The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    - 1
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II w - i nf 4
Local iMews oners
Taken fc Saaitarl
Charle Williamson of Waconda,
a former resident of this city, was
taken to the Willamette Sanitar
ium Tuesday evening sufferinc
with doable pneumonia. Little
.hope la held for his recovery. Mrs.
Mary Holcomb, who dleST here
some time ago, was his mother.
Gray BeU New
lee Cream Shakes and Malts.
Special Price today only, 5c each.
Miss Arthur, Xoi Taylor
Miss Mabel Arthur, member of
the commercial faculty at the
senior high school, wrote the poem
used in the Installation of. the
Junior chamber of 'commerce
Tuesday evening. Miss Naomi
Taylor. English teacher, was
credited with It In the Wednesday
morning news item.
Three I Portland
Clifford Moynihan. Clarence
Townsend and Tom Newberry, all
of Salem, are in Portland4 this
week where they are attending the
state meeting of journeyman barbers.
Jumbo Lemon to Open Soon
i ! Watch for announcement first
t :Uoa Returns Today
- uooke Fatton. wno bae Deen in
California for the past several
weeks on account of poor health
is expected to return to the city
this afternoon according to re
ports from the Patton book, store.
of which lie is joint proprietor,
Gray Belle New
Ice Cream Shakes and Malts.
8pecial Price today only, fce each.
Back la School
Miss Margaret- Drager. Salem
high. school student. who featured
in an automobile mishap Sunday
erenlng as members of the Snik
poh dramatic society were return"
lng from their annual picnic at
Neskowln, was back jn school yes
teraay. miss Drager was appar
ently none the worse for the. ex
perience, except a very sore mouth
where the lower Jaw flesh was
partially torn loose from the
front teeth.
Friday nite,
Domes Pavilion.
Memorial Exercises Sunday
Albert Tosier, superintendent
of the Champoeg Memorial park,
announced yesterday that the an
. nual miorlal exercises in. honor
of those who died while crossing
the Old Oregon Trail, will be held
in the park next Sunday beginning
at JL o'clock. Badge will be giv
en Tb those whose relatives died
on the plains while en route to
4? UlUrtrt Acclimated
'Garden seeds in bulk. Pearcy
Bros. 178 South Commercial.
JoTfrnor In Portland
GoTernor L L. Patterson was in
Portland yesterday where he
spoke at a convention of master
barbers which is being held in
that city this week.
Counterfeiting Charged
Paul Brenneman was haled in
to justice court here yesterday on
.a charge of having written a check
and signed to it a name not his
own. The check in question is
said to have been on a Salem
bank, with the name "Fred Gib
son" signed to It. The case was
continued. Bail was set at $1000.
W, II fl I
. . . . i a, - a
ID vJk I. WMfl
i aaa mam a g
We have a late 1927 Oakland
Coupe that has the appearance
of a new ; car, equipped with
15 new rubber, bumpers, fog
light, dash motometer, cigar
lighter and several other ex
tras for S825.00.
The Hr-use lht ttrrnca Built
We are Xow ReoerXnaT W
For work at Starr Fruit Prod
ucts Co., Church and Mill streets.
phone 419.
Hera Tester-da
Mrs. D. C. Ramseyer and Mrs.
Albert Leichty, of the WUlard
Pratam district, were la Salem
yesterday. t:'i . ' :. I ''.-'J . ,
Laurel Park Lota-
West of Hollywood district, on
Tamarack, Academy and Colum
bia streets. $500 to $700. easy
terms. Special attraction to pros-
nective builders. Becke A Hen
dricks, 189 North High street
No Grades Over Phone
A number of pupils who wrote
in the recent eighth grade exam
inations are telephoning in to the
office of County Superintendent
Fulkerson to ascertain their
grades and -because - this - practice
greatly impedes the work of the
graders, no grades will be given
over the phone, Mrs. Fulkerson
states. The grading work will be
finished earlier this year than
ever, and almost a soon as the
grades are determined the eighth
grade students will be mailed
their reports. This has been made
possible by previous preparation
of other data necessary before di
plomas can be awarded.
Road Allowance Appealed
2 Appeal was Uken yesterday to
circuit court by Sophia F. C. Matn
er and J. B. Cummings, following
ruling of the Marion county
court denying their demand for
850 as damages caused by county
road improvements. The county
court -stuck by the original esti
mate of $75 as the amount doe
the two when the county road
south of Roberts is widened and
improved. - Oscar J. Purcell, who
was allowed $25, put in a request
for $600. Thia request was also
turned down but Purcell has not
Gray Belle New
Ice Cream Shakes and Malts.
Special Price today only, 5c each.
If Usable to Visit Bateliam'a
Floral gardens see his display
at the Flower show today.
1025 Ford Coupe, Cheap
251 Gerth avenue. West Salem.
Porrish Plans Exhibit
An exhibit of theatrical masks
and ship models turned out by the
are department of Parrlsh Junior
fftr&igh school will be piacea in me
i 4v -window of Miller's department
Reckless Driving
Willard Savage, route 8. Salem,
was arrested by Officer Edwards
Tuesday night on a charge of
reckless driving and was cited to
appear in police court today.
For Rent
5 room house 1098 North 21st
street, $20. 4 room house, 952 S
Commercial street $0. 4 rooms
garage, double house, 657 Center
street. $22.50. 5 rooms, sleeping
porch, furnace, fireplace, 'garage,
650 N. 16th street, $32.50. Large
5 room strictly modern flat, sleep
ing porch . garage, 760 Marion
street $37.50. Becke it Hendricks,
189 North High street.
. store todar and tomorrow.
Announced last night.
Grav Belle New
Ice Cream Shakes and Malts.
Special Price today only, 5c each.
Alleged Car Thleres Taken
Word reached Salem yesterday
that M. B. Adams and J. L. Caw
ley, wanted here on a charge of
stealing a Dodge couve. have been
arrested at Roseburg and are be
ing held for local authorities. The
car vftfCa mey are acuuacu vi
havinc stolen belongs to A. Julian.
It as stolen here on Monday of
Super Service Static
Opportunity, very attractive pro-
nosition, good lease, going concern
tiKn tn handle. Becke A Hen
dricks, 189 N. High street.
We are Now Registering Women
For work at Starr Fruit Prod
ucta Co., Church and Mill streets
phone 439.
Measlea Still Diminisl
The number of cases of meas
les reported in Marion county con
tinuea to grow smaller each week
11 being the total for last week ac
cording to the state health depart
meat's report. Other diseases re
ported Included one case of chick
enpox, two of tuberculosis, two of
pneumonia and one of scarlet fe
Now is the Time to Select
That graduation gift. Come in
and brouse around. You will not
be urged to buy and you can gc
acquainted with, our large gift
stock. Pomeroy & Keene.
Ulcea! Fishing Charged
Roy Monroe was erersted yester
i on a chance of fishing for
salmon in Mill Creek with a gaff
hnnk H entered a nlea of guilty
before Justice of the Peace Bra
ler Small and the case was con-
iinuea iui ireuicuw.
For Sale: Desirable, Inexpensive-
Meekowin beach houses, tele
phone 417W.
Visits From Corvallis
Miss Pearl Pehrsson, who Is at
tending OSC at Corvallis. Is visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Cora B.
Reid. ,
Relief Fund Now 914K41
The senior high school has
raised $145.41 for the Near East
relief scholarship. Principal J. C.
Nelson ' reported yesterday. No
further effort will be made to
swell the fund, as students are
busy winding up their atudies and
other school activities for the
year. The money was raised In
two short tag sales and from con
tributions of the faculty and
school organisations.
A Home and invesueent
4 room strictly modern, new
Aouse, corner lot wun ironiage
on Fairgrounds road. 9 or way
.treet. S3 650 easy terms. Becke
& Hendricks. 189 N. High street.
Motl Will Run Again
State Representative James Mot
of Astoria Wednesday announced
that he again would be a candl
date for representative in con
gress from the congressional dis
trict at the election to be held In
1930. Mr. Mott.was defeated by
Congressman Hawley at the recent
primary election by a two to one
Seniors Picnic Today
Seniors of the Salem high
school will forget textbooks and
lectures today and abandon them
1tm to the luxury of a picnic on
a school day. The event i the
annual senior j picnic and the
crowtLrt'tadents, accompanied by
Missv9da Ross, faculty advisor,
and Mrs. Ellen A. Fisher. English
teacher, will leave Marion Square
promptly at 9 o'clock thia mom
ma for Sliver Creek Fans...
Four boys to learn trombone
Lesson and instruments free of
charge. See J. E. Mac Marimon
Sherman Clay & Co., 130 South
High street, Salem, Ore.
Fire On Cottage Street
A fire of unknown origin start
ed in the vacant house owned by
W. H. Phillips located at 2S4
South Cottage street about
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Three
fire engines answered the call, as
the blaze was well started. One
room and a closet were burned be
fore the blase was extinguished by
the firemen.
V. of F. W. Holds Meet
The local branch of veterans oi
Foreign Wars held a meeting at
the Woman's club house on North
Cottage street Tuesday night. The
meeting was in honor of the G. a.
R. Four talks were given, eacn
dealing with one period of United
States history, A paper written
by ' Mrs. LaMoine Clark rn the
ccolonial period was read. Dr.
James Lisle discussed the .-mie
can revolution and the period fol
lowing shortly after. Mr. Me-
Shane told about the Civil war
period and C. J'. Lisle spoke on the
Spanish American war. Five num
bers were presented by the Sons
of Veterans octette. Rev. II. C.
Stover, commander of the Sons of
Veterans in Salem, conducted a
memorial service for members of
the G. A. R. who have died during
the past year.
Divorce Suit Ffled--
After his wife has refused for
12 years to live with him as sucjb
it is time to get a divorce, W. S.
Elliott indicated yesterday in til
ing suit against A. M. Elliott.
They were married October 5.
1912. Elliott alleges cruel and
inhuman treatment, claiming
among other things that she called
him a murderer and that she re
fused to cook more than one meal
a day for him.
A La Carte Service-
In dining room Marion hotel.
To Attend Convention-
Miss Grace E. Taylor, secretary
of the Oregon state board for ex
amination and registration of
nurses, will leave this city May 30
for Louisville, Kentucky, where
she will attend the biennial con
vention of three national nurses'
organisations. The three are the
American Nurses' association. The
Oragnization of Public Health
Nurses, and the National League
of Nurses' organizations. She will
be a representative of the state as
The 'Gray Belle Has Installed
a number of New Electric Mixers
to make those New process Ice
Cream Shakes and Malts that they
are putting out for. the first time
today. Special price today only.
5c each. They are Colder, Richer
and Better.
Leaves City
Mike Nelson, Independence, who
was arrested by Officer Fisher and
Wlnterstlen Tuesday night charg
ed with being intoxicated, was sen
tenced to five days in JaO. yester
day afternoon In polices court.
The sentence was suspended upon
his promise to leave the city im
Old Time Dance Crystal Gardei
Every Wed. and Sat. night.
Meet This Afterhooi
A meeting of the North Salem
W. C. T. U. will be held today at
the home of Mrs. McCarrol, corner
of Maple and Highland avenues,
beginning at 2 o'clock. It is urged
that all members attend.
Mortgage Foreclosure
The Union Central Life insur
ance company yesterday filed suit
to foreclose a. mortgage against
George R. Wilde. It alleges that
Wilde executed 21 notes in favor
of the company, the first being
for three dollars and each of the
others for $261.55. Some $2500
of the total remains unpaid, ac
cording to the complaint as filed.
The sum of $250 is also asked as
attorneys fees.
McDonald Estate $5046
Inventor and appraisement filed
in probate yesterday in the matter
of the estate of the late William
Mcponald estimates the' estate at
a valuation of $5046.17. Five
thousand dollars of this is a tract
in Polk county described as part
of the Burley fruit farm. Ap
praisers are Frieda M. Oehler,
Gertrude Oehler and Gertrude
O. B. Setters, republican candi
date for Judge of the circuit court
for the 20th Judicial district, ex
pended $259.82 tn conducting his
campaign prior to the primary
election, according to his expense
account filed In the state depart
ment Wednesday.
Other expense accounts filed
Wednesday follow:
W. C . North, republican, for
Joint representative, 30th dis
trict. $85.
George H. Brewster, republi
can; for district attorney Des
chutes county, $144.50.
K. K. Kublin, republican, for
representative In the legislature.
18th district, nnthln
Ashby C. Dickson, democrat, for
delegate to the democratic nation
al convention from state at large.
S. L. Stewart, republican, for
representative in the legislature,
11th district, $4.50.
Carl Blirup, republican, for del
egate to the national convention.
first district. $13.
Charles H. Carey, republican,
for presidential elector, nothing.
Carl Donaugh, democrat, for
presidential elector, nothing.
G. F. Skipworth, democrat, for
judge of the circuit court, second
district, nothing.
T. E. J. Duffy, democrat, for
judge of the circuit court. 18th
district, nothing.
Edward Schulmerich. republi
can, candidate for state senator,
11th district. $23.55.
Lee McAllister, republican, for
representative in the legislature,
first district. $18.57.
Mark A. Paulson, republican,
for representative in the legisla
ture, first district. $47.30.
R. Frank Peters, republican, for
representative in tbj legislature.
15th district, nothing.
J. S. Norvell, republican, for
representative in the legislature
for 23rd district, $3.50.
C. D. Wallace, republican, for
district attorney for Baker coun
ty, nothing.
Ross Farnham. democrat, for
district attcaney of Deschutes
county, nothing.
J. C. Barry, republican, for
trustee of the Salmon River-Grand
Ronde highway improvement dis
trict, nothing.
Newton C. Chaney. republican,
for district attorney of Jackson
county, nothing.
George A. Codding, democrat.
tor; district attorney of Jackson
county, nothing. ;. 'f, ;
C H. Oxman. republican, for
representative in the legislature,
17th district. $25.
John Baker, republican, for dis
trict attorney of Hood River coun
ty. $6.99.
George G. Updegraft. republi
can, for district attorney tor Sher
man county, nothing.
H. J. Warner, republican, for
presidential elector, nothing.
I Bits For Hreakf i
Showers Fall Above Threateacd
Dam But Efforts Go Oa ..
Salem goes wet today
As wet as the Pacific ocean
Goes sea minded, looking to the
time when there will be still wa
ter la the Willamette
When the Willamette valley
will have direct water connection
with all the deep sea porta of the
world, with .only the small ex
pense, of a transfer in the harbor
of Portland.
As to the weather, the predic
tion is that Salem will be very dry
today. Though the country needs
to ga wet, with some welcome
s s s
The last flax was planted on the
14th on the Riddle farm in Polk
county. And the Riddles are
among the best farmers of this
state; and airing the largest. A
good deal of the early sown flax
is looking well, despite the dry
ness of the weather.
The canneries are registering
help. They will start up around
the first of June, a week from to
morrow, on strawberries, and
some of them on gooseberries.
. S
There will be a lot of berry
money from next week on, to the
growers and pickers and cannery
laborers. This will all help in
making business better in Salem
and it will last till up towards
the holidays, in taking care of the
various fruit and vegetable crops.
Note the item in regard to the
grower of strawt f ries, logan
berries and cherries who is look
ing for buyers. It. will be a pity
if any of these crops are allowed
to go to waste for want of market
Breaks Leg
W. C. McDonald, suffered a
broken left leg Thursday after
noon while working around an
electric motor used in the con
struction of the South Winter
street bridge. His foot caught in
the belt leading from the motor
and the sudden jolt broke the leg
just above his knee. He was im
mediately rushed to the Deacon
ess Hospital where tne broken
bone was set. Only a short time
ago he received a broken rib while
working on the bridge. The ac
cident occurred about 5 o'clock.
just as the men were ready to
quit work for the day.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing. Glesn-Powers
Viirnltnro f?r
The Briedwell Farms, . with
headquarters at McMinnville, and
capital stock of $20,000, has been
Incorporated by George W. Bried-
well, B. E. Haney and H. A. Rondeau.
Other articles filed in the state
corporation department here Wed
nesday follow:
Campbell Shingle company, Kea-
sey, columoia county, szuuu; j.
L. Campbell, Oscar V. Snider and
S. V. Shaw.
Advertising Art school, Inc..
Portland. $5000; Alan J. Mikel
burg. Rae Mikelburg and William
M. Jackson.
Phi Sigma Building association
of Alpha Chi Rho, Corvallis (no
canital stock): R. S. Brown, E.
P. Copple and Dexter R. Smith.
McCamey Motor company, Port
land; notice of dissolution.
Graham Fruit Growers asso
ciation. Gresham; notice of dissolution.
Taken to County Jail-
Paul Brenneman, who gave his
address as Corvallis. and who was
arrested by Sergeant Inspector OI
son Tuesday afternoon charged
with issuing bad checks, was tak
en to justice court yesterday af
ternoon by Olson and was later
transferred to the county jail
where he is being held. His bail
was set at $1000. After further
investigation it was found that the
accused had issued some five al
legedly worthless checks here. He
is a former student of Corvallis
high and his parents reside a few
miles out of that city.
FH0NB 727.
Oregon Bectric.Ry.
Willamette Valley Line
With ant operation sr ! of ttafc
339 Onsoa Btfx.
May 22. (AP) Showers which
fell early today In this district will
add but little water to the reser
voir the waters of which are be
ing held in check by the weakened
Scofield dam. engineers in charge
of reinforcement of the structure
declared tonight.
Authorities assert that the wa
ter will take about three days to
drain Into the basin and by that
time they expect that the huge
dike wiU be sufficiently strength
ened to hold the weight of the ad
ditional waters.
Residents of the seven cities in
the path of the threatened flood
today returned to their homes but
before leaving the hillsides moved
their household goods to higher
Should the dam crumble, mere
than 12.000 residents of the af
fected district will have ample time
to reach safety. Precautionary
measures in the form of whistles
have been taken to warn the res
idents in event of a break.
Merchants of the seven cities.
Rolapp, Castle Gate; Heiner. Mar
tin, Helper. Spring Glen and Price
have built small dikes around their
places of business to prevent flood
waters from entering.
TOKYO. May 23. (AP) Re
cent fighting at, the city of Hoklen
Important strategic point 10
miles south of Peking, was report
ed in advices from Chihli today .
the nationalists finally being drlv
en to the south with the northern
Shantung army in pursuit.
In this city, early Wednesday
May 23. Mrs. Emma M. Tucker
wife of James P. Tucker, mother
of John H., of Santa Barbara
Calif., and James C. Tucker of
RIverton. Coos county. Oregon
Mrs. Mary Dye and Percy F. Tuck
er of Tillamook. Miss Ora Tucker
of Medford and Mrs. Bert Smith'
of Salem. Also survived by IT
grand children, one brother and
one half-brother. Funeral service
will be held at $ P. nv Friday
from the Rigdon Mortuary, Rev.
Payne officiating.
Perfect Funeral Serviee
licensed Lady Mortician
TTO Cheaseketa Street
Telephone 794
SPOKANE, May 23. (AT)
Washington State College defeated
the Gonzaga university baseball
team here today, .8 to 7.
FINK TOBtC reading IMmi W la
arit year (' agauut breakage.
Kxmmiaatiea teo.
Thompsoa-Glatach Optical Co.
120 N. Coaa'l St.
AH Make Ue4 MacatSM
THOS. xoxv
Fa en SSI 421 Getrt St.
WLL's "Our Chicks
Live to
make your
Flake's Petland
273 State
Rewound and Repaired, New
or Used Motors
Things Electrical
101 South High Tel. 2113
Tubes Tested
Telephone S8v IIS 8Ua St.
Lady Assistant
Webb's Funeral Parlors
for you
ACROSS the street or
XjL across the continent -if
doesn't matter. Through re
sponsible associates in every
city, we can get, promptly a
photograph of any subject.
Oregon Building
G&t tie Step ;
at the ARGO
: Every Thursday Eveaiag
Yon Gaa Bay Oae of Those
Delicious New Process Ice
Cream Shakes or Malts for only
5c. Today at The Gray Belle.
Permit Issued
A building permit was issued to
D. A. Hodge, to erect a two story
dwelling to be located on Cheme
keta street at an estimatea cost
of S30.
-rn Ttelle New
IceCream Shakes and Malts.
Special Price today only. Be each.
Salt to Quiet Title
W. P. Eberhardt yesterday filed
suit against J. D. MeCuliy and
enough others to fill about half
avtT a typewritten page, to qmei uue
V to . lot in Oak Lodge addition to
the city 01 saiem.
Poor Too Many
Roy Pate, Dayton, was arrested
Tuesday night by Traffic Officer
Edwards on a charge of allowing
four persons to ride In the front
seat of his automobile.
We Wish to Advise the Public .
That Mr. F. E Siemens, who has
been employed by ns as salesman
tor the past year, is no longer con
nected with oar office. Anderson
A Rupert, 1C South High street.
Taylor Case Nears End ,
Counsel tot the defense put on
its closing argument lata yester
day afternoon in the case of the
Stats rs. Fred Taylor. The state
will make its closing, argument
and the court give its instructions
this morning, a verdict being an
ticipated some time this forenoon.
If roare after a reXreshiag
drlak or deWtahly cool sam
dan tif oar soda fountain
specials voted for their parity,
seaty stimulation, and cooling
Schaef er's
1S5 N. Coal 84.
Phoae 197
The Original YeSow Front
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868 .
General Banking Business
Of f Ice Hours from 10 a.m. to 5'i. m.
and Storage
Lang and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Prlrate Storage
fireproof Building
Free DeUrexy to any part of the dty.
Farmers Warehouse
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W
' BIAB0ITS LmoleoiEiii
Is a Popular Choice for Any Room
Why worry and struggle. with drab-colored, hard-to-kecp-cleari '
floors when you can so quickly add to the brightness and beauty,
of your rooms and lighten your housework as well by simply
cxrvering your floors with Blabon's Linoleum?
One or another of our Blabon patterns will provide just the desired
effect and degree of colorfulness in one or another of your rooms,
while Blabon quality will assure you a floor-covering that will wear
for yean therefore economical.
Blabon floors never fail to lighten housework because they are
Waterproof "Spotproof- -Mothproof
Easily Cleaned 'Sanitary
Come to our store this week and let us tell you more about
Blabon's Linoleum and show you patterns adapted to your special
needs. ' ' ;i -
Blabon's Printed
linoleum ..
timers caUmM
Blabon's Inlaid
(N'e Interest)
467 Court St.
Xetrert rntiera;
on Dl?ply AowM
t Tolenhnne 1142 II