The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1928, Page 14, Image 14

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: , Jill MEDICI PlU
Movement Launched to Pro
vide Better Care Follow
ing Accidents
WASHINGTON, D. C. June 23.
The movement recently started
by the American Automobile as
sociation (or a higher standard of
hospital treatment for the victims
of automobile accidents received
today the whole-hearted indorse
ment of the American College of
The Indorsement of the College
of Surgeons, which consists of
8.000 of the leading surgeons of
the United States. Canada and La
tin America, took the form of a
letter from Dr. Franklin H. Mar-
New Executives of Dodge Brother
xtr . v r
Mr. Krohn has been appointed Director of Senior. Six
sates by Dodge Brothers, Inc. He was, for nearly 18 years,
general sales manager of the Paige-Detroit Motor Co., hav
ing charge of domestic and foreign branches of that company.
In the reorganization of 1926.-Mr. Krohn was made vice
tin. director general of the col-j president. He assumed his duties with Dodge Brothers,
inc., A prtl 1.
Mr. Glasson has been appointed Sales Promotion Man
ager for Dodge Brothers, Inc. He comes to Dodge Brothers,
Inc after eight years experience in the automotive industry,
resigning as vice-president of Cram's Automotive Reports
to accept his present position.
lege, to Thos. P. Henry president
of the American Automobile asso
ciation. Dr. Martin pointed out that the
Interest of the world's largest mo
tor federation In the question of
"safety afterwarda" would mater
ially aid in mobilising public sen
timent around what the College
of Surgeons Is doing to put into
effect "a minimum standard of ef
ficiency with which all hospitals
and surgeons should comply.
He suggested that the A.A.A.
utilize for the information of mo
torists the list of hospitals in the
United States and Canada approv
ed by the College of Surgeon
This list includes over 90 per cent
of the hospitals In the United
States and Canada with a capacity
of 100 beds or over,
Dr. Martin's letter to President
Henry follows:
"My attention has been drawn
to a recent article in the public
press, entitled Better Care of Au
to Victims, wherein the . Interest
of your great organization in the
treatment of the Injured is ex
pressed. Inpemuch as you have
cited the findings of our Research
Group of the Board on Traumatic
Surgery, and as our college is ac
tively engaged on this very sub
ject of Improvement in the, care
of the Injured, It seems appropri
ate to make a brief statement con-
j, cerning the college, and its aim in
this particular direction.
"The American College of Sur-
t geons is4 an organization of over
-1 8.000 of the leading surgeons of
the United States, Canada and La-
f tin America. Their organized ef-j
fort to improve bcepitals and sur-
t gical service was begun over 10
years ago. Their initial step was
: ' the formulation of a minimum
r standard of efficiency with which
i all hospitals and surgeons should
comply. Over 90 per cent of all
i hospitals in the United States and
- Canada, with a capacity of 100
I beds' and over, are now comply-
lrtT with this minimum standard
- and are upon the approved list of
I the college; and a constantly ln-
cising number of the smaller
- hospitals are complying and are
approved as rapidly as the facts
Justify. ,In brief summary, the
'practical results which are rec
ognized over the entire J ho:
? world are:
"a. The shortening of the aver
. age days stay of patients in hos-
, pitals
"b. The lowering of the hcfpital
deith rate
"c. The elimination of unneces
sary and incompetent surgery.
"Many of the changed condi
tions In our modern, high-geared
i Ufe, center around motor cars. The
frequency of accidents requiring
emergency treatment is increas
jf. fng. and many of these are In our
. rural districts. In many instances
i for want of immediate adequate
hospital ard surgiral service, on
J dne disabilities and deatbn result
The American College of Surgeons
is taking the "lead in providing
' ethical and scientific hospital and
surgical service for those meeting
with accidents of any nature, and
, ao far as Is possible regardless of
i "The better minds in aurgery
are being brought to bear upon
t this subject and the best approv
f ed modern . methods of treatment
: are being introduced into the hos-
i pitals, and a knowledge of them
: disseminated throughout the sur
gical profession. Medical schools
; are being Induced to place more
y emphasis. In the education of their
I students, upon the treatment of
; the injured.
"The American Railway aesoct
atlon has Instructed their sur
geons to utilize the hospitals ap
proved by the American College of
Surgeons where practicable. For
the same reasons might It not be
advantageous if you should util
ize the approved list of hospitals
In the United States and Canada
for the information of your tour
ists. "With full appreciation of your
valuable co-operation in eervice
to the great number of those in-
fuels ram
Group of Research Scientists
Have Worked Five Years
on Improvement
of the motorists who drive up to
a filling station lor "five gallons
of gas" know that behind the
scenes in Washington a little
group of research scientists has
been working for five years to give
them better fuel and more effl
clent motor performance.
Oil refiners desire to produce
improved motor fuel and automo
bile engine manufacturers endea
vor to utilize most effectively the
available gasolines. With these ob
jects in view, the American Petro
leum Institute and the National
Automobile chamber of commerce,
through the society of Automotive
Engineer, have been cooperating
with the bureau of Standards In
joint research program. The
work Is still under way, and only
the occasional "progress reports"
The Best Money Can bay at
Reasonable Price
J. IV. Copsland
Lumber Yards
- ..... . .- .,t .
West Salem Telephone 576
Dependably Serrirqr The
Lumber Consumer
Brandenburg, general manager of
the Oregon State Motor associa-1 that appear ln the techIca Prs
. , . i give hints of the achievements.
tion. "Had the procession from ,,,. . , . , . . .
i Finished problems include an in
country to city, continued, there' estlgation of economic fuel vola-
would have been more urban un-jtillty, which determined what
employment, scarcity of food ;rade of gasoline would afford the
bringing higher prices, decreased greatest mileage per barrel of
wages and poibly an industrial' "uuc WB" uaea inai
economy of petroleum resources
'With those thoughts In mind.: orm. r,,.ii.u k...
or tL AmerUn rfi? f f!l the Ta,Ue of motr ca" and odj Jcal limit was set by the dilution
of the American College of Sur-roadl, ran h -Mtn.. I ,f v m a w
aeons i ' - - - H . , v.muawuov uu t.uv uhuluiij
a ' IamamImII I. . V. A 1 ' - . . . ... . ...
cmcuiij m iuo rtui uweBi, wuere. ji starting witn neavy fuels, es-
popuiation is wmeiy scattered." pecially in cold weather
Next came the qeustion of craak-
Naturalized citizens of the TTnit-icase n dilution. The research
ed States who desire to motor ,'Iifib ,Uff was able to fulate operat-
r. - . . v.. .k.i. fine Instructions for mlnimizinc
VtnT NbAK I UWNblcitlzenship papers with them when illation with a given engine and
(Contnlued from page 11) 'they make application at the
power; plant taction, are study
ing three mala problems -measurement
of fuel volatility, engine
acceleration and measurement of
anti-knock value. '
Since gasolines are mixtures df
hydrocarbons, rather than definite
compounds, like benslne or alcohol.
they hare boiling ranges father
than boiling points and are identi
fied by means of - distillation
curves which show the tempera
tures required to vaporize defin
ite amount under specified con
ditions. These temperatures are
much better than those required
to vaporize the same gasolines
when mixed with air ln the auto
mobile engine manifold. The re
search staff first devised appara
tus for vaporizing gasoline under
engine conditions, and aa a result
of measurements on a wide var
iety of fuels with this equipment
has found that the desired vola
tility data can be computed from
the usual llatlllatlon curves.
A novel accelerometer, capable
of recording the effect on engine
speed of individual explosions, is
being used to find the relative In
fluence of temperature and fnel
volatility on the acceleration per
formance of a typical passenger
car engine.
Although the tendency of mo
tor fuel to knock, or deonate, con
cerns the motorist as much as its
volatility, no simple laboratory
test for anti-knock value has yet
been discovered. Actual engine
teste are required at present, and
the immediate objective is the de
velopment and general adoption
of a suitable standard test equipment.
Production Speeded Up to
Fill Orders; Unusual High
Production of the new Willys-
Knight Standard Six line of motor
cars has been speeded up mater
ially during the past few weeks
and will be continued at high pro
duction, according to officials of
the Willys-Overland company.
This has been necessitated by a
continually growing demand for;
these Knight englned sixes which
round out th company's croup of
Willys-Knight cars.
The Willys-Knight Standard six
made its appearance a few months
axo and immediately won a con
spicuous position among the sixes
In its price classification. After
hundreds of these models had been
placed in the hands of owners.
there was a noticeable increase in
the demand for the Standard Six
which Willys-Overland merchants
attribute to the outstanding per
formance of the car, together with
its introduction ln the lowest price
range ever reached by a Willys-
Knight car.
In power and speed accomplish
ments the Willys-Knight Standard
Six Is said to set a new high atan-
a parity with the Willys-Knight
sleeve valve engines employed in
the tw ohigher priced aeries of
Willys-Knight sixes. e-
The Standard Six ln nearjf ev
ery respect retains the same char
acteristics of design, performance
and appearance as featured In the
Wlllys-Knight special six and the
Great Six. and gives the company
complete coverage la the Willys
Knight disvislon.
This Knight englned model is
marked by smart body lines with
numerous innovations ln interior
appointments. The rich upholstery
employed ln the Standard Six
blends perfectly with the striking
color combinations of the exterior.
The price of milk ln La Grande
which ha been 10 cents for many
dard of performance while the
quiet and smooth operation of Its years, will be increased to 1
six cylinder power plant ranks oncents a quart, effective' August 1.
Director General.
I Canadian port of entry, according
pendent upon farm production for to the Oregon State Motor asso-
thelr existence," says Geo. O. elation.
At present the experts, under
Site direction of H. K. Cummings
chief "of the bureau's automotive
KINSTON, N. C. When Captain
Frank Rhem was convicted of
flogging prisoners In a convict
camp and fined $1. a hundred clt
izens of Lenoir county gave a cent
each to pay the fine.
PORTLAND. June 28. ( AP)
Jimmy Rlnehart plans to make his
endurance flight from Seaside to
morrow. He postponed It today on
iccount of the weather.
11 1 1 rW-tH ZjML.
r aT m 5"T2 LT.L LJtl
Be Sure of Happy . . . Healthful Holidays at Little Cost!
m t
Often Seenhut Seldom Bossed
, Many times on many highways
you will glimpse the red Indian
head that identifies a Pontiac Six
from the rear. Sometime you will
find a man at the wheel who shows
that he's headed for distant points.
Follow him hour after hour, all
day long. Follow him, that is, if
your car wUl stand the pace.
When you do you will witness a
marvelous exhibition of high
speed endurance. You will see
the Pontiac Six reeling off the
miles, topping the hills with ease,
sprinting past car after car. And
if you can have it checked from
radiator to fail-light at its destina
tion, you will find It none tho
worse for hard driving, no matter
how strenuous the trip.
The Pontiac Six is built for just
such a test as that. That's why
it's often seen on the road but
very seldom passed!
Sl(Ui iaiiM iiiZ ZZii 'Xr . ." ? w"a AU-AswHcas
minimum rata.
Payment Plan avallabU at
AFTER a year of "grinding" in school or home or
XJLofEce, what better road to renewed energy
than campings? You deserve this ood time . . . the
relaxation arid tbrgetfulness of camp, where all youH
have to think about will be "Hey When do we
cat. . V So get your outfit now. . .there's lots of fun
in plarming, and more in "getting". ..Why say your
nerves wilj start unwinding the minute you begin
a-wondering where to go . . I
Our Selections are Wide we won't attempt to describe everrtnlac
bete... Just list a few et the many nctxmttiru
H ftjguaranteed. that youll save on at may
Be Sun of Your lira.,,
Western Auto" Tires
Help make Successful Trips
Oar i
coed ttoca an
i mislirr autvrtaU- Mm in.
maL tla
Western Gsax BsJIooot
30540 BaBa WMwmm . .
31x5X0 Balloon waftpm .
AU other abes stopordonatelr W...Sta
ilar taVtara eo W astern Otaat Cords.
addttioa. tLfw fell standard wtlsj tteca...
bwkadbreor 150 Star Service mt far lowet
fsrlcea tnaa circs of aqual qua!? wlH coat Jom
latirfaara, . ..
Wesxvsrtll BaUooos .
30x4.50 BatUosu . . . 7J5
30aAOO Bsttasny fcaWni . 9JS
31x5X0 Balloon vaMM . 935
FOR savings and satisfaction on your camping
needs, go to "Camp Equipment Headquarters ..."
Western Auto,,.where you benefit by our years of
experience in outfitting campers and tourists with all
they need for greater comfort, convenience, safety
and pleasure. ..and where you share the savings we
make possible by quantity purchasing to meet the
needs of our more than 150 conveniently located
"Western Auto" Tents
are selected for qualiry and practicability . . . and
eaac of erection. i
Anto Teats... 7x7... waterproof SI 0.85
Uaabrclla Style Tents . . . aeveral abea
$2535 to $41-85
AH Steel Folding Camp Beds
... hold two In comfort . $7.95 aad $10lS5
Folding Caaap Cott, caaraa corers...
$U9S aad $335
Twkitf' Msltiuniti... double abe, water,
proof outside aovcring ... . . $7.95
... as IDnstrated . .
Splendid cooker
and folds coaaoacrff
Otherwell Icnown
etc. foe four
pacdf la tare kettle
ttorn$9aa4 $12.50
Pots, pans, cape
Heces neat com
S.95 and $835
Vacuum Bottles aad Thermal Jugs
...all guaranteed...
Bottles .. . plat aad
quart abes.
Gafloa Jags...
$1.95 to $3-45
Casnp Axes. . .
" $1
135 aad $135
$135 aad $2.15
Lufipse Carriers... faetxa on nnmin.
board, aad hold a world of coutpcaeac ; . .
34av, CW Uah, fee JZlC&S
watat . . . . $335 to $4.95
-Von tha ISO 8irc3 la &sV&si'
Test Your Battery Before
You Start
...offer rev. savings and dependable power,
with guarantee that is backed by service
wherever you go la the west ... at airy of
saore than 150 coavenkatrt located stores.
These "better bailcfor better aerriccwce-plecs
robber cast batteries have extra heavylone
usdrtg pans throughout, and arc guaranteed
fat 18 sasotha (Special for one yearX $-
AH aiata. YSTall cars. 75
v : ahrars In acock ...Price . ,v . I
f 1 .
"or those to whom Vi
tloa aaeana greens and
aags and fairways... toe Zi
dick of club and baQ.M lXLc
aad whaataa etreaka of, PS
white, we say "well chosen" and ftn
ite yoa to oar Oolf Dpartaaent
whet yonllflad aluyaat pleasing
prices luau.iu you taar need, he Its single
ball . .. dub.. .or that ncwouta youVe been
panning on. At"Westera Aaao'youH aad
Margrtgua clubs, "Nee" bags. Colonel, SSet
auag, Long Flash aad PlarrJC balls ... aad
sasay other favorites .. .
Coraer Conrt aad Consl
Tel. 790
... Taf aft of Totsr
Crr; -s too ... hoavy
loaea aad hills do
taaad thia safcty pre.
cattdoa . Weececa
AnaysNs eacbuaa
lining w4Q provide
lasctaa ocoaooaical
VICE BROS., Salem, Oregon
Byerty afoter Co.,
Aiaaar. Orafaa; Benton Motor Co. Inc.. OorraUla.
SUTorton. Ororoa: rrod T. anV a.i 7T. V. 21JT-,rr "M9r
an"rn:nH,nr7 " Oragwa ; T. D. PeJatray, Iodtpondo'aco, Orocon T'tL
Miller. Aarora. Oregon; K. J, Arnold, afonaoata. Orogon; Tol.d. Sapor Service StaUoa, loVodo' OrogoaL
i back of
Cold Seat Buich
Are Guaranteed
Your Buick dealer's refutation is worth far more
td him than the profit on any used car transaction.
He is the head of an established business. He cx
pects bis business to grow steadily, year after year.
' He knows that to get more business, he must
-continue to please his present customers.
He carries a representative stock of used cars in
cluding both used Buicks and cars of other makes.
He offers you your choice of many makes and
; models, covering practically every price range.
you can ask his honest opinion of any car in stock
an receive an honest answer. He wants you to bet
1 atned wih the purchase you make because he
waF v ou a or new car customer.
;YoVre sure of a square deal when you buy from
I the Buick dealer. He knows that it is good business
. to stand back of the used car he sells you.
wlEv. ' . - . - Telephone 220
j. WHEN BETTER AUTOMflftll ARE BUILT.. .BUick W. Hcitn Tr4,
! ?
'V '"- - - w
- . . , . . tr . . . It