Eleventh Annual Bargain Day in Salem Is Announced For Friday, Most of Merchants Offering Same" Prices Saturday; 60 Sign Up Our 24 Cent a Pound Protective Tariff Duty May Be Needed; English Hop Industry Faces a Crisis; See Slogan Pages of Today $3Ceather forecast: Fair hut fog near the coast. Cooler In the Interior of west por tion normal humidity, gentle variable winds. Maximum temperature yesterday 76, minimum 53, river -.1, rainfall none, atmosphere clear, wind northwest. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Seventy-eighth year SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS V I v 1 X, I I i 7 MM R R S WITH RillllFT Representative of Supreme Assembly Speaker; Of ficers Installed TRIPS MADE OVER CITY Representatives of 18 Groups Throughout State Leave Early Saturday Evening; Program Proves Interesting The Rainbow girls, represent- 4al aaDAmftllAa vv ittmn bate' come, held their- second grand assembly, and departed again for their respective homes. W Ul AO V 11' V U CUl DUU1 I I V " - . - ' 1 denarttirA of their train nortb at IS s.'Mn.r.V moi-Vaf ha .final r4 ' event fn iHa twn-rtr nrniram. 'I Hfr rtavM Wriirht nf CalctnT was V toast-mistreFe at the-banquet, at tended by 200 delegates and visit ing members. Supreme Officer Speaks Each delegate and grand offi- V ' ' the banquet as a parting token from Chad wick assembly. No. 3. I of Salem. Miss Gussie Kites, H worthv matron of Chadwick cnap- ter. Order of the Eastern Star of Salem, lead the banqueters in community singing, with Miss A Vary Cupper, past worthy advisor ,4 1 the Salem assembly, at the pi- - ano. Carl G. Tipton, supreme depu ty of the. Order of the Rainbow, spoke briefly V"be group. Mrs. Lillia M. Clement, mother advisor of KrWi Washington assembly ' Ko:Ptg tft Portland, spoke upon pThe KajaDow Trail." i . Principle Stressed Mrs. Rose E. Dowd, a member J JHSMfwMi Star wove into her tawon "The, End of the Jour ney." the theme of following the principles of right Jiving. Mrs. M.iy Talkington. mother advisor ofhe LaGrande assembly. No. 13, spoke of the 'friends that are formed In the Rainbdw work as bring the treasures found in "The Pot of Gold." Miss Anne Steele, Evangeline aFeen3fclylNo. 5, Eugpne. who was earlier lnkhe day installed grand t worthy, advisor for the coming JT made a few remarks. asking, .t help and assistance in ner new wrrk; and Miss Marguerite Wil Ipmin, past grand-worthy advisor, expressed appreciation of the co operation she had received the Billy Cupper, of the Salem as past year. sembly, cang two solos,, accom panied by Mary Cupper, and Mar- ret Brown, also of the hostess assembly, gave a reading. In the morning, individual au- monila trios were made through iti rrounds of the various Insti tutions and about the city, with the Rirls meeting at the f gov ernor's office at 11 o'clock from (Ctiaaet a pat yj MARINE LEADER KILLED IN CRASH MAJOR C. A. LUTZ WES AS r PIJINE (DOMES TO .EARTH , frsgedV Occurs ln Virginia While Aviation Officer on Way to $ ' FILE. Va.. June 23. (AP) The marine corps lost today Its i - iitd moil colorful aviator V in the death of Maior Charles A. Luts, J when the giant trl-motored t akker transport plana, he 1 was 04lattnE to Nicaragua crashed hero k'2Si4Ung him and two othls crew V"55id lnjnrtng the third. f Major Lttti . ard C. - Bush " lief jpilot, 1 Luti and Lieutenant How- bey of Washington; re- were killed Instantly, their, bodies being thrown more thdn.SQfeet from the plane.. Cor- , m m poraf IX C." MeChesney of Detroit, . I rtitian - mechanician also . L . ti.a-ww w . . . ' r wa tirAwm clear of the wrecked V machine, and died of his Injuries . ltuintw hours later. tinl , Reeder . Nichols of "Forco,; Alaw radio operator, was aefoaly injured, and was taken to the home of a Mr. An 'vtfersdj near Sport, Va. - His reeovery . Is expected. f arM1ltil aaora than an hours flight from Its starting vtace, the BtW station, at Anacostla; D. fT" thV large plane passed over 4 Fllo and (hen . returned T shortly elrcling tlte.c town : apparently - to . hHm 1 a nA rAm Inr Ann . 'fnii-wffh a rtn An a tun In. (O-atiaaei ea sasa t) Phono &raphEvctngelist Battle to Noisy Draw AH erraath of Ordinance Forbidding Sermons on Streets Within Fire Limits is Noted; Speakers Move Jo State Street East of High; Walk Has Saturday Bath Yesterday afternoon shoppers were treated to a pitched battle between a Victor record with a loud needle and curb stone evangelists with leather lungs. This was the aftermath of the passing of an ordinance curbing the curbstone evange lists, who may no longer speak within the fire zone. The region of the intersection of to be a favorite hiving place Merchants in the vicinity used various means of voicing their displeasure. All the jcle- rices used were simple and were BING CHERRIES STARTED EAST HURST A ROOT AND ASSOCIA TION SHIP CAR EACH Lamberts Will Begin Coming This Week; Loganberries Ar riving Now The black cherry "deals" are on. Two cars of Bings were rolled yesterday, on their way to east ern markets. One was shipped by the Salem Cherry. Growers' as-, sociation. The other was shipped t v , . augh in hell, and I will laugh O. E Brooks manager of the down at frQm heaven,.. association, said last night that , WheQ there are some Bings left, towards . w . another car; but they are coming rUP?""rB t0k "P a ,pof J" ln in very slowly. The Lamberts, he' notlJer 8tor Bame said, will be coming in by the mid-dstrlc,t' employees decided that die of the week. But he does not'"1? dewalks needed a cooling expect much above 10 -cars thu:bh nad had dT ' hot year, in all, againet what would u? "d had Preriously been sub have been 50 cars, at least, with a,ected to a fire and brimstone fuir crop by member-growers of treatment; a nice cool scrubbing the association. j was only the Just desert of the The Mr. Root of Hurst & Root P" sidewalk, and a scrubbing it is M. E. Boot, heavy shipper of. ot. The splashing waterwashed pears, etc, from the Med ford dlsthe feet of the evangelist, and trlct. Hurst & Root are staking soaked his trousers to his knees, over all the "deals" of Detany & but did not in the least dampen Co. and other shippers hereout- bis ardor; and he kept right on. side of the association, excepting , Before , both stores a crowd of that Of Young & Wella.' amused oalookera gathered to see ; Toung A Wells have not showed up yet, though they hare been busy on their cherry "deal" .at Lewiston. Idaho, and may be waiting to finish that before showing up here. The Other Fmita Strawberries, cherries, red h& ack raspberries and loganberries black raspberries and loganberries r all rmninar finn to the finnrt- Iam nH iolr1i hnnlJi.' thAIIVll strawberries are shading off fast. (AfcreJeour men were seriously. Baker, Kelly & McLaughlin are lnwo,Vwo probably fatally, and! almost through with strawberries. thi-NeclWB river is being searched, but are taking on loganberries and 9ti bodle following an explosion will put up a few hundred 450 nlWd the Italian tanker Ca barrels of these. iPeAJfbading benxine at the Mag- " Libby, McNeill A Libby had nc4a.v petroleum company docks! heaw receints of loganberries at .fwly this morning. The' all points yesterday. Liberty. Sa-tbl jid a crew of 35. The ex tern. Brooks, Gervais, Woodburn pls)ocls believed to have" occur (Coatinacd on ptve 6.) LAND SEEKERS DUE SOON Meeting Here Wednesday Evening to Flaa Entertainment . plans for entertaining the 30 or 40 middle west farmers who will be brought to Oregon next week by the Great Northern rail road company to view the agricul tural potentialities of the Willam ette valley, will be made -at va meeting of representatives of the Aurora, Hubbard. Woodburn. Mt. Angel. Silvertoa. Stayton and Sa lem commercial OTganixatlons at the Salem chamber of commerce rooms Wednesday eTening.f' The land seekers will he met at Portland Monday ' morning." July 2. by representatives of the Au rora, Hubbard . and . Woodburn commercial clubs,; who will escort them over the' northern - part of the county and ' deHver" them In Salem in time for the regular Monday chamber ' of 'commerce luncheon. " . 1 ' '. Afternoon they will be taken In tow by the Mt. Angel, SUverton and Stayton business men' and shown the eastern and southern parte of the county, stopping at Stayton for dinner at C p. m. They will spend the -night In Salem and will be set here by the Albany chamber of commerce members Tuesday morning, for the, trip through Linn county. officials; see review Other Dignl- Watch Troopa State departments were well represented at the annual review of the Oregon troops held at Camp Clatsop Saturday. Among state official and em ployes -who attended the review were Governor Patterson, Secre tary of State Koxer, State Treas urer Kay, Beatrice Walton, pri vate secretary of, Governor Pat terson. and Seymour Jones, state market agent. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Xoser and Mrs. Kay accompanied' their hus band. - State and High' streets seemed for the sidewalk orators. did not relish the services and effective in conveying their mes sage, but did not drive the speak ers from their places. One merchant installed a pho nograph having good volume with in the doorway of his store. Its langurous rhythm was in sharp contrast to the fiery oratory that it was attempting with consider able success to drown, but its vol ume was a nice balancer for the vocal efforts of the speaker. When a customer, whom the speaker mistook for for an attache of the store, came out on the street the speaker greeted him with . "Oh, the brother laughed when he started the phonograph, but I laughed too; I like good music. And Bom. d thttt hrnthAr wl,J tkeftterostlng contests, but re- fused to show special sympathy for either side ITALIAN SHIP BLOWS UP mm' .Xfjffife Expected L' Explosion to Die Follow, on Tanker Texas. Jnn 24 redflhvthe boiler room. gjyiAKING FIRST i The', above picture shows D..W. Eyre," president, and Fredrick S. Lamport. A "vice " president of the UnitedVStates National bank re ceiving ffom .Wesley Helse. prest denC and. Charles Kay Bishop, sec retary, of the YMCA Junior' board o f directors tho ilrst deposit of tho THCA' endBwnjnTt-'fnnd. n Many Toung Men's Christian associations "through on the Unit ed SUtes are sfcfrtnroment fanK( the proceed oj walch are used to maintain and extend the workf the assoeUtton. In their respoetfve cities millions of dol Ur are used in this way. The Salem 'Association la Just begin nlng (o(butld up melt a fund. . : Tne 'junior board of directors MULTIPLE FEES BEING CHARGED TO H FULLS Commercialization of Natur al Beauty Spot Decided by Salem Folk PARK PLAN FRUSTRATED Purchaser Gets Advantage of County's Expenditures for Good Roads; Complaint Made to Chamber Disapproval is being voiced by Salem people who like to make pleasure jaants to Silver Creek Falls, at what they believe is too much commercialization of a na tural beauty spot. One local business man, who be lieves the falls area should be pre served for the enjoyment of all with but a nominal fee, express ed the objectionable commercial features in a letter to the local chamber of commerce, which has spent considerable time and mon ey in advertising the falls. The letter, however, was not present ed to that body following relation of the facts to one of the chamber officials. Initial Fee Raised His objections, like those of others, are two-fold, First, camp ground people at the entrance to the falls have increased the fee from 25 cents a car to 10 cents per person, or practically doubled it. This for visitors from town who stay only an hour or so. Second, a barricade has been erected between the camp ground and falls land, proper, presum ably to charge an additional fee to get a f limps of the falls, not in iisui iiom iuo oarncaae ana en- (CoUad ob par 6.)-. SHIP SINKS OFF COAST Schooner Rammed by Another Vessel, Report at New York NEW YORK. June 24. (Sun day) (AP) The radio "operator at police headquarters reported early today receipt of a radio mes sage from the Tex line ship "Lake Ellethorpe"- saying that while passing Barnegat light she col lided with an unidentified schoon er. The schooner sank with all hands aboard. The commander of the "Lake Ellethorpe" said he steamed back and searched the vicinity but could find no trace of the schoon er or any member of her crew. YMCA ENDOWMENT FUND DEPOSIT made tbe first payment Into theicently wrote an article Endow- fund, each member making a per sonal contribution. D. W. Eyre and E. L. Wleder Immediately ad ded to the sum. Many friends' of th association feel that this is a history making event and that It is the beginning. of; a portant development. very m- . The Junior board eonsista of 10 boys, all in schoeL They conduct tnw affairs of the Junior division, work with fboys. s Some j of the boys', parents are on the regular board of directors, in the ease of Prank. Cross and ' Charles Kay Bishop,' their fathers and grand fathers were "directors of the as sociation. - John W. Cook of New Tork re- ELEVENTH ANNUAL BARGAIN DAY PERIOD HERE TO BEGIN FRIDAY Sixty Salem merchants, all leaders ln their . respective fields of merchandising, have already signified their intention to par ticipate in the eleventh annual bargain day on Friday of this week, June 29, and it is expected that a much larger number will be enrolled before the day arrives. As in the past, Friday will be bargain day, but many of the merchants will continue to offer the same low prices on Sat urday. .Exceptional offerings will be made in all lines of businses, with the specific intention of further establishing Salem's repu tation as a place where the best may be obtained at surprisingly low prices. The Statesman and the Capital Journal are sponsor ing bargain day again this year. Bargain day, which has been an annual event of great In terest to out of town people as well as local residents for so mffny years, promises to offer this year bigger values and a greater variety than ever before, on account of the increased number .of business firms taking part. Particular attention is to be paid o out of town customers, who on the bargain days will be extended every courtesy within the city. Special window displays will be made by many of the mer chants, and goods so arranged that even casual inspection will (Continued on pat S.) D'AUTREMONTS END FIRST YEAR OBSERVANCE INCLUDES RASE. BALL, CHURCH SERVICES Prison Heads Say Toung Bandits 'Model Prisoners, No Longer Curious A ball game, checkers and at tendance at a Catholic service in the prison chapel will today mark the end of the first year's commit ment to the state penitentiary of Hugh, Ray and Roy D.Autremont. The brothers are serving life terms for the slaying of three trainmen during the Siskiyou tun nel hold up on October 11, 1923. The youthful bandits were dressed in at the prison a year ago today and for the next few months attracted large number of visitors to the institutions. Since then they have become a permanent part of the prison ma chinery, and their names are sel dom mentioned by persons who visit the penitentiary. Officials said the boys have proved model prisoners and have not violated any of the prison rules. Hugh,- the youngest mem ber of,the"trldT la "em ployed in the lime plant at the prison. Ray has been assigned to . handling hog fuel, while Roy has been working steadily for several months in the flax plant. They are devout Cath olics and attend all services of that denomination held in the prison. 'i ! A few mouths ago the boys be came interested in the study of Spanish, which occupies their time when not engaged in the pen itentiary activities. Through the courtesy of prison officials they have been supplied with Spanish textbooks and a dictionary. The boys are ' allowed -to keeptbese books in their cells. Officials said the boys had nev er made any complaint regarding (Contiaod pag 5.) lng and Extending a Great Cause" published in the Association For um, la which he. mentioned five ways of . building ' up an endow ment, bequests,' annuities, gifts, bequest by lit v, Insurance aid residuary legacies. .- A large part of tho money com ing to the TMCA - endowment funds is through legacies in wills or cod lefls d jrtlls. ,.: The .board o directors. of the -Salem YMCA has information of a-considerable number 5 of Salem - citizens - who have put the YMCA In their wUls. Many associations, notably Bos ton, Brooklyn, New York and Chi cago have received large sums of (Contlnued on page 11) TROOPS PURSUE YANKS' CAPTORS BANDIT KIDNAPERS FLEE FROM MEXICAN SOLDIERS Total of 90000 Demanded for Re turn of 2 Mining Men in State of Jalisco MEXICO CITY, June 23. (AP) Federal troops have been ordered out by the Mexican gov eru.Dleni..t,0 PUr!Ua D FX rt,V violently opposed to the nomina which kidnaped W. M. Mitchell Uon Qf A, Sm,th h momeQ. and John P. Hooper. American tarily at ,eaet n the ba mining men in the state of Jalisco from the ,ead who had and are holding them for ransom lanned to concentrate public at under threat of death. .J tentlon on allegations of corrup- The bandits said to number 150 ti(m ,n government and in poli men. also raided several iowns Ucg farm relJ Urlff nyMoh and ranches, drove off cattle and and other Issues whJch t re captured several Mexican workers gard ag tfae weafc ,n the who later were released. publican armor. Mitchell is understood to be the Soft Pedal Tried manager of the Meequltal del oro( Jugt how f&j. tfce ultra drys can mines, property of the Pacific Min- the,r ,n conTen. ing company in the Mesquital del ,on remaina future determln. Oro camp in the state of Zacatecas. atJon but rtrelllg of thls ,8 f ,?,h .HOOe,r-, f 1 lT?en u at this time has been depre definitely identified, the American cated a number the ,ea embassy believes that he might be ome of whom trj opp08ed to of the same company. gmUh and whQ uke the T,ew GMd.laJ.tra vPr dispatches the democratlc rty mu8t go to lLnhat the-oaadt demande,d the country not on a single Issue. !;0Kftn, ,PC8 ,UP?T h on a series covering the $1500) for the release of each of needg Qf tne hour the captives while the American Tfae wanLa Btronger embassy has received advices Irom private sources that 18,000 (ap- cang KaBsaP Jaflt week and proximately $9,000) have been ther6 naTe been flUggestlons tnat demanded for both. - jsome of tnem may demand'a full l do emuassy, wuicu uos uc manded repreeentatios to the Mex- lean foreign office for the safe IS1? v Z , that Mitchell and Hooper were going by automobile from Guada- f.x. ;.," .v. . lajara, Jalisco, to the mine Friday morntnr. when the bandits sur rounded them and took off the Americans. They sent the Mexi can driver back to Guadalajara with a message demanding ran som. ANOTHER PLANE WRECKS Two Die in Crash at Del Monte, . California; Yesterday DEL MONTE. Cel.. June 23 (AP) Two men were killed to- day when an airplane dropped in a tall spin 2500 feet to crash two miles -north of here. -The - dead are Kenneth O. Mcintosh of San Francisco and Clarence Cooke, Jr., of Honolulu, Frank W. Fuller of San. Francisco, the pilot, was -un injured. The victims were well known in California and the Hawaiian . Is lands. . Mcintosh was the son of C. K. Mcintosh, president of the Bank of California at San Francisco. He is survived by a widow and two children, aged 7 and 4. Cooke, 23, was the son of Clar ence Cooke, Sr.. bead of ' Lowers and Cooke, said to be the largest hank or the Hawaiian Islands. Cooke's father left. San Francisco l for Honolulu Wednesday. , He was notified ' by wireless of his son's death. . - PLAN TRIP TO SCOTLAND Mr. and Mrs. William McOllcfarlst to Leave Wednesday On Wednesday , Mr. and Mrs. William MeGilchrist," Sr., of this city .will )eave for a trip to Eur ope, with their old home near Glasgow, Scotland, as their prin cipal goal. It will be partly a busi ness trip, as Mr. MeGilchrist still owns' property there." They win make visits to all parts of the British Isles, and may wander over to the mainland for a time. Mr. and Mrs. MeGilchrist came from Scotland in 1IJ1, nad lived two years . - tn "Portland - - before coming .to Salem. Whether . or - not ., Mr. V MeGilch rist will revert to native nabtts and wear kiltj, depends largely on" the -weather,' he baa confided to friends. ..5, - v-;?.. i- ' ''" ; ' They nave round : trip tickets Tood for a year, but may not bs able to bold out thai long agalnai Salem's attractions. - - - IT BIGGEST ISSUE E Effort to Divert Attention to Farm Aid Platform Proves Futile PR0HIS OPPOSING SMITH Democrats at Loggeriioade Over Prohibition Question On Eve or 1028 National Conven tion at Houston By JAMES L. WEST Associated Press Staff Writer HOUSTON, Texas, June 23. (AP). Prohibition has super seded all other issues in the dis cussion and arguments pending the opening of the democratic national convention Tuesday and it may furnish the basis for a real fight in the platform making committee 11 not in the conven- tion tsejf Thus the nltrn rlrva whn urn endorsement of the 18th amend- a dec,aratlon against eUner re. Pal or modification. Such a de- and wo,d meet deter. , . ... . . . mined opposition from not only the Smith, but other candidate camD8 Moody Leads Drys Dan Moody, Texas' youthful and dynamic governor, is looked - (Continued on page S.) PRESS GROUP ON OUTING Callfornlans Find Oregon Section Best for Purpose MEDFORD. June 23. (AP) j Headed by Friend W. Richardson.1 former governor of California. 200 j members of the California Press association will arrive Monday morning at Ashland in special cars on their annual summer out ing. They will, he brought to this citr by automobile and be the guests of honor at a noon lunch eon given by the service clubs of, the city. In the afternoon theyj will be taken to Crater lake where ( they will spend two days viewing that scenic wonder. An automobile caravan from LKlamath Falls will then take the visitors through the Klamath basin lO iwnmam run, wn km; entrain for home. .- Oregon editors will assemble hero Friday and locaV service clubs will tender them a banquet that evening. Saturday they will Journey to Crater lake tor a week end ' business session. A golf tournament is to be the entertain ment feature Friday- afternoon. PATTERSON WILL SPEAK Governor to Ten Impressions Ci- Have of Orecosi - What do the people who inhabit Chicago,, reputed center of .the gunman industry, think ' of Ore gon 7 Or do they know there is such a place as Oregon? How does it feel to talk to theusaads of invisible auditors? . These are the. questions which the Salem chamber of comoree has aske4 Governor L. Ii. Patter son to answer when lie 4ddresaes the members at Monday's loach eon. .i '- ;'; The governor Is : oualifled Is solve these problems for e rA cently visited Chicago and broad cast an . address on Oregon's his tory ami development r poasiblll- ties over the radio station of the Cbtcago ' pally News. -' AddiUoaal nubllslty w&s - g-Tn ' lbs auue rccrht a pro f pictures in a .-fttoxruie ts:t!oa of the New a. IN i NT ON SELECTION OF SMITH CONCEDE! rJt Necessary Two Thirds Ma ioritv at Houston Declared Available ENEMIES MAKING DESPERATE PLEA Virtually No Chance Seen ot Stopping Tammany Man DRY FORCES LOSE Managers Backing New York Governor Take Attitude , That Nomination by Bour bons Can be Had at Any Time By PAUL F. HAUPERT AsHoriated Press Staff Writer HOUSTON, Texas. June 23 (AP) Al Smith stands tonight c close to the democratic presiden tial nomination that his support ers insist he can be put over at any stage of the convention ballot ing next week and his political foes generally concede that only a development not now in prospevt can stop him. There will be 1.000 delegate votes in the convention. Twj thirds, or 733 1-3. will be required to nominate. Smith's backer claim he has 710 first ballot votes safely tucked away- and that at any time he wants them he can pick up enough more to clinch the nomination in quick order. While they are passing" the word that fa vorite sons and other candidates o iu uto ineir cnaace, iney nave indicated they would not be sur prised it some of them followed the lead of Governor Ritchie f Maryland and withdrew before the result of the first ballot is an nounced. Over 630 Admitted Almost without exception. Smith's opponents concede him al least 650 votes. They are cling ing to the hope, however, that ! tide still can be stemmed ane enough delegates, chiefly from the south and fsvorite son states, held away to block his nomina tion on an early ballot and briar about a disintegration of - his forces. , r.v The political lieutenants of the New York executive, who is not on tbe scene, are looking to a dozen, states to furnish the to le gates they still need. His foes have their eyes on the same staAee. and several more, for the votee4 build up an anti-Smith coalition. Both sides are claiming some, of the same delegates and tbe lfne- (Coatiaue4 3.) ,-,,,- NATIONAL GUARD HAS MANEUVERS , r - . 4 . ' TROOPS REVIEWED BY GEN ERAL GEORGE A. WHIT " Governor ratterson Also Preeewt to Inspect Oregon State Sol diery at'CLUsop v ' CAMP CLATSOP. Ore.: Jan 23. (AP).- Pompous 'pageantry of war, coupled '. with - tbe mosi realistic demonstration of a bat talkm in attack. ever seen in- thir seetion of the country, - thriUed between 1M0Q and 20.000 spa tatora, representing all section! the state, at this military rjan campment today ; 1 It - was warfare minus those bloody phases -which detract Ires the romance of being a soldi. structive warfare 'Is. - - 'S It was a field of glinUng bay onets," of belohlns;.-- eaanon.-of bursting shrapnel. A-field whisk in color, in action and la militar operations, showed Just how ICse game of warfare Is worked eat on. battleflelda. ' u With regimental flags flaunt ing tho breese and bands playins, tho entire 1 2nd infantry - brigade and attached, units. Oregon asr tlonal guard .under the jeonnaut of ' Brigadier .General George Js White,; passed In' review . befoee Governor Patterson and MaJso Gsneral. John L. Hlnos eomnaeav der of h tk corps ren.v sV At9rozlnuiUl7t. f ;ff teet and enlisted men look part Is this phase of the -day's ActtvUien, which was held at t o'clock:. Th1 was followed by a, dsmonstraaon of atUck ty a battalion of intaja Ut. fipported by .field ' artilhrrys howltxero and machine guns. m.-v. 4 i