The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 26, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
" lasned Dirty Firept Mease 1-y -
Sl aWt Qpwnhl Street. SeVem. Oraea t ' -
ft. Wndrika -Ixl
ft. UcSWry -Kale
C Com - .
aaalU Buck
' - afaaage
McMcinf Utter
City Salter
Beaiatj Baiter
Kalpa M Klotstac AoeerUala Mmh
ueya s. Mi tuiar - Saaretoaaeat
W. H. Hea asraoa, Cirralatiea Maaacea
.ft. a. lias tan - LlrHf h K4:tM
W. C Oeeaer - - - rVeUrr Be
iTftafftftl or Tfla. ASSOCIATED rUU .
Vhm Asaarlatea1 hmi la extlaaiTety aa tit tea ta maa tor naaBeaalaa ef aB
aw Siepatcaea cre4ite4 va it ar aot eUesaiae creailel ia taia urt t a4 alas Jae
aaaai wvi aoaliaaeo aoraia. . .
bvsxhxm omcu
P.rifle Ceeat Bepreeeatatires Detr aren, Ia, PertUaa,
Seeerity SUa.: ftaa Fraatina. Saaiaa B14.; La Alga tea.
11 Weetera Pacifio HI.
Thomas F. dark Caw Sew Tark. 118 lie W. tlav
CfcM-affa. Merqaette Bid-.
Saeiaeat Cfflee-
.18 r 684
Xaat l-el.M ar St
Depart meat- , , Ml
CtreaUtiaa Offioe MS
Katerea a tae Peat OffUa '. Salem. Oresaa. aa eeeeas aiaaa
Jim as. 1028
Ami anlrita. when (heT MW Him. fell down before Him,
a ail rritd urinr Thou art the Son of God. And He strattly
charged tbem that they should not make Him known. Mark 3:11-11
The Portland Telegram of yesterday said : "By vacating the
ends- of certain streets, the city council o
Vancouver clears the way for the erection of a bag factory
nrhih will work in com' unction with the Columbia River
Mills plant. In addition to the $200,000 which is the estimated
fartorv. some S 150.000 will be spent in
VkaWw W A Vr' mv a f V - - w
a) a Ml fTTaUS I1M a.tAlVAM Atflf AF)A A'
cnanges in ine paper rant. inis i just vuui.uci v
1.1 : 'i n,'iL .it),iiiMt inlnarriaa Rir malrinar Kcr
out of the paper that is made out of the pulp that is made out
toJthe trees, we add another cycle to production, and keep
another payroll at home. It's all good business, and at the rate
bag factories are multiplying, it won't be long before thJ
1 mills of the Columbia will bag the bag trade of the world.'
That is good for Vancouver; Salem is in no way jealous
hopes for the good fortune of all her sister cities in the Paci
fie northwest and up and down the coast
But this city is the ideal location of more paper mills;
specialty mills and others. All the four kinds of paper mills
making the product from forest growths, because this city
has behind her the forest reserves that will furnish a supply
of pulp wood for all time; and with a down hill haul from the
forests, and plenty of potential water power for the manu
facturing. .
- Salem should have rayon or artificial silk mills, paper box
factories, bag factories, and concerns making dozens and
scores and hundreds of the products of the primary pulp and
paper mills. Will have in time, too. .
Then we will have bag factories making their ' products
from linen and hemp yarn. Dozens of kinds of bags. Sugar
bags, grain bags, etc., etc
Dr. Wm. DeKiein, head of the Marion county health demon
stration, told the Salem Chamber of Commerce noon lunch
eon audience yesterday that he has been all over the United
States, and that he is convinced that there is no other sec
tion of this country that "offers aa many different opportun
ities for making money as the Willamette valley has to offer.
Let every far seeing man here get the same vision, and
Salem will grow to lOOgOOO population in much shorter time
than most people of this section now dream is possible.
consumption is this country is away ahead of that in any
other land.: It is now around 111 pounds annually in the
United States.
Ten members of the junior board of the Salem Y. M. C. A.
last year, gave $1 each to start the endowment fund of that
institution. This money was put at interest the other day, in
the United States National bank of Salem, along with $135
or so more, contributed by three or four or more public spirit.
ed citizens, as told of in The Statesman of Sunday. This inci
dent will prove to be epochal That fund, started by the ten
boys paying in $1 each, will be $10,000 one of these fine days.
Then it will be $100,000. Then it will be a million dollars, and
more and more. The $10 will remain at interest for all time,
together with all future sums added. That $10. will be do
ing good after the ten boys shall have become grandfathers,
and after they shall have left the stage of action in this
world. The income from that $10 will be doing good when
Salem shall have become a, city of a million people.
Paragraph writers should rise as one man and think those
concerned for the delightful rumor in the news that Zona
Gale is about to marry William Breeze. Eugene Register.
Eight persons were killed and 40 injured by the explosion
of an old shell the other day in a storehouse in Belgium. The
evils of war live long after the coming of peace.
o o
Jna S4. IMS.
Major C. V. Cramer, snperris-
A - ' A .1
iBf arcanan wi cvuumwa t
the Salem post office, has been
transferred to a similar Job at
Scranton, Penn.
Four girls, Kathleen Ketehnm
Nora Barrett. Minnie Blackwood
and Lela Stark, were granted di
plomas In the annual commence
ment exercises of ML Ansel aca
demy held Monday erenlnc In ML
Angel college hall.
Street Commissioner Griswold
reports that the Sonh Commer
cial street bridge will be replank
ed as soon as lumber arrlres.
probably tomorrow.
The Cellclan quartet and the
Stalwart Quartet are holding
band concert at Marion Square
this erening.
Frank Willman, Salem, was
resterdar awarded the contract to
paint the interior of the state
house detne. His bid. including
ten boxes of gold, was $700.
m big
wi mm m
Many Visitors There Sunday;
Meeting of the American
War Mothers
Wednesday. The Arkansas sena
tor also has com strongly to the
front as a possible choice tor tl
vice presidential nominatloft .
But while the credentials and
resolutions committees win get t
wotk on their reports so they may
be submitted by Wednesday if pos
sible. The party leaders hope
that nominating speeches may be
made before Thursday, perhaps
Wednesday nlghL.
cool of the erening beginning to
morrow at 7 o'clock was picked as
the time for the temporary chair
man, ciauae u. isowers, eauonai
writer for the New York Erening
World, to sound the keynote for
the democratic campaign. This
will proride a night show in th
beginning and enable millions of
radio listeners to Bit comfortably
Jin their homes to hear the key-
Tt PR4vmr9 r armmrvcAv i noter toss the gauntlet in the face
of the republican party.
A paragraph has been going the rounds of the press stat
inw flint thf fnshiftnKlA Hpmnnrl fnv clitrht f totiroa amnna lia
women of the country has resulted in a heavy decline of
sugar consumption in the United States, amounting to 500,-
000 tons during the past year and a half. As no authority is
given for the statement and no indication of the source from
which the statistics are drawn, it is evident that the asser
tion is merely the attempt of some paragraph writer to put
into striking form the belief which seems to be somewhat
prevalent, namely, that there has been a decided falling off
ui the use of sugar among the feminine portion of the popula
' Tow cornea "Facts About Sugar," New York, the leading
journal of that trade, and explodes both the idea that sugar
consumption in this country is decreasing, and that the de
creased consumption of sugar by women, ot men either,
would tend to a reduction of their weight
Says that paper in its June 16th issue:
"While the amount of sugar distributed to the trade in the
United States during 1927-wasjess than in the preceding
1 A-1 . . a a a' .... - ,
year, mere is no convincing evidence that the quantity of
sugar used in the country was less. On the other hand, it was
known that trade stocks were large at the beginning of 1927
and very much less at. the close of the year.
Thus far at least we have absolutely no 'convincing evi
dence of a decline in the consumption of sugar in the United
States and until such evidence is forthcoming we shall view
with skepticism, generalizations based on personal observa
tion within a restricted circle of acquaintances as to the use
of a universal food like sugar.
" 'Admitting that there are a large number of women who
are obsessed with dread of attaining a normal weight, to
say nothing of their horror at the thought of exceeding it, it
is a very practical question whether they subscribe to the. be
lief that it is necessary to eschew the use of sugar in order
to 'preserve the angular form that fashion decrees as the
proper thing. While overindulgence in sweets on the part
of persons with a tendency to corpulence may encourage re
sults, not altogether to their liking, it is well recognized by
dietetical authorities that sugar is PRIMARILY AN ENER-
GIZER, NOT A FATTENER. Its use at proper times and un
der proper conditions in fact make it a valuable dietary AID
experts are constantly advising us, the correct way to avoid
jtn-excess of advoirdupois is by exercise, not by starvation.
.Sugar provides the physical energy that gives us the ap
petite for exercise and enables us to undenro it without in
jurious results, and hence it becomes' an ally arid not an
enemy of those who desire to avoid overweight
. (The editor of "Facts About Sugar" could have added that
in no 10 year period Bince the making of sugar bas been
known to the world has there been a decrease in its per. capita
consumption m any country. The increase has been steady)
especially so i the United States It is likely to go on for a
good many generations yet. It-may. go on, to two or three
tunes its present rate, even in this country, in the cases
of .people who have plenty, of physical exercise, without in
j'ury to their health. In other countries, of course; the increase
nnv tow mnM m m n ' . L. - - f. I r - m . ...
j ' uUa j-ckci rfAbuuub uijury, lor ine per capital
There was another big day at
the Champoeg park on Sunday;
hundreds of autos risiting the
grounds. There were picnic par
ties from far and near.
Several Grange Gatherings
One of the big parties was that
of the American War Mothers,
holding their" annual get-together
meeting there. There were large
delegations from Portland and
Salem and other cities. After
their picnic dinner, beginning at
o'clock there was a patriotic
program, under the direction of
the War Mothers. The principal
speakers were L. D. Mahone and
James W. Crossley of Portland,
and. Rer. R. L. Payne of Salem.
Mrs. C. M. Lockwood presided, at
the piano, for -the singing by the
assemble crowd, which filled the
seats prorided there. The Portland
War Mothers brought a number of
boys from the reterans' hospital.
The Historical Chaatattqiui
Immediate and general response
has come to Mrs. Edyth-Toaier
Weath erred, who has'' sponsored
J the Idea ot a historical Chautauqua
at cnampoeg for 10 days, t com
mencing July 16. Big crowds will
no doubt be present throughout
that timer Mrsr Weatfierred has
started something that will last
throughout the years, at that his
torical shrine.
A Real Tepee
Congressman W. C. Hawley is
to hare charge of part of the his
torical program.
Albert Tosier, in charge of the
Champoeg park, has already had
erected there a real Indian tenee.
which will be the headquarters
for Mr. Hawley.
There are constant improre-
ments being made at the nark-
But telephone connection i tm
lacking. The Statesman plans to
revive the campaign for securing
telephone connection, which often
Is very much needed.
Associated Piwa HtsTf WvUm I
HOUSTON. Texas. J.n. ss 'night sessions probably will
(AP) In the face of mounting neld later la tbe week"
odds, the anti-Smith folks I Tomorrows noon session ww
Jim" Reed's MIssooriana and the' b merely for the purpose or er-
drys of the south fought stead-1 "Ung a temporary organization,
ily on today to gain that vital 14 wU1 opened by Bishop S. R.
one-third 367 rotes necessary, HaT ot the Methodist Episcopal
to halt Smith. j Church South; Clem Shaver,
In his quarters high no In the 'chairman of the democratic na-
Rlce hotel. Senator Reed stuck by' tional committee will read the of-
(Coatiaa4 fraa paca L)
east the state's ballot for him. In
order to permit the delegation to
line up for a rice presidential
candidate acceptable to the pres
idential nominee and party lead
ers. Two Fan to Sign
Carson and Dickson declined to
sign the telegram, sending anoth
er Instead in which they asked
Miller's instructions concerning
their pre-arranged plans to offer
him as a candidate.
Dan J. Fry. of Salem, was to
day elected chairman of the Ore
gon delegation.
The only contest in the delega
tion was orer the selection of a
member of the committee to noti
fy the presidential nominee. Af
ter George L. Curry, Scio, had
been placed in nomination, word
went around that J. T. Burns ot
Condon desired the place, and in
tended going to New York to at
tend the ceremony.
Burns, who already had been
elected unanimously to the com
mittee on permanent organization.
was chosen by a rote of 6 to 4.
Burns then resigned from mem
bership on the permanent organ
ization committee and Joseph K.
By Robert QoiDea
"Even if a woman marrie the
right man, she has spells in rainy
weather, when it's gettin' along
towards night, when she pines for
some kind 0' lore she don't get."
(Cepjrritat. 198, Paaiitfcar Syadiaata.)
By GUode CalLa
"The boss gives me a little raise
an' I've a notion to tell Ma I de
manded it so she'll think I'm get
tin' confidence in myself at last."
ticpTTifOt. iszs. rablittan Sjadicw )
his drire for the presidential nom
ination, preparing another state
ment, this one dealing with the
ficial call for the convention; the
credentials, the resolutions and
other committees will be appoint-
farm situation, and roicing en- d; the slate of officials will be
eouragement to the steady line of made public and a recess will be
friends who came to him through taken until erening. . Senator
the day. Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas
Down Main street, Daniel Roper has been slated for permanent
of South Carolina, spokesman of chairman of the convention and
the southern anti-Smith, anti-' he will deliver his address on
Tammany faction, was busy in the O O
La Mar hotel dispatching couriers' JL general fflarketi"
to the delegations he hopes to hold raootrcn
in line and later today he called BZND- " II(.A.P) T
a . . , mm . . . i aia s everts t . nw sai i isv cw a,
into Session his "Steering Commit-' fab BaUeHa ale atatioa, 42e
tee." taaek. 45e fab Portlaa.
m . , , , . - , 1 raaltrr ataady; aliva, baaa arar 4ft
the ranks of the "outsiders" in fa- poas is; po a4 aadar He
ror of Smith, particularly In Ohio' SikaTsr "c: 7
and POSSibly in Indiana, only! Pataaaaa, quotations on baaia ot 100
Carson of Portland was elected
in his place. Curry was then
named to the committee to notify
the rice presidential nominee.
Carson already had been elected
secretary of the delegation, and
was the only member to be hon
ored with two offices.
The delegation will report Os-
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for tbe County of Marion, her duly
verified final account, as execu
trix of the last will and testament
and estate of Charles F. Straw,1
wald West, Portland, as the
state's choice for national com
mitteeman, and Miss Celia Garin.
The Dalles, as national committer
woman. West is not present at
the conrention.
Will R. King, retiring national
committeeman, railed the delega
tion caucus to order.
Sealed proposals will be re
ceived by the Oregon State Board
of Control, Capitol Bldg., Salem.
Oregon, until t P. M. July 12th.
1928, for the, construction of the
Eastern Oregon tuberculosis hos
pital at The Dalles, Oregon. Sep
arate bids will be received on the-
deceased. and that said Court has I"" , " "''r ',T.V,. A"
t t 7a a S T; !J I W electrical work and elevators
July. 192S at the hour of ten PUns and BDeclfleationjI or58e
o clock A. M. of said day as thtt obUlned from the undersigned!
linct?V0&J1 from the "cn"a. Classen '
In the County Court House at ciaussen. 508 Macleay Bldg.,
Salem, in Marion County, Oreson.j Portland, Oregon, and W. S. Nei-
II D A IF V 1 al 'VI 1 w v m war
a j w n n i u n a n r. .1 I n I it. v.j. .ij n.fci '
STREET FROM THE NORTH . I .? " """jSon, Secy. Chamber of Commerce
I v iuc.cvv. i na ijsiies. urron. anon r ha h.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City ot
Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to im
prove Eighteenth. Street from the
north line of Market Street to the
State Fairgrounds, In the City of
Salem, Oregon, at the expense of
the abutting and adjacent pro
perty, except the street and alley
intersections, the expense of which
will be assumed by the City of
Salem, Oregon, by bringing said
portion of said street to the estab
lished grade, constructing Portland
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
29th day of May. 1928.
Executrix of the last will and tes
tament and estate of Cbarlea F.
Straw, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix,
Salem, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the Citr of Se
cernent concrete curbs, and paving im. Oreron dem tt
said portion of said street with a and exnadient ni h.hT
posit of $25.00.
Bidder's bond or certified check,
payable to the Oregon State Board'
of Control, Carle Abrams, Secre
tary, In the amount of ten percent
(10) of the total amount bid
must accompany the bid as evi
dence of good faith and a guaran
tee of performance by the bidder.
The Board reserves the right to
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LM- reJeci any or all Did.
FROM THE WEST LINE OP screUrT Oregon State Board of
EIGHTEENTH STREET TO Control. J23-26-2Jly6
f served to apnr on the drive and
paaaS sack: Yakima net tad
. U. 8.
No. 1 grada 91.25 ; eoaabiaation eSl
waita raaa
Waal stea?, aaatara Orccoa wsali ( fab
eeoatrr potata) : Chaiea light shrieking
(iaa S5ffi37e poaaS; haariar ahajnkiag
iiaa UU3c; raaa brad waola 30
ua: Tana, aeaiaoi 4Tc: eaana 43a.
SS the hot Texas SUn was Sinking lOragaa Daaehataa gaau U. S. Na. 1.
iw... .a vi JHu-aanka WcDil.Ii: new pata
wW aiau ui a omi u,,, Califeraia garaato 1 3. SO 02.75
m u arive agamsc ine new xora
Tartlcular Interest for the after
noon centered In Kansas and
Oklahoma delegations from whose
folds the word- slipped out early
today that a "break" for Smith
was in sight.
There was no doubt but that the
prohibition pronouncement yester
day by the Missouri senator had
proved the basis for a working
PORTLAND. Ora.. Jon 25. (AP).
Oairr Exchanfa, aat prtcaa:
Batter, extra 41 He: tandtra'i 40 Vie:
prime firsts 40e: lints 99 e.
Eggs, extraa Sic: firsts 30 Vic; Biadl
am extras 37c; madiam first a 26e.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jaaa 2. (AP).
agreement between the dry south; ." 'i wuu ti iV w?a-
and Reed's men. However, both ter. aortaara spring, wasUra rd 91.31.
I - Vf a J . m a A .
sides stoutly denied any coalition. 1 V' i IT" VS'IT!?-
Reed again sent word to his men rvrn. n9. 2. K. Y. shipmant 943.25.
Bit For Breakfast
Should be done
Telephone connection should be
secured for Champoeg ptark.
Great crowds are gathering
there every day. coming from all
over the state and from many far
Many organizations wishing te
make advance arrange meats for
meet lags there are not able to do
so promptly. The Statesman some
months ago started a movement
to secure telephone connection,
but -got little response.
"This newspaper proposes to re
vive the movement, and push it
to a finish. ?It isjt matter of pub
lic convenience and necessity, and
must oe attended to promptly
C. A. Gies, of the Cherry City
voiiages camp grounds, has had
printed a neat card, giving many
interesting racts about Salem,
and has sent 2000 of these cards
to northern California and south
ern-Oregon camp grounds, at his
own expense. It is a good work
Mr. Gies thinks the private camp
grounds of Salem ought to pnite
in giving service to the tourists
and in advertising the city.
Every maa la the architect of
his own belly ache.
. All theease that anbody really
neeas is enough to make a mod
Applesauce Is one of the few
things whose supply always ax-
ceeos tne demand. . . .
"I know of no greater Joy than
waking up la the mornina and
discovering It Is too early te get
up. Bert Moses.
that he was not fighting any par
ticular candidate. All knew, how
ever, that he had to fight Smith if
he was to win, but it was empha
sized that Reed was not opposing
Smith because his was Smith-
Miltrua, standard 332.74.
The Lest Lake road fa open.
Those who have: traveled an la
the wonder foreats, where the
rhododendrons are now blooming
say the-highway was never ta bet
ter condition.- Hood River Gla
cier? - - z , '
(Contiaaed fram paga 1.)
of the dry law including a large
number of women, who pleaded
earnestly that the democratic
party turn to someone other than
Smith. These workers refused
doggedly to admit that their cause
was lost.
With the wet and dry fight
crowding the presidential race
closely for first place in public In
terest, the party leaders continued
their efforts to smooth out before
the convention's resolutions com
mittee the differences of opinion j
within the delegations over the
form of a prohibition plank in the
platform. The probable success or
failure of these efforts tor the mo
ment crowded fate the background
the speculation over what the con
vention would do about the farm
relief Issue which also gave prom
ise ot becoming a leading issue.
There were three lines of
thought over prohibition one
group wanted a plank naming the
18th amendment as. part of the
constitution which should be rigid
ly enforced; a second believed the
party should call for enforcement
of all laws without specifying any
one particular statute; a third
asxeu that the Volstead act be
Ts. ll . BfaS a a
u me political gossipers a
choice subject was the attitude
Governor Smith might take In the
event the 18th amendment was
singled out for especial attention.
The Smith supporters, however,
appeared to be' un worried by this
pnase or the situation which had
developed in Houston.
It was definitely determined to
day that Franklin D. Roosevelt
vonld place Gov. Smith la nomin
ation andf la addition would be the
Smith field ceneral dartnar the
conrention. The dry and anti-
smith forces contiaaed to look to
Gov. Dan Moody of Texas to lead
them on the floor. Moody's ar
rival here gave Impetus to the dry
crusade and many of the delegates
aare already made him the nnof-
ncial generalissimo ' for" their
cause. . - ' '
The convention gare unmistak
able signs tonight ot being a colorful-one
regardless of whether
PORTLAND, Ore., June 25. (AP).
Hay baying prices : Eastern Oregon tim
othy 321621.50: ditto valW $1818.
50; alfalfa 91818.50; oat hay 915.50
iilff; straw 99 per ton. Selling prices
92 a ton more.
PORTLAND. Ore, Jane 25. (AP).
Cattla and caWes: Receipts, cattle 2360
caWes 165. Good cows steady to 25c
Steer. 1100-1300 poonCs. good 911
to 912; do. 050 to 1100 pounds, good
911.25 to 912: do.; 800 ptands and
up, mediam 910 to 911; da. common,
9S.50 to 910; heifers. 850 pounds down,
good 910 to 910-50; do. common ta me
dium. 98.50 to 910; cows, good 99.75 to
9S-50; do. common to metTtam, 97 to
98-75; do. low cutters, 95.50 to 97;
balls, ' yearlings excluded, good beef,
97.25 ta $8; do. entter to mediam 96.50
to 97.25: calves 500 noands down, me
dium to choice 88.50 to 910.50: do. call
to com maw, 96.50 ta 89.50; Taalera. milk
fad. rood to choice. S13 to 314JU): da
meaiom 911 to SIS: da. call to eoat-
a, 97.50 to 411.
Hag, receipts 2340. inclosing 219
three eh. Batcher classes stronc to 5c
H eryweaghta. S50 to' 350 noands. nt-
dram to eheina 89.25 to 910.75; mediam
areic&t, SOO to 2 SO noaads. mediam to
eaoiee 911 ta 911-50; light lighta. ISO
to ISO panada, asadium ta choice 99.75
to 911; paekiag .aawa. raagh aad smooth.
97.50 to 9: alaachter airs. 90 to ISO
panada, mediam to choice 90 to 910.25;
reader aad stacker pin. 70 to 120
poaads. moClaan to eboioa, 98.75 to 910.
(Hart or atly ksa aad roaetina Dies
excluded ia .above eoalatiaaa.)
Sheep aad lambs: Steady, receipts
SO. Foltojring aaotatioaa except aa
laasbs, aa a has a basis: .
Lamb. 84 - poaads down, reod aa
choice, 911.50 to 913; do. 02 noands
down, modiam SIS to 911.50: do all
weights, call to caasmaa. 99 to 910;
yearuag washers, lie pounds Cown; me
dium ta abaiea 97 to 98.50; owes. 120
poaads dowa, 'mediam to choice 94.50
to 95.50; do. 150 poaads. mediam to
choice 93.50 to 95; do. ail weights, call
to warns, 93 to 93.50.
Notice is hereby giren that the
six-Inch Portland cement concrete I nn-nrt ,T ,:.,,' Tl " to , counciI r th City of
parement, thirty feet in width, in iU V0" Jd intention to im-, Salem. Oregon, deem, it necessary
accordance with the plans andproTe Grnt street trom the west and expedient aad hereby declares
specifications therefor which were llne of Eighteenth Street to thefts purpose and Intention to im
adopted by the Common Council. Jt line of Serenteenth Street, in DrOTe Lanrel Avenue from Spruce
on June 18, 192S, now on file in
the office of the City Recorder,
and which are hereby referred to
and made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described im
provement by aad through the
Street Improvement Department
of the City of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil June IS. 1928.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder
Date of first publication June 22,
Date of final publication July 4,
1 a
which will be assumed by the City
of Salem,, Oregon, by bringing said
portion of said street to the es
tablished grade, constructing Port
land cement concrete curbs, and
paving said portion of said street
with a six-inch Portland cement
concrete pavement, thirty feet in
width, in accordance with the
plans and specifications therefor
which were adopted by the Com-
J22J4Ine mon Counci1' on Je 18. 1928.
uuw uu ute m me on ice ot tne
NOTICE OP rvnevnow TO IW. ftw-ura. ana wmcn are
PROVE NORWAY STREET fV reierrea 10 ana made a
AND EIGHTEENTH STREETS.' . ine uommon council hereby de-
tommon Council of the City of
CHICAGO. Jaaa 25. (AP). With
the movement of aewly harvested wheat
increasing eoathwaat aad with a notice
able halt in expert deasaad today aadar-!
wont a material aetbaek.
Wheat rteeed weak. 1 3-87 8e net
lower; corn H1H off and oats 1 1-8
9at dowa to le up.
- Notice Is hereby giren that the
nnaersignea nas oeea amiy ap
pointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon fpr the Coun
ty of Marion, as administrator of
the estate ot August Hilflker. de
ceased, and that he has duly qual
ified as inch administrator; all
penons having claims against the
estate of said decedent are .hereby present the same, duly
verified, to me. at the office of
Ronald C. Glover, my attorney.
202 Oregon BaildingSalem, Mar
ion county, Oregon, within six
months from the date ot this no
tice. , . ' .. V .. . . V,
Dated at Salem, ; Oregon, this
25th day of June. 1928. . -ALBERT
Administrator ot the estate of Aa-
grist Hilflker. deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,
Salem. Oregon.
Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declar
es Its purpose and intention to im
prove Norway Street between Sev
enteenth and Eighteenth Streets,
in the City of Salem. Oregon, at
the expense of the abuttinr and
adjacent property except the street
and alley intersections, the ex
pense of which will be assumed by
the City of Salem. Oregon, bv
Drmgmg said portion of said
street to the established grade,
constructing Portland cement con
crete curbs, and paving said por
tion of said street with a six-inch
Portland cement concrete pave
ment, thirty feet in width, in ac
cordance with the nlans and snec-
ifications therefor which were
adopted by the Common Council,
on June 18, 1928. now on file ia
the office of the Cltr Recorder.
and which are hereby referred to
and made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its .purpose and intention to
make the above described in-
provemeat by and through the
Street Improvement Department
of the City of Salem. Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil June 18. 1928.
M. POULSEN. City Recorder
Date of first publication June 22,
Date of final publication July 4,
182. J22J4Inc
the Citr of Salam ctr,nn .t Street to Locust Street. In tha Citv
expense of the abutting and adja-J f?lenl' PTeron "P8
cent property, except the street and S""!'"1 1'
alley intersections, the expend .tZSk!lZLa-a2Z
will be assumed by the City of
Salem. Oregon, by bringing said
portion of said street to tha es
tablished grade, constructing Pert
land cement concrete curbs, and
paving said portion of said street
with a six-inch Portland cement
concrete pavement, thirty feet in
width, in accordance with the
plans and specifications therefor
which were adopted by the Com
mon Council on June 18, 192S.
now on file in the office of the
City Recorder, and which are
hereby referred to and made a
part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described im-'
provement by and through tbe
Street Improvement Department
of the City of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil June 18. 1928.
M. POULSEN. City Record.r
Date of first publication June 22.
Date of final publication Jn'v .
1928. J22J4Inc
clares its purpose and Intention to
make the above described Im
provement by and through the
Street Improvement Department
of the City of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Coun
cil June 18, 1928. .
M. POULSEN. City Recorder
Date of first publication June 22.
Date of final publication Julv 4.
1928. J22J4JW
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the balloting is prolonged. The
- J2CJ1J-10-17-24