THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. . OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1328 - , . . .. j.j 1 'Music Departm eni v- ; . RFII llll'l III llill 'll i Ur ALU VI il lilUl WILL BE IT DALLAS Creole Academy and Dall as College Grads to Meet (BY E. O.) forthcoming erent of -more again residing in Salem, as Is also Dr. Kantner. SOCIETY (Continued from pafo IS) tes (Editor's Note: In our last ar- people enter at this time and bring we rerewea iwo oi umcg s wun them. Orestes and Pyladea In IflfflVPttP Pminnrv I fl operas, and In this article we will captivity, and theT sav that OrwtM LUdJcll'; oeilWiary, Let review one more, Iphigenie en- Is constantly speaking of a crime i -tiiride. but before , doing so, let that he has committed, and of be as hesitate for a moment and re- ln Howea by Paries. view this great reformer as to the Act Two nart he played as well as a little Temple of Diana. Pylades sings -u? his life's history). j or his great friendship for Ores- j tes. but after they are separated, CHAPTER ETrcvEV Orestes goes temporarily insane, at Chrlstoph Willibald Cluck was fuencc oVnh? "itYttl orii' " Mi. Kith Rnlr RSm born in 1714 and died in 1778. . ii.. .,.. i local but to Nortb west educational . . . and wae the son of a game keeper does tell her tnat thelr ,ather has nd religious circles as well, is Vrxae T George V. Jayior who was continually moving from been slain by his wife and that, one-day reunion of the Alumni The marriage of Miss Esther place to place. At the early age of for revenge. Orestes, son of Cly. Association of Lafayette Seminary, Roede", daughter of Rev. and Mrs. twelve be was studying the organ temnestra, has killed her and he La Creaole Academy and Dallas George Roeder of - RIdgefleld, S3 well as the violin, cello and himself is dead, so that, only a College, to be held Wednesday, Washington; and George V. Tay clavier and singing. This study daughter remains. , . I July llth, 1928, at the Dallas,' lor. on of Mr. and Mrs. George took place at a town called Ko- Act Three j(Ore.), city park. j Taylor of Coquille, was solemnised motau. At the age of twenty-two In this act Iphigenie notices the; Particular interest attaches to t one-thirty o'clock Wednesday he met Count Melzi, who took a striking resemblance between the the event by reason of the merit-lafternoon, Jane 20, at the home great interest in him -and intro- stranger and her brother ,and de- orious work of this pioneer educa- of the bride's parents, duced him to Sammaxtini in Mil- ,lre" to trom Thas' who tional Institution which had its The ring service was read by an. whom he studied with for four .rTkim him in sacrifice, and incept0n fn 1889t when Dr. c. C.jRer. George Roeder in a beauti years, and U was in 1741 that he " f 8h L . a. Poling (who had been assigned ful sylvam glen near the Roedsr produced his first opera at Milan. -,dM But at thig point Pylades from Pennsylvania pastorate to: home. There were no attendants Finally, making his home in, Vien- ukes the letter ln order to evangelical work In Ore on), land the bridal conple took their na, in 1784, he was Introduced ln- Orestes. i founded Lafayette Seminary, at places as Mendelssohn's wedding to the best society. Act Fowr ' jLatayette; Oregon, of which Dr. march was played on the tram- Clack was sixty-five when he ap- Tnia act opens with the scene C. W. Kantner of this city was the pet by the bride's brother, Wesley peared with the opera that we are of the sacrifice. Iphigenie is about first president, and Dr. Poling, t Roeder. aooroi to review, ana u was pro u mue ut laiai inrosi waeu sue cwrmin oi iu iirei aomra oi The bride wore a lovely wed- aucea a r i e r many auncuiues ' " viwew ner a'S' misiees is to iss. wnen ur. aing gown of Cream-olored silk through the intervention of Marie but Thoas eaters and demands the Kantner was called to other activ-l-- . t Antoinette, who had been a pupil; sacrifice, and here Iphigenie of-ltte,t after MrTias M president T"" SSL2T! . . . fres to share her brother's fte. ,nH rV1-i-M..Ktw k- arm boa,uet 01 Ophelia roses, of Glnck. Pylades entem at the head of a rk " ab lj Hpink sweet peas, and delphinium. , ?Ck 7 ? , Tk" re5Cne nd darin th - SSL i. ? 7 tl ree' A recepuon followed the cere- ln all. and history tells us that he bat tnat foiiows. Thoas Is kUled. 'ef'ne WM succeeded by RT.monT The brlde.a cake decorat. . wiana appears, paraons wmh, . ed with a miniature bride and ana gives oaca 10 me ureeas ner i Image which had been stolen from In 1895 Dr. C. C. Poling was Elf CMI RESITS the inception of the work, as well as throughout the years! of their connection with the same, alter the organisations consolidated. About a year ago Dr. Poling was elected presiding elder of the northwest district of the Evan gelical denomination, but some month irn erltfra.1 illness neces sitated giving up active work for? Many Schools Retain Both me present, ana tne ramny is CMIUIJE TO COME dler of men 1PHIGEXIE EX TAURIDE Characters Tphigenie, priestess of Diana Soprano Orestes, her brother . . . Baritone I groom, centered the table. w m m i i m . . m m the Scythians, and which was the elected president, serving as such layior nas many inenas in direct cause for the building of until 1900, when Lafayette Sem-tS?-lem' hTinS graduated from the Temple. inary was merged with La Creole' Willamette University with the It is a note-worthy fact that the Academy of Dallas. Oregon, and'618 of 192 PvUdes' his friend ' " Tenor 8econd ct whicn embodies the "Dallas College" was thereupon1 After motor trip through east rnees King of Scythia ". ". '. . Bass mad scene for Orestes, historians added to the name of InstiJem and southern Oregon. Mr. and Piana Soprano c,Am to Gluck 8 greatest tutlonf cf which Dr. Poling was' Mrs- Taylor will make their home Time: After the Trojan war. j ""V; president for the succeeding six m Coquille where Mr. Taylor Is great man in the writing of oper- fea' wnea no accPa ine can.;- as. Moxart. Full name. Wolfgang n presiaeni oi me wesi- Amadeus Mozart. In next Sunday's ern Union College at Le Mars. Io article we will review his life as wa. and was succeeded at the Dal- Place: Tauris. Agamemnon, King of Mycene, has been slain by his wife, who was also killed by her son, Ores- nt i m7;nnn nnt know w " Mveral of his operas, las institution by Dr. Charles A. ter of Agememnon, does not snow . ni. . of these murders and has not seen ameIy-T!, Mf,e I !fl' Mofk- hr hr-thpr Orestps for a num-. tJoa uro"uul' 1 uc Due to tne severity of mid ber of years. Act One .. - wesieru wiuiers, alter two yen cj. j r . . Cluck in tyie and was thoroughly Dr Poling realgneA the presld7ency Students in Recital Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Carl of Sa lem were among the out-of-town guests at the wedding. Clerk and Director for An other Term Joy Turner Moses WUl Pre sent Violin and Piano Joy Turner Moses will present her violin and piano students in w4H Ttoltor. Ana. " f " We find Iphigenie in front of tralian and French operatic styles. OI western union college, ana re w nrAmiA nione aiun(r nrassir ..j w MM Mwv intaf. turned to Oreean. accettinc a Das- ..r : ... eUng things to be written of this torate in Portland and later one reUls' the fIr8t to 50 k.,i a raiamttv has .rrt rnnnoMr. we feel sure that at Corvallls. Upon our entry into Wednesday evening, June s7, and pened to her family in the land of our Teaders can greatly enhance the World War. he was called to! the second Friday evening. June her birth. Tnoe. their musical education by a per-Pittsburgh as pastor of Grace at eigni ociock at tne First time, desires a human sacrifice to usai or tnis man s me ana nis church in that city, where he also evangelical cnurcn, Tne public is alleviate a danger that has been acaievements. r Waa elected presiding elder of the invited to. attend. A number of E. B. u.. music lumor. jdlstrlct wnere he continued his I On Wednesday evening the pro- - activities for two and a half years, gram will be given by advanced XT a tVi an hoama Ta ai nf ha mrct Students. Saaiatfwl Uisa fYrnl Evangelical Church In this city,1 Violet te, soprano, of Independ where. id 1884, he had preached ence. The Junior and Intermedi- prophesied to him. Veterans' Column i his first sermon west of the Rocky Muontains. Meantime, in 1912, the stand ardization law of colleges having, sisting soloist. ate students will appear in con cert Friday evening, with Miss Joan Evans, soprano, as the as- p..uni r nf h imnr-l ferenc of District No. S at Al- become effective. Dr. Winter! lean Legion will hold the second bany on Wednesday evening. The thereafter directed the further &e- Return From Ten Day's Visit m Eastern Oregon After spending ten days in eastern Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. W B. Johnston have returned to thejr home in Salem. They were accompanied on their return by Miss Ida May Johnston of Dufur who will be a house guest at the Johnston home for some time. Guest For the Week- meeting of June on Tuesday eve-j political pot appears to be boiling tivlties and extension work of the niag in the regular meeting hall, j from the heated arguments strt- college. Probably the most Important Item ed there, according to reportsof. Attesting the high quality and of business will be the reconsider-j the two attending. work of these joint Institutions, ation of the action relative to the) Among the major issues dis- the alumni association of more 1929 convention. The motion to cussed, pro and con, were the than two hundred, numbers among reconsider was laid on the table election and installation of pest jits members, many prominent ed ' at the last meeting of the Post and officers, giving a vote on the en- ncators, lawyers, ministers, doc it is understood that those favor- ventlon floor to the district sx- tors, etc., among them being Dr. lng the motion feel they have mus- ecutive committeemen and the de- Daniel A. Poling, (oldest son of tered enough votes to obtain at partment publication. jRer. and Mrs. C. C. Poling), now - . i.i I nutrlrt Nn 3 voted to sunnort nniitnr nf h famnnn f arhla C.n- leasi a racuguiuuu. - ' r ' - I f.J c 1 Many members of Capital Post the candidacy of Comrade Cam- legiate Church of New York Cilxit!tna n &aem feel that 1929 is the logical timw eron of Cottage Grove for depart-president of the International so- Mls Dorothy Robinett of Al for the convention to be held In.ment chaplain. - Iclety of Christian Endeavor, also'00 ls he week-end guest of her Salem in as much as the 1927 'author, lecturer, world-traveler. aunt MrB- Emma Murphy Brown, meet was In the eastern part of "Blue" Goedell, past depart-and editor-in-chief of the Chris- MlM Robinett who Is a student at the state and the 192S gathering ment commander of the American Man Herald; Bert E. Haney. for- the University of Oregon has been will be in the extreme s outh. Legion of Oregon, was an Inter- mer chairman ot the U. S. Ship-' attending sessions of the state Therefor a central location ls to ested visitor at the conference of ping Board, and leading Portland Rainbow assembly, be desired for the next convention. District No. S in Albany. Wednes- attorney: Prof. W. C. Kantner. id, rrr-n The financing of the convention day evening. He was one of the prominent in norwest music cir- -aft aOZel Peyton Wul -seems to be the main problem speakers. Others to speak were cles, and who was the institutions Spend the Summer in Salem which is causing worry; however, comrade Cameron of Cottage first instructor in music; 'Dean' Hazel Peyton of Grand unhtr of hnaiMsa institutions Grove and Irl S. McSherry, de-Collins, well known literary and Rapids, Michigan is a week-end in the city have signified their partment vice-ommander, of ,Sal- newspaper man; Rev. C. P. Gates, willingness to lend assistance in "v. pastor of the East Side Bvangellc- this matter if it ls necessary. -?; ai cnurcn or Portland; Dr. and guest of Mrs. A. A. UnderhiU. Miss Peyton who was formerly a member of the faculty of Salem Ray Bsseett. adjutant of Capital Mrs. Harry W. Barendrlek of Mc- high school will take a course at Ar special attraction at the meet- Post Nov 9 was a business visitor mtnnvtlle; Judge Alexander Van lng of Capital Post No. 9 on Tues- at the Department headquarters, la Orsdal of Iincohn, Nebr.;. Judges day evening will be the appear- Portland Thursday and he reports A. L. V'easie and E. V. Littlefleld, ance of the Auxiliary Glee xlu. that they have some very nice of- and Mr. W. E. Critehelow. prom Tbfs club has been practicing for fleers thers now ln the Plttock tnent Portland attorneys; Prof, some Urns and will enter the con- Block. jW. I. Ford and Prof. L. H. Baker. test, at the stato conrsntion la j Portland educators; and Prot- B. Medford this year. I Commander "Fod" Maison, who E. Teats of the Sheridan. Ore., has, been herding "rookies" around senoois. wnose sister was on or The membership of Capital post by the sea, ls expected to return the early instructors of the instt- No. 9 has nassed the 1190 .nark to Salem on June 29. Ho nas taiion. and continues to crow steadily, enough members ot Capital Post Among the graduates of the mu-l There is a possibility of securing with him to hold a minature meet- sic department of the college are one mors delegate to the state ng if need be. i three daughters ot Dr. and Mrs. contention, giving 14 tn place of, C. C. Poling: Laura, wife of Her ts Comrade Frank Moore of Cap-bert H. Good, assistant commis- f Hal Post No. 9 chairman of the sloner of public utilities ot Port' Dallas. (Special) The Legion World War Veterans State Bonus land; Mabel, wlfs- of Prof. W. EJ nicnic for members ot the local commission, has been absent rrom wooa oi jerierson. ure.; tnei, post and Auxiliary, will be held the city for some time. Part . of wife ot Rev. G. P. Phelps, evangel- on Thursday night. June 28. at the the time has been spent I n the 1st, author and lecturer, who now Dallas citv nark at 6:20. The ar- "wilds" of the Pendleton region, resides in Salem. rangements are in charge of the Probably he will know something For the occasion of the alumni entertainment committee. about Pendleton's aspirations for reunion, a fine diversified program The Twilirht Leame ball came, the state convention upon his re- has been prepared, to begin at scheduled between the Profession- tnrn. al Men and the Firemen for that -nirh. will ha nlaved on the nrev-r District No. 10:30 a.m., and at noon a basket dinner will bo served. Outstanding among the features of the after- 2 will hold a pre- ious evening. Wednesday. June 27 convention conference at Salem as noon will be an addrees by Dr. C. and there will be no game Thurs- guests of Capital rost wo. 9 on w. tniner, representing iay day- 'the evening of July 13. Every ette Seminary, and who was Its ' pest in the five counties will prob-' first president. On behalf of the The dane eommittee of Canttal ably hare delegates here for that Alomnl Association, Dr. Daniel A. Post No 9 has scheduled two session as several Important reso- Poling, the first classical grad dances for the evening of Jufy 3. lutions, which will be brought bert-ate of the Institution, will give On will he held at the Mellow fore the state convention, will be an address. Athletic sports will al so leaiure ine aay s program. (And. be it remembered, "our Moon and the other at the Crystal discussed. Gardens. The funds derived from these dances will be used to send TRY CABLE-LAYING MACHINE the drum corps to the state con-' BERLIN (AP) Contractors ventlon at Medford on August 2 are, experimenting with a new an 3. 4, at which time it U hoped tomatic cable-laying machine, that the corps will again win the which it ls said not Only digs a. i . ... .. state prize. MeMinnville (Special) Mrs. R. trench aard lays the cable, but fUls the excavation. The five-man crew, it is claimed, can achieve as E. Seibert and Mrs. T. K. Cinna-1 much as ISO workmen. mon were elected delegates to the state American Legion Auxiliary session which will meet in August at Medford. The alternates are Mrs. Effte M. Newton and Miss Emma Haufer., . . . Comrades Braxler Small and Irl S. McSherry of Capital Post No. attended the pre-eonvention con- .CYJBSKTS TO AUSTOALiA SYDNEY (AP) Australia ls baying mors American-made cor sets, finding their superior tit makes possible effective competi tion with the domestic product. Low-priced American products undersell the dontestls despite, a protective tariff. to Oregon Normal school this summer. Miss Arbutus Rudie WUl Be tn Song Recital Cards have been received tor the song recital which will be given Monday evening, July 2, in the Nelson, concert halL by Miss Arbutus Rudie, contralto, student of Minnettn Magers. Mrs. F. A. Wiggins a Guest at Albert Home Mrs. F. A. Wiggins of Toppen ish. Washington is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Albert; Royal Neighbors of Amer ica Will Meet The Royal Neighbors of Ameri ca will meet tomorrow evening at the Fraternal temple. The adult organization will meet at eight o'clock, and the juveniles at sev en. At The Beach for Several Weeks Mrs. B. E. Sisson and her small daughter Mary aUlzabeth, have gone to Neskowln where they will remain for several weeks. Motor to Portland for, The Day Mr. and Mrs. George Martln. Dan". as Salem affectionately calls' " T .n.;.. " " v . . , ,vi., vJ Mra- UU-aA Cadwell and Clark ' - I Martin are spending the day in -1 I PAMIanJI ot Prof. H. H. Dunkelberger and Mrs. Xeonard Starr of Portland, and Ethel Pollng-Phelps of this city, promise a pleasing program. The Dallas committee on ar rangements, ls composed of Mrs. Addle Holman, Mrs. James Leech and Mr. Robert Van Orsdal. Dr. C. C. Poling. Salem, is chairman of the general committees. I To Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Kantner and Dr. and Mrs; C. C. Poling, un stinted praise Is due for their nn- ceasisg efforts devoted to the in- tnrests of Lafayette Seminary, at BASOs KING DIES CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 22. (AP). : William Benjamin King, widely known novelist un der the pen name of Basil King, died here today. Kieven additional clerks" re ports of school districts over the county were filed yesterday with the county superintendent and show results of the annual elec tlon as follows: Rock Point, district No. 29, Ed Doerfler was returned to the direc- torsnip ior anotner tnree years and Joe Barry elected clerk to suc ceed George J. Lambrecht. At Illahee, the clerk. Mabel L. Drager, was reelected and Louis Feller also reelected director. Labish Center school hooks will continue to be kept by W. A. Star ker. while the new director, T. S Bibby, succeeds D. R. DeGross. Both clerk and 'director were reelected by the voters of Clover- dale district, A. E. Kunke to the former post and Ivan Had ley, di rector. North Santiam will have two new officers on its board of four; Myrtle I. Howard, clerk and O. E. Bond, director. The retiring clerk is Glen E. McClellan and the out going director George B. Howard. Mrs. Theresa Ruef and Archie Howard were returned as clerk and director, respectively, at How ell. Silver Falls, district out of Sub limity on route one. also retained its clerk and director, Winn If red E. Rabens and Carrie Schulthers Napoleon Davis was again named clerk of the Butteville school, and M. A, Pierson direc tor. Pratum voters returned Otto Beutler director for three years and Claud Ramsden, clerk. West Woodburn held over M. J Mccormick, clerk, and E. F. Wells director. Mae St Helen, clerk, and Lelta B. Giesy, chairman of the board of directors the past year, were both reelected given additional terms for the Donald district. Ill ROUND-UP MS COMPLETED Novelty Races Included in Program of Crawf ordsville Event July 3-4 BROWNSVILLE. June 23. The stage is about set for Craw fordsvllle's round-up scheduled for July 3rd and 4th. According to the management, the track and arena is in excellent shap.e and cow boys, cowgirls and other contes tants are signing up for the varU ous competitive events which go to make up the two-day program Besides the straight racing events there will be novelty races 0 . o I General Markets t - o FBODT7CS PORTUAKD. Or. . Jon 28. (AP). JCHk ilasdj; rmw milk ) fZJa tah Porttlanb. Bvtterfst 41o tUtton. 43c track, 44 45c fob Portland. Poultry itMiir: suva, uh oTr t poMdt 31; 4 U 4Vi poandt lffc: S to 4 souaaa lae; 9 povaa ana anger ik; oM raasUrs 10c; broiler J4c; joung dwrka 1S. . ... Potbot. qnoUbOB on basis of loo Mui aack: Takiasa ncttod cma. U. 8. Na. l grade S1.3; csaabiBatiea SOedft; Orofon DesahaUa geaa U. 8. Ho. 1. 1.50; .Buraaaka Pa toa. Califoraia ffar4 f2J0(2.?S wfciU rot. 20. Waol ttcad. a turn Orerom mI (Ufc covntrr txiaW) : Omiem li(k aerMUa fiaa SSQS3 yomad; kaM kfiakta tta M4fS4; craaa araa " 40; TJ1, BMdiaar 47c; eoartc 4S. IXAXKT PORTLAND. Ot. Jw . (AP) Datrr Baekaasa. prieaa: Max. axtraa l-Mrc; tuauru wm. yriama firsU 40c; firata e. Sfgs, mru aic: urm a w l astnat SJi ladiai ficats t4w. i - roxTZJoro osurjr POSTLAKD. Ora, 3w 2. (AP) Mrm.f BBS. kard vkica tl.4t: Bart vkita 91.40H; waatara whtta SUde: kawd waaaar Sllt aartaara apaaar, waaaan rod S1JJ. . ... Oata. sa. s, la paaaS iraita raae a. BarlaT. Ka. . tVMai B. SSS. Cora. Wa. S. K. T. akrpmant 43J5. Killrma. itaaaard tMS. HAT POBTLAKn, Or, Jaaa JS. AP). POST LAUD. Ovau Jaaa SS. (AP). Har baviar itrimn: Caatata OroCaa tia- otkj 31J1.50; ditta vallay 1J1.- allaila ?iivu.n; aas aaj a IS; atrav S.0 par tan, Batuaspncaa ti a tarn aaara, XaTTBSTOOX PO&TLA3TD. Ora.. Jua . (AP). RacanpU, akaap, billad thronfk, 315; to tal! for weak (appraxisaaUly) : Cattla M50: calTta 346: kega 5470; akaap 4$30; ear 125. Cattla (compared wita a weak afaj All clasaaa arooad ataaSy; nOx soaS atcara, moatlr graaaan, U44 ta fist lae decirable kiaaa S10.T6 to ail: all qaalitr dowa to 910 aad aadar; kaltam im load lota ap to; eews ap sa SS.15: balk aba stack, medium aad low- ar fradea 98.75 dowa; law cattera dowa to ao.bu ; Bulla aaoatiy 91 to fa; ooHor rado reaiara aaoatly f IS to si; eatraa 10.50 dowa; heavies aad tkiaa dowa to 97.50 and below. Hon (compared wita week are) All olaacoa atoar. balk Uckt batcher for week f 10.7 5 to Sll; amostly fU; aTorwoight - aad - aaderweigkia tie.ftO ' dowa; eatreejc aovioa dowa to $9; peeking oowa asoeUr $70 to alaaga tor pifa aad feed era, strong den ad at Saaep (eomparoS with weak asr aarea ; good to ekeieo eestera Oraoaa PORTLANlMEIl LKAD8 DSXV MONTK. CaL, June 22 (AP) Frank Troeh ot Portland led today in the first regular hweftng of the- CaUfomia state Iranshoot t Del MonU gmn dob. Ht scored ltt-ont of 100. f ksaaba Koaday at 9 IS were SI tkaa last week's cJaaa; batk driro-iaa toady a Sll te SIS: aHaoasa Tkara- day'a aaloa of aiaBilaa' oaaJity to akipaara were SMWtty at IU.1S to (lS.tS. Baa- aom's firU coaaigaaaoat ti Mi. Adarac laanba oa Wattaaaday aad PrWar aroagkt f iao aas f 1.3.2 respective ry; liags aad ogod atoek praotioally 1 Boat yearliaga ojaotod aoastaaUy a SS.50 aad boat lixkt owaa ma to SSM. Offisial anotattoaa at too XorU PorV lea yard tkia avaratao; Were etaad aacaaagod at yoaSarday's Cgaxaa. OHZOAOO eXAXW CHICAGO, Jaao S. (AP). Oora took a lead, ia a krjek aptsorm of eU avaia raktaa dariag tka lata traacactiemo to day: Closlac awotatiaaa ao atoras 1A to le Bat klraar. wkaat Raic bed 1-So te l agr aate oats e to aaraaaa. as follows, spnd races, rawhide races, Roman races, chariot race, quick change race, five-mile Ford race, grand scramble, musical chair race, relay race and consol idated race. There will also be wild horse bucking and roping stunts by the cowboys. The racing Judges as announced by Duncan McKercher, president of the round-up association, are; A. A. Hodges, Albany; Harvey Record, Corvallls ; and J. J. Bar rett, Albany. Judges of the arena events for this year are Onas Brown, Corvallls; Charles Pugh, Shedd; and O. W. Frum, Halsey. Jerry Keeney is marshal of track. There will be dancing each eve ning in the big pavilion near the race -track at Crawf ordsville. Some of v the states are sending uninstructed delegates and Judg ing by the behavior of some of them at other conventions we can well believe they are. Passaic Herald. GET RIO OF :Y0RlflI Thousands of others hare gotten rid of theirs by my simp 1 ancl efficient method of fat reduction without starratioii diet or burdensome exercise, often at a Tory rapid rate ani WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has taken place I am a licensed piactklng physician and have nadee careful study of the physiological requirements of the humju, body. This has enabled me to select such ingredients and lajf such proportion as in my opinion will produce not only a loaf of -weight without harm and an improvement in health, but with it an alleviation of all of the troublesome syraptonul ' Which frequently accompany and often are a direct result of overstoutness, such as shortness of breath on alight exertion, palpitation of the heart, etc, not to speak of the relief front the embarrassment of being too stout. Stout persons suffering from such diseases as Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Eczema Asthma and high blood pressure are greatly relieved byi5' reduction of their superfluous fat. My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy feding.givmgyouthe renewed energy and vigor which come as a result of the loss of superfluous fatv If you are overstout do riot postpone but ait down right now and send for my FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan whereby I am to be PAID ONLY AFTER REDUCTION HAS TAKEN PLACE if you so desire. DR. R. NEWMAN, 286 Fifth Ave.. New York Desk B 11 L. M ( CLEARANCE 7 ( ) ' Now! v ( Store-Wide ) J r Monday! j I I V A Feature Sale of New I If. Vtt NECKWEAR. Choice at 11 1 j V; Vests with cuffs, collar and cuff seta, etc., As in net and lace J S Salem's Leading Department Store J . . . ir ' i'w This Picture Is Not Complete! r The 1928 Bride knows exactly what she expects to find in Bet new home after she returns from the honeymoon. , You can't fool her, and if she doesn't find th new love-nest fully equipped with modern electrical appliances and devices that will make ner domestic tasks a pleasure, she is going to be a badly-disappointed young matron. So, of course, there will be all these attractive and practical things there waiting for her. But, if you want to give her a real surprise; a real unexpected treat just complete the above picture by placing on her dressing table a certificate for a few shares of $6.00 First Preferred Stock in the Portland Electric Power Company. She will be delighted, and she will have something to remind her of your practical thoughtfulness through all the years to come a constant re minder, every three months, when the quarterly dividend check is delivered to her at her door. Good suggestion, isn't it? Come in some time and well tell you more about it Investment Department ' 237 N. libertj Street. Salem, Oregon Portland Electric Power Company Division Office of Salem, Oregon City. Gresham, Hillsboro and St Helens, Oregon. , cd Vancouver. WsiMngton TUBRB J.3 NO SUBSTITUTE FPR ELECT RiCITT HI i i -