU 1644 BECKE A HEKDRICKB 189 K. High. ToL 161 LAPLAR A LAPLAR Ladd Bush Bask Bldg. ToL 848 W. A. LUTON. General Insarsnee 404-5 Maaonie Bldg. ToL 1821 RICH. L. REIMANN Qe. las.. Loans 219 K. High St. TeU 865 WIUU.METTE INSURANCE AGENCY 813 Masonic Blig. TeU J82 HOTEL DIRECTORY ... Wanted Permanent roomer Hotel Senator Annex formerly Terminal HoteU At tractive rates by week or month. Phones in all room. Iaquire Hotel Senator, phone 696. . FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS POR ALL OCCASIONS Olaea'a. Court A High .St. TeU 801. CUT PLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Pane ral wreaths, decorations. C P. Breithanpt, fiurist, 612 State Street. TeU 880. INSURANCE 12 rOR SALE PIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deads, Contract oa Uooasa Will not 6 to 20 per cent. ' BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. Insure Tear Home or Car now. BECKE A HENDRICKS Phono 161 I.O.O.P. Bid.. 169 N. High St. FARM LOANS PLENTY Of MONET to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS Wo are waning Pm 4entHt Jaenrance company money on city reeldeaee and business property at 5H par rent, plus a commission. Haw Ulna A Roberta, lac, 205 Oregon Building. r WANTED Employment 13 WASTED PLAIN SEWING, REASON able. 810 Diviaioa St. FOR RENT H Five room furnished home 930. Five room flat, furnished 828. Three room Apt., close in 820. F. L. WOOD 841 State St. CAMP G HOUND POR RENT Closest Swimming Willamette River beach for rent. A anap at 6100.00. A. C. BOHRS8TEDT Realtor Loans Insuraaee 147 No. Com'U St. Salem, Orsgn FOR RENT Apts. 15 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 3 room apartments. Virginia Aprt mocts, 979 N. Liberty. VERY ATTRACTIVE. HEATED MOD ern, 5 room flat, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage. Phone 1862-M. 1580 Center. PATTON APARTMENTS COXY, clean, comfortable, nicely furn'shed. private bath. Steam heat. Down town district. Reasonable in price. For inspection call Patton'a Book Store. Electrical Refrigeration, rangea. Modern, brick, bented. Apt. High class raaideatial district. ' Cheerful, attractive, light. 8 room apartment, 2 beds, $40.00. One furaieheA overstaffed, $50.00. Two room furniahed, $85 to $40. Inspection invited, children welcome. Ambassador Apartments 650 N. Summer. 1972 FOR RENT Rooms 16 FOR RENT NICE FRONT ROOM with board. References required. 83i N. Church. FOR RENT Houses 17 NICE 4 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, GAR age. 1U0 Loo St. POUR BOOM MODERN HOUSE 2074 McCoy near Hollywood theater, phone 2S87R. WELL FURNISHED MODERN BUNGA low, growing garden, garage available. Call evenings 4986 Perry. FOR RENT : 4 room close in cottage 322.50. A 8 room Union Street, $35.00. Either of the nbove may be pur chased almost like rent. f A. C. BOHRN8TEDT . - Realtor Loans Iasursnce 147 N. Oom'I St.. Salem. Oregon. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM. BOARD, SINGLE MEALS, SUN day dinners. Alexajdria, 1089 Che aaeketew Pkooe 1389. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 268 8. High TRT THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. TeU 171. 1956 B Street, CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway TAILORS 22 D. H. MOSHEK TAllxA FOB MU nag women, oto uasn ws. MINUTE MOVIES EP VvWCCLAHS Aievi 6-R1AL TRACKED TO THE r .... tAm0HlR ITWS aaww-' ww nsr e aaallsfew 'one OPTHC. dm.i uai-a liiT.C a n i in !. a a g w m HIS ViZtV TDTrB PlLdT MOUSE ANt TELtS CAPT XLtfOER MAC CpRUMC? ALEAK WANTED Misc. , 23 TEAM WORK OP ALL KINDS AND XX- svatiag. Phone'-MayfieU 78F3. , PCBXTTURE PACKING TOR 8 HIP ; meat. Gieee-Powers Yarnitar Co. WANTED "O" MELODY SAXAPHOSE, any make, gee Jim Mecafeaiataa at Sherman Clay A Cw 120 8. High. WANTED. WILL PAY $5 PER HKAD few old or errpple horses. Write giv ing' definite directl- to pear place. Del T. Harm, hta-month. Oreg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON rag not smaller than 1 yard to saw for wiping mackiaery. Highest price 'paid for good clean rags, apply at Statesman of floe, see Stifler. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB ,: lam loaaa. Ws have several eypliee- ttoaa en hand. Hawkins A Roberta, la. 205 Oregon Bldg. tIATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Ospitsl City Bedding Co- 1190 North CapiteU Called for sn delivered. AU . work gnaraateed. TeU 19. FOR SALE 25 MOLIKE TRACTOR BINDER. 10 PT. cat, in good condition. Reasonable Srice. Phono 2513-M, or address 2099 ill St.. Salem. WILSON STRAWBERRIES .50 CRATE. Cam and pick them. Also e arrests 91.00 crate. Pick them yourself, or 81.50 crate already picked. Phone 58F3. WANTED Live Stock 26 I WANT TO BUY SOME DAIRY BRED heifers and will want aome rows later. What have yout Give details.. Write, phono or ealU E. A. Rhoten, Salem. 1393 S. High St. Phone 253 S R. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 PRESH COW POR SALE. PHONE 11PJ2. ' 2 WORK TEAMS. CHEAP FOR CASH, keen working on highway. Corner So. 21st and Loo Strs. VETERINARIAN 23 FRED W. LANQE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. Commercial TU 1199. Res. Tel. 1666. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWIXG. TELEPHONE 88PS. Edward Dencer. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677r 1610 North Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE 72F2. M. D. May field. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Larmer. TaU 880. 16 IN. OLD FIR $6.50 PER CORD IS rick). TeU 2183. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL Tel. 13. ttalem Fuel Co.. 752 Trade. WESTERN UNION TIME. TRUCKS for hauling. Wood to burn. Call 529. BEST WOOD IN THE CITY. FOR THE money. At Tracy's fuel yards. Phone 2818. NOW PULL MEASURE GOOD WOOD. ' it burns. Wystt Kenney Fuel Co. TeU 1302 M. MOUNTAIN GROWN OLD FIR ANC second growth, ear lots or delivered. J. M. Peebles, Palls City. Ore. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD i . - PROMPT DELIVERIES M1LLMAN FUEL CO. ' TELEPHONE 1855 16 INCH OLD FIR. 4 FT. FIR. OAK, and ash. Reduction on winter orders. C. U. Harbaugh, 1038 Highland Ave. Phono 1990. C. (SEE) A. ANDERSON FOR WOOD TO BURN SALEM TRANS. A FUEL CO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 WOOD 150 CORDS CHOICE SECOND growth nt Parrish Gap, 14 miles south of Salem. Price, oa good road, $2.75 per cord. C. M. Smith, Marion, Ore gon. BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery and raaaaaable prices. FRED E. WELLS 280 8 Chureh Tel. 1542 MUSIC STORES 33 FOR RENT NEW PIANOS. H. L. Stiff Furniture Compaay. GEO C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO grepha, sewing machines, sheet music . nnd piano studies. Repairing pfioao grsphs and sowing machines. 432 State street. As Ism. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK BUT tan, W a terms a coarse. Studio 980 N. Cottage. Phono 2165-J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH -EVERT 60 order Kodak work. Rawliags. PortlawC Ore. Newspapers Magazines 35 THE PORTL4ND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ace. TaU 989 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SO CENTS permoBth delivered to your home early oaeh morning. Tel. 13 or 58$. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST . farm paper aewd five 8-cowt etanrpa to the Pacific Homeetead. ttalom, Oregon, ' for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO oat stamps for special three moat as' trial for the best and oldest Journal la -the west. The article a ad adver : t momenta are of apeeial tatoroat. to the poultry breeders of the northwest North wee Poultry Jxnrnal. 211 S. Commercial St.. Sslaor.. Oregon. ' PAPERHANGiNQ 3? PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. AjfcTWE VIOLENCE OPlHC STORM DESMOND &C$t MAKES WS tW OF . . V OLD TUfc WCWT LAST TEN MlNOTfe, CAt KeTan -tut- s-itii frjr-m n irias. ll ilrll u1fK 1 RPlArU TU awe r y . w - waann- - w - w- . - - - - - loiav rs ainui s - - i.. a - S-e" is. locnns fvvrv j ja 33 CHAR. BENNETT PAINTING COST- tree ear, painting. paper kangiag. 3243 V. 1ST Wast ICUav. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOB SALEM SCAY ANGER SERVICE sail 467. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERINO AND RtE , pairtag. Gioao-Powers Pnrnitnre Store. POR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 16 eeata a handle. Stataoanaa offiea. 218 Saash OeenmaraisL MUNES SAWDUST AND HOG FUEL barner. The original barser bnilt by Fnel eU 1863 M. Agents waat- W ANTED USED PIANOS. IN XX ehaage an Raaioe, Phonocrapha, or Parattara. H. L. Stiff Furniture Com pany. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem's White King. Register number 66599 L Barrio guaranteed. Puppiea and grown stock for aale. Mrs. Baa . awtt, 1090 Chemoketa. Phono 1589. PIANO LEFT WITH Lg FOR SALE, IN apleadid condition. Owner leaving town will sacrifice for quick aale; terms to responsible parties. Be thia saap at Tallinn as Piano Store, 13th and Min streets. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES POR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. AU kinds of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets sad hooka, logaa hoeke. Salem Peace aad Steve Works, 250 Conrt street. CAPITOL BARGAIN AND JUNK HOUSE 105-145 Center. TeU 898. AU kinds of Junk bought snC sold; Rags, Socks, Bottles, Barrels. Hides, Pelts.: Wools. Purs, Tallow, Caeca ra Bark, Grape Root, Pitch, Peppermint Oil, AH kinds f Iroa A Metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. LOST AND FOUND 41 FOUND. A COIN PURSE. PHONE 2678W. LOST. PAIR OF SPECTACLES. WITH out ease, on Court St. Phono 1716-W. LOST. ROLL OP BEDDING BETWEEN Sunnyside and Salem. Reward. Phone 2178-W. FOUND PEARL NECKLACE ON North Liberty between Union nnd Mar ion. Owner may have same by identi fying aad paying for this ad. Call at Statesman office. PERSONAL 43 POEMS SET TO MUSIC BY SUCCESS ful songwriter. Mastexeraft Song Publishers Seattle. PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books, or any kind of printing, call at the Stataaman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial TeL 683. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 614. P. L. Wood, 341 State St. F. H. RELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Kesldeaee aad business loaaa. TeU 607 or 2141-W. - . FEDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO o . is. wiiKinaoa, zui u. a. Bank Bldg., Salam. Oregon. PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN FROM 8500 up on approved security, city or farm. W. A. Liston, 404 Masonic Temple. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING and on eity property. B. S. Martin aad L. R. Martin, attorneys, 413 Oregon Building. TeL 2084. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN. 708-6 Pint National Bsnk Building Phone 457. . Salons. Oregon. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable ia Weekly or Monthly In stallment. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, Pint Nat'l Bank. TeU 1200. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST ratee. Beat terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ox pert advice aad service in atl lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Ine) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED Private money to kaa oa REAL ESTATE. W. 11. GRABENHORST A CO. ISA S. Liberty St. f- -r rui i i ihuui ui n PLUMBING 471 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros.. 154 So. Liberty. TeU 550. BUSINESS 0PPR. 48 FOR SALE LUNCH WAGON FULLY equipped for doing basineaa price rea sonable. See Lotri Bechte! J. ,D. Scare. 841 State St. Room 4, DR. WARDS PRODUCTS. GET Es tablished ia territor). No investment. Pny a you sell. A. P. Mumler, Diet. Mgr. 1134 Moore St., Portland. , $-2640.00 will handle a good, clean, fast growing business ia Sslem. Ask sbeut it. A. C. BOHRKSTEDT Realtor Loaaa Iaeuraaeo 147 N. Oem'l St.. Salem. Oregon -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The beat paying dining Parlor ia the eity tor sale. Owner mast soil on ac couat of health. For price and fall particulars address R-S C, State- RADIO 43 Radiolas For every purpose, for every perse All staadnrd sixes of Radio Tab. EOFF ELECTRICAL 8HOP, 335 Conrt St. TeL 488. - . FOR SALE Houses 50 GOOD VALUES Strictly naodera now 6 room house ia East Salem, paved street, emat walk. Owner paid $5000 last year will now sacrifice aad aell for $4500. Modern 4 room home oa Market St. Furnace, fireplace, hart wood floors, whole cement basement. Price $3750. Modern bom with garage oa Che meketa St., aa bus line, $3500. Pood terms. . - ,i W. O. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l Realtor Phone 217 PAINTING READING-June, are tOAiT Vfil l KNOU) TUaaT WEBB A HURC5ICAN& . ANt TV4ATIPWB PONT rTEACM lUANl IHTiMt.E 1 a a effJ i WEAW SCA.TbM Vjrx?JC3UT AND 1WE TOO , . KATNEtf AlAHAGETO TAKE VH "THE MAINCAJL LEAVING HERAANDCR; ;nE AND JltfGER- AS SUE MEADS ICR PUAHl - - FOR SALE Houses 50 $2800 Phratahed 4 rooaa heme aad at tie - stairway, targw let aad let of - muv $iow wvb. 31900 S room home, bath. garage, lots of frost, lane lot. soeattoa. ' pavtaw aale. Terms. t $8004 6 room plastered noma, bath, gar age, largo lot, good location. 9 100 dowa. $3800. Modern $ room boa ra low, base men t, faraae, fawplace, garago, sartac oaat front. 86OO dowa. ; $4756 A beautiful bow room English type) home, goad location, prieod to aetU $300 down. KELVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Pawn 6ST ; HOUSES FOR SALE $100 Dowa, $80 per montk iaeL UU wOI any bow ana a room nouses wiia unfiniahed npstalra aad acre of rood aolU $269 Dewa, $40 per m. IaeL tat. will any Beany bow a room Bowae, xirw plsee, kdw. floors, fnU basement, furaaae, garage. Sta. aU paved. Clou to sekaoL Owner sat arte from $5000 to $4500 on tats Xaa homo, a -rooms, trarag. Piae aaat front lot. I $250 Dowa, $40 per m. IaeL int. win , bay aew 5 rooaa house ia N. Saleas. Hdw. floors; fireplace, - wired for electri range. Uaflaiahed , np- 'stair. Fall hasemeat, furaaco, gar- ago. paved St. East treat. This U a barrain at $4200. Niae home on N. Bummer 8t. to trad for su bar ban heme. MONET TO LOAN IN8URANQE RICH. L. REIMANN. Realtor 219 N. High St. Phone 865 OUT OP THE ORDIXART This aew 6-rooa strictly aaodara stueco house and garage, well located lot 60100, largo eheerfuU airy, light rooms, hardwood floors, living nnd din ing rooms, kttchea very pleaeaat and convenient, dandy bath room. Bice fu tures aad your wit wlU surely be pleased with the flreplae aad furnace. A well built, aensibfo house that you would expect to pay $5000 or more for, but if yea come quick, $3,600 takes it on very liberal terms. IDEAL LOCATION, CLOSE IN NORTH. Splendid large S-room strictly mod era home, located where we would all like to live. Priced for a tew days at $6,200. Terms. Not of tea a location and homo' like tkis for sale at any sack price. DELANO DOW 290 N. Church Phone 2880 REAL ESTATE 51 DEESIRABLE ACREAGE. SEE GLENN Adams. Phone 82P12. SUMMER COTTAGE AT NE8KOWIK Fireplace, plumbing, farniahed. Price $1600.00. reasonable terms. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors 134 o. liberty St. Phone 515 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 800 properties listed for ezehaaga. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLT. If yon would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODA Y. See GAS KILL, A EARLE, Realtors 160 3. Liberty Tel. 2242 GENUINE INVESTMENTS All sine timber trscts to trsde for city residences or farm property. 5 room house $2000 5 room house $2400 4 room house $2800 5 room house $3500 4 room house $2500 4 room hens $1400 8 room house $2000 4 room house $2350 6 room house $2900 These are all excellent bays. CAPITOL REALTY CO. 216 N. High 20 A. near Salem, 7 A. berries and frntta. Bldgs., creek, timber equip ment $6000. 18 A. home, good bldgs.. frnit, cows, horn, tools. 86600. rood terms. 42 A. dairy ranch near Salem, bldgs-L frnit llnhu O.r SSSnn imm -: T Nice 6 A. tract close in, $1800, terms. 6 room home. 2 lots, $1750, $250 dowa. 5 room homo, frnit, garage, paved St. $1500, $100 down. PERRINE A MAR8TER3 212 Gray Bldg. BARGAINS IN SMALL ACREAGE 6 acres East, good soil, no improve ments, easy payments $1500. 3 acres near City limits, good loca tioa, H dowa $1300.00. 1 acre oa Highway, 4 room plaster ed honee. easy terms, $2650. 1 acre on Liberty Road, modern home, will trade for City Residence. 5 acres near City limits, Beat, to trade for Salem home. Let ua match your trades. We have the listings. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON U. S. Bank Bldg.. Salem, Ore. POR EXCHANGE Bnainess bldg. on choice corner lot, two store fronts nnd 4 apts. Value $11,000. Will take farm up to $8000 eloee to Salem. Choice 10 acre tract . 7 acres in . bearing fruit. 1 acre good filberts, fine act of bldgs., with wster system, good frnit dryer. Price $6000 or will ex change for Salem home. 11 acre tract, small honse, new barn, good well and creek. 2 ncres of alfalfa. On good road f mile from town and good school. Price $3200. or will take Salem home in even ex change. For Good Buys and Exchangee SEE LEO N. CHILD8 CO., Realtors 820 State Street Phoae 1727 S-room houee In good condition $1350 3 - room modern large rooms fur nace garage paved street. $3400 4- reoss, basement, garage new $2600 4- room ne7 modern in good loca tioa ... .44400 5- room furnace paved street, oa bas lino, splendid little home $3400 5 -room strictly modern in good neighborhood $4300 5- room plastered house, fair condi tion, eloee to school n paved - street $2600 6- roeea strictly modern aew and hard to beat 44750 7 -room plastered fair condition. .$2200 7 room' 4 years eld faraace gar age. Not far nt close to eehool, atore. bus, etc A wonderful homo $4800 BARBER BOND 300 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty -t-BEST BUT IN BUNGALOWS $8500. double constructed, built far a home ia 1927. Owner has moved East to accept peeltioa. mast il at aaemfiect Haa large- living room, t bodieoma. kitchen with all the built las, hardwaod floor;, fall cemeat . base ment furnace, sta. wash trays, lawn aad shrubbery. Paving paid, imme ' dlat poaaeamioa. OTHER GOOD BUYS $3500. - five room bungalow South Salem, that is well worth $3000, terms. ANOTHER ONE for $2300. in North Salam. 4 Rooms, oath, lights, fruit, shrubbery, only $100 down, balance like real. OR A 6 ROOK BUNGALOW for $950. only $100 down, balance $15 per month. See MRS. CLARKE with BECHTEL SEARS 841 Stat St. -Room 4 vt?u aAxy 7 Tn mp IN THE WH iovc ANt AU - C3RCT? Wl.AT tavn KB er-aaa- - A e k - , urn 1 (isa W rfWl LiVvtv, REAL -ESTATE 51 BEAUTIFU TRACTS JOINING KING- wood Park trees and ruar, eity wa ter, electricity H to am a are Terms to aaia Ovaar 3716. . WONDERFUL OPPORf USITY AT- traotiT eenago $i76 wtta b.oo fee tare, v Oak floor. . Decorative in terior staeoe, kitchen baUt-tn. nnd Sellers oaalpped. Thro rooms, bath, aoek. fall wt. Exeelleat location m erty km. OalpU Meoks out. 3180 ad 1164 Third atroet, Waa Salem. GOOD SUBDIVISION PROPERTY Bevoa lose fine east view, aevoa room plaa tared , reside oe, bath, fhroplaoe, is semoa t. frnit, ants ad bmilee on lota. Will sell aU or part. Good area arty t develop at profit. Jolas aew Leelio Junior high grounds. Paving withia -half block. Bee W. O. Con aor. owner, 8ttesmaa office. ATTRACTIVE NEW HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES $2950 New modern A room heeae located at 1679 Medisoa St., pavement ia aad aald. flreplae. oak floors, pleaty f buUt-iaa, immediate pee sasaloa. $150 down, bnlaaco $43 , per moath ta laolad Interest, or ' , wlU take good lot as part pay- aaeat. ' " . j- $2600 Bay an attractive 4 room home. - rar lot, both street paved, ftro- J lace, oak floor, garage. $100 own. balaaee $80 per month ta iaalade tntsisat. $2650 New attractive 4 rooaa home with 3 bocrooma, $260 dowa, balaaee like rent, immediate poo seas ton. $3350 New 4 room modern horn with fall earnest basement, fireplace, fur Baca, laundry trays, oak floors, garage, paved street, $1850 cash, balance Uaiwa Central mortgage to bo assumed. $4300 New attractive 6 room modern home located oa 8. High St., com plete in every way. ready to ocoa py. $500 down, balsuoe easy terns $7000 Modern 5 room homo with large lot and wonderful view overlook ing the eity, located oa Palrmonat Hill, attractive terms, immediate posseaaion. $8500 Modern 7 room home with lot 60x 150, located on Fairmount Hill. This home is complete ia every way and owner will exebange for entailer house. $10,500 Attractive 6 room homo with large grounds, loented nt 910 N. Capitol St. Terms. $12,000 9 room modern home with hot water heat, beautiful grounds. 140x145 feet, located at 610 S. Winter St. If yon want a beau tiful home, do not neglect to see us. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors 134 3. Liberty St. Phono 515 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. PROPERTY TO change for Bel' as City Property, write ltox 128, Statesman. TRADE FOR FURNISHED HOME IN Salem a furnished home in Ashland, facing Leithia Park, value $3800.00. W. 11. Barber, Ashland. TRADES TRADES I have for exchange the following: Nice Salem residence for farm suit able for sheep or general farming. Silverton property for small farm. Small farm for larger. Any of these parties will assume for something paying good income. A. C. Bobrnstedt Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'U St., Salem, Oregon TRADES SIX ROOM HOME South, base ment, furnace. Price $3700. $300 cash. Take closed car for part of exchange for Spokane home. THREE ROOM HOUSE Portland. Prl $1750. Exchanga for email Sa lem house, about same value. VACANT LOT East. Price $1,000. v Exchange for res. to $2,500. VACANT LOT North, frice $525. Take car to value. 26.92 ACRES. 12 miles north of Salem. All under plow. Good 6 room house, barn, garage, poultry houses. Price $4,000. Terms. Want larger place 40 to 80 acres. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Exchange Headquarters" REAL ESTATE Farms 53 540 acres Sheep or Dairy ranch. Seven room house. Large barn. Six milea woven wire fence, five million feet saw timber with buyer waiting. Price $20 per acre with good terms. SALEM REALTY CO. 426 8tato St. SUBURBAN HOME. 3 acres of good land with 3 room house and barn, wall. Prise $2100.00, $100 down, balance $20 per month to include intereat nt 6. MOVE RIGHT IN AND SAVE YOUR RENT. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 INCOME PROPERTY in semi-business district; 2 houses furnished In 6 npts. 4 garecea, lot 100 by 140, easily keep filled. $4500. tonus. 6 rot. modern house in Portland, fine district, furnace, fl.-eplace. tile bath. $5000, will take lota or cheap house in Salem WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175' 8. HlghvSt. Lot' on Fsiraonnt Height, cor., largo enough for 2 bldgs., 3900. 5 rra. cottage, lights, water, garage, pavement paid $2000. Small cottage beautifully located, E. front lot $2000, eaay payments. Cor. lot with email house. large enough for 2 houses $2100, eaay pay- Insurance Loa na GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. For Sale an aetata, 4 room house. 15 large cherry trees, 8 lots, cost front. Price $1650. $1850 buys a aew modern 4 room horn, party leaving for east, garage, woodshed, some terms. $160 an acre for smsll tracts North of SJalem, oa good read, all ia culti vation, good terms, beat of Is ad. . Trade two good houses, in Salem for 40 acre farm, will aeaume sax. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 303 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. tl ACRE FARM SNAP 88500, felly equipped, stock, crop and implement. Pine Urge team, 7 aad 8 year old. 5 good rows. SO haa, mower, rake, blader, drilU 2 wage as, harrow, plows. - ia fact all fans ma chinery. OR $5500 WITHOUT stock, crap aad implements. This Is one f the best farms ia valley. See the crop and be convinced, goo build -iaga, elect rie wster system, located on good gravel road near pawed rood and not tar from town. Will consider part trad p ta $3250. Owner leaving rea son for selling. To see farm see Karl Tucker. BECHTEL SEARS 841 State St. -Rom 4 Good Farm Oar Specialty DtSVlOMD . T AM NOT AFRAlT ! voii UftNfP iai I ! pV roa vou uxw mpwj cruciv BeLWKairtEStt . AND GTJBH ME OMLV MB ARTACHE5 4ND ?C - 8 DCATpI iEAST. IW- eg w W ! ISLAND. VOU THINK MAKE U VCEC6N -yri" REAL ESTATE-r-Farms 53 MASSE Y PARM. 102 ACRES. NEAR Havener. Wiley M. Wllaaa. AAauato Water. 107 Hnmbort SW Portleed. 70 aorea aa good, market road. room bane a. running water, SO acres bottom land, bU aaat are and timber, asil from school, a genuine bargaia at $4600.00. torn. A aew tally modern 6 room Kagllah type aoaa aa xttga atroet, A ceen- rlete aome. East front. Tea will like t whoa ye so it, price $4300.00. $8 acre with a fin complete set of Vaildiags. ia good locatioa. To mast aeo it to appreciate It. Pric $7000. Easy terma. If yea kare aaythiag to trade tell aa about it. Ulrich & Roberts, Realtors 129 N. Com'U Pheae 1834 . REAL ESTATE Sub. 54 $700.00 bays an attractive one-halt acre traet located near city limits North, has good gravel street, city wa ter aad Vs black from paved read. $25 dowa, balance gio per month UK own is WILL BUILD TO SUIT TENANT. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Realtors 184 8. Liberty Sfc Paana 518 TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL C1TT TRANSFER CO. 826 State St. TaU 938. Distributing, far warding and sta rags oar specialty. Get our rates. We Move Store and Ship Household goods! Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make country trips. We handle the best Coal and Wood Call on aa for prices. Wa give good measure, good que lity and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. TeU 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Office 804 South . Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rata paid ia advance. No deduction for ab sence or any causa unlaaa water is shut off your premises. TRAVEL 59 IMPORTANT TIME SCHEDULE CHANGES (Effective June 25. 1928) ' PARKER STAGES. INC. All Stages Lesv Stag terminal at 228 North High Street. DALLAS: 7, 9:10, 11:85 a. m, 1:10, FALLS PcrTY, McMINNVILLE. NEW BERG. TILLAMOOK. FOREST GROVE and Way Points: 9:10 a. m., 1:10, 5:15 p. rfl. INDEPENDENCE. MONMOUTH: 7, 9:10, 11:15 a. m., 8, 5:15 p. m. SILVERTON: 7 a. m., 11 a. m., 3 p. m. BEACH POINTS: 9:10 a. ra., 1:10p.m. 'Includes Manhattan, Rockaway, Gari baldi, Neskewin, Otis, Devil's Lake. Taft. Da Poe, Bay, Nye Beach and Newport. PHONE 696 for further information. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS ElKEB AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 McKay for Used Cars With an O.K. That Counts 1923 Ford Ros.ster, Delivery box $ 65.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan ... 100.00 1928 Overland Touring 95.00 1924 Essex Coach 200.00 1925 Ford Coupe, New Balloon tires ..; 225.00 1926 Ford Roadster. Pick Ud body 225.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 495.00 1925 Chevrolet Coach 875.00 1927 Oldamobile Landau Sedan 775.00 Late 1928 Hupmobils 6 Touring.... 675.00 Ask about our 3 Day Guarantee 430 N. Commercial. TeU 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company TWO PACKARD of the OLDSMOBILE BEST Look I Look! Look! Mr. Used Car Buyer Coo pea. Sedans, Toarings All Kinds All Makes All Prices Fordr -to Packard. $50 to $1900 "Nuf Bed" - Capitol Motors, Inc. BIDDY BISHOP 830 N. High St. Gas, Oil Grease, Storage Washing Open nil Nite Try the New Oldsmobile INTEBlTlT VTKW - CHICAGO. Milwaukee real- dents may sea the tip of the pro jected apparel mart, 75-story Chi cago building, on clear days, says Prof. Henry J. Cox, TJ. S. meteor ologist. Plane call for completion of the- atructure by 1930. By Ed Wheelan hO CAN . Tir U-jt-t-i cahe cncst t ALL ITS FORCE UZU OJT .1 IV TWZ5H" USED CARS For Sals 6 -HARMON. Used Cars of All Kinds . WILLAMETTE AUTO SUPPLY CO. R. K. MACDONALD COTTAOE AND FERRT TELEPHONE 409 i-l ; il i e Treat tke family ta a ale eatiag Over the Fourth: 1927 Nee- special coavertible -Ml Coupe. 10 mentha age thia ear I , . cost 81650 eemnlete O a r 1 price ..$76- 1927 Ferd Rdater. aew tires 830 1936 Ferd Ceape 800 1924 Pordor 81 an with Ruck stall.. 919 1934 Ooapo with aew palat 17 1922 Ooapo Very good en 99 1921 Cape Strom bare aad 8 aew tires TO Valley Motor Company SBvlem MarketB r grain- I No. 1. wheat, white. Red wheat, sacked . OaU, per bu. milling.. tea $1.19 ..$ .66 ... PORK. MUTTON AND BEEP Top hoga $11.00 Sows ..-.OS 0. 06 tfc. Cows 046$ .97 Spring lambs $11.94 Droaaod real . .IT V Dressed bogs , .10 H POTTLTRT Light bees Heavy baas Broilers -14Q.16 23a.8f(i BOOS. BUTTER, BUTTSKFAT Htandards .z - Butterfat .44 1 1 Print butter 45. 46 t , VEGETABLES Beeta. aackea .9 j i New rabbage .04 Potateea 61-36. $1.76. $2.10 Rhubarb, local outdoor .. Onions. Iocs! $3.00 New potatoes $ 3.00 f 4.00 Lettuce, loesl 81.60 , . o - o i C-entrn.1 Market I O -O PRODUCE -ft PORTLAND, Ore.. July 8. (AP). . Milk steady: raw milk (4) 82.25 cwt.. fob Portland. Butterfat 43c station, 44 track, 40c fob Portland. ; . Poultry steady; alive, hens over 4U pounds 22c: 4 to 4 V pounds 16c. 8 tor 4 pounds 15c: 8 pounds snd under 13c; old roosters 10s; broilers 25c; young ducks 18c. Potatoes, quotations on bssts of 106 pound ssck: Yakima netted gems, V. H. No. 1 grade 61.50; combination 90r $1: Oregon Deschutes gems U. 8. No. 1, $1.25; Burbanks 50c (g)$1.00; new pota toes: California garnets, white rove, $2M 2.50. Wool steady, eastern Oregon wools (fob country points) : Choice light shrinking una sow sic pounn; neavier sarinaiag tine 8.Z(tf34c; cross bred wools S6fc 40c: valley, medium 47c; coarse 43c . SAIRT PORTLAND. Ore.. July 3. (AP), Dairy Exchange, net prices: -. Butter .'extras 424c; stsndsrds 42e: prims firsts 41V: firsts 40 He. . ; Errs, sxtrss 81c: firsts 80c: asedi- um extras 27c; medium firsts 2c. ; PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. July 8. (AP). Wheat: BBB. hard white $1.49; i soft white, westera white $1.40; hard wla-i ter, northern spring, western red $11.31. t Osts, No. 2, 86 pound white feed $40.j Barley, Mo. Z. 43 pound U. W., fan. Corn, No. 2. E. Y. shipment $44.50. Millrua, standard $38. I HAT PORTLAND. Ore., July 3. (AP). t PORTLAND. Ore.. Jaly 2. ( AP). i Hay buying prices: Eastern Oreeon tim othy $2l(ei21.50: ditto valley $lgl8.-f 50; alfalfa SISM lg.Str? oat hay 815.50' 16; straw $8.50 per tea. Belling prices $2 s ton more. i LIVESTOCK ' PORTLAND. Or.. Jaly 8. (P). ' Cattle and calves steady. Reoalpta none.- Steers, 110U to 1300 pounds, good gil. to $1.2; do. 950 to 1100 pounds, good.1 $11.25 to $12; do. 800 lbs., snd up.! mediums 310 to 611; do. common 88.50 to 810; heifers, 850 ponnds down, good $10. to $10.50; do. common to medium 88.50- to $10; cows good $8.75 to $9.60; -e., common to medium. 86.75 to $8.76; do., i low cutters $5 to $6W5; bolls, yearlings excluded, good beef $7 to $7.75;! do.,! cutter to medium $6.50 to $7; calves, 500 pounds down, medium to choice, $8.59 to 810.50; vealers. milk fed. good to choice, $13 to $14; do. medium $11 to ' $18; Co. cull to common $7.60 to $11. .1 Hogs; receipts none. .. Hesvyweight. 250 to 350 Bounds, me dium to choice $e.60 to $11.50; medium weight, 200 to 250 pounde. medium to choice $10.50 to $11.75; light weight 16 to 200 ponnds. medium to choice $11.34 to $.13; light lights, 180 to 160 peeads. medium to choice $10.50 to $11.56; park ing sows, rooga snd smooth, $8 to $9.59; slaughter pigs, 90 to 130 poattds, medium to choice. $9.50 to $10.50: feeder and stocker pigs. $0 to 130 pounds, medium to choke $0 to $9.75. Sheep and lambs, steady, receipts, 905. i . i Lambs. 84 oonada dowa. rood to ehlii $11.50 te $11; $. 92 panada dowa, me diant $10 to $11.50; do. alt weights, rati io common, ta a 10; yserttag wethers, 110 pounds .own, mediant to ehoiee $7' to $8.50; ewee. 120 pounds dowa. aeedi- um to choice $4 to $5; do. 120 to 15 ponnds, medium te choice $4 to $4.54 do. nil weights, call to commoa, $2 to $$. CHTOAOO GRAIN ! ! ' CHICAGO, July 8. (AP). Faced Sp pane ia Earonaa demaad. toxether with report of harvest progress in N. breaks as well aa Kansas, wheal eamaa hero averaged lower today. Rasaia peered te have stopped baying - for at a me time oeing. CtMiBr aricee an wheat war. lar e net lower to 3 8e advance. Cora finished He to 24e up and eats at 1-3' A a . aa, .. far o-oc gain. , - I 5 EDUCATION WINS PRAISE War Mmy Be Kliminated By Imrui of It, Spe-ker Bars ; MINNEAPOLIS. Jaly 2. (Apjf Education should produce tatel ligent patriotism and pars thi way for aroidid-c war, Daniel U Marsh, president of Boston -nt-ersity, told the NaUonal Edncki. tlooal association, at its conreft tlon tonight. A speaker at the second Reaeral aseemblr. Dr. Marsh said the ris tnc, generation sboald be taacht causes of war, beat Ways of srroldk Ins; It when disputes arise j and enltlratton ' of nnderstandldnie and good will as means of U llshlnK permanent peacel ' : Education assumes aa Import ant function tn shapinc wot) 1 destinies, because efforts to male war "humane" by International covenants governing use of gal and "Other wartime weapons ars futile, said Dr. Marsh. . . w a . ' Iowa Tonu sdoee ; '. ' ' r . DES MOINES. Iowa Iowa haj been visited by an arerace of te i tornadoes a year for the last te i years, says the state weather ac 1 crop bureau,' but most of the: were inslsnlflcant,