The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    ; Oregon League of Catholic Central Society Convent fan
Salem l Rural Free Delivery Office in Oregon, and Marian County Is ihe fa in This State
r w
eatber Foreeas: Generally . fair ..but)
.cionIy on the coast; slowly rising temper--.
vatA and lower humidity in the Interior;
moderate : northwest "winds on the coast.'
Maximum ; temperature yesterday 62. min
Z taunts 48.-:rtvwc.-a,: rinfan'UOTe,. atmos
phere part cloudy,-wind northwest.
'It Is said that the -present Panama Canal
will lw Mr Mourn fnr all nnrfwiaoa at
least until 19 CO. And maybe bv that time V
the boys . will . be flying across wttfc the
trelsht. - , : . - : -. - ,
If :
ft risEv entt-eighhiyear
I I I I I I I 1 11 I I 1 LVl I 1 111 I I I I I I I I I
it w
m mm jp j
ir- ai
ftat -
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'Oregon League of Central
Society Will Convene at
- Fairgrounds .
;All-Hoeieties Under Auspices of
Chnrch WiU Participate In
Accordance Will Mandate
. of Pope Pius XI
This afternoon at the state fair
KraVads, the annual convention oi
... . At
the" Oregon League of , the Cath
611 Central society will be held,
besinnins; at 3 o'clock. There will
bnTS" Utfarates present from all
darts' of the state. Officers will be
aloAtAil nn4 aAaa-at Knolnsaa nf
ivyai auA Sjui n oaa.. w
,tocIety conducted. -
This event, important . in itself.
is almost overshadowed by the
unique program which .will be
held under the auspices of the
same organization at the fair
grounds Sunday, when it is expec
ted that 5000 Catholics will be
Observance Unique
It will be the first time in the
history the Catholic church in
- Oregon that all organizations of
Catholic men and women will par
SfVicipate in the observance of Cath
v Voile day.
The observance will be held lr
conformance with the mandate of
Pod Pius XI. that "all eocietle:
functioning under the auspices of
the church. be as one in extending
the kingdom of Christ on earth."
Archbishop Presides
It has been the custom for years
f the CathoMc society brCtTOftn
U&uss the principles of. practical
I until this year have the cler
gy and laity been invited to coop
erate. Previously, Catholic day has
been observed in a manner sim-
ilar to the Eucharistie congress.
Pondficial nigh mass will b
celebrated under the direction of
t: rchbishop Bdward D. Howard at
f 10:30 Sundaymorning, with mem
1 bers of the clergy fromall parts
' of the diocese assisting.
A temporary altar has been set
Q In the automobile building at
ifte- "talrgrounds, and seating ar
ranged for over 5000 people. A
Ej eclally trained choir of 40 mix
ed voices has been secured.
Convention visitors will atteuo
a dinner on the, whics
will be served from 12 o'clock un
til 2. Athletic contests will be held
from 4 o'clock until 2:30.
At that time . the program of
the day. will be held in the auto
mobile building, opening with an
address of welcome by Hal 7.
Hoss, representing Governor I. L.
(CMtia oa pf 4.)
Vornsl Student Committeeee
; f Seek Record; May Ask
jv ; Investigation
A committee of -students of the
. Monmouth nonnaj school was in
Salem Friday Inspecting the min
utes of the last meeting ' of the
state normal, school regents, at
which instructors for ' next year
were employed.
j. , j -it was sua inat. ine siuaenis
fl ' narticularly were interested in any
, p-Iaatry in the minutes relative to
lXnVe retirement ofVhomaa LL Gen
, y-ve,-v for many years employed as
J , nu . umm ir-b-va ena, fuv tuiuvuwwu.
. The minutes showed that Mr. Gen-
tie was not recommended for re--er
iployment and" consequently his
' I name was dropped from the list of
, I instructors.; - , . -' -; -'
V: officials said Friday that the
: board ef regent - usually approve
otv such instructors as are ree
"tlinded by the preside'nU'of the
.vXriejs normal schools.-J. S. Lan
ders jpresideat of the 'Monmouth
normal school, did not Include Mr.
A', - Gentle In his list of recommeada-
ttonI 7 "
. It as indicated that the stu
dents of the normal school would
appear before the board of regents
at-their next meetins; and demand
an investigation of the Institutien.
' ' Persons closejyiln touch - with
rthS affairs of the" Multnomah nor
mal school expressed the opinion
tat the charges preferred against
Mr. Landers and other members
Of the faculty by a Portland aws-
EvropB Loeees to Prune .Trees
'.' Reported; , Reaso Mar
-Be Same Here
Max Gehlhar is going to rnn his
West Salem prone dryer this year.
He has already bought the wood.
He has 10 acres of his own of
Coates prunes, variety that was
originated in Polk county; with a
good crop on the trees. There are
scattering "orchards over there
with some Italian- prunes. - Bnt by
no means a heavy crop. Mr. Gehl
har says this year's crop of Italian
prunes is the lightest ever known
for this district.
Light in Europe
Mr. Gehlhar has been receiving
government circulars concerning
the loss of prune trees in Europe.
In the district of Padagora, Bos
nia, according to a department of
cemmerce bulletin of Jnne 10, out
of 9400 acres of prune trees, only
3000 acres remain alive. In an
other district with a million trees.
or .about 10,000 acres, 50 per cent
have perished. The losses are
heavy in Servia, Bulgaria, Bosnia
and Czecho-Slorakia; all the big
European prune districts. " Sev
eral diseases are mentioned. One
is "monllia," or Manila blight.
Mr. Gehlhar wonders if -this
may not be affecting the Italian
prune trees 4f this valley "and
western Washington, where ' we
have not had -a really good crop
since 1918. Wot Id it not be well
for the Oregon Agricultural col
lege authorities to take -notice and
Investigate? The 10,000 acre dis
trict mentioned above ie about the
size of the Marion county prune
district;, or that of Polk county, or
Clark county, Washington. Per
haps a little larger.
Is Baying Cherries
Mr. Gehlhar ' told .the reporter
last night that he Is buying Royal
Ann cherries. ' Is paying a min
imum of 8 cents a pound 'for
them: or half a cent above the
Salem market.
He would not say for whom he
is buying them. Buying them far
himself, he eaid. r
He says reports from California
show a short crop of Royal Anns
for that state. The general price
there has been reported at seven
and a half cents.
alem Man Made Worthy Presi
dent of State Organizations
. LA GRANDE. June 15. (AP)
The Oregon Eagles in conven
tion here,elected officers and se
lected Klamath Falls as the 1929
convention city.
Officers elected follow:
Guy R. Downs, Portland, past
worthy president; Lester Jones,
Salem, worthy president; J. E.
Scoffield, Eugene, worthy vice
president; G. B. Everett, Bend,
worthy chaplain;. C. D. , Long,
Klamath Falls, secretary; C. E.
Pappersett, La Grande, treasurer;
J. R. RItz, Marshfield, inner
;uard; L. R. Connors, Pendleton,
outer guard ; M. E. Trimble, Ba
ker, trustee, three years, and V.
Strobbe, Pendleton, trustee, two
Robert C Paulus to-be Speaker at
Chamber of Commerce
Whether the Willamette valley
is over supplied with fruit and
berry plantings, Is the question
which Robert C. Paulus, local can
nery proprietor, has been asked to
answer when he addresses the Sa
lem chamber of commerce at next
Monday's luncheon. -
Mr. Paulus will also talk on
fruit crop prospects for, this year,
and outline the" efforts that are
being made to Increase the outlets
for these crops through new pack
ages and new processes.' - . i
Fierce Claak Reported With Secret
' . - Police of Warsaw -IX)NDON.
June 1. (AP) A
dispatch ;to the Daily Mall from
Warsaw Quotes Moscow . messages:
as saying that IS workmen and
12 members of the secret political
police were killed and 87 work
men and 40 police severely Injured
In a riot-Thursday which resulted
from attempts by the police to dis
perse a demonstration of nnenw
ployed. . - : .
There has been no confirmation
of this report from other sources.
"Tatat Result of Accident at Eu
gene Brings up Total "
: EUGENE, Jane 1K-(AP)
Uaek Hoyt, 17,:irho .was- struck
by an automobile while riding a
motorcycle here June 3, died to
night as a result of injuries sus
tained In the crash. His death Is
the fourth traffic fatality In Eu-
gene 4his year.
Sii Sll
I Interesting History of Rural
' - Cwmni. naliuanl "in frOn(fl
: " Recalled-
Fred C Gonninc, One of First
Carriers, Still on Doty; Rode
Horseback 24 Miles a Day
For $300 a Tear
The Statesman editor is asked
to give the date, when the first
rural free delivery route was es
tablished in Oregon. Also, how
many such routes there are now
in Oregon.
This inquiry brings up an Inter
esting news story. Thomas H.
Tongue was .in congress then. The
editor of The Statesman was chair
man of the First district Repub
lican committee, and i'that cap
acity nominated Turner for the
honor. The first rural free deliv
ery routes in Oregon started out
of Turner on October 16, 1897.
Fred C. Gunning, George F. Judd
ind Phil W. Pearson were the
carriers. Mr. Gunning still has one
of the routes, the one he started
with. The pay at first was $300 a
ear. Mr. Gunning's route was
then 24 miles long. It is 28 now.
rhe pay is now $2100 to $2200 a
(Coatiaaed an pare 4)
-Vvi-'--. ,.- '- ..-
Course WeU Balanced; Classes In
Languages. Science, History
and Others
Registration for the summer
session at Willamette university ( Auxiliary Glee to Give Event For
opens today. Quite a number ofi Convention Expense
students have signified intent to!
take courses this year, and quite. The American Legion auxiliary
a number of teachers are expected 'glee club will sponsor a big dance
to enroll for review work. Classes at Crystal Gardens Friday, June
will begin Monday. 1 22, to defray transportation ex-
The university bookstore wilpenses of the glee club to the
not be open, but students will be state convention,
able to secure necessary supplies' The chorus of 30 voices under
from the Librarian. In the ab-'tbe direction of Miss Lena Belle
sence of Dr. Franklin, who leaves Tartar will enter the choral com
this morning for a ten weeks') petition in Medford this summer,
tour in the Orient, Mrs. Rodney I Units throughout the state enter
Alden will be in charge of the II- glee clubs. Hood River's glee
brary, assisted by Miss Dorothy
.This snmmer courses are of
fered in English literature. Latin,
French, botany, chemistry, polit
ical; science, public speaking, his
tory, and education.
(Contiaoed oa parr 5.)
Cbsirles Curtis, His Family And His Topeka,
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mi ia mi i i I - (aaaaaaaaaaaMBiaaaaaBMaan -
- Senator Charles Curtis ef Kansas ma&tt his heme, when congress Is not in session, st .Tcptka In the home shown here. He Is a widower,
and has two daughters. ' One N Mr. C. P. ,George (center above), ef Fort SHI, Okta. - The ether, Mrs. Icons Curtis Knight (lower right) lives -Jn
fthede Island and le a delegate to the republican national convention. Mrs. Edward Ganrr (upper right) is his slstar v";" : . ':." - - -
7 ; S1XCE5TBS5CX ' f i
Arrival of Italian Aviator Awaited
'J: Anxioasiy by Kings) Bay '
'-' t ' " Base 'Prnty " - " ;
(Copyright, 1928, by the Assoc iat-(
ed Press)
KINGS BAY. 'SnIUbersren. June
is. (ap) insteawot drifting to!
tVn nvnnMi i flaw amtnASayf I
the westward; as at first supposed.
General Untberto Nbblle - and -his
five companions of ' the dirigible
Italia, marooned on an ice floe.
are drifting to the east.
It had been supposed that owing
to the east wind prevailing at
Kings Bay the Nobile party had
been blown westward,' but it is
learned now that a west wind pre
vailed in the northern region, and
the position of this group of cast
aways at midnight last night, was
reported as 20.30 north latitude.
27.49 east longitude, or about 10
miles east of their original loca
tion. The watchers here are anxious
ly awaiting the arrival of Major
Maddalena, the Italian aviator,
flying the Savoia-55. He is due
tomorrow, and soon as possible
thereafter the base Ship Citta di
Mllano will ' get into 'communica
tion with' ' General Nobile. The
commander of the Italia will In
form the ship as to the condition
of the ice in his neighborhood andipaign.
whether it would be possible to
rescue hie men by plane. All
equipment is ready for Major Mad-
delena, including provisions, shoes.
Imedicines, guns, and collapsible
rubber boats. Within a period of
10 hours, Maddalena can search
over a wide area, communicating
the results by wireless to the Citta
di Mllano.
It is understood that the power
ful Russian ice-breaker Maligin
will not proceed to Kings Bay, but
will steam directly for General No-
bile's position, thus saving time
ine steamer juraganza is on
the way to North capo to relieve
the sealer Hobby. She will put a
dog team ashore and It Is believed
that the chances are good of meet
ing the group of three, headed by
Dr. Finn Malmgren, who started
out on May 30 to make the over-
(Oaatinacd n page 2.
club won both club and quartet
honors last year.
This Is Salem's first year to en
ter competition, and the member:
are hopeful of bringing first hon
ors to Salem. The local club wil
present the contest members r
.he Capitol theater in July.
Campaign Being Mapped Out
By "Republican Presiden-
tial Candidate
General Understanding in Wash
ington is That Commerce Sec
retary WIU Give up Office
In Near Future
Associated Press Staff Writer
(AP) His usual schedule o f
reaching bis office at an early
hour undisturbed by bis nomin
ation by the republican conven
tion, Secretary Hoover swung Im
mediately today Into the prelim-
of his presidential cam-
As a shower of congratula
tions upon his attainment to the
highest honor of his party poured
iown upon him, Mr. Hoover took
Lime in which to write his first
congratulation pronouncement, a
message to the delegates at Kan
sas City.
The message was not limited
merely to the expression of hit
thanks and appreciation for the
(Continued on pf )
Solution Must and Will Be Found
to Agricultural Problem,
He Promises
Associated Press Staff Writer
-Herbert Hoover, republican
presidential nominee, issued today
his first campaign document in
the form of a telegram of appre
ciation to the Kansas City con
vention that selected him last
night as its standard bearer. His
message, directed to Chairman
Moses for transmission to the del
egates was deliberately expanded
')eyond the usual note of apprecia
Jon to a sketch of he position he
vlll take as a candidate.
"Government is more than ad
ministration," he told. the repre
entatives of his party. "It is pow
r for leadership in eooperatior
ith the forces of business ant
ltural life in city, town an
(Coatiaaed aa page 2.)
Advice Of Aged Indian
Grandma Helps (hirtis
"Go Back io Your White Ancestors; My Boy," Word Given
Yopng Lad Destined to Become Republican Party's . .
'"" --' Choice for Vice President of United States
- Associated Press Staff Writer
I&NSAS CITY, June 15 -(AP) From blanket Indian to
vice president will be. the romantic career of Charles Curtis
if elected uvNovember. : i
J Plain Charles Curtis, "Charlie" to his friends, took this
conevntion- by storm because it recognized his sturdy man-
hood drawn from the blood of his Kaw Indian forbears and
the fire and daring of his French-Canadian "American sire.
Several . Prominent m Repnbllrans
Mentioned As Possible Chair
man of Committee
The republican national com-4
mittee today named a special
committee headed by Ralph Wil
liams, of Oregon, to consult Sec
retary Hoover next Thursday in
Washington on the selection of
permanent officers of the organ
ization. Until Mr. Hoover indicates his
wishes concerning the national
chairman this position will be Left
open with several prospective men
in line including Secretary Work,
James W. Good, Claudius Hous
ton. Walter F. Brown, Ralph
Williams, and Chairman William
M. Butler.
The special committee of 26,
named today, was entrusted with
full power to name the permanent 1
officers, Including three vice
chairmen, a secretary, treasurer,
and executive committee of 15.
The two contests referred to the
committee against the committee
man from Wisconsin and the com
mitteeman from- Georgia, "We're
turned over to the executive com
mittee. I
Ralph Williams presided over
the first meetingAof the new com
mittee today as temporary chair
The meeting with Hoover will
be held on next Thursday at noon.
Topeka Citizens Welcome G. O. P.
Nominee for Vice President
TOPEKA, Kas.. June 15.
(AP) Senator Charles Curtis, re
publican vice presidential nomi
nee, arrived at his home town by
automobile this afternoon, driving
from the convention hall at Kan
sas City.
Greeted by a reception commit
tee several miles out of town, Sen
ator Curtis accompanied by his
son Harry, was-escorted to his
home where he was greeted by
friends. A formal reception will
be held this evening.
Kas., Home
In obtaining the republican en
dorsement for vice president, he
brushed against that of president
and still was in the race when the
contenders came down the home
Racing is nothing new to
Charles Curtis. He earned his
first real salary as a jockey. He
was the Earle Sande of the west
in the 70's and if Curtis would
abandon dignity and talk the lan-i
- -
guage of other days, be probably;
would say:
"I was in the money."
Today Charles Curtis is not
imnaing or wnat he has accom
plished. His mind has harkened
back to a moonlight on the plains
of Kansas when his wrinkled old
Indian grandmother, Julie Poppln,
crawled to this mere lad's side
around the camp fire.
"Go back to your white ances
tors, my boy," she implored.
For Charles Curtis had fled
from his father's relatives in To
peka and rejoined the Kaws while
they were on the march. The boj
demurred, he preferred the open
free life of the plains. He loved
Julie Poppin and her devotion to
ier grandson consumed her soul
She led her pony to the shad
ows beyond the campfire, lifted
the boy Into the saddle and
Charles Curtis began his ride to
fame; never again returning to
his Indians :excepL as. a, guest.;
In Topeka Curtis took up res
idence with his father's sister, en
tered the public schools and for a
few years lived the life of a nor
mal American boy. But Curtis is
a restless and energetic nature.
He wished to earn his living. He
began to sell refreshments as s
"news butcher" at the railroad
station after school hours and did
odd Jobs for anybody who would
employ him.
His keen knowledge of horses.
learned on the plains, attracted
the attention of a race horse man
who employed "him as a Jockey
Curtis took to this Job with glee
and during his several years cam
paigning with horses up and down
the western circuits, he shot more
winners across than any othei
So Charles, after finishing
school, became the office boy and
)anltor-law student of the firm of
A. H. Case. He swept the flooi
ind ran errands but soon found
.hat he needed funds or else must
depend on relatives and friends
for support.
He contracted with a livery man
to drive a hack on the streets of
Topeka at night and split the prof
its. He became so popular that he
(Ceatiaaad oa p( 2.)
Course of Friendship to be Steered
Straight For Ireland
TREPASSEY, N. F June 15.
(AP) Deciding definitely to lay
their course to Ireland, the crew
of the monoplane Friendahln to
night prepared to add seventy-five
gallons more gasoline to their fuel
supply, and awaited better weath
er to start on their long delayed
flight across the Atlantic
Pilot Winner Stults said he
thought the , weather would clear
by tomorrow afternoon and that
the start would probably be made
at. that time. The other members
of the crew. Miss Amelia Earhart
and Louis Gordon, waited Impa
tiently for the weather to clear.
Half Month Total
Fwsvth of May Record
Jane's building record in Salem
is likely to bo an anti-climax fol
lowing" May' high atarkv aniens
the second half - of the nmontn
shows improvement wer the first
1 i days.Jr.i.-v f - r : i - ' '-'4- s C t
The total ap to -last night "was
f 47.C0O,. less than one-t onrtt ,f of
the May toUl. which was $tlt.-
The biggest single project on
which a permit has been taken
out since the first of June is the
Benv Chhr roroity onso on State
street, estimated at $15,00. r f?
Twenty-three permits have been
mostly for residences; or J
private garages.
Senator ' From Kansas Se
lected as Running Mate
to Herbert Hoover
VOTE 1052 TO 34
Huge Landslide Arranged
Before Convention Meets
Republican.. Party.. Chooses
11T 4 M m mm .
Western Man of Indian Ai
cestry as Candidate for
Vice Presidency , of U. S.
Associated Pres Staff Writer
Charles Curtis of Kansas, bora
on a Kaw Indian reservation, and
successively Jockey, hack driver,
lawyer and United States senator,
was chosen today by the republi
can national convention as the
vice presidential candidate to
stand beside Herbert Hoover la
the election next November.
The leader of the majority in
the senate, swarthy descendant rt
Indian ancestry, was swept to vic
tory at the final session of the
party gathering by a vot,e of 1052
to 34. A moment later the en
dorsement was made unanimous
by a roaring chorus. There ut
only one ballot.
Opposing Vote Few
-Thirteen -votes for CbarlesG.
Dawes; It for Herman L. Ekern
of Wisconsin and two for Hanford
MacNider of Iowa, prevented the
registration of a solid vote for tt
Kansan in the beginning. Not a
word was raised in protest wbeo
the motion was made to have the
convention go on record en bloc
for him. .
Curtis, who until yesterday wee
a candidate for the presidency, ap
peared on the platform after be
had been nominated: thanked tke
convention for selecting him; toid
the delegates he had hoped to knee
the honors which went to Hoover;
praised President Coolidge and the
secretary of commerce and (Bee
dieted victory for the ticket in the
autumn. He was generously .ap
plauded. Votes Lined t Early
The landslide to Curtis begasf
outside the convention hall same
time in the early morninr hours
(Caatinoea oa paa I t
President of Stanford University
Asserta G.O.P. Xoiuine Cer
tain of Election
PALO ALTO. Cel.. Jane 15. "
(AP). HalUng Herbert' Hoover
as an administrative genius. Pres
ident Ray Layman Wilbur of
Stanford university today, pre-,
dieted his election to the presi
dency and declared that for the
first time the country will have n
president who "understands the
problems of the ; west ' from the
ground up."-:. ' -
The-Pacific has become 2be
great ocean' of the world," said
WUbur. fit belongs' to the whole
United States. ; Hoover " under
stands all the problems concern
ing -v the Pacific country, having
been oa the other side' as well -aa
oa - this." Not 'only Is the PsclMe
the v western ocean. It Is linked
with ' Hew . York by ' the Panama
canaL All of Ks problems Hoover
understands: from. first hand in
formation. - ' - '
"Queen of Diamonds Awaits Bet
ter Weather For Trip
(AP), Miss Mabel Boll, awaiting
here favorable j weather for .
flight to Eorcpe.r today , accept
the- hospitality of the .Newfound-'
land'governenL":;iv-'i . :
' Wttn Captain Oliver Le BontU-
Her, pilot, and Arthur Argles, o
pUot, of the plane Columbia, vMlns
BoU went to 8t. John's as. tbo ,
guest of Sir John Rennett, col
onial secreUry- Weather reports
tonlgbt Indicated that: no ? start .
would be" attempted, before .Sun-;
cayv ,-r
. ?
Japer were exaggerated.