The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 05, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Oregon Statesman
Iwued Peilr Expt Monday lJT
jli gcnla. 0hbtci1 EtrMl, Saleea. Ortpi
X. J. Hendricks
Irl 8. MeSaerry
Relaa C. Curtia
Heiella Banc a
MBcing Editer
. . City Edtte-r
Society Kditor
Ell,a H. Kletsi&fc A4wtii Maf
L.o4 t. - -
V. H. Hafereo. CireUuoa i4""VJ
t Reetea - - Latok Miter
V. C. w-nr FiT
tl dispateeti eiee.bc i
lecel puajl.e4 aerem.
cr. BUj : Sea Fraaeieco, Si-M
iaenee CWk to,. New rk. liU6 W. Slat St,
arfifv, Aiiuue Bldg. ,
Bs.aeee on i Idite.
r 3
Upt 2. or 53
.fob Department- .
Ciicuiewoa Offie
EMn4 a te in
Salem. Ornaa. aeee d
And again He entered into Caperoaum afur te djf..
it was noJU that He was in tu. to.MrV, ma y
the word unto them. Mark .
The flight of the Southern Cross, 3138 miles over the Paci
f Hnnolulu to Suva, in 34 hours and 33 minutes, end
ing early last evening, Pacific time, as told about in the As
sociated Press report, did several things
It broke the world's record lor a flight over the waves m
point of distance, for one thing
For another, it made the Fijians our neighbors; and it
rrflTde these interesting people the neighbors of aU the rest
of the enlightened world.
There are about 140,000 of them. Suva, where the Southern
Cross landed, is the capital of the Fiji Islands. It is
on the island of Viti Levu, the largest of the group, with 4112
square miles of territory. The whole group has 7740 square
miles of territory say about four times as large as Marion
county. , - . ,
The people are all Christians; they have been converted
and educated by missionaries ; American missionaries, most
ly The majority can read and write. They were cannibals
when our missionaries first went among tnem.
i i. ;iii:f nnH miiaillr. and they
They are cieaiuy, niteu.ticiik, w
are skillful navigators and good agriculturists.
The Fiji Islands are a British colony
The rest of the world will take a greater interest in these
people since they have become neighbors through the flight
of the Southern .ross over the Pacific.
Blazing a sea trail, marking an air route, between the
North American continent and the island continent of Aus
tralia. The pioneer air craft for this historic journey is well
named the Southern Cross, the four bright stars of the south
ern hemisphere that make the imagery in the heavens thai
jrive them the designation.
fits; 'yes, several times that much value, in building up the
dairying and kindred industries, and in large tonnages of
other crops following sugar beets in rotation.
And this would mean major irrigation development in the
Willamette valley, and beet sugar factories here.
So this Canadian demand for higher protective rates is in
teresting here; so is the boom in the cane sugar industry in
Louisiana, for that gives strength to the baciing the whole
industry will have in this country in demanding decent and
business like, and statesman like, treatment.
If the farmers of the United States will get behind this
industry, as they have lined up behind the McNary-Haugen
idea, they will put over a campaign for a self contained coun
try in sugar
And such a campaign, crowned with success, would help to
hurry the time when there will be no need for the McNary
idea being applied at alL
The beautiful house had long since gone and the wife who
had once made it a home was left ashamed and penniless, toMand
- . ... . 1 o.
live as she could on the poor wages of her untaught hands or
the tear-salted bread of charity until at last kind death gave
her release.
It is a tragedy far too common and one of the actors never
dies, the evil meance of the treacherous dope that is the motif
and cause of these heartbreaking dramas.
"The world is on wheels." That is a common expression.
The world is growing wings. "The world is on wings," it will
be ere long.
W. B. D. Dodson, manager of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce, in his address to the Salem Chamber of Com
merce at the noon luncheon yesterday, gave some good hints
to our people. A number of them. One, for instance, to the ef
fect that we ought to take more interest in developing our
farming sections. He said every farm worker is equal to an
industrial worker in giving business to the, city. We have
room for a hundred workers on our farm lands where we have
one now. And the hundred will be on the average and more
prosperous than the one.
(Oeatinaed from pace 1.)
1 (The Portland Telegram)
This is the story of a tragedy that may now be told with
out offense since all of its leading characters are dead.
In one of the pleasant towns of Oregon, where home-loving
Good-fearing folk placidly passed their decent lives, there was
a physician of unusual skill in his profession, a lover of music
and good books, a kindly, courteous, gallant gentlemen, proud
of his name and the home in which his gracious wife dispens
ed the generous hospitality that was their common pleasure.
Sometimes the stern demands of his calling overtaxed his
energies; sometimes the tension of overwrought nerves
brought pain that he was not strong enough to bear, and
such times he found relief in cautious doses of narcotics he
had at hand and which he felt his superior knowledge enabled
him to use with safety.
From that point, the tragedy begins, a long slow, bitter
thing, trailing its fearful way through years of agony and
disgrace. The proud and patient wife did all that honor could
. trfight this subtle, gruesome enemy, but there came a time
when the wretched victim turned against her and found a
more pliant and complaisant companion whose eyes held no
wnroach for the shaken, broken thing he had become. Alter
far too long a time too long for his tortured body, too long
for his old-time friends, too long for his heartbroken family,
the man died.
an aviation field of 450 yards
length, trees being sacrificed to
the axes, wires removed and other
obstructions removed. Upon a
park lawn like a bowling green
the huge bird of the air came to
rest after breasting the thousands
of miles of storm wind that fought
against it.
Communication Interrupted
With the islands in sight, there
was a period of waiting for the
word that was to inform the world
of the triumphant landing at
Sura. This was due to the radio
antenna being reeled in to permit
the landing to be made.
This act was made known in the
last message from J a me Warner.
radio operator, before cutting com
munication. That message con
tained a friendly greeting to fel
low operators. It said:
"Southern Cross Is In sight or
Fill islands now. Seventy-three
(best regard) to all operators
rues I II reel in now. a
mitted to the attorney general fol
lowing receipt of a letter orom
Elton Watkln. Portland attorney.
In which he indicated that a suit
would be filed in the court to de
termine whether tn baaeorpora-
Lions are legal.
i rnni n nu w . i
Disaster threatened throughout corporations or Joint stock com-
the flight. In the long sweep or T, , , "
3.132 miles of water there were "'"f' . -
only two landing places at which l " to W,n!?r BOt th
li V. thought possible to aiight stockholders of the bancorpora
" . . , . vin tiona are subject to double stock
without smashing plane and "11-: ' n.
ing crew; and having landed, they,
could not have taken flight again.
Ijjwding Spot Rrarce
These two possible landing plac-
es wm ue " i stockholders are subject to
ana "naernury ,n, double stock liabUity?"
group. 1.86S miles from the start-, nrt.lM , fha n.w h,w.
tng point at the Barking Sands of w ... . ,
... . . tJ corporations were filed in the
Kauai uiana. rrwiruuiuj iuu ,
to thirty feet above the waves, the
ing a banking business, and.
therefore, subjecting them to the
supervision of the state banking
"I there any infringement or
conflict, or any implication indi
cating that their business is the
business of a bank due to tbe use
of the letters 'ban' in their corpo
rate name?
"Since the holding corporations
in actual practice are acquiring
control of banks through stock
ownership and controlling stock
interest, would this be interpreted
that they are in any way doing a
banking business as defined by
the statutes of this state, inas
much as the management and con
trol is held by the bancorpora-
"Branch banking is prohibited
in this state as set forth in section
113, and are the banco rpo rations
violating this -section, or conduct
ing branch banking, since they
control more than one institution
engaged In the banking business?
"Section S. Article XI. of the
i . & a . l a .
I aiaie consriiuwuu imposes a aouoie
iliability upon the stockholders of
MOSCOW, Russia, June 4.
(AP). RussUa preparations for
an expedition to seek tbe missing
dirigible IUlia took a turn today
when the Nobtle reliei commis
sion decided to send sea raters by
ship and airplane to Fraas Josef
desolate archipelago east!
of SDiUberren.
The decision to surrey Frans
Josef land grew out of the receipt
of a message by the relief com
mission from a radio amateur at
Zovesensk in North Drinsk pror
ince bordering Archangel that he
had picked up what appeared to
be an appeal for help directly
from the Italia.
The message, as transmitted to
the relief commission was as fol
lows: L
"talia Nobile Frana Josef SOS.
SOS, SOS. SOS. Terri teno ehn."
(No explanation was given on
the last three words of the mes
sage which may have been garbled
in receipt) .
The radio amateur said that he
received the message on a 33.35
meter wave corresponding to the
Italia's radio station.
While there was" no further
message to support belief that this
may have been the Italia broad
casting directly, the commission
was conTinced of Ue possibility
that General Nobile had come
down at Frani Josef land since all
wind conditions at the time of the
Italia's disappearance ten days
ago would support the theory that
the dirigible easily might have
been blown toward the uninhabi
ted archipelago.
The exact time that the mes
sage was supposed to have been
heard by the amateur was not
ttii hut tho commission first
heard of it last night.
The Russian plans for the
Fran Josef land expedition call
for an expedition consisting of
ice breakers and airships.
o o
Jim 4, IMS
The annual conuneacament of
the college of oratory of Willam
ette university waa held at the
First Methodist church last night.
Miss Mabel L. Carter is director
of the collect. Misses May Chapter.
Edna Parrish and KIma Byrne
were the graduates.
A force of carpenters will be
gin construction of a grandstand
at C A. A. C park this morning.
The county commissioners today
opened bids for grading Simmons
hill on the Monitor-Mt. Angel
Prof. W. D. Toder, who was for
10 years principal of the Salem
schools, has returned from Sump-
tar, where be has been teaching.
and will spend hi summer vaca
tion her.
WASHINGTON, D. C. The first
conference of the state and na
tional boards of health under the
act of June 1, 1902, began here
BOISE, Idaho Two children
were drowned yesterday afternoon
in the Boise river.
By Robert QaiUea
"I know vanity is wicked, but I
can't help bein' proud of my pie
crust an' the way I can put on a
(Copyright. 1913, PAbliskera Sradicate.)
By Claaide Callaa
"My rich brother never really
visits us. He Just stops by for a
few minutes occasionally on his
way to more prosperity."
(Copyrirkt. 1928. PubUafker Syndicate.)
bllity merely rests with the ban
corporation. In other words Is
the bancorporatlon conducting tbe
business of banking so that its
There af two news articles in the current issue of "Facts
Abvat S-Jj?ar, New York, the leading newspaper devoted to
th .uir industry, that interest us .
One U the effect that the Canadian tariff advisory board
is having hearings on a petition of the beet sugar people for
an increase on the import duty on refined sugar, as a mea-
aure for the protection of the Canadian beet sugar industry.
The beet sugar producers in that country are protected" to the
vtt-nt r.f si K9 hundred nounds on refined sugar, lnat is
BsrW v www - - S
not an hih as the American rate for refined sugar; but that
does not amount to anything in this country, because the dif
ferential in favor of Cuban raw sugar gives the producers
of the United States only $1.76 a hundred pounds protection.
The rate should be higher, both for Canada and the United
States. The arguments of the Canadian beet sugar people are
" like this : The beet sugar industry "is essential because of the
need of farmers on irrigated land for a higher acreage return,
a cultivated rotation crop, balanced farm operations, winter
employment and cheap fodder for their stock, all of which tne
beet croD provides."
The same arguments are applicable to the United States
To the Willamette valley.
The other item is to the effect that the Louisiana cane
sugar people are expecting an output of 170,000 tons this
year, against 70,000 tons last year, and they expect to have
new variety canes sufficient for a 300,000 ton crop in 1929.
That is very encouraging for Louisaniana; a gVeat come
back for the industry ,due to the increase in acreage of the dis
ease resisting canes. The beet sugar tonnage of the United
States is about a million tons a year.
i With the differential on Cuban raw sugar taken off, and a
rate half as high as the combined English duty and subsidy,
which amount to about five cents a pound- .
That is, with two and a half cents a pound duty on sugar
; in the United States, this country would Tcry soon become
self contained in sugar, aod that would conserve for use in the
animerce of this coun auround a half billion dollars a year;
'wth more than that much addtlonal values in indirect bene.
state corporation department, and
rings of sand offered virtually the w'lfl ei"s ""
"J ..t if- f th avitora Tb Options were sub-
IIUIC xsa. aaa.v w -
should their land plane be forced
to the water and fail to float.
The Southern Crors began its
great air journey from Oakland.
Cal., at 8:11 a. m. Thursday after
a preparation of many months, in
cluding many endurance flights.
In arriving. Captain Charles
Kinrafard-Smith and three com-
nanions put behind them 652S
miles of their overseas flight of
7800 miles from Oakland. Cal.. to
Sydney, Australia, but they lost
twenty hours in crossing the inter
national time meridian.
The flight from Hawaii required
34 hours and 33 minutes.
Report of attendance in the Sa
lem schools for the last month of
the year, ending June 1, waa an
nounced yesterday from the city
superintendent's office, and show
ed a total enrollment for the year
of 5,4 65 as against 5,130 of June
3. 1927.
Enrollment in each school thUs
year and last at the end or the
Englewood, 357, 376; Garfield,
411. 414; Grant, 324, 348; High
land, 372, 367; Lincoln, 186 (on
ly four grades taught there this
year) 447 (first Biz grades last
year); McKinley 271. 256 (first
six grades this year; junior high
last year); Park, 361, 333; Rich
mond, 312, 342; Washington, 220,
idle last year; Parrish, 955. 1042;
high school. 1203. 1204; Leslie,
505. new this year.
(Continue' freei pat I-)
else any powers or privileges
which might be interpreted as do-
We carry la stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
trmnsacuoaa. we may nave just in form yen are kmhudk iw "
saving as compared to made to order forms.
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale, Read Notice, Will Forms, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Hortgag forma. Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forms.
Bill of Sale, Boildlag Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General Least, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re
ceipts, etc. These forms are carefully mrepared for the courts and
private use. Price ea forms range Iran 4 cents to l cemis amocc a
bosks mm. to v cents.
The Statesman Publishing Co.
' At Pun Imps Office, Ground Floor ,
Twenty boys have completed ar
rangements to attend the Salem1
and Marion county YMCA boys'
camp at Netarts from July 24 to
August 6.
The program this year will be
as interesting as ever. The sched
ule of activities includes nature
study, athletics, fishing, swim
ming, devotionals. hiking and good
eats. The last activity, generally
considered as a major activity,
will be under the able supervision
of Burton Crary, well known as
dietician and camp chef.
Dwight Adams, northwest con
ference basketball star, will be in
charge of sports and hikes. Chief
George Bent, disciplinarian of Che
mawa Indian school and ex-Carlisle
football star will direct na
ture study and Indian craft. As
sociated with him will be Leo Si
mons, Portland Mazama who will
also give instruction in photog
raphy. These are only a few of
the expert workers who will direct
the activltiee of this year's camp.
Boys who have attended the
ideal vacation and tell that they
have learned about God through
nature, and have made fine new
friends who have meant much to
Any boy in Marion county over
12 years of age who want the
camp training and will cooperate
with the rules of tbe camp may go.
This year's camp will be limited to
a total of 60. In formed years
boys hare come from Silverton
Wood burn, Stayton, Salem aud
other parts of the county.
Sympathy For Motorist
PARIS So many towns are
taxing every visiting automobile
that the council of state is asked'
to abolish the privilege. First iae
tax was for parking but now no-
amp in other seasons declare it an body escapes.
Il 777. i o n HC
II M I lie" ,f I V
is ii jw-v, wrHismi" i r
f Eecke & Hendricks 7$
y 189 N. High TelephorteJ6Jj
: I
Every Home Should Display
the American Flag
FLAG DAY, June 14th
Every Reader of the Oregon Statesman
Can Have a Flag
Description of Flag
This flag is 3x5 feet and is made of specially selected cotton bunting, has
sewed stripes (not printed) and fast colors. The yarns used are tight,
strong, yet they are sufficiently light to permit the flag to float beautiful
ly in the breeze.
How to Get Your Flag
Clip three flag coupons (which will be published daily) from
this paper and hand in or mail to The Statesman office, together
with 98c and take home your flag or have it mailed to yourself
or a friend.
Three of these coupons and 98c when presented at or
mailed to the Statesman office. 215 South Commercial
St., Salem; Oregon, entitles you to a beautiful American
.Flag, size 5x3 feet as advertised.
NOTE If flag is to be mailed a0c additional for cost of mailing and
flag win be seat postpaid to the address gircm.