The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 17, 1928, Page 14, Image 14

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f 1
I 4-
1 1 '
Dodge Victory Six
Contest Winner Here
Aooonneement has ben reeelr
d by Edna If- Fltts, of Jt, 9. Box
1 192. of a seventh prtz award la
the $20,000 Dodge Brothers eon
production and Shipments est to find the best slogan that
6 Suroass Everything in
Company's History
V Surpassing all previous records
tbe Willys-Overland company on
t May 31 produced 2,244 Willys
.Knigbt and Whippet cars which is
an increase of 214 cars otct the
previous highest daily output es-ner". while
describes the Victory Six automo
- The nation-wide contest closed
March 31, with 340.000 slogans
submitted, and the judges of
Dodge Brothers have just arrived
at the final decisions involving
distribution of 354 prises. Forty-
four states produced prize win-
four prises went to
cars were produced, officials an
nounced here today.
May shipments totalling 44.559
ars broke any previous record and
compared with shipments of 27,
644 cars during May of last year.
.May production totalled 15.686
.ears as compared with production
f 38,020 tars in April, 33.898
.jrars in March. 25.522 in Febru
ary and 13.674 in January. This
is the first time in the history of
the industry that any company out-j
Jide of Ford and Chevrolet has
produced more than 40,000 cars
'4n one month. Thus Willys-Over-land's
total production for the
first five months of the current
year equalled 156.800 cars which
exceeds by more than 30,000 units
production of 126.301 cars for the
fen tire first six months of last year
ni already definitely establishes
the first half of 1928 as the great
est in the-company's history..
m indications that the company
Iras continuing to pass its previous
production and shipment records,
.were contained in the announce
ment that on May 25th, shipments
of cars totalled 2951, the largest
One-day shipment record in 20
years. The previous high ' record
The winning slogan. "Making a
Good Name Better." went to C. C.
Michael of Colorado Springs. Col.
Mr. Michael received $1,000.
Contestants sabmitted their slo
gans after riding in the Victory
Six, and the thousands of impres
sions of the Victory's phenomenal
performance made the task of se
lecting the winners difficult. ,
Nickleware Around Automo
bile Often Ruined by Too
Much Polishing '
soap and the ' eop and body
be washed from time to time wth
water and any good soap. - This Is
for lacquer finishes. If your fan
ders happen to be varnished be
careful of soap on them except to
remove oil or grease that will aot
come oft any other way. In wash
ing your car, plenty of water, a
soft cloth and finally the chamois
skin are the beet - When the top
becomes discolored from action of
the sun and dust, it can be re-
finished with a coat or two of
good top dressing, it being a good
plan to use one that is known to
agree with the basic finish of
your ear.
As much niekelware aronnd a
car Is rained by overpollshing as
by not polishing enoagb. Some
nickel polishes that work fast and
give a lovely shine are quite de
structive and even abrasive.
When yon polish your nickel, do
it lightly. In most cases a gen
tle rubbing with a slightly oily
cloth will give polish enough and
the oil film. will protect the nickel
from the action of rain and traf-
tic mm. Alter wuing your car
be sure to, wipe everything" off
perfectly dry. particularly the
nickel parts. Water is your great
enemy of nickel. - Door handles
and the Interior fixtures are bet
ter, without water. Most of them
are usually. eilver plated. '
There is one thing about the
best modern finish it is perma
nent. tt not only. takes less time
to apply than. the old varnishes
but, when it is on, it has become
an Integral part of the surface of
The whole family loves the car,
and there is no good reason why
the children should be excluded
from the - processes of cleaning
and polishing up the family pet.
In well-informed households it is
recognized that the car needs to
be kept up kept clean, and
fresh, just like the living room at
Kaam tn a vf 1 O C m,hA 4A47I V
" " v, j , I . V I The traffic film which gathera
V T "l " ,on the car when it is in service,
record is the largest single day scon8j((tg mlcro8cop,can. or from
anveaway recora maae on May Z5.20 t 50 different kinds of infin
Ucn uiuii oi oia irS .en i" iteslmally tiny bits of this, that
flant under their own power in theand the other mogt of tnem of
Bands of drivers representing deal
ers within a radius of 250 miles
from Toledo.
the melaL No chemical change vehicles Is to b found In the beads
takes place. . It is there, and
there to stay with bo fading and
no cracking. Bat It Is, of course,
a fcala of itself, not a kind of
varntshv . ' ''-.
(Continued from Page 11)
slant on the delivery problem,"
said William Nelson Taft. editor of
the ReUil Ledger, "Is not so much
one of transportation or mechanics
as that of a sales-Increasing ser
vice, and trucks should be sold
mainly this basis, remembering
that the best market for delivery.
f the 'shopping-center stores'
whose Interest in delivery prob
lems baa been sUadily increasing
for the past tea years, or ever since
the days of horse and wagon.
"Even today, many stores are
not yet aware of the full extent of
the opportunities open to them
through the agressive development
af their full trading area and there
is a big chance for constructive
telling by the truck industry not
merely to fill replacements In pres
ent fleets or to meet the claims of
competition, hut to inrcease the
number of trucks bought by
store as a whole by pointing out
that a wide-delivery radius inev
itably means a wide customer-radius,
which in turn, means increas
ed volume and Increased . profits
for alL" : . I
Battery and Electrical
' -. Service Station
Service on all makes of Batteries
Authorized Dealers for
Willard Batteries
Located in the Smith & Watkins raiding
Corner Center and Liberty TELEPHONE 1229
Ijj The company entered June with
production and shipments contin
uing at the record pace in efforts
to catch up with the unfilled or
Sers for more than 30,000 cars on
the books of the company. In ad
dition to a working personnel of
more than 22,000 in the Toledo
plants, the Pontiac. Mich., Elmira,
N. V.. and Toronto plants of the
company are working at 100 per
cent capacity, it was stated.
Geared rings of steel are "sweat"
onto flywheels in the Oldsmobile
The steel gears mesh with the
starting motor gears when the lat
ter operates and. being of steel,
reduce the possibility of breakage.
Read The Classified Ads
nature not likely to do the car
finish any particular good.
It is necessary to keep your car
as free from the film as possible.
Children can keep daddy's car
glistening. It is not a good plan
to keep washing the car. H. Led-
yard Towle, the best authority in
the country, on the subject, says
that the film, being full of min
ute particles of grit, acts as a
gentle abrasive for your car's fin
ish and if carefully wiped away
rather improves than damages it.
Wipe it off with a soft cloth. Mud.
on the other hand, should be
washed off as soon as possible.
Mud allowed to. dry and cake is
bad for the finish.
It is surprising in what good
condition an automobile can be
kept under ordinary circumstances-
by a mere wiping. The grease
around the wheels should be
washed away with some naphtha
GREASING Complete au
tomobile labriratkm with
oar high pressure aletnJte
labricatlag system.' For
all makes of ears.
WASHING, TowHajr ears mad
light sedaas
High & Ferry
Station '
"' I
the World trill have g new and finer motor cat
QJMew () Series
Dodge Brothers Commercial
Car Links Observatory
With World
A motor truck having human
life depending on Its regular oper-
believed to have established a rec
ord for automotive reliability the
world jover. The desert Is des
cribed as not supporting plant or
insect life.
In this vast waste, towers Mt
Montezuma 9.000 feet above sea
level, on the top of which is an
observatory maintained by the
Smithsonian Institute for the
study of heat waves at the edge
of the earth's atmosphere. Already
scientists stationed ai the obser
vatory have made discoveries that
liken the sun's behavior to radio
activity and weather changes. The
discoveries . are regarded as par
ticularly important as they Indi
cate long distance weather fore
casting. This lonely station maintains its
ation in the Chilean desert is only connection with the outside
world by means I of a , Dodr
Brothers Commercial car whit
performs tasks seldom equaled i
operating'oyer the Chilean
to a little , town of Calama, w&4
provisions . are obtained. Once
week water and food are haule
from this settlement, and H. t
Zodtner, California scientist, an
his wife who are stationed on tc
of the mountain find the car d
pendable and economical. A sllg!
cold in the high altitude and d:
atmsophere often runs into pne
monia unless the sufferer Is tak
to the sea. shore, so the tru
must always be available as l
Read The Classified Ads
I w
ee forlfourself
why Experienced Owners Demand
Bodies by Fisher
In Oakland'Pontiac ihowrooms
throughout the United States a
special Fisher Body Demonstra
tion opens Saturday, June 16.
Cooperating with the Fisher Body
Corporation, Oakland has
arranged to demonstrate to auto
mobile owners everywhere the
reasons for the superiority and
popularity of Fisher bodies.
Come to our showroom during
the Fisher Body Demonstration.
Learn how Fisher builds bodies
and what high quality of material
is used. See for yourself why
experienced owners demand
bodies by Fisher. Don't miss this,
opportunity to gain a sound
understanding of such an im
portant part of your automobile.
Oakland All-American Six, $104 to $1261. Nu Series Pontiac Six, $74 to $875.
All price at factory. Check Oak land-Font iac delivered price they include bmest
handling charge. General Motors Time Payment Plan available at minimum rate.
VICK BROS., Salem, Oregon
associate: dealers '
BywlT stotr Co., Allaay, Oragwa; Bataa Mete Co. Inc., CvrraUU, Onfti; MtmUi M4or Oe,
SUrsrUa, Orasoa; Tni T. BUyaa, Bdo, Omw; Bmh Xrthn, Tmrmt, Otsb: O. J. Ikiwit Bern,
biOti, Orta; Hmry O. BUMa. HsRltbarg, Orga; T. D. reitny. Ja4pntfae, Orra; T. 1
MillMr. Aswis. Onfoa; K. 3. Araold. MtunU. Onfoi; IiMi tmpt Srrte SUtiea, Toted. Oregon.
the Neatest fact
in motor caLms today
j asaaw.a,raT.oyR
?BATS lower than maS-erder
than the price you pay for unknown brands that
stri here today and cone tomorrow. It's typical
o. the sensational rahies we offer m tires whose
r laiity has never been questioned. ReHims
IUler-built re made in popular sires
riady to give you mileage that's si as
thdr.Iow price. -. ; . . . .. . "
Ass about oar Easy-Pay Plan. .
A small down payment equips
: your csr with stnrdy RelSms.
r From low price to: hh, all engmee ring
today takes Jts cue from Chrysler yet
what re the facts'?. . '
Run the runut of cars, from low to high,
which seek ' to . emukte Chrysler and
'till , the Illustrkwas Chrysler runs
easily away from them all with all the
honors of flashing, efficient performance!
: However mnch they seek to
act like Chrysler w72'
ride and drive
snd accelerate ;
mad glide like Chrysler 72n the Illus
trious "72" continues to leave them all
in die rear in brillianc behavior.
There is no escaping this plain fact that
as motor car manufacturing exists today,
anyone who pays as much as, or up to
a thorrsand dollars more than the price
of Chrysler "72," for another car unmia-
takahly gets less. That is the
one ereat important
fact in motor cat
buying today.
' . "'sssan. .
Coopa (with i mmlU Mf), 45j Rarsl SW S1399; Sport
(wsta rsssitoseaO S1399 4-pass. Cawpa, S1595t Tows Siaw 699;
eopa ltM iwNi $tt 170
$. o Sw UUroU. Uuytttr Memltrt
Bsms! Ssaith -vv --t 19t 8. Oosumecxial St.
4 Harblsom , Station Capttol at Karket Wea
' ' '
erald-SIierwisi Motor Co.
you want
a"xj zs - y Til
.S 1 "'tl
AuSKWlhPB Fin-r tndaris demand
mastery of the open road for w OUsmobOe enrine is rubber-spaxkkn-
acceleration in traf- mounted and its bodiea,insu
fic! Just drive this new Olds- lated to deaden noiaefrpin
car standards demand, all this
plus enduring stamina so "
the new Oldsmobtle was tffted '
tor over a million miles before ,
heinf offered, to the public! ...
In every way this new Sixis I
mobileand let your own
experience confirm that now
familiar phrase, The Pine
Car of Low Pricef
Finc'car standards 'demand
power plus smoothness . . . so
uiasmoDiie tntro 1 .: ; - mor tkn niAti:M.
expectaaona, of .
-critical motorists
and in no way more
impressively than by
. ita power! Come take
that drive today!
hrilUant hirh-com- gf
preasion trformance JLj ITm)
special fuels.
3 .
PHONE 2125
350 North High Street
c y
8alea10S 8. OoaaV Street " ' " -
" .