w T REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY AXDERSOX RUPERT, Realtors 16 8. High. Tel. 1644 ' ' BARBER A BONO . ZOO Gray Bide. - . TeL 790 BECKE HENDRICKS 139 X. Bi(k.. TL 161 A. C.BOHBNSTIDT 147 X. Commercial. - Tel. 577 LEO K. CUXLX.COM Retort 20 8t.te 8t. Tel. 1727 PRD O. DELAXO 0 K, Church. Tel. 2330 9 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 15 Ptrst iiat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 842 GA8KILL A EABX.E 166 8. Liberty St. Tel. 2242 W..H. CRABEXHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 515 MKLVIX JOHNSON - 9A 17 S H.ak Rlt. Tl S7 W. G. KRCEGEB 147 y. Com'l. - -Tel. 217 LAFLAR A LATLAR Ld4 A Bgik Bank BUf. Tel. 546 LARSEN OR RICE 125 Oregon Bldr TaL 174 W. A. LISTON 404-5 If atonic Bldr. - Tel. 1321 ARTHUR KADSEN 8074 North Capitol. TeL 2807 MELLINUER COMITTI 409 Oregea Bid. TeL.1170 w. O. HILLS $31 ft 8 lata St. TeL 175 W. E. HOSES 451 Court St. Tel. 2 SIS GERTRUDE J. H. PAGE 484 Court. Tel. 1882 PERKINE A af ARSTERS 211-212 Gray Bid. Tel. 007 RICH. Li. REIMANX. Realtor 19 N. High St. Tel. 86$ Jr - SALEM REALTY CO. 07 State St. Room 7. Tel. 1004 CHARLES SPL'RLIN 210 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1935 . SOCOLO.'8KY. A SON r04 5 Pirst Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 976 SQUARE DEAL REALTY "U. S. Kst7l Bank Bldf. TeL 470 r.. ' TRIANGLE REALTT CO. H.i2t Court 8t. Tel. 631 ULRICH A ROBERTS -129 N. Commercial. Tel. 1254 U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State St. Tel. 2660 F. L. WOOD 841 State St. Tel. 794 The Oregon Statesman Publiahed every morning except Mod cay, at Salem, the capital of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday One time 2 eentt per word Three timea 5 cents per word Six times. 8 eaats per word 1 mo. daily and 8ua..20 cents per word la order to earn the mors than one time rata, advertisiag moat ran in eoaaeeetaTo Isaacs. Mo A takea for leaa thaa t5e. Ada ran Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (eicept Personals and Situations Wanted ) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber ta phono. The Statesman will -receive adver tisement at any time of the day or night. To insure proper classification Ads should be in before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 23 0B 583 ADVERTISEMENTS HONEST ADVERTISING These col umns must bo kept free from aay thing af a qaestioasblo nstnre. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Informa tion showing any questionable intent oa the Dart of the advertiser should be resorted to this newspaper f or the Salem Ad club. 4 Lodge Roster CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1, 1. O. O. F. M eets every Wednesday evening at T:30 o'clock; third floor of I.O.O.F. Temple, corner of Court and High St. AUCTIONEER F.N. Wood ry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer aad Furniture Dealer Res. aad Store, 1610 N. Summer St, Pbona 511 H. F. Woodry & Son Bight down town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store, 271 N. Com'l. Tel. 75. Agents for Langs Ranges, 0OL. A. L. STEVENSON. AUCTIONEER 28 years' experience in tho Willamette alley, for dates or arraagemeata see F. A. Doerfler, farm adviser. First Na tional Bank, Salem. Phono or write. A. L. Steveaaoa, Co rv a Ilia. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 FLEKNER ELECTRIC CO. HOU8S wiring by. hoar or contract. Estimates furnished. TeL 980471 Ceart 8t. TaL 168 1IOH AND CENTER R J. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter aad generator work. 202 South High. U. S. L. Service Station Automotive Electricians Vick Bros. High St. at Trade. TeL 1341 Ma run a & Harnsberger K 9 A Ai MS J A au a a- I BATTERIES AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS r- s? t vn nDrtT XcFBTwtrZ 815 Center Street. TeL 191 sb connection with Salaam Super Service Statioa BICYCLESRepalring 4 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycles aaa repairing. ss win. SALESMEN Automobile Salesmen Attention K . TATA ijaaM as wsmveT ariaaat Eaa nfMtMsaTa TfV asea m aa v we aaaw m"--" ' w f" "r"w- tion for yon. If 70m art not fr-.4 t work eon is an 9 ma, - 4 Alfred-Billiijgsley ; Motor Co. 838 Crater BC aieexie wexwreeejWe HELP WANTED Female 8 WANTED WOMEX TO WORK OX strawberries. Trad aad High. WOMEN EARS 818 DOZES SEWING aprona. Experioaeet ' unnecessary ; ao ' aelling. Easy, steady work, materials ., eat., Addressed eaveloae briars de tail. . Cashes. Dreaa, GoshasT, M. T. BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE CAPITOL BEAUTT SH0PP 223 N. High. Far Appt. Tel. 866 THE MODEL BEAUTT PARLOR 112 N. Commercial,. - ' - - TeL S THE MODER2T MARIN ELLO For Mea, Woenea a ad Child ran 206 Mimin Bldf.. TeL 87 INSURANCE: DIRECTORY i Anderson ft Rupert, General Insurance 1M 8. High. TeL 1644 BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 H. High. ; Tel. 161 LAFLAR A LAFLAR Ladd Bash Bank BISg. - TeL 548 W. A. LISTON. General laaaraswe 404-5 Masonic BUg. - TeL 121 RICH. L. "RSlMAKK--Uea. las.. Leeas 219 K. Hi St. .ToL 5 WILLAMSTTR ISTSCBAtfCK, AGENCT llSMasosiiu BICg. - TeL 482 HOTEL DIRECTORY - Wanted Permanent roomer Hotel Senator "Annex Formerly Terminal HotaL At tractive rates by weak or . month. Phoaas in ail reesas. Inewire Hotel Seaator, phoae 696. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. tel. 828 R.. Res. 2104-J. DBS. SCOFIELD, X Ray. CHIROPRAC tor aad Neurwealometer service. Office phono 2194, Res. 2187 J and 2892 J Suite 414-13-15. First Nat'l Bank. FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ulacn a, Court A High St. Tel. 601 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Faaeral wreaths, decoratioaa. C. F. Breithaopt, fioriat, 513 State Street. lei. S8: . y INSURANCE 12 Insure Your Home or Car now. BECKE A HENDRICKS Phone 181 I.O.O.P. Bldr, 189 N. High St. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mert gages. Trust Deeds, Cea tracts on Houses Will net 6 to 20 per cent.' BECKE A HENDRICKS ' Heilig Bldf.. 189 N. High 8t. EARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to leaa oa good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro. dental Inaareeee company money oa city residence ana business property at 51 ear cent, plus a eommieaioa. Haw kins A Roberts. Inc., 205 Oregon iloiraing. FOR RENT 14 CAMP tilsOUND FOR RENT Closest Swimming Willamette River beach for rent.. A sasp at $100.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor -Loans Insurance 147 Ke. Cosa'L St, Salens, Ore roe FOR RENT AptSe 15 ROOM AND KITCHENETTE 8U.50. 555 Mar toe. KUR.V18HX1) APARTMENT FOB RENT. 2361 H.seL Phone 19S9W.. NEWLY FINI8HED 2 ROOM FURNISH ed or aaiuraisLed. 1133 Court. 2 ROOM ATTRACTIVE APT. FURNISH ed or untarnished. 1809 Court St. URKISUED AND CNFCRNI8HRD S room apartments. Virginia Apart mat ts. 879 N. Liberty. 3 ROOM MODERN APARTMENT, close in. partly furnished, ressonsble ' rent. AdulU only. Sod North Cot tags St.. Salem. P A T T O K APARTMENTS COZY clean, comfortable, nicely furnished, private bath. Steam heat. Dow a town district. Reasonable ia price. For inspectioa call Pattoa's Book Store. Eleetrieal Refrigeratioa. raages. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential district. CheorfaL attractive, light. 3 room apartment, 2 beds, 340.00. 'One furnished overstuffed, 850.00. Two room furnished. 835 to 840. Inspectioa invited, children welcome. Ambassador Apartments 550 N. Summer. 1972 FOR RENT Houses 17 HALF DUPLEX HOUSE $25.00. N. .Winter. 949 $15.00 WILL RENT A 5 ROOM HOUSE, 12 blocks from tho post of lies.-, oa paved street. If spoken for soon. Ap ply 725 N. 16th. FOR RENT. HOUSES - AND APART meats $10 aad up modern Bungalows at $20 and up. Rent your houae from Louis Bechtei J. D. Bears, 341 State St. Room 4. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON Fairmount Hill. Modern ia every re spect. Will make good terms ta right party. Hons, can be aeea any time Saturday or Sunday. R. W. Tavea ner, owner. 290 W. Superior St., Phoae 232311. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM' AND BOARD $25 PER MONTH. 1340 S. Commercial. ROOM. BOARD, SINGLE MEALS. BUN- day diaaers. Alexaa4ria, 1030 Che mekeU. Phaaa 1539. UUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telepheae 25. 263 S. High MINUTE MOVIES & Teste- eoCTsMsX FfOTV4E SUR TOSTE Of TUT CI2EW , : DESMOND.; ,3wje . AHD SAM wv UONDRIE? 21 TRT THE BOMB WET WASH LALS- ery. -get. its, j Mraes. CAPITAL C3TT LAUNDRY "The Laaadrr ml Para Materials Telephoao 185. 1864 Broadway TAILORS . - 22 D. H. MOSHEli TAILOBt FOB MXX and arena. 474 Oeart 84. ' VAriTED-fUisc. 23 TEAM WORK OP ALT KINDS AND XX. cavating. Phoae Martial 13T3. lXRKITTJRA PACKDrB TOM 8HXP sisss Powera fnaralta AM. WANTED '0" MELODY SAX APHOR K, - any atake. Sea Jim "MeeMaaisBaa at SAermasv Clay A Co.. 130 8. High. WAKTKU FBIYATB SOITT FOB (arm laaaa. we hara asjaaral appnea tiMi aa haaa. oav ksa laa. 808 Oragoa BMU. WASTED ?OOD , WAMBMt Rags aaf smsyeg taam .vaia A ta aaa fat artyiag aae eataary. araaas tmiB, ayaty MATTRESSES " MATTAEaSEA KCfOVATTH BY TH 1 1 Caaia 'OHy Beddrag Oa- 118. Bona I CaiaL CaAad far aaAdaUvaraa. AA A g TeL 88w FOR SALE 25 JERSEY COW AND 100 WHITE LEU bora he as. Rt. 4, Box 68. Phaaa 1SF8, CLOVKJt HAY. 83.00 PER TON. ON the groaad. Mrs. J. H. Wright. Phone 1F11. VETERINARIAN 28 CjtKD W. LAMQE. TkiTEKI AKLaX Of Oca 528 8. CocaaaorciaL Tai. 1188, Hat, TaL 1888. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD AAWIRO. FDOVK 174. ISIS Kerth WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD DR1 WOOD. P. Hayfkld. l'HONB 7213, M. DRY WOOD FOR TOG la. W. ea. 10 IN. OLD FUt $LBO tXB COatTV t rick) TeL 8188. GUARANTIED DRY ' WOOD COAL. TeL IS. sWeaa Fool CiK. 753 Trade. WESTERN UNION TlMB. for bailing. Weed bcra. TRUCKS Call 639. BEST WOOD IN THE CITY, FOR THE . money. At Tracy's fuel yards. Phone 2313. MOUNTAIN GROWN OLD FIR AND second growth, car lots or delivered. J. M. Peebles, Fall City, Ore. O. (SKA) A. AJfttaJIBOX rOB WOOD TO BUM MALE TRIMS. FUEL 00. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 819 tMKiD UUAU DRY WOOtf PROMPT DELIVERIES U1LLMAW FUra)j CO. TRLKFHOMK 18T4). BEST SRAVB OF WtaTai Pry wea 4 n. aad 16-laea, Ibarra has as are caeaaer ta Vay. Mill wees is ear seoiiaity. Fiamyt salivary aa teaaesatle aria. FRED K. WELL8 230 8. Chare TaL 1343 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 CHICKENS CAPOMZED. FRED LANG, - 1U3 n. satn ot. raoao 7a, eeewe. 0m000n MUSIC STORES 33 VOtt RENT MEW PLAN OS. Stiff Faraitare Ceaapeay. QEO. C. WILL P1A3JOS. PHONO- graphs eewiag maehiaea. ease masts and iJaae ttudiaa. RepairUeT pheae grapee aad sewmg machaaa. 433 Stets street. Balsas. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO tea. Wstermaa eearsa. Cetags, phone 3108-J. KODAK FINISHING P8KE RNLARGKMEHT WITH EVERY 60s ardor Kodak werk. Rawuags, rertiaaa, vre. Newspapers Magazines 35 TrlE PORTLAND 't.EGRAH Ageaey. lao Aoa. .'let. tUK omtQOH STATESMAN, 40 CENTS per l loath delivered te year hems early aaeh morning. ToL 88 ar 688. IF XOU WiHT TO OKI TUB BEST fans paper seod five 2-cent stamps te saa s-aeuw oemoiiaaa, aatam, vregea for a three sneatea trial sahainpttea. M aa ties ibis ad. UULTRYMER READ KIGMT TWO coat ssamoe for aoeetai three months trial for tie boas sad oldest J sera el la the West. The articles aad adv.r- tisemeate are of special later est te tee poultry Breeders of the Northwest Starts west roultry Journal, lit si. Co meiai at Seless. Orastoa. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE bLANA ADAMS FOR HOUR deeeratrag, rsparaaag:Bg. tiatiag, eta. PAINTING 38 CHAS. B ERR ETA rAX3Tta COM traesor, . aeiatuej. paper haagisg. 12M-J. 131 West afillat. MISCELLANEOUS 39 ANTIQUE FURNITURE. PHONE 927M. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER 3ESMC1 call 187. FURNITURE U"HOL8TERIBO AXJs8 pahnag. - wtese-cowere FaraitaTe Atere. WHITE SCOTCH COLLI Ir AT STUD. Salem's White Kiag. Register aataber (85961. Service Buaraateed. Fappias sad grown stock lor sale. Mrs. Ben nett. 1030 Cbesaakata. Phoae 1639. CAPITOL B4RGJ IB AND JUNK HOUSE. 105-145 Center. ' ToL 88. All kiadt of Jank bought aad raid; Rags. Rocks, Bottles. Barrels, Hides, Pelts, Wools, Furs. Tallow. Case are Bark. Prase Root, Pitch, Poppermiat OiL AR kiadg at J roe m atetaj evaryvsuag ireas a aoeeie ta a I3m ecvRD THE 'SKWZ AHD TUO ARE PtfcV- STONE . $Var JA2Z rSrAJfK SOT-1 Btadio-IJi. I 3jsbwssaBeeasbsvM I 34U J IPvtTMUSTiToFrW if CAWAIM. TWERC'S TTecXJCLC J I BvgRg I CM NEVErttTT i IJlOHE 1 U EREW5- wITH THESE. UBW JlUftNK Vt3U EAXXJ6H , M0U. ) . a a,. mmmt ee I . iAirB7r- r-fll . ! . I --v X , . . V - eflat-a. . $eBW -W ' - mZ-mrmT Til 1 1 If laTA TW - MmJ J- UISCELUNEOUS . 39 FOB 8ALA OLD XaTWCJ-AFKBaX 18 V ANTED I TJftKD . llASVa IX XX ehaage aa Badles, Phaaegraaha. ar Par-utare. H. A. Btttf Faraitax Oeee 8TOTXS A3T9 aTTOTa eiTl-alBUSw STOTES FOB flit BTifTTTI T AX rapaAraa by araat. All btada af vtra aaa, Faa7 aaA alaia, Baa aaa fcaasa, Vagaa axaea. Bslaai m erka, ua vaari LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST A DIAMOND DINNER RING. Reward. Call 8668. $5.00 REWARD FOR INFORMATION leading ta recovery of young Boatea lo asala dag. Lest near Cottage aad Mar ket. TaL 671-R. PERSONAL 43 POEMS SAT TO MUSIQ BY SUCCESS ful seagwriter. Master era 1 Song Publishers Seattle. HARRY WEALTH ; BEAUTY. WOULD a hsriag pal iatereet real Stamp far secret. Deris Dawa, East Cleveland. Ohio. . PRINTING 44 rOR tTATlOflZBY. CAKDA, FAMPB Hts, pregrseas. hsssks. ar aay kad af pnaimg. oaii at taa srusaamaa mt -73. 818 sV Caa. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN $. Weed. 341 State It. F. U FEDERAL FARM LOANS isEDUCED TO 9. L. WHkiaeea, Hit C. fl. Bask BIdgu Baleas, Oregea. F. H. BELL. 88$ U. & BARK BLDO. ftsaideaaa aad basiasaa lean. ToL 807 ar 3141- W, MORRY TO LOAM TOH BU1UDIRO AMD oa elty property. B. 4V HarUa aad U K. aUstia. atteraeya, alS Uregea Building. TaL 8064. CITY Ah J TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates Xa Daisy STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN Aft s. 708-8 First Rasiaaal Baak Builder Phaae 457. Ralaa. Oregea. SALARY AJTD OULLATJU1AL LOANS - Keeayable ia Weekly or Maataly In staihaeata. GENERAL FIXANCE COR PORATION. First A'st'l Baak. ToL 1200. CITY AT FARM IX) ARa JT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Uar iasuraac. del si anient offers yea aa pert advtee aad aervite In all Uaes. HAWKINS A ROBERTS tire) TaL 1427 804 Oregea Bldg . WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED S6S00 PRIVATE MONEY ON good 500 acre farm. See Salem Realty Co.. 402 Bute Str. WJBTK0 Private X STATE. T to Mea aa RAIL W. L GRABENHORsTT 134 Liberty St. CO. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR werk. Graber Broa, 154 80. Liberty. TeL 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR LEA EE, BOONE'S SERVICE STA tivn, an& confectioaery, Aumsville, Ore. 32SOO.OO will haaeJe a good, eleaa. fsst growing basiaeas ia Salem. Ask about it. A. C. BOHRKSTEDT Realtor Loans -Ins a ranee 147 N. Com'l St, Salaam, Oregon Well-located sad paring Delicatessen aa CoafectioBery- for sale. Lease oa splendid Oil Statioa with extra good contract with Oil Co. for sale. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. CAPITAL BROKERS WILL GIVE consideration te small stock or bo ad issaa of a geiag compaay, or new pro ject which weald attract prompt pub lic participation. Forward complete de tails to Mr. Beaediet, Saito 404, 200 Broadway, New York. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 800 Paying restaurant and lunch eoanter. Income $35 te $40 per day. $5000 Paying cleee ia suburbaa store. $1400 Good corner grocery store. $3500 Millinery store down town district doing good paying business. $6800 Grocery store, meat market, build ing and residence, or will taks $3000 cash for stock aad fixtures, rent $35 per moath, give lease for five years. $3000 Oil St, oa Pacific Highway, store with liviag rooms. 7000 Grocery, eoafoctioaery, e s m p ground, oil Sta.. concrete build ing on Pacific Highway. Snap. For Good Business Propositions See Louis Bechtei JT. D. Sears Earl Taeksr. 341 State 8L Room A RADIO 49 Radiolas For aiaTf Berpeee, far every parse All s taa sard siees af Radio Taboo. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 338 Ceerl St. TeL 48. eaaarhavABhae4 FOR SALE Houses 50 8 rasa, new, bwd. firs, faraaaa, fire place, garage la East Salem. Bear Cea - tcr $4200 ea Terr easrv terms. . 8 rase, new aad strieUy modern. SOUta, BB0OO. - f WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 8. High St. $1000 2 R. Lot 46x227. $100 dawt. $1550 4 R. Paved St, Pd. Daady gel da a. - $250 dawa. Easy terms. $1850. New 4 R. aad doable ga.-aga. Terms. $2250 New 4 R. and aoek. basement. furnace, fireplace. $200 down, balance like rent. 12900 Bays rood 6 R. hoase. 4 blks. from (State House, rsviag pd. Mast bs sold. A berrain. Terms. - $3000 7 R. Plastered. ' Ia good repair. Corner lot 90x137. East front. ' GaraxTB. Near school and: has. $3500 New 4 R. Bssement. furnace, fire place. Lerre lot. Eaav terms. $4000 New 8 R. and Book.. Modera ia Overy way. Oa paved St. $500 dowa. ' 4750 Geod houae oa" Mill Creak. Lot 160x200. Leavmr town. Tarns $7100 New 7 R. Eag type. Hardwood floors, Coraer lot. See FO REINER ' With MEL YIN JOHNSON 318-330 U. 8. Baak Bldg. . Phaae 637 I'M THRU tTAlD ' I UNLESS UTS' UIUIN v I TOM-IOM .. i wsh m TO GET IXECrFS JPSH Jf VteJcoS IT AflOULD - 11 - m- -T4J Ji Bar Ml -A l4fCL- .. tit FOR SALE Houses 50 " X REAL BUY Owner leaving fisisaa offers Ala fiae ear 86000 home for 85000. dawa payment will aaa&e. SEE Mrs, Ellis with LEO M. CHILD S CO, Realtors 820 State Street, - - Phaae 171T GET MORX THAN YOU PAY FOB Watt Is sated 8 room Baagalew, largo liviag ream with hardwood fleer aad fireptaaevA beitrnems with eloaeta, aice hash rooav Aitchea ' with alaaty af aailt-ias, aaok aad hack pares, also garage. - fall h seem eat wish fare ace. This heese worth $3500 can he pur chaaed far Short trass at $2600 with easy terms. i ' - . - . LEO W. CHTLDS COtimlU 320 Rtato Street. . Phoae 1727" 8 Room. 'nearly .new aassgalow aaeT weod- saea. a real Aargaia at $750.00. Kasy terms. - - 6 Reema, aew, -fejly seeders, career let, ia good-location. , Yea must see this aeaatifal homo to- appreeiato it. S Raeat bangaiow aad aasemeaL Tiao lo cation. Jast see thaae barcaias. Prise $2500.00. . ' . It yea have aaything U trade tell as a heat it. . : Ulrich & Roberts 128 N. Com'l St. Pheao 1344 $2008 , Neat buaralow. rooms aad aoek. ' Eweaga, parang, eiose t - aehoo! aad. aaa hae, $20 eowa. --. $2800 AJasoat new 4 room baagalew, baseaseat, wash trays, fireplace, oak Jieors, garage, seme frail, . -close u school, $35 aad $38 per $2500 6 rooss Spanish type home, fire- . piaee, garage, aice lot, dose to baa - - aad acaoels. $250 Ares. $4750 New aad beautiful English Type r, keese, modera ia every way, $300 ' dowa. $6500 New EaglUh type home at ' 1045 Hoed Ureet. 6 large rooms, bath dowa stairs, to' let an lavatory apstairs, tile drain boards, doable rarage, lot 60x132. $750 down, - $3500 To Loan Insureaee MELVIN JOHNSON 318-320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phoae 637 REAL ESTATE 51 eEATEST T RAPING OkUAXIKATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have over 3000 proirt:e listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. W ess match yoar exchange EXACTLY. If yes would like to trade yur property TO DAY, corns ia TODAY. See OASKILL A EARL&; Res!t-a 166 . Liberty. TeL 2243 Trades. 1500 acre stock -ranch. Crook County, Or. $10,000. Taks city property or farm. Modern fivs room new house South Salem $4000, for close in property, psy soma cash or assume. Small Apartment house Salem, for home in Wood burn, or acreage ap to sjuuu. F. L. WOOD 341 State St. SUBURBAN HOME SNAP Beautiful 10 sera tract, rich fertile soil, 100 filbert trees, fsmily orchard scrawDemes, raspberries. Good 4 R. hoase. Bsro. Garage. 3 fine chicken bouses. An excellent place for a close in suburban home, only 4 miles from Bush bank. Only $1500 town, balance long tima at 6 per cent. Will con sider some trade. For particulars Sea Louis Bechtei J. D. Hears Earl Tucker, 341 State St. Room 4. Good 6 room home, large corner lot, paved St. Garage, $2600, easy terms. Now all modera 6 room Eng. Type bungalow and garage, $5000, terms. 80 A. farm, fine soil, near Salem, sew modern bldgs, rows, horses, tools, sacrifice, $7500, some exchange. Good modem 6 room Msrioa SL home, sacrifice $3500, geod terms. For Rest 11 room furnished house. 80 acre farm, 20 A. farm. PERRINE A MARSTEES 212 Gray Bldg. 5 ran, completely modera. newly painted house, pavement, $4500. $500 down. 25 acres N. of Oak Grove, new lsnd, running wster, house, barn, hoghouse, fruits; Daady place. Tske poasesaioa today: 36 fertile acres; stocked snd equipped; near town on paved highway. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. $950 buys equipment sad lease of a good restaurant ia Salem. It ia doing a good business and a good buy. Good reasons for selling. A good modern 5 room in good loes tioa ta trade fcr good modera hams that has more rooms. 129 seres, with 30 seres under cul tivation, mere csa eaaily be cultivated, but aa it ia a dairy ranch it is not needed. West of mountains, good 6 room houae. Would trade for smaller place near Salem. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. DELANO ft DOW SPECIALS A beautiful grove oa 10 splendid acres, close ia snd only hi mile Pa cific Highway. One of the choicest sights around Salem. Reserved for a fine home by owner who is forced to sell, snC the lew price wiH astonish yon. Exchange for smsll residence Bo yoar own msnsger aad make money, splendid stock groceries snd fixtures ia new building dsndy loca tion, lew rent, with splendid liviag quarters, beat reasons for sslliag. A genuine snap at $2700. 280 M. Church. TeL 2830. LOOK 16 acres of fins bottom land with 5 rooss house, bars. Fruit and berries, ltt miles from towa. Widow lady must sell at a bargaia 81500, cash. 10 acres near Salem on paved road, has fsir set of buildings, some fruit. A real bey for $1650, good terms. 123 acres. 45 acres in crop, bal ance oyea pasture and timber. 2 heasee, barn aad chicken hoase, 3 cows. 8 horses, begs, cbtekeae sad machinery all gees for $7000. Will take part la trade. SEE Them aeon with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street. Phaaa 1727 EXCHANGES 10 room plastered house plambtng, city water, electric lights Arlington to exchange for Salem. '6-room plastered lights, water, plambing. etc. Dallas for' Salem. New, close in Eugene 5 room plaster ed lights, wster, built-ins for Salem ar acreage. Good 7-room with 2 acres in edge of Fella City for Salem modern and as same. - 28 seres near Philomath all ia cul tivation part sandy river bottom geod buildings, city wster, electric Urate, place fenced and cross fenced, toosa, stock and equipment clear for Seism residence or income. Will sot assume. . - Several Portlaad homes for Salem. Also good listing of property id other states to exchange for Salem. BARBER ft BOND. 800 Gray Bldg. 13$ V. Liberty I SUPPOSE VOU SRiTDi SO HEBE'S A UTTIE. puns gr BBBaeaSBB) B --a r VS. REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS AATGELES. CALIF. PROPERTY TO eaaaga tar Salem City Property. Write i tax iza. titai MweewweewwwwweewwMWM REAL ESTATE Farms 53 DAIRY AND HOG- FASM X have a partaership te offer ia a gssd 60 acre fans ta oae who has tho stock aad eaaipeeeat eaI" "a little aseaoy. ar ta aaa who eaa iaveat $1500.00. Ve A. C. BOHRNSTEDT - ' ' Reeiior Loses Insurance - 147 S. Com'l 8t 8lem.OregOB FARMS FOR SALS OR TRADE Ta settle Estate: 60 acres, 15 acres prunes. 15 A. fiae timber. 4 miles from Dallas. Ore. Price 83000. WiU take beaae aad lot ap to 33000. 87Vh aeree ea pared read. Excel lent teiL Tally stocked aad equipped. Oaed building. 11 mi 1m from Salem. WilL take good reeidsace ap te $6000 ta trade. ' INSURANCE HONEY TO LOAN RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 318 ylCgb St, V -a ,;;Fbaaa 665 REAL FARM VALUES .'460 Acres Bear Salem. 150 clear. $S.ao per eeeev -.i -.,i.-r- 160 aerea, dairy lead, large barn aad good hoosa, $47jo aere. 170 scroa.-oa paved highway. 3 sets , buikeinga. $1050 acre. - - 24 acres, river bottom, for dairy or aheap. 840.00 acre. - - - -ww acres, ww pimni. nver eovs tern,-feed baildiags, TO acres heps. 201 seres aeaehea, a geod iavestmeat. $100' aesehes, a good iarastayeat, $100 .McOILCHRIgT A PENNINGTON REALTORS 209 U. S. Baak Bldg, Salem SMALL ACREAGE FOR SALE OR, EXCHANGE FIVE ACRES oa good gravel road. 2 miles northeast of Salem. 5 room plastered boose, bars, chicken hoase, gars re. Price $4500, $2,000 cash. Will exchange tor home in North Salem. FIVE ACRES. 4 milea east; on good road, family orchard; berries, wal nuts. Five room plastered house; garage; barn; poultry bouse. Price $3750. $1,500 cash. Will exebsngs for Isrger farm. Cheap land. EIGHT ACRES. 3 miles south. 6 acres timber; S acres under plow. 12 peach trees; berries. Srven room new bouse, water piped from spring, shed; chicken house; milk bouse. Pric. 34.50O. $1,500 cash. Will exchange lor urants I'sss property. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court 8treet. Ground Floor Headquarters for Acreage'" TRANSFER & HAULING 57 JAP1TAL CITY TRANtjrEK CU. 92$ Bute St. TeL 93$. Distributing, for wsrdiag sad t'arsgs our specialty. Get ear rates. We Move Store and Ship : leasehold gsods. Oar specialty Is ?isne- aad faraitare sseviog. . Wa also make coma try tripe. We handle the baa Coal and Wood Call OS aa fo pricea. Ws give good measure, good quality ead geod service, Larmer Transfer Co. TeL $30. vAsvBvsasvsBereekktssesseseJ WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WJTEst aERVIOE CO. Office 304 Seat Ceaemereiel St. Tea per seat "discouat ea eeexesue flat rats paid la advance. - Mo dedustioa for ab aeaca ar aay eauee aalesa watur Is ak-ut off your prear'ses. TRAVEL 59 A FIASS NEW WArriMO BOOM IX THE NEW HOTEL 8 ERATO at Freaueat Bcaedutes Thirty Ride Books at Reduced Rates Swift aad Reliable Paekags Servica Cearteeas Atteatioa Freia All Km play sea xaoao Are Few of the Otfsr'ngs Made the FcbUo Br PARKER STAGE. Ufa Stag Leaviag Times: Dallas: 7 a. aa, :ja a. as, it :ie a. av, j :io p. ss, p. as ladnpoadeaee A Moamosth: T a. i 8:16 a. m., 11:1$ a. as, a p. m, 5:i s. n. f. a (Suaday ealy Vilvertoa: lsa,llsa,isB FaUs City. MeMiaavUle, New berg. Hill bare, Fereat Grove. Sheridan. Tills Bsoek: :! a. av, 3:10 p. jm, P- m- Far Iaformsttoa Call 222 ar 666. seasejsAavsaaesem AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS 4UKEB) AOTO Hollywood- Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MARES 416 No. CommerciaL Pione 1037 USED CARS For Sale 61 FOR SALE 1 Maxwell used car for aale on ac coast of death ia family, all ia good shape. Come and see ear if interested. J. E. BOYER Route 8 Turner, Oregon. 8TUDEBAKER DUPLEX ROADSTER. Beea thoroughly overhauled. Caah or terms. Phoae 1380-R. 935 N. 17th. GOOD LIGHT CAR TO trade for wood, goats or sheep. Tel. 63. McKay for Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts Ford Roadster, Delivery Body. 3 35.00 1923 Pord Touring $ 45.00 1924 Ford Touring . $110.00 1924 Pord Roadster $110.00 1925 Ford' Coupe - $325.00 1926 Ford Roadster, Delivery Body $225.00 1927 Ford Touring j $290.00 1B27 Chevrolet Coupe B4.as.0O 1926 Pontine Coupe $485.00 Dodge Screen Delivery- 4100.00 430 N. Commercial. TaL 1008 Douglas McKay , Chevrolet Company. TUEM TbfTbM TROUlHE , LAOS. MV4 JP THE BRV)Nt S1&NE OUT HECE OH AiSraTCMER lCr-HoefSeR ,Tr& BIG PUHK n IV KEEP VOOR IIONEV. SENE X I HEVE AOCPfcO VM WJDM A SKUNK AKT I DOAlT PQOPOSBi To 0sX hom t 1 vcu&r TOO. 31WE - NOT SOU 5 t SHALL SS I4EI2 UKB SHE VBOsS My USED CARS For Sale 6! HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial -Spectacular Bargains In Late Model Transportation 1928 Chrysler 52 DeLuxe Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Cabriolet - r - ; . 1927 .CheVIOlet COaCfl k 1D27 Chrysler's Coupe 1927 Dodge Roadster 1927 Type Whippet Coach 1925 Series Dodge Coupe 1925 Ford Roadster. We Invite Mechanical Inspection Save $ $ S at HOLLYWOOD Two Of The Best Packard Look These Over Priced For 1026 Packard Club Sedan (Like New) 1928 Oldsmobile E.30 Series (New) 133 Paeksrd Sport Touring (Some Buy) Oakland Six 4 Door Sedan (Lots Extras) Oldsmobile 4 Deer Sedan (See This).- Hudson Speedster '. Oldamobils Coupe Oldsmobile Touring .. Overland 4 Doer Sedan Jewett Too ring Late Ford Roadster (Ruxtell) Late Esses Coach Willys-Knight Touring 2 Ford Coupes (Late Models) Chevrolet edaa -Coupe Roadster Ford Tearing acd Sedan Have You Tried the New Oldsmobile? The above Hated used ears srs prieod for quiek sale sad it will psy yea ta some ia snd look oar stock ovsr before yoa buy. Our stock is changing dairr aad tho vary ear that you might be looking for might be here waiting for yea. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High St. Lowest Prices Ever 20 automobiles must be sold in the shortest time possible. Have decided to go into an other business and need the money and space. Nearly all models and makes. See us at once for that used car. Prices $25 to $2000. Con venient terms. Open evenings. , Willamette Auto Supply Company R. N. MacDonald Cottage and Ferry Streets . Phone 409 Vick Bros. Used Cars .- i - $7 595 ' 65$ 695 175 1927 Pontine Coach ' , 1926 Pontine Coupe 1920 Gardner sport Touring.. 1926 Oakland Coach ,. 1923 MaxweU Touring 1925 Overtaad Six 4-Deor Sodaa.. 1923 Baick Fear Toariag 576 195 We hsvs several let. Harley-Davtdaaa Motorcycles ia fin. eeaditiea oar pricea are far below market prices, - - Pkoao 1$41 40 South High Vick Brothers The Hoase That Service BaUt ByEdWheelan WRfCEiT USUALL MEAN. AN I MOULbHT MUCH UEUD - UUATS TUKTfl LlKfc SOME cue ws HAiUH TJC SHS! i just done i donbj OWM 16HIER: .:BxKipg SURPRISE. TD-nCRROltfi USED CARS For Sale 61 I Phone 1027 Oldsmobile Before You Buy Quick Sale ...$1750 . 950 750 550 650 87$ 300 256 zse 3 to 256 204 206 17$ 106 106 Offered for Used Cars Flne ' r Used Cars ; '' ' - 1937 Pord Roadster. - 1917 Pord Ce.ee. 1937 Ught Six Nash Sedea. , 1937 Peatiae Sport, Ruashle Seal . 1916 Buick Coupe. v ' 1936 Special Sis Kash Coach. -1937 Oakland Caeca. 1936 Special Six Wash Eaeleaara, ' 1925 Jewett Coach. 1935 Baick Btoedster. Olds Teurisg. ; Happ Sodaa.. ' . , Valio Toeriag. . . -s ; ' Dotge Beadstor. Gardner Coupe. '. ' '. Pord asaaaTT , f Kssex Coaca, F.W. Pettyjohn Co; 365 H. Coesaiercial St. Telephone 1166 Nash dMC Franklin Motor Truck Distributors "Alter jra sell wo aarre" 1 92S Chevrolet Coach I " Baaipers, spare tlra, neeaae. twtaa L 6d sslrrer. Tanas. . Psoas 355$ W eveeuaga aaa ajaaaav - Valley Motor Co. Bargains 193 .Dodge Ceepe. a aaap at- .$i $33S ..$l$f ..$57$ 1935 ChevreUt Sodaa 1934 Chevrolet Ooupe 1936 Jerd Coupe 1934 Ford Pick Cp Bdster- Take ! that;. Vacati on 5 Tr-P In one of our guaranteed cars -