The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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nyfHedf-afcManyOut of State Automobiles as Orego
ruGars Listed in Recent Traffic Count, Shows Tourist Season Ts Acti ve
oriwniy Show at hkinore Today -and Tomorrow; by
Girls in Cities All Over the West Who Stood First in Their City Contests
-j&iMhtr forecast: Fair; warmer and
faiiM humidity In the interior; moderate
nortVret becoming north winds on the
coast. Maximum temperature yesterday
7. minimum M, riTer .3, rainfall .01. at
mosphere part cloudy, wind west.
Prevention Program Bringing
Results; Report Shows
1927 Reduction
I '
lx-m Thjut Om Per cent of Sound
Talue of Property Involved in
5555 Fires Last Tear is
OTr eicnt ana one-nan minioni
- . I . III!
dollars 'has been the annua! lire
waste in Oregon in the seven years
MnMne neriod of the state lire
" w
marshal's department, 19Z1 to
127 inclusive, according to thei
5 annual report of the department!
oisieled here Saturday. The
iotal fire waste in that period was
$60. 263,123. 44. or an average an
nual loss of $8,609,011.63.
The total loss for the five year
period. 1922 Jo 1926 inclusive,
amounted to' $49,266,277.84. or
an average yearly loss of $9,853,
255.57. The loss for 1927 ag,
gregated $5,036,065.99, repre
senting a reduction in fire waste
fof-the year 1927 from the pre
vious five year annual average of
$4,817,189.58 or 48.9 per cent'.
The total loss for 1926 was $8.i
:;. 857. 69. The reduction in fire
loss in 1927 from that of 19Z6i
wo 13 819.791.70 or 43.8 - perH
r-ont The ner capita loss totlk
average of the five year perteajJ
1922 to 1926 inclusive, was
00 95. The loss in 19 26 was
05 and for 1927 it waa $5.03.
is shows a reduction for 1927
or $5. 92 per capita in comparison
to the arerage of the five year per
iod and of $4.02 per capita over
the 1926 fire loss.
vn interesting phase of the
loss reduction ratio," reads the re-
is brought out by the factji
.fiat me savinr lor isi
five year average was eiiecxeu rL-"-." tZZLZ7?.Z'?
mor.2irea reported forl937 thanjwith th French and German pao-
ie average or tne years ior ine.ic. ciory ia aeiauea ana ti-
Jear period, when a saving of ,'iuminating.
er cent was made in tnej
)otal annual loss. There were 66 ited the leaders of the peace rnove
more fires reported for 1926 thanment. and has come hack with the
for 1927, but the loss ratio for -conviction that a real contribution
1927 was less than for the year to international cooperation can
1926. sound values involved be-Jbe made by developing closer con
ing taken into consideration. tacts among these groups. In Ger
"The most satisfactory indica-.many. France, England, through
tlon of, progress made, as a directjthe international labor groups at
result of cooperative effort In fitej Amsterdam, evtrywhere Mr. Libby
prevention work, increased fire reports steady growth in the
fighting efficiency and more mod- movement of the peoples of Euro
Biji and effective fire fighting jpean countries toward world
f ypfcat Is reflected in the snow -
ihit aiinonia me
amounted to $59,990,621.4 4. the
actual loss was kept down to $5,
036,065.t or eight-tenths of one
per cent.
a- .n Indication of the toll ex
acted upon Oregon homes and In
hv f-Brolenscess and Indit-
...n.ii tha medium of
lerence, v"1 "
(Oontiao4 on Pf lJ)
Toarbts Already Flocking to Ore-
in Numnev; .o wi-i
Record Taken
ls the norse exiiuc.
baps la other fields of usefulness,
but when it comes to travel on the
I, shways he is rare enough to bo
a curiosity.
The traffic count conducted by
th state highway department on
Ml, 15, figures on which were re
used Saturday at the chamber
(f commerce here, shows that of
1409 vehicles that crossed the Pa
cifk : highway bridge at Jefferson
tha" day. only four were borse
drawn The ratio is even smaller
in many parts of the state.
iourist travel In Oregon is a.
eldy becoming heavy, the count
t the Jetiersoo , -
357 cars rrom o
:iste were included in the total.
There iwere oniy
mobftes with Oregon licenses,
so that foreign cars made up a re
markably large percentage of the
t0tL.- .,t 41 stages and buss.
aaicks under a ton and one-
Z. r;..citv. and 57 trucks over
IWU V"'- '
l!Ti-Tlat traffic of the day
1 vTTartTplace. north of Ore-
r5S5r vehicles
f Nortn 0f Anrora
ft SKuSrc.w.
I 'i V mini earn. - . - .
a . a na wan ni ubi
Local people w a,
the report ot the trafttc eoamt . are
wonderln why o record kept
near the city limit, of Sa lem, "
this vu done at Oregon City and
other cities. A query will be made
- - . i v a a Man
14 at the.hlgnway oty.. . -
-vVwaine why saiem was a--
Brings Recent Xfws of European
Reactions to New Anti-War
Frederick J. Libby. executive
secretary of the National Council
for prevention of war, will speak
at the First Methodist church this
, -i
Frederick l.ibby
evening, filling one of a rerics of
jngagirments at all of the princi
pal cities of the coast. His subject
will be "Present Aspects of the
Peace .Movement.''
The Jason Lee Methodist. First
Congregational and South Salem
Friends churches are joining in
this service with the First Metho-
Mr. l.ibby brings immediate
I news of Europe and its chances for
ar and peace. He returned re
Teniiy rrom a speaking tour in
England. France, Germany, Hol
land and Geneva. In Geneva he
ittendrd Important meetings of
the Council, of the League of Na
tions which debated the question
between Italy and Greece.
Mr. Libby is able to give a viv
.d account of world conditions be
cause the contacts which he made
the course of his work as Eur,
' .
in every country Mr. Libby vis-
Two PasKenxer Antos ami Oil
Truck Go Down Stream
SPOKANE, June 2. (AP)
Clark's ferry, operating across the
Columbia river between Wilbur
and Keller, broke loose under the
force of high water this morning,
carrying lis load of 10 persons,
two automobiles and an oil truck
four miles downstream before it
was taken in tow by a motor
launch and hauled back tp the riv
er bank. It was expected that it
would again be in operation by to
morrow. The ferry constituted a crossing
of the river for travelers enrqute
to Keller, where the annual "Sal
mon day" celebration is in prog
ress today and tomorrow. The
nearest other crossing is on the
ferry at Nespelem. 30 miles
Political Information Help $20,.
547.05 May Total
Postal receipts at the Salem
postoffice for May were $20,
567.05. a little more than $4,000
above the mark for the corres
ponding month last year when the
books showed $16,545.01. '
The enormous bneiness handled
in May is attributed by Postmast
er Farrar to the large amount 6f
political literature distributed
through the mails last month. The
May total, though considerably
less than the $26,988.57 record
month of December, 1926, ranks
high in postal Income history, with
not more than 10 other months
larger than the last one.
April receipts totaled $17.
Adjntaat General White Returns
From Camp Clatsop
Adjutant -General White has re
turned here . after a few daya
peat at Camp Clatsop, where he
directed the work of pitching
tents and installing other equip
ment preparatory to tnaannnal
encampment of the Oregon troops.
The Oregon National guard wtli
assemble at Camp Clatsop June
1 4. ight special' trains -.will : be
used in transporting the troops
from different parts ot the. state.
Reports received by the adjutant
general' Indicated that the atten
dance at. this year's encampment
would be larger than ever before.
. .r a
Portland Slayer Surrenders,
Walking Into Seattle Po
lice Station
Shootins; of Mrs. Margaret Stoy
Not Done Pnrposely, Fnirltive
leclare; Own Right Hand
SEATTLE. June 2. (A P)
George F. Masterson, wantea Dy
Portland police to face first de-
gree muraer cnarges m nnin
with the death of Mrs. Marjorle
,! It, U
?loy: V. , .,.",' Z -I m
hotel room at Portland, today told
to the Seattle detectives to whom
he gave himself up his story of
jthe shooting and of his terror
i'launted flight from the room of
As he talked, he nursed his
right hand through which the
same bullet that caused his com
panion's death had drilled a
wound. His hand had gone with
out medical attention and he had
kept it from becoming infected by
passing a tube of glass coated with
odine through the hole at inter
vals during the three days he had
been in hiding in Seattle.
"It wasn't my hand that both
ered me." he said, "it was my
Says Deed All a Mistake
Masterson insisted that he had
shot Mrs. Stoy by accident. He
said he became panic-stricken
when he saw she was dead and
was virtually out of his mind when
he ran awav.
"I sort of went craiy then." he
declared. "I couldn't think of any
thing but to get away. I went to
MMhcr notei aoo c Danger my
clothes and at 6 a. m. I caught the
first car " to Vancouver, WashI
threw my pockctpopk and papers
into the Willamette river, think
ing it would make police think I
had committed suicide. I just laid
low and thought. It was awful."
His wound was dressed at the
city hospital as- soon as he had
finished his story and he was put
.n a cell at the city jail wture he
will be held until Portland offfi-
ers arrive. He said he wouldac-
company tnem witnout tne ror-
Continued paf 17 -
Manager of Portland Chamber to
-Address Iocal Organization
W. D. B. Dodson, general man
ager of the Portland chamber of
commerce, will be the speaker at
the Salem chamber of commerce
luncheon Monday noon. Mr. Dod
son is recognized as one of the
outstanding men in his field in
the United States.
No particular subject has beei
assigned Mr. Dodson except to dis-
uss the development problem o
the northwest.
1. When Herbert Hoevsr was van. he nwvsd frm
Iowa te Orn, U livs with his uncle John Minthm.
." After s yar.Unel JahawMtttnt
Herbert's .nm business nvsnrlw
Absolately No Contribatioos or
Other Svpport Given Smith,
Cool Assertion
NEW YORK. June 2. (AP)-
The senate presidentUl campaign' (Sunday) (AP) Chang Tso-lJn.
investigating committee .garnered for two years ruler of Peking and
threa outstanding "facts' today in; northern China, renounced his
bringing to a close its two dar1""1" "A le" the cient "P-
. tal at 1:15 o'clock this morning.
hearing here. H oeparted on a 8pecUi train
Tammany society is a non-polit- which had his old stronghold at
leal organisation and has made no' Mukden, Manchuria, for iU des-
contributlons to Alfred E. Smith's
campaign; "
Sentiment In Wall street is
against the nomination of Hoover;
To date contributions to the
Smith race have totaled $106,852
so far as those in charge here
have cognizance.
The committee was advised by
George R. Van Namee, manager of
the New York organization sup
porting Smith for the democratic
nomination that the expenditures
of his committee had been $105,
852 down to date. Contributions
totatiea 9izi,i, m mraauiusiment9 had been maa(j ror jjand,n-
tnat tne largest gin since way
. i . .i . . i
woen me senate m.u8iui
Uisited New York was $10,000 by
Percy Strauss, head of R. H. Macy
and company.
interrupting a fishing trip on
which he departed today before he
knew the committee desired to in
terrogate him, George W. Olvany,
a sachem of Tammany, testified
that this society is a patriotic one
and does not "take part in poli
tics." "The Tammany society was or
ganized 100 years and more ago
by an act of the state legislature,"
Olvany said. "George Washington
was a sachem of it. It took the
side of the poor as against the
Testimony as to the sentiment;
In Wall street regarding iioover
was given by Lewis E. Strauas, of
the New York banking firm of
Kuhn. Loeb and company, but for
merly private secretary to the cab
inet officer and leading candidate
for republican nomination.
Strauss' statement was made in
amplification of his declaration
that his own hanklns firm naa
contributed nothing to the $30, -
two fund which he has raised to!
assist with thaewididae,y votHhjW .bpIshTtstTTU which
-nm.. fr-iT -iarxu.nnreactt will, not be revived.
svm he received from one Individ
ual... he said, was $10,000 from
Julius Rosenwald of Chicago,
chairman of the board of .Sears,
Roebuck and company.
Curbstone Kvangc lists Sometimes
Abusive, Police Hear
Renewed demand that some
thing be done to regulate curb
stone evangelists in Salem, will be
made at a meeting of the city
council soon, it was indicated Sat
urday. Whether the question will
come up Monday night is not
Police received complaints that
some of the open air preachers, of
whom a number are active es
pecially on Saturdays, were abu
sive in their talk, attacking es
pecially the established churches.
Once before this matter was
'aken up. but failed because of
he reluctance of all concerned to
io anything to hamper the work
f the Salvation Army.
2. Dr. Minthern
Herbert attanaea
buaiRMS In Salem. '."Wlrjr nr'y tw for atialm)rtast awooMtaa
was as-eflce bay.- p mMsf-enoOtesr'wfcs came bit tracts jsfcara ifts.
Dictator Departs For Old Strang
hold at Mnkden, Accompaa
ied by Retiaoo
PEKING. China. June 3-
Chang sent members of bis
household on ahead of himself. A
bodyguard and small retinue trav
eled In a pilot train which pre
ceded that in which the ex-dictator
He left behind a committee of
elders in charge of the city and
issued a farewell message express
ing the hope that China would
survive the civil war and the threat
of bolshevism.
The city was orderly this morn
ing and the committee of elders
said that satisfactory arranee-
over control to the victorious lead
ers of the nationalist, or south
China armies.
In his farewell message Chang
Tso-lin predicted early cessation
of civil warfare.
"This fighting," he said, "has
reduced many to homelessness and
starvation of an extent beyond de
scription. If we continue to fight
these people will only suffer
"Such a condition was not con
templated nor expected when I
started the anti-red campaign. My
assumption of my difficult post
was with the object of saving the
"Even though my desire has not
been fulfilled, I cannot bear to
continue military operations. I am,
therefore ready to evacuate Pe
king with my troops. Henceforth
political issues are left in the
hands of the people
"I have been a military man
half my life and have encountered
many difficulties. But I would sac
rifice anything for the sake of
the peoples welfare.
"Hoping that China will not be
! exterminated as a result of my
management of Us affairs and hop-
I declare myself Innocent and my
conscience clear berore the world
and before all future generations."
While no fears of disorders ap
peared to exist among the foreign
(Continued en page 17.)
Will Succeed Corbet Jane 10 Dar
ing Patterson's Absence
Henry L. Corbett, president of
the state senate, will become gov
ernor of Oregon when Governor
Patterson crosses the state line in
to Idaho next Wednesday morning.
Senator Corbett will serve as
governor until June 10 when he
leaves for England. The duties of
governor then will be taken up
by John Carkin, , speaker of the
house of representatives in the
legislature, who will serve until
the return of Governor Patterson
on Jane 20.
Governor Patterson is planning
to spend a few days in Chicago
md later attend the republican
national convention at Kansas
has a farm and an scassmy fee beys.
the scasemy and helped n tha farm.
No. 6 By Sattcrfiild
01 EI
Violation of Federal Act Al
leged in Complaint Filed
"in Portland
Disposal of- Morphine Sulphate
Without Breaking Seal and
Not in Coarse of Profession,
al Practice Charged
Dr. E. H. Hobson, local physi
cian who has an office in the Bank
of Commerce building, was arrest
ed Saturday afternoon on a charge
of violating the federal narcotic-
act, it was reported by the police
last night. The arrest was made by
L. J. Moss, federal narcotic agent.
The officers claim that the phy
sician has made a full confession.
He was released by B. Magdalany.
United States commissioner at
Portland, under $2500 bond.
The complaint, sworn to by Mr.
Moss, alleges that Dr. Hobson had
narcotics in his possession illegal -
ly and that he sold them illegally.
tn violation of sections" 1, 2 and 8
of the federal narcotic act. The
drug alleged to have been sold
was morphine sulphate.
Police Work on Case
Specifically , the complaint
charges that Dr. Hobson sold this
drug without breaking the rev
enue stamp, not on a written ord
er form, not in the course of his
professional practice and not in
good faith.
Officers claimed that the drug
cost about four cents a grain and
was sold by Dr. Hobson for over a
dollar a grain.
Inspector Lou Oleon of the lo
cal police department was princi
pally aoive Jn?w6rking on the
case wira Mr. "Tffoss. "The federal
officer stated that he had been
aided materially by the police here
in his work, particularly by Olson
and Chief Minto, and that he had
found the Salem police depart
ment to be as efficient as anv in
the state.
Three Elections Determined
This Manner. Two Remain
By reason of winning a draw
following tie votes in the recent
primary election Thomas E. Cole,
H. L. Daue and J. J. Bowler have
received the nominations for
which they were running.
Drawings will be held. In the
Marlon county clerk's office to
morrow between D. B. Hill and
George A. Spencer to decide which
will be justice of the peace in the
Horeb district, and between Edgar
Collins and John L. Harman to
decide which will be constable.
Cole was tied with J. F. Ulrlch
for the democratic nomination for
precinct committeeman for Salem
precinct number 1. Each had 38
The other ties which were de
cided by drawings at the county
clerk's office yesterday were be
tween Daue and S. H. Russell for
democratic precinct committeeman
from Marion, and between Bowler
and K. K. Cauthorne for demo-
. cratic precinct committeeman
rrom ittverview.
Another Badly Hurt as Huge
Pine Crushes Automobile
BEND, June 2 (AP) John
42. was killed today, and Martin
Korac was seriously Injured when
a big pine tree fell across their
automobile as they were passing
through timber in which Shevlin
Hixon .company fallen were at
work. The two men were pinned
under the tree and it was neces
sary to cut the pine in two before
they could be released.
Workers in the forest said the
warning cry "timber' d been
shouted before the tree fell, bat
Korac said he heard no such warn
Rosebnrg Prepares to Entertain
Sportsmen of .State
ROSEBURG. Ore.. Jane 2.
(AP) Five hundred pounds of
fresh salmon were prepared here
today for use tomorrow in feeding
sportsmen -from all over the state
who are expected to gather !for
the anneal free salmon bake snos
sored by the Douglas county
sportsmen and gam protective as
Adjustment Bareaa WD1 Sell En
tire Stock la Salem
The Hagedorn Dollar store oa
North High street has failed. Tha
stock and - fixtures have been
turned over to the Adjustment Bu
reau of ' Portland. This entire
stock 'will he sold out in Salem.
Trip te Fiji Islands to be Made by
Ouartrt la Southern Cross .
on Srbednle
Kauai. Hawaii. June 2. (AP)
work was being rushed here to -
nlght to prepare the monoplane,
Southern Cross for a hop off to-,
wards Suva. Fiji Islands, at day
break Sunday. Suva Vs expected
to be the next and second stopping
point in the plane's flight for Syd
ney, Australia.
The army signal corps office
announced, receipt of word that
the Southern Cross was to take off
at 4 a. m. Sunday (6:30 a. m.
Pacific time).
The departure from Wheeler
field, island or Oahu, for the
Barking Sands runway followed a
busy 36 hour period during which
the four aviators. Captain Charles
Kingeford-Smith. Charles Ulm.
Harry W. Lyon and James Warner
intpected their plane, measured
the gasoline remaining after their.
flight from Oakland. Cal., studied
""t" -tris. auu oiner uaia
ward. -
HONOLri.r. June 2. ( AP)
Eager to resume their air journey
to Sydney. Australia, the four
men of the giant monoplane
Southern Cross devoted- today to
an inspection of their machine.
Their triumphant arrival yester-
1 day from Oakland. Calif., after a
flight of 2 4 00 miles heightened
courape already hijrh for the great
adventure over a total of TS00
miles to the antipodes.
If the plane and the field at
Barking Sand6. Island of Kauai,
are ready the flyers may take off
for the South Seas tomorrow or
Monday at the latest.
Charles' dm. who with Captain
Charles Kingsford-Smith. piloted
the giant plane, explained that his
determination to maintain the or
iginal schedule was an outgrowth
of "criticism in Australia for our
long delay in getting started."
"Some of our critics have even
been so unkind as to dub us the
'non-hop flyers'," continued Ulm.
"But we have paid no attention
toJfcaCfloiL.of stuff, ana have bat
ted right along.
"We have gone into this thing
exhaustively as is humanly possi
ble and we are planning 100 per
cent performance all the way to
our destination."
Vim explained that since the
flyers began planning the flight
to Australia they had investigated
all trans-oceanic air trips for the
both successful and unsuccessful.
"There was some lesson for us
to be learned from every flight
and we purposed to learn it be
fore we took off on our own ac
count," he added.
A conference was held by Ulm
and Kingsford-Smith last night
with Edward II. Bryan of the
Bishop museum here concerning
the islands lying south of Hawaii
on the course to Suva, PiJI.
Until one o'clock this morning
the flyers questioned Bryan and
examined all available photo
graphs having a bearing on this
stage of their journey, particular
ly of the Islets of Canton and
Enderbury. These coral atolls dot
the Pacific 1.822 miles south of
Honolulu and 1,316 miles north
'of SuTa-
They are directly along
the course of the Southern Croes
and offer a haven in event of
forced landings.
While no trouble is expected by
the air men, they believe in being
prepared one indication of this
is the care with which they are
making every arrangement. Should
they be forced down before reach
ing Suva, they will be able to
erect with their radio equipment
a land sending station with which
to advise the world ofheir plight
and their position.
Their plane's engines were in
excellent condition and "young"
as engines go. said the aviators.
Both Kingsford-Smith and Ulm
asserted they were not worried
about the take-off from the Bark
ing Sands runway. They said
that the i.500 foot runway there
was more than twice the distance
that the Southern Cross required
for the hop off at Oakland, where
2800 feet of the runway were used
before the plane gained enough
speed for flight.
Reports Reach Tokyo Indicating
Trouble Looms In Peking
TOKYO. June S. (Sunday).
(AP). A. Rengos Agency dis
patch from Peking says that Jn
anticipation of possible disorders
with the arrival of the nationalist
vanguard this morning at that
city, commanders of foreign
troops there ordered their soldiers
to take positions in defense of le
gation quarters.
American. British, fraseh. Jav
anese and Italian commanders
met and decided on this action
shortly after the departure of
Marshal Chans Tso-lin for Muk
den. Heavy guard details were
placed at all entrance, to the for
eign quarter.
Rengos bulletins from Tientsin
say that Chang Tso-lin arrived
there this morning and left Imme-
i.t.i. UiiVi rit At.
patches from Pakin indicate that
w - I
apparently - there- have been no
disturbances- there -thus far and
that the evacuation of the north
ern army has "proceeded peace
fully. ' ' .v ,.- -rjpZi.
iDecks Cleared for Final Ac-
jon -4 Kancao. Pifu Ra
U0" 31 anaS Uty Ke-
publican Meet
Secretary of Commerce Putin Move
Than 98 Per Cent of Km ire
G. O. P. Vote in 1V1
marirs of Orega
More than 9 8 per nt of
votes cast for.the republican nom
'nation for president in the Ore-
gon primary May M were for
Herbert Hoover. accordin to th
. 01 licla I tabulation I'omnm,! .
the secretary of stat iir Surr-
jl me m.'ji, v.e rast
for this nomination. Hovr poll
ed 101.129.
IVank O. Lowdeu if,
runner-up, received l.J.'J vole.
Alfred E. Smith of Nw Yerk,
democrat, received 71 r"pulli an
votes. There were 4 74 .-anerir.K
votes for president a' !i. repub
lican primary election
Hall's Vote Heavy
John H. Hall of Orgm at
hish man at the rcpuhlaan pri
mary election for vice president.
He received 58.625 v.jts Mxainst
.12,895 votes for Hamilton Fish
of New York. William Crant
Webster of the District f Colum
bia polled 8129 vot-s. whii
Charles L. McNary of Oregon re
ceived 1167 votes.
Alfred E. Smith of N-w Yurfc
polled 17.4 4 4 votes for president
at the democratic primary ele
tion. Thomas W. Walsh of Mon
tana received 1 1.272 vots. Jam
A. Reed o,f Missouri :'.tii vot
and Alonza F. Workman of Mis
souri S8I votes. Mr. Walsh had
requested that bis name be with
drawn from the ballot prior to the
primary election.
For democratic vice president
in Oregon Milton A. Milb?r of
Portland polled 22,851 votes.
A .1 .. .... . n . .
Fight Anticipated
The republicans are moving on
Kansas City with many of their
leaders about convinced 'hat the
coming national convention will
be far from a love feat.
Bitter animosities hav been
aroused and unless all igns fail
they will provoke more than a
ruckus just before and during tb
balloting for a presidential nomi
nee less than a fortnight hence.
Rival campaign managers, sou
of them already on th hattl
ground, are making conflicting
claims of strength on behalf t-f
their candidates, and & whol
situation has been beclouded fur
ther by factional strife iver tb
farm relief question.
Few Oalms Ml
Hoover's lieutenants, with tb'
(Continnrd on pi- !T.i
Over 10,000 Kpeetel t. Attend
Obwertance at iaf
Fairground Celebration of Gen? Catholh
Day. by the Oregon Laue 01
Catholic societies, will beld at
the state fairgrounds hri Sunday.
June 17, according to announce
ment made Saturday. It was esti
mated that more than 10.000 per
sons would attend the calibration
include the Knights of Columbus.
Catholic Daughters of America.
Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Catholic Order of Foresters, and
various other groups affiliated
with the League of Catholic so
cieties. The business meeting of in
State Central Society will b
held in Salem Saturday. June If.
This meeting, will be attended by
delegates from local units of ih
organixation. Sunday will b? givet.
over to the general Catholic Day
Confined heretofore to a coc
rention of members 0! the local
branches of the state central so
ciety, the scope of Catholic Day
this year has been enlarged jc
bting together Catholics rrom all
parts of the state. Invitations have
been Issued to all societies and or
ganisations .. functioning under
Catholic auspices and to mem ben
of the clergy and laity in general.
Pontifical High- mzm will he
celebrated at 1:30 A. M. by His
Grace, the Most Rer; Archbishop
Howard, D. D., and the sermon
will .be giren by the Rer. J. R
Buck. O. SV B.. pastor of St. Joee
ph'achurch." Saem. Dtaner will
be served at noon. V - '
-Portland Verein will -sen
-a M.nj.Mak ana t W sa A.e si M -iha si V.
sor 4 program of sports In the at- ..
tenOOB.V , -v-.
. ) A hand will be In attendance.
Governor Patterson wtl! be . re- .v
presented at the celebration.
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