.3 American Legion Auxiliary Will Participate in Memor ial Day Obsrvances Mrs. King Bartlett has appoint ed tbe following members of the American Legion auxiliary to rep resent tbe auxiliary . at 4be Mem orial day eeryicea held at the var ioua schools ot the city: Mrs. Al bert Smith Lincoln school; Mrs. R. D. Barton. Tew Park; Mrs. L. P. Campbell, Englewood; Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Washington; Mrs. Newell Williams, Richmond; Mrs. H. G. Maison, Grant; Mrs. Robert Wyatt, Highland; Mrs. H. R. White, McKinley; Mrs. Walter Zosel, Leslie Junior high school; Mrs. C. A. Downs, Parrish Junior high; Mrs. Jesse George, Senior high school; Mrs. Robert Budrow, Sacred Heart academy; Mrs. C. F. Moffltt, St. John's Lutheran; Mrs W, L. Royal, Livingston; Mrs. Eu- 'gene Eckerlen, Sr., St. Vincent de Paul school: and Mrs. Bolton .Harable, Willamette University The auxiliary will decorate the soldier's graves with poppies and other flowers on Memorial day mangle-Pleasant Point ' Social Club Entertained With Luncheon . The Pringle-Pleasant Point So cial club was entertained with an attractive luncheon for which Mrs. Chris Mumm was hostess Thurs- ' day afternoon. I Special guests included Mrs. Margaret Adams, Mrs. Edwards, Miss Lucille Edwards, Miss Au- dTey Wilkie, Mrs. Castello, Mrs. Seiwert, Margaret and Mary Alice Jones, Gene and Kent Wechter, - Anthony and Warren Coburn. Ro berta Ann and Rex Grabenhorst, Johnnie and Margaret Mumm, Mr MammL and Grover ShcrrilL The following members were present: Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Homer Harrison, Mrs. W. M. Coburn. Mrs. J. Yates, Mrs. H. Wechter, Mrs. F. Clarke, Mrs. L. Clarke, Mrs. C. Jones,. Mrs. J. W. Kays, Mrs. William Grabenhorst, Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mrs. J. A. Coburn, Mr. . Charles Grabenhorst, Mrs. T. E. . Meeks, Mrs. O. T. Sealy,' Mrs. George Adams, and the hostess, ; Mrs. Mumm. This was the last club meeting of the season. A picnic bad been planned by the members to be held June second at the fair- . grounds. Annual Reunion of Edwards' Clan Held Recently The. annual reunion of the Ed wards' clan was held last Sunday . afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards east ot Salem. Dinner was served at noon at long tables arranged on tbe spa cious lawns. Those present were Mrs. D. M. ' Farria of. Boise, Idaho; J. D. Cox of Seattle, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson,- Russell John JrSn; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas, Mr and Mrs. John Edwards, and Leo gvLaslev. all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Oris Martin. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Martin, Mr. and Mrs Claude Edwards, Miss Cleda May Edwards, and Herman Hansel all of Salem; Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Gesner, LaJuneMayctta Richard. Donald. Robert, Dale and Earl Ed wards of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edwards, Elnora and Kenneth Edwards, and Imogene Aisman of Lincoln, Nebrasba; Henry Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ed wards. June and Leroy Edwards of Roberts; and the host and hos tess, Mr. and Mrs. George Ed wards. t Salem Woman's Club Will Have Final Meeting of the Year The Salem Woman's club will hold its final meeting of the year this afternoon in the club-house on North Cottage street. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year at this time. The re tiring officers are: president, Mrs. Frank M.-Eriekson; Tice-president, Mrs. A. L. Wallace; recording sec- VtfT. Vj9. W. M. Pennington; financial secretary, Mrr. W.-I. Staley; treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Clarke, and parliamentarian. Miss . Mattie F. Beatty. Hostesses at the tea hour will be Mrg. Walter J. Page, chairman; Mrs. Edward NIssen, Mrs. Morton F. Peck, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs Leonard N. Nelson, Mrs. John L. Rand, Mrs. E. E. Bragg, Mrs. E, S. Roberts, Mrs. Ray W. Sim mons. Mrs. Mark Skiff, Mrs. H. H. Vanderrort. Mrs. B. W. Vick. Mrs. Elepha White. Mrs. Harley White. Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. David Wright, and Mrs.. Mary Yockey. Bethel Dorcas Club Enter tained Thursday Afternoon The Bethel Dorcas club was en -i&tained -Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Hain. Plans were made at the business session for a picnic to he held ''- June third at Haiel Green. The husbands and ' children . ot club members will be special guests. A social hour with refreshments followed the business meeting. Thirteen members were included 1 in the group. .:. An out-door meeting of the club . will be held Thursday, June 28, n rm ! nw vnm " ' -1 . 1 1 . AW. V . . . t TV flera- fa Salons ' -.'.. O- I ' Social Calkndas R. N. A. Sewing Club Enter tained at Campbell Home An all-day meeting of the Royal Neighbors Sewing club was held Tuesday at the country home of Mrs. G. M. Campbell. Luncheon was served at 12:00 o'clock. ' Following the business session, program was given which In cluded piano solos. Mrs. Leila Sharpe and Mrs. Georgia Mathis; readings', Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Sturgls; and a piano duet played by Mrs. Sturgls and Mrs. Harris. Special guests were Mrs. Fran ces Ganiard, Mrs. Myrtle Beckner, Mrs. Georgia Mathis, Mrs. Junas Sturgis. Mrs. Clyde Harris, Mrs. J. T. Zielinskl, Mrs. Harriet Nile. Mrs. Pinnel, and Miss Alma Carey. Members present included Mary Ackerman, Rose Abbott, Julia Blodgett. Carrie Bunn, Maggie Campbell, Margaret Gentzkow, Nora Gelser. Axxle . Hlxson, Myr tle Henderson, Laura Juza, Ida Keene, .Helen Hamm, Ada Minto, Laura Macklln. Sarah Nelson, Mil dred Nash, Susie Parmenter. Sar ah Peterson, Bertha- Reeder, Leila Sharpe, and Leona Witiel. , Interesting Puppet Play Witt Be Presented at Parrish Junior High School An unusual entertainment will be offered at Parrish Jnuior high school Monday and Tuesday aft ernoons at four o'clock when "Bert's Puppet Players" will be presented in "Rip Van Winkle." "Beru," Howard Cross, a 9A student at Parrish has designed and made the puppets, written the clever play, and is directing the production with the assistance of Miss Vivian Hargrove. He will be assisted by Mabel East ridge, Jean Eastridge, Sivlter Horn, Billy Taltersal. Walter Cline, and Ralph Coulson. A small admission fee will be charged. Return From Extended Visit in Southern California "Mrs. I. A. Wroten and her two sons, Daneii and Don, have re turned- to their home' in Salem, after spending the winter In Los Angeles, California. Friends of the Wroten's were grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Wroten in the south last January. Spend Several Days at the Beach - - - - Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell and their three children spent the past week-end in their beach cot tage at Neskowin. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knapp Receive Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knapp. of Independence' are receiving the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a daughter, Wednes day. May 23, at the Salem General Hosiptal. whom they have named Beverly Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp formerly made their home in Sa lem. Dr. and Mrs. Leech Return From the East Dr. and Mrs. D. II. Leech re turned to their home in Salem yes terday morning after spending the past six weeks in the east. They visited relatives in Idaho and also in Iowa. Dr. Leech, who is district superintendent of the First Methodist church, was in attendance at the general confer ence of the Methodist church which was held in Kansas City. Woman's Relief Corps" Will Attend Memorial Day Ser vices at Christian Church Members of the local chapter of the Women's Relier Corps will at tend Memorial day services at the First Christian church at 11:00 o'clock Sunday morning. Will Spend a Fortnight at -Seaside Mrs. B. L. Steeves, her daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. La ban Steeves, and er two small grandsons, Richard and Robert, are- leaving this morning for Seaside' where they will spend a fortnight in the Steeves' summer home "Steeves- cote." Leave on Motor Trip to the East Carl and Henry Barr left Wed nesday morning by motor for the east wnere tney wm remain for two months. They will snend some tine in Bloom ington. Illinois, and will vis it Niagara Falls, Philadelphia, Bal timore, New York City. Washing ton. D. C, as well as other cities in the east. Carl Barr will attend a class reunion at Notre . Dame Univer sity. Guest of Daughter in Astoria Mix A. N. Moore hat a pent the past two week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Robert C. Kinney, In As toria. - : . 'A Mrs Lee and Mrs. Styles WiU Present Pupils in Recital Mrs. Henry Lee and Mrs. Barry M. Styles win present a group of their ' piano pupils In recital : at eight o'clock Monday evening la the First Christian church. The general public is invited to attend. Today Salem Woman's 1 v club. Club house, North Cottage street. 2:30 o'clock. Final meeting of the year. Sunday . Ladles' of G. A. R, Decorate graves at Lee Mission cemetery! 3:20 o'clock. Film at First Congregational church. "Thunder Mountain." 7:30 o'clock. W. R. C. Memorial Day services. First Christian church. 11:00 o'clock. Monday -American Legion auxiliary. Mc- Corhack hall. 2:00 o'clock. Puppet play, "Rip Van Winkle. Parrish Junior high schooL 4:00 o'clock. Piano recital. Presented by stu dents of Mrs. Henry Lee and Mrs. Harry Styles. First Christian church. . 8:00 . o'clock. Public in vited. Tuesday Chadwfok chapter. Eastern star. Sponsoring Benefit card party Masonic temple. Reservations Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. Mrs. E. A. Paulsen. Puppet play. "Rip Van Winkle Parrish Junior high school. 4:00 o'clock. Acknowledgement of Contri buttons for State Institutions in Salem Mrs. S. M. Endicott, general chairman of the institutions' de partment -of the Salem Women's club, wishes to acknowledge the books, . magazines and Victrola records which the following have sent to her for distribution among the various state institutions lo cated in and near Salem: Mrs. W. C. Winslow, Mrs. E. M. Hoftnell. Mrs. Roy Burton. Mrs. C. E. Stricklin, Mrs. E. K. Humphrey, and Mrs. T. D. McClain. Mrs. Bechtel Hostess at Meet ing of NeedXecraft Club Mrs. Louis Bechtel was hostess at the meeting of the Noedlecraft club Tuesday afternoon in her home at 1565 Ferry street. In the group were Mrs. A. J. Basey, Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. J. W. LaBare, Mrs. F. G. Jewett. Mrs. J. J. Newmyer. Mrs. L. C. Brotherton, Mrs. F. G. Steatns. and the hostess, Mrs. Bechtel. Roses and fern were arranged about the living rooms. Refresh ments were served late in the afternoon. The next meeting of the club will be June 12 at tbe home of Mrs. J. J. Newmyer at Chemawa. Film at First Congregational Church This Evening The Sunday evening service at the First Congregational church will include a moving picture story of the Kentucky mountains and an attempt to bring education to that backward region. "Thunder Mountain" is the film version of the state success, "Howdy Folks" and the cast includes such well known characters as Alec B. Francis, Madge Bellamy, and Les lie Fenton. Children must be accompanied by their parents at these evening services which open at seven-thir ty o'clock. Friendship Shower Compli ments Miss Hazel Bowers A friendship shower was given Thursday afternoon in the par lors of tbe First Christian church, complimenting Miss Hazel Maxine Bowers, who is leaving June first to enroll at Pacific Christian hos pital at Eugene. Twenty friends were present for the afternoon. The honor guest received many useful and lovely gifts. Miss Bowers graduated this year from the Turner high school. She is the third girl from Turner to enter hospital training at Eu gene. CHURCHES - I T.TaT.rtf MBaf TOST CHBISTIAJI CHURCH I tract. Bular Mniit MfM ." Saaday irwiic larrtt at S, nmT' taciant and Jfoaara itecroaaacy. --" Meaaerisa aad Hyptomisa Paaaaa :. Wednesday evening testimonial Boettaf at p. a. Sunday school mwfi eoa- veaa at :S natil 11 a. an, JMMinc em, 40 MtMiie tempi, apoa aauy mi It to S:SO went Buadayn ad w- daya. rSJBB METHODIST CHTTBCH Corner Market an N. Wiater atrMt. W N rwfaa naater. Sunday KMll, :4S. Mia MalUa aW4 ( Caloraao, S r- Uiaat Buaawmary Ames, wui to tka ckitdru. At 11 a'cloak aha will oeeapv tka palpi t ior tk "" rr- te. Prayer aotimg Wadaaaaaj. P- at Mrc Caraiima Jackaoa'a. 14SS it. Wiater tract; TaaxMUy vsaUf caarea. OXXaX CETTBCH raurr uniTno buxthebji Ctmmr 121k u4 M atraata. O. Foliar, paster, BV 8. Boa 147A. A. 8. Haa4araB. aaaiatoat saatar, 11S Kia- iaa itnat .ktu 1903W. SCTTMat: 11 a. bl, axi 8 a. m. Saaday sekool. 10 nla'a Miaatiiic: U. B. C. E. T P. at- ay tarricaa: Mi4-wek prayar iweo aaeh Wedscadar oaair at : 45. Lad." Aid asaata aaeh Taaaday at 1 -Ftoarta. Qaartariy Caaraoa nu " rana Jim at 7:30 p. m. Cra ar s. daairmi aad afyar tp- 8. Oarlew Jekaaaa. paater. S4S f- Trs. pa one 274. Morning warakip f1 - Heaiarial mum by tta paa tor "Wkat Maaa yf Anth.m, "Tm Lr4 u ii Bit Holy Twapla" (Waaler). Saaday aeaiac, S o'clock, tha rraat fiva rel aaatiaa pictara '"Laat Wa rami." Tkit ia a woaderfully raaliatie and dran atie portrayal of tha tragodiea that wro f coauaoa ocearaoea in tha aid aaiooa fy- A pictaia yam will long rcoiaBi Mr. Doa't miss it. Epvarth Lmm ia Italia iUU, 7 p. am. Chaxch school 9:45 -. vita plaeo for ary steaoor of ao laimjiy. BM-voak aaettaf lor pray er, praiaa aad atady J-r 7:30. Choir rehoaraala Tharaday -aiC. J. WiUiaa Balchar of Portlaad. di-reetiaf. TO DKEMOMaX aOTHODIIT EnacoPAZ, Waet SaloB. P. U Caonell. paator. Soaday aehool, S:45, 1. a Sahara, Sapt. Monuar aarrica, 11. in charca of the Jaaior loagae. Kpworth aad latravtdi ata leatve. 7 aad at S o'clock the Aati- day acaooi. mv a. -saloon leacaa wi'l preseat a pictara, Aueo llendertoa, opt ""tf" va rorret." Ererybody vol eon. Bible atady Tharsday oTeaiac nt 8 o'clock. ST. JOHX'S lVDTHZXAJf CEUaVCH At 16th and A. Kar. H. Groaa. pastor. Saaday aehool at 9 a. B. Eacliah err- icca at S:4S. Genaaa aemcea at 11 BETRAVT BXTOBJfED CTHCKCH Coraar of Capital aad htanoa treta. Sanaa y aehool 10 a. ai.. and Ealiah erviea 11 a. m.. with holy eonuaaaion at tha clota at aarvico. M. Deaay, iater. EVAXCEUSTIO TAXEBVACXS 12SS Perry atreat. Pellowahip Bot ing at 11 a 'clock; Sunday aehool at 1:45; preachiag by the paator at 3 o'clock; .abject. "A Meaaafe ef Pvar. ETeaiac aerriea 8 o'claek; aabjact, "Peraoaal KeapoaaibiUty." Semce Taeaday and Thursday ereaing at 8 o'clock. Young people's meeting Satar day at S o'clock. Jr. . C. EngUa. pastor. htm, ST. hGETHODIST 15th and Mill atroats. Patrik DahUa, pastor. Saaday aehool :45 a. m. Hies Ether Eriekaoa, Sapt. hforniag wor ship 11 a. m., topic, "Sacred htcmor Kpvarih laaga 6:30 p. m. Ere awg aerrieo 7:30 p. m.. topic. "Loyal ty." Toa are all cordially invited to wur aomi JASON IXB BXhfOBLIAX CHUltC'H Corner M. Winter and Jefferaoa. 9:45 b.. ekarch aehool for all ages. 11 a. Ia the absence of tha pastor iter. Keruog of Kiaball aehool will bo ia charge. 7 p. b., yooag people's aeet mga. 8 p. b.. Rev. Kertzog will preach. A wcloeae to all. BM lo. : s. pioras OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, May 25. (Special) 192S year book, the "Norm" of the Oregon normal school at Mon mouth will be ready for distribu tion on the campus the last week of May, according to Joe Watt. business manager of the annual. Many new features have been in corporated into this year's annual. which has been dedicated to the pioneers of the' Oregon normal in stead of to one Individual as has been customary in the past. The art work in the book has been done entirely by the students themselves and will be an Innovation from tbe commercial art usually- , used in school publications. Helen Bryant, editor, has been particularly fortunate in tbe effi ciency of the business manager. joe watt or falls City, under whose management the annual la being edited on a sound financial basis. It Is an interesting coincidence that the decision of the staff to dedicate this year's publication to tne pioneers of the normal reveals the fact that both the editor and the business manager are mem here of prominent pioneer famil ies. Helen Bryant, editor, is the daughter of Judge and Mrs. W. C Bryant Of Moro, both of whom are alumni of the Monmouth normal. joe watt, business manager, is the grandson of the pioneer who settled at Amity, Oregon in 1842 and the son of E. B. Watt, post master at rails City for many years. ; " ' - .-v . Read The Classified Ads corral street ohttech or chjust Norris 1. Keaaoaer, aiaiater, 144 B. 19th. Pentecost 1 Tha day of . the mightiest doBoastratioB of spiritual power in all history 1 Tha birthday of the church! With the giriag of tha lav, 3000 vera pat to death. With the giv ing of tne terms ai para on auvv wrr saved. Kext Urn day is iaa w anniversary of Pentoeoet. toaso, wor ship with as. Bible aehool at 9:45 fol lowed by morning woranip at 11; aorswa subject, "He That ia Within Toa." Miss Uoris Allen will sing. Evening woraaup at S; eeraoa. "Tha Prodigal Son. A cordial watcoae tvstti yoa. CB1TBCH OP GOD 1346 X. Church St. J. J. Gillespie, pastor, 1815 N. Church street, phone 2081-J. HerTiees: 11 a. a., and 7:30 p. b. Sunday school: 10 a. a., Mrs. W. A. Barkos, Sapt. Young peoples meev ings, S:SO. Subject, "ine rrooigai a no- tons. ' leader, stay nanaon. meea-u; services : 6tady of tha 17th Chapter of Kav elation at the prayer aerrieo Wed naaday evening 7:30. Teachers' aoet iag Friday evening 7:30. notajrtrxi. baptist 1810 8. High street. Saaday school 10 a. a. Preaching service 11 a. m.. aad 7:45 p. a. Bra. D S Turner '.! preach in tha morning; aad xtro l. v. Saucy ia the evening Prayer Booting Tharsday evening at 7:45. nrTEXirATIOsTAI. BXtXX STUSEVTS' ASSOClATlOa Meet every Saaday, for Bible study. Koatiaga are beiag bold at 1160 Broad way. Honrs 3:u to p. a. .veiu services iroa to xw p. a., are ni- cast froa Portland. Badio all, ST7.0 aetors. funeral services ia fialea and vicinity, conducted fro of charge. Phone S736. CHBMXKBTA ST. EVAJTOBUOAX, Corner of Choaekete and S. 17th. O. E. Krskina, pastor. 268 K. 17th St., phone 1008-W. Services, 11 a. m., and 8 p. b. Sersaon topics: Morning. "Charaetens- tics of tha Christian Lire." uenmg, Evanrelistic. Sunday school, 10 a. a.. O. &. Strausbaugh. Sapt. Christian En deavor, 7 p. a. Loader of Senior meet ing, Bath Bureh. Choir practice, we aesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer service, Tharsday evening at 8 o'clock, P. Kin, leader. SOUTH SALSht FaUBjrDS CHTJBCB Corner S. Commercial and Washington. Sunday services; 10 a. m., Saaday school. Mrs. Marguerite P. Elliott, super intendent, extends a cordial welcome to all. 11 a. a.. Morning worship; ser mon, "la Memormra. 7 p. m., uto tian Endeavor meeting; topic. "What Does it Mean to Me that All Men are Brothers I" 8, evening worship. Thurs day. 8 p. m.. prayer meeting and mate ktudy. A meaaiy weieome mm at aU these services. Chas. C. Haworth, pastor. 1655 S. Liberty. THE TOST SPrRITTJALIST CHUtua Of Salem will hoi services st inrir ball, "Praternal Temple." 447 Center street, this Snadsy evening. May 27, at 7:80 o'elock. Bov. Laella M. La Val ley, vill speak oa 'The Blessings of Spiritaaliem." atossages oy u Vallev. Mna, Bates and Mrs. Gosser. The public cordially Invited. KXIGHT afKMOaiAL OOVOBEOATIOHAI. 19th and Perry streeU. H. C. Stover. minister. Tb chunfh tchool meets at 10 s. m.. C. C Harris; Sapt o"J"l worship at 11 Seraoa. 'races we L.ike to Meet. lae uaoias C"W,"T sings, 'Tbe King ot tiove ssy ""'i"""" Is (8heliey. nrisnan "'' 7:15 p. m. Evening service at 8 Salt ing tbe City" vill be the evening aer- aoa subject. Aataca ay caoms ---;; "Tea Thousand Times Tea 'inousana (Petri.) CASTLE CHAPEL UB1TEP BBETHBEX Corner N. 17th and Keb. Ave. w. n. Blodgett. pastor, 1743 Keb. Ave., phone 262SJ. Services, 11 a. a. Seraoa topic. "Tbe Orae of God." Special masie, Mrs. Bradfield will sing a solo. Saa day aehool, 10 a. a.. E. A. Bradiieia, Snpt. Tonng people's- aeetings: 7 o'clock. Ployd Bailer, president O. E. at 3 'clock. Mrs. Working, Sapt. Children's day program ar '"j p.mii nai aad aneoaraca the children. waa' aarviees: Prayer meeting marsday vaing at M "clock. Aid Wedaoaday. - . ' jaw.'V tnvovsiv m u aTTT Stat aad 18th street. B. A. h. tt;. flams same at 9:4a IZa s--4;.w mmM at 11 a. r.rasation of child rea ia ' eoaeection j.. msisf st 7: SO and. LaUec League Tharsday eveaing at 8:30. Ladies' BAPTIST. KZSSXOir 8uadav service vill be held at the Opera Heese. . oorner of Court aad High streets. Saaday aehool at 9 :45 a. am. Earl Gregg. Boot. r. Jona v. miek will proach- at 11 a. m. B. I. r. U 7 p. as. . - sTEsTTstK STABBI ML K. CHTTBCH- - E. J. Aaeh- .w..... ms Phaaa S80-M. Baa- 4. .ehl al IS a. a aBoWTiag both tha Eagliah aad th Germaa lanraageo, sapor iateadod by H. H. Gralapp. frnmch lag at 11 a. a- aoraoa ia Germaa by the pastor, oa Pentecost. Kpworth bag devotional aorvieo at 7:30 p. as., to bd U4 ho Hsrsus Be k fee. Tb topi a. 'Maaaoriala la Granite or ia savaoi Following this vill be tb caotiaaatiea af U Bib atady ia English e the tpm sral thoas. "Haw Wa Go Oar BibU. - - MAM, H will he haU oo ThavadaT avaarac at T:43, tha Waldaapol bosas, 1176 X. 13U St. wmiaw nw ararai ' WhKAUShTal - Oao block: eoath of Oeator oa 19th. I D. Saith. poator. phoaa 3940. Saaday school :45 a. a, Praak Litvnie. .- oriatoadoat aad ta ckargw, i ais ia fiae school, ooao and grow with m rn..... .ii Wmn, mll 11 aoraoa aJeeV 'IAmltiag GodV M. Joaaie Boater aad Mrs. U D. BaiU will slag a duet. Oar roaag peopl k.,.i, a immt- 1 ia Jefferson this Saaday after asea. There will bo services sack Saaday ia tb big teat at Joffersoa at 3:80 aad S p. B-. aad each eveaiag A S. throagh th week seopt Saturday. Tbero will also bo services ia the eh arch at Saloa Swndai asoraiag aad evouiar aaeh Baaday. aad prayer BMotiag each Wedaoaday aigfat. Tewa ooplo' aeotlng at 7 la the veaing. Tho oveaiua- ovaaaoliatie aorvieo viU S in tbe charca : t Ci Joyoas eon aad Cljd sbfeet. " vill bo - Tbor vill b . g aorvieo aad rraas wtvuter Hoofer will aiag a dnot. r xTBST BAPTIST CHTTBCH Corner ef Marion aad Liberty streets. Bobert L. Payne, minis tar. Fred Broer, Sunday aehool superintendent and choir director. Carl Leake, organist. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.. classes for everybody. Morninr preachina service 11 a clock. Sermon topic, "Cities of God aad Cities of Men." Evening preaching service 8 o'elock. Sermon topic, "Show Thyself a Man. Special music at both serv ice!. Old fashioned n raver aeetine Thursday evening. ST. PAUL'S CHTTBCH (Episcopal) Church snd Chamekata streets. Rev. H. Dnacan Chambers, rector. Whit Sundsy. There vill be two services. tbe first at 7:30 a. a. in the chapel aad the later, service with sermon aad. music at 11 a. b. ia tho church proper. Tha church school Beets ia the parish bouse at 9:45 a. a. BIO TESTT BBVTVAL To open Sunday. Mar 27. at Riverside Auto park. West Salem. Opening service 3 p. m. Evsngelist H. Hanson will bring the manage. Evening service 8 o'elock. Subject, "Tbe Signs of the Times." There vill bo services every evening at 8, eicpt Monday evenings. J. F. Krue ger, of Spokane, Wash., and otheraj ere expected to be preseat. Yoang people's meeting Saturday nights. Id by Alma A. tmiieck. THE AMXBXCAV LX7THBKAH CHTTBCH Church street, between Chemeketa and Center. The Reverend P. W. Eriksen. pastor. Whitsunday. Confirmation of 15 candidates at th Saaday morning services beam nine at 10:30 at which time tho follow ior proa-ram will be ren dered: Prelude, oa pipe organ, "A Mighty rartroaa ia Oar Cod." Short order of service. - Anthem, "Sun O My Soul." by choir. Ezsaining of candi dates, "faith of Oar Fathers." An nouncements. Offering. Seraoa, "Sev en Manifestations of the Holy Ghost," by the pastor. Son. by confirmation class. Baptism of candidates. Presen tation of class for confirmation. Confir mation. Anthem, "O Jesus I Have Promised. Beceptioa of class. Re ception of aev members. "My Church My Church. My Dear Old Church. Ben ediction Doxolocy. Postluda, on organ. Saaday school vith graded -bible classes and kiadarrartea claaes in school at 9:30. nmST PBESBTTEBIAJf CHTTBCH Rev. N. . Tally, D. !.. pastor. Last bly of the Sands y : school in the old church bailding, 300 block on Church street, at 9:30 a. m. After brief services tbe school will proceed to its new Quarters, corner of Chemeketa and Winter streets. Public worship will follow in Waller Hall. Willamette uni versity, at 10:45 a. a., with a Memorial day aermoa by tbe pastor, "What Meaneth This Dayt" Tbe Tonng Peo ple's societies vill meet in the new church at 6:30 p. m. At evening wor ship onr congregation will.be guests of the First Methodist church, 7:30 o'clock. where Dr. Tolly will preach tha bac calaureate sermon for the high school graduates. The regular weekly prsyer aeetine will be held ia the new church Tharsday, 7:30 p. a. 7TB8T COHOBEGATIONAL Center aad Liberty streets. Charles E. Ward, pastor. 440 Center street, phone 591-B. Services, 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Seraon topics,- "Memortsl Dsy Our Hops," a. m.; "Backward Ameri cans," p. m. Tbe evening service in cludes a moving picture story of tbe Kentucky mountains. Sundsy school, 9:45 a. a.. Mark MeCallister. Sapt. Young pepole's meeting: All members of the Fortnightly club should be at the church not later than 4:30 Tuesday for the pienie meeting. Week-day services: Tharsday at 7:30 Bible study and pray er meeting. k. as S-SI K "ffiTTTmrF "ONE SWEETLY SOLEMN THOUGHT' Phoebe Cary, 1824-1871 "One sweetly solemn thought, Comes tc me oer and o'er, I'm nearer my home today Than Fve ever been before." In far away China, some years try place near Cincinnati, Ohio, ago, there was a group or men oni later movea to new ion, gathered around a rambling table when prosperity had come to In the town of Macao. A gray-them. . haired man was playing with a! Phoebe Cary once wrote. "I yoang American ot about 25 years.) hare cried in the street because I While the elder man was shuffling was poor; and so the poor seem the cards for the next deal, the nearer to me than the rich. younger man began to sing, in a She wrote this hymn in the year careless swaggering way, this 1852, when on a visit to one of hymn, "One eweetly solemn her friends In a little back thought." j third-story room, one Sunday alter Hearing the words, sereral of, coming from church." the men looked surprised, but the The young son of a Captain older man stopped for a moment, Wade, in St. Louis, was greatly cased at his partner and then attracted by the words. Erery in bed and kissed him. he would call to his father. In a clear to ice, "Nearer to homer papa.1. Hie father, would then be required to come to him from another floor and sing the whole hymn. The child died at the age of three and on the morning of hie death, when his Toice was very ' weak, his mother bent orer him and heard him say, "Baby going home." . "Where, my darling?" the mother asked. "Baby going to God. came the weak reply. This story of the child which was attracted by the famous hymn was told by Rer. H. O. Cause, a minister in the Dutch Reformed church. During the Moody and Sankey meetings In England, the hymn gained much popularity In Eng land, as it had in this country. GOES TO MARSIIFIKLD UNIVERSITY OF OREGON', Eugene. Ma 25. (Special) Miss Lillian DaTis. graduating senior in English at the Unirersity ot Ore gon from Salem, has received an appointment to teach English in a dashed the cards on the floor un-night, after his prayer was said; junior high school of Marshfield, der the table. "Where did you . learn that tune?" he asked. 1 The young man pretended that he did not know what he had been singing. "Well. 'no matter." said the old man, "I've played my last game, and that is the end of it. The cards may lie till doomsday, and I will never pick them up." Hav ing won about one hundred dol lars, he took the money, from hts pocket and handed it to the young er man, saying, "Here, Harry, is' your money; take it and do good with it. I shall with mine." As the two men went out of the: gambling resort, they were heard! discussing the hymn. j Phoebe Cary, the authoress of the hymn, like her older sister,1 Alice, wrote many beautiful yerses. The two sisters were born in comparative poverty in a coun- iand his mother had tucked him Oregon for next year. Sntberland. Pboae 372. Services: 11 a. m., aad 8 p. a. Seraoa topics, a. m., "Symbols of tbe Spirit," tbe psstor Pentecost services. H. 8. Baccalaureate service. Rev. N. K. Tally vill give the I ao dress, epeeial music : Anthems by the Vsted choir "Oome Holy Ghost" Thimaa, "Te Dean" Summer Baiter, "-Rise Up" Noble, "Alleluia. Sing to Jeans" Shackley. Sunday school 11:45 a. m., classes for all grades, H. V. Shanks. Sapt. Kpworth leagaes: Uni versity chapter 7 p. a. Topie. "Tbe Humanity of Jeans, as Evidenced by the Three Temptations." lioadar, Virginia Bdararda. First Church chapter Bible drama, "The Test." Jan tor Hicrh liea guars. Week-day aorvieos: Tnesdsy the t.aiversity chapter of tha Ep worth league will bare a pot-lack sapper and business meeting in tbe church parlors. Thars day evening 7:30, mid-week prayer and and prasie service led by the pastor. Saturday afternoon ia the church par lors will be held tbe party for the Mothers Jewels under the anspies of tbe W. H. M. 8. society. Other g -nta : Junior church at 11 ia tbe Aanev, wor ship service led by Marie Lippold. Class es ia ebareb Membership led by Miss Sutherland, aad 0. r. Wilson. zMMMxmn. rtru. gosfbx bussioh 430 State street, upstairs ever the "Man's Shop." Ralph D. Bullock, pastor, 480 B. Cottage street, phana 938M. Services. 2:30 and 8 p. a. Sun day school, 2:80 p. a. Yoang people's meeting, 6 p. a. Week-day services: Tbe special evangelistic services will eoatinae each night this week. The meetings are increasing in powor and Evaagtlist H. B. White will be with as every night antil over Bnndsy, Jane 8. Another baptismal service will be held at tbe Weat Side Auto Park this Bnndsy afternoon at about 4:30. NOW. new ana finer shaving cream a -snsr n VALET SHAVING CREAM A0SB ssaas re ... actuos VAltit RAZOR For men who prize the Valet . AutoStrop Razor and the new Valet blades, Valet AutoStrop Shaving Cream will add new ease to theic shaving. To men who use other razors it will prove a revelation. Pearly white, alive and pore, h gives a luxurious lather. Valet AutoStrop Shaving Cream not only softens the beard but retains its moisture while you shave. Soothing as a lotion, its cocoanut oil content refreshes as well at softens the skin and keep it velvety smooch. 35c a tube If your dealer has not yet received his supply, send 35c to AutoStrop Safety Razor Co Inc 656 First Avttiew York and we wiu lor- ward your tube postpaid. aTacnrion your dealers na VALET SHAVTNGXREAM TOST ZVAXOBUCAX CHTTBCH Corner of Liberty and Center. A. P. Layton. pastor. Sunday school at 9:45: I. L. TSornton. Supt. Worship at 11 o'clock; aabject, "God's Kingdoa Pirst." Christian Endeavor at 7 o'elock. Topie. "What Does It Mean to Me That AU Mea Are Brothers!" Worship at o'elock; subject, "The Greatest Text." Remember, ' 'The christian who omits anyone of tbe (our raitn, love, wore. Worship, ia hitting on throe cylinders. TTBST CHRISTIAJf CHTTBCH Memorial service. Members of tbe Q. A. E. aad other associated orders vill attend memorial services ia their re spective bodies at tbe Pirst Christiaa ebareb. High aad Center streets, prompt ly at 10:50 a. m. Tbe reserved sectioas vill be ready for tbe visitors. Tbe Me morial seraoa, "The Sacrifice of tho Best." vill be delivered by tbe pastor of tbe ebareb. Boo. D. J. Bewe. Special aad appropriate aaane hae b0a prepar ed for tho aorvieo The pablie ia eerdi al ly iavited to attend this laVVviee. ,nxST CHBISTXAjr High sad Ceater streets. D. J. Hove, T Cottage; phone X4Sw. So rv teas, 11 a. as.,- sad a. a. oermoa topics? -'8seTifieia tbo' Best." a. at.: "Two 'Untioaol - Eaorgeaey Coatroatiag Us. ' -mt as. Special service: Memorial aorvieo for tbo O. A. R. aad ether asso ciated, orders at sandier in a body. Saa day school, :4i, O. J. Hull, Snpt. Toang people's aeetiaga: 7 p. a. Three C. E. societies aeetiag at this boar. .Special Basic at all oorvices. Week-day serv ices: Prayer meeting aad Bible study, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. ' TJaTAT ARIAY CMUBCH Cottage aad Cheat en eta streets. Rev. Martia P. . Porroy. aiaiater. Cbarcb school at 10 a. a graded "iastmctiosi. Dovotioaal services at 11 a, as. Mo aerial . day aorvieos aad sermon. Ser aoa anbjeet, "Memories aad Life." Contralto sow, "Tbero is Xo Death " by O'Hara. viU bo offorod aa.a solo by Mrs. Martia Perray. Mrs. W. A. Doatoa at tne ggmjmmmjmmmjmMnnnuwmMnui'MnnnnnnwnninMninnunnnwBmwnnnnwnwnnunMnnni3 ...... m- - - w nan m vii 4 1 III HioHijurD nzEjros Oeraor High and aad Caarea. - Edgar P. Baas,-pastor. Maple avenue ; Jaspor Ballow, . aaaiataat pastor,' Portlaad. Serv ices, 11 a. a., aad S p. a. - Sunday tcboai. -11, Jay Cardaor. Sapt. Young poople'a meetings: Jaaiar Eadoaoor. S p. a. C t, T. Weak -day oorrieae: Prayer aeotlag -Tharsday S- p. tsu Other a-veaUa, A variety of iastraaoatal aad special soags.. Tom arc truly volssms. rrjtR orBJtAMAjpTiST emnum Feraorly at H. Cottage aad D stpaots. now at tbo Salens Womea's elab. 0 N. Oottage. - O. W. Rataea, mi ait tar; fi. Behaaka, AWsm,alaistor. Saaday school :4S a. au, IJSi aficbirataa. Srrpt. Sorv ieo 11 a. a.; topic, "Tbo Pallaeoa of tbo Haly Spirit." Aaaaal B. T. P. U. bnsiaoaa aoetiag 1:30 p. a. Eveniag aerveo at S 'lock, vill be ia tbe baads of tbo Women's Missionary society. Mrs. O. W. Rataea. prsaidsat. ,, Aa 'iatotwat ing prograa is preaiaad. Kegaar amid weak prayer saeoting oa- Tharsday S p. a. Abearty walsssaa to all. . - PTBar BTBTHOinST kpisoopaz. Coraor State aad Caarea. P. C. Tay lor, poator. 63S State. Phono 74. W roctor religioas edacstioa, Margaret K. ! Ambitions mea and womea In all walks of life read the Want Ads in search of now business opportunities. They know that Want Ads eon tain adrertlsnients for bet ter positions, more attractive liTiBf; taarters. aad desit able articles. " When you have run your car several months or years and decide you would like a different kind or newer model advertise yours for sale in our Want Ad col umns. You will receive! many re plies to such an advertise ment from which you can choose the most profitable. Then when you decide on the kind of car you want, advertise again, and you will find a slightly used car at a most attractive price. No matter what your sell ing problem is, whether it involves a service or a com modity, you will find the , most profitable solution to it in one of our Want Ads. To reach t this, the greatest and most responsive sales market in town, telephone 23 err 303 I