The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 26, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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L Local News Briefs
Barton Sentenced
William H. Barton was yester
day sentenced to ten days In the
county jail for defrauding an inn
keeper. .
Seek to FiVe rrooscty - ,
A motion was filed in circuit
court yesterday la behalf of Au
gust Kings asking that an attach
4gnt held by the Salem Hard
ware company against a certain
piece of real property belonging to
him be set aside for the reason
that Klnge has been adjudged a
bankrupt " 1
Ascbeadwenner Freed-
After serring tire days on a
. SI AO fin a Clmnrm lirhtnhrnnir
rVecterday decided to pay the re
mainder of the fine in cash. Al
- lowed two dollars for each day he
Jr'1 had! served, he gave county offi
cials ine v Bint uuc. flstuta-
brenner was originally sentenced
by Justice of the Peace Braxier
Small for possession of liquor.
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
Every Wednesday and Saturday
Sue For $7
The Shell Oil company of Cali
fornia yesterday began action in
circuit court against John Chan
ner for the sum of $71-97 alleged
to be due on a quantity of gaso
line" and oil purchased from the
fjirrry Pickers Wanted
Best of picking. See George Viek
at Vick Brothers.
Board Meeting Tonight
- TVptrt from Lyle Bartholomew,
school architect, on plans for re
modelling at the senior high
school to provide for two new typ
ing classrooms and placing of
more seats in the auditorium and
further reports on the auto me
chanics course will occupy the at
tention of the school board at the
regular meeting this evening.
f Three Couples Wed
Marriage licences were yester
day issued to the following: For
est Wayne Casey. 20, and Evelyn
' Lathrop, 17, both of Salem; Al
- fred A. Huber, 30, and Magda
I lene Prantl. 17. both of Mount
I Angel; Arthur McKelley. 17, and
? Catherine Lavens Aplet. IS. both
'of Stayton.
MnHt Poet
Third class school districts in
I the county that have exceeded the
I six per cent limitation should bear
i in rgiad that the budget, accom-
I panted by reasons for the over
1 expenditure, should be posted for
21 days, or budgets wilt have to
V', returned for compliance with
E?s law, announces County Su-
r . . . - 1
perinienaeni ruiieraaa. bcuhui
budgets are now being filed at the
superintendent's office.
Ia Cart Service
In dining room Marion hotel.
Geelan Arreted
Word was received by the Mar
ion county sheriff yesterday that
J. W. Geelan, wanted here to'an-e.M-r
to a statutory charge, had
been arrested at Echo and was be
, in.Jh. In the countv Jail at
- ) "ivndleton. Deputy Sheriff Burk-
-r hart Will arrive here today with
the prisoner, having taken the
t train for Pendleton last night to
get him.
Catches Sea Wolf
Fishermen don't always get
what they fish after. Which was
illustrated Sunday when one Sa
lem angler, fishing off the Pacific
City coast, hauled in a sea wolf,
a species of the blenny family.
The sea wolf lives up to the name
nd is one of the dangerous in
habitants of the depth. This
one has a head about as large .as
a sheep's, the body graduating to
the tall, and measures about six
feet long. The sea wolf has
tusks and in the mouth is an
alarmingly destructive set of
teeth. The fish caught Sunday is
on display at Fitts' market.
Wed. Nite 7:30 P. M.
F. N. Woodry's Auction
1010 X. Summer St.
1 Westingbouxe Electric
range, 1 vacuum, electric
washer, 1 large Vr4oar dT
venport, 1 extra good sea.
rsage, 1 ft-hole wood range,
.1 White sewing machine, 3
extdfwloa tables, 12 chairs,
breakfast table and chairs,
large oak dresser, O-ptere
Ivory bedroom smite, need
iron beds, Simmon roil
arises, new wool mattriWi
JVfO lb.;
(aad. 1
1 good msed cotton
sanitary coach and
k and leather duo-
fold. 1 a-bomer oil stove and
I oven, new and used tteolesua
. used Brussels and Ax-
minster rugs- electric lamps.
dishes, ooiiers, tuna, irui
Jars, etc.
Cask Paid for. Used;
Notice There will be a
cial farmers auction here
every Saturday, l:SO p. m.
Bring: la what yosx have for
sale. . . , .--
UaUeberfj Estate SG.09S.59
The estate of the late John L.
Hatteberg was appraised at
$6,998.59, according to the report
filed in probate yesterday by
Hans Johnson, Willis O. English
and John Kloster, appraisers. Six
thousand dollars was estimated as
the value of the man's farm.
Here For Treatment-
Ira Stout of Kings Valley was
brought into the Deaconess hos
pital, last evening for medical
Xeskowln Cot
Modern, for sale or rent. 23 68 J.
Attend Eugene Wedding
Saturday evening Walter Kauf
man and Kenneth McCormiek ac
companied Dr. John D. McCormiek
to Eugene to the wedding of Cor
nelius Bateson and Mildred Gil
bert. Other fraternity brothers of
Mr. Bateson present at the wed
ding were his cousin Van D. Bate
son of Cleveland, Ohio; Kenneth
Wylle and Herbert Deal of Eu
gene; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Day
of Portland.
G. O. P. Meet Unchanged
Contrary to a rumor that gain
ed some circulation yesterday, the
date of the republican central
committee meeting for Marion
county wa3 originally announced
for Saturday of this week, June
30, and will be held on that date
as scheduled. Yesterday's rumor
had it that the meeting had been
slated for last Saturday but was
Cherry Pickers Wanted
Best of picking. See George Vick
at Vick Brothers.
Home From Eastern Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sears and son
Bob returned Sunday night from
a week's business and pleasure
trip to Pendleton and Hermiston.
At Hermiston they visited with
their son. Dr. James L. Sears, who
Is practicing medicine at that
place. While in" eastern Oregon
Sears attended to realty affairs.
Too Many la Front Seat
Ben Schiag was fined 1 2. SO in
Recorder Mark Poulsen's court
Monday for dri ng an automobile
with four persons in the driver's
eat. The offense was committed
Sunday. '
S. P. Man Herr
G. Lb Flint, with the Southern
Pacific working out of Portland,
is a Salem business visitor. He is
stopping at the Marion.
Tighten Credentials. -
In keeping with the same move
ment in larger schools, the Stay
ton school board has decided here
after to hire no teachers who have
not had equivalent to a normal
school education and at least two
years' actual teaching experience.
Announcement of the new ruling
has been made to county superin
tendent Fulkerson.
Furniture Upholsterer
And .repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Have Baby Girl
Betty Jane, six-and-a-half-pound
baby girl, arrived Monday to make
the third child at -the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Vrennen of this city.
Mother and daughter are at the
Bungalow Maternity hospital.
Vacation at Yellowstone
Two members of the Salem
pos toff ice staff will be among the
vacationers at Yellowstone nation
al park. Tbey are Ralph Morton
and Carroll E. Hamlin, carriers,
now on the annual leave. Mr.
Hamlin will also visit Rainier na
tional park in Washington.
Fairgrounds Road Unfurnished
Home 131S0 cash extra
large lot. Fruit, flowers, paving,
walks, plastered home, modern
plumbing, garage. Immediate pos
session. See at 1831 Fairgrounds
Road. Becke A Hendricks. 189
North High street.
On Ad Caravan
Dean and Mrs. Frank M. Erick
son and daughter are again in
Salem after spending the week
end as Salem representatives in
the coast caravan journey spon
sored by the Portland Ad club and
joined by other ad men of the
valley. The caravan got under
way late Friday, traveling from
Toledo and Newport to points up
1 the coast for the next two days.
Dean Erickson reported an en
joyable trip.
Cherry Pickers Wanted -
Besttf picking. See George Tick
at Vick Brothers.
WQ1 Build Dwelling
J. B. Peters took out a build
ing permit Monday calling . for
construction of a dwelling costing
$3500 at 1510 North 19th street.
Boiler House Planned
The Oregon Packing company
is to build a boiler house cost tag
$2750 at its plant at 13th end
Bellevue streets, and a garage at
the same address costing $150,
according to a building permit is
sued Monday. . Ii CJ i',
Three Fines Assessed
8. P. Nelson and Harry Town
send were fined $10 each-for in
toxication and E. L. Coffey was
fined $50 In municipal court Mon
day for possession of wine. All
three were arrested Sunday by
Officer Jarnes v
Jv. 0 0 11. ..
We have a 1927 Chevrolet
Coach equipped with 80 new
rubber, bumpers, new dnco fin
ish and in Al condition for.
TBe Uraw That Service Bultt
Acre Club Proposed
A Salem branch of the Aero
dob of Oregon will be organ led
Wednesday evening if sufficient
interest is evinced at a meeting
for that purpose to be held in the
chamber of commerce rooms. Any
business man or others interested
in aviation from any of Its num
erous standpoints is invited to the
meeting tomorrow night. I. M.
Echols, of Portland, secretary of
the state group, will be present.
Gardiner Folk Here
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gates and
son of Gardiner, arrived in Salem
yesterday and are registered at
the Marion.
Lots Without Traffic
Three large Fairmount Hill lots
that are protected from traffic
Prices have been cut in two In or
der to move any or all for cash
now. New prices $900 to $1250
Becke A Hendricks, 189 North
Board man On Vacation
Bob Boardman. physical direc
tor at the YMCA is now on his
vacation. He is planning to
spend it mostly in Salem.
Working In Wasbougal
Charles Kay Bishop left last
week for Washougal, where he
will spend the summer working
in the large Bishop r;oolen mills.
Beach's Stater Dies
E. A. Beach, engineer at the
YMCA received a telegram yester
day telling of the death of a sis
ter whose home was in the east,
Audit Clerks Records
Auditors began Monday to
make the annual check on the
clerks' records for the Marion
county school districts. The audit
is being made by Mrs. Inez Sieg
mund and John Roland and be
fore the work is completed they
will have inspected the books of
125 districts and two union high
schools. The work Is being done at
the office of the county school su
perintendent. Week-End at Newport
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bechtel will
return today from Newport where
they have been enjoying a week
end vacation. Bechtel, of the
Bechtel & Scars realty firm, also
found time to attend to some mat
ters connected with the business
while at the coast.
Keene Attending O. S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. "Spec"
Keene have gone to Corvallis
where they are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Coleman. Keene,
athletic coach at Willamette uni
versity, is attending the state col
lege summer sessions and is en
rolled in Knute Rockne's coach
ing course.
Lectures to O. S. C. Class
Dr. William DeKleine. director
of the Marion county child health
demonstration, will deliver one
lecture each day this week to Miss
Anne Simpson's class in health
education at the Oregon stale col
lege summer session. Dr. DeKleine
will talk upon the public health
aspect of the class problem. Later
in the session Dr. Estella Ford
Warner, supervisor of medical
service with the county demon
stration, will give a series of lec-
We board Dogs at
our farm
2T3 'State
and Pacific Highway
For AutomobOehsnraiice
Bush Bank Bid. Tel. 347
rriTK TO&I'i Miac Inttk W I,
mr r"r f Iaams afmiaat krkag
Tbosnnsoutetatarfc Optical Ce.
. lit K. Omw'I St.
Rewound sad Repaired
cr Used Motor
Things Klectrlcal
fttl South High TeL SI 13
' LnV nnnnnnnn
tare. Miss Simpson, who recently
accepted a post as supervisor of
health education for the teachers
colleges of northern California,
will retain her desk at the Salem j
health center until she completes
her summer's instruction at O.
S. C.
Home of five large rooms and
unfinished upstairs. Full cement
basement deep, fireplace, large
furnace with colls, hardwood,
large garage, drive and walks,
lawn, paving etc. Price cut from
$5250 to $47.50. This is excellent
buy. Beck Hendricks, 189 N.
High street.
Given Operations-
M. C. KeUy. 789 Cottage street,
underwent a major operation at
the Deaconess hospital. Monday
morning. William Martin, of Sa
lem route one, entered the hospital
yesterday and will be given a ma
jor operation this morning.
Another Teacher Resigns
Miss Ruth Griffith, teacher in
English at the senior high school
last year and a daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. L. F. Griffith of this
city, has resigned her post on the
local faculty and plans to teacn at
a private school in Honolulu the
coming year.
(Catraaed from pfe 1.)
who have signed up to date:
The Price Shoe Co.
The Oregon Shoe Co.
J. C. Penney Co.
C. J. Brier Co.
The Commercial Book Store.
Greenbaum's Dept. Store.
Schei's Clothing.
The Man's Shop.
Emmons, Tailor Furnisher.
A. A. Clothing.
John J. Bottle Shoe Store.
Kafoury Bros.
.Imperial Furniture Co.
Perry Drug Store.
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Pickens A Haynes Grocers.
Atlas Book Store.
G. W. Johnson A Co.
Salem Hardware.
Bloch's Golden Rule Store.
Larsen's Millinery.
Howard Corset Shop.
Bake-Rite Bakery.
The Vogue.
Haniger Hat Shop.
Margaret's Baby Specialty Shop.
The French Shop.
The La Bette Shop.
lbbert & Todd.
Max O. Buren.
Salem Army Store.
Army A Outing Store.
Breithaupt Florist.
Central Shoe Store.
Chambers & Chambers.
Peerless Bakery.
Cooley's Clothes Shop.
Vanity Hat Shoppe.
Center Street Valeteria.
Gray Belle.
Kafeterla Shoe Store.
Eoff Electric Inc.
Allen Hardware.
II. F. Woodry A Son.
Roth Grocery Stores.
Patton Bros. Book Store.
Steusloff Bros. Market.
Better Yet Bakery.
Carl & Bowersox Grocers.
Oregon Electric y.
Willamette Valley Line
Wttaeot sserstloB r toss of Urn.
SIS Ona BWg.
Telephone ISO lit Stata St.
A perfect food for
young and old. Our
Ice Cream is pure,
healthful and deli
cious. AH flavors in
briek and bulk.
Special Today
Vanilla Ice Cream
.Onari 50 c
135 North Commercial St.
Phone 197
Penslar Agency .
Variety Store.
C. A. Lathy. Jeweler.
Dr. C. A. Eldriedge.
Tire Liquidation Co.
AL Krause
F. W. Woolworth
Midget Market
Al Smith Faction Reported to Fa-
Associated Pre Staff Writer
HOUSTON; Texas. June 25.
(AP). Shifting winds of pre
convention speculation today
swept new names into the vice
presidential race and gave added
impetn to the boom of Senator
Robinson of Arkansas.
In-coming delegations pumped
wind into the sails of new candi
dates whose names they attached
to the already lengthy list of en
tries, but in the confusion there
were accidents and some of the
names were scratched.
Out of the almost sanctimoni
ous quiet of the Smith headquar
ters there came the intimation
that Senator Robinson's name was
favorably regarded by some of the
leaders of that group and that
farm belt delegates had looked
coolly upon the boom that had
moved the name of Evans Wool
len of Indiana into a place among
those at the head of the list.
HOUSTON. Texas. June 25
(AP) The Mississippi delegation
decided today to cast its 20 votes
for Senator Harrison of that state.
At the residence. 1443 South
Commercial street, June 24, Mrs.
Almaxetta, Pemberton, 68, mother
of Mrs. Florence Cole of Rosedale
and Dr. J. Ray Pemberton of Sa
lem; sister of Dr. C. V. Van Horn,
of Topeka, Kansas; W. C. Van
Horn of Iowa, and Mrs. Sepha
Turber of Lincoln, Nebraska. Fun
eral services Wednesday, June 27,
at thee p. m., at the South Salem
Friends church with entombment
to the Mt.' Crest Abbey Mausoleum
Rigdon and Son in charge.
Martha Rhodes, died at a local
hospital. June 23, at the age of 92
years. Survived by her children
Mrs. Jane NobePof Portland, Mrs
Anne Bales of Brooks, Sherman
Rhodes of Beaverton, Mrs. Li Hie
Sheehan of Berkeley, California,
and by a step-son, Sam Oglesby of
Portland. Funeral services at
Clottgh-Huston chapel Tuesday at
1:30 with Rev. Hansen in charge
Interment at Claggett.
rerfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortlrlaa
770 Cbenseket Street
Telephone 724
Lady Assistant
Webb's Funeral Parlors
ILadd & IBqjsh.
Established 1868
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Free DeUrery to any part of the dty .
Quotations on Application, r .
Farmers Warehouse
Day Telephone 23 Night Telephone 1267-W
Novelty Stunts and Races
Add to Success of Silverton
Legions Event
SILVERTON, -June 25. (Spe
cial.) The second annual air cir-
ens. staged Suaday afternoon by
the Silverton post of the American
Legion was a huge success, with
some 10,000 people coming iomqxi. won ue j. u VfMey
watch about 20 airplanes manes- Phy in 21:45:00. MacKensie also
ver. The event was opened Sat- Piloted an American Eagle for this
urday afternoon, with the Port- win. Cash award were made to
land-Silverton. via Salem, air other winners in the derby. In the
derby In which nearly a doxen air-
boatstook part.
The Waco 10. of the fleet of the
Pacific Airplane service of that
city, won for Salem the loving cup
for the neatest appearing plane to
participate in the events. Lee
Eyerly. piloted the winning Waco.
and is manager of the Pacific serv-
Flyers and stunt men were here
In large numbers, adding much to
the enjoyment of the event. In-
eluded In these were Johnny
Walker, of Portland, whose wing
walking brought rounds of ap-
plause and who sat on the ma
chine's wing while it was piloted
into some good loops; parachute
jumps by Fred Stump of Beaver -
ion .ou du icawuw ui run- pUot Lundborg. he said, that Cec
land. West also won the favor of c,onl ukeQ off fm Md tQe
the crowd when he waved the other, ,n theJr turn he hlmself to
stars and stripes from the top mtln unti, aaoDg the lagt Lund.
wing of a plane as it sped down borg told him however, that in-
the runway. Istructions were to "rescue General
Spins, rolls, loops and an Im- NobUe f,rst M M tQ mU Mm
melman turn were all parts of the to ald ,Q dlrectIns tne nMW work
stunt contest In which Tex Rankin for the others Rther tnan
of Portland and Walter E Case waste tlme ,Q furthftr dlBCu8gloBi
each scored 109 points, with a Nobl,e sa,d wheQ the remalnlnr
maximum of 120 to be made. f,Te of the group h4d a8sured hlm
Louis Goldsmith, flying an Ameri- th wlsheA hlm to go, he left. j
can Eagle, and Charles Langmack . . , , A . I
of Eugene, piloting a Waco, were , Nob ''Tj'?6
third and fourth, respectively ln ture of his left shin, it ie learned,
the stunting pointage. and had a contusion of the back.'
Nine ships entered the loop con
test, in which Floyd Keadle. with
an Eagle Rock, piloted off first
honors. Walter E. Case was sec
ond with the loops; Basil Russell,
also In an Eagle Rock, was third,
and Tex Rankin and his Mono
coupe placed fourth.
Rankin, after placing fourth in
thru schedules
daily io
Still another schedule added to
Pickwick's southbound service
already the most frequent
and convenient!
New departure hours
1:80, 10:10 A. M.
3:10, 7:20 P. M.
San Francisco f.14.50
Los Angeles $21
San Diego $24.30
Low rates, thru servee to Salt
Lake City, Denver and East.
Terminal Hotel
Phone 690
the loops, won the lf-mBe free His recovery is not expected befoi .
for all for ships with an O-X S forty days.
Curtis plane. Rankin used a1 There was nothing new as rr
Waco la this event. Second and gards Amundsen today and 1
third places went in order to Kea- was definitely lost as last Tuesday
die, piloting the Eagle Rock, and when he failed to arrive at King
Bev. Clarke with a Travel Air. Bay from Tromsoe. Norway, as ex
The dead stick landing, one of pected. Since then there has no'
the most ticklish performances of
the day. was won by Art MacKen-
sie. who. after climbing 1500 feet
Into the air and turning off the
engine maneuvered to within
three feet of the line.
The relay race was won In
1 T . , 1 Ml
oj fiauam-xweauie tnu:
In the cross-country event Sat-
urday afternoon. Lieutenant Mac-
following order: Keadle. piloting
Foltx' Eagle Rock. 23:10; Granl.
in his American Eagle. 23:50;
Evans, in an American Eagle,
25:31; Davis.: in MacKenxie-Mor-
row's American Eagle. 25:40;
Parmentier. piloting his own
Waco, 26:27.
Many of the planes were busy
! after the race events Sunday In
taking passengers for short ex-
cursion trips
QAVPn DY AIRPI AMPier wears a nanatercnier over ni
drtvcu di inruHnii:(nand to keep hlg moist flngertlps
(Catinae f- pse i.) i from staining her gown. Her gown
after the landing of the Swedish'
Acreage at Auction
Sacrifice Sale
Nine Acres mile beyond Fairgrounds on Silverton
Road will positively be sold to the highest bidder next
Thursday, June 28th at
No Reservations Watch for Sign ,
This Must Be Sold
Terms Cash Above Mortgage of $900
H. F. Woodry & Son
271 !. Commercial St.
This luxuriously easy
Spring-Filled Mattress
puts anyone to sleep
' Hundreds of flexible, peppy springs of the
NACHMAN Spring Unit, each spring in its
individual compartment, yet each a permanent
part of the whole, form the inner cushioning
of this new-type mattress.
Your body sinks la deeply with spine straight and
every organ in its natural position. The springs ghrm,
yet reaisf. You sink in, yet arc held up. And this feel
ing of owayancy Is what grrca the "spring-nOed" nat
' tress its nsarrclous comfort. Snikdy . different from
msim ssn with dead, lifeless fellings.
WsareahewtogdwstuVondcrrnlCo .
- Come m and see them. Each bears the nationally ad
vertiOxaibnlrlrstUbcL See also the many ether ,
Items for home comfort and home fseauty now swing . ! .-
. offered at rsprrisITy attracUte prices. Bar terms if
; , fyeuBke..' , .". - -
467 Court St,
been a word, authentic radio slg
nal or other indication as to wha'
became of the seaplane and the si .
men with It.
f .
CrfteS ReiUmS frOm ClUD
Sessions at Oregon State'
j w CrUea Md faml, ntnT.
ed to Salem on Saturday after
two" weeES. oatng at Corvallis
where Mr CrlM attded tne
nUa, 1immer 8Chool for the boys'
d -i-. .lllh, hf a.,... Th,-
summer lo,. - aDOB.ored n-
. h thm t t colore.
; Mr CrUe( wbo ta th- newl
minted state director of club
work jn Oregon, working with
sute Sunerintendent Howard, re-
ported tnat tnere were OTer C00
'youngsters present for the meet-
Lectures and demonstra
thjn8 were g,Ten Dy coilege ex.
Dert8 on gneeD raising, poultry.
potatoes. gardening and other
phases of the club work.
The gentleman dancer no long-
isn't there. Akron (Ohio) Bea-
New Seven
English Home, Strictly Modem,
with garage, located at 2050
Virginia St., a beautiful home
at the very reasonable price of
Term. Builder A. K. Free.
Tel. S8F4. Owner A. F." Fergu
son, 1990 Virginia SC
Phone 75
Phone 1142