The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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1 S
Ttt.ed Dai! Eca M4my '
1S SonU Cwamitl SwaaS. Bl Orca ,
ft. J. Headricka
M 8. MeSk.rry .
Ka 0. Carti. -
Ifasasiac Z4iar
City Ed! Mr
In!K Mite
JUlph H. KXita. Aiverttalar if
1,17 a C StifTlrr - - 8pr-at
W. H. Hndmoa. Cimlatiaa M -
E. A. Raatra - - LlTartwrk M-tar
W. a O m - ,-JUetWy Batter
TW awartati fnu ia axelsaiv! aatitlaa to tto ar for yattaafca C S
Siawalrfc crWiia f it ar aa alawi iiasital am aia umt aa4 alas A
Pacific Caaat Boa
Baewrity BlAg.; Baa
TWaaaaa r. Clark Caw Kw
Caiaac. MimilU BUc '
alallaa Dity a Sty,. I.. Fartlaa.
Trfc, Itt lSt W. Slat St.
OffiNuJt w MS
gait !
Cava lMt- ar MS CbcatetWa Dffiaau
at Ua rat Offiea Itlm. Oisa aa
aS rWa",
' : ' afav S4. 102 ; ' r r'"'
And they went Into Capernaum; and straightway on the Sabbath
day He entered Into the ayaagogue, mnd taaght. And they were as
tonished at His doctrine, for He taught them a one tnai nan
try. and not as the scribes. Mark and 11.
Ian abifjiican merchant marine .
W watch th it s. aovemment eucn uow aa uu uoei
can absorb th difference in i uiicuunt
la restored.! his -new tank la tne UnienUbleparaU
pended Cor; state of ignorance which now ha so! libraries
mesa room. The nuauc
are niacins hooka aboard
a d road, wnen said owners i iw ; - ,r- hviw i , - , - w - -
mplSe the opeainV of new 1 for. tbey iiuUtjdt lAll they ahoald make i-oa blanderj pUced SSS? 1
now IB un m ana it u aajiui 10 WniCA ajeco uiyMa hwh 7 .
throw them ashore In the position might quickly grasp and rectify. I pnonograpn ana piano pru-
of anskiued Ubor. They should: Thirdly, shipowners snoaia in-: conauwui
e syscens
ther should, if meeting with gov
ernment approval, receire ameh as
sistance as If rendered loretgn
shipowners hy their goTernmenttj
when similarly engagea.
CD The master or a ressel
shoald sot be compelled to glre a
seaman money when in port If the
seaman la reported by his Imme
diate officer as betag .nnaoie to
remain sober or in a condition fit
ting htm to work. When a sea
man ref ases daty or remains drank
while In port or at sea the power
of the master to pnnish him shoald
be considerably extended. He
sboald bare at least the same
power of fining heartly as a Brit
ish master enjoys. If a master Is
to be held entirely responsible fori
the said passage and working of a
yeesel It is only Just ho should
also be giren authority.
(t) The ImmleraUon laws
shoald be rationalised so aa net to
discriminate against shipmasters
aad ship owners.
. 1..- H allAd ti n.V. ki,' amaa mtnin Urhr: MTSl. say. OK COaOtUOna U lam
liTiag In a Jnnlor position daring they eoald train their own ottt- American logging camps there wUl
vf. Mfwi nf dnrMa. Th Mm M.ariv mr rrm ataam-' be no dearth of yoang native born
niiM tn saatas svsDended. They! aain line in the world except those men willing to serve the flag on
-v.i,f w ttlLnwAd tft taVa AmatrWn fla . earrlaa' the Cargo TOSSelS Of the nation
r wimb ) afi kit- ms ota nan at uaa iwifc w
Salenv He Is not a mixer mnd has
never gone among them except to
seek their votes.- Catholics, like
other cttiseas desire to hava ssme
Knowledge first-handed of t h e
persons who . are to " represent
them. Many well-known Catholics
a,-. Aa
supported Mr. Moores, ont tne
rank and 'file. were not acquainted
with him. -r--. , "r ' - . :
rttnlio r!itln.
Salem. Ore., May 13, IS IS.
Itnna lonlftF tA the Ott Which tbT!
held when suspended. If they served four years and has ob-jpsy 4 bad treatment are gone
mn)r a armr and tkn .i.t hta IImiim ha enters Into The sea has entered upon a ne
may be some doabt as to their' the line's employ aa a Junior of-' era. And the merchant marine.
ability in any position, the exam
tners could add aa a special pro-'
vision to their suspension a denial
of their application to serve in a
iaalor capacity. Ia general, how
ever, the application should be
granted, as a matter of humanity
aad common sense. It should be
fleer aad makes the line his
rear. There Is ao mora honors ble
profession for an American boy
than the ses, and ship owners
shoald do everything in their
novar to encourage, native-born
citizens to work for them. A pro-i
, gresslve system of promotion with
already far ahead of other na
tions In many respects, must go
farther until .It ranks with the
great fleets of the world. With a
tremendous and growing export
trade. withSai passenger traffic
rapidly assuming . staggering pro
portions as Americans find tne
time and "money to travel, it is un
thinkable that the American mer
chant marine should be allowed to
wither aad die through the apathy
ofv near-sighted people and the in
difference of congress.
I have in the past six months
recognised that If a master, or a' perhaps retirement and pensions
mate has made a mistake he Is; at the end of ao many years of
mAM than likely to be a better aerrfce would do much towards
m.n for It. certainly Is sure to be nUclax the career of the sea upon
a more careful seaman. The man as high a level as that, say, of civil
k.. anr made a mistake Is enriaearinc or medicine. Other
. . i i. -1 1. 1.. ! vA-i a 4 m I. ihIihmi hv fniind it
" "7".:' lBO . " Vv," !r ; r..I. v- f talked with masters, mates and
m j , . , n 1 1- ,v- man nd ondumr to r- men with shipowners, shlpbuua
stant annoyance and a stumbling m men who have made errors tain the services of those compe- em pilots "d others errted In
block in the smooth way of trade.! both brutal and unjust. In no, tent, and it would bo wise for the shipping iJJfL . An2
. .. . . . . i im . .iin. .nit Thu nld trio on an American vessel. Ana
inu sppiies sjso xo uie liquor nu other proiession i a "-jiaipowuw - , . - . . cV,.., T
narcotie laws. The liquor laws Sed for a moment's thoughtless- hit-and-miss system of :teBlag "iLSJJ
make It especially hard for an ni or a simple human miajudg. crews should be abolished and the "J? SmlS Vh.'ITrio.n
i n . .-v u . .ii 1.1.1.. inturest in his men and encouragement the American
foreign passenger ships carrying lvL of the merchant serriee are should not end with the comple- merchant marine can mpata sue-
Hnnoi- Ai nuttr of raid fULM.j ,!. it, OTA to nrOtOCt to tlOB of etth TOTe U tt OOes BOV. wsuuuj wuu im i u.
-t - . ueuiuu - . . . " . . . i nx.kl .itlnnt nt In a nn alvnpt Mm
the United States will possess a
fleet second to none
The Jones-White merchant marine bill was signed by the
president yesterday. This new law-will give a number of ad
Yantages that, have been denied to American ship own
ers and operators
i sseaws t a a.a - s nmnv a w av twvkf TjCflsXaU llS aostw ar w
It 13 S lomr 8teD towards the building up Of an American practically every American liner tnem a uving in the event of a ll-j There Is at least one large- British
V.r"r rarrla. MflBflr th ma almilar - .-.tvanatnn. Una which kCPS S Complete record
merchant marine
- But other things remain to be done.
' 7Jeffersdn Myers of Oregon' very well known here, wher
his home was before going-to Portland, will talk to the four
serriee dubs of Salem at their combined noon luncheon today,
less this was more or less tolerat
ed American liners would get no
i I m I n-m -v .. ... ..1J V- wlaa tA .11 Via man sn1 mill each (lOWIl
! with the actual consent of Wash- ehanre the old sea custom which on a list for re-employment with-
Inrton than at least with Wafh- i. it,, ftrat mate on the fo'c's'le In a certain time as soon as he IS
inrton'a anofficial knowledce. The. whan tha nhin is entering or. naid off from his last ship. In this
situation had to be faced that un-! nnrt ar fa about to anchor, manner the line Is assured of a
On German ships the first mate; steady and reliable labor supply
i tw KrM with the master, and hv encouraging its men to
and will no doubt exnialn the details of what this new law is:" , st all. .P facts beingialld the cond mat. Roes for-ard( work HS "t.JiVi
- i wrian idrt arn AmpriCB.n iiiif-i m
suppose to do. The Statesman' is printing this morning the
report of Albert Richard Wetjen to the big American mer.
and in foreign ports
(4) The marine taws, as inter
preted by the U. S. supreme court.
LAGRANDE, Ore May 23.
f ipi At a coroner's Inquest
hId here last night, the Jury re
turned a verdict that Mrs. Katn
erlno P. Smith, whoso partly, de
composed body was found in her ,
homo her Suaday afternoon,
her death from a gunshot wound
at the hands of some unknown
person. ' "
1M fs.rtiToOfH-
18 Tt. High
Telephone 11
chant ship owners, after a four months trip of inspection,
making recommendations for the building up of the Ameri
can merchant marine. Salem people should be sea minded, as
they are now air minded; for this will help to forward the
project for still water in the Willamette and direct connec
tion up and down this valley with the great ports of the
world. Mr. Wetjen's report is worth reading, by our people.
There is another long step, and that is preferential tariffs
in favor of American bottoms. Congressman Hawley may be
called upon to draft a new tariff law, as chairman of the
house ways and means committee. Salem is Mr. HawleyV
home. This city may thus be brought into the lime light, in
matters connected with the American merchant marine.
Our people should inform themselves concerning these
great matters, among the most important respecting the
prosperity and the safety of the United States.
hat they are American liners. -nd the third aft. With our sys- navigation and other scnoou. to
might as well be given legal per- tem te third mate takes the marry, etc.. and to serve their time
mission to ignore the eighteenth bridge with the master. This for s pension, has practically ellm
amendment when on the high seas! canaea It to arise that when a mate inated all frictions.
eventually receives his step to There are a few other lmprove
master he has had no bridge ex-,' ments which will doubtless come
variance for many years, not. In about in time. Nearly all ships
make it necessary for American fact ince ne was a third. He is hare adopted the 3o degree corn-
ships to carry three watches of
seamen on deck, the men to work
in periods of four hours with eight
hours off. This system Is only
known on Australian boats, the
entirely at a loss and Is often em-" pass. The naval system of steer-
barrassed. Had he been on the ing by right and left rudder Is not
hridce with the master during his far off. though possibly the new
mate's career he would already self-steering apparatus will be gen-
tk Ha turliira iiMiilrt tn o.,ll annntad harnm this MVStem
rest of the world working seamen enable him to take command attacks the merchant marine. All
four hours on and four hours off.lwlthout trenidation. He would new shins are being built to do
However, since the eight-hour day .1.0 know something of marine awav with the general fo'c's'le and
law. ship's papers, consular re-' adopting cabins for the men. with
lit eorraapeadaaa far Ull Saaar
aMat aaa b aisaaS fey ta wrrtat,
oaat fca writtaa ea aaa aide af tha
taper oaI. aal aaH at ha laacat
Salem has in its midst a most daring group of young peo
ple, and tomorrow evening they are going to transcend all of
their previous acts of rashness. They are the members of
Theta Alpha Phi, dramatic fraternity at Willamette liniver
. sity, and the unheard of thing they are about to do is to stage
a play by Henrik Ibsen, "The Master Builder," at the Cap
itol theater.
The recklessness of their decision to stage a play by Ibsen,
a writer known only to "highbrows,' would be sufficient to
cause cold shivers all over the city, but when they deliberate
ly chose one of the most ultra-Ibsenesque of all Ibsen plays, in
fact the last of his great plays and the most radically allegor
ical of them all, it is strange that no protesting delegations of
citizens have sought out the Theta Alpha Phi officers and
attempted to dissuade them from their mad course.
But apparently no verbal protest has been Registered, and
Theta Alpha Phi will stage "The Master Builder" at the Cap
itol theater tomorrow night.
I Nevertheless, the members of Theta Alpha Phi are slight
ly worried. As to the play and its author they have no fears.
Ibsen is the greatest of modern dramatists, and "The Master
Builder," while not his best play, is the best that can be pre
sented with ordinary stage equipment.
The cast, too, is not "a matter of concern. All of its mem
hers are experienced and capable.
But the question is this: Are there, in Salem, a sufficient
number of people who are not afraid of the name Ibsen, to
fill a theater auditorium? Are there that many people who
urill walk riirht up to a thing that is labeled "highbrow,
without flinching or keeping one eye on the door? Are there
that manv people who know that the spectre of death which
tmards the door to "good literature" in all its forms is but
an outward appearance and that behind it, as Tennyson dis
closed, stands a lovable child of interest and enjoyment?
The answer will be known tomorrow evening.
(CaaUaaad troea ag I V .
ataa Is paid off. Is then under ob
ligation to find that man another
ahl9 and to keep him out of trou
ble with the authorities, a thank
less task. In the event that a
naater Insists and does pay off an
Ineorricible seaman, he must ship
Iu his place, as like as not, a man
of the country In whose port he is
Mir. And then, whoav be reach-;
ea the states, the Immigration au-wlll possible to supply all Amer-j
, thorities will not allow sucn a aem-, CA alj tae year round with fresh
maa to land. If the man aoea tana summer fruits.
and disappears, the shipmaster is; The McCormick line of the Pa-
fined a thousand dollars. 11 any. cosat has done in the timber
ttquor Is found aboard, even if allj business much as tha If unson line
reaxonsDic precauuuns b votk bs uoae in tne iruit business.
. . ... . t . . l A ' . ... . . - . . .
taaen to prevent ii cun j tuw
TJ. S., the master Is fined again.
The master Is constantly fined Tor
a dosen or so offences, and this
of course means the owner. There
aro times when a sailor, perusing
the marine laws, wonders whether
to place a heavy tariff on the fruit
and a man had to be sent carefully
to point out what, any Britannlca
would have told congress, that
fruit shipped from Argentina con
flicted in no way with the Ameri
can market, because of the utter
difference In seasons, the melons
and grapes arriving in what in the
north was dead winter. In other
words the seasons for Argentine
and the U. S. being exactly oppo
site, it Is eaay to see how wide
field opens up. Can the American
merchant service develop the
proper fast refrigeration ships it
principle Is an established Amer
ican fact and no American ship
owner wishes to abrogate it, the
law should at least be altered to
allow a master to place on watch
es only such seamen as are essen
tial for the safety of the ship, such
helmsmen and lookouts when
used. The rest of the men the
master should be allowed to put
on day work, allowing them to
work a straight eight . hours of
daylight and sleeping all night. It
is Impossible to do deck work on
ship at night, and if the three
watch system is Insisted upon it
means the shipowners have to pay
one watch for nothing, the men
drawing the night watches stand
ing necessarily idle. This situa
tion Is not only-unsatisfactory to
the owner, but also to the men,
who naturally ' quarrel among
themselves as to who Is Up nave
the idle watch.
This Is another law which ship
owners snd masters are as a rule
disregarding, and after telling off
sufficient number of men to act
as helmsmen, these to worx in
three watches, then they use the
rest of the men for day work
This situation might as well be
(5) It would be a great aid to
American deep-water masters
when shipping crews if the British
system of giving the men "sea
bopks" were adpoted. These books.
lssned by the board of trade, are
filled out each voyage by the ship
master and contain a description
of the seaman, his rank, his char
acter and conduct upon his last
vessel. In this way a man's whole
career can be checked up and a
master upon signing a man knows
he is getting someone trustworthy
and efficient. The British custom
of the master taking charge of all
tea books until the end of the voy
age is also a great deterrent upon
the men "jumping" ship, as It is
hard for a man without a "book"
to obtain fresh employment. The
present American deep-water sys
tem, which allows a man at the
end of each voyage a separate dis
charge on a separate sheet of
paper, is rldiculousT If the sea
man receives a bad discharge he
merely destroys it. claims he has
been ashore all daring the period
It covers, and applies for a berth
using his. last good discharge. Be
cause of this men ship again and
again who would not otherwise be
allowed on s vessel's deck were
their true characters known.
(CI I suggest the creation In
America of a bonrd similar to the
Trinity Hnne Pilots' association
of Great Britain, to recommend
amendments to the marine laws
to congress to advise and have
reneral control of the coast and
harbor lights and markings, and
to modify from time to time and
regulate the examination require
ments governing the issue of
masters and mates' licenses. From
the way these matters have been
handled in the past it would seem
no attention has been paid at all
to the actual requirements of the
merchant service. It Is a habit of
governing bodies when requiring
advice or information as to 1
faring matters to consult the navy
departments, which is ridiculous.
Naval men have not the faintest
conception of the needs, the tra
ditions, or the reaulrements of
Buying their ships from the ehlp-j merchant shipping. For this rea-
Catholic aad air. Mooros
Editor Statesman:
A correspondent in yonr columns
discussing the recent primary as
sens that A. N. Moores for the
legislature experienced a boycott
on the part of Catholics, and I
want to emphatically contradict
that. The Catholics have no ill
feeling toward Mr. Moores snd had
no desire to boycott him. In fact.
Mr. Moores is not known personal-
ports, etc.. Instead of approaching washrooms fully equipped and air to many Catholics outside of
ri "-1
W V j
Cutting Travel Costs
Does your overhead ran "in the red"
giyillatrihnirftt ia cei mln4cf iltocicsf Are tievil
costs eating up profits t Perhaps you've overlooked the
. fact that Oregon Stages are economical, as well as com
.fortabl and convenient. Telephone your local depot for
tares and schedules to all points.
9 f o o
Oregon, Stages System
Court a High Sts. Phone 096
Stages Leave Salem: (effective April 1, 1928)
Koatabaaad: T.OO. :10. 11:10 an: 1:10. 3:10. S:10. 5:10. T:10. 0:10. 11:10 paa.
Xartaboaad : 4:10,7:00. T:50. t.'OO. 10:00. 11:00 aaa; 13:10, 1:00. 2:00. 3:00.
4:00, 5:00. 6:00. 7:00. 9:00. 11:55 pot.
v Xw"! X 1 . I7TJ
L vs?- i-aai il l 1 1 fj
J 4d- I x 4
K; AY U-
VJ 7H 'J .
Streets Well"
If property In your neighbor
hood i to advance in value,
you must have good streets.
Pavements of portland ce
ment concrete indicate a
substantial community
whose citizens exercise good
judgment when investing in
public improvements.
Be sure that any paving
petition you sign speci
fies portland cement
146 Fifth Street
A National Organisation to
Improve and Extend the Usee of Concrete .
Offices In 32 Cities
ping board and settling to a steady
monthly . schedule completely
around South America they have
developed the Douglas fir market
in an unbelievable manner. Three
years sgo they shipped" some tour
thav.mra -fonued by children Wi ar fire mUliaa faa to JtrraHtlna
maniacs. They were certainly. Last year they shipped twelv mil-
never mads by the advice 01 uea- HoBU This year It will run close
men. T Jto seventeen million. AU this Is
Thar a has been some talk of. new trade and means a-reater roa-
rotalnjng the American merchant parity to the American people. If
' marine under government owner-, the merchandise had to be carried
ahip. but this Is to stifle the youth Sq foreign bottoms at least halt of
before . manhood. Under private the benefits - would . be absorbed
enterprise the stimulation to trade abroad. ' No one aware of the sit-
Is Immense. The M unson Line, nation desire any but ' Inde
' for example, after buying: their pendent and powerful fleet of
ships from the shipping board an, ships under the 8tars and Stripes,
settling a steady twice-monthly manned by Americans and carry-
Service to the Argentine, persuaa ing American goods. And to help
ad the South American farmers to. make such a fleet possible I offer
also grapes and honeydew melons as a practical seaman the follow-!
to import into ins states, as soon mg suggestions: r
as the results of this begsn, con- The Report Proper
son any board created to deal with
matters vital to merchant shipping
should be composed chiefly of
master mariners, serving for a per
iod' of years and then replenished
from the active ranks ao that any
change; In conditions will at once
receive sympathetic and under
standing attention.
Mtnor SmexteUtmm
While the above suggestions
cover most of the essential points,
as I see them, and Immediate at
tention to them would be of inea-
tlmsble aid to the rapid growth of
the American merchant marine,
there are a tew minor points I
might also make. While not es
sential they would further a ship's
efficiency and tend to make the
seaman's lot less hard.
Firstly, the law should be
amended so that It and when a
master's license Is suspended fori
a period, he should be allowed to
We Tel; Yoiui
The Tratti
When you buy a used car it's pretty hard to
tell its condition just by looking at it.
Our appraisal of every used car is based on
our mechanic's knowledge of its actual worth.
And when we sell it we wOl always tell all
we know about it.
We want you to be satisfied with the used
car you buy here because we want to keep
you as a used and new car customer.
It pays, in the long run, to buy a used car
from a Buick dealer. ' 1
To busy to
10 Gold in 5
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Car Offer.'
388 North Commercial Telephone 220
cress wUh ltsusual logic wished (1) Some means must be found sail as mats or second mate until
A Beautiful American Flaw Outfit for Every Reader of
The Oregon Statesman
The Oregon Statesman, knowing- that all of its
readers would want to fly an unsoiled and untorn
flag this year, bought a large number of flags and will
be able to supply its readers with flags at a very small
cost while they last.
Everyone will want to fly a fresh clean, flag of the
United States of America on .
FLAG DAY, June 14th
With these three great holidays close at hand, now la the
time to get your flag and be prepared for all the holidavs
throughout the year. '
A Remarkable Flag at an Exceptional Price. Only 98c
Description of Flag . -
ThU flag is 3x5 feet and is made of specially selected cot
ton bunting, has sewed stripes (not printed and faat col
ors. The yarns used are tight, strong, yet they am sufficient
ly light to permit the flag to float beautifully la the breese.
, How To Get Your Flag -
Clip three Flag Coupons like that printed below and mall to
The Oregon SUtesman. Salem. Oregon, and the flag will bo
sent to you postpaid free hy return mail. i- . -
Threo of Uaeee roopoas aanl Me whe preoeatod a
nwueu w we eUMeamasi offlcev S15 BauO. Ooaau
Street. Salem. Oregon, entitlea yo to a beowtifal
mumtM mb, aw ww ires as tnmtlinil. -..