I H if THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1928 II -1 f 1 i 1 n H 1 i CHURCHES ran evangelical chvbch Onrner f Liberty and CuUr. A. P. Lay-son. pastor. Sunday school at S:45. L. I. T bora to a. snpt. A class for all. If yeas eaat y.a will com again. Ta. Smamaty school will give their Children's Day program an Sanday morning and kwik services will be mreged into an, u4 the pastor will give ma illustrated tar teas to th children. The regular Chil drea's Day missionary offering will be taken at this service. The Christian Ko aaaaor will meet at 7 p.m. Topic for dis- aon will be How ara our nauaeaK inn of oar Christianity t" The eub- for the 8 o'clock service will b : "Tbe Investment of a Life." Thi net- sag will ba especially halpful to young i!c. Remember: "Flaying fly for a er matt be great sport evary sin ner is doing it." "Religion is the mother. taa church i the nuraery of religion." people asMer DOsAJrOEL TVU. GOSPEL MISSION 430 State St.. upstairs over the "Man's Shop." Ralph I). Bullock. 480 8. Cot tag. St., Phone 938M. Sentires 2 30 and p.m. Young People's meeting 6 p.m. Evangelistic services will continue every aight at 8 o'clock except Monday and Tuesday. Evangeliat M. It. White and oth er workers will be with us. If the weath r ia warm the afternoon fcervio this Maaday will be held in the M.tr.on Sqaarr Park, after which a baptin:al servyr wii ba held at tbe West Side Auto 1 ark at a beat 4 30. people ' hear: Junior. Intermediate a ad Senior C. E. Wednesday 8 B.sa. prayer meeting aad Bible atady. Children's Iny pragma Sunday evening, Jane 17. HUT GEXJCAJT BAPTIST CHTTBCH Formerly at K: Cottage and D Sis., now at the Salem Women's Club. 460 X. Cot tage St. O. W. Rataeb, minister; O. Sckanke, aaaiataat minister. 8oa. school 9:45 a.m. lan Schirman, supt. Service 11 a.m. Kot. C. H. Edinger from Wasco. Cat. will be the apeaker. He. G. Schunke will have charge of the evening aerviee. The Women's Missionary Society meeta at 2:S0 p.m. Monday. Kegular mid week prayer service at "8 p.m. Thursday. SILVERTOTJ PUTS REAL CEIEBWHH Program for Fourth of July Event Includes Many Features FI0HZJLO rKIENDS Corner Church and Highland Ate Pas tor, Edgar P. Sims, Maple St. Semees 11 a.m.. 8 p.m. Sunday School 10. Supt. J. M. Gardner. Frraehing may be ex pected at eac haerice. Aeo special sing ing ss the Lord may lead. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at Sp.m. After a continued illness of more than" a year, the pastor will again take np the regular work. All are welcome to our servicea. BAPTIST MISSION Services will be held in the Crand Theatre. Sunday school with a ttiil siren's Day program beginning at 9:45 a. at. Church services at 1 1 a.m. ant 8 p.m. Re. K. T. Slarkey will preach ai beta services. B. Y. P. I', at 7 pin Prayer meeting at 8 Wednesday evening. All are moat cordially invited to attend these services. FIEST SPIRITUAL CHTJBCH Mre;s in Fraternal Tnp!e, 447 Center ;t., Sunday evening, June 10 at 7 :3C Co. k. Mrs. La.it Mittiestedt of Port tiid will be speaker and message bearer, he public cordially invited. LESLIE MEMORIAL CHTJBCH (Methodist Episcopal) Corner "S. Com'l. and j Myers 8t. S. Harlow Johnson, pastor, res 348 K. Myers 8. Phone 2704. Morning worship at 11 Mormon by Rev. H. C. Leavenworth. ' 'The ristian Forward Look and Outy." An tawsD. "Lead on, O king Eternal" (Tel rial. At the eight o'rlock hour an icsti lata program will be presented by young falk of Francis Asbary Epworth League, Oraaal Trick, preaiding. "Why I Want to gw to Institute.'' Kllen Jean Moody; "Our laatitote"'. Curtis French; "What Morn ing Watch Means to Me," Helen Hertxog; "Institute Friendship." Gould Morehouae; "Tbe Best Part of laatitote for Me," Alfred French; "Institute Atmosphere," Margaret Marsh; "What Our Campfirea Mean to Me," Maxine t'lrich. A quartet f women'a voices will sing Barri's "The Uaad Shepherd." It is hoped that the CHEISTIAN SCIENCE Corner o" Liberty and t'liemeketa Sts. -iunalay morning tervicea at 11: Sunday -vrning services at 8: subject of lesson .ermon : "God the Fret enter of Man. tVednrsuay evening testimonial meeting st 8 ,i in. Sunday school sessions convene st 9:45 and 11 a.m. Reading room, 406 Masonic temple, open daily from 11 to 5: JO except .Sundays and holidays. FIBS I HUTTED BRETHREN Corner 12th and Mission St. Pastor IE. G. Taling, residence Kt. 8. Assistant pastor a. o. iieaaerson, resiaence Misaion St., Iuooe 19U3W. Services 11 a.m., 8 p.m. Sunday school 10 a.m. Supt. Alice Henderson. Young Peoples' meet ings: U. B. C. E. 7 p.m.. Mrs. Tkelma Tibbett, leader. Week-bay prayer services Wednesday evening 7:30. Fourth quarter ly conference convenes Jane 9th 7:70 p.m. Both services on Sjnday ia charge of El der A. S. Henderson. A good time awaits you. CHURCH OF GOD 1346 X. Church St. J. J. Gillespie, pas tor. Residence 1315 No. Church St. Phone 2081 J. Services at II a. m., 7:30 p. m. Children's Day services 11 a.m. in the Cunningham Grove south of the city. Sun day school 10 a.m. Supt. Mrs. W. A. Bar kus. Y. P. meeting 6:30; leader, Miss tlenevieve knm. Prayer meeting Medoes 30. Teachers meeting Fri tiers and friends of the church will eaeourage tbe Leaguers by being present iday evening at this special service. Wednesday eve- 'day evening 7:20. aing at 6:30 the Kale n list. Methodist Mea . Council will meet at Silverton. A THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN goad time is assured and Leslie men are urged to attend. Cho.r rehearstals. .1. Wm. j Church St. between Cbemeketa and Cen tteirher director. Thursday evening. o- i1" Rev. P. W. Krickson. pastor. Repent aaea s voices at 6:45 and mixed chorus at lance Alter ueatn A 1-art or 8:3f. Mid week meeting for prayer and eludy Thursday evening at 7:30. SILVERTON. June . (Spe cial.) Seren committees of the local fire fighters are already busy at work promulgating a gigantic Fourth of July celebration for Sil- rerton. The day will get under way with a huge parade, which leaves the armory at 10 o'clock, with the 4-L band providing the music. The parade committee has set aside 150 for prizes, with floats to be graded on a number of bases, in cluding originality and beauty, humor or advertising. Many civic entries are assured. A good program of sports, both on land an dwater, is planned and will be one of the main events of the day. There will be a baseball game between Silverton and North Howell. Reverend Foss will be the prin clpal speaker of the afternoon pro gram, starting at 1 o'clock in the beautiful Silverton park. Dancing in the park during the afternoon and in the evening at the armory will be another popu lar feature. Local folk are voting for their favorite in the queen contest; in which there are 12 contestants: Clara BJontegard, Mabel Diger ness. Marie Iverson, Delia Bal lenrud, Margaret Miller, Evelyn Lais, Beatrice Booth, Ruth Lar son. Clarice Bergland, Jean Ab bott and Hilda Scriber. The grand finale of the celebra tion will be real display of fire works at the aviation field about 8:30 o'clock that night. suited In aa accompanying de crease ia the iimbw who select history as an elective, the report tatea. The report says that 21 history classes are in prospect for next year, as is also a new coarse of stady which will provide greater continuity in subject matter. Miss Robertson, in her report, recommends that two years of so cial science Instead of the pres ent one be required for gradua tion 'from the senior high school. American history should be pre ceded by a eonrse in European history, the teachers believe. Further recommendations are that teachers of tbe department be provided rooms closer together In order to facilitate the exchange of maps, books and other refer ence materials, and that the de partmental head be released from study halls altogether that she might have more time to attend to her other duties, including those connected with her deanshlp of girls. Students of history, as well as in many other departments, will be segregated according to ability next year. Dean's First Annual Report Says Need of Point System i Hum in c s NEXT AT SILVERTON American Legion Sponsoring Unique Event, to Occur June 24 TOBD MEMORIAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL We t ialem. K. L. Canneil. pastor Sun day M-hool 9:4"). I. C. Sebern, supt. Morn tmx worship 11. Sermon by the pastor Kpwi rth and Intrrmodiate League at T. rri hinjr at 8 p in. hy pator. Subject "Tbe SpIf-.Asft-rtins Christ." litv. i. (). Olitrr, WillainW!.' I'nivrrsity i!l have charge if thp er-.ce at Sumu it, unda al II o'clock. An Illusion. 1 tie pastor will discuss the foregoing pro I position in his morning st-rmon at 10:45. I The Bible srhcol and the Sunday school at 9:30, using tbe graded system of llible study. The kindergarten and the Home I Dept. separate. The church council meets Monday evening and the Ladies Mission , ary Guild the last Friday of each month. BETHANY BEFOEMES CHTJBCH I'orp.T oT Cupnol and Marion sts. Sun lay school 10 a.m. Kng;liah services at 11. II. leiiny, minister. ST. PAUL'S CHUBCU (Episcopal) Church and Chemeketa Sts. Rev. B. lacan Chambers. Rector. Hoiy Kuch.ir ist at 7.30 a.m. in tbe chapel." -The rec ta wi!l celebrate the 3rd anniversary i f a is ordination at this service nd invii.-s as-) and all who have been benefitted by sti. ministry to come. The church tchool ssaets at 9:43 in the parr 15,1 liou.!. Mom iag prayer will be said at 11 a.m. and Mr. Lang of Portland w,ll bo present ?id apeaL to the congregation as layman. COURT STBEET CHURCH OF CHBIST Court & 17th. Norris J. Reasoner, min , 144 io. 19th, Phone J!:t7.l. Bible school it 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Frank Marshall, supt. Morning worship at eleven, sermon sub ject "The Future o:' the Church." Eve ning or.-hip at eight: "The Triumphant Christ.'' A fine attendance last ord's Day morning. Let us have an even better ona next Lord's Day. A welcome await yon and our friends. AUTO CRASHES POLE MARTIN" It FLAX D, DRIVER, BROUGHT TO HOSPITAL FIRST PBESB 1 1 EBIAN Bev. N. K. Tiiliy, D. D pastor. Sun day school at 9 30 a.m. in new church baildinj at Winter and Chemeketa Sts. Spar ia I Children's Day services in each department. Public worship at 10-45 a aa. will be 1 ld in Waller HalJ, Willam alia 1 niversity. sermon by Rev. Monroe It. Kverett. student pastor froijn Corvallis. Tfca Young People's societies meet at 6:30 p. as in the new church building. Kvening wer.Oiip m tbe new church at 7:30 p.m. with sermon by Rev. Monroe G. Everett. The regular weekly prater meeting wii! ba held .n tne ne-.v I i.ii.l.ng at 7:30 p Tu Twarntay. JAfON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH Corner S. U ictc- and Jefferson St.;. Themas ch.?son. p:-tr; Robert Witty, assistant pastor. 9:4.i. a.m. school of re'V iciavs education. 11 a m , morning worsLi.i. Miss Kdna Holder r turned sniasionarV, from India, will speas. H ibert Vi-.y v.- 'li preach to the Junior tburrh at 7. Tho three Kpworth l.eagnei riret in sepam raoms for devotional services at 7 p.m. Open forum for adults in church sc'io.l aaaei at 8 p.m. Evening worship. Dr. J l. McCormirk of Kimball School of The og.v. will bring the message. Thursday H p.m. mid week devotional service. Cor atiai welcome to strangers to all our scr ic. GLAD TIDINGS 343!j Couri St. Pastor, C. S. Johnson. 431 S. Cottage. Services 3 and. 8 p.m. Sunday school 2 p m. Tuesday. Thursday -ind Saturday evenings, special services.' IMMANTTEX. BAPTIST 1810 8. High St. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching services at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Prayar meeting Thursday eve ning at 7 :0. CASTLE CHAPEL UNITED BBOTHBEN Cor. V 17 and Neb. Ave. Tastor. W. N Biodgett, 1743 Neb. Ave., phone 2622J services 11 a.m., 8 p.m. S-rmon topics a.m., lustilication by Faith: Evan gehstic , p.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. E. A. Hradfield. supt. Y. P. meetings o clock, Fioyd Bailey, president: Junior C. f.. 7 o clock, Mrs. Workine. sunt Wo- man's Missionary Association Tuesday at i p.m. r-rayer meeting raursday evening at o; i.aaies Aid meeting ednesda v Mrs. IrV-hmood, president. SILVERTON, Jane S. (Spe cial.) Sunday, June 24, will mark SilTerton's second annual air circus, when aviators from ev ery part of the state will be guests of SiWerton. Tbe American Le sion is sponsoring the affair, as sisted by clric bodies. Airplanes of all descriptions and types, will participate in tbe air circus, "with parachute jumps, wing walking, races and possible cross country races furnishine thrills for the spectators. Pas senger planes will, of course, be on hand to make short trips around Silverton. The first circus, a sumrisine success, was held a year ago on leased land. The Silverton flying field is tnree-rourtns or a mile north of town, near the Pacific highway. It i3 1800 by 2100 feet and parallels the Silverton-Salem highway. Run ways are 2500 by 2 700 feet long. The field is in excellent condition grass heavily covers the field, in suring the aerial observers against GOSPEL TENT jsi iB ana Marion His. Meetings con tinue nightly except Sat. at 7:4.". The interest increases. Sundav afternoon at J an address for Christians. Sunday eve nmg scriptural reasons for believing the coming of the Lord is near. All welcome Bring your bible and a friend. BIG TENT REVIVAL Riverside Auto Park. Wust Salem. II. Hanson in charge. Sunday s-i vices: 3un siay school t: preaching at 3. Afternoon aahjeet: "Christ the Healer." Special liine Healing services wll follow the preaching. Evangelistic service in the eve aing at Ji. Brother and Sister ti. Cruejer at Spokane. Washington, in charge of the aaasic and singing. Srtturdav night, young people's meeting. A'ma A. Dullerk in rhnrge. Meetings every night during the week at o'clock, and beginning with Taesdav night, we will have with us Ralar.d I.. Crojier. the little man with the big message," young Canadian musi eiaa evangelist, who will speak at each aarvn-e. Do not fail to hear this young Baa. Street meetings Saturdav and Sun J evenings. 6:4.S. brother "Dullo.k in charge. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Chemeketa St. and V 17th. Pastor ; 1L. Erskine. 'JoS V 17th. Phone 1008W Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sermon top .cs; t hrist Liveth in Me," will be at ine morning sermon, l he evening sermon will be evangelical. Sunday school 10 a m. Supt. O. K. Strausbaugh. Christian En deavor 7 p.m. Choir practice Wednesday evening si o o cck. alio week prayer ineeung l nursaay evening at B. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CHTJBCH S. 19th and Ferry Sts. H. C. Stover minister; Dona id J. Allison, organist. The cnurch school meets at 10 a.m. C. C. Har ns. supt. Morning sermon on "The ''0th Century Mayflower." Solo "Some of Iftcse Days tHriggs) to be sunir Lv Mr. Kulah Taln-.adee. Christian Kndeavor at 7:1.', p.m. Kvening services at "The rTeligun of the Spirit will be the ser mon subject. Two musical numbers will be sung: "We are but Strangers Here", music from Donizetti) by mixed quartet, and "Lord of Our Life" .Stultx) an them by chorus choir. UNITARIAN CUUBCH Cottage and Chencketa Sts. Rev. Mar lia V. Ferry, m.nister. Chnn-h .,h.,i m -aa. Devotional services II. s ibjct of I Aiian and the Turkish Consti talion.' Contralta solo: Eye Hath Xot itoan from "Holy City" by lloul. bv Mrs. Martin Ferry with Mrs. W. A. Den taa at the organ. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUD ENTS ASSOCIATION IMetts every Sunday, for Bible study. Meetings are being held at 1160 Broad way. Hours 2 :3(J to 3 p.m. Evening ser vices 9 In ill in hrnail,, r-... it . land. Radio KEX. 277.6 meters. Funeral services in Salem and vicinitv conducted free of charge by local bible class. Phone 2726. rTBJJT METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corr State and Church Sts. Pastar P C. Tajr'or, 636 State. Phone 974. Director rekcioas education: Margaret K. Suther Ua. Phone S78. Servieea 11 a m and 8 P-a. Sannoa tapies: Willamette Vnivers ity Baccalaureate services. Pres C G Da preaching the sermon. P. M. World Failowabip Srit. with a sermon by Rev 8. Darlow Johnson, pastor of Leslie M K. rhureh. Sunday school, classes for all Mr. H. F. Shanks, supt. Epwnrth Ieagne ITaiversity ChapUr tapic "What tbe Bi hJa Reveal aboat God." Leader Esther Ijlale. Pirat Charrh Chapter Hpic- "How shall I heap Grawiag." Leader Evert Ben alt. Jaaior High Chapter ia annex. Tues aa evening the offic;al board will hold iia monthly meeting. On Wednesday af laraooD the W. P. M. S. will meet in the charch parlors. Miss Laura Aastia will gr a talk en her work ia India Tours day the regular mid-week service af prayer aus4 praise. Friday evening a penny cafe saria sponsored by the class at seaior girls t the S, 8. to raise tbe exDenses af tha delegate Chrystales Maxwell to C-eneva Ghana Cowfereaee. Junior church in the annex, which wtll be Sha last regular ses siao the church for the summer. CHTJBCH OP THE NAZABENE One block south of Center oa 19th St. U D. Smith, pastor: Phone 210. Sun day school 8:45 a.m. Mr. Frank Litwiller. snpt. A real live school, classes (or all and teachers that you will enjoy. Morning worship 11. Sermon subject "A Two-Fold Vision." last Sunday morning wa thonght oi mis v sion or (seeiog Uod and Sell), this Sunday corning it will be (Seeing Go and Lost Souls). Mrs. C. M. Litwill er and Miss Thea Sampson will sing a beautiful duet "Don't Lose tha Visits." (Mrs. F. W. Soffield). There will bo no young people s meeting at the charrh this Sunday evening as our yonng people ara ho ding a tent meeting at Jefferson. Ore. Evening EvanaTilistle services at church at 8 in the evening. Kev. A. Wells will preach at this time. The revival will con tinue in the big tent at Jeff roi. Ser vices Sunday at 2:30 and 8 p.m. anu each evening at 8 except Sasnrdav. Crashing head on into a tele phone pole near Minto's Chicken Roost on the Pacific highway south of Salem Friday morning Martin Riland, whose address was given as 541 Mill street, Salem on his name plate in the car but who was reported to be now a resident of Lebanon, completely wrecked his big Paige sedan and suffered injuries of undetermined seriousness. He was found lying beside the car in the ditch by D. Samuels, 197 South Commercial street, and brought to the Dea coness hospital. He is reported to have told at tendants there that he was travel ing at a fast pace and was unable to make the turn in the highway.) His injuries were believed con- fined to several broken ribs and severe bruises. The impact of the car agains iWEST SALEM BROUGHT CLOS- the pole was such as to smash the! ER TO SALEM THEREBY radiator completely, break the! irame on me ngnt side in front) West Salem and force the engine out of line. The report of the detn'g first year's activity at tbe senior high aehool has been submitted to sup erintendent George W. Hug and shows constructive work underta ken during the year as well as a number of recommendations to ex pedite the work next year. A survey of the 643 rrlj, in the senior high was made and results filed in "case" cards. The survey showed 43 girls to be living away from home with 25 working for their room and board, 20 of whom were entirely s e 1 f-supporting. Compensation ranged from $6 to f 12 a month, with hours of service anywhere between four and eight, showing several of the girls werc overworked for one who is going io school and still in adolescence Of the girls working, several mere "A" students, but so fatigued with home duties they could barely make a passing grade in their school classes. Next year an attempt will be made to remedy this condition with five hours as the maximum of work on school days. Girls not liv ing at home must have their res idence approved by tbe oean, who will attempt to see that each is placed in a home suitable to her needs and capabilities, the report states. - Tne scholarship problem, while not entirely separable from health and social adjustment, was also handled by the dean, who endeav ored to find the difficulty as teach ers reported unsatisfactory work to her. In cases where low schol arship was attributable to outside influences, parents were called in to conference. Next year Dean Rob ertson plans to have teachers send her "poor work" slips at the end of the first three weeks of each erm in order that unsatisfactory work may be checked before the ana oi tne term. This will prob- iDiy prevent numerous term fail- jres. Poor physical condition has tlso been responsible for failures, he report observes and commends he work of the Marion county lealth demonstration in its aid in ocating such defects which, when improved, resulted in better grades. On the side of social adjustment, one of the main interests of the deanship, clubs were encouraged provide the student with pur- to create a more democratic atti tude among the girls. Work of bringing the sophomore girl into the high school "fold" was seriously attended this year, largely through the instrument of the big sister committee of the Girl's league, a group carefully, silected from junior and senior classes to act as guides and advis ers to tbe incoming sophomores. The plan was successful and will be continued next year, when the dean also hopes to meet with the incoming girls in groups of 25 ev ery two weeks. One of the most far reaching "reforms" in school activities rec ommended by Dean Robertson for .he comng year is establishment Jf a point system at the senior aigh. Such a system would limit the number of activities in which Jny one student could participate thereby securing a wider distribu tion of the student extra-curricu lar work. In a nutshell it fnvnn the many instead of the few." xv miuuaie worn next year. the report recommends other chan ges as follows; xssi luimeuiaie cneca on irreru- lar attendance and tardiness by telephone communication with the home. This would eliminate to a great extent the general trend to ward undesirable habits in such cases. All clubs should be chartered by the student council. A closer faculty check on those students who wish to take part in extra-curricular work would b" desirable. ItnrtvsL Everr Woodman ia radius of 10 miles was present. Royal Neighbors of Labish, No. 4148, and Che ma wa camp. No. 8412, were joint hosts. The immense interest In Wood craft circles here is leading to a large membership. The big Woodburn picnic for M. W. A. will be Sunday, June 10. SIIVMTOBE HOST TO coin Los Angeles Woman Dies of Heat in San Francisco Turner WCTU Will Hold Lawn Party This Evening TURNER, June 8. (Special) A lawn party will be held at the L. E. Hennies home Saturday June 9. The affair i by the local WGTU, and is for the purpose of raising money to com plete their yearly budget. Ice cream and cake will be served." A good attendance is desired. l he Hennies home is located three miles southwest of Turner and is Just off the new market road. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. (AP). Another death caused by neat prostration was reported Thursday when Mrs. Sophie Went zell, 64, of Los Angeles, died near Fresno as she was being taken to an emergency hospital. On Wednesday Gilbert Van Spaaje, 3 7, was found dead under a wagon in a hav field near Han- ford. In the San Francisco bay region the mercury was in the 70's Thursday and was mounting steadily until a sea breeze shortly after noon brought the tempera ture elowly down. The most intense heat was in the interior. Sacramento, Stock ton, Red Bluff. Fresno and other cities reported thermometer read ings of over 100 degrees. ANOTHER ACID TEST The acid test of a business man or a firm or corporation is its ability to meet crimes. The American Magazine. A meeting of the Salem district Methodist men's eonncil will b held at Silverton Wednesday eve ning, June 13.! beginning at :3t o'clock. Approximately Jw P are expected to attend. A South Pole Dutch lunch is being ar.-1 ranged under the direction of Rev. Thomas Hardie of Silverton. Program for the evening includes: Group singing Everybody, Too Busy for Church Work. . . . Jt H. W. Tobert, Amity Tenor solo.F. E. Kenel. Sllvertop Religious Attitudes Toward Ev eryday Business". ' Curtis Kelley, Corvsllis Music Dad's Quartet, Silverton A. IL Smith. B. J. Gay, tenor; F. J. Alford, E. A. Booth, bassos. Echoes from the general con ference, Dr. B. L. Steeves, Salem f Tenor solo, F. E. Kenel. Silverton Reports of district chairmen B. L. Wagner, A. M. Hammer and S. S. Dow. Talks by everybody ......... From Everywhere Report of moving picture com mittee . . . . F. A. Magruder. Corvalli Group singing Everybody The Minnesota-Atlantic Trans port corporation, plying between Duluth and Buffalo, has named it vessels Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten. MnDJJSIL dust. A hangar 85 by 30, large posefl11 activity, and with the re- enougn to accommodate two planes has been erected, with ma- cnine shops and office room. A 60-foot driveway to the field wad made and graveled. Charles Reynolds is chairman oi the Legion aviation committee. BUS Li INITIATED iseo program of next year, great er progress in this work is antic ipated. The report states that 77 jirls withdrew from school dur ing the year, or nearly a 12 ner ent waste. This is often traceable o maladjustment on the part of uuaents coming from a smaller Perkins Woodmen Hosts At Chicken Pie Supper PERKINS, June 8. (Special) In a setting of roses and del phiniums, at the new Woodmen hall, an old-fashioned southern chicken pie supper on Thursday. Open For Inspection For Sale By Owner This home is one of the best decorated homes in the city. It is located near the corner of 18th and Center streets, three doors from Center on 18th. Decorated by CLIFF DUNSMOOR of Dunsmoor Brothers June 7. drew tnenrhor a lsr anri school. In November the girls' lea- appreciative crowd sue was formed to nelp remedy The entertainment consisted of proDiems of adjustment and' a series of modern Woodmen pic- the breaking the connecting rods. The radius rods were crumpled and was brought, fig uratively, nearer to Salem Thurs day when the new West Salem bus line Was nilt in nnarnllnn , n ,1 the right front wheel jammed back I the management of Rich L. Rei- uuuet sue mann The bus leaves the U. S. Nation al bank corner on the hour and half hour, and leaves the Robert son building in West Salem at 15 and 45 minutes after the hour. Transfers are granted to the High land bus line. West Salem hae grown so rap idly in the past year that its school population has doubled. Mr. Reimann points out, and the new bus line will not only aid in that development, but will link tbe fast growing community more closely with Salem. Si TAKE HISTORY FEWER ELECTIVES SINCE BIOLOGY ADDED, REPORT Enrollment in the history de partment at the senior high school for the year ending June 1 was 853, states the annual report of the department head, Miss Mabel P. Robertson. The advent of bi ology at the senior high has re- Williams. The public is crd a!!y invilfd to attend thefe peppy meetings with its nappy nn(ring that drives doll care awav. i ou are weliome. MUX ST. METHODIST Fifteenth and Uill Sts Pastor T.tr;.v Oah'in. 395 S. 15th St. Service. It . 7:30 p.m. Sunday sr-hool 9:45 a.m. Snpt' Miss Kxther Krirkf-on Younr IVr.nl.'. meeting ::i0 p m. The Ladies Aid will Tiet on Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Okerbere. 47j X. 17th St P,., inej-tiij2 Wednesday at 8. You ! diaily invited to our services. BETROTHAL OFF MADRID, June 8. (AP) An nouncing his decision to break off his engagement to marry Senori- ta Mercedes Castelanos. Premier Primo De Rivera issued a note to rtrir eii n a L . i U"J Dianas tuai nis action was caused by her appearance on the stock exchange Monday in com pany with two men buying stocks FIX ST OOKCULEdATZOVAX. Ctntr and Liberty. Paitor Caar!i B. Ward. 440 Center St. A special Ckilerea'i "J prrrram will ka preaeated at 10:30 eat. tied "Tfce Children's Share." The " i iavitei te eajar this, wregTSSB. Mid-week biele ttudjr and prayar aaeet Tharaday at 8 pas. Sahjeet: "The Maaninc 0f the Cressj." Raceptiaa Maa- t'L-Vw. c!2Jk fr Ur- Mrs. W. MeGilehrist The ftoeth geelitm of the Warns n g Cniee will meet Wedaesday f. kernaea at the heme of Mrs. Kibtie. ram csmxsTZAir .-?,frh ."4 c"tr- lr D. J. Howe. JJ5 Si. Cottage. Phone 243SW. Serriee 11 s.m. tod S p.aa. Sermea topics: "The M tswo nary Enterprise," a.sa. "Vehmt biuk i a ei vBrtetl U. director ef Teaar fot..i nsaie aw an service. Knn- school :$ O. J Hnil Xiautg Feonlea meetaagi 7 y.aa. Yews Tj.m. dark Aydel r Peoples work and CHRIST LUTHMAH State ft 19th. Rev. A. U Hine. pastor German service, at t:45; Eaclish at 11. Sunday school at 9:40. Martha Battcrman, MS. Lather 1. ear as Thnraday at 8 p.aa. The Dorras Society meeta Wednesday af ternoon i Ue canreh parlors beginning at 2 o clocks Victor, welcome. Mr. D rnrrrr. II raj Mas Geh!ar and Mr-. .V L. Heine, hostesses. riXST BAPTIST Corner Marion a liberty Sts. Robert L. Payne, minister. rred,Broer. Sindav school snpi, nod director of mane. Carl Lemke, organist. Sunday aehool 9: 15 am Mominr prencainr service 11. Sersnoq topie "Man's Hap. Beaxe rield." Iwe voaaf people's neetlnrs 7 o'clock p.m. Events preaching service at S.Bermod tepid "Two Sinners." A snlendid h;i. dren's day program Sunday mornins at 10. Old fashioned prayer meeting Thnra day evening at 8. SALVATION AJUfT Saaday at 11 a.m. Caps. Williams will speak oa the subject "Sanrtif.cation what is it!" Sunday school at 2:30 p. so. Tonng people's learne C p.m. Evening services at 8 p.m. "The Word which ia ly Mentioned Once ia the Bible." will be tha subject te spoken on by Caplaam alio ay s with you I MAKE SURE childhood's tunny smiles are always with you. Bring the child ren to our studio for dje photographs which will be cherished records when childhood days are gone forever. Hennell-Ellis Oregon BaiWinjr Phctograp HS o o o o o Watch local papers next week for opening announcement. ilBO-: 4