THE OREGON STATESMAN, S ALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1928 Is V a . 11 J REAL ESTATE janMbn m mm fcSfrit. Hick TeL 1M4 J BXXBUtBOIfr Aft Cray Bid. Tat T99 UOU HWPI1CKI 189 . High. TV 111 a., a. BOiuamruT 147 X. CiBifiiii , Tat, 171 W. JP. 8IOVI 7S XttU. lbo ju chllcs -co, 20 UM t lion TO. 1TS7 S0 V. Caaxcb, TL SO HOMER D. POSTER afcEALTT OOt IU Jftxat Net. Baak Bld. Xi. 94$ GAflKrU. UUJ M S. Liberty Bt. TaL SbdA W. H. &BABK'ttOBT a co. U4 8. Liberty B. Toi. 415 MXLVIB JOHBSO S20 P. S. Beak BB1a TaL w. a autvxosa 147 . Oom'L ft. txi . . laplab laplab A-adJ A ituk B1A. TaL 544 i itaawa uxt aid SS Onih xtg. Tat 174 w. a. lusroa 44 Ms J KHg. TeL tSU ARTHUR MADSEM t074 llwtt Cepitas, TeLaO? UUJNd aav OOMITXT M OfM Bide TeL 117 tl i7 w. e. mosts 451 Court St. TeL S1S JOUR W. OKA w Bligh Bide Tl 248 GERTRUDE A X. PAGE 414 Court. TeL 189? w PERRlNr. UABSTKBS 111 llfi" Graj- Bids. TeL 97 RICH L. REULAii'. Realtor tl If. High St. TeL 838' CP. A? State BU Roota 7. Tot 1004 charix srcwjii tlO Oragoa BMf. . . TaL 1924 StlSt'lir.flVsISrS " S, IU1N' 304-.Ut Net. Hauk Bldg Til SUUABx. DEAL BA4LTT 17. S. Nil'l Back B:dg. .Tel 4"i TBIAJfULb. REALTY CO. 4X1 Court St. TeL 5l UL&1CH BCBKBT8 129 N. Commercial TeL J 184 U. S. REALTY CO. 441 State-It. Tfl. 280V r. u wood 141 State 9. T.L 7M Lodge Roster CHKMKKKTA LOUh'E NO. 1. i. O. a F. Meete eey WednesftaJ even nig at 7:30 o'clock; third flo,r of I. O. u. '. Temple, iotaer t-t Court Mtd Hijli SU. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Tfk. BaUa't laadlaf -Aoetiocn j4 rum'tnra ua&iar. U. Bte.-a. X9I N. SaoiBM 6t Fka ill H. F. Woodry & Son Bif ht dowa town. Cms pail for atd lurunara. Btora n a vona i. Tel. IS. Afaata far bjjRc. 2 Ui.. A. L. BTEVFNBoa ACCTIOSEE 28 yoara aapcrioaao ia the WUUietta vaiiey, or daUa or arraagemeota aaa F. A. VorllmT, tmtm adriaor. Firat Na tional Bank, Saiom. Phaao or write. A. L. BUeaae. Corraltta. Ore. B ATTERY - ELECTBTcI AN 3 FLEENEB ELECT RIO 0. H0CS1 wiring by boar or contract. XaUaaatea turaiaaed. TeC 0 471 Court St, Tat. 149 'I HIGH AND 1 U.V. BARTON KXlDE BATTliaUE starter aad gaaciator work; 3w3 Seatk High. U. 5. L. Service Station lutomotite Lleclrieiaaa Vsck Bros. Bigb St. at Trade. Tel. 1341 Martina & Iiarnsberger V S L AND GREAT WESTKBA BATTEB1ES AUTOMOTIVE ELECTSICIAN3 215 Center Street. Tel. 115 lu Conuttclion with Capitol Suer Servico Station BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD E. It MSDE ;0.UMBrA lil ejelea and repair. a. 337 Conn. HELP- WANTED Female 8 WOMAN TO COOK ON l'ARM. CALL 253 NURSES 9A GRADUATE AND PRACTICAL NURSES (male aou frrr.aie) errire by the Lour, day or week (IHiy or night service). Special Nuraea (or particular dmeasei and maternity, alao expert Dietician at your aervice. Salem refereucoa of ef ficiency. Salem Visiting Norte llur' aau, 31 Murphy Block. Phone 979. CHIROPRACTORS 10 PR.X. L. SCOTT. PiC. CHIROPRACTOli 264 N. High. Tel. ICS R, Rea. 2104 J DRS. SCOFIELD, X Ray. CHIRO- Sraetor, and Neurocalometer aerviee. ffice phode 2194. Kea. 2187-J; aad 2892 J. Suite 414-13 15.. Firat Nat l. Baak. FLORISTS 11 rUlWERa FOB ALt CCCAS1UNS OUea's. Coart A nigh St. TeL 401. CUT FlrOWSRS. WRDDINO BOUQUET Faaeral wreaths, deeoistiss. C T, Breithavpt, florist. 412 abate Atroet; TaL W0. INSURANCE 12 Insure Tear Hoese or Car 1 BECKE A HaWtDKICCS V- Phone 161 It; o. a r. bmb, .$ . Higb s. 'OB SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mora gages. Trast ' Deeds. Cootraeti ea . bootee- Will mot 6 to BO per eona. BECKE A HER DRICavS HailiaTidg 1 - Sigh St. FARM LOANS --'1MLBHTT-r MOaTET tav looa oa good Aaras aoowWy ' CtTT LO 'tS Wa M .lola Prw . deotlai lasuraaxa aosapoay bo nay - s ' Uy rssidasee rod baslam property at Vh per coma, ptoa a aniiiaaios Haw kiaa A Boherta. iac, : 204 ; Oran . Building. r J FOR RENT 14 SMALL. SHOP BP ACE $55 1. HIGH irMt. between Coart aad Cbeateketa. Beeke A ' Headricks, 149 N. Higk Street, FOR RENT Apts. 15 rUPLZX APT. bil M. WlJiTZB. 1 ROOM AXO KITCHXBXTTK 91S.50. M Maria. v ATTRACTIVE APARTMESTS. 1411 Conrt. Call 133S State. FCRNlSHl-n BOCSK; APABTMKXT: raoma. 100 uaioa. fUBMSHED APABTMKST POti BJUiT, 2361 IlasaL Paana 1939W. MODERN t ROOM A PART M EST 2072 Fairf-roand Road. Tal. 81M. iEWLY riMIBHED 2 ROOM rVUSlSll ed or naforaiald. 1133 Conrt. 2 ROOM ATTRACTIVE APT. FURNISH- ad or aafUrnuhed. 1209-Court fct. PURXISHED AMD CKPCRNISHZB 3 roooi aeartmeata. Yir(iai Apart Morta. 379 N. UikcrtT. PATTOK APAKTM VSTBC OIT alau. cosafortabic. nicaly faraiahad Private batk. ftoaai boat. Ootrs teaa diattirt. Raaaoaablo ia pr'.ca. Fot iaapoctioa call Pattoa'a Book 8 tor a. Eieetrieal Batn(ofUoa. raafaa. Modara, brUk. baated. Apt. High cut roaidoatiol district. Choorfal, auractira. light. t roosi aartaaeat, 2 toda. $40.00. Oaa lamiak'- oaarataflod. $50.00. A twa rowrf farmiaaod. A370. lutpactioa invited, cbndroo wuldoma. Ambassador Apartments iftO B. ftaraor. 1972 FOR RENT Houses 17 MODERN FIVE ROOM HOUSE. BLEEP- tag porcb, 859 Center. Telephone 030. 2 UNFURNISHED BUNGALOWS AND 1 furnifcaed boaae. Melvin Johnsoa. V. . MaUoaal Baak Bldg. Tel. 637. 5 KM. HOUSE, VERT CLOSE IN 225 A mouth, good range conneeteo. v inoit lVttjjoha. 175 S. High. VOB. RENT HOUSES. i'LATS AND apartraerita J0 to $50. Immediati )oaaesaion. Becke A liendncka. 18t N. High Street. ( rOR KENT. HOUSES, FLATS. APART mentfi furniabed and unfurnished, $10 to 973. ( all Kooro 4 at 341 SUte St. l.oaia Bechtel J. D. Heara. BOARD AND ROOM 20 iCKLV fukn:shed rooms with Loard. 405 Marion Pi. K001I, BOARD, SINGLE MKALS, SUN day dinncri. Aleaaudria, lUoO Che meketa. l'bone 1539. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUSDKT THJ2 WEli'tft LAUNDRY TeirpWee 25. 23 S. Biga tUX Tlik. BOMB WET WAJU Ul. ary. Tel. 171. 1350 B Street. CAPITAL. OITT lAPJCDRT "The Laundry of Pure Material-' Taiaohono 145. Ii44 Broadway TAILORS 22 P. If. MOBHER TAILOft FOR ME and voman. 474 Court St. WANTED Misc. 23 rtAM WORK OF ALL KIND8 AND EX carating. Pkoao Mayfield 72F2. FDRNITURfc FJCKE.6 FOR SHIf meata. Oieae Fawera Fuitita)e Oa. WiKTKU FBI VAT3r XOSET FOK iarai loan a. Wa bare aaeeral appliea tiaaa on baad. Maw kiaa ABoarrt. Iae 205 Oraffoa Bldg. WANTED GOOD WA8HED OOITOS It... . ra&Ila Ik,. 1 vrnvat tm Mb lot wiping aaacau.err. Higaoet prie. pal a rer gooa ei.aa tao. appiy at Stataaaaa otlica, tao Btiflar. , MATTRESSES 24 MATTrtESSEB RENOVATED ST THB Uipll City Baddiag O, 1190 Norta CaritaL Called far aad delivered. All wek gu.rantveo. Tel. 19. For Sale or Trade 24A SMALL APARTMENT nOUSE. CLOSE to Hollywood, or trade for house. By owner Tel. 267 5 J. 2164 Maple Ave. FOR SALE 25 GOOSKBKRKIES FOR SALE. PHONE 80K3. FLOWERS FOit DECORATION DAT. i!ri. L. M. Presneil, 7eJ locust. RED. WHITE. AND PINK PEONIES for Memorial Day. 1971 Market. GOOD CLOVER HAY. READY CUT and shocked. Come end get it. $5.00 per load. Koute 9. Box 27. 5 AND 2 PANEL DOORS $2.00; SASH doors $3.00; Sash 75c; Varninh $2.5 gal.; guaranteed pa;D $2.40 gal., old r-oiora Bay in the alley and .rave Buildiag Supply Co., ; Alley back of Ladd A Buah Bjnk. I ron i859 TOR SALE BARGAIN. RUSH TENT outfit, 7x14 including bed, table, cot, chair. Coleman lantern, etc. Coat $125.00. excellent condition. Used very little, reason fer selling, excess baggage. Lone Star Auto Camp, Port Und road. Cottage No. 3. WANTED Live Stock 26 3 EST PRICES PAID FOB AM. K1KDS of beef stock. Telephone 176. Had get Market. DON'T FORGET. CORBET WILL GIVE - market price for your cattle, either fat or poor. Just phone 2541 13d5 V 2Ut. VETERINARIAN 28 rMKD W. LiANGE. TETERIS AKIAX Office 39 S- CooamarciaL . Tel. 1199. lies. TaL 16bS. WOOD SAWiNG 29 i HID MAWINO. PHOHR 17. Ncrth OanmeraiaL I99 WOOD FOR SALE 30 16 IN. MILL WOOD AT $2.50 PER load at Tracy's a el Terd. for a limit ed tinte only. Order NOW if you want it. Phoae 2313. MINUTE MOVIES fALPW f)c,TA,EEJe ANO HAZEL blFFEREt4T H30M W HWEV HAVE EVER toVW.UdND4 AKDREW 7 HANDV. CrNES ' ' ANC5T14B OF WJS ' SPLENDID CM&DACTERliATlOr -AS SAtO By CR S , THE CU TCAK? OM "WE UTTUt ISLAND C TAMUA WOOD F0RSALE 30 9000 Dll WOOBk rBOVR T2F9, M. I. MayfKU. OLD GROWTH 19 IXCH WOOD fS.00 core. 11. 117a. WOOD DRY WOOD FOB TOG U Iraaor. Vol. M. 10 U. OLD FIX A0 rtw UMa" rik) Tel. 9.189. QUABAXTZED DRY WOOD COAI Tel. IB. Salaa Jrval Ca, 153 Trade. WK8TBJT UjfiOB TiAtB. TRUCKS for bailing. Wood ft ban. Coil 29. taOOD tUAi. DBT WQOtw prompt praa VX&IA9 LULLMAX FURL. CO. TALBPHOKB lafa. O. (SKJB A A!LbJlBO. IOB) WOOD TO BUR SALKM TRA MA. A FUlk. OO. CESEBAi. TatANSER eTORX TBI. tt9 DRk 19 INCH OLD FIR $8.25 PER cord. 5 cord lota $8.00; 16 inch aoaall second growth $6.75 per cord. C U. Harbaaga, 1038 Highland Ave. Phone 1990. BAST BAlB OF WU044 Dry woo 4 n. and H laoa. tmf tea Aa are caeaper to tmj. UiU waai i outr apoxiaH. Prxaapi taliTary ao. leaeaiAhle prieau FRED E. WXIXS 240 S. Chore TeL 1541 WOOD CO AXt FUEL OIL We are bow well supplied with jar;e fint and aeeond growta fir; gran oak ' the bast grade of Utah cot: for all purpoaae aad alao fuel aad Doaol oil at winter prices. !et youi winter's supply .rly aad tak advantage of thea prices LARMIER TRANSFER AND STORAGE PHONE 9i POULTRY AND EGGS 32 dABT CHICKS. CHOICE RINGLET Barred Mocka and Rhode Island Red. at 2144 North Fifth street. IASY CHICKS EVEBY MUX DAT AND Taeeday. 0 ieodiag vector' oa. Bet Jtral stock. Prices reaaei able, Baleta Chickcriaa. 24 North C'tMge BUeet, Utleta. MUSIC STORES 33 "JR . BENT i-NEW PIANOS. Stiff Furniture Compaay. U. L. ilEO. C. WILL P1ASOS. PHONO graph , MWing maeninea, ehoet atoaia aad )iaaa atudioa. Repairing pkoao graph.! aad sewing axaehmaa. OJ2 Stota .u-eaa. Batea. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a dODERN PIANO JAX6 ton. Waterman course. Cottage, phone 2165-4. -."BANK BUT Studio 980 N. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE BNLARGRMENT WITH EVKBT 50e order Kodak work. Rawitags. PorCaad. Oto. newspapers Magazines 35 lriE POBTLAJtU -2.wL.EO CAM MAlCM Agaaey. The Aoa. TeL 949. i HE OBECON STATESMAN, 60 CENTS . per itontk delivered to year I early ooca morning. TeL 23 at $89. I' YOU WANT TO OKI THE BESf (arm paper send five 2 rent stamps ta lae Facstte Homeatoad, Salem, Oregon, for a three saentua' trial aubatnpttoa. Mentioa tola ad. vULTBXMEd BBMD XIOUT WO coat ataaapa for ooooiat tkree aaooka trial fur tat bet 44 oUott J our as: ta the A est. The srticlee and adver issassaW ore f special intereU to tbo .Valtxy broedora of too Northwest .muvwi rouitry oaxwai. zta a. vea a. uraaata. PAPERHANGING 3? cMOVh UUIB ADAonB JfOB HODMB derexaUng, psperhag:ag. uating, ata. Beikobio oerkiaaa. PAINTING 33 FOB PAINTING AND KAL80MININO call O'Brien 759. Good work, reaaoa able prises. .HAS BEN NETS eAX3flKO t-03( traeoar, ooiatikag, paper aoagiag. StilM-rf. as woat MISCELLANEOUS 39 rOK SALEM 8CAVKNGEB SKKt ICtf call 147. FCKMTUUK UUOLSTEKIMO AND Re pairing. Oieee-s'owera isreituro 4tora. rOtf SALh. OLD .MWeVlPlkO, lit cents a LanAio. Htileiiaaa ouit. 313 touts CuabBoraal. WANTED: USED PiANO&s IS Ex change on. Radios, I'houoCtspha, or Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furaiturj wom pany. WilTE St'OTCH COLLI AT STUD. Salara'a Wh.te aLVng. Berfister number . 5H5981. Setvico guaracteoo. FuppiaS and gruwa stock tor sal. Mrs. Ben nett. 1US0 Ckeweketa. Phone 1539. SIOVES ASD 8TOVB BEPAIRlNa iTOVES FOB KALA BEDU1LT AND repaired by export. Alt tuads of wevea wire foaoa. iraosv aad ulaia. Hon bsskats aatd Eoeca. "wia.a hcaa. Batoie leaca anal &re U erka, ItoO Unui atraoi. CAPITOL Bd UUJ IA AND JVSK. HOUSE. I05-145 Ceoter. la'. 498. All kiaug of Jaak bovgat. cud rela ; Rags, SocAa . Hot Ilea. Barreta. Uidaa. Pslia. Wo-la. Fura, -Tallow, Caaoais Bora, Crape Root, Pitch, Peppermiai Oil, All kiada ef Iron A alatal evai) thiag iroat a a aaa is to a M-oo,oUvo. Onion Skin Car boa Paper Typewriter Ribbons We S. Du Fresne 79$ K COta SL . ivrtlacri. Oigoa LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST TWO STRAND STRING OF pearla somewhere ia business district Saturday. Kinder phone 2624 W. Re ward. PRINTING 44 FOR STATION EBT. CAB2H. PAaTFH lets, programs, boooka. or any kind or printing, eon at tao atatoaaaoo rrtat ing lv uarimaat, X15 S. Ooamoivc.s1--T.l 48. UQHEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAB F. U Wood. $11 State Sa. r. h. beix, sis c. a. Resldoseo aatt bvaiaaao or 31l-v BLDO. TeL 40T FEDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO H 'M. r. u. Wlisaaoa, xwa w. Bosk B14g Saaa, Orsfas. M0XET TO XOAS FOB BUILDING AND oa city property. B. S. atarua. aad U B. Mart, a, aUcraeya. 419 Orego BallAing. To. XMo. CITY Ah J 1KA.U? LOANS Boa seas hie Faisa -Vs Delay STATE BAVLBOS AAD LOAN A V TOJ-4 First Botaoaei Baak BaiUC Phono 447. Maioa. Oragoa. SALARY ABD COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable ia Wtekly or Moathly la stsilaseata. GENKRAL FINANCE COR PO RATION. Fust Nat'l Baak. Ta 12 AO. CITY ASD FABM LOANS AT uO WEST rates. Boat terms otaiaabo. Oar taaaraaca deysroaoat offers yaa ex pert adetea aad aervR ta all liaos. HAWK IBS A ROBERTS lLr) TaL 142T SOS Oiegoa Bids. oJtateatst. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsbor Bros.. 154 Bo. Liberty. TeL 550. WANTED LOANS 45 WANTED LOAN: $2350. on aaw Salota reeideaee. W. H. GRABBNHOBST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. PHvate ESTATE. W. H. SRABEXH0BST 134 S ULorty St. A CO. WHEAT CORN $10; No more Buys Option 5000 bn. wheat, corn. Possibility large profits. Particulars Free. Write today. GRAIN TRADERS SERVICE. Dept. BC. 22 Ouiney. Chicago. rOB uEASB: Several attractive fioand Hear store cr office rooms, well Ideated. V. H. OBABENHORBT A CO., Boalten 134 S. Liboity St. TeL 41 FOR SALE Paying Grocery and Meat Market $30u for stock and fixtures; store and residence for rent five years at $35 per month, or will sell Business, stock, lixtures. store bldga., and residence for $6800. See Louis Beehtel J. V. Sears or Earl Tucker, 341 State St.. Rooms 3 and 4. WANTED: MAN TO HANDLE EICLU .ive territory for Salt-Kist Peanuts which practically evssry grocer, drug feist and confectionery dealer is wait ing tor. Wonderful proposition for man who is financially responaible. "Salted Peanuta in the Shell." Will arrange to interview men who can quality. Salt-Kiat Salea Co., 723 E. Merrill Ave., Los Angeles. TUNE IN ON KEX Daily between 6:00 and 7:00 and 9:00 and 10:00 P. M., than call at our office for particulars. $12,500.00 tskes absolutely the best bargain in Salem business property for sale today. Pays 15. See this at once. Capitol Realty Company 216 N. High St. Phone 1143 RADiO 49 Radio las for aeary purpose, fa ovary purse AU stardard si sea ef Radio Take. EOFF EUCOTBISAX. BHOP. 3S Coart St, TeL ot. FOR SALE Houses 50 BIG BARGAIN'. SIX ROOM NF-W home. Call 608R. "' - $1350 fer a 3 room home, bath, good lo cation, paviar Dd. Terms. $1800 for- a 5 room home and two good lota, several fruit trees, well lo cated, subject to paring. Esay terms. $2500 for a 5 room Spanish stucco bun galow, fireplace, garage, good lo cation, $250 down. $2800 Almost new bungalow, 4 rooms. basement, tra-ys. fireplace, oak floors, rarara 350 down. $3000 Modern bungalow, 6 rooms on one floor, basement, farnsce, fireplace, garage, paving pd., $1000 down. $3750 6 . room semi-English- type home, basemeat, pipe furnace, trsys. fireplace, garage, oak floors, 3 bedrooms, paving pd., oaat front, corner lot. 3250 down. $3750 New S room English type home. modern in every way, large ea.l front corner lot, paving pi, close to school. $300 down. $4500 Modern 6 room bungalow, garage. paving pd., yuat ready to move in to. $500 down. $6000 Modern 7 room bungalow, -close in, fine corner lot, cloae to school. 41000 down. $7000 Fine 7 room Engliah type home, corner lot, oo bua line. $1000 down. Monthly Payment and 5 Tear Loans. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 330 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 637 REAL ESTATE 51 Bt OWNER. 11 ACRE POULTRY farm two miles East of Salem, on paved road, good buildings. Oliie Cof fey. 2376 State St., Salem. Pbone 2628. New Horn i. w MsrocKU. full base ment, . furnace, Urge breakfast nook hsrdwood floors, paved street, price $3350. and will take rssh up to $500.00 a first payment, bslsnce good terms. SALEM RTJALTY CO. 462 State St. WHY PAY RENTt $2400 buys a neat 4 room Bjo;i low, oak floors, fireplace, lots of built ias. paved street. $100 down and $30 per month. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Pbeae 1727 New 4 room Eng. Type buagslow, large lot, garage, $Z200 easy terms. 290 A. Umpqua valley farm -tear Boseburg. bid., fruit, timber Cr. Jj per A., tor acreage or city property. 4 acre tract fine creek bottom laud ia Salem, fruit aad Bldga., aaap 44750, terms. Large lot, new modera 7 room bun galow, $5000. want acreage. For rent, furnished 5 roo-a raUsce. . Good 6 room bungalow N. Salem. 2 good 4 room bouses with garage. PERRINE A MARSTKBS ' 212 Gray Bldg. Ifl DVAIAMIC DRAMA OP TWE SOOTM SEAS . Cl?OU)DeD, MW THRILLS AND SURPR.SES I 19 C&1X5RFUL OF A tacH'i GREAT SACfclFiCB fcfc THE GIRL Vt' lCNtD ' ED REAL ESTATE 51 ACRES IM MOUNTAINS. 1 MILE vasy. aim creek, a acres open. Good garden or grass land near ly level. Bslsace timber, good wood. Price $400.00. Terms or might trade. Phone 2541. Walter Corbet. 1595 K. list. A BARGAIN ta. new houso. Virginia Hwd. firs, tapetry wall paper, beat construction, rngidaire. automatic elect, pump, well thru 20 feet rock, beautiful treee. oaa "1 rround, $65O0 and terms like teat. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 B. High St. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION Oil TUB PACIFIC COAST We have aver 3000 pro).ert.e listed for exchange. Every kind of prooerty. every price, every location. W. caa matck your exchtage EXACTLY. If you would like to trade yoar property TO DAY, come ia TODAY. 6oo GASKILL A EARLB, Realtors - 8. Liberty. TeL 2242 FOB 8AIJS 16 Acre tract; 5 room lions and barn; on gravel roid, rear school. Dis taat ewoer; possess ion as ouce. $2250, $500 cash. bsL to suit. 20 Acres; 7 Acres of timbir; 3 room bouse and barn. $150O. No tneob raaco. Weald consider Saiom prop erty of equal valae. W. G. KKUEGER Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY NORTH 2 acre tract, corner location, just right for a gas station, rood well, city water available. Comfortable 6 Room house, good barn, chicken house with 4 runs seeded. Aa ideal home and income a ailed for aa elderly couple. For Quick Sale ant caah. large lot, paved street, and sidewolks all paid. 4 room house not quite finished; gar age, lots of fruit sad shade. Close to Highland school. It's a snap at $1500. CEISER BEAL ESTATE 441 Court St. How about itt Do yoa waat a Home I We have a aew Four room bungalow East Salem, $2500, easy terms. Also a sis room new home. Hard wood . floor, baae'nent. furuace, built-in kitchen, fireplace, etc.. a home that ought to aell for $4500. but owner needs money and will take $3500, any reasonable terms. Better call or phone us if you want a bargain. Have a choice residence lot aix blocks out that we will take a good car as part psy. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 Stale St. DELANO A DOW SPECLA.1.S Spot This One 4 room new English type double constructed borne with bath, doublt garage, located cn rear of fine to 50x100 close in. Ample roon for sa other house. Let north $1200. If you come quick, $2800 takes it. Easr terms. East front new 4 rooms, strictly tr.odcrn, full lot. Fine location. Extra bargain at $3500. We are authorised to take $3300. Easy terms. 290 Church Street Phone 930 HOMES GARAGE HOUSE. 3 rooms. Lot 64x 80. Psved street, good district. Price $850. FOUR ROOMS, hardwood in living room and hall. fireplace, garage, paved .treet and cement waika. Price 32U0. 250 caah. Exchange for small, close in acreage to value. FIVE ROOMS, new and modern in eVery detail. Tile bath anAtile drain board. Paved street aaocement walks. Pine district. Price $1000 $500 cash. Take lot for part. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters For Homes" A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT 4 room stucco house furnished, Price $2850. 10 acres all in fruit, running water, machinery goes with place. 4 room house. 8 mi. from Salem. Will trade for houae ia Salem or Wood burn. 6 room new house in Salem's best residential section. Modera ia every respect. Well constructed. Price $4300. Aa unequalled value. 2 acres bearing f rait with 7 room house, electric lights, bath. etc. Price $3350. 1 mile from Salem. 100 acres of good soil, water, wood, in good location. Price at tnia lew figure for quick sale. $4000. Ulrich & Roberts Realtors. 129 N. Com. St. Phoae 1354 MONEY TALKS I must raise some money, therefore I arill sell my nice new 4 Room bun galow, large living room with a beau tiful fireplace and a good one, two bee rooms. Kitchen with lot of built ins! Cosy nook, fine bath room with the Lest of plumbing. Concrete foun dation, lot 50x100 ft. Curbs are ia and street .will be paved this sum mar, which the buyer will hsve to as sume. A real $3000 Home for $2000. If sold this week. $1300 is payable at 320.40 per month. the balance cash. To aee it See Louis Bechte! J. D. Sears Esrl Tucker, 341 State fit.. Room 4. This is one of the best buy for the Keenest Speculator or Investor. I .and goitabla for sub division or will sell small tracts of two acres or more st $160 aa acr. east or west front to a good road. North of Salem 4 room ceiled bouse on 3 excellent east front lots with about 12 nice eherry trees. North Salem, aa e-tat Price $1650. 20 acres of land Norn of Sslero with fair improvenaeata. has a $90o federal loan, all ia cultivation. Price $2000, and $500 down or will trade for house in Woodbura 436 acres, 16 miles from Salem. 140 acres under cultivation, aa estate, good buildings. 40 acrea ia orchard, U1 fenced woven wire. Priced at $25 aa aero can not be beet SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. 7 room modarn house close in, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace. A real home, $1000.00 will handle, balance like rent., New end modera 4 room houae with nook, on paved atraet Price $2900.00, $100.00 down, balaaee easy teriu. 6 room house, full baaement, juat north of P. O. an Cottage SU close in, extra Urge lot. Price $3750.00. $2400.00 buya nice small house lo cated North, largo lot aad garage, par ed street, $200.00 will haadld. Balance like rent. 7 nice acrea 3 mi lea S. of town, good house, all ia cultivation for only - $3501.00, $500.00 dowa, balance like rent. 5 seres near Kaiser school. 3 room house, all ia caRivetioe, with garaga aad weoaaoase for only 32000.00, rea- - soaable payment down, balance sr- .. range. I OAS&riLX. m saiuiS isc.avL.iuKa I 66 8. Liberty St. Phoae 2242 TRACKED TO THE &iAt4CHEL ROUSE. , AT LAST f MAS ?A? CHANCE Ho MA WE TRESSES : iS&E HAS HUE fcOLE OF. A AKU 4 A BEAOTt FUL HALF - BfBEEO; OF X2ACKEO & TWS TrWICS " I 1 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS ANGELES. CALIF. PROPERTY TO ehaago fer Salem City Property. Write Be 123, Siataamaa. LOS AKGELE3. 6 ROOM MODERN RE8 ideaco trade for farm. Owaar. MsKia ne. 420$ York Bird, Lee Angeles. Calif. 593 Acre Stac Kaaeh ia Alberta. weS) stocked aad equipped, to eaehaaga for small acreage in Willamette valley. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. PORTI J1ND FOR SA LEM OR VICINITY Five rooms and floored attic, fur nace, fireplace, eok floor ia two roams, paved street, well bested, close to csr lines ia Portland. Should easily be werth $40O0.00, preeent mortgage $1700.00. Will sell ea easy teresa or trade. E. A. Khoiea. 1595 South High St. Phoae 2538 R. SPECIAL 5 room houae and garage, paved street, 916O0 with small down pay ment, or will exchaage for 1 acre close In. 5 acres timber land, all River Bot tom aad fine timber. Will trade for smalt tract or city property. SEE Thcniaton with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 -SMALL ACREAGE EXCHANGES FOR HOMES 10 Acrea Keise- District. Garden Soil. tO Acrea 8. E of Salem, Near ladiaa Hill Farm. 10 Acrea- aear Tnyeaville Near Highway North. 5 Acres One ile East, Cbickea Houss fer 500 heaa. 5 Acrea near "liberty New 4 S oom house. If you waat to better your iacoaw let as have your listings for exrhanga. - MeGlLOHRT'Vr A PENNING! ON 209 L S. Bank Bldg. WANT CITY HOME For a choice 10 acre tract most all in good fruit, 1 acre of filberts, fine set of bldgs, two -wells and water sys tem. Price $6300. Will take Salem home up to $4000. A Dairy farm of 160 acrea in Ben ton Co., on good road, 40 acrea cleared, some good timber, running water, close to achool. Price $2500. Will give 9500 to $1000 difference oo Saiem home. 2 acre tract at city limits of Dallas, Ore., small set of bldgs. Value $300. Will take vscant lota in Saiem in ex change. For Good Buys and Exchangea SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Pbone 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 70 ACRE SNAP $6300 With Stock and Crop or $5800 Without Stock and Crop -3- A. cult., lot mure easily cleared, ha fine pasture, good apring water, tome timber, fair buildings. 6 A. cher ries, 5 A. strawberries. Will take a house in Salem as parte pay up to Sir.OO. See Louis Beehtel J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker, 341 State St.. Kooius 3 and 4. We have some splendid 5 acre tracts near city. You can build to suit. 25 acres, small house, barn, v-me logans, crop in, close to city; Suodi vision possibilities. 283 acres Waldo Hill farm most of it in cultivation good buildings, priced to sell take" city or near sera age as part. ood terms. BARBER A BOND 200 Grsy Bidg. 125 N. Liberty 22 acres in walauts, filberts, al monds, cherries, posches and prunes, 3 mi. to Salem. $650 per acre. 240 acres, equipped and stocked with sheep. $16,000. Will trade. 6 acrea, chickens sad equipment, some .fruits, $350O. 5 aeros of assorted fruits, lovely home, near Pac. Highway. $5000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. MUST BR SOLD TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 25 acres located on a good road within two miles of Salem. 5 room house, running water. 2 acrea bearing strawberries, 75 cherry trees. 57 bear ing walnut trees, 40 apple trees, 50 peaoa treee, aome praaes all bearing. Price including some personal proper ty $6,500. haa been held at $9,500. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State TRANSFER & HAULING 57 JAP1TAL OITY XRANSFKtt CO. 936 SUte St. TaL 939. Detributiag. fer- wardiag tad s'erage ear specialty. Gee ear rates. We Move Store and Ship Mouses e'.d goods. Car .peeislty Is .llano aad furniture moving. We also asake ee entry tripe. Wa handle th best Coal and Wood Call on a f o- prices. Ws give good measure, good quality aad good tarried. Larrner Transfer Co. reL i0. WATER 53 OREGON WASH. Wj SERVICE CO. Offieo 304 South Commercial 8i. Tea per cent discount on domestic f!st rats paid ia advance. Mo deductioa far ab aaoie or any cause unless watj is shut off your prsnr-vses. TRAVEL 59 A FINE N2.W VArriNO WJ-jU IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOts Frequent Schedules Thirty Bide Book it Bodured Rate A Swift and Reliance Package Service Cuurteoua Atteetioa From All Employee These Are a Few of the Of fer "eg Male the FnbUe Br PARKE it a 1' AGES, INC Stage Leaving Times: Dallas: 7 a. m, :m a. m, u.h a- m, 2:lo p. at.., 5:15 p. bx -Independence A Monmouth: 7 a. m S:15 a. in.. 11:15 a. bl. 9 p. m, p. u., 8:80 p. at. (Sunday oaly ) k'ilvertoa: 1 a. m, 11 a. m., 4 p. m. Falls City, MeMiaavUlar Mewberg, Hill bora. Forest Grave, SueridaM. Tilla mook: 9:19 a. aa.. 2:19 p. 4:15 P- as. 1 or Iafermatioa Calf 223 er 694. AUTOS WANTED 6Q CASH PAID FOB FORDS glsTCB AUTO --Hollywood-Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 435 No. Commercial. Poae 1027 EICK DARE MAS 04& of me WOST UN USUAL i ROLE5 OF W15 CAREER, AHt AS TOM WRIGHT, we. ONES A MASTfcrfcFDL i fRltzAVAL OF SiLfcNT , SUFFErSlNG- 4Mb DCX56ED I tETfeMlNAVnOAl - -k USED CARS For Sale 61 .1 New Lowest Prices on Mid-Season Clearance Sale. Pettyjohn Offers Best Used Cars at Lowest Prices During Sale Ford 2 Door Sedan, goot paint, tires, appearance 1926 Buick Coupe, looks like aew, good tires, fine 1924 Gardner Coupe, good tirea and appearance Franklin Touring ia excellent shape Naah Touring, good tires, good finish and condition Hupp Sedan, new paint, good shape, good boy 1925 Jewett Coach in dandy shape, rood tires Oldsmobile Touring, real bargain 1926 Nash Special Six Enclosure, excellent shape Studebsker Touring , Velie Touring , Buick Roadster. Late Model, fine shape ANOTHER NASH LIGHT SIX SEDAN. LIKE NEW. 1927 Model 1927 Pontiac Roadster with Rumble Seat, Looks like new, 5 brand new tires, lots of extras, wonderful buy - - $650 POSITIVELY THE GREATE8T OPPORTUNITY TO BUY HIGH CLASS USED CARS AT PRICKS CUT TO THE VERY BOXE. SAVK UP TO $200 ON THESKl CABS. GET A GOOD USED CAR' AT SAVING MONEY PRICKS. BUY ONE NOW,1 F. W. PETTYJOHN CO., 365 North Commercial Street Telephone 12o0 Nash CMC Motor Truck Distributors "After we sell w serve" HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial Some First Class Values in Cheap Transportation 1924 Oldsmobile Six Coupe - $135 1926 Type Hudson CoachAs Is $235. 1917 Ford Delivery - - $ 35 1923 Essex 4 Coach - $ 85 1921 Dodge TouringRuns Good $ 75 WillysKnight Touring $9D, These Cars Must Be Sold and they are Priced AccordingIy Save $$S at H0LLYW00D- Two of the: Best Packard: Look These Over Before You Buy Priced for Quick Sale Compare These Prfcesl You be the Judge. 1926 Packard Club Sedan (Like New) 1923 E. 30 Series OllsaVobile Coupe (aew) 133 Packard Sport Touriag (Some Buy) ' 116 Packard TouriagvuGlaaa Ioelosure (See This) 1927 Oakland Six Deluxe Landau (Try to Match This). 1924 Oaklaod Sia AJDoor Sedan (Lots Extras) 1924 Dodge Baa. Csapo (A Real Bay For Our Prise) 1924 Oakland Coupe (4 Wheel Brakes A Extras)'. 1925 8tudebaker Brou.'l.A Whale of a Bay) 1925 Chevrolet Touring (Glass Inciosure) 1925 Overland 4 Door Sedsn 1924 Overland 4 Daor Sedsn , Studebsker Special Six Sedsa 4 Doors , Jewett Touring , Oldsmobile Touring Willys-Knight Touring . Cherrolet Sedan (Baby Grans Model) Ford Fedan (Starter and Runs good) HAVE YOU TRIED THE The above listed ears are all priced for quick sale and it will pay you to eomo down and look them .over before you buy. Our stock is changing daily and the very car that you have in mind might be here. We' can not give anything away but you wijl find ov prices right. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High St. Valley Motor Co. A. safe place to buy a used car 1925 Ford Coupe driven only 10,000 miles, new Kelly tires $225. 1925 Roadster, balloon tires, Rucksteli axle $165. 1924 Chevrolet Coupe -extra good one $185. 1923 Star Touring with $50 worth of rubber on it, good running car $85. 1923 Ford Rdster, with pick up box $1 10. By Ed Wheelan HEiS , TO- -Tj -j-jrv-' , A. USED CARS--For Sale 61 Good Used Cars $11$ $890 $350 $17S ..$10O $225 . $650 ..$225 $C50 .$10O . 3 50 $850 . ".0 Franklin Phone 1027 00 ,00 Oldsmobile 1750.00 950.00 750.00 150.00 8M.00 C50.00 475.00 450.00 450.00 265.00 350.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 . 250.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 -$ $ NEW OLDSMOBILE! 1928 Chevrolet Coach Bumpers, spare tire, license, swipe and mirror. Term. Phone 25551T evening's aad Bunds. McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1923 Chevrolet Touring $100.00 1923 Chevrolet Coach A200.00 1923 Ford Coupe, Bosch ignition. .$ 125.00 1925 Ford Roscster, Ruxre.ll $175.00 192 2 Chevrolet Coupe $ 75.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring .$300.00 1926 Ford Roadster, Deliver body i$225.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 4495.00 1926 Chevrolet Paael Delivery .7385.00 430 N. Commercial. Tel. 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Childhood AttribnUas cos t:iaisuisa suu viuaiij easy depressions sre qualities and at tributes of childhood, thinks A modern philospoher ia the Wom an's Home Companion. T-. .1.11 Ssvlem Markets r 1 i axxnr No. I, wheat, white.. Bed wheat. Backed.. ..f 1.32 Oats, per ha. asllhag.. PORK, KTJTTOV AMD BEET . "fas hoff . $9.7$ Saws ... .. ' 04 Ay .07 Ti.p steers .10ay.ll , Cows .Cid 09 ,-. .U . .1714 I; " i . " i . ! Jit -22t-27 Spriag lamb Light beaa -Hoary beaa Broilersi t-- :i BOGS. BTJTTBB, BTrTTBBPAT ' Ktaadards ;- : "- '- - .21 .AS Print butter .4$ 9. 44 XOETABIXS- Beats, aaeked Now cabbage . ' AS 01 ' A1.2S. Sl.f K. 82.19 ' rose tee - Rhabarb, keeal satdeer .0814 Oaiaa. Weal $4.0S .... Mew yotatoe , .9 .