THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 9. 1923 J a REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON 4t V ICO B. UiCk. tja!tora TeL 1844 DARBER BONi 20 TeL 799 SKCKX UKjrDBlCssA 119 X. Hick. TeL lfl 147 M. OwmrmI TeL 877 ixo n. cHiiAi (ft, auaiw no suu a, ru. ir-47 rasa a. deamo 0 W. Ckucl. Tel rut liUhlEJt i. lit!!TBJ4 &Ai.TT OO 15 First 184. BiU Bide, 1st. e3 a. Liberty m tl avj W. ii- OaABKKHliM'f CO. 14 8. LuWty A. TeL 614 J4AXV1N JOtUfHUJl 430 U. 8. Labx. biti, TaL et 147 M. CMl TaL an- LAJTLAB saATlsAft LaaJ Rasa Hut aUAjt TaL 34a UAB3Ej OK B1CX 915 Oregoa. Msas. TaL .74 W. A. lOSTO- 404 5 Eld. TaL S3l ARTHUR- MAD8EM 1074 Ilorth Capita. TtL 3807 MaUOJNGjsM COMITTI 409 Oregon BMC TaL 1174 V. O. Mm Ufa SUU St, TaL 171 W. B, M03T8 451 Court St. TaL X81I GJsRTRCD. J. 444 Court. rise TaL 1082 PSBlRlNs. M4UHU 811-313 Gray Bid. TaL 90T JUCU 1 REIMANM. Seelte S19 H. High St. TaL 9dl BAJLEM REALTY CO. 46a fiuta St. Room 1. TaL 1004 tlO Oregoa Bid. TaL IBM SOCOLOrbfall COM 04 5 rim Mat. Hauk Bids. TaL 97 -4$ SUU ARE liEAL hva.aA.TT EJ. 8. Ket'l Beak Bid. TaL 4?w TRIANGLE REALTX CO. 421 Court 81 . TaL Ml ulbjch a Roberts - rr as. f . i . . . VWBNXI1. ill. ' U. 3. RJLALTY CO. 44S SUU St. TrL 386 r. u wood 41 SUU St. TaL 7M The Oregon Statesman Published every tnwrnlng r leapt 31 la day, at Salem, tba capital of Qregox. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or S-xadai 4 tuU per word 6 ceau par ward 8 eonu par word Ooa tUca Three timea. Six timet.. 1 mo. daily anil Sua-20 cent per word In order to ara toe mora inaa oae time raU. edvertiaiag must rua ia can tec u live iaeaee. No A4 Ukea for leas thaa 33e. da re a Sunday ON Li charged at one time raU. Adtertueiaenu (except FtvsaaaU and Situation Wanted) will be Ukea tTer tba Ulaphoua i( tba advertiser ia a tabacriber to phoae. ,, TJi SUUemea will receive adver tiseniants at any lima at .the day or aigbt: To iniara proper ciaaaiticatioa Ada shou'd bo ia before 7 p. m. TELXPE0MI St OB SU ALVERT:? 1L EXT3 BOXEST ADCERTIhilXQ Tbei col amni moat ba k-t iee from anytkiaf of a qoestioaabla nature. Uisrepreioa Utiont will not bo tolerated. Inf tion (bowing any quett 'enable intent an tba part of tba adTertiaer ibould b reported to thia newiuaper ar tba Salem Ad e!ub. Lodge Roster JtKMEKETA LODGE NO. 1, X. O. O. V. eeta every Wednetay rreaaia at 7:80 o'clock; tkird floor of I. O. O. V Teraplo. corner -f Oouxt and Uii Stt. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry IS Tra. Salem'a leading Anetloseer ai'i Karattnre Dealer. Sea. Sto.-a 1811 S. Summer 81 Paoae 811 H. F. Woodry & Son Sight dawa town. C-i paid for aaod farnitoxa. SUra 371 N Comxo'L TaL 73. AfeaU far Iagj Raagoo. 8 CuL. A. L. STEVINSOS AUCTIOSKEII 88 year experieace ia tba WilUwetU Valley, for dattt or arraagaaaaM aae I. A. INerflor, farm adriaer. Virtt Na tissal Beak. Balvou Pboaa ar write. A. .L, hteteaaon. CorTalHa. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTBiCIAN 3 rLEEXER ELECT UO CO. HOUSI wiring by keur or contract- Eatimatee furn.bef. Tel. B0 471 Court St vmm ri Tat. lea it mon and i ck.lXJ4 woe v. iL,xua R. D. BAktTON KXlDK BATTKBlti buriof and geanraier wura ; KuJ South Uigb. U. S. L. Service Station lutomotMe lectriebkvi Vsck Bros. High St. at Trade. TaL 1S41 Maruna & liarnsbergefi U d L AXD OKEAT WESTERN H ATTB AUTOMOTIVE KLKCTSICIAKS tl ContO Street. TaL 191S In Coaaectiea with Capiul Sapor Service Sutioa - - BICYCLES Repairing 41 tXOYD E. KAMSUEki CULCMBlA BI cjcloa aa4 rapairtas. 897 Owarv CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 ANBEItBY PICKXB3. PHOKE ten. A.WBERRY PICKERS WANTED. transportation proviued. Phone 3453. CHIROPRACTORS 10 fasw o U SCO IT. TIC. CHI RO P MU CTO bsaA N. Bih. TaL 839-bV. Boa. S104-J PBS. SOOPIKLD X Ray. CHIBO praetar. aa4 NeurwalomeUr aoreiee. Office phoae 3194. Roa. 2187; aad ' 9893-J. Santa 414-18-19. Ttrat Vat'L Bank. 1JJ.I.MWI nnf'irii ri-iV n- " """"""ir"i i FLORISTS " - , 11 ; tTtOWIha rOJt ALu COCAaiOXS : Olaaw'a. Cwart XUw TwL-J8l. CCT riiOWBBaV -EDDIM BOUQ01,Tt hal wraalki aaaaiaiUaa. O. 1 BroiUucwt. Oaaia. U BUM Sbrwaa. 0 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY TUB CAPITOL BEAUTY SHOPPE 223 X. Hig. For Appt. TaL 98t THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 112 N. Commercial. TaL 958 THE MODERN MARIXELLO For lien, Womea and Chi'.ifren ".0i Vaton e idi. T4. 379 I INSURANCE DIRECTORY I O : c Ardenoa & Raport eacinl inaaraace 169 8. Uigb. Tal 1644 B.CiE A ULJfDilCKS 189 K. High. TaL 181 LA FLAK A LATLA.B Ladd A RnaL Bank Bldg. Tel 54 W. . L13T0S. Cwaaral la as ranee 404 6 k i.onic CUT. TaL 1331 RICH L. a EIH1NS 219 N. Hig r.t. Gen. lb.. LoaLi Tel. 893 WIU-JKIITE I.VSIRXXCK AGEKCY S15 klaarai: Hg. TaL 9e3 HOTEL DIRECTORY Wanted Permanent rournert Hotel SenaUr Annex Formerly Trmual HoUl. At tractive Ti'n-i by week or mjnth. T e-n in all room. Inquire Hotel Senator, phena ft&G. INSURANCE 12 insure Tour TKrae or Car BEX'KE A HEXDRJCZS Phae ll 1. O O. P. Bldg.. '.89 K. Rifb 8C FOR HALL FIRST AND SfcCvlSD Jar are. Trnet I4a, Corae aa Lou tee Will net 0 to 30 per enx. BECKE at HE.NDR1CKS Hntlig Bldg.. 11 X it- FAR hi LUAMB rLkNTl Cf HUStt va lot aa good farm aoenriry. CITY LOXi Wa are baaing rr dental laaaraara eocpany money ea t-ity reaidaace 4 busine. property at V per cent, pita a eos&miaaiua naw liua A Kobaru. ia, aoj Ore.-ea Huildiaf. WANTED Employment 13 (iK)SKBERRY PICKKRSS WASTED AT on.e. Phone 17F6. J. W. Simmon. TRUCK OR CAR DRIVING SITUATION, by reliable young man. Call 294 or 1520 Wilbur St. WANTED SITUATION IN SHOE. OB general aturt. by University of Oregon student. Call 294. FOR RENT 14 CAMP GROUND FOR RENT Closest Swimming Willamette River beach for rent. A snap at $100.00. A. C. BOHRSSTEDT Realtor Loans Inauranre 147 No. Com I. ft. Salem. Oregon FOR RENT Apts. 15 'UPLEX APT. 91 . WIATER. ROOM AND KITCHENETTE 813 50 555 Marion. "LOSE IN, WELL FURNISHED FRONT apartment, tiiS Center. r'URNISHED APARTMENT FOR REAT. 2381 Il.iel. Phone 1939W. NEWLY FINISHED 2 ROOU FURNISH ed or 1133- Court. 2 ROOM ATTRACTIVE APT. FURNISH ed or naforaished. 1309 Court St. NICE FURNISHED. FIRST FLOOR apartment, private bath. 590 Union. rURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED room apartments. Virginia Apart mci-ts, 879 N. Liberty. PAITON APARTMENTS C O Z Y. elean. eomforUblo. nicely furnished Privato bath. SUam beat. Down town district. Reasonable in price. For inspection call Patton'a Book Store. Electrical Refrigeration, ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential district. Cheerful, attractive, light. 3 room apartment. 2 beds, $40.00. One furnished overstuffed, $50.00. Two room furnished. $35 to $40. Inspection invited, children welcome. Ambassador Apartments 550 N. Summer. 1972 f OR RENT Houses 17 SIX ROOM MOSTLY FURNISHED bousa for rent. Inquire 1285 Marion. Telephone 1911. NEW FURNISHED. Oil UNFURNISHED! honse for rent. One year or lease. Phone 1899 J. more7 ALMOST NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. L. a .... - Oft? J TssT Coy or Hollywood theater. Phoae 2337R. sasaiii..sassas,iasvssta BOARD AND ROOM 20 BOARD month. AND ROOM $30.00 360 N. Capitol. PER ROOM. BOARD, SINGLE MEALS. SUN day dinners. Alexandria. 1030 Cbe meketa. Phone 1539. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAODKT THB WELDER LAUNDRY Tnlepkoa. 15. 263 8. Higk f RY THE BOMB WET W1M UALN dry. TeL 171. 1954 B Street, CAPITAL OITT LAUXDRT "The Lena dry ef Pare MaUrials" TtUpbone 165. 144 Broadway JtlJT,iJk i'i'i,'VV1r"BJalatl TAILORS 22 D. H. aft TAILOR POB MBS Oaart 84. aad S. 474 MINUTE MOVIES terANaJUlLE SvONE WAS Mce ws tca iN THE TrKWC " -5IE TtNy Fbcf ptaW lJCADiMO-OUTeUDHG- THE NWOOOED PEN Z IT irctatt evees. Jvo as t sts. LrnxcU ftur i vonr iovc II just swe vc nobs some l fikpresscD Jf vc Scxw sxxU TRACKED Tb fc I ei-It (1 WM ones HlP AH' so MXJ JUST J ILc?EgX&g fflME-W iujuAPPV 3tlfc v (FDR MIM - DONT r "1 REMfARD MXLL OC7ME SOWS" oPMy.SUNE Mpgy saSaJaffiaSL. WER NCCR - tX ' U) X ' Al CF tE$ fc MAi ueua It sav) I so 1 WANTED Misc. 23 TEAM WORK OP AI L KTOJDS AND ZX earating. Pkoao HayfiaU 73E3. FURNITURE PCKHaO 70B SHIP raonta. Gieaa Powers Furnitur. Oa. WiMTED PRiTATrj iiONTT TOE farm leans. Wa keve several appUca tioai aa bsad. Haw kin a i Rooms, lac tOS Oregoa Bldg. WANTED A PIANO TO RENT, OR keep lor storage, in desirable home. See Clark Adylett. First Christian Chnrch. WANTED GOOD WASHED COITO Raga aot aaaall.r thaa 1 yard aaa fat wiping Higaoat prtea paid for geo4 eloaa :aaa. apply as Kuwau eiuca. sea Stiftoa. MATTRESSES 24 MATTAESSES RENOVATED BT TE1 Capiat City Bedding O, 1194 Kerta CapitaL CalUd far aaa delivered. A4 wek guarente4. TeL 19. FOR SALE 25 TOMATO PLANTS AT HOLDERS. Route 4. Box 46. Pbona 37F22. PRACTICALLY NEW WOOD COAL raage $79 00 value, $55.00. 1975 N. 5th St.. Phone 2749-J. WANTED Live Stock 26 DON T FORGET. CORBET WILL GIVE market price for year rattle, either fat or poor. Just phone 2541 1385 N. 2 let. VETERINARIAN 28 rBKD W. LANOE. VkTERIB AKIA Office 820 8. Commercial. TaL lit, Roa. TeL WOOD SAWiNG 29 WOOD 8AWINS. PHOxfK 1471. 18i8 Nortk OoatmretaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 JOOD DR1 WOOD. . Mayfutl. - FBOX1 7313, M MOOD DRY WOOD TVtt TOC U. A 1 armor. TaL . 18 IN. OLD PI $830 FU OORIV- F rick) TeL P1BJ. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COIL. TeL 18. Salem Feel C.-i., 753 Trade. WESTERN UNION TlME. TRUCKS for bailing. Wood U bcra. CaU 529. 16 IN. OLD FIR, 4 FT. FIR AND 18 IN. small second growth. Discounts on or dors. C. N. Harbough. 103 Highland Ave. Phono 1990. O. I BE) A ANOUUON roa wood to bubjt SALEM . TRJMB. A ITlVi OXX CENCRAL TBANhJ ER WORK TEL. 629 fcrOOi) OOAL. DBY WOOi PROMPT PE1.1VERIES HILLMAX FUEL OO. TELEPHONE !. 16 IN. MILL WOOD AT $3.50 PER loeC at Tracy's Faol lord, for a limit ed time only. Order NOW if yoa want ' if. Phone 2318. BEST 6 RAVE OF WOOi Dry woo.' 4 t aad lb-lack. Iarye ka4a are caeeper u key. Mill voot ia our specially. Prumpt vlivery aa laaaaiabla price. FRED tt. WELL 280 8. Ckurea TeL 1S43 MUSIC STORES 33 -Ott RENT NEW PLAN OB. Stiff Fnrnitare Company. U. L. UEO. C. WLLL PIANOS. PHONO graph MWisf maaaiaaa, ahtet atosie aad 4ana stadiaa. RepairtLC pkaaav grapaj and. sowing machlnae. 433 State street. Salaam. MUSIC TlACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAU TUASK BUT ton. Waterman eouno. Stkdso 990 ti. Cotuga. paena 2105-J KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE KNLAROKklENT WITH EVERY 60e order Kodak wrrk, Eawtisg Portlaad. Ore. newspapers Magazines 35 Tut PORTLAND ratEURAU SA.'M Ageacy. The Acs. Tel. 948. fHK OSEOON STATESMAN, 60 CENTS par nonth delivered to your horn early eaca morniag. TeL 28 ar 583. IP XUU 1T TO QXV THB BEST farm paper sand five 2 cent stamps u the FaeiXAj HoaeUead, Salem, Cregoa, for a thrt smoataa' trial aukatriptioa. MaaUaa iLia ad. -OULIKKMEK BEND EIGHT TWO ceat stamps for special three months' trial for tie beat and oldest Journal ia the Weak, The ertielee aad adver tiaeateaU ara ef apecial interest U tka lVultry breeder ef the Northwest NerUaeat Poultry Journal. 2il 8. Com meeeiai 84.. Sales. Orastoav PAPERHANG1NG 37 PUUNA GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, pperag:ag. eating, etc Keiiab aorkmaa. PAINTING 38 poR PAINTING AND KALSOMINING call O'Brien 7C9. Good work, reason able , prices. CfaAS BENMZT4, AXST1N XAfU tracker, paiatiiat paper kaagisg. 147 Weat Glutei. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM call 187. SCAVENGER 8ERICB FOR BALE OLD XSTWei-APKBfr. 1$ cent, a tandla. Stateeaaaa ffie. 31$ . Keutb Cummerelal. WANTED: USED PlANl-er. :N EX change ea Radioa, Pkoaoprsphs er Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furmtur com pany. STOVES AND 8TOTB XrlRANS STOYES FOB ALX REBUILT AND repaired by axaaet. All kinds at wovae wire fence. Pavoy aad plaia. Hop baakeU aad aeakA, Vagaat hwcka. Baleai Feaee aad Stera Werke. 259 Court a treat. CAPITOL B4KG1N AND JUNK HOUSE, 105-145 Oaur. Tel 19$. All kinds af Jaak bovg'al and kM, Bags, Socks. Bottles. Barrela, Hid.a, Pelta. Wela Para, Taiiew, Caaeara Bark. Crape Root. Pitea, Pepaermiat Oil. All kiair af Xrwa A Metal evaryUiag from a needle U a locomotive. TreRE.CUTlBS I TrtCXJGHT StX) HEADING- TVUS" WAY troii 1 r-Vilts-n OICUT rzBK-irr AFTER P e. . . T-' V "-e"- 3assaBV ' ri&Xr.t l -' Jr-. .aia. . MISCELLANEOUS 39 rCBKITURX CHOL8TEKIBO AND RE patriag. aMaaa x'wwara raraitara 4Ura FOR SALE. A GOOD USED HAT MOW er. M. Jf. Kepbart oppoaiu aura at Macleay. WHITE SCOTCH CULLlhr AT STUD Saleox'a Wbita King. Era-Utar anmbaf EI59SI. SerTiee gaaraatee4. Pappua ad grown stock tar saia. Mrs. Beav aett, 1030 Cbamekeu. Pkoao 1539. LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST A DIAMOND DINNER RING. Reward. Call 2662. LOST CREEN FELT HAT ON MARL on street between Winter and Cottage. Finder please call 514J. LOST FEMALE BOSTON BULL PUP, brindle and white. Answers U same of Sail. Reward. Pkona 671-R. PERSONAL 43 POEMS SET TO MUSIC BY SUCCES8 fnt songwriter. Mastercraft Song Publishers Seattle. PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CAKD4, PAMPM let, pr. grams, waraoka, ex aay ktad at priatiac eel I at U SUUemea Pria t IV perwiaBl, 215 8. Ceaarial lL I ft. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN SATi. P. A ooa. 31 StaU St. r EDRRAL FAB U LOANS KEDUCED TO ok. F. Lv. Wilkiaaoa, 203 U. & Bank Bldg, Salem, Oregon. l a. BKLL, 319 V. ft. BANK. BUM). RaeidFoee aM kaaiaear- kaaaa. TeL 407 er 3141-W MONEY TO LOAR rOk BUlUJ.JiG AND ra city cronwrty. B. 8. Mart aa4 U K. Maitia, atueaeja. 418 Oregoa Bailding. TeL 1084. CITY AV. TRACT LOANS RaaaonabU Ralea Mo Delay si ATE SAVLSOS AND LOAN Am . 708 6 First Neueaal Bank B:UUff Phone 457. Salaam. Oregoa. 6ALARY AND OULIiATaVRAL LOANS KepayabU m Wtekly or Maatkly In stailmenta. GENERAL FIF4NCE COB PGRATlOfc. Firat Kat'l Bank. Tel. 1200. CITY re FARM LOANS 4T LAWEST raUs. Beat terms okUinable. Our iaaoraaca deyartnteat offer yea ex pert advice and eervite ia all lines. HAWKINS k ROBERTS (Ire) TeL 1427 305 Oregon Bldg WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED $6800 PRIVATE MONEY ON good 500 acre farm. See Salem Realty Co., 462 SUU Str. WJNTXVD Private xaeaay u loaa ea RAIL ESTATE. W. H, GRABEXU0B8T OXX J 34 8 Liberty St. Un l.CASk. Several attractive gicud finer stars cr office rooms, well toeatoa. W. II. GBABENUOR8T A CO., HeatUrt 134 S. Libeity St. TrL ftla WANTED LOAN: $2250, on new Salem residence. W..H. GRABENHOR8T CO. 134 S. Liberty St. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 154 So. Liberty. Tel. 550. "BUSINESS OPPR. 48 CLOSE IN INCOME PROPERTY JOIN ing business ion. Valuea ranging from $5500 to $24,000. We can suit every taste and every pursa. Look in to this lond. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 44 Court Str. Loasa of Gas Sution, Service Shop and sale of confectionery stock. One of best locations ia city and doing splendid business. A splendid oppor tunity for man and wife. 4 years of lease jet to run. BARBER A BOND 00 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty FOR SALE One of the best little groceries ia city of Salem; Reasonable rent; good location. A money-maker. Price $1200. No terms. Act quick if in terested. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com l. Realtor Phone 217 For Sale. Chicken ranch. Ten acres, stocked and equipped, good buildings, modern hoase, established business. $4250. Store building and stock groceries, a paying proposition. $4800. Wanted. A light closed car as pay ment on close in lot. Phone, days, 794. F. L. WOOD 341 State St. RADiO 49 Rad tolas For weary tarpeao, for every parse All itrfarf aUM f Radio Tnbee. EOFF ki.COTRJCAX. SHOP. 835 Coon St. Tel. 4-8. FOR SALE Houses 50 FOR SALE. BY OWNER. MODERN 7 room hoase. Close in. Reasonable. Phone 80F4. 3 ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT, SOME ' fruit. Price $1900.00. Terms. Also jotaiag lot and fmit. High loeatiea. Price $800.00. 1385 X. 21st. Phone 2541. FOR SALE AT A REAL BARGAIN Nice Modern Fonr Room Home lo cated just off State street on Sooth 23d. Price cnt from $2650.00 to $2350.00 for quick sale. Terms caa b arranged. See ns at once. SALEM KEALTY CO. 4G2 State St. $1000 for a 2 room honse, lighU and wa ter, wood shed, lot 45x237. 1 large walnut trees. $100 down. $2375 for 4 rooms and nook, basement, garage, good lot, $100 down. $3500 for 5 room Spanish bungalow, liv ing room, lining room, 2 b de rooms, fireplace, east front lot, rlosa to school and bna line. $250 down. $4000 for a new 6 room English type home, modern in every way, gar age aad paving paid, $500 down. $4500 for a modern 0 room bungalow, basement, furnace, fireplace, gar age and paving, $500 down. $2500 private money to loan. Houses fer rent. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 687 - 0 NUVER-1 VES VtXJ ARB HUCW SUC- VOU KHEVU I IQUflNGr SCU ALL THE TO SEE -RME, SOU IITTLE sTiH vw SEA FOR SALE Houses 50 SALEM DEALERS Tba fcoBse at ?6 MatUaaa Si. (for merly North 20th) ia for sale. It is practically new, four rooms, fall baao meat, built-in, garage, pav.4 street, newly painted, aad aa all around at tractive home. There U a mortgage of 11500.00 that caa be carried in de.lnitely at 7 iaterest payable semi-annually. It woo Id not be na reaaooably price", at from 823OO.00 te $3000.00 bat I will take $2500.00 for it. Any reasonable terms. I woald take trade for my equity. It ia ocem pied bnt tenant will aaow the hoeee. Phone owner at 2533R. REAL ESTATE 51 $200.00 and balance like rent will pnrchase a close in four room cottage. Price $3,000.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT ReaJtor Loans I nsnranca 147 No. Com'l. bt. Salem, Oregoa WHY PAY RENT I When yon can bay a rest nice 5 room Bungaicw with only $100 down. Balance easy payments. Owner sick and leaving city. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 Sute Street. Phone 1727 CSEATE8T TRADING OfMi ANIMATION' OX THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 proi-ertiet Lsted for exchange. Every kiivi of property, every price, every location. W can match your exebsage EXACTLY. It yoa would like to trade yojr property TO DAY, come in TODAY. Saw UASKILL A EARL&. Heritors :e S. Liberty. TaL 2343 Good 6 room home, large corner lot, paved St. Uarago. $2600. easy terms. New all modern 6 room En;. Type bungalow and garage, f.VHIO. terms. 30 A. farm, fine soil, near Salem, new modern bldgs., cows, horses, tools, sacrifice, $7500, some exchange. Good modern 6 room Marion St. home, sacrifice $3500, good terms. Fox Rent- 11 room furnished house. 60 acre farm, 20 A. farm. PERUINE A MARSTKRS 212 Gray Bldg. FOR RENT 10 room house block of Post Of fice. 138 S. Cottage St. $40 per Mo. Large house arranged in 3 beautiful apartments with 3 garafes. 245 S. Cottajre .Street. $65 per month. Well located building suited for paint shop, factory or warehouse pur poses. 33x50 feet. Renu for only $25 per month. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 SUU Street. PhoDe 1727 8 room house $1350 4 room house $2500 5 room new, strictly modern $4200 6 room plastered $2600 7 room house. 4 year old, mod era $4500 7 room, comfortable $2200 These are a few bargains selected from many listed. If they do not suit we mil find others. Also submit your eirhanres to ns. we can usually match them. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bidg. 125 N. Liberty $1200' 4 room bouse, bain, electric light, paved street. dose U school. Term. $1350 lot on N. Winter St. Three garages. South of creek. Terms. $2200 Nice small 4 room house. Beautiful lot. Very easy terms. $4.250 New 5 room house, strictly modern. East front. 1935 Haxel Ave. Very easy terms. We have many bargain on our list and can save you some money. INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor 219 North High Street. Phone 865 BUSINESS MEN AND INVESTORS I-AKE NOTICE. OVER 10 PER CENT ON YOUR INVESTMENT The best buy ia Salem today for the price. Lot 6x165,. HI blocks from post office right in line of city's growth. When Salem reaches 30.000 this prop erty! will double in value. Will brin? over $100 a month rent now and alwaya rented. Price $10, 500. $3,000 cash will handle, income will pay balance. Pnt $3,000 to work now. Don't let this slip. DELANO AND DOW SPECIALS 290 N. Church. Telephone 2830 Forced to Sell My new home strictly modern in every way, built for a home, nothing but tha best material used; 6 rooms, hardwood floors, large living room, beautiful fireplace, nook, kitchen, with all the built-insl 8 large bedrooms with closets, best of plumbing, full ce ment basement, furnsce, su. wash trays. This beautiful home should sell for $6000. For a quick deal will Uk. $4500. with good terms. ALSO A dandy new 4 Room bnngalow. 2 Bed R., large living room, fireplace, kitchen, built-insl Nook, concrete foun dation. Price $2000, well worth $2800. Small payment down for real buys in Homes See Loni Bechtel J. D. Sears Earl Tucker, 341 SUU St.. Room 4. $2500 for 5 room honse, fireplace. Vi . basement. pavement, sidjwalks, about to be foreclosed, northeast Sa lem, terms reasonable. $4200 bnys all modern 7 room nome in North Balem, fall lot, lots of built ins, east front, considerable fruit. $1000 buys a 2 room house on very large lot. 2 walnuts, woodshed, $100 down, easy terms. To Trade an all modern 4 roons houae for small acreage near Saltan not over 6 milea out with some buildings. 160 acraa of good land partly clear ed, 30 miles from Portland to trade fer something ia Salem. All clear of debt. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. 8. Nat. Beak Btfg. 10 acres with small house. 6 A. in lo gans, 2 A. in strawberries. 4 milea from city limiu of Salem. Special reduced price to move $4500. Own er share crop goes with pUee. 565 acrea U trade, stocked and equipped, to trade for apartment house ia Se attle or Salem. 6 ACRES and new. fully modem bnn galow. Aa ideal suburban home, to trade for Salem property. 6 room new fully modem English type house, ia good location. Coed value at $4750. Eaay terms. 10 acres with running water, 2 aerea strawberries, family fruit. New buildinga ia fair . condition, 74 mils from Saleaa. Will trade fer hoase in Salens ap U $3,00O. 63 acres with good buildings. A choice place at a bargain at $0500, or will trade. What bay yea f Small home aad two leU to trad far modern house aa aaaume. If you have anything U trad, tell aa about it. T I.KICU A ROBERTS. RealUrs 129 No. Commercial Phoae 1354 I &ET MAS FOL- is-ook cv- VI SgiI ; - - I NAKU G2I I -AHO . GrREAT ORAHCrrl MOON RSES HSOM THB SOUTH SEA.- ReH ESTATE 51 WANTED A good nsed ear as first payment on any 4 room Bnngalow. Nice corner lot only ana block off Sute Street. Am leaving city and will make a REAL BARGAIN for someone. SEE Mrs. Kllia with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 Sute 8treet. Phone 1737 Nice little beme ia North Salem, paved str wet. only $2200.00--$200.00 dewn. balance $30.00 month. -10 acres 3 aailes S. Salem only $1100.00, $75.00 down, balanre $15.0u month. This acreage has no bu-.hlings but fcas lota of good wood. An equipped chicken ranch for only $3800.00 $1000 .00 down, talac-a er j rang. 300 chickens. 1 cow. and ! farming implements. 5 acre all in ; cultivation. Buildings ia good shape, j 4 room plastered houe, strictly mod era, paved street, only $3625. Res- I soaable payment down, balance like rent. 6 room houae, full basement, just nortk of P. O. on Cottage Street. c!oe in, large lot. Price $.1750.00. New and modern 4 room house with nook. paTed street. garage. Price $300v" 00, $100.00 down, balance easy terms. GASKILL k EARLE, REALTORS !66 S. Liberty St. Phone 2242 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 6 ROOM HOUSE IN CORVAI.LIS. 2 blocks from campus, to trade for home ia Salem. Phone 908R. LOS AXGEI.ES. CALIF. rHOPE'CTT TO ehaaga for Salem City Property. Wr.le Iox 12U, Statesman. FOR TRADE 6 acre, close to Saiem. on paved highway. Plastered house. F.Ierlrn hgau. Price $iooo. Trade for larger place up to $8,000. 223 acres Santiam River bottom for smaller farm close to Salem. line 6 room home on N. Summer St.. to trade for suburban home. Several houses in Portland to trade for Salem property. INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 19 North High Street. Phone 865 SMALL ACRE AGE EXCHANGES Fill": HOMES 10 Acre Kenn District. Garden Soil. 10 Acres S. E of Salem, Near Indian Hill Farm. 10 Acres nee J'ayeaville Near Highway North. 5 Acre One mile East, CuiekeL, House for 500 hens. S Acres neat 'liberty New 4 R oom bousa. If yon want to better your income let aa have yoni listings for exchange. iiceiLCi.RJrr & pennincion 209 U S. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Farms 53 50 acres, all in cnltivation. 8 room house, Nrge barn, two chicken houses, one mile to school, on milk route, 5 milea U good town, all stock and equip ment goes with place, also crop. Price $6000. Place in A one shape, owners are too old to keep it up. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. 8 a. in fmit. berries and vestch. 4 nil. honse, fine soil. $1400. 7 a. near city limits, in cherries, pears, prunes, berries, and apples, 6 rm. house and garage, $3500, terms like rent. 115 a. one of the most productive farms in Polk Co., free of debt, on Lnrkamute River, modern house, all stoekeC and equipped with high grade stock, a buy at $20,000, will take city property. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Ileal tor 175 S. High St. 640 acres in Eastern Oregon at $10 per acre good investment. 283 acres "Waldo Hills'' farm for sale at $100 per acre. Splendid build ings. Stock and equipment goes. 150 acre dairy good milk route 2 bouses, good road on 3 sides, one mile from county seat city, $125 per acre. 40 acres San Ham river bottomland for sale at $3000. 25 acres near Salem a subdivision chance, priced to sell. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 126 N. Liberty ACREAGE FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE 6tt ACRES at city limit. Best of oil, all in cultivation. Fruit, berries. 7 room house; barn'; garage; wood ahed. Thia ia a good property for sub dividing. Price $7,500. $500 rash will handle. Will exchange for home in Salem to value. 6 ACRES, unimproved. 2 miles from Salem in Hollywood district. Good gravel road, electric line. Price $2,000. Exchange for cleaf Saleui property around value. , TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Acreage Headquarters" Best Farm Buys Stock Crop, Implements. Goes Fully Equipped, Best of Soil 50 Acres $10,500 72 A. Take some trade $10,500 92 A. Trade for Home $11,500 40 A. Trade for Home $ 7.500 29 A. Take a. Home, City $ 7.500 20 A. Want a sheep ranch $ 6,000 20 A. $4750. Trade for Timber. 10 A. $2650. Trade for Salem Prop. To Buy Sell Rent or Trade Property See Louta Bechtel or J. D. Sears Earl Tucker, 341 State St., Room 4. AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION FOR THE TENANT WHEAT FARMER A SEC. A A HALF OF GOOD LEVEL WHEAT LAND All ia cultivation. . fair buildings, land all fenced, deep loam soil, farms easy: one man caa farm a sec, sum mer-f allowing one-half while the other half ia in crop; there is a half see. in wheat now with good prospect for crop. Thia land ia LOCATED in tha WHEAT BELT of WASHINGTON, bandy to Shipping point on Northern Pacific R. R. THE WHEAT FARM ER is VERY MUCH MORE PROSPER OUS NOW than any other class of pro ducers. I have a very attractive prop osition for a reliable Tenant. See WELLS TALLMAN 411 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 737 TRANSFER '& HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITT TRANSTEH CO. 2f SUU St. TeL 939. Distributing, for- wardiag aad a'erage ear specialty. Oea ear ratea. We- Move Store and Ship Maseeh old good a. Oar epeeislty a pUae aad farnltmre aaeeiag. We alee snake eosatry tripe. We handle the beat Coal and Wood CaU' a tdf priaee. Wa give good aseaeere, good quality aad good aerviea, Larmer Transfer Co. TaL 830. USED CARS For Sale 6l HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial Pro!jably Different than what you are used to seeing in the aver age used car store Wre Specialize In Late Aodel Transportation 1923 Chrysler 52 L Luxe Four Door Sedan. 1927 Chevrolet Obriulet. 19J7 Chevrolet Coach. 1927 Dodge Roadster. . 1927 Super Essex Coup. 192 7 Type Whippet Cosrh. 1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe. , We Invite Mechanical Inspection Save 3 $ S at -HOLLYWOOD- Two Of The Best Packard Look These Over Priced For 1924 Packard Cln Sedan 'Like New i $1750 102 Oldnmobi'e E So Series iNewi 950 133 Tai-kard Sp.irt Tonnng i Some Buy! 7.i Oakland Su 4 D.Hir Sedan ' I ot Kxtra-I . ..... 55'l Oldsmobiie 4 Poor Sedan c See Thia) 550 Hmi?on Speedster . 375 Oldsmobiie Coupe , 300 Oldmohi'.e Touring 250 Overland 4 Ionr Sedan .... 2" Jewett Tonrins .... 250 l.ate Ford Roadster iRuxtelli 250 I. ate Ksex Coach . 20' Willys Knight Touriu; 20') 2 J'ord Ciupes il.nte Models) - 17 Chevrolet Cedan Coupe- Rodler - . 10rt Ford Tuurtng and Sedan . .... 100 1 Have You Tried the New Oldsmobiie? Th above listed ud cars are prirrd f fr qcirk fca'a nnd it will pav yom t somp id ami look our stock oTr bffrt yon bay. Our Mock is chancing daily and the very car that you might be looking for might be litre waiting; for you. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High St. 11928 Chevrolet Coach B.mpera. spare tire, license, ivips aad mirror.' Terms. Phone 2555 W evenings aad Buna v. McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1923 Ford Touring $ 45.00 $100 00 $100.00 $200.00 $22 5 00 $300.00 $290.00 $495.00 1924 Ford Tourins 1923 Chevrolet Touring 1924 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Roadster 1927 Ford Roadster . 1927 Ford Touring .... 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1924 Ford, Panel Delivery $150.00 Tel. 1802 430 N. Commercial. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Valley Motor Co. Bargains 1925 Dodffe Coupe, a snap-at $415 1925 Chevrolet Sedan $325 1924 Chevrolet Coupe $185 1936 Ford Coupe ... $275 1924 Ford Pick Up Rdater $ 95 Take that Vacation Trip in one of our guaranteed cars WATER 58 OREOON WASH. Wi TEH SERVICE OO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Tea per ceat discount on aemesue flat rat paid in advaace. No deduction fer ab sence or aay caa as aalaaa vsur la akul elf year prso-'sas. veeewessese TRAVEL 59 M. FINE Kin V.A1TINO- KOvai IN THB NEW HOTEL SEN ATOsI Frequent Bcaedaiea Thirty Ride Booka sl Reduced BaUs A Swift and Relubu Package Service vourteoua Alteatiea rent All Eaiplayee These ' Are a Pew at the Of far ngs Made the Pub be Br PARKA at STAGES, IMQ. SUga Leaving Tisaee: Dallaa: 7 a. au, :iu a. av, 11 ;M a. as, 2:10 p. m., 6 -.15 . nr. ladepeadeace A Meameutk: 7 a. nt 0:15 a. at.. 11:15 a. av. 8 p. m, 3:i p. as., 8:dtf p. aa. (Suaeay ealy ) tfilverUa: 7 a. as., 11 a. ax, 5 p. m. Falsa City. McMiaaviJla, Mewberg, Hilla bare. Foreet Grave. Sheridan. TiUa meek: K.14 a. av. 2.10 p. .as, i.i p. av Far Information Call 223 er 694. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID POB FORDS ElKSa) AUTO Hollywood Needs Automobiles tllGHZST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 4S5 No. Commercial. Pheae 1037 By Ed Wheelan TORTUe HERE Tj!rtCEs0 USED CARS For Sale 61 Phone 1027 Oldsmobi! Before You Buy Quick SaJe Fine Used Cars 1927 Ford Rosdtter. 1927 Ford Coupe. 1927 l.iht Six Nash Sedan. 1927 Pontiac Sport. Rumble Seat. 1926 Iluick Coupe. 1925 Special Six Nash Coach. 192 7 Oakland Coa.h. 1926 .-penal Six Null Enclosure. 1925 Jewett Coach. 1925 Huick Roadster. Oldi Touring. Hupp Sedan. Velie Touring Dot.te Roadster. Gardner loupe. Ford Cupe. Essex Coach. i F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial St. Telephone 1260 Nash - QMC Franklin Motor Truck Distributors "After we sell we serve" All Cars Must Be Sold Before July 1 Stupendous Reduction Sale Remember every car must be sold aa Wi' are Roiiig into another buMiiesa and need the space and money. - 1927 Hudson Super Six Custom Built Sedan. 1927 Chrysler Coupe. Locomobile Junior 8 Sedan. Buick Coach. Peerless Sedan. Hudson Speedster. Overland Sedan. Buick Touring. Glass Enclosure. IVodge Touring. Chevrolet Touring. 1'ord Coupe. Many others in stock. Make an Offer on any of them. All Must be Sold at Once Convenient Terms. Open Evenings and Sunday. Willamette Auto Supply Co. R. N. MacDonald Cotuge A Ferry Sts. Telephone 40V. O I o I -o Salem Markets GRAIN No. 1. wheat, white ... Red wheat, sacked Oats, per bu. mll'iax-. $1.29 $1.20 $ .70 FORK. MUTTON AND BEZF- Top bogs ... So we Tip steers Cows Spriag lambs Dressed veal Dreeaed hoga POULTRY L gkt haaa . Heavy bcaa Broilers BOOS, BTJTTBB, BTJTTBRFAT SUadards : .24 Rottarfat .43 Priat butter - 43.44 VXO STABLES Beets. Backed j .03 New eaSbage 07 Potatoes $1.28. $1.T5. $3.10 Rhubarb, local outdoor .OSUj Oaiaeis. loeal t M New poUtoes .$ .00f4.0 Lettace. local $1.50 A MARK OF GRKATNES8 Maturity u always a mark of Creatness whether the person pos sessed of It Is old or young. Woman's Home Companion. NOTICE To Whom It Mar Concern: This Is to say that the Cherry City Ga rage of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, Is holding a Star touring car, 1922 model, motor No. 1192 nnd 1927 license No. ItCl nnder and " pursuant (o ' Sections 10279 and 18219 Of Oregon laws "and will sell, said car for the satl fac tion of a storage bill amounting t6 the sum of 121.09. said bill being for storage for said car from the 27th day of. September,' 1927. to the 7th day of Jane, 1928. to the highest bidder, at-170 South Twelfth Street in the City of Ba - $0.33 060.07 10t. 11 sta.r $11.25 -7 .18 .3 1 320.37 lem. Oregon, on Monday the 9 Lb. day of July. 1922, at the hour of. 19:90 o'clock A. M. thereof. CHKRRY CITT G ARA 0B. J9-1C-23 By JL S-'McNEILLr 1 ti