The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    It Will Pay Every Resident Within Twenty Miles of Salem to Attend the Annual Bargain Day Here Friday; Unprecedented Offers
Capitol Post of the American Legion Has Decided by Unanimous Vote to Invite the 1929 State Convention to Come to Th is City
" Weather forecast: Generally cloudy with
showers on the coast; continued mild; nor-
; mVl himidity; moderate west and south
west winds oa the coast. Maximum tem
perature yesterday 7, minimum 52, river
-1.1, rainfall none, atmosphere cloudy,
wind southwest.
Why be bald after forty, asks a recent
newspaper ad. That's what a lot of us
older boys would like to find out.
About the only time a lot of fellows
show their religion is when somebody else
makes slighting remarks about their
Board Declines to Take Vote
Until Full Membership in
Cost Per rupil to Build Shop
Small, But Instruction Cost
Higher Than Academic
Course; Little Discussion
The Salem high school ante
"fcechanics course, for which 57
boys hare already enrolled for
the coming school year, is appar
ently as much up in the air as it
was. two weeks ago when the
school board requested "some
-thing definite and more than
-'plans for four walls," on the
proposition. That despite the fact
the required report was rendered
at considerable length at the
board meeting last night,
E. F. Bergman, .head of the
machine shop at the school out
lined to the members the defin
ite course which he believes
should be offered in the shop.
Few Questions Asked
Following his report, for which
, the directors had been so insis
tent at previous meetings, few
f e questions were asked. The cost per
J pupil was queried, with the sub
sequent discussion grinding out
the information that "the cost per
pupil of construction is much
lower than for the regular srhoo'
classes, nut the instructional cost
jjr good instructor is higher
thaa for the academic course."
After hearing the report, the
N?ard. upon motion of Director
W, agreed to let tbw-matter
Afr until a snHaI mfHn
2. inonaaj evening, juiy o, wnen a
tTNL, . special effort will be made to have
an jnemDers presenu ine Doara
diT' not deem it advisable to act
fi upon so importance mailer win-
1 out a full table.
Cost Not Excessive
1..$ Mr. Bergman estimated the cost
of construction of the additional
shed for the auto mechanics
course at 11600, and cost of tools
and equipment as $900 or-a total
outlay of $2..00 for approximately
6? pupils. The construction fig-
res, it was pointed out later.
reasonable enough. The
machine shop head thought a sa
tisfactory instructor could be ob
tained for between $1600 and $1,
00, considerably more than the
academic teacher costs the dis
trict. The auto Instructor would
give his full time to the course
conducting four classes of an hour
and a half duration.
In his outline of the course.
Bergman submitted the following
(Con tinned on psr 4)
Thousands of Oat of Town Bayers
to be Drawn Here by Bar
gain Day
Not only has the list of Salem
business firms narticinatinr In th
.annual bargain day program been per montn- considerably less than
swelled to 66, but the proprietors he ls now receiving. Two prac
of these firms are determined to! t,ccs a we"k wU1 be stipulated.
.make this bargain day, which' Mr Tnayer ""hose son will en
comes on Friday, June 29. the big-' ler W511arae university next
-tt in nnmK.. , - fall and who for that reason is
harrains and tPt nf rnMt.
of any of the 11 bargain days betd Salem- has been reeom
in this city ' . , mended here and his record in
Profits in the retail trade MonUna promises the Salem high
Tint so mnh In lr-.
thoA merchants ronlt-a In V. A
nirfiiv with whK ,-v-
disposed of and replaced; and
that is one of the reasons that the
annual bargain day is held. , wwuas 8
It is not the principal reason. that ls Pprectated b? Parent
however;, that Is to impress upon ... .
residents of the Salem trading die- ZEPPELIN PLANS FIXED
tricfcrlhst this is the city where' 1
thetrv shopping can be done more Airship to be Flown 10,000 Miles
rpjy -and more conveniently; t T.on nrh. Cal.
Xl4Ie where: and to that end
they have pared prices to remark
ably, low levels, to remind these
c.fomrs that the everyday
prices, too. are remarkably low.
Hundreds of out of tn
Have. ired keT. "
- teTtion of attending bargain sday!
; here thin year, and not only visit-1111 CM wa coni1Deo- -ing
the stores but attending the,bleT,im from 1r- Eckenef reeelred
entertainment attractions that wlUtf- officials of the Pacific South-
be available despite the fact that'west xpoaltlon today, i 5 -1
ao special , en tertalnment program f Exposition officials havegnar
; , iaa beea provided. The first of supply for the hlp
the summer band concerts is one'nl arrangements have been com-
., . of the-attractions In which they! Pleted -with naval-authorities to
r. ;ir uiierestea.
:'. Following are the firms, that are
V cooperating la the annaal event,
Mayor's Ruling to be Enforced,
Police Say; No Shooting;
Until 4th
Boom! Bang. The battle of Sa
lem is on again.
The intrepid heroes to whom
patriotism is synonymous with
noise are at it again, and have al
ready indicated that it is their
pnrpose to make the Fourth of
July last nine days instead of one,
Mayor T. A. Livesley's proclama
tion and police orders to the con
trary notwithstanding.
Firecrackers of varying sizes
and sounds, skyrockets, roman
candles and all the good old har
bingers of the Glorious and Death
Dealing Fourth were placed on
sale in certain Salem stores Tues
day in defiance of the mayor's an
nouncement that sale of these ar
ticles would not be permitted un
til Thursday, June 28.
And. as in the past, as soon as
these articles were made avail
able the premature celebration
started. Banging firecrackers
were heard in many parte of the
city Tuesday night, and such cit
izens of Salem as are peace lov
ing decided that they were in for
the usual nine days' nuisance.
However, it was stated at the
police station that the mayor's in
structions would be adhered to
and that any cases of sale of fire
works today, or of shooting fire
works prior to Independence day,
would be dealt with as provided in
the city's ordinance on the sub
Firt Unit to Cost Two and Half
Million Dollars
PORTLAND. June 26 (AP)
The establishment of a new in
dustry which will convert saw
mill waste into Insulating board
is being projected in the St. Hel
ens district of the lower Colum
bia .region. Announcement was
made today by the Fir-Tex InsuV
ating Board Company of Oregon
corporation. The' "first "unit .will
cost $2,500,000, it was said. Ac
cording to present expectations,
construction will begin in six
treeks; and the plant will b
in operation within 10 months
from that date. The plant " will
employ 225 men.
The incorporators are all Ore
gon men. H. F. McCormick, Port
land, is president; Other officers
are, A. F. Millington, vice presi
dent and general manager; C. A.
Millington. superintendent and
Tom G. Taylor, secretary-treasurer.
The product is made from
slabs, sidings and similar mill
waste, chipped into bits, soaked
and" shredded, and then, as a pulp,
rolled into boards which can be
cut to any desired length. The in
tention of the company is to make
two kinds of material, one for
build ng purposes and the other
for insulation.
School Board Authorizes
of Helena Man
The Salem high school, after
letting its band undergo a state
more or less bordering on coma,
is again to have a chance to bring
forth a peppy musical organiza
tion. The school board at its meet
ing last ailght authorized the city
superintendent to seek a contract
with O. P. Thayer, bandmaster of
Helena. Mont., as bandmaster of
the local school at a figure of $60
particularly anxious to locate in
w" BWI uc " l" uuu UIi
Thayer not only has made an
his band
w.or Is "!d b Ft"!
LONG BEACH. Cal., June 26.
(AP) Definite assurance that
Pr;t Ton Eckener noted Zep-
Pn ounaer. nas compietea pians
for a 10.000 mile nonstop flight
from iedrichshafen. Germany, to
nanaie tne erart. Tne exact time
ihe night will sUrt has not been
divulged by Dr.- Eckeaer.
Cirt ftffifial Ronnrt IccilPrl
' T . '
by Government at nOme
Thie Unrninn
Motor Attendant Crushed to Death
Against Polar Ice as Ship's
Gondola Ripped Away in
Tragic Accident
ROME. June 27. (AP) In
the opinion of General Nobile the
dirigible Italia caught fire short
ly after It was blown away after
one of the gondolas was torn off
the airship, says the official com
munique issued by the Italian gov
ernment through the Stefani news
agency this (Wednesday) morn
Nobile said that after the dirig
ible in crashing against the ice
cap had ripped off the gondola It
drifted away and a little later No
bile and the group with him saw
a small column of smoke several
miles away.
Nobile thought that this prob
ably was due to a gasoline or oil
tank catching fire.
Vincenzo Pomela, motor atten
dant, who was in the stern gon
dola, was crushed to death against
the ice. His body was buried in
the arctic by Nobile and his com
(Copyright 1028 By the A. P.)
KINGS BAY. Spitxbergen, June
J6. (AP) Milder weather with
out wind brought fog to the arc-
tie, and again today tied up the
rescue and search work of the avi
ator and mariners who are trying
to save survivors of the Nobile
expedition and to discover the
whereabouts of Roald Amundsen's
rescue plane.
The milder weather however, is
making for better ice conditions.
As soon as the fog blanket lifts,
the ships will be able to work
closer to the six men marooned
near Foyne isiana. me oase snip
of the Nobile expedition, the Citta
di Milano, may shirt her position
to the north entrance of Hinlopen
strait next week. She will then be
so close to the red silk tent where
Nobile's group and a Swedish av
iator are awaiting further succor
( Cin tinned on page 8.)
Roundabout Report Has Explorer
Stalled Upon Ice Floe
, LONDON. June 26 (AP) A
dispatch from Copenhagen to the
Exchange Telegraph Bays that
Peter Frauchen has wired the
newspaper Politiken an uncon
firmed rumor that a fishing boat
met a seal hunter who claims he
saw Roald Amundsen and party
repairing their hydro-airplane on
an ice floe southeast of Spitsbergen.
Houston Throws Its Gates Wide For Democracy's Throng
' : -
l r
Hospitality as lavish as lf Houston- were a more seasoned entertainer of national nolitical rathrfnt Kc. k i2 -iw t
the democratic national convention
at the left: a view of the canal
ivivvui aa sw. a aim j va vt iuu
Regents Insist His Expose of Fake
Schemes Had Nothing to do
With It
XORVALLIS. June 26. (AP)
The resignation of Charles E.
.Newton, dean of the school of
j mines of Oregon State college, was
requested by the board ol regents
of the college, and his removal
was made on the grounds that his
"conduct on the campus was in- Miss Ethyl Kaser, were freed of
compatible with the high etand- murder charges,
ards insisted upon at this institu- Unable, eo a deputy district at
tion." torney told the court, to round un
This announcement was made
here tonight by Dr. J. K. Weather-
ford, president or the board, " the two women, the prosecutor,
followed publication of a resolu- asked that the charges be dismiss
tion by the board of directors of e(j The accused pair walked
the Eastern Oregon Mining asso- trom the municipal courtroom
elation condemning Dean New- freed.
ton's removal Detail of the cir-; WUh u wjuj
cumstances of removal had not nounced that two remaining ma
previously been made public Dr. tnM witnes who also had
Weatherford said, as he college bepn neld ,n Ja, had beeQ freed
had and has now no desire to ey were Mn MaHan Harrig
prejudice his (Newton s) future. ,known under geTeral g.nce
President Weatherford's state- ner arrival here from Oklahoma
ment follows: iCity. whose arrest followed the
"Request for Dean Newton's finding by police that she had
resignation was made by the board been an intimate friend of the
of regents following a detailed accused 29 year old widow of the
hearing of the case at which the former wealthy druggist, and
dean was present. Earl Parker, one time close ac-
"The action of the board was quaintance of Mrs. Glab.
taken solely on the basis of per-j Inability of the police to find
sonal and administrative conduct the 32-20 calibre revolver from
on the campus, which the board ; which Issued the death bullet on
deemed Incompatible with the the night of June 18. was given as
high standards insisted upon at the principal reason for the dls
this institution." j trict attorney's decision not to at-
The Eastern Oregon Mining as-j tempt prosecution of Mrs. Glab
sociation had charged that the &nd her 17 year old niece who
dean's removal resulted from his was visiting at the Glab home
exposure of alleged tin and plati- from Oklahoma City',
num discoveries in outhern Ore-j From the tme that Glad died
gon. Dr. Weatherford indicated from the gUMhot WOund. fired as
lUJB pnaee 01 me case iiu uui,
been considered by the regents.
"tiin TraM unmpifY shot
Murderer Used Machine Gun Car-
ried in Automobile; Color
ful Career Closed
CHICAGO. June 26. (AP)
"Big Tim" Murphy, Chicago labor
leader sas shrtt and killed nf his
nome n the exclusive Roger8 Park
d!3trict tonieht bv assailants who
!attacked him with machine guns.
An aut0mobile parked on a side
1 street a few hundred yarde away
it- -I f lomna rr, the
, . , , . .
labor leader as he stepped from
. . . T ,, ...ii,-,,
the basement doorway, his silhou-
ette reflected
by the basement
In response to a
call "Who's
there." Big Tim was answered by
the rat-a-tat-tat of a machine gun.
He fell Into the areaway, his
. . , , , . .
brother-in-law siezing his body
.and dragging it into the bungalow
'dining room. j
The former labor leader, re-
leased from the federal prison at
Leavenworth about a year ago, re-
tiirnpd here and nnnonnced he was
through with all "racketeering"!
and professed to lead a commer
cial life, dealing mostly in real
Murphy was convicted of com
plicity in the $100,000 Dearborn
l -.'n't tin par )
which opened yesterday. Above are
which links the city with the Gulf
Los Angeles Authorities Chalk Up
Another Failure to Run
Down Murderer
(AP). The John I. Glab killing
case was relegated, at least tem
porarily, to the police realm of
unsolved crimes today when his
widowed bride of five months.
' Mrs. Hazel I. Glab, and her niece.
sufficient evidence on which to
warrant a preliminary hearing of
ht. -votlt t pnf.r .utn-
mobile in front of his rather
elaborate Van Nuys estate In the
San Fernando ' valley north of
here, nntil police found them
selves apparently In a blind alley,
a maze of rumors, clews and
theories served farther to com
plicate the case. - 5
Mrs. dab's arrest, police said,
was based principally on the
statement of a neighbor that she
saw a woman dressed In white
(Coatinard on pc 6.)
Canital Post, to Invite IxMrion
Here fop 192J Meet j
t i
P' ,9 i
f American Legion will go to
Medford on August 2. 3. 4 in-
structed to use every effort In,
, . . .
securing the 1929 convention fort
. . ... i
. , ' , ,
a previous action of the local or-j
ganlzation and was firmly reiter-j
ated last night at the post meeting i
was placed on the table indefi-
The glee club of the Legion aux-
iarr mrnisnea me entertainment
at JJ6 meeting and sang a group
ofthree songs. Miss Roberta
Morton gave two delightful ac-
cordion solos. One selection by I
the club was the contest number
which will be used at Medford.
All of the musical numbers were
exceptionally well given and
heartily appreciated by the Le
gionnaires. views which trreetedLtha visit on-
coast; the monument (lower right)
Jsx ''1
I & hss, esssa.sBssa.isM
6. 0. P. SUBJECT
Challenge Hurled at Republi
can Administration by
Crowds Cheer Wildly as Voters
Called Upon to Blake Room
By Ousting Present Politi
cal Machinery
Associated Press Staff Writer
ton, Texas, June 26. (AP) A
stormy challenge by the national
democracy to the republican
presidential ticket and platform
not yet two weeks old, went roar
ing out over the radio and tele
graph tonight as notice to the
world that the party of Jefferson
and Old Hickory would enter the
November lists' with blood in its
Claude G. Bowers of New York,
temporary chairman and carefully
selected keynote speaker, touched
off a veritable powder keg of dem
ocratic enthusiasm. He tore mer
cilessly at the record of the two
republican administrations, those
of Harding and Coolidgo, to sweep
his auditors in the crowded pavil
ion into outbursts of applause as
he went down the line on the oil
scandals, farm legislation, "fake
(Cob tinned en pf 6.)
Numerous Possibilities Mentioned
For Second Place on Na
tional Ticket
Associated Press Staff Writer
HOUSTON, Texas. June 26.
(AP) The convention thrust its
shadow over the vice presidential
moon today and sent it into a
temporary eclipse while hundreds
scanned the heavens In an attempt
to identify the man it held.
There were many who contend
ed that be would be revealed as
Senator Robinson of Arkansas.
Others whose political eyes were
equally discerning spoke the
names of former Senator Gilbert
M. Hitchcock of Nebraska, Evans
Woollen of Indiana, Cordell Hull
if Tennessee, and Senator Barkley
af Kentucky. Still others asserted
chat almost a score of other can
didates would be nominated for
:econd place on the ticket.
But through the hall there ran
the whisper of a possibility that
f Gov. Smith were given first
ilace on the ticket he might de
fine to make any suggestion as
(Continued on par 6-)
, -
- i
i V-,. "
-;r; "' "
. riimnuflf h- nnnm
'to General Sam Houston. Oscar
Flood of Water Prom Roof and
Oratory Prom Platform Del
uges Crowd
Associated Press Staff Writer
ton. Texas. June 26. (AP)
Trooping back to a ball rain-soaked
by a heavy thunder shower, the
democratic convention host gird
ed itself for battle tonight against
its traditional foe, the republi
can party.
For this first night session be
gun as rain poured through num
erous leaks in the roof of the new
ly built auditorium, the struggle
over nominees, platform planks
and all of the other vexing imme
diate questions of a national con
vention had been laid aside with
the heat of the day.
The business at hand was to de
nounce the sins of republican ad
ministrations and to proclaim a
new adherence or tne aemocracy dry.. p,ank ,n the demooratlc plat
to Jeffersonian principles. form comp,eteJ tonight at a
The chosen spokesman of the iraUy of dry3 wlth ThomiMI
party, Claude G. Bowers of NewjBal, of TeXas. named as captai
York, was the only speaker to be(in tne floor f!ght wnion win
heard; his the only oration yetWage( lf the resoiutiou3 com mitt-
delivered in a political convention !
already one day old. The delegates
and their throng of guests were
plainly in a mood to give him a
glad hearing as they found their
way to seats amid the blaring of j
the triple bands that enlivened
every off moment of this first
great political convention to be
held in the south since the Civil
Women delegates were especial
ly hard hit by the wet weather.
Many of them had left their homes
in evening frocks. These arrived
at the hail In a more or less be
draggled condition. Dr. Jennie
Collfas, national committee wom
an from Nebraska, set out coat-
less in a cream lace drees and en
tered the hall thoroughly drench
ed. Building WeU Lighted
The hall was flooded with
white light on its first night ses
sion test. A battery of nearly 150
huge globes backed with reflec
tors hung far up under the great
arched domes cf the main and
auxiliary span and made the three
acres or so of floor r.nd galleries
show bright as day with soft,
clear light.
Clem -Shaver, national chair-
man, finally took his place at the
speaker's stand and rapped for
order at 7:48 p. m. His first rap
(Continued on page 6.)
Bishop Shepard Presents Library nort that plank, although not even
With Over lOOO Books the most optimistic of the wet
: entertained any Idea that it cooW
The library of Kimball school be put over.
of theology is in receipt of over a Dry Faction In Conference
thousand volumes from the library After the first session of the na
of Bishop William O. Shepard. tional convention, at which the
Bishop Shepard has presided over officials failed to have the resoliv
the Portland area, but at the re- tions committee anointed so it
cent general conference of the could go to work today, the drys
church he was moved to the Paris ( Con tinned on pac T.)
area, and will leave for his new'
home soon. Only a part of the AL'S SELECTION
books have arrived but the rest T ,
will come within a few days. j ON FIRST BALLOT
Many of the volumes will serve1 -
as valuable supplements to text- R STAMPKDK TO TAS
books, and many others have con-
siderable historical value. One' MANY COHORT FORECAST
volume in particular, written In
the decade previous to the Civil Only Few of Governor Smith'
war gives Interesting insight Into; 0xnXn f1lilBce
the thought of the leaders of the;
ehareh on th ouestion of slaverr! BUD Hls om"tkm
and other problems of the time.
Mrs. Alta M. Gentry, who was
graduated from Kimball this year
Is now working in the Kimball li
brary, cataloguing many volumes
which previously have not" been
classified, and cataloguing the
new books in the Shepard collec
Convention Hall at Houston Un
able to Withstand Bains
ton, June 2. (AP) Receiving
its first baptism from the skies,
the Sam Houston convention hall
sprang leaks in many places to
night, literally flooding out the
space reserved for the Texas and
Illinois delegations.
A dovrnpour which almost reach
ed the proportions of a cloudburst
proved too much for the roof of
the-masalvs' temporary structure
and water poured through all over
the hall, dousing particularly the
speaker's platform. ,-- This was
practically awash from, streams
pouring down through thr rafters.
- Various points la the section re
served for the press were being
sprayed as though , the rain ; were
coming through a sieve. Attempts
of correspondents; first to arrive
on the scene, to save their type
writers and telegraph instruments
by covering them with rain coats
were proving a cude means of
meeting the situation.
Wets Admit Impossibility of
Putting Modification Plank
Opposition Nevertheless Voiced tm-
Idea of Promising to Enforre
Eighteenth Amendment to
Con -l it ut ion
Associated lress Staff Writ
HOUSTON. Texas. June 2.
(AP) A formal organisation ef
delegates to fight for a "hone
mittee turns down tae plank
HOUSTON, Texa.i. June 26
(AP) Both wets and drys ifrth
democratic national convention
tightened up their line today in
preparation for a bait la tomorrow
within the resolutions committe
on the prohibition plank.
Convention harmonizers still:
were seeking to have the row set
tled behind the closed doors of the
platform committee room, but
such militant leaders of the ou in
land as Josephus Daniels. North
Carolina publisher and former
secretary of the navy, and Gover
nor Dan Moody of Texas, were
ready to throw the issue Into th
convention Itself unless their de
mands were met.
"Straight Enforremeat" Enowgft
Daniels and his co-workers tt
Bisted that the plank must nanwr
the 18th amendment and pledge
the party to "sacredly enforce it."
Apparently the supporters of Gov.
Alfred E. Smith were disinclined
to go that far and they believed
that they had the votes in the .
convention to put over a straight
law enforcement plank if they
should decide upon hat coursp
The demand of the Jrys will h
countered hefnra the inmmlt!M
tomorrow with a ,ank f mod,
cation of the Volstead act. to be
offered by George E. Brennan. na
tional committeeman for Illinois,
(lutiL 1 i .la.-
Tlon New Torn ai
New Jersey, were expected to sup-
Aworinted Press Staff Writer.
HOUSTON, Texas. June 2. h
(AP). The nomination of Gov
ernor Smith of New York on the
first ballot is now the confident',
exoectation of the men who art 1
aireciing maneuvers in his oenair -in
the democratic convention.-
All along there has been a show
of confidence in the Smith camp
that he would be the winner, bot '
it was not until today that hfcv
lieutenants seemed inclined tt
forecast hie selection on h first
roll call. (
George R. Van Namee, the New
York executive's pre-convention V
manager. Indulged in some band
wagon predictions, expressing the
view that even if a determined ef
fort were 'made to 'stop it. the
the Smith on the first ballot move- .
ment, appeared . to be - gainiaar
such momentum that If could net
be halted. Others tn the Smith
ranks echoed the forecast and the .
word ' spread among - delegate
that undoubtedly -there would he -no
second roll calL it
Some of the foes of the ' New.
Yorker still s refused . to concede ;
defeat, as they sought to hold:
there ; Wavering lines.' and prepas- .
ed tor a final assanlt on the Smithy
forces. ; Msny leaders la the P
position, however. .seemed ready
to call it a day. convinced that oh- ,
strnctlon Uctics would be (utile. V
:! In their forecasts of what will
happen when .ballot is g ; begins
probably Thursday, s the -Smith.
(Cetia4 aa t.) -c