The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
lnrf THUf Ewt Moaaar Vy
tlS Blk Ciareial Street, galea, Oregoa
JL J. Heasrick
M ft. WaSherrr
C Carua -
Xaaagiar; Editor
- - Citjr Editer
Society Editor
Ralph H. Kletaiag. Ateerttaiar Maaaae
LWa E. Suffice Separateaeeal
W. H. Haadcnoa, Circelatioa Maaafer
T.. jl. Rhetea LivaltoHc E4:te
W. C. Ceaeer - Footer Edit
Vka Aasoefatea JreM u erclaairei eatitlad U the ear for pablicat.ia at U
diapatefcee credited to it or sot ouierariae. credited ia tkia i-aper and aiea ie
iexal hwi pabliahad kereta
Busnrnss orrccr
Selected Cfweoa Kevmaoera Pj-.f rnaat Inn 'atative DtT A
aHrpee, Iae.. Portland. Secantjr Blif.; Saa rraacitoe. Skarea Bid.: ta
Aagelea, Clumber of Commerce Bid. ,
F. Clark (... -New Turk. 123 13 W Slit Ut.. Ckicara Marquette mf.
Ijmnu Offiea M or 51) TELEPH0HX1 Job DepaTtmoat. M
Soeietr Editor 10S lep....S3 or 5M Citenlation Ofriee
Katsrad at tb Post Office in 8aVm. Orrrnn. aa uroisd !' matter.
Mar 17. 1028
And John was clothed with earners hair, and with a girdle of a
kta about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey; And
Breached, sarins. There cometh one mightier than I after me. the
lateaet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.
I ladeed have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you wun
the Holy Ghost. Mark 1:6-7-8:
that system goes to seed under the domination of bosses.
Nothing that is done by imperfect human beings is or will
ever be perfect.
Bits For Breakfast
"The air map of the United States is being made. Salem
has been left off the map. Salem the capital of Oregon I
- - a . 1?
Bficond arwst ritv in the star
3 a
up by all air planes.
"The citizens of Salem should see that this situation is
changed. The way to make that change is to approve the bond
isbne for the establishing of an airport in other words to go
to the polls on Friday and vote 100X Yes."
The above are the concluding two paragraphs of an article
in The Airport Beacon," published by the American Legion
and circulated over alem yesterday.
The air map" of the United States is indeed being made
Cabin planes carrying 10 or more passengers will very
goon be traveling, making regular trips east and west and
north and southland in every other direction, all over this
Independent lines and lines connected with railroads and
motor buses. The navigation of the air in a large way is on
in the United States; on to stay and increase from year to
year. Our country is to take the lead in commercial air navi
gation ; a long lead
And Salem must get onto the air map.
Salem will do this, in one long jump, by voting the bond
issue tomorrow. This will give Salem an airport with ac
commodations for the largest planes. This is significant; it
is a matter of good luck. Medford must enlarge her airport ;
the same with Eugene and several other Oregon cities that
made their airports too small.
Under the proper business administration, the airport in
Salem will pay for itself ; will make the income meet the in
terest and retire the bonds
The favorable vote of tomorrow will be merely lending the
credit of the city for the securing of a first class airport ; for
getting it now.
Getting the capital city on the air map in capital letters,
as it should be, because of the position of this city as the
capital of the state.
Make it unanimous
m S 1
Tell the world Salem Is op and
com ins
That the capital city wants to be
on the air map In capital letters.
The beauty of It Is that the land
for the airport Is Tery cheap; that
It will provide room for the big
gest airships
And that the rote for the bonds
will be merely patting the credit
of-the city behind the project. It
will pay out. without taking- any
tax money. The income will pay
the interest on the bonds and re
tire the principal. -
The banking news of this morn
ing means that the men behind
the big financial interests of the
coast recognize in Salem a solid
city and a growing one, backed by
a great and developing country.
e a a
The banks of Salem are among
is continually being passed i the soiidest and best on the coast.
or in ine voue country.
m S
It is a pity we cannot rote for
all our friends who are running
for .nominations. Every voter
must feel that way.
"a a
Wm. Brown is back from his
usual winter vacation in Califor
nia. His many friends in Salem
will be pleased to greet him.
Sinclair has been cleared In the
District of Columbia, and so the
state of Maryland has lifted the
ban from the Sinclair racing sta
bles. There never was anything
wrong with the horses, anyway,.
Roanoke Times.
(Con tinned from pace 1)
' - - - 0 w w vek fM. a a.j A.XV . V. V11V
finest in the world, far surpassing the trees in Italy, Spain,
Turkey and other old-world centers of the filbert industry.
Climatic conditions in western Oregon are ideal for grow
ing filberts, and any country which has not these conditions
can not hope to compete with the Willamette valley in fil
bert production.
The great need of the Oregon filbert industry just now is
quantity production, so that full advantage may be taken of
the marketing facilities that are necessary for the success
of any agricultural industry.
These are some of the high lights of an enthusiastic state
nynt made in Eugene on Saturday by Richard E. Colosimo,
representing the Bennett Day Importing company, of New
York, the largest buyers of filberts and walnuts in America,
after a visit to the Dorris groves, according to the Eugene
Mr. Colosimo has traveled all over the world buying fil
berts for his company. He has seen the best the world has to
offer. So when he says that Oregon filbert trees are the fin
est in the world it means something.
The United States is importing at present about 30,000,-
000 pounds of filberts a year. That is practically the coun
try's entire consumption of filberts, for these nuts are grown
in the United States xmly in Oregon, and Oregon's total pro
duction is still too small to be more than a drop in the buck
The Eugene Register says thirty million pounds of filberts
is about the average production from 30,000 acres. It is
therefore apparent that already this country is consuming
trie output from some 30,000 acres of filbert trees.
-But," says the Register, "competent authorities estimate
that present consumption of filberts could be doubled bv
efficient marketing and advertising especially since" the
Oregon nut is infinitely superior to the imported nut. Al
ways the effect of higher quality is to increase consumDtion."
The Register goes on to say: "Lane county, in particular
needs badly some oustandmg crop that it can grow better
than any other region."
The Register suggests filberts as such a crop. The Regis
ter is right. But the same thing applies to all of the Wil
lamette valley. And it applies to a lot of other things besides
filberts. A big lot of them
. For this is the land of diversity.
We can both specialize and diversify. That is the big
tnmg about this country of opportunity.
, From the news coming out of China, it is evident that
Chang Tso Lin, Manchuian war lord, ex-bandit, ; richest
man in all China, who has for a season been dictator at Pekin.
is about to make his getaway, or has already fled to his
stamping grounds in Manchuria. This means that Feng, the
Chinese Christian general, and Chiang Kai-shek, the Nation
alist leader from the south, have joined or are about to join
their forces and take Pekin and Tientsin. In this case, there
- will be hope for order in China, at least for so long a time as
these leaders shall be able to agree.
. The nominating election , is tomorrow. The real election
in November. It is expensive. Some day, perhaps, we will
revert to the convention system and cut off half the ex-
nAnfiM.. AnrT rrfrhAna-raf -Ketf Ar. rpllltfl-ftnrn avarnaa till
lay electoral conferences, which
will require a year, will be neces
sary before the plan can be put
into effect.
Passage of the home rule bill
followed five hours of stormy de
bate in which chief opposition was
voiced by United States delegates.
Some predicted -disintegration of
the church at home while others
foresaw eventual segregation of
negro members as a step toward
organic union with the Methodist
Episcopal church south, which has
no negro members. The churches
split In 1844 over the slavery ques
tion. Dr. Lewis O. Hartman of Bos
ton, editor of Zion's Herald, emer
ged from the home rule debate as
an outstanding candidate for elec
tion as a bishop. Closing the dis
cussion by virtue of his position as
chairman of the commission of 25
recommending the chance D r
Hartman pleaded with the confer
ence for broadened vision and pas
sage of the bill as a step toward
establishing Methodism as a world
wide church.
"Let us expunge that word''for
eign," from Methodism," ho said.
"Act now to make our church
equal in all lands."
Prior to today little discussion
of episcopal timber had been
heard. Dr. Hartman's brilliant or
atory was followed by many pre
dictions that he would be made a
bishop or that "Methodism's child
ren afield will never gain their
self respect from an indulgent
American church."
West Hubbard. Hubbard Fire
Jefferson, Masonic hall, Jeffer
Liberty, Liberty hall.
Macleay, Macleay Orange hall.
Marion. W. O. W. hall in Mar-
McKee, Belle Passl school house
Mehama, Champ's hall in Me-
Mill City, Hammond Lumber
company's Opera house in Mill
Monitor, Lennon'f hall In Moni
East Mt. Angel. City hall in Mt
Weet-Mt. Angel, Mt. Angel ho-
PHnrle. Davidson's house on
Prinsie road.
Qulnaby, Oregon Electric depot,
RiTerview. Riverview school
Rosedale, Rosedale school house.
East Salem, La Branch's garage
t four comers.
Salem Heights, Salem Heights
St. Paul. K. C. hall in St. Paul.
Scollard, Wengenroth's store in
West Woodburn.
Scotts Mills. I. O. O. F. build
ing Scotts Mills. .
Shaw, Shaw hall in Shaw.
Sidney, Grange hall in Sidney.
Silver Falls, church at Silver
North Silverton, North side pool
hall in North Silverton.
South Silverton, Evergreen
3chool house.
East Silverton, Council Cham
bers in Silverton.
West Silverton, Knights of Py
thias hall.
Stayton, Stayton Lumber com
pany office.
East Stayton, Masonic hall in
West Stayton, Commercial club
hall in West Stayton.
Sublimity, C. of F. hall in Sub
Turner, Masonic hall in Turner.
Victor Point, W. O. W. hall over
Victor Point store.
Waconda, Britt Aspinwall's Gar
age in Waconda.
Woodward, Hullt school house.
East Woodburn, M. E. church in
West Woodburn, City hall
(Continued from page 1)
(Continued from page 1)
street, Domogalla buildinr
Salem No. 10, Basement Salem
Woman's club building. 460 North
nonage street.
Salem No. 11, County court
house in Salem.
Salem No. 12, Vick Bros., 280
South High street.
Salem No. 13. E. Sherwood's
residence 787 Cross street.
Salem No. 14. store building.
1694 North Commercial street.
Salem No. 15, Hunt Bros. Pack
ing company. Warehouse No. 765
N'orth Front street.
Salem No. 16, City hall in Sa
lem. Salem No. 17, Boncsteele Mo
tor company. 470 South Commer
cial street.
Salem No. 18. Basement Friends
church, corner Washington and
Commercial streets.
AumsviHe. Hetn's hall in a
Aurora, I. o. O. F. hall in Au
Breitenbush, Old store building
Brooks. School house In Brooks
p. """IT1"6' l- O. F. hall in
Champoeg, Champoeg Memorisl
Chemawa. M. W. A. hall, u
mil west of Chemawa.
Croisan, Livesley church.
Donald. Hosklns and Desart hall
in Donald.
Elkhorn, School house District
115. '
Englewood. Swegle school house
District No. 78.
Fairfield. School hanu i. rw.
Fairgrounds. HaveTiiu .t.i
house on Pacific highway.
si uervals. City halL Gervals.
West Gerrais. G. w nM.....
awwa a
house, in Gervais.
Horeb, A. B. Horner'a atAr
Central Howell. Central tt-qii
North Howell. North
Grange halt
East Habbard. Citr hall in H.h.
did not cause the ship's return.
Speed throughout the day has
been between 30 and 50 kilome
ters an hour, dependant upon the
The first of the ceremonies at
tending on the flight was observ
ed this morning at 7 o'clock when
the Venetian flag was dropped
over Tipliz bay, Franz Josef Land,
in honor of Franco Guerieni who
followed the C&gni expedition
there In 1909 and perished.
General Nobile expects to bring
his Italia back to ISpitibergen Fri
day. The third flight is expected
to start soon afterward to the so
called Chocker Land, Chimerical
Island, which the Explorer Peary
and others expected to find north
of the American continent
The Italia is keeping in. con
stant communication with the
Citta dl Milano here.
A statement to the effect that
he had had no intentions of cast
ing reflection on the Anti-Saloon
league or any of its representa
tives was issued here 1st night by
Rev. W. N. Coffee, secretary of
the Salem Ministerial association
and pastor of the Free Methodist
church of Salem. The statement
as Issued by way of explanation
and amendment to a published
statement about Circuit Judge L
H. McMahan that appeared in
morning papers at Salem and
Portland yesterday.
Rer. Coffee stated last night as
"The Portland and Salem pap
ers today published a statement
relative to an alleged misrepre
sentation of Judge McMahan to
which my name, among those of
two or three other ministers, is
subscribed. In this a misstate
ment is made as to the Anti-Saloon
league's effort to ascertain
the facts concerning Mr. McMa
han. The paper published was
drawn up by a member of the
ministerial association of Salem,
and presented to me for my sig
nature. I noticed that it said in
substance that no effort had been
made to ascertain the facts about
the judge, so I called attention to
the tact that Mr. Close had ap
peared before the association and
asked for information. I fur
ther said that the statement as it
then appeared in the paper should
be corrected.
"The author or the paper re
plied, 'I didn't know that.'
"I had no idea that the paper
was to be published anywhere. I
did not notice that its was ad
dressed to any paper. I under
stood it was for the satisfaction
of Mr. McMahan s personal
friends and not for publication.
"I wish to state further that
pursuant to request by Mr. Close
for information I personally car
ried to Mr. Close in Portland the
report of a dry precinct gathering
in Salem, containing the name of
Judge McMahan marked 'Wet.'
"This was not a personal opin
ion, but the concensus of opinion
of the precinct gathering. When
Mr. McMahan appeared later be
fore the association and stated at
length his record as an opposer
af the saloons for years and hi?
statements were verified .by a min
!ster present who had known him
for 40 years personally, and an
ther who had known him for a
lesser period, the association or
iered a letter written to Mr. Close
:o the effect that we probably were
mistaken and that an injustice had
een done the judge, but neither
the association nor myself per
-onally meant to intimate that Mr.
Close had acted without what we
ind he supposed was reliable in
"I supposed that tho paper pre
sented to me would be corrected
ifter my statement that Mr. Close
had sought for information from
he association. A manifest injus
tice has been done the Anti-Saloon
league, which I deeply regret.
four year Una. C. A. Gifts, C. H.
Hill and David B. CHara for the
two year term.
Sixth ward, Carl Armpiiastaad
Chris Kowltx.
Seventh ward, Ralph Thomp
son. Mayor T. A. Uvesley is unoppos
ed for re-election, as is also City
Treasurer C. O. Rice. Mark Poul
sen. recorder, has as an opposing
candidate O. J. Hull.
(Cob tinned from page 1)
tlonary south of China. For the
protection of their nationals and
their nationals' belongings and
Interests, the United States, Japan
Great Britain, France and Italy
are represented in this interna
tional concentration.
The Japanese, safeguarding
ineir residents in Shan
tung and their large railway and
commercial Interests in that nrov.
ince, account for about 40 per cent
or the foreign military strength,
with a total of 6,900. Of these
about 6.150 in Shantung itself, in
uuaing a aivtsion 5,000 strong
msienea rrom Japan late in April
wueu me nationalists began to
overrun Shantung. The Japanese
also are preparing to send a di
vision of about 15,000 additional
men to Shantung.
eThe Americans predominate at
Peking where the foreign ler.
tions have had their own guards
in recent months. A new heavy
wan or masonry has ad(f;d to the
deienslbility of the western bound
ary, heavy gates cased in iron
sheeting have been placed where
the quarter's streets open Into the
Chinese city on the north, while
new loopholes, permitting freer
use of machine guns have beer
opened along many parts of the
enclosing wall. The Americans
are responsible for defense of the
south boundary, marked by the
Tartar wall, the French for the
east boundfvy, the Japanese, Ital
ians and British for the north
while the British and Americans
share the western "frqnt."
Coach Louie Anderson put his
Salem high school track team
through a couple of hours of
strenuous practice on Sweetland
field last night in preparation for
the big meet to be held in Forest
Grove- Saturday afternpn. Mem
bers of the relay team were given
much practice in the passing of
the state meet at Corvallia last
Saturday was largely responsible
for their losing the relay event.
Had they been at all able to pass
it they would have been an easy
The 100-yard men were also
Put through a little workout last
night. In the meet last Saturday
the Salem runners didn't qualify.
Just what was wrong has not as
yet been detected by the coach.
In their workouts last night they
showed up much better and should
rate with the leaders in Saturday's
Coach Anderson just doesn't;
know who will make the trip, al
though he will take about 20 men.
They win leave here early Satur
day morning.
(Continued from pa-e 1)
A few seconds after the spec
tacular race started, Carol emerged
from the house, smiling broadly
at what he considered the success
of his trick. He and his party
were then driven to Dover, where
they promptly boarded the steam
er Ville de Liege and sailed away
for Ostend.
(Continued from pace 1)
as their personal likes and dislikes
First ward, Carl T. Pope, Hen
ry Vandevort and Phil Eiker.
Second ward, Hal D. Patton.
Third ward. W. H. Daney.
Fourth ward, Newell Williams
and John B. Giesy. " ,
Fifth ward. George W. Thomp
son and George J. Wenderoth for
since the Boxer rising of 1900. and' among whom the voters will select
at iientstn. where a small inter
national rorce stationed there In
accordance with the Boxer proto
col oi lsoi, was greatly Increased
in me spring of 1927 when th
threat of a nationalist lnvaainn
from the south made special pre
cautions seem necemarr n,.
Americans total 4,400 of which
450 from the marine guard at
reamg and 3.950 are at Tientain
The Tientsin force Includes the
Third marine brigade under Rri.
adler General Smedley D. Butler,
strong aviation detachment of
marines and 850 officers and mM
of the 15th infantry under Brig- venerai Joseph C. Casther.
An American marine officer
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Hol
comb, is eenlor officer of th. le
gation guard at Peking and in case
ill pin.rr.n.v v
nvutu assume com-
mana or tne international force of
aeienamg the lerti
quarter. This includes 450 Amer
ica marines, sz& British Infantry
400 French colonials, 350 Japa
nese Infantry and 125 Italian marines.
The defenses of the legation
quarter, a walled district
ed on the south by the rreat r.--
(Continued from pace 1)
to the Smith campaign fund
Todd, Kenny and Riordan were
the three cronies the governor
took south with him last month
for a golfing vacation at Ashe
rille, traveling as Kenny readily
itated in his private car.
These three as well as Lehman,
testified that they were without
information as to the structure of
the Smith campaign organization!
and explained that this was en
.irely in the hande of others. Todd
was perhaps the most picturesque
of the witnesses, but Kenny held
.he greatest interest for the in
vestigators chiefly because he had
contributed more for the Smith
fund than any other individual
and because he i a contractor.
The New York ship builder
leaned across the table, getting
the purport of questions with dif
ficulty, frequently he asked the
senators to repeat and finally told
McMaster, republican. North Da
kota, that he would have to speak
up louder as he had "a bum ear."
Kenney who replied to ques
tion with staccato rapidity, tes
tified as did Todd and the two
others, that he had nothing to
?ain either by having Smith in the
governor's mansion at Albany, or
In the White House.
Members of the committee
sought to establish what business
relations if any, each of the four
witnesses had with the New York
jtate and city governments.
Todd said he had no transac
tions with the state government
whatever, and that his dealings
with the city were small.
"I built two ferry boats for the
city, getting the contract unaer
competitive bidding," he said.
Id have been glad later to
have paid some one for keeping
me from taking it."
Kenny said that tq only trans-
nortation corporation in Jew
York In which he was interested
was the Third Avenue Railroad
company. At one time he owned
considerable stock in this com
pany, he said but at present his
holdings were relatively insignifi
Riordan testified that hLs bank
is a depository for both state and
citv funds but he stressed that
many other banks also function
as depositories.
Thirty two Boy Scouts received
badges of promotion at the court
of honor in the supreme court
building Tuesday night. Troop 13
was honored by having the largest
number from any one troop re
ceive the awards, being represent
ed by eight members. This is a
smaller number than were award
ed last month when nearly 80
awards were made. Judge O. P.
Coshow presided.
Scouts receiving advancement
to second class were: troop 1,
George Forgard; troop 3, Glenn
Ferris and Carl Ryckman; troop
5. Aries Bairey; troop 13, Roy El
liott, John Lanktree, and Jack
Only two scouts received first
class -badges, Arthur Oppen, of
troop 3, and Chester Lanktree, of
troop 13.
Scouts obtaining second class
merit badges were Junior Ritter,
troop 2, carpentry, pathfindlng.
and flremanshlp; William Lind
strom, troop 4, handicraft; Ed
mund Weisner, troop 6. personal
health and handicraft: Walter
Cline, troop 6, carpentry; Clyde
French, troop 13, woodcarving,
carpentry; Chester Lanktree,
troop 13, carpentry and fireman-
ship; Milo Mathews, troop 13,
The number receiving first class
merit badges was greater than in
the other divisions. Those appear
ing were: Frederick Edmundson,
troop 1, hiking and botany; Rob
ert Long, troop 1, botany; Philip
Ferris, troop 2, archery, civics and
pathfindlng; Roland Hardman.
troop 2, scholarship, civics and
handicraft: William Dyer, troop 2,
safety, firemanship and cooking;
Stanley King, troop 2, handicraft,
and reptiles; Rodney Hardman,
troop 2, personal and public
health; Robert Marzh, troop 2,
public health, music and carpen
try; Lewis Campbell, troop 6,
weather; Archey Rankin, troop 6,
chemistry; Edward Burton, troop
6, bird study, carpentry and book
binding; Jack Collins, troop 6.
civics; Luman Ney, troop C, ang.
ling, woodwork; Vernon McQuald.
troop 6, bird study; Ralph Pur
vlne, troop 9. life saving, plumb
ing and first aid to animals.
There, were two scouts from
troop 2 who were advanced to the
rank of star scout. Roland Hard
man and William Dyer.
Ralph Ennor of troop four re
ceived a life scout badge, and
Ardery Rankin, troop C, received
the gold palm.
The Pioneer Shingle and Roof
company has opened a store in
Salem, at 256 State street, with
"Jud" Beardsley as local mana
ger. This firm has headquarters
In Portland, where It has been lo
cated for 12 years. R. A. McLean
recently visited Salem as repre
sentative of the Portland store.
Special features of the Pioneer
shingles include the possibility of
placing them over the old shin
gles, thus doing away with the ex
pense of removing the old roof
covering and filling in the sheath
ing; fireproof qualities, the shin
gles being approved by the under
writers' laboratories; saving in in
surance due to the fireproof qual
ities; added insulation due to re
taining the old shingle, with an
air space between; and beauty.
Techne Art Club Plans
Exhibit of Work Frida?
The Techne Art club will spon
sor an art exhibit and program
Friday, May 18, at the senior high
school auditorium. The exhibit
will include the work of the art
students throughout the past
school year, under the direction of
Miss Ruth Brautt.
Mrs. M. Gilbert will talk on
"Pictures," Milo Ross will do some
chalk drawing. Juanita Powell.
Wilda Fleener and Grace Day will
present a scarf dance, and the
club quartet will sing several
numbers. Lucille Downing and
Caroyl Braden will sing a duet. A
negro skit, "Ham and Eggs at the
Front" will be presented.
Doctor at 83 Found People
Preferred His Prescription
CHANUTE. Kan., May 16.
(AP) Charles P. Baxter, promi
nent Kansas City oil operator, was
shot to death here today. Baxter
was shot by Roy Wilhite, who was
arrested and said that Baxter had
broken up his home.
The basis of treating sickness
has not changed since Dr. Cald- f
well left Medical College in 1875,7 ,
aor since he placed on the market t
the laxative description he had
used in his practice, known to:
druggists and the publis since!
Then, the treatment of consti
pation, biliousness, headaches,
mental depression, indigestion,
sour stomach and other indispo
sitions that result from constipa
tion was entirely by means of(
simple vegetable laxatives, herbs
and roots. These are still the'
oasis of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep-'
sin, which is a combination ofjll
-ienna and other mild laxative
neros, with pepsin.
Dr. Caldwell did not approve of i (kCcC. J?fJ
drastic physics and purges. Hej at aoc es
did not believe they were good
for human beings to put into their
system. If grown people want toSyrup pep8In. why take chanriM
use them no one Tan deny themjwith strong drugs? All dr"g
the privilege, but they should nev- st0res have the generous bottles,
sr be given to children. We would be glad to have you
The simpler the remedy for con-prove at our expense how muohJ
itipation, the safer for the child Dr. Caldwell's srun posin ran
and for you, and the better fori mean to you and "yours. Just write
the general health of all. And asl"SvruD PeDsin." Montlcello. Illin-
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