The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    rchmitMarine Doesn't Me Ifl IPHlnmptfP IWctho Snlom rt Virtual ortrinwt
7e Liois 4re a Lively Bunch of Youngsters; Salem Will Knoiv Something Is Going On When Slate Convention Opens Tomorrow,.
Hre and tow hnm1l In th inir4nr- lm
reasing fire hazard; gentle to moderate
northerly winds on the coast. 'Maximum
temperature yesterday 85. minimum 48.
river 1-7, rainfall none, atmosphere clear,
ind northwest.
Portland paper publishes picture of 3000
schoolchildren in May festival events and
calls It "dumbbell drill." Te soda! Three
thousand perfectly, valid libel suits!
. r
' -
: ; ber.
! '
counter oifensive Aaamst
. m m a a
Nationalists Succeed For
Time Being
Southern Forces Continue to Ad
, ranee Alons; Some Sections of
Wide Front Despite De
fense Efforts
Stunr br the steadr drlre ot the
I T!; ionallsts on Peking, the north
erners svrucs. aesperaieiy i me
southern armies, in eastern Chihli
today, recapturing the key city of
Hokien. and parsuinr Fens Yu
Jfc-Hcllae'slorccs to the south, while
jrT' the nationalists continued their
J offensive at Paotingfu, important
center on the railroad to the nor-
V ythern capital.
r Advices received In Tokyo re
i ported violent fighting in the vi-
cinity of Hokien, 100 miles south
f of Peking. The city first was cap-
tured by Feng Yu-Hsiang, who
drove out a northern brigade and
then changed hands again when an
army of 60,000 men under the
command of Sun Cbuan-Fang, the
northern leader in Shantung, open
ed a terrific offensive. Faced wilh
the critical situation caused by
the loss of Hokien, which broke
the Paotingfu-Hokien-Tsnagchow
defensive line, the northerners
irove out the southerners.
Plane Bombs City
Further to the west at Paoting
fu, 80 miles sooth of Peking, a
nationalist airplane bombed the
city, dropping a bomb at the rail
way station in the vicinity of a
northern military special train and
at other places, causing great con
fusion. With- the-rumble otOlghUac
south of Peking, steadily growing
'J stronger as the northerners turn-'
lv. ed on the nationalists, the foreign
n circles in Peking are stated In a
i Keuter's dispatch to be growing
J more and more interested in the
1 attitude of the United States re
i garding possible trobule there.
Yanks Consider Plans
Brigadier General Smedley But
ler, commanding the marine forces
In China, was said to be in favor
of evacuating of Americans to
Tientsin in event of trouble, but
the American legation staff .was
described as being eager to re
main pn the northern capital if
the other foreign nationals are
said to be anxious to know defin
itSh what course the United
States intends to pursue.
The dispatch added, it was un
derstood, that in the event of ri
oting, the Americans would remain
and protect themselves but that
they had been instructed to with
draw to Tientsin, should the Chi
neses attack the legation quarter,
an eventuality that is considered
very unlikely.
Goldendale Man Accused of Slay,
ing Own Wife Sits. In Crowded
OOLDENDALE, Wash.. May 23.
(AP) Ivan McCumber. on trial
for the murder of his wife, Olga
JJergstrom McCumber, sat In a
crowded little courtroom here to
day and listened to the familiar
Tolees of friends and neighbors
"Who one by one took the witness
stand as state's witnesses to tes
tify against him.
Z t He heard Mrs. Ben Hanson, wife
of a Olenwood druggist, repeat his
words to her that his wife had
been sicsea in tne neaa by a
horse. Mrs. Hanson went on
however, to say that after Mrs. Mc
Cumber regained consciocsuces.
either she nor her husband
wpma uuue mriner to me cause
nf the wound, which thm atatn wn
Wsrvinr to Drove was inflicted br a
'- hammer in the hands of MeCum-i
And Mrs. Reilly Murray, an
other Glenwood neighbor, told of
having dressed the wound when
she first came to the McCumber
home on the morning of January
21 having been called from her
woman. - She declared that "a
dirt' or stains in the wound or on
the clothing or hat of the injured
vAmn. Sha dM"l&m A that
persoi Juld have to be standing
on his head" to receive such a
wound from a horse's. kick.
Then Dr. W. H. Warner. White
fialmoa physician testified that he
rested tho- wound and un-
ar direct questioning aamiuea
that it could have been caused by
- hammer. -'! ' .. v
And McCumber listened . while
these witnesses concurred, to a
greater or lesser degree, to the
; testimony of bis own sister. Eloise
'iSlcCumber who had described the
ene late that night when Olga
rl.?n;umber aied" in." convulsions
?r.oth and " taken : medicine gives bound for Dodge city. Tbeau
' ";r by her husband. . , 1 thorities there were notified. '
Merchant Marine Outlook
Good Reports A. R. Wetjen
With Proper Aid and Encouragement Will Become Pride of
Nation, Competing Successfully, Declares Local
- Author After Detailed Survey
A 1 r"aO""r T? iAr)411 Wa4- A l 4-1
I IVVi V AMVUttiU llCUUt liiC
tw ww W VAtlVIII A Vilt M
was commissioned by the Pacific McCormick Steamship com
pany and other steamship lines to look into conditions handi-
tannin. tBA A vmaviaav wiAtti.tii mamv aVw. 1 7a4 lAm'i. ma
port, given below was first published in the Buenos Aires
Herald and the San Francisco Marine - Journal. Since it has
been reprinted in the Seattle Star, Shipping Times of Argen
tina, Buenos Aires Standard, San Francisco Chronicle, the
Under Influence of Liquor Sunday,
Says Prisoner; Arreeted ni
Chief of Police Frank Minto re
turned last night from Roseburg
with J. L. Gawley and M. B. Ad-
ams, who were arrested in that
city about three o'clock yesterday
morning driving the Dodge coupe,
which had been stolen from the
Bonesteele used car shed on Sou"tb
Commercial street Sunday night.
Local police officers were imme
diately informed of their arrest
and after the necessary papers had
been written up, me chief of police
left for that city, to return the
Adams admitted that be bad
stolen the car, although he declar
ed that he has no recollection as
to where he got it. All he knows
is that he was driving it, not even
having a destination in mind, he
declared. He stated that he was
under the influence of intoxicat
ing liquor that day and due to
this probably hopped into ' the
car and drove south.
In Eugene he stopped at the
stage depot for a cup of coffee.
purchasing a stage ticket for Oak
i. - .t.M Mob. rnr nArWBsy has been making -a six
land, Calif. A little later he offered
Gawley a - proposition, declaring
that he was also going south in
his car and if Gawley would pay
for the gasoline," he would take him
along. This sounded good to Gaw-J
ley who cashed in his ticket and
filled Adams' machine with gaso
line. Soon both were off for the
sunny south. In Roseburg they
stopped to get breakfast. Police
there noticed that this coupe was
wanted in Salem and so put both
occupants under arrest. Adams
assumes all blame.
Both are now being held in the
city jail, Adams for stealing the
car while Gawley Is being held as
a witness. Adams gave his address
as Portland and Gawley as Oak
land, Calit.
"Had I known last night as to
what a mess I was getting into I
would never have accepted the of
fer" Gawley said to the chief on
way to Salem.
Forty Americans and 280 Chineee
Removed to Safety
SEATTLE, May 23 (AP)-
While a thundering surf pounded
her to pieces on the rocks sear
Unimak Pass in the Bering
280 Chinese and 40 Americans
were taken off the windjammer
Star of Falkland late today by
the coast guard cutters Haida and
Unalga, and the lighthouse tender
Cear, and the steamship Arctic,
advices received here or Captain
John G. Berry of the coast guard
The Star of Falkland is doomed,
the message said.
Owned by the Alaska Packers
association, the Star of Falkland
sailed from San Francisco April
25 for for Naknlk on Bristol bar.
The Chinese . and some of .the
whites "were to work in the can
nery there. She went on the rocks
shortly after midnight today after
having passed through the narrow
pass connecting the Bering sea
with the Pacific ocean, only a few
days sailing time from her des
tination. -,
The steamship Arctic, owned by
the same firm, was standing by at
a late hour.
BANDITS GET $202,000
First Xational Bank Robbed at
City of. Unur, Colorado - -
LAMAR, Colo., May 23. (AP)
It was reported here tonight
that the bandits who held up the
First . National bank here today
and shot and killed the president
and cashier, escaped with $195.
000 in negotiable securities in ad
dition to $7,000 In cash.
SANDY CREEK, Colo:; May 23
(AP) -A running gun battle
between Sheriff E, I,. Alderman
ot Powers county and an aid, and
the four bandits who held up the
First " National bank at T Lamar
ended late today when the bandits
disabled ii the sheriffs car with
their tire and escaped. " r'
Late reports said the fleeing
men;. with E. A. Keesinger. a teller
kidnaped, had boarded a freight
train at Lakln, Kansas, and were
a wvtaII lwwrrw tKwi 4- aw tV 1mm
I WS C S laVS VaV kAVt Vll Vf
Manufacturer, and the great Span
ish daily. La Prensa. It has been
adopted by the Pacific Steamship
association and will probably be
adopted by the American Steam
ship association. Sections of the
report have been widely syndicat
ed also. The report was written
before the passage of the Jones-
White shipping bill, which satis
fies to a certain extent the recom
mendations made in section one ot
the report proper. The Salem dis
trict, vlth every other section of
the country. Is vitally concerned
In the building up of an adequate
American merchant marine, and
this subject holds especial interest
iu Salem today because Jefferson
Myers, member of the United
states ehipping board, will at noon
address a joint meeting of the Sa
lem Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and
realtors, on "Our Merchant Ma
rine." Following is the Wetjen
report as it appeared in the
Buenos Aires Herald:
"When I set out to investigate
the American merchant marine I
was frankly skeptical. Knowing
that American shipping taau been
a sort of international Jest for sev
eral decades, and being aware of
the curious lethargy of the Amer
ican people towards seafaring mat
ters, I fully expected to find they
had the sort of merchant service
they deserved. I was more than
surprised to discover they had far
better than they deserve," said Al
bert Richard Wetjen the well-
known British sea-writer, in a re
cent interview with a Herald
representative. Mr. Wetjen who
Is well known for his sea stories
m a j ntit.w 1
months trip on an American
freighter, circumnavigating South
America and Investigating seafar
ing conditions.
There Is no reason at all today
why the American youth should
hesitate to adopt the sea as a ca
reer. The American seaman works
the shortest hours, is the best-paid
and tbe best-fed in the world. And
with the rapid growth and expan
sion of the American merchant
service there will be need of na
tive Americans in positions of
command, positions which are too
often today, because of tbe lack
of trained Americans, filled by
seamen of foreign extraction.
That the United States will
have to aid and foster her
chant marine te a fact no one
aware of international matters can
deny. With a comprehensive and
Intelligent system of help the;ne'd to oe out of keeping witn
American shin owner can compete sound public policy. Mr. Coolidge
with all foreign lines and in time
capture the world trade. Thejthe equalization fee provision by: Other officers are: President,
first handicap the American ship-! which surplus crop control would j Louise, Perozxl, Ashland; vice pres
owner is under is that if he builds' be financed, and what he termed , Went. Hallie Ingle. Albany; sec-
bls new vessels in tbe U. S. he its "price fixing" features. He
must pay for them due to higher j listed under six headings what
wages and material costs, some- seemed to him the "major weak
thing like fifty per cent more than ncsses and perils" of the bill. They
he would be asked for the same
vessel if laid down abroad. Some
system should be worked out by
which the government can relieve
the ship owner of this burden and
enable him to at least start level
on bis initial overhead with the
lines of other nations.: Govern
ment ownership of the American
merchant fleet is highly undesir
able for many reasons, and is an
tagonistic to such private citizens
who are bending tbeir energies
and finances towards -the expan
sion of export trade, f
: Another Immense help to the
American merchant marine would
be a rationalixing of .the marine
laws to make them no more bur
densome to- the shipper than sim
ilar laws of other nations. The
law that makes it compulsory, tor
example, that a master must pay
the seaman half of what wages
they have dqe them in every port
creates a tragic situation. The
first thing a crew does in a for
eign port, often as not, is to go
ashore and get drunk, and to stay
drunk until their money is gone,
thus, leaving the ship practicilly
unmanned for a period of drys.
As by-products . of this situation
fights start, quarrels with the for
eign police ensue, and .the master
of the vessel spends a great deal
of valuable time traveling to the
jail to bail his crew to liberty.
The bad odor into which this sit
uation brings the American flag
hardly needs comment. And no
other: nation permits it. The sys
tem Is bad for the men and bad
for Abe ship. It would hardly be
fair to go as far as the British do
and only allow the men a dollar or
so In each port, but tbe master of
a vessel should at least be allowed
to use his discretion when dealing
with unruly men.
The American master la further
handicapped by the fact that he
cannot adequately punish a man.
He simply has -to take anything
that comet his way. I have seen
common seamen abuse , masters,
threaten,, swear at, them, and all
the master is allowed to do under
the law of the land is to fine such
offenders a purely . nominal , sum.
It. a -master pays oft an unruly
man In a foreign port, he does so
against the strenuous protests ofj
the consul, tor tbe , consul, if the
(Oa tinned pas 4) -
McNary Declares President
Out of Sympathy With
Farm Problems
Plans; For Action to be Discussed
Among Senators Today After
White House Disapproval
of Farm Aid
President Coolldge vetoed the
McNary-Haugen farm relief bill
today on the ground that it Is un
constitutional, subversive to sound
public policy and deceptive in
what it aimed to do for agricul
ture. (
He sent this long-standing con
troversial legislation back to theJ
senate where it originated with a
disapproval even more caustic
than that with which he vetoed a
similar measure last year and in
formed the senate that he hoped
a farm bill along lines he recom
mended in his annual message
might still be enacted.
The reaction in congress, par
ticularly in the senate, qulckljd
manifested itself. Several admin
istration supporters gave the mes
sage their approval while pome
farm leaders made no effort to
conceal their disappointment.
Haugen Keeps Mora
Chairman Haugen ot the house
j agriculture committee declined to
comment, but his co-author of the
bill. Senator McNary of Oregon,
declared the "message indicates
that tbe president is unsympathet
ic with the farmer and uninform
ed as to bis problems."
McNary called a meeting of his
agriculture committee for tomor
row morning to discuss plans for
action on the veto. Sentiment for
and against overriding the veto ap
peared today about equally divid
ed and the Oregon senator said he
believed it would be futile to at
tempt to pass the bill over the
president's objection.
One of those to come to the sup
port of Mr. Coolldge was Senator
Edge of New Jersey who said tbe
"forceful language used by the
president leaves no doubt of his
firm conviction of the dangers ly
ing behind the legislation."
On the democratic side Senator
Robinson of Arkansas characteriz
ed the message as "surprisingly
intemperate in view of the presi-
mer-ident'8 temperament."
Fee Draws Attack
Addressing himself generally to
the various features of the bill he
'directed his attack particularly on
(Continued on pace 2.)
f- , t - s M mm f
iSSiSSSB I army op -j I IbpEKlNO - f iSU 1 14'
MK lS'ili UAxrum. uNe FSk ; ' '
t V J0 ' J!'l?j-,---j I
Peking, always the goal of the hosts of southern China In their war against the northerners. Is
more seriously threatened than it has been in several years. ' This time the invaders are rallied about
the Nationalist banner, and Chiang Kai-shek (center) commands the major force which seeks to rout
the northern generalissimo, Chang Tso-Lin (left). The map shows the battle area. Of several gates
in the wall. which surrounds Peking, the Chien Men gate (right) opens Into the principal street ot
'the ancient city. - - t . - .
Frank Kuenstlng and Samuel
Torre nd Owners of Grand
Champion Animals
Marion county's annual Jersey
cattle show, held at the horse
show pavilion at the state fair
grounds Wednesdav. was a dooM.
ed success, more than J2S0 people
turning out t6 view the prize win
ning cattle. Many visitors from
outside the eountv were nresent.
The Polk county Jersey tour will
be held today, starting at Mon
mouth at 9 o'clock.
The grand chamsion cow wan
Sweet Louise, owned by Frank
.uensting, and the grand cham
pion bull was Ragle Rinda Lad,
belonging to Samuel Torvend.
These - two animals also won the
senior awards in their respective
classes. For winning the grand
championships, the owners were
awarded the handsome cups pro
vided by the Marion County Bank
ers' association.
Other prize winners were:
. Bull calves: First, calf owned
by F. N. Rorden; second. J. A.
McCormick; third, Frank Knen
ting; fourth and fifth, Warren
Get of sire: First. M. G. Gun
derson; second, Warren Gran;
third, Hanson and Anderson.
Produce of cow: First, Samuel
Torvend; second and third, M. G.
Ounderson; fourth, Madson and
Junior champion female: Eagle
Pollyanna, M. G. Gunderson.
Junior champion bull: Lade
Lady Eagle, Samuel Torvend.
Aged cow class: First, Sweet
Louise. Frank Kuensting; second.
Popry's La France. Madson and
Larson; third, Greymore Glenna.
Warren Gray; fourth, Hetty
Jeane, You'll Do, Jones Brothers.
Four .year old cow class: St.
Mawes Jolly Hazel, Frank Kiien
sting. Three year old cow class: First.
Primrose Buttercup, Madson and
La r 8 on; second. Queen Bess, Mad
son and Larson; third, Queen's
Lassie, Jones Brothers.
Two year old cow class: Laesy
Girl's Lucy, M. O. Gunderson.
Junior two year old cow class:
(Catiaaed t 2.)
la;d;F:stt6ES parade
Oddfellows Thrill City of Roseburg
With Spectacle
ROSEBURG. May 23. (AP)
The grand parade of the various
groups of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows featured today's
program of the state convention
of the order being held here this
week. Therel were more than
3,000 marchers in line with many
beautiful floats and six uniformed
bands. Uniform drill teams and
various departments were repre
sented by large numbers of their
The Rebekah election today re
sulted in the selection of Leon a
Thiel, of Astoria, for warden, the
coveted position of .the organiza
tion. There were eight candidates
for "the office, four ballots being!
'required to select the winner.
re tar y, Ora L. Cosper, Dallas;
treasurer, Edna Jacobs. Portland;
trustee, Dora Sexton, The Dalles;
representative, Etta Sanderson.
One trustee remains to be elected.
: .WTTVSV- :&:.Vy VSZy?! " '-V
- - - -
Violent Demonstration Held;
Second Infernal Machine
Six Year Old Child Unwittingly
Opens Black Sachei Left By
Two Customers in Phar
macy; Fuse Found
- One bomb outrage which took
at least seven lives and Injured
nearly half a hundred others and
-discovery of a second bomb ex
plosion of which was narrowly
averted, marked today what po
lice considered the most violent
anti-fascist demonstration staged
in this country in two years or
Seven persons were killed out
right when the first bomb ex
ploded in the passport bureau of
the newly occupied Italian con
sulate Just before noon.- and 34
others were sent either dying or
seriously injured to hospitals. So
badly mutilated were the bodies
of those killed that is felt still
others were literally blown to
pieces. Partial indentification of
those known dead showed three
Argentine men, one Spanish wo
man and three Italians.
Second Fuse Put Out
Hardly had the reverberations
of the first explosion ceased when
employes of a pharmacy own by
a prominent Buenos Aires fascist
leader in the south docks section
averted a second blast when they
stamped out a sputtering fuse on
an infernal machine left there.
Two customers sitting at small
table in the store departed, leav
ing a small satchel behind them.
The six year old son of the pro
prietor unwittingly opened it,
screaming with, pain when he
burned a. finger on the fuse sput
tering within Inches of the
bomb's shell. His cries attracted
the attention of employes who
stamped out the fuse without any
Anti-FasclsU Accused
This second incident strength
ened police authorities in their
contention that the outrages were
(Continued on pf 2.)
Dr. Spalding Xamed Moderator of
United rTesbyterlans
ST. LOUIS. May 23. (AP)
The Rev. Dr. William A. Spalding.
Pastor f the United Presbyterian
cnurcn 01 Aioauy, urt., iimigui
was nominated and unanimously
elected moderator of the United
Presbyterian church of North Am
erica at the 70th annual assembly
of the church here. The Rev. Dr.
Spalding succeeds the Rev. Dr. M.
G. Kyle who is in the Orient with
an archaeological expedition.
, - .
i Dr. Raymond J. Wade Chosen
Earlier In Day; One More Re
. mains to be Named
' KANSAS CITY. May 23. (AP)
Dr. James C. Baker, pastor of
the Trinity church of Urbana. 111.,
tonight was chosen a bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal church by tbe
general conference here.
His election came on the sixth
ballot when he received 591 votes
with 524, being necessary to elect.
Dr. Lewis O. Hartman of Boston
dropped somewhat on the sixth
ballot when he polled only 410.
Dr. J. M. M. Gray of Scranton. Pa.,
who earlier led the field, was third
with 356 votes.
On the second ballot today. Dr
Raymond J. Wade of Chicago was
elected to episcopacy. One more
bishop remains to be chosen.
The conference adjourned im
mediately after taking the seventh
ballot without counting the vote.
the result of which will be an
nounced tomorrow.
Will Receive Awards For Three
Years Perfect Attendance
The names of pupils from sev
eral schools who, if there is no
break in their attendance record
ibetween now and the end of
school next week, will be eligible
for gold star certificates for three
years' attendance with neither ab
sence or tardy marks, have been
received at the office of the city
They are: from Park school,
Edith Pattersona and Edward
Hamilton: from Washington,
Verne Adams; from McKinley,
Hazel Strong and Thomas Earle;
Garfield, Robert Brownell; En
glewood, Philip Jones, Adina
Paulus. Howard Sternberg and
Luetta White. Leslie and Parrish
junior highs will have ten each.
One of the Parrish gold star pu
pils, a transfer this year from
Kansas, also bad an eight-year
perfect attendance record in Kan
Seven Men In Stock Conspiracy
Case Set Free at Trial
The Jury in the Julian Petro
leum stock overissue and conspir
acy case returned a verdict here
today ot not guilty on botH counts
for all seven defendants in the
The indictments under which the
seven men- were tried charged
them with one count ot conspir
acy to over-issue the stock, and a
second count of conspiracy to ob
tain money under false pretenses.
-The jury of eight women and
four men was given the case at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon. One
juror said after the verdict of ac
quittal was returned today that
the jury bad stood 10 to 2 for
acquittal when It was locked up
for the night at 11 o'clock last
Immediately after Superior
Judge Charles Do ran read the ver
diet and left the bench the ac
quitted defendants crowded aroun
the Jurors, thanking them profuse
ly among their tears, an being
joined in both the thanks and the
weeping by some of their attor
Senate and House Groups Confer
on Muscle -Shoals
Senate and house conferees
reached a new agreement tonight
on the Muscle Shoals bill, retaining
the Cove creek dam construction
provision ' of the house bill, but
eliminating , the sections Of the
original conference report, which
would have authorized the manu
facture at the Muscle Shoals plant
of mixed fertiliser.
Under the revised conference
agreement, the government corpor
ation would be restricted purely to
experimentation In fertilizer a?d
not in its production or sale. The
provisions ot the original confer
ence report authorizing produc
tion of fixed nitrogene in such
form as to permit it to be handled
without danger to plant life, or to
workers on the farm, were not
changed. , .
Members of the conference com
mittee said senate leaders antici
pated considerable objection in the
senate to tbe retention of the Cove
creek dam provision.
Some Will Arrive Today; Regis-
tratlon Friday At C. of C ;
"Early birds" among the dele
gate, to- the Lions state conven
tion wilt begin arriving In Salem
this afternoon and evening,-: 'al
though -tbe convention 'does, not
get officially under way until the
following morning, when registra
tion will take place from i S to 12
o'clock.-. r.rv" i-V;.,v-; ;
' The place of registration Is the
chamber of commerce auditorium,
where all ot the business sessions
will be held. r U. ; .
. It is expected that between 500
and 700 people will come to Sa
lem from other cities" where the
Lions have strongholds, to attend
th!a convention. .':
Dirigible Soars Above Exact
Top of World for Nearly
Whole Hour
Wireless Message Shows Sucre
of Second of Arctic Kxplora-
Uon Flights by Giaat
Italian Airship
- s , -
OSLO. Norway, May 24.
(Thursday) ( AP) General Usa-
berto Nobile in his dirigible Italia
cruised over the north pole Twr
almost an hour early today.
Reaching the pole from Kings
Bay, Spitzbergen, some 75o miles
away about 1 a. m..the airship cir-"
cled near it until about 2 a. at.
Then the Italia headed south fr
KINGS BAY. Spitzbergen, May
23. (AP) With high hopes I
reaching the north pole for t
second time. General Lmberto
NobUe set out in the dirigible It
alia at 4:40 o'clock this morning.
There wtis a picked crew aboard
and with favorable atmospheric
conditions which prevailed at the
start, the explorer hoped to reach
the pole by midnight.
I ogress Recorded
At nine o'clock in the morn leg
came word that the Italia was over
Amsterdam island, northwest ot
Spitsbergen and at noon the dir
igible radioed that the flight wan
progressing satisfactorily, and all
was well. The wind was then north
east. At 8 o'clock tonight the Ital
ia reported by wireless that "allw
well" but did not give its position.
The remainder of the dispatch t
the Cltta di Milano was in vtpber
which had to be sent to Rome to
be decoded. Although those aboard
the Citta dl Milano did not knew
the contents of tbe message they
said they assumed the Italia had
flown approximately a thousand
kilometers (about 670 miles).
Speed Estimated
At an average speed of from
40 to 50 miles an hour, the Italia
could cover the distance be
tween her starting point and tbe
pole, approximately 730 miles. In
time to reach her destination by
It is understood that General No
bile himself intends to make n
landing at the pole with Profes
sor PontremoM, for magnetic ob
servations. Tbe two men- will desceud ay
means of ropes from the ssMhtn,
others may follow, depending
conditions. Precautions will be te
ken to safeguard those who leave
the ship, for they might be faced
with the possibility of being sep
arated from the big craft.
General Nobile carries with hita
the oaken cross confided to has
care by the pope, and will set it
up at the pole.
Substantial Victory Won by Fna
tion Headed by Governor
Dan Moody
BEAUMONT, Texas. May 23.
(AP) Supporters of Governor
Alfred E. Smith for president suf
fered a crushing defeat lot tke
state democratic convention hen
today when Governor Dan Moody
took charge of his campaign for n
prohibition delegation to tto
Houston convention and pulled a
victory out of the lire. .
The Smith supporter were de
feated 483 to 2S2 in their fight
to allow each list to name its del
egates to the national convention.
Having crushed the ultra dry
faction of the party with the aid
of Smith votes yesterday. Moody
today announced -Tlatly against
delegates Instructed for Smith and
supported, the resolution ot Tom
Ball of Houston to allow a conven
tion committee to name the dele
gates. He stated frankly that he
favored such a course because be
felt the Texas delegation to tbe
national convention should be a
(Contiaac paga 2.)
Wanted, Berry and
Cherry Buyers to
Tate Man's Crops
A fanner phoned to The
Statesman . last . evening. He
wanted to 'know where he could
find buyers for his strawberries,
cherries and loganberries. He
said he had been unable to sell
them; or rather to find any on
willing to contract for them.
' He said be had been taking
The Statesman for a great many
years, and he wanted this paper
to help him find buyers. Hence
this item. It is a free adver
tisement for buyers. --
The phone number of . the
subscriber la 8JF21.