THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1928 r&, W. i I' t v 4 T REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY .1 AJfDERSOS Jt trues. Allm lb 8. High. TeL 1444 BARBXR at BoatV 0 Oltf M-df. M. TN BECKX A HA'1R1C 14 . Hick. TM. 161 a. o. Bouu:xrsT 147 K. CiMnwiHi TeL 8T7 875 8 tat. TV. 141 LBO B. CBUltSt CO, iNlka ftO 8tt K. TU. im ma a. ubabo 840 B. Chart, ltd. 8888 HoMtUt 1. VOmTEB ksBAaVTT CO. lft kiret A'ai. Bak Bi4. TL 848 164 8. Liberty IM. TL 34J W. H. w-BABKXBOBBT CO. 14 8. ItfkMtf . TwL 414 MBLYijr roaxaox 830 O. 8. iUU Bea TaL '831 W. Q. BJUSGZB 147 M. Ctm'L TL 81. T.A&'t AD Mm 1 in S m IddJ 4 BiU Itut Bidtf. TdL ft 44 LARSS OK ua l' Oregon idg. ToL 174 W. A. U8T03K 404 S VMHll E.dg. Tl 1U ABTHDB MADSSB 1074 Lortk Capita. XL 8401 MEIXIXOBm OOAf ITTI 09 Oregoa BMC ToL 117ft W. O. MILL 831 W BUt 8k TL 17S w. z. jcosra 4S1 Court Si. TaL tilt JOH8 W. OXB B.w Bligh Bid. Tai. 3444 OtBTKUDB J. 34. PASS 484 Coort. . TaL 188? PRRL: B UAR8TEB8 81.1212 Gray Bid. rL 407 RICH L. RKIMABB. Realtor 819 X. High St. TaL 96ft SALTM BI1AI.TX CP. 462 8taU Bt. Boom 1. TaL 1004 CUARiBS SrCBMB 810 Oregoa Bldg. TaL 103ft BOcoLursKi b eon 04 First Nat. IWnk Bldg. TaL 74 SQUARE DEAL, RAALTZ JD. S. Nat l Back Bid. TaL 4? TBIABQLB RBAI.TV CO. 421 Court St. TaL 451 ETLHdCH ROBKBT8 119 H. Commercial. TaL J 34 U. 8. RAALTV CO. 441 Stat St. TL 366 r. u moot 41 fiuu St. Tal. 704 AUCTIONEER Cui.. A. L. STEVFNSO AOCTIGXEEtt 28 yeart experieae ia th Wlllataette valley, for date or rraagwmaata aao t. A. r-oerfler, farm adeisar. First Ka tioi Bask. Salem. Phoa or writ. A. L. Stevenson. CorraUa. Or. BATTERY-ELECTRiCI AN 3 FLEEXKR ELECT B10 CO. HOUSI ririag by bour or contract. Eatiamatca (araUaad. TaL 90 471 Coort 8b TaL 148 J C.BNTA JUJt HiialAlia B D. B AUTOS EXUX BATTKBIE8 Starter ao4 gaaafaiov wgrk; vm South Uiga. 4 U. S. Li Service Station utoaotiia Cloctrieiaat Vick Bros. High St. at Trada. TaL 1841 Maruna & Marnsberger U S L AND UKKAT WLSTEKN BATTKJtlKS AUTOMOTIVE fcLt-CfSICIANS 215 Center Street. Tel. 1915 la Connection with Capitol Super Servic Statioa " BICYCLES -Repairing 4 - ' LO.OTD E. RAMSOr.I OOLCMBIA BI cyclaa aad repairias. 887 Coara. HELP WANTED Male 6 COLLECTOR WITH LIGHT CAR FOR high grade monthly payment accounts in Salem and vicinity: permsnent post Ion. Call or write Mr. Cleaver, 221 Costal Bldg.. Portland. CHIROPRACTORS 10 BT. O. L. SCOTT. P.'jC. CHIROPRACTOR i. n. High. TeL r:nit, KOS. 1104 J DUS SCOFIF.LD. X Ray. CHIRO irsctor. si.d Neuroralometer serrice. Office phone 2194. Kes. U187-J; and J. Suit4 414 13 15, f irst Nst'l Hank. FLORISTS 11 tnxiWERei. FOR ALL OO0ASIUN8 Oisoa's. Court k HigU St. TaL 401. C T FU,?2RS. WXDDINO BOUQULTt Fuao. v wreaths, daoarauaa. U. r. lireithapt, florist. 413 akat Str TeL t0. INSURANCE 12 Insure Tour Homo or Car tew. BECKB HENDB1CKS Pboae 141 I. O. O. T. Bldg.. '.89 X. High St. FOR bALE FIRST AND BECOSD MrV gsges. Trust Deeds, CoaM'act a to use Will aot 4 to 30 per teak BEOKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 B. High 8L FARM LOAS 8 FLKSTT CF MONET so hi on good farm security. CITY LONS W are loaamg Pra ential Iaaaraac aompany moaey a city residence cad bosiaass property at t H per cent, pi as a eon ajiaaioa Haw kins A Roberts. la, 30ft Oregoa Ku tiding. FOR RENT Apts. 15 lHJTLEX APT. N. W1NTEB. FOIt RENT F URNISHED APART meat. TaL 393. FURNISHED HOUSE: APARTMENT; rooma. 140 Union. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOB RENT. 2361 HaaaL Phono 1939W. 1 ROOMS ASD KITCHENETTE, Wi- Irr. light aad faL eloao ta. n.t Marion. ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Water aad light. Iaqaira 430 Miaaioa St. Phoa 1787J. 3 ROOMS KITCHENETTE, WA ter, light A fool. 320 a meath. AUrad Berg. 555 Marioa ftt. FURNISHED ASD UNFURNISHED 3 room apartments. virgiaia apars meaU. 470 N. Uborty. ntviantn ipikTunrr w nnoitn orator, ltgkt A faaL 318.00. Oarage a maata. marioa bs. PAT TON AFAKTKBKTS COIY. clean, eomfortabw, aioely faraiahod. PriraU both. Steam Boat, Dwwa tora dlatriet. Beaieaakla ia prioa. Far Utyoctioa call Pattaa ftwok 8tr. FOR RENT Apts. 15 NEWLY ITS I SHED 2 BOOK FURXISH d or anfnrnishod. 1133 0rt- Electrical RoCriforMioa. raaaa. Madera, hiick. hoatod. Ap. Bigk claoa roaidostial atrt8. Cheerful, attractiTe, light. room apartaioaL 8 to4a, 40.0B. Oaa farmiaAa-4 verataffod, 850.00. A two tOw fumiaAadw $3 7 JO. Iaspectiea iaritod, cAUdrom traUiaaia, , Ambassador Apartments 444 K. viataiar. 1071 FOR RENT Houses 17 4 ROOM HOUSE 860 COLUMBIA Street, aewljr papered and kalaominad, call at f irt bouae East. . 5 BJf. HOUSE. VERT CLOSE IX 825 A moaitb, rood range connected. Winnie fettyiohD, 175 S. High. BOARD AND ROOM 20 S1CELT FUKXISHELi ROOMS WITH board. 4u5 Marion St. ROOM. BOARU, SIXCLE MEALS. SVS day dinners. Alexandria, 1U30 Che aaeketa. Ffaoa 15J9. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAtTSDKT THS WCllEB LAUN1RT Talophoao 85. 343 8. High FRY THE HOMB WET WA4H LACS ry. TeL 171. 135 B Street, CAPITAL CITT LAPXDRT "The Laundry ( Puro Matortala" Telephone 185. 144 Broadway 'BhaeakjBeBaawaaaaaaaaaa TAILORS 22 D. n. KOSHER TAILOR FOB If KB aad womoa. 474 Co art St. .-WANTED Misc. 23 fEAM WORK OF Al l. KINDS AND EX carating. Phoaa Mayfield 72F2. FCBBITUBA P1CKL..O FOB 8HIF Boata. Uioao'Powara Faraitur Oa. WXNTED FBIVATB MOSrET FOB farm loaaa. W hare aovoral appUea tiena a kaad. Haw suae ikeien lac 204 Oregoa Bidg. WASTED GOOD WA8HE1 COITOX Raga aot aaaailar tkaei 1 yard o ate lot wiping machinery. Htgkoai prioe paid for good aloaa taaa. apply at 6tatoaaxaa oRico, ea Stiflar. Hpllywood Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 435 No. Commercial. Phone 1027 MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY TUB Capital City Beudiag Co, 110 Norta Capitol. Callod for aad delierd. Ail work guaraatood. Tel. 19- FOR SALE 25 BILK COATS FOR SALE. PHONE 26 lORCH AND BKDDISO PLANTS Chrysanthemums and Pansies 25c Dox- en. Hall, ead S. l'Jth St., Box 2a. Pboae 713 M. I WANTED Live Stock 26 BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KIXDS of beef stock. Telephone lio. ana get Market. VETERINARIAN 28 'RED W. LANOB. VETKBISARtAB Offic 629 8. CoammwrciaL ToL llta. Roa. TaL 1444. WOOD SAWING 29 AOOD HAWIMO. PHUBM 171. 1414 Ncrth CommaroiaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 JOOD DR1 WOOD. l: MayfUUL rHONB 7211. M. jUOQ DttI WOOD I OK XOC IA. Tel. f0. 0 IN. OLD FIB 48.M FBB) OOaU ft rick) ToL 3184. vjLAKANTKKD DRX WOOD COAL. TeL 13. Balom Pael Co.. 753 Trad. A&STLRN UNION TUCB. TRUCKS for hailing. Wood M burn. Call 629. lo INCH OLD FIR, DRX 3SD GROWTH, aad ash. C. U. Harbaago. 1084 High land t'Boa 1U. .6 inch dry mlilwoo at 83-50 per Iwad. 10 inch greea millwood at 83.00 per load. TRAPS' TEL. 1818 OLD FIR WOOD. PB4CTICALLT SEA sonod, 6.50 cord, second growth $5.50, oa track, ear lets, Salem. J. M. Pee bles, Falls City, Oregoa. UOOD OOAX. tHT WOO' PMOMPT PELAVER1A8 H1LLMAN FUEL UO. TBLBPHONB lgh. O. 18KC) A .aNkBBBOif FOB WOOD TO BL'BJI fiALKM ThUNS. B rUaa OO. 6ENKRAL TBAM ER WORK TEL. S2 BAST' URAxB OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. aad 16-laea. Iarr leads Are cnesper to buy. Mill wawa i our apociaitr. Pruapt bolirery aad loaMtaai priM. FRED B. WELLS 280 S. Church TaL 1441 WOOD DEALERS I hare a quantity of ash wood rut in pole lengths. It could be delivered ia town that way or cot into four foot or sixteen inch lengths where it is. Who wsnts to buy it where it laysf Should be moved by August. E. A. Kiio ten, 1595 South High St., Phone 2538R. POULTRY AND EGGS 32 (S.UlY CHICKS EVEUT atONDAY ANO Tuesday. loading variel'.es. Best Iceal stock- Prices reaaoaabio. Salem Chickcriaa. 264 Norsk Cottage Street Salem. MINUTE MOVIES fOOTlOM RCTUR.E SOGr Vou MAY BE THE CHOICE OF THE PpLE .tMJT yoO GIVE ME A PAIM IN THE NECK" tsv crwouccr THE MAM YJAS SOOM ELECTEO AM OvfcUlMEL-MING-WA 5UT HEM HE T5LD HIS WIFE. "THE NBltf SHE SMEERED AND " -WEN DID 5Ay : POULTRY AND EGGS 32 BABT CH1CXP ABO CU8TOX HATCH Lag- Export aaiiita aiaaai tffiaiaaay M kigh aaUty. All Wr ehiaka fraea par at a took OtneiaUy Uatod aad Of IleiftD Aparorad. Salm'a aldao Ca toan HaUhttg ploat. Pkoso 18SF8. Pullets Pullets Pullets Bad; Rocki, Whit Legkoraa, Biowa Lghras. Baff Orpin(ton, Black Mia oreaa. White Miaoreaa aad otkera. Lav BMdiato dalivery. big boae4 atock ia boat eeaditioa ; broadiag; uekoroU apd aaatod peas. Phone 133FZ. Loo a Hacaery-. gig--)i-)i-inruijuLrxnni u u UUSIC STORES 33 FOB BENT MEW PIABOS. H. U Stiff Faraitaro Coeopoay. UKO. a W1LX PIANOS. rHOBO grapka. mat aiarkiaH, ahoot laait aad plaao gtadioa. Bopairiag; paoaa graphs aad aewiag aaackaaoa. 441 Stata stooet, Saiaaa. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN P1ABO JABZ FRABK BUT tea. Waterana court. Btudio 980 B. Cottaga. phono 21B5-J KODAK FINISHING 34 PKEE KMLAllOKHINT WITH BTBBT 40o order Koaak work. Rawunga, Portlaad. Or. Newspapers Magazines 35 Tat PORTLAXD TCLEGCAV 8AIJCM Agaaey. Ta Ao. ToL MS. fUE OBA4MJM STATS8MAB. 40 CBST8 par month dehverod to your boaaa mtijr auch morning. TaL 23 at S83. IF lOU WIM'f TO OXT THE BE8T bra papaf sand lira a reat stamps to ta l-aeius Homoatoad, iialem, Oregoa. for a throe awataa' trial aubatripttoa. aiaatioa taia ad. "OUL.iilXM.1 8BNx SiUttT TWO coat ataaipa for special tare mouths' trial for Uia heat aal oldest Journal ia the eak. Ta articles aad adver ti semen t4 r cf special interest to th poultry treedipr of tho North we Northwest Poultry Journal. 311 at. Com- i. B.. baloas. Oreojoav. PAPE8HANGING 37 fUUNh trLANM A Is A at POR HOUSA deeorstoig, poporaaaciag. Uatiag. etc. hVeUab serxaaa. aa"haoawoaaahawaaaaahaaha4aa PAINTING 33 FOR PAINTINO AND K A l.SO MINING call O'Brien 759. Good work, reason able prices. CHAS. BKNNET1 rXOTtlMO lAiBi tractor, paialiLg; papor hanging. h2dd-d. lki nt UiUm. MISCELLANEOUS 39 rOK SALAM SCAVKNOEk BLBMC8 call 17. FURNITURE CUOLSTEhJNO aJTD BE pairing, trieee-x'owers i'arsKare dtora. FOR SALfe. OLD MWCrirtnh, 10 . casts a banal. St e warns affic, 344 Bduth UwmmoreL ANTED: Ubl PIANOS. IN Ex change oo Radios, PhoaeOaphs, or Furnitur. H. L. btiff Furaiturj wom pany. VtHiTai 0CO-1CH OOLAilB AT STUIA Salem's Whito kUng. Kadiater aumbor 685981. Seivic guaracteel. Puppise and grown stock tor aai. Mrs. Bou aett. 1080 Chetnaket. Pkoa 1438. STOVES ABD 8TOYB BEFAlKlSa STOVES FOR BALA RhUUlLT AND repaired by axpart. All aiada of wovea wir fane, kaaey and piaia. Hop baskets asid hooks, logaa Bweaa. Balam Feae aad 8t eVorka, 340 Cvart auaot. CAPlTOli BsteUSIA AND JUNK HOLSBh 105-145 Center. 11. 690. AU kind of J auk bought and rolo.; Rags. Socks, Bottle. Barrels. Hidea. Pail. Wovla. Fare. Taliow, Caseara Bara, Orap Root, Pitch. Poppormiat Oil. All kind ot Iron m atotal everytaiag trom a needle to a loeomoUT. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresne 788 E. 60th St. N. Portlaad, Oragoa LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST PORTLAND LIBRARY BOOK ON May 5th, finder return to Statesman. Reward. LOST HAND GRIP BETWEEN MEHA ma and fish hatchery, reward. Call 660 N. 14th. . PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CABDh. PAMPH- lets, programs, oowoa. r aay aia at printing, oall at ta Stataamaa Print ing lVpartmaat. 216 8. Cmawrial Tai. ftsS. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAS S. F. L. wood, ass btata n. Sa 4 STRAIGHT LOANS. CITY and farm. W. O. Wright. 404 Jnaaoas Bldg. F. H. BELL, lift U. B. BANK. BLDG. Reeideac and kosiaoa kaa, TaL 407 or 2141-W.. FEDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO 6Vs- F- L. Wilkinson, 202 L. S. Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. alONEY TO LOAN FOR BOIUDXNO AND oa Uy property. B. B. alaa aad u R. Martin, aUeraaya, 18 Oregoa Bu-lding. TaL SO 4. CITT Ak J TRACT LOANS Bmsaoaabla Rates Jia Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN An, y 708-8 JTirtt Jtauoaai nssi diu Phone 457. . curiam. Oragoa. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOAN 8 Repayable ta Weekly or atoata:y ia sUilmenta. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION. First Nat l Baak. Tel. 120O. CITY AND FARM LXJANB AT sAWBST rates. Best term obtaiaabl. Oar insurance department offer yea ts pert advice Bud servic ta ail liaee. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Ire) TaL 1427 804 Oregoa Bldg TfUE BEAUTIFUL BALLAD HIT 1FJAT IS SWEEP ING THE CQWifeY an Eb VMEELArt PRODUCTION WANTED LOANS 46 WASTED LOAS: , 2250. on aew Salem reaideBco. W. H. GRABESHOBST CO. 134 8. Liborty St. WABTXD KBTATX. T. H. OBABESHOBaTr CO. 184 B UUrtr 84. aaltayayahahgaahaBgaagahjBfoaal PLUUBING 47 PUrMBTBO ABD tTFjmtaU BSPAiB work. raaor Bew. 144 B. I.iban ToL MO. BpaaiaaaoajaiBOaBoajBfaaaalatawahi BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOB Boovtal ataractrv growad fioor ahara or of fioo taaan. ere II laaaHad. W. H. eBABBNHOBBT 4t CO.. Realtor 134 8. Lihorty St. ( TaL ftlft ezchacr well improved 20 acres for grocery or eoafeetiovery with or with out living rooma to 8AOOO. - B BOND 200 Cray Bldg. 125 ST. Liberty Business corner cloa la $ 8000. Grocery store, moaey maker, well located 87800. Center Str.. lot. psvemeat paid, 8850. ft rm. hoase, psvemeat paid 42000. UKRTRLDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. SPECIAL Garage and repair shop, best of equipment and location, close in, long lease, storage alone takes care of large share of rent. Ulrich & Roberts 129 N". Com'l. Realtors Phone 1354 LOOK LOOK LOOK Special good offer to right party. My property is not for sale, bat 1 will lease for two year. Stock for sale at invoice plus 8100. Service station, grocery, confectionery, soda fountain, store building with living rooms this is not a run down place but a real paying proposition. A resl money maker, located on highway good town not far from Salem. See My Agents Louis Bechtel, J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker. 341 State St., Rooms 3 and 4. SewwwBaleaw RADIO 49 Radlolas Per every Vara as a. for ovary par All standard tise of Radio Tab, BOFF BCCTBICAl SHOP. 444 Court St. TaL aad. FOR SALE Houses 50 4 rms., furnace, fireplace, hwd. firs., garage, 8350 cash and remainder like rent. 42850. 5 rms. and nook, all modern fea tures, south, corner lot, 44500, Very easy terms. ft ra well located east, living rms.. ia gum wood, fine arrangement and best construction. 6500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. REAL ESTATE 51 FOR RENT OR SAL. 5 ROOM MODERN bouse. 1093 South Liberty. SEVEN ROOM IIOUSF., BASEMENT, sleeping porch, gsrsre: rood location. terms. See owner 643 . Winter street. New Home, t nearocois, full base meat, furnace, large breakfast nook hardwood floors, paved street, price 94u, and will take cask ap to $500.00 as first psyment, balance good terms. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Good 3 room house $1350 New 4-room, basement $2600 Good 5 -room $2300 6 room lot 160x57 82500 7 -room good condition 82200 7- room splendid home $5090 Classy 6-room. new ...$4900 8- room with 5W acre $6500 BARBER B BOND 300 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty NEW HOME SIX ROOMS, corner lot, south. Thro bedrooms, hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen, wired for range; breakfast nook; full cement basement; piped furnace; garage. Wonderful view. Price reduced to $4700, $t00 cash. See TRI ANCLE REALTY COM PAN V 421 Court Street Ground Kioor "Headquarters For Homes" DELANO & DOW SPECIALS One of those cosy artistic little nets for two;- garage, furnace, fireplac-;, oak floors, bath, airy cheerful looms, nnd the price listen $-650 if you come quick. Soma dowa payment, balance last than reat. $4000 first mortgage drawing 7 due 1930; on 180 acres highly improv ed first class land. 290 N. Church TaL 230 Have you a good lot to trade for equity ia a brand new 7 room bouse close ia; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, nice large lot, east front. Wili take a residence to $3000.00 in exchange for going chicken ranch. 5 room plastered house with gar age, in fine condition, completely fur nished. Reduced from $4500.00 to 2750.00 for quick sal as owner ia leaving town. Small payment dowa will handle. GASKILL B EARLE. REALTORS 1C6 S. Liberty gt. Phone 2243 HOMES ON EASY TERMS $100.00 Dowa balance like rent for ft rooms, oa paved street, $1500.00. $300.00 Down balance te suit .'or 6 rooms, view property. $4300.00. $250.00 Down balance $25.00 monthly. 5 rooma new, near school, $3000.00. $300.00 Down balance like rent, 6 rooms strictly modern, S. High. $4700.00. We have a four apartment House in Se- sttle to exchange for Salem Reiienc, now rented for $100.00 per month. MeOILCHRlST A PENNJNHTV-N 209 U. S. Bank Bid;., StiTi. Ore. $4250 New 5 room bouse, fall basement. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor. Unfinished upstairs. . East front. All street assesameaaa paid. Lo cated at 1985 HaseT Avenae. Very easv terms. $2800 Nice 4 room house. Full base- meat, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Fine lot. Street paved this year. We have some mighty good bargains on our list. Consult us. MONEY TO LOAN INSURANCE Rich L. Reimann Realtor 19 X. High St. Phone 865 REAL ESTATE 51 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION v ini J-AUIMO COAST We bar over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Erry kind of property. ery pric. every location. W caa laateh yoar exchange EXACTLY, li yoa woald like to trad year property TO DAT. com ia TODAY. So GASKILL A EARLE. Realtor I4 S. Liberty. TaL 2241 10 acres east of Salem with fair buildings all dear f lBcumbraac to trade for a good bom ia North Sa lem, will assume soma. 80 acres sowtk 5 miles at $3000. ta trada far a house ia town. aU la 1- tivatioa. 5 room house aad two 14 with plen ty of fruit aad gardaa space ia Norsk Balam t trad for land near Dallas. $1200.00 buys a new 4 room all modern in every way aad furnished at 500 duwn. $25 a month and iat. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. 8. Nat. Bank J31dg. SPECIAL $4200 New 6 men English type boas, oak floors, basement, furnace, fire place, 3 bedrooms, corner lot, east front, paving pd.. close to Pal run Junior and grade school, oa bns line. Easy terms. $2500 Semi-modern 4 room bungalow, bath, garage, a nest home, $100 down. $1300 3 Teom home, bath, paving, close to school and bus. $250 dowa. $4000 New o room bungslow, modern in every way, gsra;e, paring, east front, corner lot, just ready to move into. Insurance. Money to Loan UET.VIV jnHvuiiv 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 4 room furnisbod smcco house close in. Price iojO. 8-00 down. Rented for $3j per month. Pine little home or a good investment. 7 room bouse nnd garage on lar;e cor ner lot. Located in toouth Salem. A beautiful borne for $6250. acre 1 m:le from Saleiu with new 6 room house, modern in every respect. Fruit trees. Price 43050. 105 acres 0 miles from S:ilein, 45 acres under plow. Good dairy or sheep rsnch. Water year round. 5 room bouse. l'rice $7:00, will trade for bouse iu SJU'in. Ullrich & Roberts Realtors 129 X. Com'l St. Pbone 1354 RE SON ABLE PRICED HOMES Shack house. 2 lots, Vx block off pav ing. Psrt in garden. Price $600 2 Room house in Englewood, lot 56x 100 ft.; two large cherry trees. Price $700. Sacrific price on two houses; with some repairs will resell at a good pro fit. Both houses are on large lots, nice shade trees, and close to school and bus line. Price for Both $2400. 8 room house partly furnished, lot 60x100 ft. St. paved, location N. Sa lem, near Linen Mills. Price $2400. $300 cusii. bal. $25 mo. G. 9 room bouse, furnished, arranged t in 3 nice apt., nice yard with lawn, shrubbery and flowers, paved St.. loca tion only 4 blocks to business district. A resl snsp for $1000. Will take small house on vacant lots as part. One acre tract not far out, 4 room house, part in berries and garden, fur niture and chickens to g with place, price reduced from $2100 to $1600 for quick sale. For good buys in homes See LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS ANGELES. -CALIF. PROPERTY TO change for Salrm City Property. Write Box 12J. Suitesmsa. i.OS ANGELES, 6 ROOM MODERN RK8 idence trade for farm. Owner, McKin zie, 420b York Blvd., Lo Angelea. Calif. .'92 Acre Stock Rsnch in Alberta, well stocked and equipped, to exchange for smatT acreage in Willamette valley. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. SPECIAL 123 acre Dairy farm, 45 acres cul tivated, fair set of bldgs., 25 acre of timber, 3 horses. 3 cows, 12 hogs and all fanning machinery goes for $6800. Will take a house in Salem, or small acreage. We have 40 acres all bottom land, close to Salem with creek running through place, has 7 good cows, team and machinery. Price $GO0O. Will trade. 5 room house and corner lot oa N. 5th street will trade for pasture land near Salem. We have a fine new modern home with about 1 acre of laud just outside city limits to trade for a farm North or East of Salem. SEE Thomaaon with LEO X. CHILBti CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Phoa 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 For Sale. 20 acre rsrm all under cultivation, new buildings, modern, good road. 7 miles out. Owner must leave on account of other business and has cut th pric to $5500, including stock and equipment. A going busi ness, good income, a. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 Stater St. 80 A. fine dark loam soil, nice loca tion, $100 per A., for residence. 20 A. suburban home, 7 A. ia ber ries and fruit a. Good income stock, tool aad crop, snap, $5000, easy terms. Highly improved 16 A. tract all ia berries and fruits, good income, $8000, good terms. Tak- residence. 5 A. tract, berries and cherries, near Salem, $1850, eaay terms. 21 A., Good Bldgs., $4000, for resi dence. PERRINE 8 M ARSTER3 ' 212 Grsy Bldg. Fine 56 Acre Farm Snap Fully equipped; all stock, crop and implements. Owner is retiring. Locat ed oa paved highway near a good town not far from Salem; 30 A. cultivated land, 25 A. in crop, balance good pas ture; tome timber, 2 good horses, 6 cows, 2 heifers, 200 hens, 1 mower, 1 rske. 1 spring-tooth and 1 spike tooth harrow, 1 disk, 2 cultivator,, two horse cultivator, 2 plows, wagon, harness, all kinds of small tools, 600 lb. scales, cream separator, gas engine, hay fork, good buildings, new 7 room house, hot and cold water, bath, electric lights. Everything up to the minute. Price with everything $9500, or $8500 with out stock and implements. See My Agents Louis Bechtel J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker, 341 State St.. Rooma 3 and 4. fA &TING MAM UftS R-UAJMlMG- On lb BE: ELECTED MAVOR. Oai eaTR Side, his p&omisbs -lb VJOTEfeS FILLED THE AU2. gjjT- uiNILE HE W8 CMPAXJAjlAiG- So AT HOME HIS P0OB UJlFE SAT M0 COOK MAD SWE AAD LITTLE FooD "JO FEED MEBSELF AMD CAT - - CHORUS OTp TjJEy oMiy knew you AS I DO IF THE MJERE 3UST SE To VOtf UlW -THEY'D Trad VtW DOUW COLD IN A SECOWD AND EfJD VDUR POLITICAL DAW RUT THE. PUBLIC IS UP 'SUCKERS VES- VOV) WAY BE. THE CHOICE CTHE. PtOM BUT VOU GNB ME A PAW IMTHEAJECK.4 USED CARS For Sale 61 HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial ' Save the first Depreciation I927 Chrysler 50 Coupe - - $585.00 1927 Ford Coupe - $365.00 1927 Ford Touring - - $265.00 1927 Dodge Roadster - - $575.00 1927 Jordan Eight Sedan - - $1275.00 1927 Type Dodge Sedan - - $585.00 1927 Star Roadster - $365.00 1926 Pontiac Coupe - - - $485.00 1926 Chevrolet Coupe - - $385.00 1 1926 Hudson Brougham - $850.00 1925 Hupmobile Eight Touring $675.00 1925 Type Dodge Coupe - $385.00 1923 WillysKnight Touring - $150.00 1923 Ford Coupe - $85.00 1926 Type Hudson CoachAs ls to Mechanic only 5250.00 We Invite Mechanical Inspection Save S$$ at HOLLYWOOD 1928 Chevrolet Coach Bumpers, spsre tire, license, swipe aad mirror. Terms. Fbone 2555W evening and Sundar. McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1924 Ford Touring $100.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring $125 00 1924 Ford Roadster $ 75.00 1925 Ford Roadster, Ruxtell $175.00 1925 Dodge Sedan $485.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe $525.00 1925 Chevrolet Ton Truck .. $350.00 1920 Ford Truck closed cab. stake body, Ruxtell. starter.. $375. 00 130 K. CommerciaL Tel. 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Packard Oldsmobiie Used Car - Specials 1924 Packard 8ix Club Sedan.. 1924 Master Six Buick Sedan ... 1924 Oakland Sedan 1924 Oakland Coup 1924 Oldsmobiie Coup 1925 Ovarland Sddan ....$1900 1000 S50 450 325 150 1924 Ford Coop 125 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM OXLY FE W LISTED ABO V E TEN GOOD RUNNING AUTOMOBILES ALL KINDS ALL MAKES UNDER $300 Capitol Motors, Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High St. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 :APITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 328 Bute St. TeL 933. Distributing, for warding ad k'orag our specialty. Got nr rat. We Move Store and Ship ltskld goods. Our .peel alt y 1 yiaao aad faraitur moving. W ala make country trip. W handle th best Coal and Wood 00 oa oa for prices. We giv good measare, good quality aad good service, Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930. WATER 58 ORZOOX WASH. WJTEB SERVICE CO, Offic 304 Booth Commrcll St. Te per cent discount en domettl !!: rat paid ia advance. N deductioa for ab aaace or aay aala water is ahut off your pi AIITFiC UAWTCn CfY AUIUO WANIfcU 6U CASH PAID FOR FORD8 C1KE& AUTO sawsw,kastiy)kxaxBJaa TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WAmitO ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL 8EMATOB Frequent Schedule Thirty Bid Book at Reduced Bat A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employee Thee Are Few of th Offer"ngs Mad the Publi By PARKER STAGES, Ufa Staff Loaviog Tim: Dallas: 7 a. m.. :10 a. bu, 11 :1S a. av. 3:10 p. m., 5:16 p. a-. Iadpndnc 8 Monmouth: 7 a, m 8:16 a. s . 11:15 i. a, I p. m, S:li p. at., 8:40 p. a. (Sunday aly Filvertoa: 7 a. m., 11 a. m 5 p. m. Fall City, McMiaaville. Newberg. Hill bora, Foraat Grove. Sheridan. Tilla mook: 9:1 a. as., 3:10 p. .an, 3:16 p. as. Per Iaformatioa ' Call 321 or 494. USED CARS For Sale 61 Phone 1027 Sell Us Your Used Car if you want cash for it. Iff you want to buy a car look tjiese over. 1924 Rdster $1-5 1925 Kdster Pick up with balloon tires and Ruckstell $150 1923 Tour., curtains open with door.. 3 85 1924 Covered Delivery $125 1923 Star Tour., good tires $ 85 Valley Motor Co. Liberty at Center Su. c Special Light Six Nash Sedan 1927 Model, finish like new, Bumpers front and rear, Motometer, Road Lite, 1928 License, spare tire, step plates, resr view mirror, windshield ciesner, upholstery in fine condition. 192C Nash Advanced Six Roadster 1926 Buick Coupe 1926 Essex Cosck Msny other excellent vslues. Some as low as $65. Csll in and look them over. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 3u5 North Commercial Street Telephone 1260 "After we sell w terve" -o -I Salem Markets O&AIN No. 1, wheat, white.-. Red wheat, sacked Oata, per bu. mitring.. -$1.31 -$1.2-4 $ .70 FORK. afCTTOV ABO BzF Top hog $10.25 Sowt 07 V4 Too ateera 10S.11 Cows 03(0.08 Spring lambs Dressed veal Dressed hogs 12 .17 .13 Vi POTTLTBT Light hent Heavy hens - Broiler .18 Ja-1 .80 EGOS, BUTTER- BTJTTBBFAT Standards .22 Butterfst . Print butter . VEGETABLES Beett, tscked New cabbage . 42 43tt.44H .01 . .07 Potatoes Rhubarb $1.25, $1.75, $2.10 locsl outdoor 03 V4 Onions, local New potatoes $5.00 .06 o i- GENERAL, MARKETS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore.. May 16. ( AP). Raw milk 4. $2.30 cwt., fob Portland. Butterfst steady; 40c ststion, 41c trsck. 43 44c fob Portland. Puultry steady; heavy hent 23c: light 1720c; broilers 23 & 28c; pekin white ducks 27c; colored nominal; tur keys alive 25tf2c. Onions stesdy; local $1.75(82.25 per cwt; potatoes 75c$1.25 sack, steady. Wool stead j. eastern Oregon 33 40c." valley medium 43e; coarse 38c pound. on"tr tteaay; long atapie owe io.. ditto short 33(iv40e; kid 70c. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. May 16. ( AP). Wheat bids: BBB, hard white $1.55; soft white, westera whit 1.44; hard winter $1.35; northern spring $1.36; western red $1.35. Oats, No. 1, 36 pound W. F-, $46. Barley, No. 2, 46 pound B. W., $41. Corn. No. 2, fc. T., $44.75; No. 3. ditto $44.25. Millrun. ttaaeard $34. HAY PORTLAND. Ore., May 16. (AP). Hay buying prices: Eastern Oregon tim othy $20.5021; ditto valley $19319. 50; alfalfa $19& 19.50; oat hay $15.50 Q16; straw $9.50 per ten. Selling prices $2 a ton mors. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PORTLAND. Ore.. May 16. (AP). The strawberry market is very firm for good stock. Locals are ia light (apply and are generally poorly colored aad in differently packed. Californias are aot arriving in first claaa conditio. They are slightly watery because of recent By Ed Wheelan rr is UN NECESSARY 716 RE PEAT 1HE 5-17 jje raias aad of tea show mold growth. Tat best locals are bringing $5 for erataa f 14 pints aad the best California $3.75 for 20 pints. Other are priced lower according to their condition. Greea peas from Kosebory, of excellent quality and ia good readitioa briag 12 He per pound. The new potato mar ket is weaker with graeroua supplies from both Texas and California. DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore.. Msy 14. ( AP). Dairy Exchange, net prices: Batter, extras 42c; tttadardt 41e; prime firsts 40 He; first 39 He Eggs, extras 26c: first 24c: medium extras 22 He; medium firsts 21 He. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore.. May 16. (AP). Cattle tteady: receipts 55. Hogs steady; receipts 265, including 180 on contract. Sheep steady; receipts 115. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. May 16. ( AP .Report of improved crop prospects for spriag wheat and for winter wheat as well, led to a sharp setback in wheat values to day. Meanwhile, export demand today for wheat from North America proved disappointingly stasall. Wheat finished weak 2 02 3-c net lower with corn to 3 8c off and oatt un changed to l4c down. BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be receired by the County Court of Marion Coun ty up to 1 o'clock P. M. on Wed nesday, May 23, 1928. for operat ing the County crushers at the Van Gorder place and at Union Hill. 3000 cubic yards of rock are wanted at each place. Spe cifications can be seen at the County Clerk's office. U. G. BOYER, County Clerk. M13andl7 XOTICK OF VINAI. SETTLKMKXT Notice is hereby giren that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon. for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as ex ecutrix of the last will and testa ment and estate ot Ira W. Hub bard, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 29th day of May, 1928, at the hour of ten A. M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 25th day of April. 1928. MILDRED H. BROCK. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Ira W. Hubbard, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. A26M3-10-17-24 NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT.' OK ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as Administratrix ot the Estate of Albert M. South wick, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such administra trix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the -office of Ronald C. Glover, my at-i torney, 203 Oregon Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six monthi from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this ' 26th day ot April. 1928. CLARA SOUTHW1CK. Administratrix ot the Estate ot Albert M. Southwlck, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. A26M3-10-17-24 NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IM. PROVE RURAL AVENUE FROM THE EAST LINE OP HIGH STREET TO THE EAST LINE OP YEW STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Im prove Rural Avenue from tlje east line of High Street to the east line ot Yew Street, in the City of Sa lem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland ce ment i concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width. In . accordance with the plans and specifications for said improve ment which were adopted by the Common Council on April 16, . 1928, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil April 16. 1928. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof May 13. 1928. Date of final publication hereof May 25, 1928. M13to25Inc. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE McCOY AVENUE RE TWEEN HOOD AND SHIP. PING STREETS. Notice is hereby given that the Common Couucil of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to im prove McCoy Avenue between Hood and Shipping Streets, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the ex pense ot the abutting and adja cent; property, except the street and alley Intersections, the ex pense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, , constructing Portland cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six-Inch Portland cement concrete pave ment, thirty feet in width, in ac cordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on April 16, 1928. now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to nake the above described Improve ment by and through the Street Improvement . Department of the City of Salem; Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil April 16, 192. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof May IS, 19ZS. Date of final publication hereof May 25. 192S. aalStoZSlBC