1 ' THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17. 1928 Local News Briefs Strawberry Growers Insure a good price Cannery stock at a Phone 554. -Producers real bay. Receive Two Patients Alex Martin. 2470 Laurel street, and Ollrer Arthur, Mill City, med ical patients, were received at the Salem General hospital yesterday. 13 X O. J. Hull For City Recorder. Truck Driver Hneil C. T. Miller yesterday paid a $10 fine in justice court for speed ing his truck on the Pacific High way. Art Exhibit Friday An art exhibit and program sponsored by the Techne club will be held at the Salem high school 7:30 to S: 30. A small admission la being charged. Dance Friday nite. Domes' Pavilion McCoy. Blanket Stolen Police officers were informed Wednesday night by Tyler Brown Of the Valley Motor company that an American Legion blanket had been stolen from his automobile which was parked on Court street Art-eaguc Meets Mrs. T. S. Williams, head of thei Salem Arts league, has called a' business meeting of the organiza-j kn for this evening at 7:45 at the Salem city library. Election of officers. will take place at the meeting, which is to be'neld in th?,-assembly room. Vote For Lee McAllister For the legislature. Mission Society Meeting The Women's Mission society of the Baptist Mission will meet at the home of Mrs. K. H. Pickens 895 North 17th street. Friday Mav 18. at 2:30 o'clock. The group will study the Crow Indians of Montana, with Mrs. H. S. Gile and Mrs. G. E. Ross in charge of the program. Mrs. S. Bail, newly elected president, will be in charge of the business session. Tesuhers Absent Two of the English teachers at the senior high school, have been absent from classes. Miss Naomi Taylor, whose classes are being conducted by Mrs. J. C. Nelson, has been out since Tuesday nurs ing a touch of the flu. Mis; Naomi Macy sustained a sprained shoulder-Tuesday jypd was nnable to appear Wednesday."- Mist Macy's work Is being cared for by Mrs. Gevrge W. Hug. A Gift Room Devoted Entirely to Inexpensive gifts for bridge and party. Pomeroy & Keene's. Debate Honors Divided The senior negative team Tues day afternoon won a 2 to 1 deci sion from the sOphomore affirm ative in the last of the six Inter rlass debates at the senior high sclsSH and thereby tied for debate points with the junior class, each Jjving gained nine points in the series. The seniors won three 2 to 1 decisions, each debate won crediting them with an additional point: the juniors earned seven points against their opponents and two for decisions. The sophomores amassed six points, including one 2 to 1 win over the junior affirm ative, also in a match held Tues day afternoon. Points will be ap plied for the lnter-class rivalry trophy which is awarded at the end of the school year. Let's Go, Marion County Voters! In the interest of good govern ment and a thorough business administration of Public af fairs. VOTE 65 X JONES H. R. for County Commissioner He is from the South end pf the county and his election will distribute the membership of the County Court. This Is only Fair. (Yes; Farmer Jones is H. 'R. Jones.) Paid Jones for Commissioner Club (lias. X. Ryan. Secretary, 223 Jt. Com'l. St. f ; ,' J"- Mars Rotary Member L. D. Mars was introduced as a new member at Wednesday's meet ing; of the Salem Rotary club. He was given the charge by Henry Manny, district governor. IS X O. J. Hull For City Recorder. Funeral Today The funeral services of the late Sol W. Drake, who died here Tues day after an illness of but one week, will be held this afternoon from the Rigdon Mortuary at 3 o'clock with interment in the City View cemetery. Rev. Fred C. Tay lor will officiate: Two Reappo'nted Millie R. Trumbull of Portland Wednesday was reappointed by Governor Patterson a member of the state board of child labor in spectors. Her commission will ex pire May 21, 1933. Dr. Ethel K. Riley of Hubbard, Marion county, was reappointed a member of the state board of chiropractic exam iners. She will serve under her commission until June 3, 1931. A La Carte Service In dining room Marion hotel. Reduction Allow The public service commission Wednesday authorized the Moun tain States Power company to re duce its rates affecting consumer in Marshfield. Eastside, Empire, North Bend. Myrtle Point and C quilie. The reduction will result in an annual saving to the consumers of approximately $7600. Von Esclien Tells Resources Professor Florian Von Eschen, head of the chemistry department at Willamette university, ad dressed the Portland chamber of commerce Tuesdayon the subject "Chemical Resources of the Wil lamette Valley." His talk Includ ed some of the things he recently outlined to the Salem chamber of commerce. Elks Start Driveway . Work was started yesterday on the construction of a driveway on the east side of the Elks temple. When completed the drive will en able dance and dinner parties to step from their machines almost into the doorway of the ladies en trance. The old walk along this side of the building has been torn away and will be replaced with a new one. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing. Giese-Powers Furnjlure Co. Cherrlaas Hold Drill- Members of the Salem Cherrlan drill team held their first drill practice in the city hall last eve ning.. The Cherrians will take part In the Rose festival parade In Portland June 14. Frank Dur bln, Jr., Is drill master of the team. The uniformed Cherriac band will also participate in the festival parade. S. W. Drake Dies S. W. Drake, who died Tuesday afternoon at his home here, aged 62, was one of the oldest janitors 'n the Salem school system in length of service. He had recent ly been employed at the Garfield school, but had also served at the McKinley. Highland and Engle wood buildings. Lee McAllister An over seas veteran, for the Change Pleas to Guilty A quartet arrested Saturday night at a dance at Aurora with 14 pints of liquor in their joint possession yesterday entered plea: of guilty before Justice of the Peace Brazier Small. They had previously pleaded not guilty tr the charge against t m. which was possession of intoxicating liquor. Fines were levied by Judge Small as follows: G. Oscar Long. $250; Charles Fowler. $100 and Leslie Blidenstein. $250. Joe Fowler, the fourth member of the party, had his case continued for sentence. Alaska Excursion Space available June 21 and July 20 sailings. R. T. $100 all expenses. Salem Travel Agency, 175 S. High St. Girl's League Tea Mothers of high school girl? were their guests at a tea and style show held Wednesday after noon In the girl's gymnasium of the high school. The affair was sponsored by the Girls' League, one of the newer organizations at the high school, and was a de cided success Judging from the enthusiasm of . mothers and teachers who attended. Miss Rob ertson, dean of girls, is faculty advisor to the league. Committee chiefs who contributed to the suc cess were: Lucy Brown, decora tions; Julia Creech, style show; Marjorie Marcus, invitations. VOTE 13 X 0. J. HULL Tot CITY RECORDER Slogan- Courteous and fair Treatment to all. Enforce lawa protect Salem's youth. Paid Adv. do Jto 0 ILL, J SAYS We hare a 1927 Ford Tudor Sedan that has had the best of care, well equipped, 80 new rubber, looks and runs ' like a new ear for 9393.00. -lite Ur-use lbs &rrvc linltt Suit to Quiet Title Joseph H. Albert, Paul B. Wal lace and Jeanette Pooler yester day filed suit against B. S. Cook and a long list of others to quiet title to two lots in the Mill addi .ion to the city of Salem. 13 X O. J. Hull For City Recorder. Meatdes Almost Halted The long protracted measles epidemic in Marlon county is in its last stages, the weekly report of the state health department re vealed. Only 13 new cases were reported last week. There was one case of influenza and one of pneu monia. Want to Borrow J500 to $1500 Best security. Laflar, Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. Strausbaugh Estate 91734 The estate of the late W. H. Strausbaugh Is valued at $1734. 15, according to inventory and appraisement filed in probate yes .erday. Appraisers are F. G. De lano. George Thomason and Leo .V. Childs.- Lee McAllister Knows state business, put him n the legislature. Tex Rankin Coming Tex Rankin, one of the best known flyers in the northwest, will be one of the participants in the air circus here Friday, he no tified the Salem chamber of com merce in a letter received here Wednesday. Want Modern Home To exchange on farm. Must be clear and well located. See Laflar, Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. Cherrians Notify Rosarians S. C. Pier, chairman of outside participation for the Portland Rose Festival, has been notified by King Bing P. D. Quisenberry of the Salem Cherrians that the local organization will participate in the floral parade at the annual festival this year. California By Boat $20.00 S. F., $32.00 Los A. Berth-Meals. A real vacation. Sa lem Travel Agency, 175 S. High St. Boxing Salem Armory Fri. Nlght Frankie Lewis vs George Hval 10 three minute rounds. Snappy preliminaries. Do not miss this card. Culvert Contracts Let The Marion county court yes terday awarded to Frazier and Pugh of Salem, contracts to build two culverts in this county. One, measuring 7 by 7 feet, is at the Ellis Stevens' place on the Mount Angel-North Howell road. The bid on this was $2690.50, exclu sive of piling. The other culvert is to be at Engineer's Station No. 188 on the Silverton-Cedar Camp road, half a mile east of the Davis schoolhouse. The bid on this cul vert, which measures. 6 by 6 feet, was $1557. Court Hears of Fist Fight John Gosta yesterday filed a criminal complaint against Frank Webb, charging him with assault and battery. The complaint, which was filed in justice court, comes as the aftermath of a hand to hand argument between the two over the matter of Webb's joining the local bootblack's union. Gos ta, who is of Grecian extraction and an officer in the union, urged the idea strongly upon Webb, who belongs to -Salem's colored population. Actions eventually followed words and the upshot of te whole matter was that Gosta went down for the count, minus five of his front teeth. Trial will be held In justice court at an early date. U. S. BANK IN SALEM BOUGHT, ANNOUNCED (Coata4 trta par 1 ) commercial life of Salem and the rich upper Willamette Valley,' Sensenlch stated. Eyre is president of the United States National of , Salem and Lamport is vice president. E. W. Hazard Is a vice president. Linn) I lifligroran West Coast Bancorporation Stock Bought. Sold. Quoted At the Market HOOD BROTHERS OS Fovrth Street, Portland Broadway 18S3 C. Smith is cashier and Lee G. Page and Karl E. Wenger are a aistant cashiers. All of the ex ecutive officers have been con nected with the bank ten years and more, one or two far well over 20 years. Resources Large "At the close of business May 12 the Salem bank $2,929,535.54 of deposits. This was an increase of annroximatelv $200,000 since report was made to the controller of currency February 28. The institution originally was organized In 1904 as the Salem State bank with $50,000 capital. jThe change in name was made 'when It became a national bank and capital was increased to $100,000. Stock of the institution was very closely held, fewer than ten persons having It and coming Into the deal male by West Coast ban corporation. The transaction was consummated in Portland today. Dave Eyre Interviewed "Modem business," commented Eyre, "requires modern banking facilities and the already proven success of the associated system is due largely to the fact that it provides better and more varied service for the depositors and cus tomers. We believe sincerely we are. doing our community a great er service by entering West Coast bancorporaUon than we would by staying out of it. As it is we have joined forces with men of our own northwest and own state, who are vitally interested in welfare of our institutions and community." He added expressions of full confidence in Sensenlch and hi? associates of the bancorporaUon. Sensenich today declined tc comment on reports that other banking institutions are being considered for inclusion in the bancorporation. The corporation has ample funds however, and it is believed that other deals actual ly are under consideration. AMENDMENTS ILL IT The constitution of the Salem high school student body will henceforth provide for two separ ate offices for the present com bined office of manager of the Clarion annual and newspaper, it was found when ballots for a dozen proposed amendments were counted Wednesday. The election was held Tuesday, votes for offi cers being counted that day. Each of the 12 amendments sub mitted to the voters was carried The Clarion managerial question was deemed the most important inasmuch as the old method o' handling managership of the pub lications made it practically im possible for the student to carry on school work while holding the position. Just what effect the amendment will have on the re-elections May 22, for Clarion manager, for which Gordon Bennett and Eddie Rotl received the highest votes, wa: not stated yesterday, but some students believe It will result in each candidate getting a Clarior post, one for the newspaper and one for the annual. The other constitution changer approved were: Clarion, athletic and forensic managers were con stitutionally made student bod: officers; duties of the annual man ager and song leader will be stat ed in the new constitution; five days, instead of two, will elapse between nomination and election of student council members; stu dent council will decide whether or not the yell leader earns an emblem; the vice president and secretary shall be seventh-termers when they enter office; the foren sic manager will be chairman o the"lnterclass rivalry committee the forensic manager of each class will be the student representative of the class on the lnter-class rivalry committee. WILL ADDRESS CLASS OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth. May 16. (Special.) Thomas H. Gentle, director of training schools at the Monmouth normal, left for Prlnevllle today where he will address the gradua tlon class of the public school on Thursday evening. "Our Chicks Live to make your Living" Flake's Petland 273 State " . ELECTRIC MOTORS Kewousd and Repaired. New T Used Motors VIBBERT & TODD Things EWtrtcal 11 South High Tel. 2112 n "MISTED BUILDER" blLVtKIUf MU UA The drama entitled "The Mast er Builder." written by Henrik Ibsen, noted dramatist, will he given in Silverton Monday nightl Floyd K. Kester came 'Irom by the Willamette university puy-jMMleld OB Sunday morning to ers. under the auspices of the!8Dnd the day in tne ueorge w. Theta Alpha Phi. national hon-!Tnomnson home. Mrs. Kester orary fraternity in dramatics. The!" tne,r I!ttle BOn Gene who Te drama is being directed by Dr. J.'been visiting here for several days O. Hall, head of the public speak ing department at Willamette. On Friday night of next week the players will present the play at the Capitol theater. The cur tain will be raised promptly at 8 o'clock due to the fact that the three act play will continue for two and one-half hours. Ruthyn Turnay's orchestra from the Che- mawa Indian school will play. starting at 7:30 o'clock and con tinue until 8. It will also play between acts. The Master Builder" is a sym bolic play and the essential sym bolism may be more easily under stood if one substitutes for the master builder Ibsen himself, the dramatist. Like the Master Builder who In his youth built churches with high towers, so Ib sen in his first period as an au thor wrote lofty romantic plays. Then in his second Deriod he wrote practical analytical social dramas, and corresponding to this period we find that the Master Builder Is building cosy homes for families. In the third period the Master Builder was going to build noth ing but castles in the air but with a solid foundation. This cor responds to Ibsen's symbolic plays which have for their foundation a solid everyday realism. In this drama the symbolic and the realis tic parts are so closely wpven to gether that It Is difficult to tell where one ends and the other be gins. The great problems raised in this drama are (1). Is It possible to sacrifice too much for the sake of art? If art is set as the great ideal in life, one may possibly sac rifioe life itself as the master builder does in the play, who had sacrificed his individual happiness domestic happiness, and the health and happiness of his wife and family, in order that he may be come the great master builder (2). Is there not a temptation for one who wants to rise above other? as the master builder tries in the play, to trample others underfoot as he crushes Knut Brovick and his son, Ragnar, in the play? But. Ibsen was not the firs! one to dramatize these problems At the finish of the play when Solness, the Master Builder in the drama, tries to be young agair and wants to comoete with the younger generation he climbs and falls to his death. Dr. Hall has specialized on Ib sen and other dramatists of the same caliber, both In Europe and at Columbia university. New York The cast includes: Halvard Solness, the Master Builder, Frank Alfred; Aline Solness. his wife Miss Leah Fanning; Doctor Her- dal, physician, Frank Lombard; Knut Brovick. young architect Jack Ramage; Ragri'r Brovick his son. Neil Brown: Kaia Fosll. his niece, Miss Ruth Bower: Mis. Hilda Wangel, Leone Marlott. Chorus Classes Recital At Keizer on Saturday KEIZER. May 16 (Special) Miss Jewel Gardner will present her chorus classes from Keizer OH BOY! CHICKEN PIE DINNER at the ARGO Every Thursday Evening FLORAL DESitefNS CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS GOLD FISH, BIRDS C. F. BREITHALPT Telephone ttO 112 8Ua St FREE Tubes Tested Free IMPROVE YOUR RADIO WITH NEW TUBES Starting Strictly OLD-TIME AT Mellow Moon Open-Air-Pavilion SATURDAY NITE MAY 19 Follow the Crowd Refined Recreation DAD'S OLD TIME SEVEN' PIECE ORCHESTRA i and Clear Lake In an operetta. "The Fairy Godmother's Lesson." on Saturday at 8 p. m. at the Kelzer schoolhouse. A program i will follow the operetta. The pub lic is cordially Invited. There will be no admission charge. Mrs. Josephy B. Rnckel of Pendleton is a house guest at the Seymour Jones' home. Mrs. Ruckel formerly resided in Salem returned home Sunday night. LAYMAN CAUSES ARREST Federal Prohi Agent and Metho dist Delegate Scores Win KANSAS CITY. May 16 (AP) F. A. Haseltine of South Bendf Wash., is a federal prohibition agent in his state. He also Is a lay delegate to the Methodist Episco pal general conference here. A few hundred yards from one of the delegates' meeting places here the Pennant Inn, a "soft drink" place, looked suspicious to Hazeltine. Gaining the bartender's confi dence the church man bought drinks for several days. Then he look with him W. Harold Lane, deputy prohibition administrator. They paid with marked money and arrested James Whitmer, the alleged proprietor. NLW INCORPORATIONS The Arthur H. Smurr company. with headquarters in Portland and capital stock of $10,000. has been incorporated by A. H. Smurr. Eloise Smurr and LaRue Thomas. The U. S. L. Battery Sales corporation, a California corpora tion, has . received a permit to operate in Oregon.' The capital stock is $25,000. OBITUARY Crabtree At Ryderwood, Wash., May 14, Ernest Crabtree, age 4 5 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Bessie Crabtree and one small son. Brother of Roy Crabtree of Scio, John Crabtree of Crabtree, Linn county, Byron Crabtree of Fort Gamble, Wash., Mrs. Clara Bates if Portland and Mrs. Effie Brew Uer of Lebanon; member of the Maccabees Philomath lodge. Fun eral services will be held at 10:30 a. m. Friday from the Rigdon mortuary. - Iiruejtger At the home of her daughter, 405 Richmond avenue, Wednes day, May 16. Mrs. Mary Bruegger age 55 years. Wife of August Bruegger. mother of Mrs. Lillian Burt and Miss Margaret Bruegger of Manzanita, Oregon, Mrs. Emma Butte of Salem, Mrs. Ester Tuck er of Onalaska, Wash., Mrs. Sel raa Cheever of Portland, Mrs. Dorothy Haynes and Fred Brueg ger of Medford. Announcement of funeral later from the "Rigdon mortuary. Gibson At the home on the Liberty road, early Tuesday, May 15, Mrs. Alma D. Gibson, age 77 years. TYPEWRITERS L. C. SMITH a COBOWA STNDsTBAITD ADDERS All Mf UfM MaeUnat THOS. BOEH Pbon 651 l Cocrt St. Lee McAllister RUNNING LEGION NAIRE MAKES GOOD RECORD In England men "stand for election" In the United States they run for office, but Lee Mc Allister is a political sprinter. This is not to be wondered at when we remember' that Mr. McAllister got both his early sprinting and political training under the eaves .of the State Capitol. He is a Marion County product. Not being satisfied with the education be absorbed in the public schools, be went on to Old Willamette. Before he had an opportunity to finish he re sponded to the Nation's call in the World War and soon found himself in the front line trench es. Like many other men who saw similar service, McAllister avoids relating his experiences. After the war he completed an engineering course at the Oregon State College and has had wide experience throughout the state in his profession, largely with the State Engineer ing Department. He is now engaged in the real estate busi ness in Salem and his wide ex perience in State affairs has given him insight into all phases of State business. Lee McAllister has handled large af fairs, knows practical politics and if elected to the Legislature on May 18. will be able to get results for the people of Marion County and the State of Ore gon. He will give Marion County an active and aggres sive representation. Vote for Lee McAllister for the Leglslatare. He Is the kind of mis we need there. Paid Advertisement May 16th to May 23rd Inclusive $100 -- One Hundred Dollars - $100 DOsa i fair nygif! This advertisement will entitle the Bearer to One Hun dred Dollars Credit on any of our used cars listed be low. 1923 Stude. A1 Coupe V Of' 1926 Buick CQ7C Coupe 1926 Buick ClQfin Brougham ..$10UU 1926 Buick CQQC Coach 35fOO L9i.4Bukk, $695 1925 Chevrolet Rdst PJD 1925 Dodge Encl. CfiC Touring ffOD 1925 Willys-Knight 7CA Sedan U 1923 Buick ttnA Touring . $4UU 1926 Buick 7QC Roadster v'v3 Terms and Trades taken on Advertisement as Part OTTO j. 388 N. Com'l. St. widow of the late James It. Gib son, mother of Ralph and Carl Gibeon, and Mrs. Carrie Trudgen, all of Salem, sister of Lowell Carlton pf Idaho, Frank Carlton of Medford. Minn., George Carl ton of Calif., and Mrs. Chloe Case it Los Angeles: also survived by iix grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services. Thursday. May 17 at 1:30 p. m., from Rigdon mortuary. Rev. Nor man K. Tully officiating. Inter ment in I. O. O. F. cemetery. Drake At the residence, 1912 North Fifth street. May 15, Sol W. Drake died at the age of 62 years. He leaves a wife Ella, a son, Cloyce Drake, a brother, Ben S. Drake $495 FINE TORIC reading Uaaaa. W. I inn yur (laMas gmiat brtakt:. Kxaminstioa too. Thompson -Glutsch Optical Co. 110 H. Coram 'l St. PILES CURED With vat operation or lata of Urn: DR. MARSHALL 329 Oracon Biff. My Slogan: "Economy and Justice to A1F MARK YOUR BALLOT THIS WAY 66 X REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Primaries 1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. and Storage Long and Short Distance Hanlin Public nnd Private Storage Fireproof Building " GRAIN, FEED and SEED Free Delivery to any part of the dty. I QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W 1924 Hupmobile frJfA Sedan 5450 1927 Oldsmoblle $$0Qf HSLT. $1250 1924 Dodge. t9Cfi Delivery wU 1922 Buick ' - f-A Touring s".4nwm':Kn,,ht.$4oo. 1924 Stude. Light Six Touring JxD 1923 Buick tQ7C Touring )v I D 1925 Buick C7AA Touring 3f UU any of the above. Use this of the Down Payment. WILSON TELEPHONE 220 and a cousin, U. G- Boyer, all of Salem. Funeral services Thurs day, May 17 at 3 p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary. Rev. Fred C Taylor officiating, interment in I. O. O. F. cemetery. MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM VAULT ENTOMBMENT LLOYD T. RIGDON. Mngr. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortlclaa 770 Cheir.eketA Street Telephone 724 Clough-Huston Company FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Formerly Webb's Funeral Parlors PHONE 120 H. E. KING May 18, 1928 - -