P.,. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1928 i . f real Estate DIRECTORY t "DS031 SlTLCXx-.. Alton iSZ Hi- TeL 1444 tOovray B-an. TeL 790 1$ . Hick. TaL 141 CeaxteersaU. TaL 877 ... " w. r. iuuiwii t75 Statu. To". I484. azO snata a. -r-j ira? 0 JT. Char. lal. S4$ MOaUJt 1). VODTCH atsVxXTX CO. 814 Hi Hit. Sana Bldg. TaL 4a OAaULUJU SAULS I 14$ 6. Lttocty an. Tat. X44 ' W. H. fejUkJUESUUJUiT CU. l$4 8. liberty St. TaL 414 auXLVLV JOdXatOX 120 O. beak Uiag. TaL Oil 147 at. Oem'L TaL 817 L-U'LaJl LATLAJ4 LedJ Biea kuk Bids. TaL LABSKM OK UCI $15 Oregea bldg. TaL 174 vV. A. LISTO 404-4 xtaeeale Bid TaL ARTHUR tC74 lierU Capita u TeL 807 lilLLLXfa aJt COJC1TTI 400 Orsgea BMc TaL 1X70 W. O. MILLS IUW Steto 8k TaL 171 W. B. MOSXB 451 Court SL TaL S1$ JOUS W. OBJ. Ktw Bllgh Bid. TaL S4S QBTKUOJt . X. 7A0B a 84 Court. Tat. IBS? . - PSB&Uftt 8 MAJUTX&S til 1 tjraj IVieg. TaL 007 &ICH L. KELUAX". Beeltor 819 N. High Sk TaL $08 8ALEM KKALTI CO. -d862 State L Baoai 7. TaL 1004 char: 3 arusua S10 Oregoa Bldg. TaL 19a .804-8 fHm Ket. Heiik BUg- TaL 070 aqUABK JiaVAX. baaxtx C. 8. Kai l Back Uldg. TaL TKIAMOLB KEALTT CO. 411 Camrt tit TaL Stl ULBJCH XVBKBTa 110 N. Comma rciaL TaL MS U. 8. BKA1.TY CO. 441 Btato at. TcL 146k r. l. wooi 41 SUta St. TaL 704 BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 Maruna & liarnsberger U8L AND GREAT WESTERS BATTEBIX8 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS 215 Center Stmt. Tel. 1915 In Connection with Capitol Super Service Station BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOYD K. KXH&DTt COLUMBIA BI cycles end rspeirmg. 007 Canrv CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. O. L. SCOTT, F7VC CMCPMACTB - IM N. Bisk. TaL 0ZB-&, Kaa. licv DB& BCOritLD. X-Bar. CHIEO prartsr, ac4 Nearocratometar tarriee. Office phoae 2194. Ret. 21S7-J; an4 2892-J. Suite 414 1 15, First Nat'l. Bank. FLORISTS 11 niWIkt fltB ALL OCOASI'JNB OUaa'a. Caart a High BU TaL Ml. CUT FLOWS RS, U15DDIMO BOUQUBTf Fnnaral TToataa. aaearattaa. c r. Braitaavpt, (lariat. 41 ia Straet, INSURANCE 12 Insure Tear Heaaa or Oar vm. BEOKE a HBXDBICKa Pkoae ll- I. O O. F. Bldf.. '.00 X. High 8L Vor hALG FIKST AKD BECU2ID Mart- tea. Traet leaaa, Caairaett aa Loukat will net S to 10 per eenv BEOKB m HENDRICE8 Hailic B!dg, 119 X Bigk 8L FAKM LOANS PLLSTT CF MONET t-o MiD ob cpaa lira teounrr. riTT llVK V an Lianuia Prn citr rcaidenee cad busine4 proparty at 6Yt par cent, ptua a oeaniiuioa niw Ir in Uoborta. lM, SUi Oreveft lluildtag. FOR RENT-Apts. 15 TUPLEX APT. ! . WIKTFB. FCRNISIIED HOUSE; APARTMENT: rooms. 160 Union. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT. i;i(Jl Hasel. Phone 1939W. NEWLY FINISHED 2 ROOM EUBXISH ed or unfurnished. 1133 Court.. I ROOMS AND KITCHEXETTB, W tr, light aad fuel, cleea La. $22.40. 655 Mariea. ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Water and light. Inquire 830 Missies Sr. Phone 1737 J. 2 ROOMS A KITCHENETTE. WA--r. light A fuel. $20 a montk. Alfred Here. 555 Marios SL FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED room apsrtmeats. Virginia Apart ments, 879 N. Liberty. P1TTOS APART1I ENTS C OI Y. clean, comfortable, eicely furnished. Private bsth. , 8 team beaL Down town distrirL Reasonable in price. For inspection call Patina's Book Store. Electrics! Retnger'.tioa, rsngea. Modern, brick, heated. Apk High class residential district. Uaeerfal, attractira, light. $ room apartmeat, S teds, $40.00. Oae tarnish4 overstuffed. $50.00. A two re. furnished. $37.50. Inspection larited, children weUasma. Ambassador Apartments SO N. tummer. 1071 FOR RENTHouses 17 MOsC&tui SIX BOOM BUNGALOW, rwene 1351. I ROOM HOUSE. MOSTLY FURNISH ed. $16.50. Fruit gsrden. N. , Capi tol. Phone: 830. UNFURNISHED BUNGALOWS AKD 1 furnished house. ' Melrta Johnson, U. 8. National Bank Bidg. TeL 637. t RM. HOUSE, VERY CLOSE TS $25 A month, good range connected. Wianie Petty iohk.: lis a. ruga. BOARD AND ROOM 20 KICELY FURNISHED BOOMS WITH board. 405 Marioa St. BOOM, BOARD, SINGLE MEALS. EUN - day dinaera. Alexandria, 1000 Cae saekcta. Phone 1M9. 21 TBB KKW SALEM LAt7!DT THB WIUU LADXDET TlokM IS. 1U a. B3e fKY THE BOMB WET WASa UAUS- rr. TaL 171. 150 B Btraa. Capital cttt uattodbt Tka Laaadrf af rata Materials" Tetcpkaaa 14Sw 14 Braadsrap TAILORS 22 D. H. MOBHBB TAJXO10 FOB MES ad vims. 474 Caart St. AaAasaaaB. WANTED Misc. 23 TEAM WORK OF XIX KINDS AND EX- caeattas;. Pbaaa Mayfield 72F3. FUKMTTTJBE PlCBXe FOB SHIP Uieaa Pawara Faraltaa Oa WAVTKO rtUVATT HOXET FOB tarai teens wa bare saeaxal applica tions aa baad. Haw ktaa ASssirta, laaw tOS Oragaa U iig. WANTED GOOD WASHED OOrTO.t Jtaga aot ssaaitav Uaa X paid aaa lai wiping smaekii.ar7. Higtast pviaa paid far gaad claaa tacs. apply at Statesman atuaa. tax Sttfta. -Hollywood Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 43S No. Commercial. Phone 1027 MATTRESSHS 24 MATTAESSE8 RENOVATED BT THB 1'spt.al City Beudtaz Co.. llOO Borta CapitoL Called far and delieared. Ail k guaraatead. Tel. 10 FOR SALE 25 BEAUTIFUL PIANO, NEAIt SALEM, must sell immediately. 10.00 per month if desired. A rare bargain. Write Dsrid B. Carr, factory adjuster, 4625 E. 60th St., So. Portland, Ore., for particulars. WANTED Live Stock 26 BEST PRICES PAID TOR ALL KINDS or beef stock. Telephone 176. Mid get Market. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 NICE FRESH JERSEY COW, HEAVY sa i Iter, trade for fat caw. ITS' Nertu 23th 8t. VETERINARIAN 28 'BED W. LANOE, VETEB IB A BIAS Offiea 8. Camas rciaL TaL 1109. Raa. TaL 1046. WOOD SAWING 29 A IK)D AAWIMO.- F0UBB MIL t10 Nrtk ComasaraiaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 JOOD DR1 WOOD. PHONE TU1 U. V. MayfiiU. iUOD DRY WOOD FOB YOU U. A. Larmer. TaL 884V OLD FIR WOOD, PR ACTIOALLY SEA- sooed,. .30 card, aaeoad growta f s.o, on track, ear lets, Salem. J. M. Pee bles, Fall City. Oragaa. l0 IN. OLD KM 880 FEB OOeUV-. 0 rick) Taj. 8189. J'JARANTKKD - DRY WOOD COAL, TeL 11. Balaaa Fval Co, 7M Trada. WESTERN UNOB TxMB. TRUCKS far bailing. Waad ban. Call SZO. 5 LOADS 16 I.NCH MILL WOOD $14.00, at Tracy Fuel lard. Phone 8313. Prompt delirery. trtKID C4JAL TBY WOOtf PBOMPT PELIVEBIKS HtLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONF. 1Mb. O- tSES) A ANl'RBeW.'J rOB WOOD TO BUBS 8ALEM TRANS. FOfcC OQ. 6ENEBAL TRANSFER WORK TEL. 830 DRY 16 INCH OLD FIR $8.25 PER cord, 5 cord lots $4.00; 16 inch small second growth $6.75 per cord. C. U. Harbaugn. 103S Highland Are. Phone 1990. BE8T 6&AuI OF WOOD Dry woe" 4 tL aad lb lac A. jarra leads are eneeper ta bay. Mill wee ta aur specialty, rrvajpt talirary aaa teaset au pnc. FREJ & WXLL8 ttO 8. Charek TaL 1547 WOOD DEALERS I hare a quantity of ash wood cot ia pole lengths. It could be delivered in towa that way or rot into four foot or sixteen iach lengths where it is. Who wants to bay it where it tayat Should be mored by August. E. A. Rhoten, 1595 South High St., Phone POULTRY AND EGGS 32 JAUY CLUCKS KtKBT VOMM.I AMD Tuesday. -6 ieadiac rariet.ee. Beat local ack. Prices reasonable. Saleai Ckickcriaa. BorU Cottage Street. Salem. 15B ClilCKn AND CUdTUM HATCH ing Expert service means tifieiencp a high quality. All baby eaicas froia part at stock Officially tasted and Of ficiallr Approved. Salam'a eldaet Cus tom llatchi-g plant. Phoaa 1331 i 4ov s aUkevy. Pullets Pullets Pullets Reds, Rocks, White Leghorns. Browa Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons, Black Mia orcas. White Minoreas and others. Im mediate delivery, big boned stock, ia best condition; breeding cockerels and mated pens. Puona 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. MUSIC STORES 33 FOR RENT NEW PLAN OS. 6tiff Furniture Company. U. L. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. FBOXO grapaa, eewiag asaehiaea, sheet snaaie aad piaaa atudiaa. Repairing pheao grapha and aawrag asschiaae. 432 State street. Saleav MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JA2Z FRANK 8U1 ton. Watcrmaa course. Studio OStf k Cottage, phone 2 105-J MINUTE MOVIES 9 f I t I WWW ED WEELArVf ArQj&rAvne Serial 'EL BANWW) II I I a I WUROUGViOUT TW , DAV CxEW . CAS SB R A S AS GAVCHOS, PASSED IN THE RMiO CT THC BM-AOOr tlKDI VJ TUP MtT lSsfBNNr, READ J FOR. ACTl ON i LAUNDRIES KODAK FINISHING 34. FBBB XinUABOKMBST WITH 8TXBT Oa araar Kadak wmrk. Ba Partlaad, Ora. Newspapers Uagazines 2& TtiX POKTLASTO MttOBIB SAJJCM Agtmey. Tka Aea. TaL 040. THB OBEOOB 8TATXIMAS, M CZKTS par aiuatk delivarad ta 7 ear aaase mmtbr aaak aMraiag. TaL IS at S40. if vou WAjrr to on- thx bbst fsrm paper saad five S-eoat stamps ta the Faeifia Hemsstead, Salem. Oregea, for a tarea saestaa' trial aabatnptiaa. Maatisa tkia ad. POCLTBYMEJI BEND EIGHT TWf caat stsmpa far gpasiai three aaeasha anal for Ue bees ana eldeat Jearasi ia tae Was, Tka artislae aad advar tisemaats are af specisl ialsnsl ta the pemltry braedera af tka Net tka est Ses-taweet Faaitry JaaraaL 211 8. Cess- PAPERHANG1NG 37 PiMMb. wLKJISI AbAd FOB HOUtU dswratasg, paperaaabvag. stating, etc RetmhU a ark man. PAINTING 38 FOR PAINTING AXD KALSO MINING call O'Brien 759. Good work, res so a able prices. CHA8. B EMM ETA fATSYXMO CON iraeser, panattLg; papa haagiag, Usaa-d. lsi Meat aSsllatt. MISCELLANEOUS 39 OH SALEM aCAVKGEB 8B ICS call 101. sLkklTUKB UUOL8TCKIIIO AND BAV pasrsng. tHaae-saweta Faxaitace dtera. r'OB BALK OLD BKWKX-AFaJss, 10 casta a Lanils. Ststeamaa afiifre, 21$ South CummerelaL WANTED: USED FIANObv IM EX change oa Radios, Phonographs, or Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furnitur j viea paay. WHITE SCOTCH CULLIB AT STUD. So Urn's White Kjag. Roadster a am her 5941. Service guaranteed. Puppies aad grown stock saw tela- Mrs. Bea aett, 1080 Ckameketa. Phoaa 1530. Ss'UVES AJTD 8TOVB KEPAIsfclNO STOVES FOB svALX BBDUILT AND repaired by expert. All ksada at wevea wire fence, raaey aad piata. Has baeketa aatd beoks, Vagsa bueke. Bslssa reaee aaa Mteve wecka, z vaan street. CAPITOL BAlMiAia AID iVKK MOUSE. Oaater. TaL AU kiada af J ask bought aad raid; Rags, beaks. Bottles. Barrels. Hide. Pelts. Wevls. Fare, Tallow, Caseara Bark, Crape afoot, fitaa, rappermiat uu, All ktado of lrea 8) Metal everytsusg frees a aaedle to a low amative. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresno 74 B. 0b St. B. Portland. Oeeoaa PERSONAL 43 MABBY WEALTH; BEAUTY. WOULD a loving pal interest yon? Stamp for secret. Doria Dawn, East Cleveland. Okie. PRINTING 44 FOB STATION EBY, OAJaDOA PAMPBV Wtt, programs, bos ska, or aay biad at printing, oail at tae Stateaaiaa Print ing lVpartmaat, Sit 8. Csiamjretai TaL AS. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L. Waad, 841 State 8s. j V STRAIGHT LOANS. CITY sad farm. W. G. Wright, WA Maaoaia Bldg. F. H. BELL. 210 V. 8. BABK BLDG. Beeidence aad baaiaeaa asaaa, TeL 407 or S141-WC FEDERAL FARM LOAN8 REDUCED TO 61. F. L. Wilkinson, 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AMD oa eity property. B. M. MwUa aad U B, Marti a. a Uc roars, ais Oregea Building. TeL S044. CITY At J TRACT LOANS Reasonable Raise Ne Deiay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM v. 701-6 First Batiaaal Baak Baild'jtf Phone 4S7. aaiasa. Orsgoa. SALARY AMD COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable ia Weekly ar Moathly la sts! tments. GENEBA.L FINANCE COR PORATION. First Nat'l Baak. TaL 12r0. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Beat terms obtainable. Oar insurance derartmeat effera yea OA pert adriea and sarvtce ta all nana. ' HAWKiNS 8 ROBERTS (Ire) TaL 1427 80ft Oregea Bldg. WANTED LOANS 45 WANTED LOAN: $2350. on Dew Salem residence. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. WJBTX0 Frivato aaoaey to soaa oa BJttX ESTATE. W. H. GRABENUORdT 8 CO. 134 8 LILarty 8. PLUMBING 47, PLUMBING AMD GFMEr.aL RE Pal 8 wars- Graaer Bra. 14 1 8. Liberty Tec ao. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR i.EASB: Several attractive rtound fiear store or office rooms, well iocs ted. W. H. GRABENHORST 8 CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty SL TeL 614 Exchange well improved 20 acres for grocery or eon feet MtBe-ry with or with out living rooms to $4000. BARBER ft BOND 200 Cray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty Buaiaess rornoi close In $8000. Urocery store, money maker, well located $7800. Center Str., lot, pavement paid, $450. 5 rn. house, pavement paid $2000. GERTRUDE J. il. PAGE 484 Court Str. FgrW SfcMB VSv4T, . BEFORE RE. TRiN0r , DtcESJbR WS FIMAL INSTRUCTION? A3 M(A$ Ml COttlDM -w- i BUT &RANJE DON PABA.O VS RUNNING A TMCMfti f zry s-s'- m n a 111 I 11 RtS , If VOU ASK MB j MKbO BUSINESS OPPR. 43 CBtmiT. t .-j .km bast Of um(, aav r" r' equipment aad leeatioa, close ia, long Uase. storage aloae takaa care ox lar share of rent. Ulrich & Roberts 128 K. Com'L BoaltonT Phoaa 1354 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS At your door. A chaace ia a life time. Owaer wishes to leave his serv ice tta. Grocery, confectionery, soda .fountain; stock for sale at invoice plus $100. Will Uase for two years then wkea ke returns be will buy stock back at invoice. His property ia aot for sale. See Louis Becbtel J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker, 241 State St. Burns 3 aad 4. aakjvajwahpasaessnvaisvamssaa RADIO 49 Radlolas For -very parpeao. far every pue All stardard sues of Badto Tabea, SOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. Court a. Mjm .".i FOR SALE Houses 50 4 rms.. furnace, fireplace, hwd. firs., garage, $350 cask and remainder like rent. $2850. 5 rms. aad nook, all modern fea tures, aouth, corner let, $4iOO, very easy terms. 6 rms.. well located easL living rms.. ia gum wood, fine arrangement and best construction. $6500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High SL "kMavbavasatksvSaaeajesa REAL ESTATE 51 FOR RENT OR SALE, 5 ROOM MODERN house. 1693 South Liberty. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, BASEMENT. sleeping porch, garsge; good 1 oration, terms. See owner 643 N. Winter street. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchaaga EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TO DAY, come in TODAY. Ssa GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtor 166 S. Liberty. TeL 2242 IF YOU ACT NOW! Yoa ran get this neat 4 room home at foreclosure price, only $2500 with $100 cash and $30 per mo. including interest. Nice large living room with fireplace, plenty of built-ias and good plumbing, garage and woodshed, paved streeL Let US show you this todsy. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 Stste Street. Phone 1727 SPECIAL FOR TODAY $575 buys one of the finest view lota in S. Salem, baa several Urge fruit and nut trees, is close to sraoOl and bus line. Oner will not last long. Terms can be arranged. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 DELANO ft DOW SPECIALS One af those cosy artistic little nests for two; garage, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, bath, airy cLeerful rooms, and the price listen $2650 if you come quick. Some dowa paynrent, balance lass than rent. $4000 first mortgage drawing 7 due 1930; oa 180 acres highly improv ed first class land. 290 N. Church Tel. 230 Have yoa a good lot to trade for equity ia a bread new 7 room house close ia; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, nice largo lot, east front. Wili take a residence to $3000.00 in exchange for going chicken ranch. 5 room plastered house with gar age, in fine condition, completely fur nished. Reduced from $4500.00 to I27a0.no for quick salo as owner is leaving towa. small payment down will handle. GASKILL ft EABLE, REALTORS 166 8. Liberty St. Phone 2242 $4250 New- 5 room house, full basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Unfinished upstairs. East front. All street assessments paid. Lo cated at 1935 Hazel Avenue. Very eaay terms. $2800 Nice 4 room house. Full base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Fine lot. Street paved this yesr. We hsve some mighty good bargains on our list. Consult us. MONEY TO LOAN INSURANCE Rich L. Reimann Realtor 219 N". High St. Phone 863 REAL FACTS The rich man can't afford to pay rent, he owns his own home. The poor man can own his own home by paying $100 down, balance just like rent. Here are a few priced specially low: $950 buys a 5 Room plastrred house $100 down $15 month. An other one for $1800. $20 month. An other one for $2500 at $.25 prr month. Another one, brand new, strictly mod ern 6 Rooms, double constructed, hard wood floors, fireplace, furna-e. grand est view. Price cut to $43. vis $5500 only $500 down. To bur a home yoa csn save money if you buy of Louis Berhtei or J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker, office 341 State St. Rooms 3 and 4." Laflar & Laflar Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. About 60 acres 1 mile to town snd R. R. Some fruit. Will take Salem home ia trade if modern. $10,000. New Bldg on Union Ave., Portland Concrete Income about $200 per mo. Want good farm near alem. $27,500, Will pay some difference. 160 acres all clear, modern Bldgs. A real bargain at $90 per acre. Will accept a modern home in Salem. Small Apt. house close in on N. Lib erty St. Income $55. A bargain for quick sale. Good 6 cyL car to trade for wood or lot. Lafiar & Laflar General Insurance Ladd ft Busk Bank Bldg. V w VJV W 1 UNLJ nui w" fpltrAAUy OWE H SWT- FALL. ANP WllC EAH SALVO CaOHUst THE FIESTA ,lnH SONS AI TUCE.GOMEX.W His I WS THREE . -tlWlSMJ5K"THI?U THE i SECRET 113RWND EXIT FROM TUB FftlACIO REAL ESTATE 51 REAL GOOD HOMB WITH LOTS OF lrut oa fine lot for only $2000. Bet rr look this up. Basement, furnace, builvtas; oa pawd street. north, ienns. Or will trade. Phone 1416R. Owner at lff25 N. Winter. ew Home. 1 aearocms, full base "ent. furnace. Urge breakfast nook. i!tWOod ,fk' P' atreet. price i?nv"d wU1 eaah ap to $500.00 as first payment, balaaee good terms. SALEM REALTY CO. 4S2 State St. Good 3-rooae house $1350 w 4 room, basement. $2600 Oood 5 room $2300 6 room lot It0x57 ..$2500 7-room rood ronditioa $2200 7- room sptendid home 45000 Classy 6-reom, new $4900 8- room w.th 5Vr acres $6500 BARBER ft BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 12.1 '. Liberty WHILE THIS OFFER LASTS YOU CAN BLY THIS JfEW HOME BELOW AM K 5 room English type home, built in. "ok, good plumbing, fireplace, wood shed and garage. Pr.ce ou-y $2300. cash $200. balance easy. For Sale BY LEO N f HIT in rv R.... 320 State Street. ' Phone 1727 HOMES ON EASY TERMS $100.00 Down balance like Tent for 3 rooms, on oared street Sl.rOOno $300.00 Down balance to suit .'or 6 rooms, view property. $4300.00. $250.00 Down baiaace 25.0t moatlily. o rooms new, nrar school, $3000. JO. $300.00 Down balsnce like rent, 6 rooms strictly modern, S. High. $4700.00. We have a four apartment House in Se attle to exchange for Salem Re.ilence, now rented for $100.00 per moith. M-ctlLCliKIST i PENNING T IN 209 U. S. Uaak Bldg., S.i-'in. Ore. 10 seres esst of 8alem with fair building! all clear of incffmSraace to trade for a good home in North Sa lem, will assume soma. 30 acres south 5 miles at $3000, to trade for a house in town, all ia cul tivation. 5 room house and two lots with plen ty of fruit snd gsrden space in North Salem to trade for land near Dallas. $1200.00 buys a new 4 room all modern in every way and furnished st $500 down, $25 s month and int. SQUeUUC DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. SPECIAL $1200 New 6 room English type home, oak floors, basemeoL furnace, fire place, $ bedrooms, corner lot, eatt front, paving pd., close to Par rish Junior and grade school, on bus line. ssy terms. $2500 Semi iooden. 4 room bungalow, bsth, garage, a nest home, $100 down. $1300 3 room home, bath, paving, close to school snd bus, $250 down. $4009 New 5 room bungslow, modern in every way, garage, paving, east front, corner lot, just ready to move mto. Insurance. Money to Ltan MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bauk Bldg. Phone 637 Will take good car as first payment on good house well located. North. Price only $1800. Easy terms. 5 Room house. 2 acres ground. IO is of fruit. Located st crossrosd on Pacific Highwsy in Woodburn. A fine place for service station or road house. $1000. We have a number of good scresge snd fsrm tracts to trade for city prop pert jr. Capitol Realty Company 216 N. High St. Phone 1143 Real Estate Real Insurance Real Service REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS ANGELES. CALIF. PROPERTY TO change for Salrm City .Property. Write Box 12-, Statesman. LOS ANGELES, 6 ROOM MODERN RES idence trade for farm. Owner, McKia tie, 4206 York Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. 592 Acre Stock Raneh in Alberta, well stocked 'and equipped, to exchange for smsll scresge in Willamette valley. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. EXCHANGE TEN ACRE POULTRY ranch. 500 birds, lots of baby chicks. 5000 eggs setting; six room house Urge barn, hen houses, all electrified $7000. Want borne up to $3000. Ad dress F. P. Care Statesman. PORTLAND FOR SALEM OR VICINITY Five rooms and floored attic, fur nace, fireplace, oak floor in two rooms paved street, well located, close to car lines in 1 or t land. Should essily be worth $1000.00. present mortgage $1700.00. Will soil on e-i.y terms or trade. E. A. Rhoten, 159.1 South High St. Phone 253 SR. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE FIVE ROOMS SOUTH New and modern. Basement and furnace. Price $3000. $200 cash. Exchange .for acre ag without much improvement. FIVE ROOMS NORTH Modem ex cent basement. Paved street. Price 43450. Exchange for small acreage. SIX ROOMS SOUTH New aad strictly modern in every detail, splen did location. 7 bearing walnut trees. Price $4900 $500 cash will handle. Take unimproved acreage for equity. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. - Ground Floor "Exchange Headquarters" REAL ESTATE Farms 53 For Sale. 20 acre frm all under cultivation, new buildings, modem. rood road. 7 miles ont. Owner must leave on account of other business and has cut the price to $5500, laelucung stock and equipment. A going oust ness, good income. r. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 Stste St. 80 A. fine dsrk loam-soil, nice Iocs tion. 4100 ner A., for residence. 20 A. suburban home, 7 A. in ber ries and fruits. Good income stock tools and crop, snap, $5000, easy -terms. Highly improved 16 A. tract all ia berries and fruits, good income, suuu rood terms. Tak-r residence. 5 A. tract, berries and cherries, near Salem. Slrf50. easr terras. 21 A., Good Bldgs., $1000, for resi dence. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 12 Gray Bldg. rWfPA Aura v&Lb&co UAS GWJE.N ME DETAILS OF A PLOT AGfilNST MV - ww gftH gQBNHg TVY4 ft&LO V 1 v USED CARS For Sale 61 HOLLYWOOD -at 435 No. Commercial Phone 1027 An Opportunity To Save $35 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1926 H927 H925 1927 Ford Coupe Ford Touring Dodge Roadster Jordan Eight Sedan Hudson Brougham Pontiac Coupe Chrysler 50 Coupe- Secies Dodge Coupe Type Whippet Coach Some First Class Values In Cheap Transportation We Invite Mechanical Inspection Save $$$ At HOLLYWOOD Your Credit is Good Expert repairing on all automobiles on the time payment plan. It will pay yon to investi rate GINGRICH MOTOR COMPANY 615 South Commercial Stroet Packard Oldsmobile Trade In's. Look These Over Packard Sedan $li50 Chrysler '52 4 Door - 7io Oakland Sedan and Coupe 650 Studabaker Brom. 450 Buick Std. Six Rdst - auu Ford Sedan --- 10 Wa have a large assortment of good naed ears to choose from. If you are in terested in a good used ear it will pay yeu to look oar stock over before you buy. Only a few listed above. Come in. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High St. rRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 34 State at. Tec vss. LMstnDuiiag, icr warding aad a'erage our specialty. Get our rates. We Move Store and Ship Household goods. Our .pecislty It piano and furniture moving. We also snake country trips. We hsndle the best Coal and Wood Call or. us for prices. Ws givt good measure, good quality aad good servic Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WiTER 6ERVJCB CO. Offiea 304 South Commercial St. Tea per eeat discount on domestic flat rate paid ia advaace. No daducttoa far ab sence ar any cause aalese water ia shut off yeur pr.a-'s.s. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW vVAITn-r ROOM IH THE NEW HOTEL SENATOs) Frequent Scfcedulea Thirty Bide Booka at Reduced Rate A Hwift and Reliable Package berviee Courteous Attention Frout AU Employees) TaaOtM Are a Few af the Off.r ngs Made Ue Pubue By PARKER Sl'AGES. ING. iare Leavina Times: Dallas: 7 a. m., v:v a. , a. av. 2:10 p. m 5:15 p. nr. Independence ft Monmouth: 7 a. i :1ft a. av. 11:1ft a. as, p. m, :1 p. as.. 4: SO p. m. (Sunday ealy Ptlvartoa: 1 a. m.. 11 a. as- ft o. as. Valla Citv. MeMianvUle. Nowhere. Hilla bora, Forest Grove, Sheridan, Tilla mook: 9:14 a. am., 2:10 p. -Ofc, 5:11 Far Information Call 222 or 494. AU10S WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORD3 C1KEB AUTO AME THE CVvN - UFE AMD HAS AHt SLOWLY SALVO mg CHIEF CO- SAN AVOK T& He second DAV Of THE EJFTER A - .- UP THE lXWTAlh. . SiDE.THEy CAME TO AX OLD DeRT ED IrtAH- USED CARS For Sale 61 Dodge Touring $90.00 WillysKnight Touring - $135.00 Ford Touring $19.00 Ford Delivery $35. Egex 4 Coach 555, GOOD USED CARS 1926 Dodge Sedaa 1927 Light Six Nash Sedsa 1926 Essex Coach 1924 Dodge Coupe 1926 Buick Coupe Others just aa good. Fine valuet. Terms. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 North Commercial Street Telephone 1200 "After We Sell We Serve" ' FOR SALE FORD 8EDAN. $200 WORTH of extras. Excellent condition. Snap. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union Street. 1926 Chevrolet Coach Bumpers, spare tire, license, swipe and mirror. Terms. Phone 2555W evenings snd S'indav. Sell Us Your Used Car if you want cash for it. If you want to buy a car look these over. 1924 Rdster $125 1925 Rdter Pick up with balloon tirea and Ruckstell $150 1923 Tour., curtains open with door. $ 85 1924 Covered Delivery $125 1923 Stsr Tour., rood tires a oo Valley Motor Co. Liberty at Center SU. Special Light Six Nash Sedan 1927 Modef, finish -like new. Bumpers front snd resr. Motoroeter, Road Lite 1928 License, spsre tire, stop pUtes, resr view mirror, windshield cleaner. upholstery in fine condition. 1926 Nash Advanced Sjx Roadster 1926 Buick Coupe 1926 Essex Coach Many other excellent values. Soma as low ss $65. Call in and look them over. F. W. n Co. 365 North Commercisl Street Telephone 1260 "After we sell we serve" McKay for Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts 1921 Ford Touring $ 50.00 1924 Ford Touring, Balloons $125.00 1924 Chevrolet Touring $185.00 1925 Ford Rosdster. Ruckstell... $175.00 1926 Ford Roadster -...$225.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring $300.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe $495.00 1925 Chevrolet Ton Truck -...$450.00 3 Ford Trucks. $100.00 to $375.00 430 K. Commercial TaL 140$ Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company By Ed Wheelan as ism t cTavvj ajJiTU js-don: "WE HORSES - THE tr OTHER TtoO. FOUCXiy . sacs i "--m . rAELU INSIDE? HASDOftA ANVTA ' REALLY fcETRAVtD MM ? e sivA ; : PM 3 Salem Markets GRAM Ke. 1. wheat, white Red wheat, sacked . Oats, per bu. mll&ag- ..$1.31 -$1.22 .$ .70 FORK. aTCTTON AXD SZZF Top bogs $10.25 Sows Top steers Cows Spring lambs Dressed veal . Dressed hogs .07 ...100.11 ...03k.0t .12 .17 .1$ P8OT.TBY Light baas .. Heavy he as Broilers .1$ Jit JI0 EGGS. BUTTEJL BUTTCKFAT Standards Butterfst .22 .43 Print butter -43 40.44- GET AXLES Beets, sacked .at New cabbage -, .ay Potatoes $1.25. $1.7$, $2.10 Rhubarb, local outdoor 034 Oniors. local $5.00 New potatoes .06 NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby glen that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly rerified Final Account, as Execu trix of the last will and testament and estate of T. B. Patton, de ceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 22nd day of May, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Sa lem, Marion County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th day of April, 1928. ALICE I. rATTON. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of T. B. Patton, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. A21-28M5-12-1 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY '. . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Executor of the Es tate of Anna Eshleman, Deceased, will on the 2nd day of Jabe, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the premises hereinafter described offer for sale and sell at private sale for the best price obtainable, the following described real prop erty belonging to the estate of Anna Ashleman, Deceased: Lot three (3). in Block fifty four (54) of Boise's Subdivision of Blocks 53, 54. 55, parts or Blocks 62 and 63, and-the vacated streets and fractional Block North of Block 53, in North Salem; in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, according to the duly re corded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of Marion County, State of Oregon. . Said sale to be one-halt cash, balance to be paid on or before one year and to be secured by a mortgage on the 'above described premises. Said sale to be made subject to the confirmation of the County Courlt of Marion County. Oregon. ; BERT B. ESHLEMAN. Executor. Dated and first published May 5, 1928. Date of last publication, June 2, 1928. M 5-12-19-26 J-2 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE RURAL AVENUE FROM THE EAST LINE OF HIGH STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF YEW STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Mural Avenue from tb.e east line of High Street to the east line of Yew Street, in the City of Sa lem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street'and alley inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland ce ment concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plans a and specifications for said improve- ment which were Adopted by the Common Council on April 16, 1928. now on file lrt the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and. through the Street Improvement Department of the Citr of Salem, Oregon. , By order of the Common Coun cil April 16,-1928. M. POULSEX, City Recorder. Date of first publication,, hereof May 13. 1928, Date of final publication hereof May 25, 1928. - M13to25Inc. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE McCOY AVENUE BE TWEEN HOOD AND SHIP. PING STREETS. Notice la hereby given that the Common Couucil of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necesaary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to im prove McCoy.' Avenue between Hood and Shipping Streets, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the street and alley intersections, the ex pense of which will be assumed by the City tf Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade. constructing Portland cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete., pave ment, thirty feet in width. In ac cordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted, by the Common Council on April 1C,1918 cow Sn file is the office of the City. Recorder, and'hicb, aire- bereb referred to antt mad a ".part hereof. l. Tae Common Council hereby declares- its purpose and intentlon to , cake the above described Improve ment by ' and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem; Oregon. ' By order of the Common Coun-, ctt April 16, 1928. ' ,' M. POULSEN, City Recorder. ' ' Date- of first publication- hereof May 13v 1928. - Date of final publication hereof : May 25,i928 MlJto25Inc.