0! hit r r THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 14, 1928 Announcing a New Era of Economy for Marion County and Surrounding Territory son -4 IF 220 to 226 North -.Liberty St. DJ Telephone 1606 em s New Department Store --Where Good Merchandise Can Be Bought For Less The opening of this new store will mean savings of hundreds of dollars to you and every buyer in this community. Why? Because by buying for cash and selling for cash, we have found the way to rock bottom prices without sacrificing a high standard of quality. OPENING DAY SPECIALS $1.39 Men's Overalls, heavy plain blue, 220 denim overalls, full cut pTal: 98c OPENING DAY SPECIALS MEN'S WORK SOX 3 pairs for 25c OPENING DAY SPECIALS Cotton Flannel heavy weight, 3 pairs for Gloves, 25c Years of experience in merchandising has taught us efficiency in management too so you will not pay for a high overhead expense. In short your money will go further and your satisfaction will be greater by dealing at this up to date institution. Throw away your mail order catalogues you can buy better goods cheaper at home. v rr COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS Our opening stock will convince you that style and quality can be had at low prices. In Crepes, Rayons, Voiles, Organdies, Foulards, expense we spent several weeks in New York, St em points to buy the latest in dresses and at Look our Dress Department over carefully. We coats as it is too late to open a new stock atthis season. We have spared no , Louis and other east prices for everybody, are not showing any advanced stage of the Remnants of 1 0 to 20 Yards Grand Opening Specials Panama Checks, 17 Reg. 25c value at. . . . X I C Shirting Cheviots, 22 in., regu lar 20c value 1C- at XDC 36 in. Black Sateen, 9C Reg. 39c value at. . . . C Printed Window Crepes, regu lar 33c value 23 C Chambray Ginghams, OO Reg. 30c value at.... aiOC Dotted Curtain Swiss. 1 i Reg. 25c value at XrtC Silk and Rayon Voiles, Reg. 75c value at FAREWELL TO HIGH PRICES An Extensive Selection in Men's Wear All Wool "Sunflex," $25.00 2-piece sum- $14.98 Men's 2-trouser all wool worsted suits, regular $35 and $40 98 quality at JFaVXeeJ Men's fine Worsted all wool suits, nicely tailored, latest styles and patterns, regu lar $30.00 suits, AR p Anrvs at .... Boys' long pants suits, sizes 6 to 18 $7.48 To Top the Mode in Correct MILLINERY Select from these chic models Ladies' hats at n g.4 Ladies' hate at 2.98 Ladies' hate at $3-73 Theae are the Latest Models in Straws and Felt Direct from Xew ork Summer's Newest Showing in Fabrics Organdies, Flowered, yard - --78c Placid Prints, yard - 78c TSf fesan, yard 78c Rayons, yard - - c Edna May Zephyrs (finest ginghams made) yd.-39c Moosehead Cloth (suiting) yard 39c FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY of standard quality-but of modest price WE CARRY ROBERT-JOHNSOk & RAND "STAR BRAND SHOES" Every pir of shoe, we sell we rnwantw to be solid leather or your money refunded. The Utrt styles, which are show, la the ewt, are to JounH In m,r line of xne in -vj footweap4ot t price, to fit any pocket book. Our Hosiery Department Lustrous beauty and genuine satisfaction are ap parent in our new summer line of silk hose. We offer a full range of the latest colors to match your summer apparel. 1 Good news i to ladies who have worn and know i ' Cinderella Hose We have the most complete stock and range of colors ever shown at prices to astound yon, showing grand opening day. Ladies' Silk and Rayon Hose All colors, easily worth S 5c a pair, 49 C grand opening price, a pair. Attend the Informal Opening and Reception FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 15 No Goods to be Sold Leave Your Pocketbook at Home To provide the public with an opportunity to become thoroughly acquainted ntt stock of excellent merchandise and to give lis a chance to greeV each and Wung right way, we have planned this advance or informal opemng of the store. Positively no goods will be sold until Saturday morning. Just come in Friday afternoon. Spend .all jj can with us-sk questions and we will be glad to serve you in every possible way except to sell goods that day. SPECIAL SOUVENIRS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Grand Opening Specials BATHING SUITS For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN Men's all wool bathing suits ..$2.98 Ladies' all wool bathing suits $2.98 Boys' all wool bathing suits.. $2.39 Misses' all wool bathing suits $2.29 Children's all wool bathing suits....$l. 49 These suits are made of the finest worsted yarns. Many colors. i Opening Day Special Ladies' Rayon Lingerie Ladies' Rayon i Lingerie Gowns. Pi- . mas. Vests. Steptns, Bloomers, Combina tions. Slips. Some of these garments sell as high as f 4.00. Our opening day price is $1.23 Tor Any Garment Normandy Chintz Prints Light and dark, 30 inches wide, guaran teed absolutely color fast, wide range of patterns, -worth 40c yard. Grand opening day special. 27c Yard SILK DEPARTMENT Printed Orepes. 40 in. 1 M Imported Silk Shanghai. 1 1A wide, yard 1Yf Tard Flat Crepes. 40 In. wide. $ $9 Cum SUk PV gUk' $ 1.29 14 Ifomme Pongee. 63 C Jar?" $189 ' Many other silks in newest shades at rery reasonable prices. Men's Outing Bal Work Shoes Rubber soles, leather Insoles and full leather stock uppers. Our regular 12.00 work shoe. Grand opening day special $1.98 Call for No. 4 - "A Big Department Store" -4? With Bran; OUR ONE AIM TO PLEASE YOU ! Valencia Voiles Printed. SC inch, many colon 1Q and patterns, yard lC Windsor Crepes Plain color, remnants of 10 to 20 yards, regular price 25c. . Grand opening day 72?. 19c .ercjuancaise AND PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL TIMES 1 I YOU WILL FIND HERE TRUE COURTESY