The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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A well balanced stage program
y la promised patrons of the Elsl
nore Sunday and Monday by
ebon and Marco's "Bird Idea."
production carries tbe audience
from the ridiculous to tbe sublime
Heading "and supplying the rid
iculous portion of tbe program Is
Roy Cummlngs assisted by Flor
ence Duffy. Cummlngs arouses a
roar of merriment at erery per
formance by bis frenzied demoli
tion of .a straw hat and the laugh
1 1
ter does not subside until be takes
his final curtain. m
Fanchon and Marco introduce
the presentation In a; novel way.
using a short reel of . film, pro-
V' bind. which the Sunkist Beauties
v cast shadows syncronlzed with tbe
-. kuoh ijb ine mm.
' Arraanda Cbirot and Jose Mer-
cado, are heard In songs which
represent tbe sublime portion of
the production, assisted by tbe
Sunkist Orioles.
The costuming throughout the
"Idea" has been' specially desig
nated to carry out tbe bird atmos
phere of .the production.
(Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Ephriain
WIesner. Ellis , and Willard Ster-
ens, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Allen and!
George WIesner attended state
Grange meeting at Rainier last
week and went with the Oregon
delegation to Longview, Wn.
a pretty borne .wedding was
solemnized at the home of W. J,
Jerrerson last Sunday, June 3,
when his daughter Irene was unit
ed in marriage to Frank Russ, of
Portland. Relatives and close
friends of the young couple wit
nessed the ceremony and many
friends of both wish them all hap
piness and success.
Eva Pfan and Robert Meye were
married last. Sunday afternoon in
the little church at North Howell.
They expect to make their home
in McMinnville.
Strawberry picking is on in full
force with a good crop and plenty
c . !p.
(Continued from pas 1.)
made more money than did the
regular drivers.
He finished bis law course and
was admitted to the bar In 1881
and became Case's partner. In
1884 at the age of 24, he was elec
ted prosecuting attorney for Shaw
nee county.
At once he started a crusade
against vice and saloons and clos
ed them up. Frequently he waf
the center of gun play, but Un
armed, he escaped Injury.
His abilltg soon was recognized
beyond bis home town and he was
chosen to ruju for the house of rep
resentatives and in 1891 was elec
ted to the 53 rd congress and each
succeeding congress to the 60th.
But before he could take his seat
in the 60th congress, he had been
called higher and took a seat Id
the senate In 1907 to fill a vacan
cy caused by the resignation of
Senator Joseph E. Burton.
His ability as a parliamentarian
and diagnostician of Jejrtslative
.situations brought him to the at
tention of Senator Henry Cabo,
Lodge, then the majority leadei
of the senate. He was Lodge' t
I right hand man untn death re-
moved the venerable leader and
I Curtis was placed in his shoes.
He led the senate until today
j when he was offered to the peo
: pie as republican vice presiden-
tial candidate. Whether he wil;
1 next preside over the senate re
mains for November to decide.
a aim r-KANCISCO. June 15.
AP) A calmer and 'somewhat
steadier stock market opened frac
tionally lower with smaller volume
or turnover In all issues todav
Bank of Italy opened at 215 after
closing at 220 yesterday. Bauc-
uaiy corporation hovered at 138.
MANAGUA. Nicaragua. June 15.
(AP) The battleship Texas ar
rived at Corinto yesterday and dts-
uaiiM states ma
rines ror
srriv. In
Fifteen election experts arrived I
irum ranama to assist Briradiari
General Frank R. McCoy. Ameri-
can supervisor of the vinnn..
GiHta Every
i ll Action and, thrills at
i J Se and love and
Romance . with "A
I I Girl fa Every rort,"
1 I
i skk aw) hkar;
' In m Comedy
L K H. M M M. J
if n rri?
in the ancient mound above', iiear Alishar. Turkey, excavators of
the University of Chicago dug up remnants of the lost Hittlte civ
ilization of more lhan 33 centuries ago. In clay pots like that at
the left were found 31 skeletons. Below are shown R v shmMt
and H- H- TOn der Osten directing
California and Kansas
Joined in G. 0. P. Ticket
Associated Press SLuTf. Writer
?ITY. June 15c (AP) A, Curtis
idal wave, sweeping along on the
ieels of that of Hoover last night.
rrote a California-Kansas presi
it-uiuu ucaet ior 19ZS into re-
ublican party history today and
et this dingy, eldsrly hall sink
lack to slumber among its crowd
ng political memories, grave and
gay, old and new.
And it needed a rest. For near-
y a week it has housed the party
legions from all over the land.
lathered to write a new challenge
nd map out the fighting lines of
the coming battle at the polls.
Most of that time the swelter
ng delegates Just sat and stewed
ind fretted at delay as commit
tees vainly sought to reconcile dis
cordant views of party issues. But
yesterday, when they took over
the Job themselves, they left no
shadow of doubt as to their pur
pose. They trampled down every
objecting voice with wholesale
majority voting power, exercised
ruthlessly If good naturedly.
They named their champions on
he first ballot each time. And
they poured into the blaze of
loise and party enthusiasm with
hlch they hailed their new chief
ain last night so much concen
ratlon of vim and vigor that they
ere all but voiceless today at
he end.
Just before the voting, when
he impulses of the Curtis tidal
rave were let loose by rugged
Borah of Idaho In the nominating
speech and backed by seconding
approval from states scattered all
aver the nation, there was one lit
le touch of gallantry about pro
ceedings. Moses of New Hampshire, him
self out of the picture, grinning
y announced that New Hampshire
massed, which signified his refusal
o oppose his Kansas senatorial
Mr. Coolidge Installed
In Summer White House
SUPERIOR, Wis.. June 15.
f-P). With an endorsement t
the nomination of Herbert Hoover
as republican candidate for presi
dent as his first official act. Pres
ident Coolidge Installed himself
ioaay in bis summer home by the
waters oi me Brule river.
Arriving to an enthusiastic re
ception In Superior after a 36
nour rwe from Washington. Mr.
-oonage drove Immediately
through the town across S3 miles
of rolling pine and -beech land, tn
I CmA a rlj r . .
I u rustic nome
Wer' Burrounde by virgin for-
r- v-wiiuSB wui
spend the .next three months in
utter seclusion
Notified earlv this
the presidential train by Edward
T. Clark, his private secretary, of
r. Hoover's nomination at the
Kansas City convention. Mr. Cool-
iage immediately prepared a tele
gram to the nominee in Washing-
ion. io waicn a message uf affec
tion from Mrs. Coolidge
"You have been nominated for
the most important position in the
world," Mr. Coolldse's telerram
aid. "your great ability and your
wage experience will enable you
to serve our party with marked
distinction. I wish vou all tfca
success that your heart could de
sire, may God continue, to bestow
irpda yd"u the power' to "do- lror
dUty.. ,' :fs- lrV' C "
Mrs. Coolldge's more Intimate
message read: The president and
I send yon and yours our love and
best wishes.'
ClUxens of Dnlnth Joined with
the residents of Superior In wel-1
wwtus r. ana - strs. fJOOUdKe 1
here this morning with an enthu-
the diggers.
colleague, was shoving things
along in his habitual . masterly
fashion. He chopped down over
windy talkers ruthlessly as their
time expired
But he had a card up his 'sleeve
all the time as the Curtis second
ing speeches ran. their course..
At the last he called on Mrs
Leona Curtis Knight, the daugh
ter of the Kansas senator, to add
Knode island s support to her
father's cause. Slender and
graceful, with dark face that
harks back to tbe Indian blood
that runs in her veins, she faced
the blinding lights a little stag-
serea oj ii an, out mere wa5
something of the gameness of the
father, the men repeatedly pro
claimed as never a political quit
ter, in tbe steady low toned voice
and the well kept poise with
which the daughter sent her mod
est words out over the gaping row
of microphones.
The convention sensed it. Dele
gates rose to a man and woman to
greet Mrs. Knight. They stood
gain as she made her way back
to her place in the Rhode Island
group to the steady- thunder of
handclapping and cheering from
the floot and galleries where her
tamer bas ruled as the favorite
son from the moment the conven
tion doors opened.
A moment later when the fath
er came to speak his short piece,
there was something of the same
admiration of good, clean sports
manship In the volley of greeting
that went up. He came lo the con
vention with his wagon hitched to
the star of his aspirations to the
presidential nomination. He made
his fight cleanly and without loss
of courage in the face of crushing
defeat to his dearest hopes. He
left with his trailer loyally hitch
ed to the Hoover band wagon and
with words on his lips of fighting
amor ror the battle to come, and
the convention honored him for it
siasm which seemed to affect the
chief executive profoundly.
Mrs. Coolidge spotted. In the
crowd, Mrs. Irvine Lenroot. wife
of the former senator from Wki
consln, and joyfully waved her
hand to her.
Brule, the nearest hamlt tn
Cedar Island lodge, made special
efforts to look its best today.
More nags and more flowers were
in evidence there than elsewhere
(rx..ueQi cooiaige leaned well
out of his car to catch a glimpse
Bl small, newly painted
church, where he will worship for
me remainder of the summer.
Cedar Island lodge stood well
out in the countryside long before
me party nad actually reached 1L
The estate in contrast to most of
me surrounding country which
supports second growth trees, tm
coverea with virgin timber.
E. M. Lambert. toMriniMiimi
oi me estate and or Urinal dMlrn.
ar aaa,a
er ni me piace. escorted Mr. Cool-
iage tnrough the house. The chief
executive soon emerged front the
nouse again to face a barrage of
press photographers. , Good na
turedly. Mr. CooIIdce nmi:r.f
thent tn their apparently tnsatiatl-
oie desire for aev poses.
The photographers were' arale
Insistent, for more pictures: .Mrs.
uooimge. leaning . on :. her has-
bead's arm. 'agreed smilingly.4the
and tbeyed all their requests to
turn, this way or that rum they
weTe aii satisfied. ; Then tl
leaning on Mr. Coolldge's arm,
the entered her summer home.
Suggestion for the official ViM
CIUt at Honstnn a nlr llttl.
about, "Oh. What a Pal Was Ai,"
Tbe quaint costumes and cus
toms of tbe nlnetiee tbe surge of
patriotism that awect orer Amer
ica in behalf of the oppressed Cu
bans, the assembling of tbe most
romantic body of earalry cavalier
in history and their undying ex
ploits la the face f death the
heart of a great, brare American
leader and patriot opened as you
would open a golden ledger and
lore story, . wistful,' passionate,
ppeallBg, gloriously human
these are tbe strong warming
cordials that one must quaff eager
ly in the swlfLIestrral of the eye,
mind and aoej ""when-"The Rough
Riders' are hosts of the screen.
The dramatic , cri tie of "The
Statesman luu been, privileged to
see an adranee running of this Tery
wonderful Paramount production
which is to be shown the public
at tbe Oregon theater beginning
today. : , . ,.. .
CoatiBS4 fruk ff 1.)
and when the convention -met It
was a foregone conclusion that he
would be. named. Party leaders
had been rushing from headquart-
ers to headquarters all night, feel-
Ing out first one man and then
another, in an effort to single on
some one satisfactory to Hoover Sheridan and Watson each made
and who could be named without a run for the paper men, and Jer-
a cat and dog fight on the conven- ry, Sipola and Geeeener scored for
tion floor. The agricultural ques-' the combination team.
Hon bulked large' In the decision1 Lineups were:
although it was patent that a man Oregon Paper 2 - Pick-up 3
from the middle west would be Cade-Hice rf Fish
chosen. .Ollnger cf.W. Harnsberger
Curtis voted for the McNary- Simpkins If Ritchie
Haugen bill which President Coo-j Watson lb Heath
lidge vetoed but had refused to Chapman 2b Gessener
vote to override the veto of that'Versteeg 3b. J. Harnsberger
measure. He had considered him-
self an admirable compromise,. can-
didate for the presidential nom-
inatlon but the stampede to Hoo -
ver before the convention opened
dissipated any need for . com pro-
Bid Made to Fanners
The vice presidential nominee,;
. a
a veteran campaigner, was ae-i
scribed by those who proposed
him for second place on the ticket,!
as a man close to agriculture, onj
which there has developed sharp
differences of opinion within msi
republican party.
Many delegates believed h:
might bring closer together the
party leadership and tbe McNary-
Haugen bloc which was overridden
at every turn during the conven
tion. As in the "case of Hoover's nom
ination, the slide to Curtis began
In the Pennsylvania delegation
which early today decided to cast)
its 79 votes for him. New Tork
followed soon afterwards with its
90 and from that time until the
opening of the convention one
state after another fell Into line
and It was apparent long before
the balloting began that the Kan-
san would be named by an over
whelming majority, if not by an
unanimous vote.
Borah Presents Name
Senator Borah of Idaho present
ed the Kansan's name in a brief
address of tribute to Curtis' party
service, his honesty and his loyalty
to those with whom be had been
associated. Borah described his
senate colleague as an admirable
choice to face the fight with
The convention adjourned in an
apparently happy frame of mind,
the delegates again being ready to
cheer at the slightest provocation.
But last night's Jubilation over the
victory of Hoover apparently had
diasipated a good part of their
pep and there was no attempt toj
start a demonstration that re-J
qmrea aeiegaies o paraae louui
the halL
Most of them were leaving for
jhome tonight.
(Coatiaaae fraai paaa 1.)
nomination, out sought to say
clearly a note for his campaign.
Farm Aid Discussed
He dealt tn It with the farm Is
sues that have been paramount
In all recent political , agitation
and expressed his attachment to
the party principles laid down In
the. convention platform.' He em
phaslzed the necessity for spiritual
and moral leadership in govern
ment and dealing with himself In
all humility declared' that his ca
reer proved him a man in debt
greatly to bis country.
' Among the many hundreds of
messages which reached him from
all parts of the United States and
from many points in other parts
of the world were those bearing
signatures from men and women
notable in all wants or Ufa. Pres
ident Coolidge sent one of the,
messages, and an intimate note of
friendship was contained In his
congratulations and la the imme
diate response which it drew from
tbe secretary. Only one other mes
sage was answered daring the day
when the secretary seat to Senator
Curtis of Kansas, during the vice
presidential nomination balloting
a message of welcome and appre
WOT Resign Soon
Plans for the actual eonduet of
campaign though trader con-
(ideratlon, were temporarily kept
in the background, while the new
candidate read his message and
talked with is closest aides:
For the present Mr. Hoover
will remain secretary of com
merce.' George E. Akerson, bl
Private ' 'secretary declared In ar
luthorlsed statemet. "He will con
tlnue his duties in the department
Just as be has always done.-.
Though smiling cheerfully, the
secretary gaT. evidence of the
strain which baa been placed upon
Llm during the convention days, - 1
Despite the announcement of
his intent to retain his cabinet "df
flee for the present, it was nev
ertheless the general understand
ing that Secretary Hoover's res
ignation from the post would be
presented in the near-future.
During the day he saw all of his
most Important subordinates, dis
cussing his campaign, preliminary
plans as well as departmental bus
iness, and conferred for a time
with W. J. Donovan, assistant to
the attorney general, who was
connected with the Hoover cam
paign in New Tork.
Last night the Super Service
team forfeited a' game to the Ore-
gon Paper company team. Only...P. with mo rnr k.i
half of. the Super Service
showed op to-playy ; "
-A game was played, however,
and the Paper team was defeated
7 pick-up team of Super Serv-
ice men and Hansen-Liljeauist
men. The game was close and
well-played, reported Ray Ritchie
league secretary. The pitching of
Kiminkl and
Lauderbaek wasinrovMinr rtn..! K..An
Alexander ss.' Jerry
Lauderbaek. . . .p Kiminkl
Sheridan. c Sipola
, Next week's games will be K
C.'s. vs. Eagles; Carpenters vs.
PEP; Oregon Paper vs. Legion;
Hansen-LIljeoutat vs. Pos toff ice;
K. C.'s vs. Elks. w''f".jf
(Coa tinned from pf 1.)
The presidency k
"more than
AVOJttt!va Maimn.lkll
ty. It is the inspiring symbol. oi
u th.t u hiehet in America.'
purposes and Ideals."
He, dealt sharply with the con
test ever the farm relief probram
before congress and the conven
'ion, asserting his stand on the
-epubllcan platform in the matter
but concluding that "we will and
must find a sound solution (of ag
ricultural problems) that wll
bring security and contentment to
this great section of our people.'
For government In general, he
declared that tbe questions of the
next four years would be "more
.han economic" and would be "in
x profound sense moral and spir
tual." Leadership must be con
tributed by government.
In the personal note with which
his message opened he disclaimed
ome of the compliments paid him
and declared himsel? "Indebted to
ny country beyond any human
power to repay." No man, he add-
?d, oculd think of the presidency
'except in terms of solemn con
TREADING cement, tripping fiiii f I
up stairs, craning: the neck a-w'w rfi I
for "T0 Kent" signs is consid- IttnlV JjQ M 1
fl-fl-frB-flB&fl-fH! ered decadent by modern apart- hWh P4 ' D
Cj wwww www7 3 ment hunters. It simply isn't M it VT 0j
rf I S done! Because there's a better fV 1 W "S?
? Anr A A M IC way consulting the "To Rent . g V I i1 Vri a
i i a a mm mm a a a iii r m MiurrTnanri" ninryiTi -. rhA a t i.t r x c-ra-i
I -J I mm m sis rii . .n- i i ir l-jm -'J t
mm mm m mm h.b i.b a . wm.a. wv.m.u&a u& iiu a a. a t - - . a a
I I w mm mm w h ti uretron statesmfl.n. yZtJ 1 M 1 "fT "
il. i - . err ii i i ai wifirarrt 1 i i77.'v.
I . i aV s i i i-iLtu i vxst . i i
m piiw in i i ?r i rmvi mm i n . . at !! '- m m m w rm tt? a, ,
E III Hill UsVliJ 01- 1 a. -SA as 1 P. Jf ' ' Iff: I
IL. 1 -a -- - - I J !C X 1 ': W-a -I "V J f m , " It I ; tl I
I'D lS-.ri4;C ' z. ... .11 sj I 1
IS. I I V VAJUW f J It ?."T.'f II 1.
aiaa-awck-OK.- C A tt S 1 I
b . IUUW IU (' L ? ij I I
SHS Commerce
Has . Very Successful Year
More students than could be
accommodated applied ' for enroll
ment In the commercial classes at
the senior high schooL this last
year, shows the year's) report of
Merritt Davis, head of the'depaxt
ment. Sixty-five, or ten more
than in 1127, graduated from the
commercial course. Enrollment
In this branch was between 40 and
46 per cent of the entire school.
Nearly one-third, or IS of the
4S students who completed five
semesters in bookkeeping and ac
counting were granted special cer
tificates for proficiency in this I
work, having an average of
- - i
per cent or above ' for the last
three semesters. Many of these
students also completed the
coarse of Instruction on the Bur
roughs bookkeeping machine, val
uable assets to their preparation
for oTfice work.
Through the employment bur
eau of the department, many
ing December and January than
there , were available graduates.
Several local bnsi
make It a practice to depend up-
on the dnrtmnt tnr nfn ...'and rum hnnta t, n
iiatan n fh '
First year bookkeeping
j mu -uaaa.
dents took charge of the school
Cafeteria's honk ilnrtnr tVia voar
a--'- - 3 a a fViy w S UCUVLil
both to student and the cafeteria.
First and second prizes and first
honorable mention in tbe Christ
mas store contest were won by
students of the business English
classes; these students were, re
spectively, Margaret Wells. Paul
ine Marley and Ethel DeLapp.
Accomplishment of the steno
graphic section of the department,
as reported by Mr. Davis, includ
ed: Advanced shorthand classes en
tered in the Order Gregg Artists
annual 'contest made a hundred
per cent club of the 41 papers.
Thirteen .of 'these were given hon
orable mention for artistic short
hand penmanshipwork, with Mar
garet Moore awarded the club
prize. The 41 students were given J
the O. G. Az certificate, with gold
pins also for the honorable men
tion pupils. The club percentage
was not quite so good as last year.
when it ranked sixth in the world
This year 22 students went into
business offices for a half day
under the apprenticeship plan,
with several of these working
themselves into permanent posi
tions through the department's
part time offer of assistance.
First-year typewriting students
shared in the winning of awards
and several high prizes were won
by the advanced classes, with the
groups participating in three con
gests; the Eugene high school.
both here and in Eugene, the Mar
ion County typing contest and the
state typing contest, wlnning'first
place in the first two and second
In the state event.
On the-Remington machine, 8
certificates were earned, 49 silver
pins for writing 40 words a min
ute. 14 gold pins for 55 words
ixvAiyif, litAiur, TKAJHr . .
I i 1 ne Boys Are Marchincr . I
t si i i r i at mm m m . w
and one Jeweled gold pin for 70
" r
- Students writing on the Under-
wood -typewriter, von IS certifl
cates? 41 bronze Dins for 40
words. 11 sUver pins for 50 word
r. k t, , .
On the Royal. 12 certificates.
i-c miier vnia. eigai goia pins ana
iwo proiicieney certificates were
Two certificates, five bronse
pinsjand one silver were awarded
to '"pupils working on the L. C.
The new plan of student-steno-
augurated this year and proved
(I'ontinard from pfa 1.)
Ice journey in the direction of
North cape. Dr. Malmgren is ex
perienced in such travel, and is
considered very capable in moving
over ice fields.
General Nobile asked for snow
spectacles, snowshoes. medicines
spectacles, snowshoes. medicine,.
ana gam Doota
This list Is elo-
I quent of the cnnrfitinn.
stu-i11? nis companions are facing. It
I - -wk t uivu HO
indicates that the glare of the sun,,rn stabbing Louis Johnson, in h
on the snow has affected their worker in the chest at midnight
eyesight and that the heat has Wednesday.
Manhattan Players
In n Screaming Domestic Comedy
. Based on the Stage Play
it P A I (VI If
flf tJit MONDAY
I yffiOj Roy Cummings
1 I A if V " Cuckoo Funster
f - (( V jF!?' ta Flulcno Biarco'a
7l l " the Screen
r-" eXAr4rKMt 44p1MMnTs1saTsMM
softened, the that ts
suffer from wet feet
The message said that the
or tnre consisting or Dr. -
Malmgren and Captains A. M
ano' -and ' Flllppo Zappl. took
Vila with tliam a thn hik.
ice would have preven-i .
The trio needs rules and
- , Polar; bears-have visited
""'c pnv...
frtndIr; ""rtn' nothing but , ;r
lesity at the presence of the , , -
aways in their realm.
I 4erea.-tointercept the .'.,.
' .k. .t..uj u ., . . "
L "w omu kcu MaLJ o ' " o
rx vt ... u x i .
Captain Riiser-Larsen. who ..',
Lieutenant Luetxow-Holm
the north with. seaplanes ahYi
me steamer HonpjC?' Captaii!
ser-Larsen, reported .tonight ; , u
pack Ice extended so- far thai
use of airplanes -was impo ,
but that he eand Lieutenant J
will try to make a .flight east
later on.
Meanwhile, the Hobby has ,
dog teams ashore under the 1m.
ership of Tandberg and N . :.
iney are to lay aown aia depo
at cape riaten. North Cape. Beve
tr ouuuu, na uove oar. ana ar
1 .9 a w-t.
to patrol the route which-
Malmgren s party was likely
(AP) Formal charge of assa
. .a eroa.8 Po
piacea loaay against J. sxim
Mexican employe of the Peli
y bumDer company
charp. ,
" 1 . - 11 - S . aaaaMHa J "aa